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Searching space group like 'P 42/m m c'

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1008119 CIFCu0.8 O Pt0.2P 42/m m c2.934; 2.934; 5.194
90; 90; 90
44.7Muller, O; Roy, R
Two new ternary copper-platinum oxides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 19, 209-214
4124668 CIFO PdP 42/m m c3.02; 3.02; 5.31
90; 90; 90
48.429Moore, W.J.; Pauling, L.
The crystal structures of the tetragonal monoxides of lead, tin, palladium, and platinum
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1941, 63, 1392-1394
4124669 CIFO PtP 42/m m c3.04; 3.04; 5.34
90; 90; 90
49.35Moore, W.J.; Pauling, L.
The crystal structures of the tetragonal monoxides of lead, tin, palladium, and platinum
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1941, 63, 1392-1394
1011334 CIFPt SP 42/m m c3.47; 3.47; 6.1
90; 90; 90
73.4Bannister, F A; Hey, M H
Determination of minerals in platinum concentrates from the transvall by x-ray methods.
Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society (1876- 1968), 1932, 23, 188-206
9012670 CIFPt1.012 S0.988P 42/m m c3.471; 3.471; 6.1084
90; 90; 90
73.593Rozhdestvina, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Zaremba, M. A.; Antsutkin, O. N.; Forsling, W.
Single-crystalline cooperite (PtS): Crystal-chemical characterization, ESR spectroscopy, and 195Pt NMR Spectroscopy Locality: Sea of Okhotsk region, Maimakansk zone, Far East
Crystallography Reports, 2008, 53, 391-397
9012671 CIFPt1.001 SP 42/m m c3.471; 3.471; 6.1084
90; 90; 90
73.593Rozhdestvina, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Zaremba, M. A.; Antsutkin, O. N.; Forsling, W.
Single-crystalline cooperite (PtS): Crystal-chemical characterization, ESR spectroscopy, and 195Pt NMR Spectroscopy Locality: Sea of Okhotsk region, Maimakansk zone, Far East
Crystallography Reports, 2008, 53, 391-397
9012672 CIFPt0.997 S1.003P 42/m m c3.471; 3.471; 6.1084
90; 90; 90
73.593Rozhdestvina, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Zaremba, M. A.; Antsutkin, O. N.; Forsling, W.
Single-crystalline cooperite (PtS): Crystal-chemical characterization, ESR spectroscopy, and 195Pt NMR Spectroscopy Locality: Sea of Okhotsk region, Maimakansk zone, Far East
Crystallography Reports, 2008, 53, 391-397
9012673 CIFFe0.001 Pt0.992 S1.007P 42/m m c3.471; 3.471; 6.1084
90; 90; 90
73.593Rozhdestvina, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Zaremba, M. A.; Antsutkin, O. N.; Forsling, W.
Single-crystalline cooperite (PtS): Crystal-chemical characterization, ESR spectroscopy, and 195Pt NMR Spectroscopy Locality: Sea of Okhotsk region, Maimakansk zone, Far East
Crystallography Reports, 2008, 53, 391-397
9012674 CIFFe0.001 Pt0.989 S1.01P 42/m m c3.471; 3.471; 6.1084
90; 90; 90
73.593Rozhdestvina, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Zaremba, M. A.; Antsutkin, O. N.; Forsling, W.
Single-crystalline cooperite (PtS): Crystal-chemical characterization, ESR spectroscopy, and 195Pt NMR Spectroscopy Locality: Sea of Okhotsk region, Maimakansk zone, Far East
Crystallography Reports, 2008, 53, 391-397
9012675 CIFPt0.982 S1.018P 42/m m c3.471; 3.471; 6.1084
90; 90; 90
73.593Rozhdestvina, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Zaremba, M. A.; Antsutkin, O. N.; Forsling, W.
Single-crystalline cooperite (PtS): Crystal-chemical characterization, ESR spectroscopy, and 195Pt NMR Spectroscopy Locality: Sea of Okhotsk region, Maimakansk zone, Far East
Crystallography Reports, 2008, 53, 391-397
9012676 CIFFe0.001 Pt0.98 S1.019P 42/m m c3.471; 3.471; 6.1084
90; 90; 90
73.593Rozhdestvina, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Zaremba, M. A.; Antsutkin, O. N.; Forsling, W.
Single-crystalline cooperite (PtS): Crystal-chemical characterization, ESR spectroscopy, and 195Pt NMR Spectroscopy Locality: Sea of Okhotsk region, Maimakansk zone, Far East
Crystallography Reports, 2008, 53, 391-397
9012677 CIFFe0.001 Pt0.974 S1.025P 42/m m c3.471; 3.471; 6.1084
90; 90; 90
73.593Rozhdestvina, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Zaremba, M. A.; Antsutkin, O. N.; Forsling, W.
Single-crystalline cooperite (PtS): Crystal-chemical characterization, ESR spectroscopy, and 195Pt NMR Spectroscopy Locality: Sea of Okhotsk region, Maimakansk zone, Far East
Crystallography Reports, 2008, 53, 391-397
9012678 CIFFe0.001 Pt0.97 S1.029P 42/m m c3.471; 3.471; 6.1084
90; 90; 90
73.593Rozhdestvina, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Zaremba, M. A.; Antsutkin, O. N.; Forsling, W.
Single-crystalline cooperite (PtS): Crystal-chemical characterization, ESR spectroscopy, and 195Pt NMR Spectroscopy Locality: Sea of Okhotsk region, Maimakansk zone, Far East
Crystallography Reports, 2008, 53, 391-397
9012679 CIFFe0.002 Pt0.964 S1.034P 42/m m c3.471; 3.471; 6.1084
90; 90; 90
73.593Rozhdestvina, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Zaremba, M. A.; Antsutkin, O. N.; Forsling, W.
Single-crystalline cooperite (PtS): Crystal-chemical characterization, ESR spectroscopy, and 195Pt NMR Spectroscopy Locality: Sea of Okhotsk region, Maimakansk zone, Far East
Crystallography Reports, 2008, 53, 391-397
9012680 CIFFe0.001 Pt0.954 S1.045P 42/m m c3.471; 3.471; 6.1084
90; 90; 90
73.593Rozhdestvina, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Zaremba, M. A.; Antsutkin, O. N.; Forsling, W.
Single-crystalline cooperite (PtS): Crystal-chemical characterization, ESR spectroscopy, and 195Pt NMR Spectroscopy Locality: Sea of Okhotsk region, Maimakansk zone, Far East
Crystallography Reports, 2008, 53, 391-397
1005001 CIFCa N NiP 42/m m c3.5809; 3.5809; 7.0096
90; 90; 90
89.9Chern, M Y; Disalvo, F J
Synthesis, structure, electric and magnetic properties of CaNiN
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 88, 459-464
1531891 CIFC Co D0.5 YP 42/m m c3.6575; 3.6575; 6.8998
90; 90; 90
92.301Maehlen, J.P.; Yartys', V.A.; Hauback, B.C.
Structural studies of the deuterides of carbon containing yttrium alloys
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 356, 475-479
1537722 CIFPt SP 42/m m c4.929; 4.929; 6.13
90; 90; 90
148.929Bannister, F.A.; Hey, M.H.
Determination of minerals in platinum-concentrates from the Transvaal by X-ray methods
Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society (1876-1968), 1932, 23, 188-206
1536164 CIFC2 Cu KP 42/m m c4.9098; 4.9098; 7.6078
90; 90; 90
183.395Cremer, U.; Kockelmann, W.; Bertmer, M.; Ruschewitz, U.
Alkali metal copper acetylides A Cu C2 (A= Na - Cs): synthesis, crystal structures and spectroscopic properties
Solid State Sciences, 2002, 4, 247-253
1510304 CIFAu0.54 Ca3.19 O8 Pd4P 42/m m c5.8484; 5.8484; 5.5643
90; 90; 90
190.32Scott, B.A.; Walker, D.; Wang, Y.-H.
Composition and structure of a new palladate Ca4-1.5x Aux Pd4 O8 (x=0.54) synthesized at high pressure
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1999, 292, 77-83

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