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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of the Less-Common Metals' volume of publication is 143

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1525512 CIFAs61.08 Rh49.52 U32I 4 c m11.554; 11.554; 19.359
90; 90; 90
2584.33Zemni, S.; Vicat, J.; Chaudouet, P.; Lambert, B.; Madar, R.; Senateur, J.P.
Phase relationships in the ternary system Ti - Au - Al at 775 K
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 143, 113-127
1530825 CIFK2 O8 WR -3 c :R10.784; 10.784; 10.784
65.06; 65.06; 65.06
984.733Stomberg, R.
Structure of potassium tetraperoxotungstate(VI)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 143, 363-371
1511749 CIFB4 Ir3 NaC m m a11.366; 9.916; 8.271
90; 90; 90
932.185Jung, W.; Mirgel, R.
Darstellung und Kristallstruktur des Natriumiridiumborids Na Ir3 B4
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 143, 49-57
1540242 CIFN0.77 NbI -4 m 24.386; 4.386; 8.661
90; 90; 90
166.612Kim, S.-J.; Franzen, H.F.
A powder X-ray diffraction and Landau theory investigation of the cubic to tetragonal phase transition in Nb N1-x
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 143, 339-343
1510475 CIFAu2 UP 6/m m m4.756; 4.756; 3.11
90; 90; 120
60.922Cirafici, S.; Palenzona, A.
The phase diagram of the U - Au system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 143, 167-171
1523124 CIFRh TiP 4/m m m2.988; 2.988; 3.35
90; 90; 90
29.909Yi, S.S.; Chen, B.-H.; Franzen, H.F.
Phase transitions in RhTi
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 143, 243-249

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