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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of Solid State Chemistry' volume of publication is 192

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1562945 CIFCl3 Cs NiP 63/m m c7.1185; 7.1185; 5.9085
90; 90; 120
259.289Raw, Adam D.; Ibers, James A.; Poeppelmeier, Kenneth R.
Syntheses and structure of hydrothermally prepared CsNiX3 (X=Cl, Br, I)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2012, 192, 34-37
1562944 CIFBr3 Cs NiP 63/m m c7.4312; 7.4312; 6.2023
90; 90; 120
296.621Raw, Adam D.; Ibers, James A.; Poeppelmeier, Kenneth R.
Syntheses and structure of hydrothermally prepared CsNiX3 (X=Cl, Br, I)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2012, 192, 34-37
1562946 CIFCs I3 NiP 63/m m c7.9469; 7.9469; 6.6575
90; 90; 120
364.114Raw, Adam D.; Ibers, James A.; Poeppelmeier, Kenneth R.
Syntheses and structure of hydrothermally prepared CsNiX3 (X=Cl, Br, I)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2012, 192, 34-37
1562953 CIFB3 Ir1.94 Rh2.38 Ti1.68P b a m8.62; 14.9947; 3.2337
90; 90; 90
417.97Goerens, Christian; Fokwa, Boniface P.T.
The complex metal-rich boride Ti1+xRh2−x+yIr3−yB3 (x=0.68, y=1.06) with a new structure type containing B4 zigzag fragments: Synthesis, crystal chemistry and theoretical calculations
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2012, 192, 113-119
1562969 CIFAg4 As2 EuR -3 m :H4.5352; 4.5352; 23.7221
90; 90; 120
422.55Stoyko, Stanislav S.; Khatun, Mansura; Scott Mullen, C.; Mar, Arthur
Ternary CaCu4P2-type pnictides AAg4Pn2 (A=Sr, Eu; Pn=As, Sb)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2012, 192, 325-330

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