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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of Solid State Chemistry' volume of publication is 78

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1001404 CIFCu O5 Pr0.6 Sr1.6 Tl0.8P 4/m m m3.741; 3.741; 8.875
90; 90; 90
124.2Bourgault, D; Martin, C; Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Provost, J; Raveau, B
Tl~1-x~ Pr~x~ Sr~2-y~ Pr~y~ Cu O~5-$~-delta: First Member of the Family Tl A~2~ Ca~m-1~ Cu~m~ O~2m+ ~(A= Ba, Sr)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 326-328
1530379 CIFBa2 Ca0.2 Cu3 O6.1 Y0.8P 4/m m m3.8611; 3.8611; 11.826
90; 90; 90
176.303McCarron, E.M.; Crawford, M.K.; Parise, J.B.
Observation of Superconductivity in (Y1-x Cax) Ba2 Cu3 O6.1
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 192-196
1001400 CIFFe O6 Ru Sr2I 1 2/c 15.5092; 5.5138; 7.8752
90; 90.13; 90
239.2Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F
Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 281-293
1001399 CIFFe O6 Ru Sr2I 1 2/c 15.5379; 5.5429; 7.8772
90; 90.11; 90
241.8Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F
Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 281-293
1001402 CIFBa La Ni O6 RuI -15.5964; 5.5879; 7.9319
89.803; 90.1; 90.09
248Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F
Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 281-293
1001401 CIFBa La Ni O6 RuI 1 2/c 15.6093; 5.6154; 7.9571
90; 90.16; 90
250.6Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F
Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 281-293
1001398 CIFBa La O6 Ru ZnI 1 2/c 15.6364; 5.6621; 7.9686
90; 90.077; 90
254.3Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F
Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 281-293
1001397 CIFBa La O6 Ru ZnI 1 2/c 15.6479; 5.6672; 7.9859
90; 90.1; 90
255.6Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F
Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 281-293
1529603 CIFLu O6 Ru Sr2P 1 21/n 15.74; 5.7375; 8.1118
90; 90.16; 90
267.147Battle, P.D.; Jones, C.W.
The Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Sr2 Lu Ru O6, Ba2 Y Ru O6, and Ba2 Lu Ru O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 108-116
1530288 CIFMo2 Na O14 P4P -14.872; 7.0025; 8.262
91.468; 92.53; 106.61
269.628Lii, K.-H.; Chen, J.J.; Wang, S.-L.
Na Mo2 P4 O14: A Mixed-Valence Molybdenum Phosphate with a Tunnel Structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 178-183
1529766 CIFNa O3 UP b n m5.779; 5.907; 8.283
90; 90; 90
282.753Chippindale, A.M.; Harrison, W.T.A.; Dickens, P.G.
A Structural Study of the Sodium (V) Uranate, Na U O3, by Time-of-Flight Powder Neutron Diffraction
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 256-261
1529820 CIFAs Li O3R -3 :H4.808; 4.808; 14.21
90; 90; 120
284.481Driss, A.; Jouini, T.
Structure cristalline d'une nouvelle variete polymorphique de Li As O3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 126-129
1529625 CIFGa1.88 La4 O4 Se4.82I 4/m m m4.178; 4.178; 19.546
90; 90; 90
341.189Benazeth, S.; Laruelle, L.; Guittard, M.
Structure moyenne d'un oxyseleniure de lanthane et gallium (La O)4 Ga1.88 Se4.82
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 148-153
1001403 CIFBa0.92 Cu3 O8 Pb0.92 Sr1.15 Y1.15I 4/m m m3.842; 3.842; 27.66
90; 90; 90
408.3Rouillon, T; Retoux, R; Groult, D; Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Provost, J; Raveau, B
Pb Ba Y Sr Cu~3~ O~8~: A New Member of the Intergrowth Family (A Cu O~3- x~)~m~ (A' O)~n~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 322-325
1529702 CIFCr H La O5P 1 21/n 14.7234; 13.222; 7.019
90; 107.28; 90
418.571Bueno, I.; Parada, C.; Gutierrez-Puebla, E.; Monge, A.; Ruiz-Valero, C.
Synthesis, crystal growth, and structure of La (O H) Cr O4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 78-83
1000258 CIFF7 Fe Na2 NiI m m a7.203; 10.255; 7.429
90; 90; 90
548.8Laligant, Y; Calage, Y; Heger, G; Pannetier, J; Ferey, G
Ordered Magnetic Frustration VII. Na~2~ Ni Fe F~7~: Reexamination of Its Crystal Structure in the True Space Group after Corrections from Renninger Effect and Refinement of Its Frustrated Magnetic Structure at 4.2 and 55 K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 66-77
1000259 CIFF7 Fe Na2 NiI m m a7.203; 10.256; 7.429
90; 90; 90
548.8Laligant, Y; Calage, Y; Heger, G; Pannetier, J; Ferey, G
Ordered Magnetic Frustration VII. Na~2~ Ni Fe F~7~: Reexamination of Its Crystal Structure in the True Space Group after Corrections from Renninger Effect and Refinement of Its Frustrated Magnetic Structure at 4.2 and 55 K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 66-77
1000257 CIFF7 Fe Na2 NiI m m a7.2338; 10.305; 7.4529
90; 90; 90
555.6Laligant, Y; Calage, Y; Heger, G; Pannetier, J; Ferey, G
Ordered Magnetic Frustration VII. Na~2~ Ni Fe F~7~: Reexamination of Its Crystal Structure in the True Space Group after Corrections from Renninger Effect and Refinement of Its Frustrated Magnetic Structure at 4.2 and 55 K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 66-77
1529602 CIFBa2 Lu O6 RuF m -3 m8.272; 8.272; 8.272
90; 90; 90
566.02Battle, P.D.; Jones, C.W.
The Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Sr2 Lu Ru O6, Ba2 Y Ru O6, and Ba2 Lu Ru O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 108-116
1000256 CIFF4 Li2 NiF d -3 m :28.318; 8.318; 8.318
90; 90; 90
575.5Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
Li~2~ Ni F~4~: Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 184-186

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