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Searching journal of publication like 'Acta Crystallographica Section C'

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1000031 CIFBa2 Cu4 O8 YA m m m3.8402; 3.8708; 27.2309
90; 90; 90
404.8Lightfoot, P.; Pei, S.; Jorgensen, J. D.; Yamada, Y.; Matsumoto, T.; Izumi, F.; Kodama, Y.
Redetermination of the structure of the 80 K superconductor YBa~2~Cu~4~O~8~ by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1143-1145
1000099 CIFCl Co H4 O3 PP b c a7.416; 13.082; 9.483
90; 90; 90
920Marcos, M D; Ibanez, R; Amoros, P; Le Bail, A
Layer structure of (CoCl(H~2~PO~2~)) . H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1152-1155
1000100 CIFF12 Fe2 H6 Mn O3 Pb2P -6 2 m9.32; 9.32; 3.9618
90; 90; 120
298Le Bail, A; Mercier, A M
Structure of Pb~2~MnFe~2~F~12~(H~2~O)~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 239-241
1000202 CIFF5 Fe H4 Hg O2P b a m10.711; 6.638; 4.008
90; 90; 90
285Fourquet, J L; Courant, E; Chevalier, P; de Pape, R
Structure of Mercury(II) Iron(III) Fluoride Dihydrate, Hg Fe F~5~ (H~2~ O)~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 165-167
1000206 CIFF4 Fe H4 NP n m a7.559; 7.575; 12.754
90; 90; 90
730.3Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; Pape, R
Room-Temperature Structure of Ammonium Tetrafluorate(III), N H~4~ (Fe F~4~)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 657-660
1000251 CIFCu Li O4 VI m m a5.662; 5.809; 8.758
90; 90; 90
288.1Lafontaine, M A; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
New refinement of the room-temperature structure of Li Cu V O~4~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 1205-1206
1000252 CIFCu F8 Fe2 H4 O2C 1 2/c 17.541; 7.501; 13.027
90; 90.52; 90
736.8Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
Room-temperature structure of diaquaoctafluorocopper(II) diiron(III)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 13-15
1000253 CIFCu3 H2 O9 V2P 1 21/m 17.444; 6.658; 7.759
90; 93.57; 90
383.8Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
Room-temperature structures of oxocopper(II) vanadate(V) hydrates, Cu~3~ V~2~ O~8~ (H~2~ O) and Cu V~2~ O~6~ (H2 O)2
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 15-18
1000254 CIFCu H4 O8 V2P 1 2/c 15.617; 5.595; 11.333
90; 91.04; 90
356.1Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
Room-temperature structures of oxocopper(II) vanadate(V) hydrates, Cu~3~ V~2~ O~8~ (H~2~ O) and Cu V~2~ O~6~ (H2 O)2
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 15-18
1000255 CIFO8 Tl V3P 1 21/m 17.78; 8.423; 4.993
90; 96.48; 90
325.1Benchrifa, R; Leblanc, M; De Pape, R
Structure of the trivanadate Tl V~3~ O~8~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 177-179
1000270 CIFMo10 O34 Tl8P -17.703; 10.703; 12.216
97.68; 118.76; 99.81
842.5Benchrifa, R; de Pape, R
Isotypism of the triclinic Tl~8~Mo~10~O~34~ and (NH~4~)~8~Mo~10~O~34~ molybdates
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 728-728
1000271 CIFH32 Mo10 N8 O34P -17.75; 11.038; 12.421
98.52; 119.87; 99.18
876.9Benchrifa, R; de Pape, R
Isotypism of the triclinic Tl~8~Mo~10~O~34~ and (NH~4~)~8~Mo~10~O~34~ molybdates
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 728-728
1000280 CIFLa2 O2 S2C m c e13.215; 5.943; 5.938
90; 90; 90
466.4Ostorero, J; Leblanc, M
Room temperature structure of La~2~O~2~S~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 1376-1378
1000338 CIFBa3 Cr4 F20 Na2P 1 21/n 17.262; 20.668; 5.431
90; 90.76; 90
815.1Abjean, P; Leblanc, M; De, Pape R; Ferey, G
Structure of Na~2~ Ba~3~ Cr~4~ F~20~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1696-1698
1000362 CIFC Eu F3 Na2 O3P b c a6.596; 10.774; 14.09
90; 90; 90
1001.3Mercier, N; Leblanc, M
A new rare earth fluorocarbonate, Na~2~Eu(CO~3~)F~3~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1994, 50, 1864-1865
1000396 CIFO8 W2 ZrP 21 39.1546; 9.1546; 9.1546
90; 90; 90
767.2Auray, M; Quarton, M; Leblanc, M
Zirconium tungstate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1995, 51, 2210-2213
1000435 CIFFe2 H9 N O11 P2P 1 21/n 19.8232; 9.7376; 9.8716
90; 102.803; 90
920.8Cavellec, M; Riou, D; Ferey, G
Synthetic spheniscidite
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1994, 50, 1379-1381
1000441 CIFF10 Fe2 H2 O Sr2C m c a7.848; 19.86699; 10.773
90; 90; 90
1679.7Le Meins, J-M; Hemon-Ribaud, A; Courbion, G
Sr2 Fe2 F10 . (H2 O), the first hydrated strontium iron(III) fluoride
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1997, 53, 1165-1166
1000459 CIFC H22 Al2 Ca4 O20P 15.7747; 8.4689; 9.923
64.77; 82.75; 81.43
433Francois, M; Renaudin, G; Evrard, O
A cementitious compound with composition 3CaO . Al2O3 . CaCO3 . 11H2O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1998, 54, 1214-1217
1000466 CIFF6 Fe H12 O6 SnR -3 :H9.826; 9.826; 10.106
90; 90; 120
845Benghalem, A; Leblanc, M; Calage, Y
Room-temperature structure of iron(II) hexafluorostannate(IV) hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 2453-2454
1001255 CIFCs3 Nb5.96 O16.4A m a m18.315; 24.506; 7.296
90; 90; 90
3274.6Saine, M C; Gasperin, M
Synthese et Structure d'un Niobate de Cesium non Stoechiometrique, Cs~3~ Nb~5.96~ O~16.4~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1153-1156
1001269 CIFBa2 Nb4 O18 Ti3P 1 21/c 110; 9.959; 7.315
90; 111.29; 90
678.8Gasperin, M
Syntheses and Structure of a New Titanoniobate: The Trititanotetraniobate of Dibarium, Ba~2~ Ti~3~ Nb~4~ O~18~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 9-11
1001271 CIFNa1.5 O32 P4 W8P 1 21/a 117.788; 5.277; 6.607
90; 99.64; 90
611.4Benmmoussa, A; Groult, D; Labbe, Ph; Raveau, B
Two New Members of a Series of Monoclinic Sodium Phosphate Tungsten Bronzes Na~x~ P~4~ O~8~ (W O~3~)~2m~: Na~x~ P~4~ W~8~ O~32~ (m=4) and Na~x~ P~4~ W~12~ O~44~ (m=6)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 573-576
1001272 CIFNa1.7 O44 P4 W12P 1 21/a 123.775; 5.291; 6.588
90; 93.47; 90
827.2Benmmoussa, A; Groult, D; Labbe, Ph; Raveau, B
Two New Members of a Series of Monoclinic Sodium Phosphate Tungsten Bronzes Na~x~ P~4~ O~8~ (W O~3~)~2m~: Na~x~ P~4~ W~8~ O~32~ (m=4) and Na~x~ P~4~ W~12~ O~44~ (m=6)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 573-576
1001330 CIFBr6 H24 Mg Mn2 O12C 1 2/m 113.477; 10.031; 8.428
90; 110.966; 90
1063.9Leclaire, A
Structure de l'hexabromure de magnesium et de dimanganese dodecahydrate Mg Mn~2~ Br~6~ (H~2~ O)~12~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 169-170
1001332 CIFF12 H2 Np3 OC 1 m 112.023; 11.723; 8.435
90; 128.77; 90
926.9Cousson, A; Gasperin, M
Nouvelle description du tetrafluorure de neptunium hydrate, Np~3~ F~12~ H~2~ O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 804-805
1001334 CIFCs Mo3 O25 P5.8 Si2P -3 1 c8.2642; 8.2642; 17.559
90; 90; 120
1038.6Leclaire, A; Monier, J C; Raveau, B
Structure of Cs Mo~3~ P~5.8~ Si~2~ O~25~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1719-1720
1001337 CIFCs0.75 K0.25 Nb O11 Ti U2A m a m7.63; 10.923; 13.609
90; 90; 90
1134.2Gasperin, M
(Cs~.75~ K~.25~) (Nb, Ti) U~2~ O~11~: un Niobotitanouranate Alcalin de Type Sructural Nouveau
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 136-138
1001338 CIFCs Nb O6 UP 1 21/c 17.43; 8.7; 10.668
90; 105.08; 90
665.8Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du niobouranate de cesium:CsNbUo~6~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 404-406
1001345 CIFB2 O6 UC 1 2/c 112.504; 4.183; 10.453
90; 122.18; 90
462.7Gasperin, M
Structure du borate d'uranium U B~2~ O~6~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 2031-2033
1001347 CIFB2 Ca O10 U2C 1 2 116.512; 8.169; 6.582
90; 96.97; 90
881.3Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du borouranate de calcium: Ca B~2~ U~2~ O~10~.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 1247-1250
1001349 CIFK Mo2 O12 P3P b n m17.6398; 9.1761; 12.3
90; 90; 90
1990.9Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Small atomic displacements in the molybdenophosphates A Mo~2~ P~3~ O~12~ (A = K, Rb, Tl).
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 226-229
1001350 CIFMo2 O12 P3 RbP b c m8.8314; 9.2368; 12.3051
90; 90; 90
1003.8Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Small atomic displacements in the molybdenophosphates A Mo~2~ P~3~ O~12~ (A = K, Rb, Tl).
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 226-229
1001359 CIFB Na O5 UP c a m10.712; 5.78; 6.862
90; 90; 90
424.9Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du borouranate de sodium, Na B U O~5~.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 415-416
1001360 CIFB2 Mg O7 UP c a m9.747; 7.315; 7.911
90; 90; 90
564Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du diborouranate de magnesium, Mg B~2~ U O~7~.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 2264-2266
1001361 CIFK Mo2 O12 P3P b n m17.6398; 9.1761; 12.3
90; 90; 90
1990.9Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Small Atomic Displacements in the Molybdenophospates A Mo~2~ P~3~ O~12~ (A= K, Rb, Tl)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 226-229
1001363 CIFMo4 O25 P6 Si2P -314.705; 14.705; 7.3986
90; 90; 120
1385.5Leclaire, A; Lamire, M; Raveau, B
Mo~4~ P~6~ Si~2~ O~25~, an Mo(^III^) phosphosilicate closely related to V~3~ P~5~ Si O~19~: oxygen non-stoichiometry in silicophosphates.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 1181-1184
1001391 CIFMo O7 P2 RbP 1 21/c 17.5237; 10.3537; 8.3998
90; 105.832; 90
629.5Riou, D; Leclaire, A; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
Structure of a diphosphate of trivalent molybdenum Rb Mo P~2~ O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 989-991
1001392 CIFB4 Ni7 O16 UP m n n5.861; 20.2; 4.501
90; 90; 90
532.9Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du tetraborouranate de nickel, Ni~7~ B~4~ U O~16~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 981-983
1001393 CIFK Mo O12 P3 WP b c m8.818; 9.1574; 12.3836
90; 90; 90
1000Benmoussa, A; Leclaire, A; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
K Mo W P~3~ O~12~, a tunnel structure of the K Mo~2~ P~3~ O~12~ - type
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 1277-1279
1001413 CIFB Li O5 UP 1 21/c 15.767; 10.574; 6.835
90; 105.04; 90
402.5Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du borouranate de lithium LiBUO~5~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 372-374
1001426 CIFK0.75 Mo Nb O12 P3P b c m8.8518; 9.1453; 12.5174
90; 90; 90
1013.3Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
Non-stoichiometry in the KMo~2~P~3~O~12~-tunnel structure: the oxide K~0.75~MoNbP~3~O~12~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 1381-1383
1001427 CIFAl0.5 K Mo1.5 O14 P4P -14.8171; 7.133; 7.998
90.53; 92.95; 105.18
264.8Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
K~2~Mo~3~AlP~8~O~28~: a tunnel structure isotypic with Na0.5MoP~2~O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 1368-1370
1001430 CIFK O7 P2 VP 1 21/c 17.3686; 10.0527; 8.1874
90; 106.58; 90
581.3Benhamada, L; Grandin, A; Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of KVP~2~O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 424-425
1001443 CIFB2 O5 ThC 1 2/c 111.545; 6.937; 10.263
90; 101.5; 90
805.4Cousson, A; Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du borate de thorium: ThB~2~O~5~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 10-12
1001464 CIFK O5 P VP n 21 a12.764; 10.5153; 6.3648
90; 90; 90
854.3Benhamada, L; Grandin, A; Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
KVPO~5~, an intersecting tunnel structure closely related to the hexagonal tungsten bronze
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1138-1141
1001465 CIFCo0.92 Mg1.08 O7 P2P 1 21/c 16.977; 8.33; 9.032
90; 113.74; 90
480.5Riou, D; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of a cobalt magnesium diphosphate: (Mg~x~Co~1-x~)~2~P~2~O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1583-1585
1001466 CIFCo O7 P2 SrP 1 21/n 15.3165; 8.2574; 12.6755
90; 90.133; 90
556.5Riou, D; Raveau, B
Structure of SrCoP~2~O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1708-1709
1001509 CIFBi K9 O24 U6P m -3 m8.631; 8.631; 8.631
90; 90; 90
643Gasperin, M; Rebizant, J; Dancausse, J; Meyer, D; Cousson, A
Structure de K~9~BiU~6~O~24~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 2278-2279
1001510 CIFBa O14 P4 V2C 1 2/c 110.6213; 10.4685; 9.7063
90; 103.074; 90
1051.3Benhamada, L; Grandin, A; Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of barium vanadium(III) diphosphate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 2437-2438
1001529 CIFNb9 O25 PI 4/m15.639; 15.639; 3.8317
90; 90; 90
937.2Benabbas, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Redetermination of the structure of PNb~9~O~25~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 849-850
1001534 CIFO10 P2 Pb V2P 1 21/c 15.2306; 8.5805; 16.79
90; 91.01; 90
753.4Grandin, A; Chardon, J; Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of PbV~2~P~2~O~1~0
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1913-1915
1001535 CIFBa0.84 Nb8 O34 P5 Rb3P -4 m 210.6604; 10.6604; 6.4434
90; 90; 90
732.3Gueho, C; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of Ba~0.84~Rb~3~Nb~8~P~5~O~34~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 2066-2067
1001537 CIFO4 Sr Tl2P n a m10.0451; 11.6905; 3.4086
90; 90; 90
400.3Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Caignaert, V; Raveau, B
Structure Refinement of the semi-Metallic Oxide SrTl~2~O~4~: a Neutron Diffraction Study
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1747-1749
1001541 CIFK4 Nb8 O34 P4 SiP -4 m 210.605; 10.605; 6.4099
90; 90; 90
720.9Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Chardon, J; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
A niobium silicophosphate belonging to the niobium phosphate bronzeseries: K~4~Nb~8~P~4~SiO~34~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1744-1747
1001592 CIFMo2 O11 P2 Tl2P 1 21/c 19.945; 10.156; 9.974
90; 97.64; 90
998.4Guesdon, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of Tl~2~Mo~2~P~2~O~11~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1993, 49, 1877-1879
1001596 CIFCd O14 P4 V2P -14.7833; 6.9698; 7.7644
89.41; 87.77; 73.16
247.6Boudin, S; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Raveau, B
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1994, 50, 840-842
1001613 CIFMo2 O11 P2 Rb2P 1 21/c 19.973; 10.18; 10.012
90; 97.7; 90
1007.3Guesdon, A; Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
An Mo^V^ monophosphate, Rb~2~Mo~2~P~2~O~11~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1994, 50, 1852-1854
1001656 CIFCa O9 P2 V2P n m a14.192; 6.424; 7.317
90; 90; 90
667.1Boudin, S; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Borel, M - M; Raveau, B
Ca V2 O (P O4)2, isotypic with the Cd phase
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1995, 51, 796-798
1001731 CIFH8 N2 O8 P V2P 4 b m8.6233; 8.6233; 5.6384
90; 90; 90
419.3Boudin, S; Grandin, A; Labbe, P; Raveau, B
(N H4)2 (V O) (V P) O7, a layered structure comprising tetrahedral VP O7 groups
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1996, 52, 2668-2670
1001767 CIFLi Mo O7 P2P 1 21 14.8984; 8.3919; 7.034
90; 109.33; 90
272.8Ledain, S; Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Raveau, B
Li Mo P2 O7
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1996, 52, 1593-1594
1001843 CIFF13 Na Np3P 63/m m c8.022; 8.022; 16.51299
90; 90; 120
920.3Cousson, A; Abazli, H; Pages, M; Gasperin, M
Fluorure de neptunium et de sodium: Na Np3 F13
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 318-320
1001844 CIFF12 H2 Np3 OP 18.455; 8.858; 8.396
113.83; 116.64; 58.03
465.2Cousson, A; Abazli, H; Pages, M; Gasperin, M
Tetrafluorure de Neptunium Hydrate, Np3 F12 1. 1H H2 O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 425-427
1001855 CIFNb2 O12 P3R -3 c :H8.6974; 8.6974; 22.12299
90; 90; 120
1449.3Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
A mixed-valence niobium phosphate with an empty nasicon structure: Nb2 (P O4)3
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 699-701
1001857 CIFK O25 P6 Si2 Ti3P -3 1 c8.2648; 8.2648; 17.03799
90; 90; 120
1007.9Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of mixed-valent titanium silicophosphates, K Ti3 P6 Si2 O25 and Cs Ti3 P6 Si2 O25
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 936-938
1001858 CIFCs O25 P6 Si2 Ti3P -3 1 c8.2145; 8.2145; 17.24899
90; 90; 120
1008Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of mixed-valent titanium silicophosphates, K Ti3 P6 Si2 O25 and Cs Ti3 P6 Si2 O25
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 936-938
1001860 CIFK3 Nb8 O21P 63/m c m9.1584; 9.1584; 12.0404
90; 90; 120
874.6Benabbas, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Single-crystal structure of K3 Nb8 O21
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1993, 49, 439-441
1001861 CIFCa0.75 K6.5 Nb14 O47 Si4P 63/m c m9.046; 9.046; 27.883
90; 90; 120
1976Borel, M M; Chardon, J; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of a new siliconiobate K6.5 Ca0.75 Nb14 Si4 O47
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1993, 49, 570-571
1004072 CIFBr4 In KP n n a7.891; 10.39; 10.39
90; 90; 90
851.9Wignacourt, J P; Mairesse, G; Abraham, F
Potassium Tetrabromoindate(III), K (In Br~4~)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 2006-2007
1005005 CIFLi7 N4 NbP a -39.829; 9.829; 9.829
90; 90; 90
949.6Vennos, D A; DiSalvo, F J
Structure of lithium niobium nitride
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 610-612
1005006 CIFN5 Ta3C m c m3.8862; 10.2118; 10.2624
90; 90; 90
407.3Brese, N E; O'Keefe, M; Rauch, P; DiSalvo, F J
Structure of Ta~3~N~5~ at 16 K by time-of-flight neutron diffraction
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 2291-2294
1005032 CIFBa3 Ga2 N4P n n a6.201; 10.511; 10.07
90; 90; 90
656.3Yamane, H; DiSalvo, F J
Ba3 Ga2 N4
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1996, 52, 760-761
1007094 CIFCe H4 N O12 P4I -4 3 d15.23; 15.23; 15.23
90; 90; 90
3532.6Rzaigui, M; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Affinement de la Structure du Tetrametaphosphate d'Ammonium et de Cerium, Ce N H~4~ P~4~ O~12~. Relation Entre la Forme Cubique des Composes du Type Ln M^I^ P~4~ O~12~ et le Tetrametaphosphate d'Aluminium Al~4~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1612-1613
1007095 CIFO6 P2 ZnC 1 2/c 19.734; 8.889; 4.963
90; 108.49; 90
407.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A; Bagieu-Beucher, M
Structure d'un Polyphosphate de Zinc, Zn (P O~3~)~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 25-26
1007096 CIFH9 K3 O14 P2 TeP -115.98; 7.226; 6.253
109.49; 84.34; 101.83
665.9Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of a potassium diphosphate tellurate hydrate (K~3~ H P~2~ O~7~) (Te (O H)~6~) (H~2~ O)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 27-28
1007098 CIFH Na2 O9 P3P -17.788; 7.809; 7.129
116.69; 103.41; 81.94
376.5Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Guitel, J C; Durif, A
Structure d'un Trimetaphosphate Acide de Sodium: Na~2~ H P~3~ O~9~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 809-810
1007099 CIFNa2 O12 P4 SrP 4/n b m :29.838; 9.838; 5.003
90; 90; 90
484.2Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure d'un Tetrametaphosphate de Sodium-Strontium: Sr Na~2~ P~4~ O~12~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 811-812
1007100 CIFAg4 O7 V2P b c a18.82; 10.89; 13.925
90; 90; 90
2853.9Masse, R; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A; Guitel, J C
Chemical Preparation and Crystal Structure of Silver Pyrovanadate, Ag~4~ V~2~ O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1608-1610
1007135 CIFCu H24 Na3 O22 P3P 1 21/n 115.052; 9.234; 14.767
90; 90.03; 90
2052.5Jouini, O; Dabbabi, M; Averbuch-Pouchot, MT; Guitel, J C; Durif, A
Structure du Phosphate de Cuivre(II) et de Trisodium Dodecahydrate, Cu Na~3~ P~3~ O~10~ (H~2~ O)~12~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 728-730
1007144 CIFH2 O4 P RbP 1 21/a 19.606; 6.236; 7.738
90; 109.07; 90
438.1Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of a New Form of Rubidium Dihydrogenphosphate, Rb H~2~ P O~4~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 665-667
1007145 CIFH7 O16 P4 Rb5P n a m28.57; 10.277; 6.09
90; 90; 90
1788.1Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of pentarubidium heptahydrogentetrakis(phosphate)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1555-1556
1007146 CIFCs4 H2 O36 P12 Sr3I -4 3 d15.455; 15.455; 15.455
90; 90; 90
3691.5Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Cs~4~ Sr~3~ H~2~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~, a new derivative of Al~4~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1557-1558
1007147 CIFAs H11 N2 O8 SP 1 21/c 111.95; 7.66; 9.658
90; 92.4; 90
883.3Boubia, M; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Ordered As O~4~ and S O~4~ tetrahedra in diammonium trihydrogenarsenate sulfate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1562-1564
1007148 CIFH8 K4 O16 P4I -49.061; 9.061; 10.284
90; 90; 90
844.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of tetrapotassium tetrametaphosphate tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1564-1566
1007150 CIFH12 O18 P4 Sr2P -16.644; 7.365; 8.618
101.62; 109.98; 95.65
381.7Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Structure of strontium tetrametaphosphate hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 927-928
1007151 CIFHg K O9 P3P 21 21 2111.164; 12.46; 5.622
90; 90; 90
782Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of mercury potassium trimetaphosphate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 930-931
1007152 CIFH10 Li4 O17 P4C 1 2/c 117.073; 17.029; 13.554
90; 127.32; 90
3133.8Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of Tetralithium Tetrametaphosphate Pentahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 129-131
1007153 CIFBa H6 Na O12 P3P -17.067; 9.071; 9.906
116.46; 95.97; 74.03
546.4Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure du trimataphosphate de barium - sodium trihydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 390-392
1007159 CIFH10 Li4 O17 P4C 1 2/c 117.073; 17.029; 13.554
90; 127.32; 90
3133.8Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of tetralithium tetrametaphosphate pentahydrate.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 129-131
1007160 CIFO13 P4 Pb3P -17.83; 7.347; 10.215
104.35; 101.81; 94.27
552.4Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of lead tetrapolyphosphate.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 631-632
1007163 CIFCd O21 P6 Ta2P n a m13.094; 8.365; 15.796
90; 90; 90
1730.2Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of tantalum cadmium diphosphate, Ta~2~ Cd (P~2~ O~7~)~3~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 1861-1863
1007164 CIFCu H8 K4 O22 P6P 1 21/a 18.51; 14.303; 8.487
90; 96.51; 90
1026.4Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Structure of tetrapotassium copper cyclo-triphosphate tetrahydrate.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 819-821
1007166 CIFCs4 H8 O16 P4P 419.466; 9.466; 21.933
90; 90; 90
1965.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of tetracaesium tetrametaphosphate tetrahydrate.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 131-133
1007167 CIFH10 K4 O20 P4 TeC 1 2/c 19.731; 11.43; 17.16
90; 99.45; 90
1882.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of a new adduct between telluric acid and a condensed phosphate: K~4~ P~4~ O~12~ * Te (O H)~6~ * ~2~ H~2~ O.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 1245-1247
1007168 CIFH6 K3 Na3 O24 P6 TeC 1 2/c 118.42; 10.644; 12.348
90; 119.76; 90
2101.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal structure of a new adduct between telluric acid and alkali cyclo-triphosphates: Te (O H)~6~ * Na~3~ P~3~ O~9~ * K~3~ P~3~ O~9~.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 1653-1655
1007178 CIFCa4 H16 K4 O44 P12P 1 21/a 120.38; 12.683; 7.83
90; 89.31; 90
2023.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal structures of two new types of cyclo-tetraphosphates: tetracalcium tetrapotassium tris(cyclo-tetraphosphate) octahydrate and calcium disodium cyclo-tetraphosphate 5.5-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 212-216
1007179 CIFCa H11 Na2 O17.5 P4P m a 227.88; 7.536; 7.378
90; 90; 90
1550.1Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal structures of two new types of cyclo-tetraphosphates: tetracalcium tetrapotassium tris(cyclo-tetraphosphate) octahydrate and calcium disodium cyclo-tetraphosphate 5.5-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 212-216
1007190 CIFH32 N6 O28 P6P -110.365; 9.278; 7.28
108.39; 100.3; 96.02
643.8Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-Hexaphosphates. VIII. Structure of Hydroxylammonium cyclo-Hexaphosphate Tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 2026-2028
1007192 CIFCa2 H16 Li2 O26 P6P -17.767; 10.144; 7.225
105.17; 102.76; 84.95
535.6Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. X.Structure of dicalcium dilithium cyclo-hexaphosphate octahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 968-970
1007193 CIFH20 N4 Na2 O20 P6P 1 21/n 113.363; 11.58; 6.809
90; 101.87; 90
1031.1Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. XV.Structures of sodium ammonium cyclo-hexaphosphate dihydrate and sodium rubidium cyclo- hexaphosphate hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 932-936

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