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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of Solid State Chemistry' volume of publication is 73

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1000232 CIFCu3 F7 NaC 1 2/c 112.124; 7.344; 6.924
90; 120.59; 90
530.7Renaudin, J; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; De, Kozak A; Samouel, M
Complex Copper(II) Fluorides IX. Weberite-Related Na Cu~3~ F~7~: The First Fluoride with Copper Both in Square Planar and Octahedral Coordination
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 603-609
1529636 CIFAl0.05 O7 Sc1.4 Si1.96 Y0.6C 1 2/m 16.587; 8.547; 4.695
90; 102.65; 90
257.908Bianchi, R.; Gramaccioli, C.M.; Diella, V.; Pilati, T.; Mannucci, G.
A re-examination of thortveitite
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 601-607
1530820 CIFAl17.6 Fe3.05 H3.64 Mg0.86 O48 Si7.68 Ti0.15C 1 2/m 17.8639; 16.625; 5.651
90; 90.015; 90
738.797Stahl, K.; Kvick, A.; Smith, J.V.
A neutron diffraction study of hydrogen positions at 13 K, domain model, and chemical composition of staurolite
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 362-380
1529918 CIFMn2.964 O10 Pt0.036 Sr4C m c a5.443; 12.427; 12.5
90; 90; 90
845.502Fabry, J.; Hybler, J.; Jirak, Z.; Maly, K.; Jurek, K.; Petricek, V.; Nevriva, M.
Preparation and the crystal structure of a new manganate, Sr4 Mn3 O10
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 520-523
1004085 CIFBi2.33 D K1.17 O6.5F d -3 m :210.9431; 10.9431; 10.9431
90; 90; 90
1310.5Trehoux, J; Abraham, F; Thomas, D; Doremieuz-Morin, C; Arribart, H
Neutron Diffraction and ^1^H Rigid Lattice Wide-Line NMR Studies of Powder (K, Bi^III^, Bi^V^) Pyrochlores
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 80-91
1008350 CIFGa4 Na Nd S8F d d d :220.122; 20.143; 12.142
90; 90; 90
4921.4Ibanez, R; Gravereau, P; Garcia, A; Fouassier, C
Structural Study of NaNdGa~4~S~8~, a Luminescent Material with Low- Concentration Quenching
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 252-258
1008365 CIFGa4 Na Nd S8F d d d :220.122; 20.143; 12.142
90; 90; 90
4921.4Ibanez, R; Gravereau, P; Garcia, A; Fouassier, C
Structural Study of Na Nd Ga~4~ S~8~, a Luminescent Material with Low- Concentration Quenching
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 252-258
1001348 CIFBa Fe0.233 Mn0.767 O2.87P -6 m 25.687; 5.687; 14.167
90; 90; 120
396.8Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Domenges, B; Nguyen, N; Pannetier, J; Raveau, B
BaMn~1-x~Fe~x~O~3-d~, an Oxygen-Deficient ~6~H' Oxide Electron Microscopy, Powder Neutron Diffraction, and Moessbauer Study
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 107-117
1530953 CIFGe2 La2 O7P 17.08; 7.101; 6.928
87.74; 91.25; 115.81
313.312Vetter, G.; Queyroux, F.
Determination structurale de la forme de haute temperature du compose La4 (Ge3 O10) (Ge O4): Analyse comparative des structures tricliniques des germanates de terres rares de formule globale Ln2 Ge2 O7
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 287-297
1530355 CIFCa Mo4 O16 UP 1 2/n 111.447; 6.651; 8.236
90; 90.44; 90
627.021Marsh, R.E.
On the structure of the series of oxides M(II) U Mo4 O16
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 577-578
1530279 CIFH K Mn2 O9 P2P 1 21/m 16.226; 6.89; 8.809
90; 107.67; 90
360.053Lightfoot, P.; Cheetham, A.K.; Sleight, A.W.
Synthesis and crystal structure of K Mn2 O (P O4) (H P O4)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 325-329
1007177 CIFCu H16 I2 K4 O20P 1 21/n 112.65; 9.78; 7.71
90; 95.2; 90
949.9Masse, R; Durif, A
A Copper(III) Periodate Peroxo Complex K~4~H~4~Cu(IO~6~)~2~O~2~ 6H~2~O
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 206-210
1007184 CIFCu H16 I2 K4 O20P 1 21/n 112.65; 9.78; 7.71
90; 95.2; 90
949.9Masse, R; Durif, A
A Copper(III) Periodate Peroxo Complex: K~4~ H~4~ Cu (I O~6~)~2~ O~2~ 6(H~2~ O)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 206-210
1530277 CIFF Na3 Nb12 O31P 417.494; 17.494; 3.9442
90; 90; 90
1207.08Li, D.X.
The crystal structure of Na3 Nb13 O31 F
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 1-4
1000233 CIFBa Cu Fe O5 YP 4 m m3.867; 3.867; 7.656
90; 90; 90
114.5Er Rakho, L; Michel, C; Lacorre, Ph; Raveau, B
Y Ba Cu Fe O~5+d~: A Novel Oxygen-Deficient Perovskite with a Layer Structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 531-535
1001365 CIFCu8 La6.4 O20 Sr1.6P 4/m b m10.8461; 10.8461; 3.8631
90; 90; 90
454.4Er Rakho, L; Michel, C; Raveau, B
La~8-x~ Sr~x~ Cu~8~ O~20~: An Oxygen-Deficient Perovskite Built of Cu O~6~, Cu O~5~, and Cu O~4~ Polyhedra
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 514-519
1531002 CIFBe F2P 62 2 24.806; 4.806; 5.2404
90; 90; 120
104.824Wright, A.F.; Fitch, A.N.; Wright, A.C.
The preparation and structure of the alpha- and beta-quartz polymorphs of beryllium fluoride
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 298-304
1530466 CIFC6 H8 Fe K N6 O4 PrP 63/m7.374; 7.374; 13.826
90; 90; 120
651.079Mullica, D.F.; Sappenfield, E.L.; Perkins, H.O.
A structural investigation of praseodymium potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) tetrahydrate, Pr K Fe (C N)6 4(H2 O)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 65-70
1530227 CIFLi0.58 Nb O2P 63/m m c2.912; 2.912; 10.46
90; 90; 120
76.815Kumada, N.; Muramatu, S.; Kikkawa, S.; Muto, F.; Kinomura, N.; Koizumi, M.
Topochemical reactions of Lix Nb O2
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 33-39
1530244 CIFCa0.93 Gd0.08 O3 TiP b n m5.381; 5.449; 7.647
90; 90; 90
224.218Larson, E.M.; Eller, P.G.; Purson, J.D.; Pace, C.F.; Eastman, M.P.; Greegor, R.B.; Lytle, F.W.
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Ca Ti O3 Doped with 0.05-7.5 Mole% Gadolinium (III)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 480-487

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