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Searching journal of publication like 'Acta Crystallographica Section C'

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1000031 CIFBa2 Cu4 O8 YA m m m3.8402; 3.8708; 27.2309
90; 90; 90
404.8Lightfoot, P.; Pei, S.; Jorgensen, J. D.; Yamada, Y.; Matsumoto, T.; Izumi, F.; Kodama, Y.
Redetermination of the structure of the 80 K superconductor YBa~2~Cu~4~O~8~ by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1143-1145
1000099 CIFCl Co H4 O3 PP b c a7.416; 13.082; 9.483
90; 90; 90
920Marcos, M D; Ibanez, R; Amoros, P; Le Bail, A
Layer structure of (CoCl(H~2~PO~2~)) . H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1152-1155
1000100 CIFF12 Fe2 H6 Mn O3 Pb2P -6 2 m9.32; 9.32; 3.9618
90; 90; 120
298Le Bail, A; Mercier, A M
Structure of Pb~2~MnFe~2~F~12~(H~2~O)~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 239-241
1000202 CIFF5 Fe H4 Hg O2P b a m10.711; 6.638; 4.008
90; 90; 90
285Fourquet, J L; Courant, E; Chevalier, P; de Pape, R
Structure of Mercury(II) Iron(III) Fluoride Dihydrate, Hg Fe F~5~ (H~2~ O)~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 165-167
1000206 CIFF4 Fe H4 NP n m a7.559; 7.575; 12.754
90; 90; 90
730.3Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; Pape, R
Room-Temperature Structure of Ammonium Tetrafluorate(III), N H~4~ (Fe F~4~)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 657-660
1000251 CIFCu Li O4 VI m m a5.662; 5.809; 8.758
90; 90; 90
288.1Lafontaine, M A; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
New refinement of the room-temperature structure of Li Cu V O~4~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 1205-1206
1000252 CIFCu F8 Fe2 H4 O2C 1 2/c 17.541; 7.501; 13.027
90; 90.52; 90
736.8Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
Room-temperature structure of diaquaoctafluorocopper(II) diiron(III)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 13-15
1000253 CIFCu3 H2 O9 V2P 1 21/m 17.444; 6.658; 7.759
90; 93.57; 90
383.8Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
Room-temperature structures of oxocopper(II) vanadate(V) hydrates, Cu~3~ V~2~ O~8~ (H~2~ O) and Cu V~2~ O~6~ (H2 O)2
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 15-18
1000254 CIFCu H4 O8 V2P 1 2/c 15.617; 5.595; 11.333
90; 91.04; 90
356.1Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
Room-temperature structures of oxocopper(II) vanadate(V) hydrates, Cu~3~ V~2~ O~8~ (H~2~ O) and Cu V~2~ O~6~ (H2 O)2
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 15-18
1000255 CIFO8 Tl V3P 1 21/m 17.78; 8.423; 4.993
90; 96.48; 90
325.1Benchrifa, R; Leblanc, M; De Pape, R
Structure of the trivanadate Tl V~3~ O~8~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 177-179
1000270 CIFMo10 O34 Tl8P -17.703; 10.703; 12.216
97.68; 118.76; 99.81
842.5Benchrifa, R; de Pape, R
Isotypism of the triclinic Tl~8~Mo~10~O~34~ and (NH~4~)~8~Mo~10~O~34~ molybdates
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 728-728
1000271 CIFH32 Mo10 N8 O34P -17.75; 11.038; 12.421
98.52; 119.87; 99.18
876.9Benchrifa, R; de Pape, R
Isotypism of the triclinic Tl~8~Mo~10~O~34~ and (NH~4~)~8~Mo~10~O~34~ molybdates
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 728-728
1000280 CIFLa2 O2 S2C m c e13.215; 5.943; 5.938
90; 90; 90
466.4Ostorero, J; Leblanc, M
Room temperature structure of La~2~O~2~S~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 1376-1378
1000338 CIFBa3 Cr4 F20 Na2P 1 21/n 17.262; 20.668; 5.431
90; 90.76; 90
815.1Abjean, P; Leblanc, M; De, Pape R; Ferey, G
Structure of Na~2~ Ba~3~ Cr~4~ F~20~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1696-1698
1000362 CIFC Eu F3 Na2 O3P b c a6.596; 10.774; 14.09
90; 90; 90
1001.3Mercier, N; Leblanc, M
A new rare earth fluorocarbonate, Na~2~Eu(CO~3~)F~3~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1994, 50, 1864-1865
1000396 CIFO8 W2 ZrP 21 39.1546; 9.1546; 9.1546
90; 90; 90
767.2Auray, M; Quarton, M; Leblanc, M
Zirconium tungstate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1995, 51, 2210-2213
1000435 CIFFe2 H9 N O11 P2P 1 21/n 19.8232; 9.7376; 9.8716
90; 102.803; 90
920.8Cavellec, M; Riou, D; Ferey, G
Synthetic spheniscidite
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1994, 50, 1379-1381
1000441 CIFF10 Fe2 H2 O Sr2C m c a7.848; 19.86699; 10.773
90; 90; 90
1679.7Le Meins, J-M; Hemon-Ribaud, A; Courbion, G
Sr2 Fe2 F10 . (H2 O), the first hydrated strontium iron(III) fluoride
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1997, 53, 1165-1166
1000459 CIFC H22 Al2 Ca4 O20P 15.7747; 8.4689; 9.923
64.77; 82.75; 81.43
433Francois, M; Renaudin, G; Evrard, O
A cementitious compound with composition 3CaO . Al2O3 . CaCO3 . 11H2O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1998, 54, 1214-1217
1000466 CIFF6 Fe H12 O6 SnR -3 :H9.826; 9.826; 10.106
90; 90; 120
845Benghalem, A; Leblanc, M; Calage, Y
Room-temperature structure of iron(II) hexafluorostannate(IV) hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 2453-2454
1001255 CIFCs3 Nb5.96 O16.4A m a m18.315; 24.506; 7.296
90; 90; 90
3274.6Saine, M C; Gasperin, M
Synthese et Structure d'un Niobate de Cesium non Stoechiometrique, Cs~3~ Nb~5.96~ O~16.4~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1153-1156
1001269 CIFBa2 Nb4 O18 Ti3P 1 21/c 110; 9.959; 7.315
90; 111.29; 90
678.8Gasperin, M
Syntheses and Structure of a New Titanoniobate: The Trititanotetraniobate of Dibarium, Ba~2~ Ti~3~ Nb~4~ O~18~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 9-11
1001271 CIFNa1.5 O32 P4 W8P 1 21/a 117.788; 5.277; 6.607
90; 99.64; 90
611.4Benmmoussa, A; Groult, D; Labbe, Ph; Raveau, B
Two New Members of a Series of Monoclinic Sodium Phosphate Tungsten Bronzes Na~x~ P~4~ O~8~ (W O~3~)~2m~: Na~x~ P~4~ W~8~ O~32~ (m=4) and Na~x~ P~4~ W~12~ O~44~ (m=6)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 573-576
1001272 CIFNa1.7 O44 P4 W12P 1 21/a 123.775; 5.291; 6.588
90; 93.47; 90
827.2Benmmoussa, A; Groult, D; Labbe, Ph; Raveau, B
Two New Members of a Series of Monoclinic Sodium Phosphate Tungsten Bronzes Na~x~ P~4~ O~8~ (W O~3~)~2m~: Na~x~ P~4~ W~8~ O~32~ (m=4) and Na~x~ P~4~ W~12~ O~44~ (m=6)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 573-576
1001330 CIFBr6 H24 Mg Mn2 O12C 1 2/m 113.477; 10.031; 8.428
90; 110.966; 90
1063.9Leclaire, A
Structure de l'hexabromure de magnesium et de dimanganese dodecahydrate Mg Mn~2~ Br~6~ (H~2~ O)~12~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 169-170
1001332 CIFF12 H2 Np3 OC 1 m 112.023; 11.723; 8.435
90; 128.77; 90
926.9Cousson, A; Gasperin, M
Nouvelle description du tetrafluorure de neptunium hydrate, Np~3~ F~12~ H~2~ O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 804-805
1001334 CIFCs Mo3 O25 P5.8 Si2P -3 1 c8.2642; 8.2642; 17.559
90; 90; 120
1038.6Leclaire, A; Monier, J C; Raveau, B
Structure of Cs Mo~3~ P~5.8~ Si~2~ O~25~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1719-1720
1001337 CIFCs0.75 K0.25 Nb O11 Ti U2A m a m7.63; 10.923; 13.609
90; 90; 90
1134.2Gasperin, M
(Cs~.75~ K~.25~) (Nb, Ti) U~2~ O~11~: un Niobotitanouranate Alcalin de Type Sructural Nouveau
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 136-138
1001338 CIFCs Nb O6 UP 1 21/c 17.43; 8.7; 10.668
90; 105.08; 90
665.8Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du niobouranate de cesium:CsNbUo~6~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 404-406
1001345 CIFB2 O6 UC 1 2/c 112.504; 4.183; 10.453
90; 122.18; 90
462.7Gasperin, M
Structure du borate d'uranium U B~2~ O~6~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 2031-2033
1001347 CIFB2 Ca O10 U2C 1 2 116.512; 8.169; 6.582
90; 96.97; 90
881.3Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du borouranate de calcium: Ca B~2~ U~2~ O~10~.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 1247-1250
1001349 CIFK Mo2 O12 P3P b n m17.6398; 9.1761; 12.3
90; 90; 90
1990.9Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Small atomic displacements in the molybdenophosphates A Mo~2~ P~3~ O~12~ (A = K, Rb, Tl).
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 226-229
1001350 CIFMo2 O12 P3 RbP b c m8.8314; 9.2368; 12.3051
90; 90; 90
1003.8Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Small atomic displacements in the molybdenophosphates A Mo~2~ P~3~ O~12~ (A = K, Rb, Tl).
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 226-229
1001359 CIFB Na O5 UP c a m10.712; 5.78; 6.862
90; 90; 90
424.9Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du borouranate de sodium, Na B U O~5~.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 415-416
1001360 CIFB2 Mg O7 UP c a m9.747; 7.315; 7.911
90; 90; 90
564Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du diborouranate de magnesium, Mg B~2~ U O~7~.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 2264-2266
1001361 CIFK Mo2 O12 P3P b n m17.6398; 9.1761; 12.3
90; 90; 90
1990.9Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Small Atomic Displacements in the Molybdenophospates A Mo~2~ P~3~ O~12~ (A= K, Rb, Tl)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 226-229
1001363 CIFMo4 O25 P6 Si2P -314.705; 14.705; 7.3986
90; 90; 120
1385.5Leclaire, A; Lamire, M; Raveau, B
Mo~4~ P~6~ Si~2~ O~25~, an Mo(^III^) phosphosilicate closely related to V~3~ P~5~ Si O~19~: oxygen non-stoichiometry in silicophosphates.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 1181-1184
1001391 CIFMo O7 P2 RbP 1 21/c 17.5237; 10.3537; 8.3998
90; 105.832; 90
629.5Riou, D; Leclaire, A; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
Structure of a diphosphate of trivalent molybdenum Rb Mo P~2~ O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 989-991
1001392 CIFB4 Ni7 O16 UP m n n5.861; 20.2; 4.501
90; 90; 90
532.9Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du tetraborouranate de nickel, Ni~7~ B~4~ U O~16~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 981-983
1001393 CIFK Mo O12 P3 WP b c m8.818; 9.1574; 12.3836
90; 90; 90
1000Benmoussa, A; Leclaire, A; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
K Mo W P~3~ O~12~, a tunnel structure of the K Mo~2~ P~3~ O~12~ - type
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 1277-1279
1001413 CIFB Li O5 UP 1 21/c 15.767; 10.574; 6.835
90; 105.04; 90
402.5Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du borouranate de lithium LiBUO~5~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 372-374
1001426 CIFK0.75 Mo Nb O12 P3P b c m8.8518; 9.1453; 12.5174
90; 90; 90
1013.3Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
Non-stoichiometry in the KMo~2~P~3~O~12~-tunnel structure: the oxide K~0.75~MoNbP~3~O~12~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 1381-1383
1001427 CIFAl0.5 K Mo1.5 O14 P4P -14.8171; 7.133; 7.998
90.53; 92.95; 105.18
264.8Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
K~2~Mo~3~AlP~8~O~28~: a tunnel structure isotypic with Na0.5MoP~2~O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 1368-1370
1001430 CIFK O7 P2 VP 1 21/c 17.3686; 10.0527; 8.1874
90; 106.58; 90
581.3Benhamada, L; Grandin, A; Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of KVP~2~O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 424-425
1001443 CIFB2 O5 ThC 1 2/c 111.545; 6.937; 10.263
90; 101.5; 90
805.4Cousson, A; Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure du borate de thorium: ThB~2~O~5~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 10-12
1001464 CIFK O5 P VP n 21 a12.764; 10.5153; 6.3648
90; 90; 90
854.3Benhamada, L; Grandin, A; Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
KVPO~5~, an intersecting tunnel structure closely related to the hexagonal tungsten bronze
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1138-1141
1001465 CIFCo0.92 Mg1.08 O7 P2P 1 21/c 16.977; 8.33; 9.032
90; 113.74; 90
480.5Riou, D; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of a cobalt magnesium diphosphate: (Mg~x~Co~1-x~)~2~P~2~O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1583-1585
1001466 CIFCo O7 P2 SrP 1 21/n 15.3165; 8.2574; 12.6755
90; 90.133; 90
556.5Riou, D; Raveau, B
Structure of SrCoP~2~O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1708-1709
1001509 CIFBi K9 O24 U6P m -3 m8.631; 8.631; 8.631
90; 90; 90
643Gasperin, M; Rebizant, J; Dancausse, J; Meyer, D; Cousson, A
Structure de K~9~BiU~6~O~24~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 2278-2279
1001510 CIFBa O14 P4 V2C 1 2/c 110.6213; 10.4685; 9.7063
90; 103.074; 90
1051.3Benhamada, L; Grandin, A; Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of barium vanadium(III) diphosphate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 2437-2438
1001529 CIFNb9 O25 PI 4/m15.639; 15.639; 3.8317
90; 90; 90
937.2Benabbas, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Redetermination of the structure of PNb~9~O~25~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 849-850
1001534 CIFO10 P2 Pb V2P 1 21/c 15.2306; 8.5805; 16.79
90; 91.01; 90
753.4Grandin, A; Chardon, J; Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of PbV~2~P~2~O~1~0
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1913-1915
1001535 CIFBa0.84 Nb8 O34 P5 Rb3P -4 m 210.6604; 10.6604; 6.4434
90; 90; 90
732.3Gueho, C; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of Ba~0.84~Rb~3~Nb~8~P~5~O~34~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 2066-2067
1001537 CIFO4 Sr Tl2P n a m10.0451; 11.6905; 3.4086
90; 90; 90
400.3Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Caignaert, V; Raveau, B
Structure Refinement of the semi-Metallic Oxide SrTl~2~O~4~: a Neutron Diffraction Study
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1747-1749
1001541 CIFK4 Nb8 O34 P4 SiP -4 m 210.605; 10.605; 6.4099
90; 90; 90
720.9Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Chardon, J; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
A niobium silicophosphate belonging to the niobium phosphate bronzeseries: K~4~Nb~8~P~4~SiO~34~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1744-1747
1001592 CIFMo2 O11 P2 Tl2P 1 21/c 19.945; 10.156; 9.974
90; 97.64; 90
998.4Guesdon, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of Tl~2~Mo~2~P~2~O~11~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1993, 49, 1877-1879
1001596 CIFCd O14 P4 V2P -14.7833; 6.9698; 7.7644
89.41; 87.77; 73.16
247.6Boudin, S; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Raveau, B
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1994, 50, 840-842
1001613 CIFMo2 O11 P2 Rb2P 1 21/c 19.973; 10.18; 10.012
90; 97.7; 90
1007.3Guesdon, A; Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
An Mo^V^ monophosphate, Rb~2~Mo~2~P~2~O~11~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1994, 50, 1852-1854
1001656 CIFCa O9 P2 V2P n m a14.192; 6.424; 7.317
90; 90; 90
667.1Boudin, S; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Borel, M - M; Raveau, B
Ca V2 O (P O4)2, isotypic with the Cd phase
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1995, 51, 796-798
1001731 CIFH8 N2 O8 P V2P 4 b m8.6233; 8.6233; 5.6384
90; 90; 90
419.3Boudin, S; Grandin, A; Labbe, P; Raveau, B
(N H4)2 (V O) (V P) O7, a layered structure comprising tetrahedral VP O7 groups
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1996, 52, 2668-2670
1001767 CIFLi Mo O7 P2P 1 21 14.8984; 8.3919; 7.034
90; 109.33; 90
272.8Ledain, S; Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Raveau, B
Li Mo P2 O7
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1996, 52, 1593-1594
1001843 CIFF13 Na Np3P 63/m m c8.022; 8.022; 16.51299
90; 90; 120
920.3Cousson, A; Abazli, H; Pages, M; Gasperin, M
Fluorure de neptunium et de sodium: Na Np3 F13
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 318-320
1001844 CIFF12 H2 Np3 OP 18.455; 8.858; 8.396
113.83; 116.64; 58.03
465.2Cousson, A; Abazli, H; Pages, M; Gasperin, M
Tetrafluorure de Neptunium Hydrate, Np3 F12 1. 1H H2 O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 425-427
1001855 CIFNb2 O12 P3R -3 c :H8.6974; 8.6974; 22.12299
90; 90; 120
1449.3Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
A mixed-valence niobium phosphate with an empty nasicon structure: Nb2 (P O4)3
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 699-701
1001857 CIFK O25 P6 Si2 Ti3P -3 1 c8.2648; 8.2648; 17.03799
90; 90; 120
1007.9Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of mixed-valent titanium silicophosphates, K Ti3 P6 Si2 O25 and Cs Ti3 P6 Si2 O25
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 936-938
1001858 CIFCs O25 P6 Si2 Ti3P -3 1 c8.2145; 8.2145; 17.24899
90; 90; 120
1008Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of mixed-valent titanium silicophosphates, K Ti3 P6 Si2 O25 and Cs Ti3 P6 Si2 O25
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 936-938
1001860 CIFK3 Nb8 O21P 63/m c m9.1584; 9.1584; 12.0404
90; 90; 120
874.6Benabbas, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Single-crystal structure of K3 Nb8 O21
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1993, 49, 439-441
1001861 CIFCa0.75 K6.5 Nb14 O47 Si4P 63/m c m9.046; 9.046; 27.883
90; 90; 120
1976Borel, M M; Chardon, J; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Structure of a new siliconiobate K6.5 Ca0.75 Nb14 Si4 O47
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1993, 49, 570-571
1004072 CIFBr4 In KP n n a7.891; 10.39; 10.39
90; 90; 90
851.9Wignacourt, J P; Mairesse, G; Abraham, F
Potassium Tetrabromoindate(III), K (In Br~4~)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 2006-2007
1005005 CIFLi7 N4 NbP a -39.829; 9.829; 9.829
90; 90; 90
949.6Vennos, D A; DiSalvo, F J
Structure of lithium niobium nitride
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 610-612
1005006 CIFN5 Ta3C m c m3.8862; 10.2118; 10.2624
90; 90; 90
407.3Brese, N E; O'Keefe, M; Rauch, P; DiSalvo, F J
Structure of Ta~3~N~5~ at 16 K by time-of-flight neutron diffraction
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 2291-2294
1005032 CIFBa3 Ga2 N4P n n a6.201; 10.511; 10.07
90; 90; 90
656.3Yamane, H; DiSalvo, F J
Ba3 Ga2 N4
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1996, 52, 760-761
1007094 CIFCe H4 N O12 P4I -4 3 d15.23; 15.23; 15.23
90; 90; 90
3532.6Rzaigui, M; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Affinement de la Structure du Tetrametaphosphate d'Ammonium et de Cerium, Ce N H~4~ P~4~ O~12~. Relation Entre la Forme Cubique des Composes du Type Ln M^I^ P~4~ O~12~ et le Tetrametaphosphate d'Aluminium Al~4~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1612-1613
1007095 CIFO6 P2 ZnC 1 2/c 19.734; 8.889; 4.963
90; 108.49; 90
407.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A; Bagieu-Beucher, M
Structure d'un Polyphosphate de Zinc, Zn (P O~3~)~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 25-26
1007096 CIFH9 K3 O14 P2 TeP -115.98; 7.226; 6.253
109.49; 84.34; 101.83
665.9Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of a potassium diphosphate tellurate hydrate (K~3~ H P~2~ O~7~) (Te (O H)~6~) (H~2~ O)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 27-28
1007098 CIFH Na2 O9 P3P -17.788; 7.809; 7.129
116.69; 103.41; 81.94
376.5Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Guitel, J C; Durif, A
Structure d'un Trimetaphosphate Acide de Sodium: Na~2~ H P~3~ O~9~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 809-810
1007099 CIFNa2 O12 P4 SrP 4/n b m :29.838; 9.838; 5.003
90; 90; 90
484.2Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure d'un Tetrametaphosphate de Sodium-Strontium: Sr Na~2~ P~4~ O~12~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 811-812
1007100 CIFAg4 O7 V2P b c a18.82; 10.89; 13.925
90; 90; 90
2853.9Masse, R; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A; Guitel, J C
Chemical Preparation and Crystal Structure of Silver Pyrovanadate, Ag~4~ V~2~ O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1608-1610
1007135 CIFCu H24 Na3 O22 P3P 1 21/n 115.052; 9.234; 14.767
90; 90.03; 90
2052.5Jouini, O; Dabbabi, M; Averbuch-Pouchot, MT; Guitel, J C; Durif, A
Structure du Phosphate de Cuivre(II) et de Trisodium Dodecahydrate, Cu Na~3~ P~3~ O~10~ (H~2~ O)~12~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 728-730
1007144 CIFH2 O4 P RbP 1 21/a 19.606; 6.236; 7.738
90; 109.07; 90
438.1Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of a New Form of Rubidium Dihydrogenphosphate, Rb H~2~ P O~4~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 665-667
1007145 CIFH7 O16 P4 Rb5P n a m28.57; 10.277; 6.09
90; 90; 90
1788.1Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of pentarubidium heptahydrogentetrakis(phosphate)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1555-1556
1007146 CIFCs4 H2 O36 P12 Sr3I -4 3 d15.455; 15.455; 15.455
90; 90; 90
3691.5Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Cs~4~ Sr~3~ H~2~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~, a new derivative of Al~4~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1557-1558
1007147 CIFAs H11 N2 O8 SP 1 21/c 111.95; 7.66; 9.658
90; 92.4; 90
883.3Boubia, M; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Ordered As O~4~ and S O~4~ tetrahedra in diammonium trihydrogenarsenate sulfate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1562-1564
1007148 CIFH8 K4 O16 P4I -49.061; 9.061; 10.284
90; 90; 90
844.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of tetrapotassium tetrametaphosphate tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1564-1566
1007150 CIFH12 O18 P4 Sr2P -16.644; 7.365; 8.618
101.62; 109.98; 95.65
381.7Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Structure of strontium tetrametaphosphate hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 927-928
1007151 CIFHg K O9 P3P 21 21 2111.164; 12.46; 5.622
90; 90; 90
782Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of mercury potassium trimetaphosphate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 930-931
1007152 CIFH10 Li4 O17 P4C 1 2/c 117.073; 17.029; 13.554
90; 127.32; 90
3133.8Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of Tetralithium Tetrametaphosphate Pentahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 129-131
1007153 CIFBa H6 Na O12 P3P -17.067; 9.071; 9.906
116.46; 95.97; 74.03
546.4Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure du trimataphosphate de barium - sodium trihydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 390-392
1007159 CIFH10 Li4 O17 P4C 1 2/c 117.073; 17.029; 13.554
90; 127.32; 90
3133.8Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of tetralithium tetrametaphosphate pentahydrate.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 129-131
1007160 CIFO13 P4 Pb3P -17.83; 7.347; 10.215
104.35; 101.81; 94.27
552.4Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of lead tetrapolyphosphate.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 631-632
1007163 CIFCd O21 P6 Ta2P n a m13.094; 8.365; 15.796
90; 90; 90
1730.2Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of tantalum cadmium diphosphate, Ta~2~ Cd (P~2~ O~7~)~3~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 1861-1863
1007164 CIFCu H8 K4 O22 P6P 1 21/a 18.51; 14.303; 8.487
90; 96.51; 90
1026.4Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Structure of tetrapotassium copper cyclo-triphosphate tetrahydrate.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 819-821
1007166 CIFCs4 H8 O16 P4P 419.466; 9.466; 21.933
90; 90; 90
1965.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of tetracaesium tetrametaphosphate tetrahydrate.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 131-133
1007167 CIFH10 K4 O20 P4 TeC 1 2/c 19.731; 11.43; 17.16
90; 99.45; 90
1882.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of a new adduct between telluric acid and a condensed phosphate: K~4~ P~4~ O~12~ * Te (O H)~6~ * ~2~ H~2~ O.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 1245-1247
1007168 CIFH6 K3 Na3 O24 P6 TeC 1 2/c 118.42; 10.644; 12.348
90; 119.76; 90
2101.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal structure of a new adduct between telluric acid and alkali cyclo-triphosphates: Te (O H)~6~ * Na~3~ P~3~ O~9~ * K~3~ P~3~ O~9~.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 1653-1655
1007178 CIFCa4 H16 K4 O44 P12P 1 21/a 120.38; 12.683; 7.83
90; 89.31; 90
2023.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal structures of two new types of cyclo-tetraphosphates: tetracalcium tetrapotassium tris(cyclo-tetraphosphate) octahydrate and calcium disodium cyclo-tetraphosphate 5.5-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 212-216
1007179 CIFCa H11 Na2 O17.5 P4P m a 227.88; 7.536; 7.378
90; 90; 90
1550.1Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal structures of two new types of cyclo-tetraphosphates: tetracalcium tetrapotassium tris(cyclo-tetraphosphate) octahydrate and calcium disodium cyclo-tetraphosphate 5.5-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 212-216
1007190 CIFH32 N6 O28 P6P -110.365; 9.278; 7.28
108.39; 100.3; 96.02
643.8Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-Hexaphosphates. VIII. Structure of Hydroxylammonium cyclo-Hexaphosphate Tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 2026-2028
1007192 CIFCa2 H16 Li2 O26 P6P -17.767; 10.144; 7.225
105.17; 102.76; 84.95
535.6Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. X.Structure of dicalcium dilithium cyclo-hexaphosphate octahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 968-970
1007193 CIFH20 N4 Na2 O20 P6P 1 21/n 113.363; 11.58; 6.809
90; 101.87; 90
1031.1Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. XV.Structures of sodium ammonium cyclo-hexaphosphate dihydrate and sodium rubidium cyclo- hexaphosphate hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 932-936
1007194 CIFH12 Na4 O24 P6 Rb2P -17.532; 9.752; 8.73
113.92; 102.29; 85
572.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. XV.Structures of sodium ammonium cyclo-hexaphosphate dihydrate and sodium rubidium cyclo- hexaphosphate hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 932-936
1007195 CIFCu2 H24 N2 O26 P6P -17.413; 9.334; 9.634
116.23; 107.98; 83.1
568.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. XI.Structure of ammoniumcopper cyclo-hexaphosphate octahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1148-1150
1007196 CIFAg4 H4 Li2 O20 P6P -18.408; 7.602; 7.566
107.47; 106.09; 72.64
430.8Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. XIII.Structure of silver lithium cyclo-hexaphosphate dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1150-1152
1007197 CIFH26 O40 P6 Rb6 Te3P -111.222; 8.077; 11.731
111.11; 104.66; 83.25
959.2Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. XVI.Structures of potassium cyclo-hexaphosphate ditellurate trihydrate and rubidium cyclo- hexaphosphate tritellurate tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1576-1579
1007198 CIFH22 N8 O18 P6P -18.175; 7.926; 8.457
105.05; 102.08; 86.42
517.4Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates.XVIII.Structures of ethylammonium cyclo-hexaphosphate tetrahydrate and hydrazinium(1+) hydrazinium(2+) cyclo-hexaphosphate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1579-1583
1007199 CIFBa3 H16 O26 P6C 1 2/c 120.98; 7.227; 17.44
90; 119.56; 90
2300.1Rzaigui, M; Averbuch-Pouchot, M; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. XIX. Structure of barium cyclo-hexaphosphate octahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 241-243
1007200 CIFAg9 H8 N2 Na O34 P8C m c m17.254; 7.543; 23.465
90; 90; 90
3053.9Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of nonasilver sodium cyclooctaphosphate dinitrate tetrahydrate: Ag~9~NaP~8~O~24~(NO~3~)~2~ . 4H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1173-1176
1007206 CIFH12 Na2 O18 P4 SrI 2 m m7.332; 7.663; 14.408
90; 90; 90
809.5Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Guitel, J C
Structure of Disodium Strontium Tetrametaphosphate Hexahydrate, Sr Na~2~ P~4~ O~12~ (H~2~ O)~6~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 812-813
1007210 CIFH42 N8 O32 P8 TeP -115.146; 11.049; 12.189
117.15; 109.72; 90.54
1675.8Averbuch-Pouchot, M - T; Durif, A
Ammonium cyclo-octaphosphate-telluric acid dihydrate adduct
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1993, 49, 361-363
1007219 CIFCa4 H16 K4 O44 P12P 1 21/a 120.38; 12.683; 7.83
90; 89.31; 90
2023.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal Structures of Two New Types of cyclo-Tetraphosphates: Tetracalcium tetrapotassium tris(cyclo-tetraphosphate) octahydrate and Calcium disodium cyclo-tetraphosphate 5.5-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 212-216
1007248 CIFBa Cs4 O18 P6P 3 1 c11.549; 11.549; 9.114
90; 90; 120
1052.8Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of monobarium tetracaesium polyphosphate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 928-930
1007249 CIFH18 K6 O33 P6 Te2R -3 c :H13.084; 13.084; 34.79999
90; 90; 120
5159.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. XVI.Structures of potassium cyclo-hexaphosphate ditellurate trihydrate and rubidium cyclo- hexaphosphate tritellurate tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1576-1579
1007259 CIFH24 N4 Na O14 P3C 1 2/c 111.813; 7.292; 20.2
90; 105.19; 90
1679.2Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of tetraammonium monosodium triphosphate tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1553-1555
1007260 CIFBa3 Bi2 O16 P4C 1 2/c 120.29799; 8.73; 8.766
90; 109.98; 90
1459.9Masse, R; Durif, A
Structure of tribarium dibismuth tetrakis(phosphate)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1717-1718
1007261 CIFH8 Hg N2 Na2 O18 P6C 1 2/c 113.524; 8.362; 14.39
90; 92.58; 90
1625.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of diammonium disodium mercury(II) trimetaphosphate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1986, 42, 932-933
1008202 CIFH30 N6 O24 P6 TeR -3 :H11.16; 11.16; 17.86
90; 90; 120
1926.4Boudjada, N; Boudjada, A; Guitel, J C
Structure du Trimetaphosphate-Tellurate d'Ammonium, 2(N H~4~)~3~ P~3~ O~9~ * Te (O H)~6~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 656-658
1008218 CIFK Li O6 P2P 1 21/a 115.43; 5.512; 13.72
90; 108.53; 90
1106.4El Horr, N; Bagieu, M; Tordjman, I
Structure d'un polyphosphate mixte de lithium et de potassium, Li K (P O~3~)~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1597-1599
1008240 CIFCl2 Cr2 Hg K2 O7P 1 21/n 112.372; 10.438; 8.191
90; 92.32; 90
1056.9Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; El-Horr, N; Guitel, J C
Structures of Mercury Dichloride - Dipotassium Dichromate (1/1), Hg Cl~2~ K~2~ Cr~2~ O~7~, and Mercury Dichloride - Diammonium Dichromate (1/1), Hg Cl~2~ ((N H~4~)~2~ Cr~2~ O~7~)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 725-728
1008241 CIFCl2 Cr2 H8 Hg N2 O7P 1 21/a 114.891; 7.604; 9.62
90; 96.02; 90
1083.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; El-Horr, N; Guitel, J C
Structures of Mercury Dichloride - Dipotassium Dichromate (1/1), Hg Cl~2~ K~2~ Cr~2~ O~7~, and Mercury Dichloride - Diammonium Dichromate (1/1), Hg Cl~2~ ((N H~4~)~2~ Cr~2~ O~7~)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 725-728
1008305 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1008306 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1008307 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1008308 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1008309 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1008310 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1008336 CIFCs Li O6 P2F d d 219.44; 19.027; 13.222
90; 90; 90
4890.6El-Horr, N; Bagieu, M
Structure d'un polyphosphate mixte de lithium et de cesium: LiCs(PO~3~)~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 603-605
1008368 CIFCs3 H8 O16 P3 TeP 1 21/c 17.279; 13.984; 17.071
90; 90.42; 90
1737.6Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Structure of a new adduct between telluric acid and a condensed phosphate: (Cs~3~ P~3~ O~9~) (Te (O H)~6~ (H~2~ O)).
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 1166-1168
1008370 CIFH8 Mo N2 O9 P2C 1 2/c 113.984; 8.297; 15.81
90; 99.11; 90
1811.2Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Structure of an ammonium molybdenyl diphosphate (N H~4~)~2~ Mo O~2~ P~2~ O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 2046-2048
1008427 CIFAs Cs O5 TiP n 21 a13.486; 10.688; 6.8616
90; 90; 90
989Protas, J; Marnier, G; Boulanger, B; Menaert, B
Structure cristalline de Cs Ti O (As O~4~)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 1123-1125
1008428 CIFK6 O18 P6P a -315.753; 15.753; 15.753
90; 90; 90
3909.2Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. I. Structure of anhydrous potassium cyclo-hexaphosphate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 1273-1275
1008433 CIFH20 Li2 Mn2 O28 P6P -17.286; 9.761; 10.026
118.31; 110.62; 86.27
583Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. III. Structure of dilithium dimanganese cyclo-hexaphosphate decahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 1856-1858
1008454 CIFCa2 H20 N2 O24 P6P 21 21 212.821; 12.537; 7.029
90; 90; 90
1129.8Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-Hexaphosphates. XII. Structure of Ammonium Calcium cyclo-Hexaphosphate Hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 2005-2007
1008460 CIFBa Er2 Ni O5I m m m3.7541; 5.7442; 11.3019
90; 90; 90
243.7Alonso, J A; Amador, J; Rasines, I; Soubeyroux, J L
Er~2~BaNiO~5~: Structure refinement using neutron powder diffraction data
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 249-251
1008480 CIFCd2 H28 Na2 O32 P6P -17.709; 11.028; 9.231
108.25; 110.06; 79.77
697.9Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. V. Structure of cadmium sodium cyclo-hexaphosphate tetradecahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 10-13
1008494 CIFC14 Fe O14 Re2C 1 2/m 112.062; 14.679; 11.816
90; 97.31; 90
2075.1Agron, P A; Ellison, R D; Levy, H A
Structure of iron dirhenium tetradecacarbonyl, (Re(CO)~5~Fe(CO)~4~Re(CO)~5~)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 913-916
1008496 CIFCr2 H42 O39 P6P -4 3 n19.052; 19.052; 19.052
90; 90; 90
6915.5Bagieu-Bacher, M; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Rzaigui, M
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates.XVII.Structure of chromium cyclo-hexaphosphate henicosahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1364-1366
1008497 CIFH12 N3 O6 P3 S3P n m a12.45; 12.755; 8.154
90; 90; 90
1294.9Meisel, M; Wolf, G U; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Structure of ammonium trithio-cyclo-triphosphate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1368-1370
1008552 CIFCs2 O8 P2 TiP 21 21 217.275; 9.452; 13.569
90; 90; 90
933Protas, J; Menaert, B; Marnier, G; Boulanger, B
Structure cristalline de Cs~2~TiO(P~2~O~7~)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 698-701
1008577 CIFCu O12 P3 Zr2R -3 c :H8.9018; 8.9018; 22.2021
90; 90; 120
1523.6Bussereau, I; Belkhiria, M S; Gravereau, P; Boireau, A; Soubeyroux, J L; Olazcuaga, R; Le Flem, G
Structure of CuZr~2~(PO~4~)~3~ by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1741-1744
1008578 CIFCu O12 P3 Zr2R -3 c :H8.892; 8.892; 22.19
90; 90; 120
1519.5Bussereau, I; Belkhiria, M S; Gravereau, P; Boireau, A; Soubeyroux, J L; Olazcuaga, R; Le Flem, G
Structure of CuZr~2~(PO~4~)~3~ by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1741-1744
1008807 CIFK0.008 Na0.992 O5 P TiP n a 2112.555; 6.258; 10.554
90; 90; 90
829.2Dahaoui, S; Hansen, N K; Menaert, B
Na Ti O P O4 and K Ti O P O4 at 110 K
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1997, 53, 1173-1176
1008827 CIFCa9 F1.5 Nd O24.25 P5 SiP 63/m9.3938; 9.3938; 6.9013
90; 90; 120
527.4Boyer, L; Savariault, J-M; Carpena, J; Lacout, J-L
A neodymium-substituted britholite compound
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1998, 54, 1057-1057
1008828 CIF
Fe1.78 Ge2.11 Mg0.11 O9 Pb2P b c n7.1486; 11.163; 10.145
90; 90; 90
809.6Barbier, J; Levy, D
Pb~2~Fe~2~Ge~2~O~9~, the Germanate Analogue of the Silicate Mineral Melanotekite
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 2-5
1008829 CIFFe Ge3 K O8C 1 2/m 18.8978; 13.7057; 7.5532
90; 115.867; 90
828.8Levy, D; Barbier, J
A sanidine feldspar analogue: K Fe Ge3 O8
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1998, 54, 1-1
1008850 CIFH26 N6 O19 P6R -3 :H15.445; 15.445; 7.553
90; 90; 120
1560.4Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Structure of ammonium cyclo-hexaphosphate monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 539-540
1008854 CIFAg3 H14 N3 O19 P6R -3 :H15.172; 15.172; 13.994
90; 90; 120
2789.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. XIV.Structure of silver ammonium cyclo-hexaphosphate monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 930-932
1008945 CIFH23.5 O36.5 P8 Tl3.5P -19.82; 9.973; 17.87
90.14; 90.01; 119.46
1523.8Chiadmi, M; Vicat, J; Tran Qui, D; Boudjada, A
Structure de l'orthophosphate acide de thallium a valence mixte, (Tl3 (Tl0.5 (H3 O)0.5) H14 (P O4)8) (H2 O)4
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 811-814
1008946 CIFK Li O6 P2C 1 2/c 113.753; 13.818; 11.865
90; 90.34; 90
2254.8El Horr, N; Bagieu, M
Structure de la forme de haute temperature du polyphosphate de lithium et de potassium: Li K (P O3)2
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1157-1159
1100044 CIFS ZnP 63 m c3.8227; 3.8227; 6.2607
90; 90; 120
79.2Kisi, E. H.; Elcombe, M. M.
u parameters for the wurtzite structure of ZnS and ZnO using powder neutron diffraction
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1989, 45, 1867-1870
1100078 CIFH12 Mg O9 S2P n m a9.324; 14.461; 6.862
90; 90; 90
925.2Elerman, Y; Bats, J W; Fuess, H
Deformation Density in Complex Anions. IV. Magnesium Thiosulfate Hexahydrate, Mg S~2~ O~3~ * 6H2 O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 515-518
1100079 CIFH12 Mg O9 S2P n m a9.324; 14.461; 6.862
90; 90; 90
925.2Elerman, Y; Bats, J W; Fuess, H
Deformation Density in Complex Anions. IV. Magnesium Thiosulfate Hexahydrate, Mg S~2~ O~3~ * 6H2 O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 515-518
1100907 CIFC17 H15 N O4P 21 21 2110.7589; 17.8696; 22.667
90; 90; 90
4357.9Brady, Fiona; Gallagher, John F.
Intermolecular O-H...O hydrogen bonding in the three independent molecules of (2S)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-(1-oxoisoindolin-2-yl)propanoic acid
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 2000, 56, 1407-1410
1100908 CIF
C18 H22 Cu N2 O5C 1 2/c 115.922; 5.7331; 21.341
90; 91.097; 90
1947.6Baggio, Ricardo; Foxman, Bruce; Garland, Maria Teresa; Perec, Mireille; Shang, Wen
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2000, 56, e505-e506
1100910 CIFBi0.4 Fe3 O13 P3P 1 21/m 17.496; 6.308; 10.125
90; 100.11; 90
471.32Benabad, Aicha; Bakhous, Karima; Cherkaoui, Fatima; Holt, Elizabeth M.
Bismuth(V) iron(III) tris(phosphate) oxide
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 2000, 56, 1292-1293
1100911 CIFC5 D4 Fe N6 Na2 O3P n n m6.207; 11.915; 15.583
90; 90; 90
1152.5Schultz, Arthur J.; Figgis, Brian N.; Sobolev, Alexandre N.
Na~2~Fe(CN)~5~NO.2D~2~O at 11 and 293 K by X-ray and at 15 K by neutron diffraction
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 2000, 56, 1289-1291
1100912 CIFC5 D4 Fe N6 Na2 O3P n n m6.124; 11.837; 15.547
90; 90; 90
1127Schultz, Arthur J.; Figgis, Brian N.; Sobolev, Alexandre N.
Na~2~Fe(CN)~5~NO.2D~2~O at 11 and 293 K by X-ray and at 15 K by neutron diffraction
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 2000, 56, 1289-1291
1100913 CIFC5 H1.1 D2.9 Fe N6 Na2 O3P n n m6.124; 11.837; 15.547
90; 90; 90
1127Schultz, Arthur J.; Figgis, Brian N.; Sobolev, Alexandre N.
Na~2~Fe(CN)~5~NO.2D~2~O at 11 and 293 K by X-ray and at 15 K by neutron diffraction
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 2000, 56, 1289-1291
1100916 CIFAg Nb O3P b c m5.5462; 5.6028; 15.6365
90; 90; 90
485.9Fabry, Jan; Zikmund, Zdenek; Kania, Antoni; Petricek, Vaclav
Structural study of AgNbO~3~ at room temperature
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 2000, 56, 916-918
1200001 CIFC14 H17 N O4 SP b c a15.9407; 9.1737; 19.015
90; 90; 90
2780.7Gzella, Andrzej; Rozwadowska, Maria D.; Sulima, Agnieszka
Two dihydro-5H-thiazolinono[2,3-a]isoquinoline S-oxides
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 2001, 57, 1454-1456
2000000 CIF
C16 H44 Co Nd2 O26P -18.243; 10.368; 11.497
111.64; 107.94; 93.45
851.974A. Gonzalez; A. Beltran; A. le Bail
Structure of the decahydrated octaacetate of dineodymium(III) and cobalt(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1624-1627
2000007 CIF
C22 H26 O7P 1 21/c 17.257; 14.474; 19.88
90; 103.38; 90
2031.5K. Khamlach; R. Dhal; E. Brown; M. Leblanc; G. Ferey
Room-temperature structure of (±)-methyltrachelogenin
Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.C:Cryst.Struct.Commun., 1989, 45, 1746-1748
2000109 CIFC2 H20 N2 O17 P4 SrP b c a17.863; 15.317; 13.109
90; 90; 90
3586.72M. Bagieu-Beucher; A. Durif; J. C. Guitel
Structure of a strontium ethylenediammonium cyclo-tetraphosphate hydrate
Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.C:Cryst.Struct.Commun., 1988, 44, 2063-2065
2000136 CIF
C11 H12 Cl2 Cu N2 O3P 1 21/c 116.42; 8.545; 19.001
90; 90.3; 90
2666Koman, M.; Baran, P.; Valigura, D.
Structure of (2,2'-bipyridine <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-dioxide)dichloro(methanol)copper(II), [Cu(bpyO~2~)(MeOH)Cl~2~]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2529-2531
2000137 CIF
C20 H20 Co3 I In N O12P 1 21/c 111.341; 16.551; 16.429
90; 92.11; 90
3081.7Clarkson, L. M.; Farrugia, L. J.; Norman, N. C.
Structure of [Et~4~N][InI{Co(CO)~4~}~3~]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2525-2526
2000138 CIF
C16 H18 N8 Ni O6P 1 21/c 19.2; 8.658; 12.654
90; 98.82; 90
996.02Ciunik, Z.; Wolny, J. A.; Rudolf, M. F.
Structure of bis(1-ethyl-3-<i>p</i>-nitrophenyltriazene 1-oxide)nickel(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2539-2541
2000139 CIF
C16 H12 As F6 O4 S2C 1 2/m 117.992; 10.612; 9.373
90; 94.22; 90
1784.7Noreland, J.; Olovsson, G.; Olovsson, I.
Structure of the organic semiconducting radical cation salt [2,3;7,8-bis(ethylenedioxy)thianthrene] hexafluoroarsenate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2542-2545
2000140 CIF
C37 H47 N4 RhP -110.973; 11.875; 14.211
108.03; 105.41; 100.92
1621.3Whang, D.; Kim, K.
Structure of a new form of octaethylporphyrinato(methyl)rhodium(III)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2547-2550
2000141 CIF
C18 H28 N4 S Se2P 1 21/c 16.455; 19.99; 16.43
90; 101.4; 90
2078Billing, D. G.; Boeyens, J. C. A.; Denner, L.; Hellyar, M. D.; Lai, L.-L.; Matthee, A. J.; Reid, D. H.
Structure of 2,3-dicyclohexyl-6,7-dihydro-5<i>H</i>-2aλ^4^-thia-2,3,4a,7a-tetraazacyclopent[<i>cd</i>]indene-1(2<i>H</i>),4(2<i>H</i>)-diselone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2564-2567
2000142 CIF
C5 H8 N2 O2P 1 21/n 15.163; 23.472; 5.458
90; 97.08; 90
656.4Fawcett, S. M.; Sawyer, L.; Blake, A. J.
Structure of β-ammoniumpropionitrile hemifumarate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2569-2572
2000143 CIF
C12 H10 N6 O5P 1 21/c 17.1026; 9.404; 21.372
90; 108.246; 90
1355.7Peters, D. A.; Beddoes, R. L.; Allway, P. A.; Joule, J. A.
Structure of 3-methoxypyrazine-2-carbaldehyde 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2588-2591
2000144 CIF
C32 H38 N2 O5C 1 2 130.638; 6.234; 15.262
90; 93.95; 90
2908.1Czerwinski, E. W.
Structure of cortivazol, 11β,17α,21-trihydroxy-6,16α-dimethyl-2'-phenyl-2'<i>H</i>-pregna-2,4,6-trieno[3,2-<i>c</i>]pyrazol-20-one 21-acetate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2598-2603
2000145 CIF
C20 H22 Br2 N2 O4C 1 2 126.331; 9.472; 8.311
90; 92.5; 90
2070.9Mackay, M. F.; Sengupta, S.; Lacey, E.; Burden, P.
Structures of colchicine analogues. IV. An aminodibromoallocolchicine, C~20~H~22~Br~2~N~2~O~4~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2615-2618
2000146 CIF
C18 H15 Cl O6P 1 21/c 14.301; 22.832; 16.531
90; 95.09; 90
1616.9Blaser, D.; Stoeckli-Evans, H.
Structure of pannarin: a natural depsidone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2624-2626
2000147 CIF
C14 H19 N3 O7P 21 21 2111.219; 12.136; 12.324
90; 90; 90
1678Van Meervelt, L.
Structure of 3',5'-di-<i>O</i>-acetyl-<i>N</i>^4^-methoxycytosine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2635-2637
2000148 CIF
I4 Te4P -18.021; 9.952; 7.995
103.05; 104.37; 90.08
601.2Cai, G.-L.; Liu, S.-X.; Huang, J.-L.
High-temperature synthesis and structure redetermination of Te~4~I~4~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2642-2644
2000149 CIF
C Ag N OR -3 :R9.087; 9.087; 9.087
115.73; 115.73; 115.73
390.6Britton, D.
A redetermination of the trigonal silver fulminate structure
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2646-2647
2000150 CIF
C19 H15 N S SnP n a 218.966; 14.552; 13.085
90; 90; 90
1707.2Khoo, L. E.; Chen, X.-M.; Mak, T. C. W.
Structure of a new form of triphenyltin(IV) isothiocyanate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2647-2649
2000151 CIF
C36 H62 Li2 O4P -110.188; 11.202; 9.22
99.92; 113.39; 68.31
897Kociok-Köhn, G.; Pickardt, J.; Schumann, H.
Structure of dimeric lithium 2,6-di-<i>tert</i>-butylphenoxide–diethyl ether (1/1)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2649-2651
2000152 CIF
C20 H16 Cu F6 N2 O4P n n m8.379; 8.379; 15.832
90; 90; 90
1111.5Yu, K.-B.; Gou, S.-H.; You, X.-Z.; Xu, Z.
Structure of <i>catena</i>-poly{bis(1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4-pentanedionato-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')copper-μ-[(4,4'-bipyridine)-κ<i>N</i>:κ<i>N</i>']}
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2653-2654
2000153 CIF
C2 H17 N Ni O12 SP 1 21/c 15.726; 12.302; 17.01
90; 97.92; 90
1186.8Peterková, J.; Podlahová, J.; Loub, J.; Mička, Z.
Structure of pentaaqua(glycine)nickel(II) sulfate monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2664-2666
2000154 CIF
C22 H26 N4 O2 P2 S4A 1 2/a 114.941; 7.05; 24.832
90; 90.48; 90
2615.6Wang, J.-L.; Sun, M.; Miao, F. M.; Chen, Q.-J.; Jin, S.-J.
Structure of 6,13-bis(butylthio)-5,12-dioxa-6,13-dithioxo-6a,7,13a,14-tetraaza-6,13-diphosphadibenz[<i>a</i>,<i>h</i>]anthracene
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2676-2677
2000155 CIF
C12 H16 N2 O4P 1 21 18.717; 6.927; 10.95
90; 113.01; 90
608.6Neidle, S.; Webster, G. D.; Jones, G. B.; Thurston, D. E.
Structures of two DNA minor-groove binders, based on pyrrolo[2,1-<i>c</i>][1,4]benzodiazepines
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2678-2680
2000156 CIF
C17 H18 N2 O7P 21 21 216.633; 13.435; 19.246
90; 90; 90
1715.1Neidle, S.; Webster, G. D.; Jones, G. B.; Thurston, D. E.
Structures of two DNA minor-groove binders, based on pyrrolo[2,1-<i>c</i>][1,4]benzodiazepines
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2678-2680
2000157 CIF
C8 H13 N O3C 1 2/c 127.89; 6.327; 22.04
90; 114.65; 90
3535Michael, J. P.; Maqutu, T. L.; Denner, L.
Structure of (±)-<i>exo</i>-6-methyl-<i>endo</i>-6-nitrobicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-<i>exo</i>-2-ol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2680-2682
2000158 CIF
C29 H21 N OP 1 21/a 121.713; 13.524; 7.259
90; 95.2; 90
2122.8Mori, Y.; Maeda, K.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2682-2683
2000159 CIF
C26 H28 N2 O10P -19.524; 11.8187; 12.615
66.512; 83.321; 88.758
1293Ammon, H. L.; DeShong, P.; Simpson, D.
Structure of a lactone, 2,4,6-trideoxy-4,6-dimethyl-2-(oxopropyl)-7-<i>O</i>-(phenylmethyl)-<small>L</small>-<i>glycero</i>-<small>D</small>-<i>manno</i>-heptono-1,5-lactone 3-(3,5-dinitrobenzoate)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2693-2695
2000160 CIF
C28 H28 O2 P2P -15.826; 8.862; 12.517
100.29; 102.67; 104.22
592.44Fontes, M. R. M.; Oliva, G.; Zukerman-Schpector, J.; Queiroz, S. L.; Batista, A. A.
Structure of 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphinoyl)butane
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2699-2700
2000161 CIF
C27 H42 O5 SiP 1 21/n 19.389; 35.542; 8.899
90; 114.25; 90
2708Sakai, Y.; Kojima, Y.; Ohashi, Y.; Morihira, K.; Furukawa, T.; Horiguchi, Y.; Kuwajima, I.
Structure of <i>endo</i>-(5<i>R</i>*,6<i>R</i>*,11<i>R</i>*,12<i>S</i>*)-5,6,11,12-tetrahydro-4,11,12-trimethoxy-9,13,13-trimethyl-5-(triethylsiloxy)-6,10-methano-8(7<i>H</i>)benzocyclodecenone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2700-2702
2000162 CIF
C14 H20 Cl2 O3P 21 21 217.0329; 9.983; 22.644
90; 90; 90
1589.8Zukerman-Schpector, J.; Castellano, E. E.; Brocksom, T. J.; Moreira, L. A.
Structure and absolute configuration of (3<i>S</i>)-[(1<i>S</i>,2<i>R</i>,4<i>S</i>)-2-acetoxy-4-methyl-1-cyclohexyl]-2,2-dichloro-3-methylcyclobutanone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2706-2708
2000163 CIF
C6 H16 N O6 PI 1 2/a 115.108; 4.636; 28.819
90; 98.62; 90
1995.7Macíček, J.; Vladkova, T.
Structure of {εpsilon}-ammoniohexanoic acid dihydrogenphosphate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2709-2711
2000164 CIF
C18 H16 O1.5 PC 1 2/c 119.423; 8.478; 18.327
90; 90.67; 90
3018Baures, P. W.
Monoclinic triphenylphosphine oxide hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2715-2716
2000165 CIF
C18 H16 O4P 21 21 217.6025; 13.948; 14.428
90; 90; 90
1529.9Huang, E. T.; Evans, K. L.; Fronczek, F. R.; Gandour, R. D.
Methyl 2-[(2,6-dimethoxyphenyl)ethynyl]benzoate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2727-2729
2000166 CIF
C20 H20 O4P 1 21/n 17.887; 7.815; 27.478
90; 91.229; 90
1693.3Evans, K. L.; Fronczek, F. R.; Gandour, R. D.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2729-2731
2000167 CIF
C18 H16 O5P b c a11.4064; 13.098; 20.848
90; 90; 90
3114.7Evans, K. L.; Fronczek, F. R.; Gandour, R. D.
Methyl 2-(2,6-dimethoxyphenyl)benzofuran-4-carboxylate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2731-2733
2000168 CIF
C16 H17.76 N O5.38C 1 2/c 116.23; 5.88; 29.88
90; 96.61; 90
2833Hua, D. H.; Saha, S.; Robinson, P. D.
Structure of methyl-8,9-methylenedioxy-2-oxo-1,2,3,4,4aα,5,6,10bβ-octahydrophenanthridine-5-carboxylate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2737-2739
2000169 CIF
C18 H25 N O3P 21 21 215.959; 14.956; 19.737
90; 90; 90
1759Willis, Anthony C.; Beckwith, Athelstan L. J.; Tozer, Matthew J.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2276-2277
2000170 CIF
B4 H9.4 Na2 O11.7R 3 211.097; 11.097; 21.114
90; 90; 120
2251.7Powell, D. R.; Gaines, D. F.; Zerella, P. J.; Smith, R. A.
Refinement of the structure of tincalconite
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2279-2282
2000171 CIF
Dy2 S3P n m a7.284; 3.881; 15.143
90; 90; 90
428.08Meetsma, A.; Wiegers, G. A.; Haange, R. J.; de Boer, J. L.; Boom, G.
Structure of two modifications of dysprosium sesquisulfide, Dy~2~S~3~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2287-2291
2000172 CIF
C31 H38 Fe2 N6 O6P -113.601; 13.966; 12.341
100.1; 99.56; 115.19
2010.7O'Brien, R. J.; Richardson, J. F.; Buchanan, R. M.
Structure of di-μ-acetato-μ-oxo-bis[bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine]diiron(III) diperchlorate 0.9-acetone solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2307-2310
2000173 CIF
C21 H28 F12 N2 Ni O7P 1 21/n 112.125; 12.379; 20.438
90; 92.07; 90
3065.6Cervantes-Lee, F.; Porter, L. C.
Structure of (4-amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxy)bis(hexafluoroacetylacetonato)(methanol)nickel(II) methanol solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2312-2315
2000174 CIF
C14 H20 Na4 O16P 1 21/n 16.142; 8.144; 20.527
90; 93.97; 90
1024.3Fitzgerald, L. J.; Gallucci, J. C.; Gerkin, R. E.
Structure of tetrasodium 1,4,5,8-naphthalenetetracarboxylate octahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2315-2319
2000175 CIF
C27 H32 Li O7 PP -110.158; 10.663; 12.766
100.93; 109.55; 99.1
1242.2Burns, J. H.; Sachleben, R. A.
Complexes of lithium and sodium with <i>sym</i>-(dibenzo-14-crown-4)methylphenyl phosphinic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2339-2343
2000176 CIF
C25 H36 Na O11 PP -110.493; 11.77; 13.162
98.16; 108.73; 108.81
1401.5Burns, J. H.; Sachleben, R. A.
Complexes of lithium and sodium with <i>sym</i>-(dibenzo-14-crown-4)methylphenyl phosphinic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2339-2343
2000177 CIF
C5 H8 N4 O3 S2P 1 21/n 18.586; 10.508; 10.676
90; 95.64; 90
958.5Alzuet, G.; Ferrer, S.; Borrás, J.; Solans, X.
Structure of methazolamide: an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2377-2379
2000178 CIF
C10 H11 N O3P 1 21/n 110.186; 11.494; 8.535
90; 99.71; 90
984.94De, A.; Kitagawa, Y.
Structure of 3,3-dimethoxyindolin-2-one
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2384-2386
2000179 CIF
C17.5 H19 Cl F6 N2 O1.5P 42/n24.595; 24.595; 6.398
90; 90; 90
3870.2Karle, J. M.; Karle, I. L.
Structure of the antimalarial (±)-mefloquine hydrochloride
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2391-2395
2000180 CIF
C18 H21 Cl3 N4 O12P 21 313.289; 13.289; 13.289
90; 90; 90
2346.8Britton, D.; Norman, R. E.; Que, Jnr, L.
Tris[(2-pyridinium)methyl]amine perchlorate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2415-2417
2000181 CIF
C18 H15 Br OP 1 21/c 116.157; 9.189; 9.996
90; 95.8; 90
1476.5Chen, J.; Hwang, C.; Scheffer, J. R.; Trotter, J.
Structure and photochemistry of a cyclohexenone and its solid-state photoproduct
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2417-2419
2000182 CIF
C18 H15 Br OI 1 2/a 117.607; 8.213; 19.976
90; 93.09; 90
2884.5Chen, J.; Hwang, C.; Scheffer, J. R.; Trotter, J.
Structure and photochemistry of a cyclohexenone and its solid-state photoproduct
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2417-2419
2000183 CIF
C18 H26 O12P 1 21 110.251; 8.37; 12.548
90; 95.98; 90
1070.8Kopf, J.; Topf, C.; Morf, M.; Zimmer, B.; Köll, P.
Structure of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexa-<i>O</i>-acetyl-<small>D</small>-glucitol (sorbitol hexaacetate)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2425-2428
2000184 CIF
C6 H8 Fe Gd N6 O4C m c m7.3964; 12.8372; 13.6726
90; 90; 90
1298.2Mullica, D. F.; Sappenfield, E. L.
Structure of gadolinium hexacyanoferrate(III) tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2433-2435
2000185 CIF
N2 O Si2C m c 218.8723; 5.4921; 4.8495
90; 90; 90
236.3Sjöberg, J.; Helgesson, G.; Idrestedt, I.
Refinement of the structure of Si~2~N~2~O
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2438-2441
2000186 CIF
C37 H30 Cl O P2 RhP -19.182; 9.64; 10.384
107.56; 89.7; 110.48
815.7Chen, Y.-J.; Wang, J.-C.; Wang, Yu
Structure of <i>trans</i>-[Rh(CO)Cl{P(C~6~H~5~)~3~}~2~]: a centrosymmetric triclinic phase
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2441-2442
2000187 CIF
C16 H10 N6 O4 WP 1 21/c 115.328; 13.994; 18.26
90; 114; 90
3578.1Hage, R.; de Graaff, R. A. G.; Haasnoot, J. G.; Russell, G.; Long, C.; Vos, J. G.
Structure of tetracarbonyl[3,6-bis(pyridin-2-yl)-2,5-dihydro-1,2,4,5-tetrazine]tungsten(0)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2448-2451
2000188 CIF
C26 H34 Mo N2 O12C 1 2/c 161.35; 10.437; 17.7387
90; 99.742; 90
11194.5Wang, J.-C.; Sun, C.-H.; Chow, T. J.; Liu, L.-K.
Structure of dicarbonylbis(η^2^-dimethyl 7-acetyl-7-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene-2,3-dicarboxylate-κ<i>N</i>)molybdenum(0)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2459-2461
2000189 CIF
C29 H24 N2 O2 SP -19.967; 10.912; 12.258
71.07; 67.26; 75.61
1151.4Zhang, H.; Self, J.; Khanapure, S. P.; Biehl, E.
Structure of 10-benzyl-2-[(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)methyl]phenothiazine-1-carbonitrile
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2465-2466
2000190 CIF
C40 H44 O4P 1 21 18.436; 16.739; 11.698
90; 97.69; 90
1637van Eijck, B. P.
Structure of (<i>Z</i>)-1,2-dimesitylvinylene bis(mesitylenecarboxylate)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2470-2472
2000191 CIF
C8 Cl F3 N2P 1 21/c 110.266; 14.848; 11.537
90; 108.83; 90
1664.5Britton, D.
Structure of 5-chloro-2,4,6-trifluoroisophthalonitrile
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2472-2474
2000192 CIF
C5 H8 Cl N5 O2P 1 21/c 14.479; 9.955; 19.304
90; 107.9; 90
819.1Maixner, J.; Zachová, J.
Redetermination of the structure of guanine hydrochloride monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2474-2476
2000193 CIF
C36 H56 N4 O6P b c a22.46; 17.52; 9.04
90; 90; 90
3557Cheetham, G. M. T.; Harding, M. M.
<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>N</i>'',<i>N</i>'''-Bis(<i>m</i>-xylyl)bis(4,13-diaza-1,7,10-trioxacyclopentadecane): a multidentate macrocyclic complexing agent containing two 15-crown-5 rings
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2478-2479
2000194 CIF
C15 H28 O4 SiP 1 21/a 111.194; 10.944; 14.815
90; 95.01; 90
1808Ammon, H. L.; DeShong, P.; Simpson, D.
Structure of a lactone, (3α,4α,6α)-4-(<i>tert</i>-butyldimethylsiloxy)-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-6-methyl-3-(2-oxopropyl)-2<i>H</i>-pyran-2-one
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2482-2484
2000195 CIF
C8 H9 N OP b c a9.665; 7.981; 19.071
90; 90; 90
1471.1Bedford, R. B.; Chaloner, P. A.; Hitchcock, P. B.
Structure of <i>N</i>-methyl benzaldehyde nitrone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2484-2485
2000196 CIF
C9 H12 O3P -15.5385; 8.543; 10.373
113.329; 100.78; 99.82
426.13Ammon, H. L.; DeShong, P.; Lessen, T. A.
Structure of (2'<i>R</i>*,5<i>S</i>*)-(±)-5-(tetrahydro-2'<i>H</i>-pyran-2'-yl)-2(5<i>H</i>)-furanone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2488-2489
2000197 CIF
C22 H20 O5P -111.6; 20.44; 7.657
91.19; 95.53; 89.55
1807Robinson, P. D.; Hua, D. H.; Roche, D.; Saha, S.
Structure of 8-ethyl-4,10,12-trimethoxy-6<i>H</i>-benzo[<i>d</i>]naphtho[1,2-<i>b</i>]pyran-6-one
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2490-2492
2000198 CIF
C12 H22 N4P -110.8; 6; 5.41
113.16; 77.21; 92.84
314Small, R. W. H.
Structure of 2-azacycloheptanone azine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2505-2506
2000199 CIF
C26 H39 N O11P -17.389; 13.255; 14.448
88.6; 78.58; 81.48
1371.7Vichet, A.; Galy, J. P.; Baldy, A.; Barbe, J.; Feneau-Dupont, J.; Declercq, J.-P.
Structures of two crown-ether derivatives of 9-acridone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2508-2510
2000200 CIF
C24 H29 N O7P -18.426; 11.42; 11.739
87.2; 79.33; 77.88
1085.3Vichet, A.; Galy, J. P.; Baldy, A.; Barbe, J.; Feneau-Dupont, J.; Declercq, J.-P.
Structures of two crown-ether derivatives of 9-acridone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2508-2510
2000201 CIF
C18 H19 N O2 SP 1 21/c 111.503; 15.932; 9.133
90; 102.17; 90
1636.2McKenna, R.; Neidle, S.; Wilson, W. D.
Structures of 1-(3,3-dimethylamino)propyl naphtho[2,1-<i>b</i>]thiophene-4-carboxylate and <i>N</i>-(3,3-dimethylamino)propyl-8-methoxynaphtho[2,1-<i>b</i>]thiophene-4-carboxamide, intercalators into double-helical DNA
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2511-2513
2000202 CIF
C19 H21 N O3 SP -19.873; 13.163; 14.065
101.33; 94.3; 91.35
1785.8McKenna, R.; Neidle, S.; Wilson, W. D.
Structures of 1-(3,3-dimethylamino)propyl naphtho[2,1-<i>b</i>]thiophene-4-carboxylate and <i>N</i>-(3,3-dimethylamino)propyl-8-methoxynaphtho[2,1-<i>b</i>]thiophene-4-carboxamide, intercalators into double-helical DNA
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2511-2513
2000203 CIF
Al3.5 N1.5 Nd3 O12.5 Si2.5P 3 2 17.974; 7.974; 4.875
90; 90; 120
268.45Käll, P.-O.; Grins, J.; Nygren, M.
Structure of the Nd U-phase, Nd~3~Al~3.5~Si~2.5~O~12.5~N~1.5~; a nitrogen-containing phase of the La~3~Ga~5~GeO~14~ structure type
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2015-2019
2000204 CIF
Br2 Cu H12 O12P a -310.324; 10.324; 10.324
90; 90; 90
1100.38Blackburn, A. C.; Gallucci, J. C.; Gerkin, R. E.
Structure of hexaaquacopper(II) bromate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2019-2023
2000205 CIF
C23 H19 Fe N3 O2P 1 21/c 115.02; 7.555; 18.134
90; 112.22; 90
1905Coe, B. J.; Foulon, J.-D.; Hamor, T. A.; Jones, C. J.; McCleverty, J. A.
Synthesis and structure of 4-ferrocenyl-2'-methyl-4'-nitroazobenzene
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2032-2035
2000206 CIF
C14 H21 Cl2 Cu N7 O8P 1 21/n 19.171; 8.999; 26.677
90; 94.08; 90
2196.1Oberhausen, K. J.; Easley, W. D.; Richardson, J. F.; Buchanan, R. M.
Structure of {bis[(1-methylimidazol-2-yl)methyl]amine}(1-methylimidazole)copper(II) diperchlorate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2037-2040
2000207 CIF
C26 H24 O6 TiP 1 21/n 115.739; 7.466; 20.286
90; 97.21; 90
2364.9Bracke, B.; Dang, Y.; Lenstra, A. T. H.; Geise, H. J.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2043-2047
2000208 CIF
C21 H30 N3 Nd O18 S3P 1 21/c 17.73; 13.408; 30.59
90; 94.9; 90
3159Starynowicz, P.
Structure of octaaquasaccharinatoneodymium disaccharinate hydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2063-2065
2000209 CIF
C57 H82 Mn O12 S2P 1 21/c 112.737; 39.46; 12.765
90; 116.4; 90
5746.6Burns, J. H.; Lumetta, G. J.
Complexes of manganese and zinc di-<i>tert</i>-butylnaphthalenesulfonate with cyclohexano-15-crown-5 ether toluene solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2069-2073
2000210 CIF
C57 H82 O3 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 112.766; 39.083; 12.771
90; 116.44; 90
5705.4Burns, J. H.; Lumetta, G. J.
Complexes of manganese and zinc di-<i>tert</i>-butylnaphthalenesulfonate with cyclohexano-15-crown-5 ether toluene solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2069-2073
2000211 CIF
C20 H16 Cl2 Cu S16P -16.623; 9.723; 12.658
85.98; 79.72; 79.95
789.1Bu, X.; Coppens, P.; Lederle, B.; Naughton, M. J.
Structure and conductivity of a new phase of di[3,4;3',4'-bis(ethylenedithio)-2,2',5,5'-tetrathiafulvalenium] dichlorocuprate(I); β-(BEDT-TTF)~2~CuCl~2~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2082-2085
2000212 CIF
C10 H28 Cl4 P4 Pd2P 1 21/c 18.893; 9.712; 12.745
90; 103.38; 90
1070.9Davies, J. A.; Pinkerton, A. A.; Vilmer, M.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2092-2094
2000213 CIF
C4 H12 N2 O8 Pt S2P 1 21/c 19.006; 14.209; 10.908
90; 117.88; 90
1233.8Boström, D.; Strandberg, R.; Norén, B.; Oskarsson, Å.
<i>cis</i>/<i>trans</i> influences on square-planar platinum(II) complexes. Structure of <i>cis</i>-bis(dimethyl sulfoxide)dinitratoplatinum(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2101-2104
2000214 CIF
C8 H14 N3 O6 PP 21 21 216.926; 9.084; 18.602
90; 90; 90
1170.4Symerský, J.; Holý, A.
Structure of 1-(<i>S</i>)-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)cytosine; an antiviral agent
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2104-2107
2000215 CIF
C20 H24 Br N O6C 1 c 127.479; 5.128; 21.811
90; 139.35; 90
2002.2Arrieta, J. M.; Domínguez, E.; Lete, E.; Villa, M. J.; Germain, G.; Vlassi, M.; Prewo, R.; Bieri, J. H.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2115-2118
2000216 CIF
C18 H25 N3 O4P -19.881; 12.687; 15.438
109.65; 90.94; 95.78
1810.7Punte, G.; Rivero, B. E.
Investigation of the geometry of substituted dinitroanilines. III. Structural study of <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dicyclohexyl-2,4-dinitroaniline
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2118-2122
2000217 CIF
C13 H8 F NP b c a22.525; 11.73; 7.568
90; 90; 90
1999.6Gleason, W. B.; Brostrom, M.; Etter, M. C.; Johnson, R. B.
Structure of 4-cyano-4'-fluorobiphenyl
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2131-2134
2000218 CIF
C13 H8 O2P 1 21/n 16.589; 9.784; 14.394
90; 95.69; 90
923.4Fitzgerald, L. J.; Gallucci, J. C.; Gerkin, R. E.; Rawal, V. H.
Structure of 4-dibenzofurancarboxaldehyde, C~13~H~8~O~2~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2134-2137
2000219 CIF
C12 H11 N O4P 1 21/n 113.378; 6.614; 23.04
90; 92.53; 90
2036.6Ammon, H. L.; Paquette, L. A.
Structure of 9-nitro-[4]peristylane-1,5-dione
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2156-2159
2000220 CIF
C12 H11 N3 O6P n a 2111.467; 8.756; 11.9339
90; 90; 90
1198.22Ammon, H. L.; Paquette, L. A.
Structure of 1,5,9-trinitrobishomopentaprismane
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2159-2164
2000221 CIF
C6 H13 N O12 P2P 1 21 17.618; 22.321; 8.311
90; 90.14; 90
1413.2Weichsel, A.; Lis, T.; Kuczek, M.
Structure of ammonium hydrogen bis(phosphoenolpyruvate)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2164-2167
2000222 CIF
C22 H26 N4 O3P 1 21 110.2585; 19.7992; 9.9408
90; 92.009; 90
2017.84Csöregh, I.; Ertan, A.; Moberg, C.; Wärnmark, K.
Structures of novel macrocyclic dipyridylmethaneamides
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2171-2176
2000223 CIF
C22 H26 N4 O3P -110.336; 18.478; 19.048
115.906; 101.773; 98.575
3084.1Csöregh, I.; Ertan, A.; Moberg, C.; Wärnmark, K.
Structures of novel macrocyclic dipyridylmethaneamides
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2171-2176
2000224 CIF
C7 H16 O7C 1 c 120.888; 4.858; 9.221
90; 99.888; 90
921.8Kopf, J.; Morf, M.; Zimmer, B.; Bischoff, M.; Köll, P.
Structure of racemic perseitol (<small>D</small>,<small>L</small>-<i>glycero</i>-<small>D</small>,<small>L</small>-<i>galacto</i>-heptitol)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2186-2188
2000225 CIF
C2 Cs N3C 1 2/c 19.385; 12.702; 8.261
90; 110.94; 90
919.7Starynowicz, P.
Structure of caesium dicyanamide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2198-2199
2000226 CIF
C14 H10 Fe2 O7 S2P 1 21/n 19.023; 12.081; 16.72
90; 97.06; 90
1808.8Liu, X. L.; Chen, H. L.; Miao, F. M.; Song, L. C.; Hu, Q. M.
Structure of an Fe–S cluster complex
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2199-2201
2000227 CIF
C22 H36 Ag2 N8 S4P 1 21/n 112.032; 7.288; 16.933
90; 90.44; 90
1484.8Wang, J.-L.; Sun, M.; Miao, F. M.; Wu, S.-Y.; Gong, F.-S.; Duan, X.-H.
Structure of an inclusion compound of Ag~2~(SCN)~4~ and 5,7,7,12,14,14-hexamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazatricyclo[^4,8^]hexadecane
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2203-2205
2000228 CIF
C10 H8 Cl Cu N O4P b c a8.783; 9.304; 26.993
90; 90; 90
2205.8Wang, J.-L.; Tian, G.-H.; Miao, F. M.; Liu, H.-Q.; Chen, R.-T.
Structure of the complex [<i>N</i>-(<i>p</i>-chlorophenyl)iminodiacetato]copper(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2205-2207
2000229 CIF
C11 H18 Br N3 O2 ZnP 1 21/c 19.129; 14.207; 11.003
90; 102.36; 90
1394Kratochvíl, B.; Ondráček, J.; Novotný, J.; Haber, V.
Structure of a zinc(II) complex with a non-symmetrical tetradentate Schiff base
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2207-2209
2000230 CIF
C6 H18 Cr P3 S6P 21 21 219.107; 9.632; 21.53
90; 90; 90
1888.6Skrzypczak-Jankun, E.; Pinkerton, A. A.
Tris(dimethyldithiophosphinato)chromium(III) ‒ orthorhombic form
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2211-2212
2000231 CIF
C10 H14 Cu N4 O9P -17.702; 9.343; 11.275
99.24; 103.36; 102.08
753.07Mathews, I. I.; Manohar, H.
Redetermination of the structure of triaqua(2,2'-bipyridine)nitratocopper(II) nitrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2213-2214
2000232 CIF
C6 H7 Cl3 TiP -16.862; 6.923; 11.215
82.65; 83.27; 61.3
462.53Kirschbaum, K.; Giolando, D. M.
Structure of trichloro(η^5^-methylcyclopentadienyl)titanium(IV)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2216-2218
2000233 CIF
C11 H10 O2P 1 21/c 117.662; 5.9287; 8.4003
90; 99.857; 90
866.6Prince, P.; Fronczek, F. R.; Gandour, R. D.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2218-2220
2000234 CIF
C24 H20 O6 S2P -18.4835; 11.801; 12.036
82.321; 76.56; 73.261
1119.4Prince, P.; Fronczek, F. R.; Gandour, R. D.
2,7-Naphthalenediyl bis(<i>p</i>-toluenesulfonate)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2220-2222
2000235 CIF
C13 H12 O3P 1 21/c 13.9886; 11.7995; 22.789
90; 92.748; 90
1071.3Prince, P.; Fronczek, F. R.; Gandour, R. D.
Methyl 7-methoxy-2-naphthoate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2226-2227
2000236 CIF
C13 H24 O3 SP 21 21 2111.737; 21.244; 22.932
90; 90; 90
5717.9Declercq, J.-P.; Feneau-Dupont, J.; Huart, C.; Nemery, I.
Structures of (2<i>S</i>,3<i>R</i>)-<i>exo</i>-1,7,7-trimethyl-3-propylsulfonylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol (I) and (2<i>S</i>,3<i>R</i>)-<i>exo</i>-1,3,7,7-tetramethyl-3-propylsulfonylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2234-2236
2000237 CIF
C14 H26 O3 SP 21 21 218.651; 11.92; 14.256
90; 90; 90
1470.1Declercq, J.-P.; Feneau-Dupont, J.; Huart, C.; Nemery, I.
Structures of (2<i>S</i>,3<i>R</i>)-<i>exo</i>-1,7,7-trimethyl-3-propylsulfonylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol (I) and (2<i>S</i>,3<i>R</i>)-<i>exo</i>-1,3,7,7-tetramethyl-3-propylsulfonylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2234-2236
2000238 CIF
C20 H14 N4P 1 21/c 19.434; 6.11; 13.322
90; 105.02; 90
741.7Honey, G. E.; Steel, P. J.
Structures of two modifications of 2,2':4',4'':2'',2'''-quaterpyridine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2247-2249
2000239 CIF
C20 H14 N4P 1 21/n 17.224; 11.53; 8.978
90; 91.21; 90
747.6Honey, G. E.; Steel, P. J.
Structures of two modifications of 2,2':4',4'':2'',2'''-quaterpyridine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2247-2249
2000240 CIF
C37 H40 B N OP 1 21 19.666; 9.933; 16.023
90; 106.01; 90
1478.7King, Jnr, J. A.; Bryant, Jnr, G. L.
Structures of two <i>N</i>-acyl triethyl ammonium salts and one simple triethyl ammonium salt
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2249-2252
2000241 CIF
C13 H20 B F4 N O2P 1 21/c 19.196; 13.442; 12.718
90; 104.46; 90
1522.3King, Jnr, J. A.; Bryant, Jnr, G. L.
Structures of two <i>N</i>-acyl triethyl ammonium salts and one simple triethyl ammonium salt
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2249-2252
2000242 CIF
C30 H36 B NP 1 21/m 19.282; 14.338; 9.551
90; 109.71; 90
1196.6King, Jnr, J. A.; Bryant, Jnr, G. L.
Structures of two <i>N</i>-acyl triethyl ammonium salts and one simple triethyl ammonium salt
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2249-2252
2000243 CIF
C10 H6 N2 O4P -17.5552; 7.763; 9.073
110.742; 99.57; 100.309
474.12Ammon, H. L.
Structure of 1,3-dinitronaphthalene
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2252-2254
2000244 CIF
Br2 H12 Ni O12P a -310.2987; 10.2987; 10.2987
90; 90; 90
1092.31Blackburn, A. C.; Gallucci, J. C.; Gerkin, R. E.
Structure of hexaaquanickel(II) bromate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1786-1789
2000246 CIF
Ge Mn O3R -3 :H5.0148; 5.0148; 14.324
90; 90; 120
360.22Ross, N. L.; Reynard, B.; Guyot, F.
Structure of high-pressure MnGeO~3~ ilmenite
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1794-1796
2000247 CIF
C16 H12 O5P 21 21 213.85; 23.73; 13.667
90; 90; 90
1248.6Ulický, L.; Kožíšek, J.; Ječný, J.
Structure of an anthracene derivative
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1879-1881
2000248 CIF
C25 H18 Cl2 OI 1 2/a 123.95; 6.55; 26.59
90; 96.4; 90
4145Barnes, J. C.; Horspool, W. M.; Mackie, F. I.
6,6-Dichloro-1-methyl-3,4,5-triphenylbicyclo[3.1.0]hex-3-en-2-one and 3-chloro-2-methyl-4,5,6-triphenylphenol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1881-1885
2000249 CIF
C25 H19 Cl OP 1 21/n 112.211; 26.5; 12.477
90; 99.12; 90
3986Barnes, J. C.; Horspool, W. M.; Mackie, F. I.
6,6-Dichloro-1-methyl-3,4,5-triphenylbicyclo[3.1.0]hex-3-en-2-one and 3-chloro-2-methyl-4,5,6-triphenylphenol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1881-1885
2000250 CIF
C10 H16 O4P 1 21 113.107; 11.828; 7.74
90; 109.93; 90
1128.1Barnes, J. C.; Paton, J. D.; Blyth, C. S.; Howie, R. A.
Camphoric acid and ammonium hydrogen camphorate monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1888-1892
2000251 CIF
C10 H21 N O5P 3213.013; 13.013; 6.326
90; 90; 120
927.7Barnes, J. C.; Paton, J. D.; Blyth, C. S.; Howie, R. A.
Camphoric acid and ammonium hydrogen camphorate monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1888-1892
2000252 CIF
C20 H16 O2P 1 21/n 112.69; 6.14; 19.66
90; 106.74; 90
1466.9Badejo, I. T.; Fry, J. L.; Karaman, R.; Nadkarni, D.; Pinkerton, A. A.
9-(Cyclohepta-2,4,6-trien-1-yl)xanthen-9-ol. X-ray crystal structure and computationally optimized structures compared
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1895-1898
2000253 CIF
C5 H6 O S4P 1 21/c 18.975; 14.727; 13.151
90; 93.46; 90
1735.1Mogensen, P. K.; Simonsen, O.; Wainwright, C. E.; Underhill, A. E.
Structures of 4,5-bis(methylthio)-3<i>H</i>-1,2-dithiole-3-thione and 1,2-dithiole-3-thione[5,4-<i>b</i>]-5,6-dihydro-1,4-dithiin
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1905-1908
2000254 CIF
C5 H4 S5P 1 21/c 112.099; 17.613; 8.201
90; 108.43; 90
1658Mogensen, P. K.; Simonsen, O.; Wainwright, C. E.; Underhill, A. E.
Structures of 4,5-bis(methylthio)-3<i>H</i>-1,2-dithiole-3-thione and 1,2-dithiole-3-thione[5,4-<i>b</i>]-5,6-dihydro-1,4-dithiin
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1905-1908
2000255 CIF
C12 H13 N3 OP -16.678; 9.635; 9.947
114.79; 106.01; 90.39
553Bird, C. W.; Nyburg, S. C.; Parkins, A. W.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1943-1945
2000256 CIF
C24 H19 N O2 P Rh SP -19.127; 9.371; 14.893
85.665; 79.203; 62.109
1105.8Basson, S. S.; Leipoldt, J. G.; Roodt, A.; Preston, H.
Structure of carbonyl(2-pyridinethiolato <i>N</i>-oxide-κ<i>O</i>,κ<i>S</i>)(triphenylphosphine)rhodium(I)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1961-1963
2000257 CIF
C42 H47 Li2 O13P 1 21/n 19.97; 9.9; 19.79
90; 102.09; 90
1910Sachleben, R. A.; Burns, J. H.
Lithium dibenzo-14-crown-4-acetate–ethanol (2/1)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1968-1969
2000258 CIF
C28 H40 O4 SnP 1 21/n 112.07; 9.976; 22.76
90; 91.6; 90
2739Garbauskas, M. F.; Wengrovius, J. H.
Structure of dibutanidobis(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoato)tin
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1969-1971
2000259 CIF
C12 H12 F N O2P 1 21/c 16.623; 10.81; 15.297
90; 96.82; 90
1087.4Kwiatkowski, W.; Karolak-Wojciechowska, J.
Structure of <i>N</i>-ethyl-<i>m</i>-fluorophenylsuccinimide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1978-1980
2000260 CIF
C13 H18 N2 O3P 1 21/c 111.196; 16.49; 7.733
90; 108.64; 90
1352.8Shoja, M.; Saba, S.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1994-1996
2000261 CIF
C10 H14 F3 N O3 SP c a 219.324; 12.038; 11.252
90; 90; 90
1263Tinant, B.; Declercq, J.-P.; Maliverney, C.; Viehe, H. G.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2000-2002
2000262 CIF
C19 H29 N S SiP 1 21/n 110.428; 24.094; 16.197
90; 98.5; 90
4024.8Tinant, B.; Declercq, J.-P.; Roekens, B.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2007-2008
2000263 CIF
C14 H10 N4P b c n16.439; 9.448; 7.478
90; 90; 90
1161.5Huang, N.-T.; Pennington, W. T.; Petersen, J. D.
Structure of 2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2011-2012
2000264 CIF
C4 H22 N8 O15 S2 ThC 1 2/c 116.17; 8.15; 32.01
90; 93.52; 90
4210Habash, J.; Beddoes, R. L.; Smith, A. J.
Structure of aquabis(sulfato)tetrakis(urea)thorium(IV) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1595-1597
2000265 CIF
C6 H12 Ca O14 P2P -15.424; 5.594; 12.078
83; 85.73; 85.18
361.7Lis, T.; Kuczek, M.
Structure of calcium bis(phosphoenolpyruvate) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1598-1600
2000266 CIF
C11 H23 Co Na O9 P3P n a 2118.195; 9.436; 11.316
90; 90; 90
1942.8Kläui, W.; Matt, D.; Balegroune, F.; Grandjean, D.
Structure of an organometallic polymer, [Na{(η^5^-C~5~H~5~)Co[P(O)(OMe)~2~]~3~}]~<i>n~</i>
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1614-1617
2000267 CIF
C10 H10 Cl Cu N4 O3.5P 1 21/a 17.382; 21.494; 8.032
90; 94.26; 90
1270.9Mathews, I. I.; Manohar, H.
Structure of a monochloro bridged polymeric copper(II)-di-2-pyridylamine complex: [Cu(dipyam)Cl(NO~3~)].0.5H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1621-1624
2000268 CIF
C12 H12 N2 O4P -16.793; 7.209; 11.405
88.77; 89.06; 74.62
538.4Baggett, N.; Case, M. A.; Foulon, J.-D.; Gray, C. J.; Hamor, T. A.
The rearrangement of coumarin-4-acethydrazides. Structure of 1-amino-4-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-2,6(1<i>H</i>,3<i>H</i>)-pyridinedione
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1670-1672
2000269 CIF
C14 H20 N2 O6P 1 21/c 111.348; 4.854; 14.629
90; 99.87; 90
793.89Główka, M. L.
Structure of the 4-oxo-2-butenoic acid alkyl ester moiety. III. Structures of diethyl <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-(ethylenediamino)bis(4-oxo-2-butenoate) and propyl 4-oxo-4-ureido-2-butenoate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1680-1683
2000270 CIF
C8 H12 N2 O4P c c n39.365; 10.147; 9.937
90; 90; 90
3969.2Główka, M. L.
Structure of the 4-oxo-2-butenoic acid alkyl ester moiety. III. Structures of diethyl <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-(ethylenediamino)bis(4-oxo-2-butenoate) and propyl 4-oxo-4-ureido-2-butenoate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1680-1683
2000271 CIF
As2 H4 O9 VP 4/n c c9.131; 9.131; 8.146
90; 90; 90
679.2Wang, S.-L.; Lee, W.-C.
Structure of vanadyl(IV) dihydrogenarsenate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1709-1711
2000272 CIF
C19 H46 Cl2 Fe2 Mo3 N6 O13P b c a15.239; 16.376; 28.964
90; 90; 90
7228.1Lettko, K.; Liu, S.; Zubieta, J.
Structure of [<i>L</i>Fe(μ-MoO~4~)~3~Fe<i>L</i>].CH~2~Cl~2~.H~2~O (<i>L</i> = 1,4,7-trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1723-1725
2000273 CIF
C18 H30 Ni O22P -16.671; 6.683; 16.357
93.1; 92.85; 117.69
642.46Pech, R.; Pickardt, J.
Hexaaquanickel(II) bis[1,2,3-benzenetricarboxylate(1‒)] tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1731-1732
2000274 CIF
C4 H10 Mn O6P 1 21/c 18.982; 9.155; 16.514
90; 114.18; 90
1238.8Cheng, C.-Y.; Wang, S.-L.
Structure of manganese acetate dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1734-1736
2000275 CIF
C11 H8 Br N3 OP -17.827; 9.796; 15.548
76.53; 75.4; 74.36
1093.4Cody, V.; Wojtczak, A.
Structure of 6-oxo-1,6-dihydro-3,4'-bipyridine-5-carbonitrile hydrogen bromide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1742-1744
2000276 CIF
C20 H16 N4C 1 2/c 116.474; 13.132; 7.638
90; 99.24; 90
1630.9Woźniak, K.
Structure of 2,3-di(2-pyridyl)-6,7-dimethylquinoxaline
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1761-1763
2000277 CIF
C8 I2 Mn2 O8P 1 21/c 19.759; 12.252; 13.017
90; 108.65; 90
1474.7Davies, J. A.; El-Ghanam, M.; Pinkerton, A. A.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1356-1358
2000278 CIF
C39 H33 Br2 N O Os P2P 21 21 2113.278; 24.462; 10.823
90; 90; 90
3515Robinson, P. D.; Ali, I. A.; Hinckley, C. C.
Structures of <i>c</i>-acetonitrile-<i>ab</i>-dibromo-<i>d</i>-carbonyl-<i>ef</i>-bis(triphenylphosphine)osmium(2+) and <i>b</i>-acetonitrile-<i>af</i>-dibromo-<i>d</i>-carbonyl-<i>ce</i>-bis(triphenylphosphine)osmium(2+)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1397-1401
2000279 CIF
C39 H33 Br2 N O Os P2P 1 21/n 110.326; 15.461; 22.961
90; 91.15; 90
3665Robinson, P. D.; Ali, I. A.; Hinckley, C. C.
Structures of <i>c</i>-acetonitrile-<i>ab</i>-dibromo-<i>d</i>-carbonyl-<i>ef</i>-bis(triphenylphosphine)osmium(2+) and <i>b</i>-acetonitrile-<i>af</i>-dibromo-<i>d</i>-carbonyl-<i>ce</i>-bis(triphenylphosphine)osmium(2+)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1397-1401
2000280 CIF
C12 H7 F N2C 1 2/c 111.296; 8.471; 18.889
90; 98.83; 90
1786Hökelek, T.
Structural investigations of benzo[<i>c</i>]cinnoline derivatives. III. Structure of 2-fluorobenzo[<i>c</i>]cinnoline
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1432-1434
2000281 CIF
C10 H15 N3 O5P 1 21 15.632; 14.636; 13.914
90; 90.57; 90
1146.9Padmaja, N.; Ramakumar, S.; Viswamitra, M. A.
Structure of 5-methylcytidine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1445-1448
2000282 CIF
C30 H40 N2 O10P -110.154; 11.82; 15.038
96.02; 107.54; 110.34
1569Stensland, B.; Batt, J.-P.; Lamouri, A.; Godfroid, J.-J.
Platelet activating factor antagonists. Structure of <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-bis(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoyl)-2-piperazinylmethyl 2,2-dimethylpropanoate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1453-1457
2000283 CIF
C11 H11 N O4P 1 21/c 110.28; 15.45; 6.752
90; 95.88; 90
1067Bałczewski, P.; Beddoes, R. L.; Joule, J. A.
Structure of methyl 1,3-dihydro-4-methyl-3-oxofuro[3,4-<i>b</i>]pyridin-1-ylacetate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1457-1460
2000284 CIF
C12 H8 Br FP 1 21/c 19.709; 13.311; 17.487
90; 116.29; 90
2026.2Gleason, W. B.; Brostrom, M.; Etter, M. C.; Johnson, R. B.
Structure of 4-bromo-4'-fluorobiphenyl
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1473-1476
2000285 CIF
C31 H41 N O3P c a 2110.397; 23.018; 11.667
90; 90; 90
2792Luss, H. R.; Texter, J.
Structure of <i>N</i>-{4-[2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl)phenoxy]butyl}-1-hydroxy-2-naphthalenecarboxamide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1491-1493
2000286 CIF
C7 H16 O7P 1 21 14.748; 8.362; 11.428
90; 92.01; 90
453.4Kopf, J.; Köll, P.; Angyal, S. J.
Structure of <small>D</small>-<i>glycero</i>-<small>L</small>-<i>galacto</i>-heptitol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1503-1506
2000287 CIF
C17 H22 N2 O5P 21 21 215.005; 17.69; 18.7
90; 90; 90
1656Krause, J. A.; Eggleston, D. S.
Proline conformations in linear peptides. Structure determination of the methyl ester of <i>N</i>-benzyloxycarbonyl-<small>L</small>-prolyl-<small>D</small>-alanine (<i>N</i>-Z-<small>L</small>-Pro-<small>D</small>-Ala-OMe)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1508-1512
2000288 CIF
C14 H22 Br N5 O4P -17.1738; 10.11; 13.394
70.34; 75.61; 79.34
880.6Kivekäs, R.; Sundberg, M. R.; Ruiz, J.; Colacio, E.
6-Amino-1,3-dimethyl-5-(2-ethylphenylazonio)uracil bromide dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1512-1515
2000289 CIF
C14 H12 N2 O4P 1 21/c 110.385; 16.419; 7.539
90; 106.73; 90
1231.1Street, J. D.; Mills, O. S.; Joule, J. A.
Structure of 1-acetyl-7,8-dimethoxypyrrolo[2,3,4-<i>ij</i>]isoquinolin-2(1<i>H</i>)-one
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1523-1525
2000290 CIF
C1.65 Al0.35 Ca1.6 Co O5 Pr0.37P n m a5.2789; 14.998; 5.4868
90; 90; 90
434.41Lee, J. Y.; Swinnea, J. S.; Steinfink, H.
(Ca~1{-~<i>x</i>}Pr~<i>x~</i>)~2~(Co~1{-~<i>y</i>}Al~<i>y~</i>)~2~O~5~, a brownmillerite structure
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1532-1534
2000291 CIF
C10 H7 Br2 N3 Pt SP 1 21/n 110.09; 7.578; 16.454
90; 103.92; 90
1221.2Rong, M.; Muir, M. M.; Cádiz, M. E.; Muir, J. A.
Structure of a platinum(II) complex with a ligand containing thiazole and benzimidazole
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1539-1541
2000292 CIF
C21 H39 N S3P -15.7017; 9.404; 22.104
91.45; 93.17; 104.17
1146.4Hjorth, M.; Thorup, N.; Jørgensen, M.; Bechgaard, K.
Structure of 2-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dimethylamino-5-hexadecyl-1,3-dithiolium-4-thiolate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1548-1550
2000293 CIF
C20 H22 N4 O2P 1 21/c 112.768; 7.416; 19.206
90; 98.71; 90
1797.6Leban, I.; Svete, J.; Stanovnik, B.; Tišler, M.
Structure of the 1:1 adduct of 2-phenyl-4-(4,6-dimethyl-2-pyrimidinyl)aminomethylene-5(4<i>H</i>)-oxazolone and acetic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1552-1554
2000294 CIF
C27 H32 N2 O7P 111.076; 11.314; 12.155
104.41; 102.02; 89.37
1441.6Driessen, R. A. J.; Fraanje, J.
Structure of methyl (4a<i>S</i>,5<i>R</i>,7a<i>R</i>,11a<i>R</i>,12a<i>S</i>)-2-benzyl-2,3,4,4a,5,6,7,7a,8,10,11a,12-dodecahydro-7,7-(ethylenedioxy)-1,9-dioxooxazolo[3',4':1,2]pyrrolo[5,4-<i>i</i>]isoquinoline-5-carboxylate toluene (2/1)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1554-1557
2000295 CIF
C48 H66 N4 O11P 1 21 110.2759; 22.353; 10.4051
90; 106.502; 90
2291.6Lynch, V. M.; Stamford, A.; Magnus, P.; Davis, B. E.
Structure of 18'-epivinblastine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1563-1566
2000296 CIF
C23 H31 N O2P 21 21 218.813; 9.043; 25.643
90; 90; 90
2043.6Lynch, V. M.; Yaser, H. K.; Whitesell, J. K.; Davis, B. E.
The structure at 198 K of (1<i>R</i>,5<i>R</i>,15<i>R</i>,16<i>R</i>)-5-isopropenyl-2-methyl-1-[<i>N</i>-(<i>trans</i>-2-phenylcyclohexyloxycarbonyl)amino]-2-cyclohexene
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1566-1568
2000297 CIF
C23 H31 Cl O4P 21 21 2113.155; 13.397; 12.369
90; 90; 90
2179.9Wawrzak, Z.; Grochulski, P.; Galdecki, Z.; Griffin, J. F.; Strong, P. D.; Duax, W. L.
Structure of 6α-chloro-3,20-dioxo-4-pregnen-17α-yl acetate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1568-1570
2000298 CIF
H10 I K2 Na O10P -16.7201; 7.3601; 10.7671
97.607; 108.002; 93.935
498.62Kellersohn, T.
Structure of potassium sodium orthoperiodate(VII) tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1133-1136
2000299 CIF
C10 H12 Ni S8I b a 213.058; 16.153; 7.585
90; 90; 90
1599.9Geiser, U.; Tytko, S. F.; Allen, T. J.; Wang, H. H.; Kini, A. M.; Williams, J. M.
Structure of bis(2,3-dimercapto-6,7-dihydro-5<i>H</i>-1,4-dithiepin)nickel(IV) at 295 and 109 K
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1164-1167
2000300 CIF
C10 H12 Ni S8I b a 213.027; 16.042; 7.486
90; 90; 90
1564.4Geiser, U.; Tytko, S. F.; Allen, T. J.; Wang, H. H.; Kini, A. M.; Williams, J. M.
Structure of bis(2,3-dimercapto-6,7-dihydro-5<i>H</i>-1,4-dithiepin)nickel(IV) at 295 and 109 K
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1164-1167
2000301 CIF
C18 H15 F6 Fe O2 PP 1 21/c 17.976; 8.959; 24.936
90; 99; 90
1759.9Abboud, K. A.; Simonsen, S. H.; Piórko, A.; Sutherland, R. G.
Structure of (η^5^-cyclopentadienyl)(1,2,3,4,4a,10a-η^6^-2-methyldibenzo[<i>b</i>,<i>e</i>][1,4]dioxine)iron(II) hexafluorophosphate at 163 K
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1198-1202
2000302 CIF
C14 H16 N10 Ni S2P b c a15.415; 16.422; 15.535
90; 90; 90
3933Koman, M.; Jóna, E.; Mašlejová, A.
Structural investigations of nickel(II) complexes. IX. Structure of tetrakis(imidazole)bis(isothiocyanato)nickel(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1206-1208
2000303 CIF
C21 H29 N3 O7 SP -18.429; 11.271; 12.606
76.302; 78.32; 78.227
1124Eliopoulos, E.; Sheldrick, B.; Hamodrakas, S.
4,5-Dimethoxy-2-[3-(1,4-oxazinan-4-yl)-3-oxopropyl]-<i>N</i>-(2-pyridyl)benzenesulfonamide methanol solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1212-1215
2000304 CIF
C24 H36 O11P 1 21 110.819; 6.591; 18.044
90; 92.91; 90
1285Sun, K.-L.; Chan, J. A.; Baures, P. W.; Eggleston, D. S.
Paucin methanolate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1253-1256
2000305 CIF
C21 H25 N OP 21 21 2110.071; 19.218; 19.406
90; 90; 90
3756Alcock, N. W.; Richards, C. J.; Thomas, S. E.
Structure of a chiral amide derived from a (vinylketenimine)tricarbonyliron(0) complex
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1261-1263
2000306 CIF
C32 H30 Cu F6 N4 O6 S2P -19.637; 9.82; 11.505
73.4; 65.41; 69.29
913.7Gou, S.-H.; You, X.-Z.; Xu, Z.; Zhou, Z.-Y.; Yu, K.-B.; Yu, Y.-P.; Zhu, D.-L.
Structure of <i>catena</i>-poly{bis[4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(2-thienyl)-1,3-butanedionato-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>']copper-μ-(4,4'-bipyridine)-κ<i>N</i>:κ<i>N</i>'}–<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dimethylformamide (1/2)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1303-1305
2000307 CIF
C18 H44 Al4 N4P -17.978; 9.428; 9.627
75.46; 67.86; 73.84
635.5Self, M. F.; Pennington, W. T.; Robinson, G. H.
Structure of a second polymorph of [Al(CH~3~)]~2~[14]aneN~4~[Al(CH~3~)~3~]~2~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1309-1310
2000308 CIF
C37 H56 O10 Os3 P2 PtP 1 21/c 110.678; 15.924; 27.237
90; 100.92; 90
4547.4Farrugia, L. J.
Structure of 1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4-decacarbonyl-1,2:3,4-di-μ-hydrido-1-tricyclohexylphosphine-3-triisopropylphosphineplatinumtriosmium(2 <i>Pt</i>‒<i>Os</i>)(3 <i>Os</i>‒<i>Os</i>)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1310-1312
2000309 CIF
C15 H35 Br2 N3 Ni O4P 21 21 219.7046; 13.742; 16.285
90; 90; 90
2171.8Farrugia, L. J.; Peacock, R. D.
Structure of 1,4,7-tris[(2<i>S</i>)-2-hydroxypropyl]-1,4,7-triazacyclononanenickel(II) dibromide monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1312-1313
2000310 CIF
C20 H20 O4P 1 21/c 112.514; 15.067; 9.588
90; 107.47; 90
1724.4Mullica, D. F.; Belew, J. S.; Sappenfield, E. L.; Leschnitzer, D. H.
Structure of ethyl 3'-ethyl-6-methoxy-5'-oxo-1,2-cyclopent-1',3'-dienonaphthalene-4'-acetate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1330-1332
2000311 CIF
C15 H16 O4 SP b c a5.9496; 11.483; 40.262
90; 90; 90
2750.7Lynch, V. M.; Daniel, D.; Martin, S. F.; Davis, B. E.
Structure of (±)-3-benzyloxy-2,3,3a,7a-tetrahydrobenzo[<i>b</i>]thiophen-5(4<i>H</i>)-one 1,1-dioxide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1340-1342
2000312 CIF
C47 H66 N4 O12P 1 21 18.2878; 31.018; 9.2267
90; 105.211; 90
2288.8Lynch, V. M.; Stamford, A.; Magnus, P.; Davis, B. E.
Structure of a novel bisindole derivative
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1342-1345
2000313 CIF
C25 H35 N O4P 21 21 219.359; 10.117; 24.71
90; 90; 90
2339.7Lynch, V. M.; Austin, R. E.; Martin, S. F.; George, T.
Determination of the absolute configuration of a novel dipeptide isostere
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1345-1347
2000314 CIF
C11 H13 N O SP 1 21/c 18.433; 12.932; 10.503
90; 111.77; 90
1063.7Yeap, G.-Y.; Fun, H.-K.; Teo, S.-B.; Teoh, S.-G.
Structure of 1-(2-methyl-2,3-dihydrobenzothiazol-2-yl)-2-propanone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1347-1348
2000315 CIF
C10 H10 Br2 Cu N8 OP c c n8.886; 15.025; 11.928
90; 90; 90
1592.5van Albada, G. A.; de Graaff, R. A. G.; Haasnoot, J. G.; Schild, J.; Reedijk, J.
Structure of aquadibromobis(1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-<i>a</i>]pyrimidine-<i>N</i>3)copper(II), a one-dimensional alternating copper(II)^{···^} oxygen array
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 946-949
2000316 CIF
C16 H32 Cu2 N6 O4P 1 21/c 111.586; 7.279; 13.742
90; 96.02; 90
1152.5Zukerman-Schpector, J.; Castellano, E. E.; De Simone, C. A.; Oliva, G.; Mauro, A. E.
Structure of di-μ-cyanato-bis[cyanato(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-diethylethylenediamine)copper(II)], [Cu(NCO)~2~(diEten)]~2~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 957-959
2000317 CIF
C16 H15 Cl3 O TeP b c n18.829; 8.809; 20.969
90; 90; 90
3478Zukerman-Schpector, J.; Castellano, E. E.; Oliva, G.; Comasseto, J. V.; Stefani, H. A.
Structure of dichloro[(<i>Z</i>)-2-chloro-2-<i>p</i>-tolylvinyl](<i>p</i>-methoxyphenyl)tellurium(VI)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 960-962
2000318 CIF
C3 H11 Cl2 N2 O P PtI 1 2/c 117.696; 7.175; 17.155
90; 117.15; 90
1938.2Macíček, J.; Angelova, O.; Dodoff, N.
Structure of <i>cis</i>-dichloro[methylphosphinylidenebis(methylamine-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')]platinum(II) hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 971-973
2000319 CIF
C20 H28 O2P 1 21 110.697; 11.467; 14.229
90; 98.86; 90
1724.5Reynolds, W. F.; Lough, A. J.; Sawyer, J. F.; Enriquez, R. G.; Ortiz, B.; Walls, F.
Structure of (4α)-kaura-9(11),16-dien-18-oic acid (grandiflorenic acid), an active ingredient of the Mexican medicinal plant zoapatle
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 973-977
2000320 CIF
C24 H32 N4 O3P 1 21/c 115.74; 17.279; 8.757
90; 101.67; 90
2332.4Główka, M. L.; Codding, P. W.
Structure of <i>N</i>-[4-hydroxy-3,5-bis(1-pyrrolidinylmethyl)phenyl]-<i>N</i>'-(4-methoxyphenyl)urea
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1038-1040
2000321 CIF
C17 H24 OP 1 21/c 110.313; 14.292; 10.6086
90; 99.135; 90
1543.8De Ridder, D. J. A.; Schenk, H.
Crystal studies of musk compounds. III. Structures of 6-acetyl-1,1,2,3,3,5-hexamethylindan (musk phantolid) (I) and 6-acetyl-3-isopropyl-1,1,3,5-tetramethylindan (II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1044-1047
2000322 CIF
La2 O4 Se SiP b c m6.279; 7.306; 11.177
90; 90; 90
512.7Brennan, T. D.; Ibers, J. A.
Lanthanum orthosilicate selenide, La~2~SeSiO~4~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1062-1064
2000323 CIF
C18 H27 Au Cl PP 21 21 218.476; 13.747; 15.951
90; 90; 90
1858.6Muir, J. A.; Cuadrado, S. I.; Muir, M. M.
Structure of chloro(dicyclohexylphenylphosphine)gold(I)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1072-1074
2000324 CIF
C18 H18 F12 Ni O6P 42/m n m8.524; 8.524; 17.452
90; 90; 90
1268Cervantes-Lee, F.; Porter, L. C.
Structure of bis(hexafluoroacetylacetonato)bis(tetrahydrofuran)nickel(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1076-1077
2000325 CIF
C20 H24 O4P 21 21 2111.688; 15.377; 9.466
90; 90; 90
1701.3Duax, W. L.; Duax, S. J.; Strong, P. D.
Structure of 3-hydroxy-17-oxoestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-11β-yl acetate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1094-1096
2000326 CIF
C18 H22 O2P 1 21 19.527; 11.182; 7.078
90; 108.45; 90
715.3Duax, W. L.; Griffin, J. F.; Strong, P. D.
Structure of 9β-estrone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1096-1097
2000327 CIF
C13 H16 O3P c a 2114.358; 9.297; 9.011
90; 90; 90
1202.8Zukerman-Schpector, J.; De Simone, C. A.; Castellano, E. E.; Oliva, G.; Tercio, J.; Ferreira, B.; Catani, V.
Structure of 6,7-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethyl-2<i>H</i>-chromene, a natural precocene
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1111-1113
2000328 CIF
C12 H8 N2P 1 21/n 17.083; 5.072; 12.794
90; 102.34; 90
449Woźniak, K.; Kariuki, B.; Jones, W.
Structure of phenazine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1113-1114
2000329 CIF
C38 H56 N2 O9P 1 21 18.7302; 15.597; 14.463
90; 104.797; 90
1904Lynch, V. M.; Lee, W.-C.; Martin, S. F.; Davis, B. E.
Structure of a fully protected seco-erythronolide B acid derivative
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 1117-1120
2000330 CIF
C54 H55 Fe3 O20P -111.591; 13.308; 20.154
96.91; 96.95; 114.1
2767.1Lynch, V. M.; Sibert, J. W.; Sessler, J. L.; Davis, B. E.
Structure of aqua-hexakis(μ~2~-benzoato)-bis(methanol)-μ~3~-oxo-triiron(III) benzoate ethanol methanol solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 866-869
2000331 CIF
C27 H29 Cu N3 O4P 1 21/c 111.03; 10.29; 25.03
90; 116.8; 90
2536Breuer, S. W.; Small, R. W. H.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 871-872
2000332 CIF
C16 H16 Cl4 Co N4 OP -17.439; 7.561; 20.104
94.11; 90.95; 117.57
998.2Lindroos, S.; Lumme, P.
Structure of di(quinoxalinium) tetrachlorocobaltate(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 872-874
2000333 CIF
C30 H59 Cl P2 PtP -19.986; 12.998; 14.17
106.18; 94.18; 91.59
1759.5Mullica, D. F.; Sappenfield, E. L.; Leschnitzer, D. H.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 874-876
2000334 CIF
C28 H24P b c a6.694; 17.498; 34.959
90; 90; 90
4094.8Abboud, K. A.; Simonsen, S. H.; Prasad, R. S.; Roberts, R. M.
Structure of <i>cis</i>-9,10-dibenzyl-9,10-dihydroanthracene at 193 K
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 880-882
2000335 CIF
C20 H22 N2 O4P 1 21/c 110.5052; 16.442; 10.3415
90; 95.358; 90
1778.4Lynch, V. M.; Mortimore, M.; Martin, S. F.; Davis, B. E.
Structure of (±)-7(<i>S</i>)-16-deformyl-21-oxogeissoschizine‒oxindole
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 908-910
2000336 CIF
C20 H26 O8P 21 21 2110.667; 10.7972; 16.509
90; 90; 90
1901.4Lynch, V. M.; Zinke, P. W.; Martin, S. F.; Davis, B. E.
Structure of a key intermediate in the asymmetric synthesis of (+)-KDO
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 910-912
2000337 CIF
Bi Mo Na O4I 41/a :15.2717; 5.2717; 11.5801
90; 90; 90
321.82Teller, R. G.
Refinement of some Na~0.5{-~<i>x</i>}<i>M</i>'~0.5+<i>x~/3</i>\σquare ~2<i>x~/3</i>MoO~4~, <i>M</i>' = Bi, Ce, La, scheelite structures with powder neutron and X-ray diffraction data
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2101-2104
2000338 CIF
Bi Mo Na O4I 41/a :15.2785; 5.2785; 11.641
90; 90; 90
324.348Teller, R. G.
Refinement of some Na~0.5{-~<i>x</i>}<i>M</i>'~0.5+<i>x~/3</i>\σquare ~2<i>x~/3</i>MoO~4~, <i>M</i>' = Bi, Ce, La, scheelite structures with powder neutron and X-ray diffraction data
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2101-2104
2000339 CIF
Ce Mo Na O4I 41/a :15.3167; 5.3167; 11.66
90; 90; 90
329.6Teller, R. G.
Refinement of some Na~0.5{-~<i>x</i>}<i>M</i>'~0.5+<i>x~/3</i>\σquare ~2<i>x~/3</i>MoO~4~, <i>M</i>' = Bi, Ce, La, scheelite structures with powder neutron and X-ray diffraction data
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2101-2104
2000340 CIF
La Mo Na O4I 41/a :15.3424; 5.3424; 11.7376
90; 90; 90
335.01Teller, R. G.
Refinement of some Na~0.5{-~<i>x</i>}<i>M</i>'~0.5+<i>x~/3</i>\σquare ~2<i>x~/3</i>MoO~4~, <i>M</i>' = Bi, Ce, La, scheelite structures with powder neutron and X-ray diffraction data
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2101-2104
2000341 CIF
Co3 H4 O10 P2P 1 21/c 17.524; 7.512; 7.395
90; 117.88; 90
369.45Effenberger, H.
Structure refinement of Co~3~(OH)~2~(PO~3~OH)~2~ and Co[PO~2~(OH)~2~]~2~.2H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2104-2107
2000342 CIF
Co H8 O10 P2P 1 21/n 17.268; 9.886; 5.331
90; 94.86; 90
381.66Effenberger, H.
Structure refinement of Co~3~(OH)~2~(PO~3~OH)~2~ and Co[PO~2~(OH)~2~]~2~.2H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2104-2107
2000343 CIF
Al Co F7 Na2C 1 2/c 112.3777; 7.21; 24.0192
90; 99.67; 90
2113.09Gravereau, P.; Boireau, A.; Dance, J. M.; Trut, L.; Tressaud, A.
Structure of the cobalt weberite Na~2~CoAlF~7~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2108-2111
2000344 CIF
C16 H15 Cl Cu N4 O8P -19.105; 9.588; 11.753
78.21; 80.45; 69.72
937Muñoz, M. C.; Ruiz, R.; Mollar, M.; Lloret, F.; Julve, M.; Solans, X.
Structure of methanol(nitrato)(2,2':6',2''-terpyridyl)copper(II) perchlorate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2111-2114
2000345 CIF
C25.5 H23 Au Cl2 P2 SeP 1 21/c 19.79; 18.05; 15.118
90; 105.86; 90
2569.8Jones, P. G.; Thöne, C.
Chloro[diphenyl(diphenylphosphino-κ<i>P</i>-methyl)phosphine selenide]gold(I) dichloromethane hemisolvate at 178 K
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2114-2116
2000346 CIF
C17 H23 Ir O SP -113.694; 16.519; 7.74
102.51; 103.43; 81.1
1652.5Chen, J.; Daniels, L. M.; Angelici, R. J.
Structure of a ring-opened 2,5-dimethylthiophene complex, (η^5^C~5~Me~5~)Ir(CO)(<i>C</i>,<i>S</i>-Me~2~C~4~H~2~S)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2120-2122
2000347 CIF
C16 H8 Cu N2 O4P -16.545; 10.235; 12.174
74.4; 85.02; 78.64
769.6Cueto, S.; Rys, P.; Straumann, H.-P.; Gramlich, V.; Rys, F. S.
Structure of copper(II) 3-cyanobenzoate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2122-2124
2000348 CIF
C8 H12 Cl4 N4 SnP 1 21/a 17.408; 14.318; 7.188
90; 112.59; 90
703.9Casellato, U.; Graziani, R.; Sánchez González, A.
Structure of dichlorobis(2-chloroimidazole)dimethyltin(IV)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2125-2126
2000349 CIF
C78 H98 Cl12 Gd4 N12 O24P -112.488; 14.198; 16.848
66.65; 69.65; 86.66
2560.4Smith, P. H.; Ryan, R. R.
Structure of a gadolinium hexaaza macrocycle complex with a Gd~2~(OAc)~8~ counterion
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2127-2130
2000350 CIF
C41 H38 Co O P3 SP 1 21 111.163; 15.499; 10.427
90; 94.18; 90
1799.2Wei, G.; Huang, Z.; Lei, X.; Cao, R.; Jiang, F.; Hong, M.; Liu, H.
Structure of [bis(2-diphenylphosphinoethyl)phenylphosphine-<i>P</i>,<i>P</i>,<i>P</i>]carbonyl(phenylthiolato)cobalt(I), [Co{Ph~2~PCH~2~CH~2~P(Ph)CH~2~CH~2~PPh~2~}(SPh)(CO)]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2130-2132
2000351 CIF
C4 H22 O18 P4 SrC 1 2/c 118.411; 12.769; 8.323
90; 100.72; 90
1922.5Rochdaoui, R.; Silvestre, J.-P.; Quy Dao, Nguyen; Lee, M.-R.; Neuman, A.
Structure du trihydrogéno hydroxy-1 ethanedi(phosphonate)-1,1 de strontium tétrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2132-2135
2000352 CIF
C20 H30 Cl2 UF m m 214.913; 17.348; 8.168
90; 90; 90
2113.1Spirlet, M. R.; Rebizant, J.; Apostolidis, C.; Kanellakopulos, B.
Bis(cyclopentadienyl) actinide(IV) compounds. I. The structure of dichlorobis(pentamethyl-η^5^-cyclopentadienyl)uranium(IV) and dichlorobis(pentamethyl-η^5^-cyclopentadienyl)thorium(IV)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2135-2137
2000353 CIF
C20 H30 Cl2 ThF m m 214.939; 17.535; 8.201
90; 90; 90
2148.3Spirlet, M. R.; Rebizant, J.; Apostolidis, C.; Kanellakopulos, B.
Bis(cyclopentadienyl) actinide(IV) compounds. I. The structure of dichlorobis(pentamethyl-η^5^-cyclopentadienyl)uranium(IV) and dichlorobis(pentamethyl-η^5^-cyclopentadienyl)thorium(IV)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2135-2137
2000354 CIF
C36 H30 Cl3 Mo O3 P2C 1 2/c 114.041; 13.126; 19.21
90; 96.08; 90
3520.5Owens, B. E.; Poli, R.
Structures of two molybdenum oxo complexes [MoOCl~3~(OPPh~3~)~2~] and [MoOI(dmpe)~2~]I
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2137-2140
2000355 CIF
C12 H32 I2 Mo O P4P 1 21/n 111.31; 15.58; 13.741
90; 96.58; 90
2405.3Owens, B. E.; Poli, R.
Structures of two molybdenum oxo complexes [MoOCl~3~(OPPh~3~)~2~] and [MoOI(dmpe)~2~]I
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2137-2140
2000356 CIF
C36 H28 N4 O2 Pt S24C 1 2/m 127.217; 11.708; 8.416
90; 104.82; 90
2593Fettouhi, M.; Ouahab, L.; Grandjean, D.; Mousdis, G.; Delhaes, P.
Structure of two tetrakis(3,4-ethylenedithio-2,2',5,5'-tetrathiafulvalene) tetracyanometallate dihydrate salts: β-[EDTTTF]~4~[<i>M</i>(CN)~4~].2H~2~O, <i>M</i> = Pt^II^, Pd^II^
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2141-2144
2000357 CIF
C36 H28 N4 O2 Pd S24C 1 2/m 126.79; 11.736; 8.467
90; 104.19; 90
2581Fettouhi, M.; Ouahab, L.; Grandjean, D.; Mousdis, G.; Delhaes, P.
Structure of two tetrakis(3,4-ethylenedithio-2,2',5,5'-tetrathiafulvalene) tetracyanometallate dihydrate salts: β-[EDTTTF]~4~[<i>M</i>(CN)~4~].2H~2~O, <i>M</i> = Pt^II^, Pd^II^
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2141-2144
2000358 CIF
C22 H32 O5P 21 21 218.3737; 10.6469; 22.429
90; 90; 90
1999.6Puliti, R.; Gavagnin, M.; Cimino, G.; Mattia, C. A.; Mazzarella, L.
Structure of chelonaplysin C: a spongian diterpenoid from nudibranch <i>Chromodoris luteorosea</i>
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2145-2147
2000359 CIF
C15 H20 O2P 1 2/n 119.362; 6.703; 20.011
90; 109.656; 90
2445.8Lloyd, B. A.; Arif, A. M.; Allred, E. L.
Pyramidalization in a tetracyclic perpendicular diene derivative
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2147-2151
2000360 CIF
C23 H32 O8P 42/m b c13.1959; 13.1959; 26.6986
90; 90; 90
4649.1Drouin, M.; Lamothe, S.; Michel, A. G.
Functionalized hydrocarbons with condensed ring skeletons. XII. A methyltricyclo[^2,7^]tetradec-8-ene and a vinylcyclododeca-3,9-diene, products from competing intramolecular Diels-Alder cycloadditions
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2151-2154
2000361 CIF
C23 H32 O8P 1 21/n 112.767; 10.199; 19.175
90; 109.21; 90
2357.8Drouin, M.; Lamothe, S.; Michel, A. G.
Functionalized hydrocarbons with condensed ring skeletons. XII. A methyltricyclo[^2,7^]tetradec-8-ene and a vinylcyclododeca-3,9-diene, products from competing intramolecular Diels-Alder cycloadditions
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2151-2154
2000362 CIF
C21 H19 N O2 S2C 1 2/c 124.911; 10.028; 17.042
90; 121.367; 90
3635Beddoes, R. L.; Griera, R.; Alvarez, M.; Joule, J. A.
Structure of 2,3-dihydro-1-methylquinolin-2-spiro-2'-indan-3'-spiro-2''-(1'',3''-dithiane)-4,1'-dione
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2154-2157
2000363 CIF
C9 H9 N O3P b c a7.137; 14.438; 16.11
90; 90; 90
1660Maurin, J. K.; Paul, I. C.; Curtin, D. Y.
Structure of <i>p</i>-acetylbenzoic acid oxime
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2163-2165
2000364 CIF
C14 H11 N O3P 1 21/n 19.169; 9.37; 13.883
90; 92.028; 90
1192Maurin, J. K.; Paul, I. C.; Curtin, D. Y.
Structure of 3-benzoylbenzoic acid oxime
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2165-2167
2000365 CIF
C17 H15 N O4C 1 2/c 126.157; 5.979; 19.492
90; 97.79; 90
3020.3Giordano, F.
Structure of methyl 3-benzyl-5-phenyl-3<i>H</i>-1,2,4-dioxazole-3-carboxylate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2172-2174
2000366 CIF
C17 H22 O3 SP 21 21 213.327; 19.277; 6.361
90; 90; 90
1634.2Rambaud, J.; Pauvert, B.; Boussab, A.; Terol, A.; Chevallet, P.; Declercq, J.-P.
Structure of polymorph II of (1<i>R</i>,3<i>S</i>)-1,2,2-trimethyl-3-(4-methylthiobenzoyl)cyclopentanecarboxylic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2174-2177
2000367 CIF
C12 H13 N OP 1 21/c 114.589; 8.33; 8.186
90; 103.17; 90
968.6Eggleston, D. S.; Baures, P. W.; Grabowska, U.; Marson, C. M.; Walsgrove, T.
Structures of three tricyclic γ-lactams
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2177-2181
2000368 CIF
C19 H19 N OP 21 21 219.1; 9.678; 17.36
90; 90; 90
1528.9Eggleston, D. S.; Baures, P. W.; Grabowska, U.; Marson, C. M.; Walsgrove, T.
Structures of three tricyclic γ-lactams
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2177-2181
2000369 CIF
C13 H15 N OP 1 21/n 18.121; 16.257; 8.686
90; 107.65; 90
1092.8Eggleston, D. S.; Baures, P. W.; Grabowska, U.; Marson, C. M.; Walsgrove, T.
Structures of three tricyclic γ-lactams
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2177-2181
2000370 CIF
C12 H15 N O3P 1 21 114.3799; 5.0922; 16.4737
90; 108.717; 90
1142.5Kozma, D.; Larsen, S.; Ács, M.
Structure of (<i>R</i>)-<i>N</i>-(1-phenylethyl)succinamic acid at 110 K
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2182-2185
2000371 CIF
C14 H12 N2 O2P -110.572; 12.91; 9.547
94.85; 111.62; 75.4
1172.2Chen, Z.; Masnovi, J.; Baker, R. J.; Krafcik, R. B.; Towns, R. L. R.
Structures of 9-ethyl-3-nitrocarbazole and 1-(9-carbazolyl)-3-(3-nitro-9-carbazolyl)propane
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2185-2189
2000372 CIF
C27 H21 N3 O2P -113.1193; 8.8488; 9.3648
100.35; 103.16; 92.61
1037.14Chen, Z.; Masnovi, J.; Baker, R. J.; Krafcik, R. B.; Towns, R. L. R.
Structures of 9-ethyl-3-nitrocarbazole and 1-(9-carbazolyl)-3-(3-nitro-9-carbazolyl)propane
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2185-2189
2000373 CIF
C25 H35 I N2 O4P b c a13.331; 13.797; 28.179
90; 90; 90
5183Dapporto, P.; Paoli, P.; Sega, A.
{2-[<i>p</i>-(<i>o</i>-Butoxybenzamido)benzoyloxy]ethyl}diethylmethylammonium iodide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2189-2192
2000374 CIF
C13 H24 O3P 1 21 16.746; 7.712; 12.62
90; 102.86; 90
640.1Rodríguez, M. L.; Brito B, I.; González, A. G.; Almonacid, L. N.; Pérez, C.; Trujillo, J. M.
Structure of a new C~13~-norisoprenoid
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2192-2194
2000375 CIF
C13 H16 N2 O5P 1 21 110.307; 9.364; 7.394
90; 104.65; 90
690.4Chiaroni, A.; Langlois, N.; Riche, C.; Snatzke, G.
Structure of (2<i>S</i>,5<i>S</i>)-2-hydroxymethyl-5-methoxy-<i>N</i>-<i>o</i>-nitrobenzoylpyrrolidine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2194-2196
2000376 CIF
C33 H43 N O6 SP 21 21 2111.945; 22.24; 24.407
90; 90; 90
6484Andrews, J. F. P.; Regan, A. C.; Wallis, J. D.; Povey, D. C.
A substrate for the asymmetric Nazarov cyclization
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2196-2199
2000377 CIF
C27 H33 O9 PP 1 n 18.0903; 24.865; 13.442
90; 96.79; 90
2685.1Nemeth, G.; Pinkerton, A. A.; Stowe, J. A.; Ogle, C. A.
Structure of tris(2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl)phosphine. Resolution of space-group ambiguity by solid-state NMR
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2200-2203
2000378 CIF
C25 H22 OP 1 21/c 110.677; 26.122; 13.053
90; 92.96; 90
3635.7Jones, P. G.; Schomburg, D.; Hopf, H.; Lehne, V.
Structures of three derivatives of 5,12-methano[2.2.2]paracyclophane
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2203-2207
2000379 CIF
C25 H24 OC 1 c 115.714; 31.126; 11.476
90; 96.51; 90
5576.9Jones, P. G.; Schomburg, D.; Hopf, H.; Lehne, V.
Structures of three derivatives of 5,12-methano[2.2.2]paracyclophane
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2203-2207
2000380 CIF
C26 H26 OR 3 :H23.978; 23.978; 8.918
90; 90; 120
4440.4Jones, P. G.; Schomburg, D.; Hopf, H.; Lehne, V.
Structures of three derivatives of 5,12-methano[2.2.2]paracyclophane
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2203-2207
2000381 CIF
C16 H16 N6 O12P -16.737; 7.803; 10.444
94.747; 108.3; 97.43
512.4Nethaji, M.; Pattabhi, V.; Chhabra, N.; Poonia, N. S.
Structure of ethylenediammonium 3,5-dinitrobenzoate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2207-2209
2000382 CIF
C10 H30 B2 F8 O7 S5 UP -111.455; 12.401; 12.549
72.64; 64.2; 62.74
1415.7Deshayes, L.; Keller, N.; Lance, M.; Nierlich, M.; Vigner, D.
Structure of pentakis(dimethyl sulfoxide)dioxouranium(VI) bis(tetrafluoroborate)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2209-2211
2000383 CIF
C39 H33 N O4 S2 SnP 1 21 110.9026; 19.614; 16.8211
90; 94.512; 90
3585.9Ng, S. W.; Chen, W.; Kumar Das, V. G.
Structure of the dibenzyl sulfoxide adduct of <i>N</i>-triphenylstannyl-1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2<i>H</i>)-one 1,1-dioxide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2211-2213
2000384 CIF
C40 H38 N2 O2 P2 PtP -17.736; 10.406; 12.111
111; 104.07; 90.65
877.6Staples, R. J.; Khan, Md. N. I.; Wang, S.; Fackler, Jnr, J. P.
Structure of <i>trans</i>-dicyanobis(triphenylphosphine)platinum(II) dimethanol solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2213-2215
2000385 CIF
C36 H46 Cd Cl2 N4 O9 S4P b c a17.488; 22.287; 22.811
90; 90; 90
8891Castiñeiras, A.; Gómez, M. C.; Hiller, W.
Structure of tetrakis(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dimethylbenzenecarbothioamide-<i>S</i>)cadmium(II) diperchlorate monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2215-2218
2000386 CIF
C72 H60 Br2 Cu Li O4 P4P -114.6; 16.28; 17.13
70.2; 69.07; 63.68
3329Fackler, Jnr, J. P.; López, C. A.; Winpenny, R. E. P.
Structure of tetrakis(triphenylphosphine oxide)lithium dibromocuprate(I)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2218-2220
2000387 CIF
C71 H67 B Fe O2 P4P 1 21/a 126.296; 12.304; 19.061
90; 103.63; 90
5993Linn, K.; Masi, D.; Mealli, C.; Bianchini, C.; Peruzzini, M.
Structure of (4-pentynoato-<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>'){tris[2-(diphenylphosphino)ethyl]phosphine}iron(II) tetraphenylborate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2220-2222
2000388 CIF
C19 H22 O SiP 21 21 218.896; 11.006; 17.31
90; 90; 90
1694.8Barnes, C. L.; Soderquist, J. A.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2222-2224
2000389 CIF
C8 H8 N4 SP -16.1917; 7.1417; 9.9643
81.822; 84.638; 78.682
426.68Ng, S. W.
Structure of 4-amino-5-phenyl-4<i>H</i>-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2224-2225
2000390 CIF
C13 H12 O3P n a 217.4946; 13.437; 10.863
90; 90; 90
1094Prince, P.; Fronczek, F. R.; Gandour, R. D.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2225-2227
2000391 CIF
C10 H8 N2 OP 21 21 217.189; 10.141; 11.302
90; 90; 90
824Leban, I.; Polanc, S.
Structure of 2-phenylpyrimidinium 1-oxide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2227-2229
2000392 CIF
C20 H19 O3.5 S3P 112.488; 10.372; 8.335
84.95; 108.74; 98.51
1010.2Dillen, J. L. M.; Roos, H. M.
Structure of tris(5-acetyl-3-thienyl)methane-ethanol (2/1) inclusion compound
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2229-2231
2000393 CIF
C13 H20 Br N O2P 1 21/c 18.697; 12.741; 12.94
90; 103.39; 90
1394.9Garcia, J. G.; Fronczek, F. R.; Gandour, R. D.
2-Hydroxy-4,4-dimethyl-2-(4-tolyl)-morpholinium bromide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2231-2233
2000394 CIF
C34 H32 N2P 1 21/n 114.766; 5.604; 15.897
90; 97.34; 90
1304.7Rickert, C.; Pirotta, M.; Müller, T.
Structure of 1,4-bis(dibenzylamino)benzene
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2233-2235
2000395 CIF
C37 H28 Cl N O4P -111.738; 12.879; 11.027
111.89; 110.28; 91.19
1429Anulewicz, R.; Woźniak, K.; Soroka, J. A.
(±)-7,10,12-Triphenyl-7,8-dihydroacenaphtho[4,5-<i>c</i>]quinolizinium perchlorate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2238-2240
2000396 CIF
C24 H28 O10P 21 21 217.23; 7.702; 42.42
90; 90; 90
2362.2Macías, F. A.; Zubía, E.; Quijano, L.; Fronczek, F. R.; Fischer, N. H.
Structures of three tetrahydrofurofurane-type lignanes
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2240-2244
2000397 CIF
C24 H30 O8P 21 21 215.5333; 12.552; 31.723
90; 90; 90
2203.3Macías, F. A.; Zubía, E.; Quijano, L.; Fronczek, F. R.; Fischer, N. H.
Structures of three tetrahydrofurofurane-type lignanes
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2240-2244
2000398 CIF
C20 H18 O6P 1 21 19.6127; 5.6194; 15.66
90; 103.687; 90
821.89Macías, F. A.; Zubía, E.; Quijano, L.; Fronczek, F. R.; Fischer, N. H.
Structures of three tetrahydrofurofurane-type lignanes
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2240-2244
2000399 CIF
C19 H18 O3P 1 21/c 17.7157; 27.019; 7.6219
90; 107.473; 90
1515.6Jones, P. G.
[4-(1-Hydroxyethyl)-5-phenanthryl]methyl acetate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2244-2245
2000400 CIF
C16 H16 O2P 21 21 215.6464; 23.027; 6.932
90; 90; 90
2497.5Jones, P. G.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2245-2247
2000401 CIF
C27 H40 O7P 1 21 117.44; 13.267; 12.168
90; 110.49; 90
2637.3Grochulski, P.; Wawrzak, Z.; Gałdecki, Z.; Duax, W. L.; Strong, P. D.
Structure of 5β-pregnane-3α,6α,17α-triol triacetate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2247-2249
2000402 CIF
C16 H16 O2P 21 21 217.569; 9.308; 18.502
90; 90; 90
1303.5Tinant, B.; Declercq, J.-P.; Weiler, J.; Soumillon, J. P.; Motte, F.; Vanhulle, S.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2250-2251
2000403 CIF
C32 H50 O5P 21 21 219.795; 16.452; 18.835
90; 90; 90
3035.2Sekar, K.; Parthasarathy, S.; Kundu, A. B.; Barik, B. R.
Structure of dimethyl ceanothate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2251-2253
2000404 CIF
H2 K N O3 SeP 1 21/c 18.075; 7.306; 7.533
90; 96.65; 90
441.43Žák, Z.; R°užička, A.
Structure of potassium amidoselenate K^+^.SeO~3~NH~2~^{-^}
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2254-2255
2000405 CIF
C20 H20 O8P 1 21/c 17.002; 9.253; 14.869
90; 104.83; 90
931.3Centore, R.; Ciajolo, M. R.; Tuzi, A.
Structure of 4,4'-[2,6-naphthylenebis(oxycarbonyl)]dibutyric acid
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2255-2257
2000406 CIF
C14 H13 N O2P b c n22.521; 10.809; 9.509
90; 90; 90
2314.8Yeap, G.-Y.; Fun, H.-K.; Teoh, S.-G.; Teo, S.-B.; Chinnakali, K.; Yip, B.-C.
Structure of 4-[(4-methoxyphenylimino)methyl]phenol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2257-2258
2000407 CIF
C4 H4 I2 N2C 1 2/m 19.671; 9.079; 4.466
90; 96.2; 90
389.83Bailey, R. D.; Buchanan, M. L.; Pennington, W. T.
Molecular complexes of 1,4-diazines with iodine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2259-2262
2000408 CIF
C8 H12 I2 N2C 1 2/c 111.607; 13.751; 7.578
90; 108.54; 90
1146.7Bailey, R. D.; Buchanan, M. L.; Pennington, W. T.
Molecular complexes of 1,4-diazines with iodine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2259-2262
2000409 CIF
C8 H12 I2 N2C 1 2/c 111.657; 13.763; 7.654
90; 108.06; 90
1167.5Bailey, R. D.; Buchanan, M. L.; Pennington, W. T.
Molecular complexes of 1,4-diazines with iodine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2259-2262
2000410 CIF
C20 H22 Cl2 O6P c a b6.5779; 15.565; 19.217
90; 90; 90
1967.5Ferguson, G.; Ruhl, B. L.; McKervey, M. A.; Browne, C. M.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2262-2264
2000411 CIF
C18 H14 F6 O4P 1 21/c 17.799; 30.488; 8.046
90; 119.21; 90
1669.9Barlow, M. G.; Beagley, B.; Pritchard, R. G.; Tajammal, S.; Tipping, A. E.; Wright, A. P.
Structure of a (1:2) adduct of 1,1-[bis(3,3,3-trifluoropropynly)]ethyl acetate and furan
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2264-2266
2000412 CIF
C8 H12 N2 S4P 1 21/n 19.939; 11.403; 12.472
90; 113.04; 90
1300.8Heinemann, F.; Dölling, W.; Hartung, H.
Structures of 1-cyano-2,2-bis(methylthio)vinyl <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dimethyldithiocarbamate (2) and 1,2,2-tris(methylthio)vinyl <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dimethyldithiocarbamate (3)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2266-2268
2000413 CIF
C8 H15 N S5P 1 21/c 111.203; 9.042; 13.693
90; 100.85; 90
1362.3Heinemann, F.; Dölling, W.; Hartung, H.
Structures of 1-cyano-2,2-bis(methylthio)vinyl <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dimethyldithiocarbamate (2) and 1,2,2-tris(methylthio)vinyl <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dimethyldithiocarbamate (3)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2266-2268
2000414 CIF
C24 H16 N6I 41/a :217.121; 17.121; 13.241
90; 90; 90
3881.3Greaves, B.; Stoeckli-Evans, H.
A tetragonal form of tetra(2-pyridyl)pyrazine (TPPZ)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2269-2271
2000415 CIF
C12 H17 Cl N2 O2P 21 21 217.315; 7.941; 21.393
90; 90; 90
1242.7Verdonk, M. L.; Kanters, J. A.; Kroon, J.
Structure of eltoprazine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2271-2273
2000416 CIF
C14 H17 Br N2P 1 21 16.1749; 8.0494; 14.0057
90; 96.078; 90
692.23Ferguson, G.; Gallagher, J. F.; Fullwood, R.; Parker, D.
(1<i>R</i>,2<i>R</i>)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2-ethanediamine monohydrobromide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2273-2275
2000417 CIF
C16 H26 N2 S2P -15.796; 8.714; 9.152
92.29; 97.17; 103.47
444.86Heinemann, F.; Hartung, H.; Hansen, J.; Maschmeier, C.-P.; Matschiner, H.
Structure of 3,6-bis(dimethylamino)-2,5-diisopropylthieno[3,2-<i>b</i>]thiophene
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2275-2277
2000418 CIF
C12 H11 N3 O5P 1 21 114.87; 5.411; 8.15
90; 95.71; 90
652.51Yamaguchi, K.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Itoh, Y.; Miyasaka, T.
Structure of a 4'-<i>C</i>-branched 2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxyuridine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2277-2278
2000420 CIF
La4 Mo2 O11P 42/n :113.015; 13.015; 5.6637
90; 90; 90
959.38Gall, P.; Gougeon, P.
Structure of La~4~Mo~2~O~11~ containing isolated Mo~2~O~10~ cluster units
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1915-1917
2000421 CIF
Br9 K Re6 S5C 1 2/c 116.914; 9.526; 17.671
90; 127.41; 90
2262Slougui, A.; Perrin, A.; Sergent, M.
Structure of potassium hexarhenium nonabromide pentasulfide: KRe~6~S~5~Br~9~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1917-1920
2000422 CIF
C32 H20 N4 O2 Pt S24P -18.569; 9.991; 14.811
108.84; 95.1; 90.37
1194.5Fettouhi, M.; Ouahab, L.; Grandjean, D.; Mousdis, G.; Delhaes, P.
Structures of some quasi-two-dimensional molecular conductors. I. Structure of κ-tetrakis(3,4-methylenedithio-2,2',5,5'-tetrathiafulvalen)ium tetracyanoplatinate dihydrate: κ-(MDTTTF)~4~Pt(CN)~4~(H~2~O)~2~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1920-1923
2000423 CIF
C8 H36 Cu2 N12 O16 S2C 1 2/c 119.009; 11.273; 13.144
90; 103.5; 90
2739van Koningsbruggen, P. J.; Haasnoot, J. G.; de Graaff, R. A. G.; Reedijk, J.; Slingerland, S.
Structure of bis[μ-4-amino-3,5-bis(aminomethyl)-1,2,4-triazole-<i>N</i>',<i>N</i>^1^,<i>N</i>^2^,<i>N</i>'']-bis[diaquacopper(II)] bis(sulfate) tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1923-1926
2000424 CIF
C14 H38 N8 Ni2 O10P 1 21/c 17.363; 8.886; 18.321
90; 96.18; 90
1191.7Zhu, S.; Luo, Q.; Shen, M.; Huang, L.
Structure of the hydrogen-bond-rich dinickel(II) complex of <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>N</i>'',<i>N</i>'''-tetrakis(2-aminoethyl)-1,1,2,2-ethanetetraamide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1926-1929
2000425 CIF
C6 H24 F6 N2 O2 SnC 1 2/m 114.76; 7.316; 8.177
90; 119.7; 90
767Taha, A.; Liautard, B.; Granier, W.
Etude structurale du dihydrate de l'hexafluorostannate de triméthylammonium
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1929-1931
2000426 CIF
C14 H16 I2 Pt Te2I 1 2/a 123.807; 9.548; 24.192
90; 136.48; 90
3787Levason, W.; Webster, M.; Mitchell, C. J.
Structure of <i>trans</i>-diiodobis(methyl phenyl telluride)platinum(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1931-1933
2000427 CIF
C26 H24 Cu N2 O8P b c a12.947; 9.401; 20.005
90; 90; 90
2434.9Hoang, N. N.; Valach, F.; Macášková, L.; Melník, M.
Structure of copper(II) salicylates: bis(3-pyridylmethanol)bis(salicylato)copper(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1933-1936
2000428 CIF
C8 H36 Br2 N8 O16 Pt2 S4I b a m9.263; 14.317; 11.036
90; 90; 90
1463.6Matsushita, N.; Taga, T.; Tsujikawa, I.
Structure of a one-dimensional Br-bridged Pt^II^-Pt^IV^ mixed-valence complex, <i>catena</i>-poly[bis(ethylenediamine)platinum(II,IV)-μ-bromo bis(hydrogensulfate)]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1936-1939
2000429 CIF
C24 H21 B F4 N PP 1 n 124.6077; 9.0071; 10.069
90; 100.824; 90
2192Llamas-Saiz, A. L.; Foces-Foces, C.; Elguero, J.; Molina, P.; Alajarín, M.; Vidal, A.
Effect of the protonation and of the <i>ortho</i> substitution on the structure of aryliminophosphoranes
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1940-1945
2000430 CIF
C24 H21 N2 PI 1 2/a 130.4088; 11.5561; 22.9996
90; 101.437; 90
7921.7Llamas-Saiz, A. L.; Foces-Foces, C.; Elguero, J.; Molina, P.; Alajarín, M.; Vidal, A.
Effect of the protonation and of the <i>ortho</i> substitution on the structure of aryliminophosphoranes
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1940-1945
2000431 CIF
C22 H29 N O3 SiP 1 21 16.55; 17.318; 20.129
90; 98.83; 90
2256.2Marsh, R. E.; Schaefer, W. P.; Widdowson, K. L.; Myers, A. G.
Structure of an <i>anti</i>-aldol addition product of benzaldehyde and a pseudoephedrine-derived <i>O</i>-silyl ketene <i>N</i>,<i>O</i>-acetal
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1948-1951
2000432 CIF
C12 H20 Br N4 O3 SP 1 21/a 111.676; 24.819; 12.344
90; 113.74; 90
3274.4Hu, N.-H.; Zhang, S.-L.
Structure of thiamine bromide sesquihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1951-1954
2000433 CIF
C19 H28 N2 O2P 21 21 2110.231; 11.171; 14.759
90; 90; 90
1686.8Maes, D.; Fiddelaers, P.; Wyns, L.; Lisgarten, J.; Lisgarten, D.; Palmer, R.
Structure of (17α)-androstano[3,4-<i>c</i>][1,2,5]oxadiazole-17-ol (HS963)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1954-1957
2000434 CIF
C5 H7 N5 O2C 1 2/c 18.939; 10.697; 14.92
90; 102.55; 90
1392.6Serra, M. A.; Dorner, B. K.; Silver, M. E.
Structure of an adenine-hydrogen peroxide adduct
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1957-1960
2000435 CIF
C7 H6 O3P 1 21/a 118.508; 5.228; 6.342
90; 93.22; 90
612.7Heath, E. A.; Singh, P.; Ebisuzaki, Y.
Structure of <i>p</i>-hydroxybenzoic acid and <i>p</i>-hydroxybenzoic acid-acetone complex (2/1)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1960-1965
2000436 CIF
C17 H18 O7P 1 21/a 124.093; 7.232; 9.699
90; 92.47; 90
1688.4Heath, E. A.; Singh, P.; Ebisuzaki, Y.
Structure of <i>p</i>-hydroxybenzoic acid and <i>p</i>-hydroxybenzoic acid-acetone complex (2/1)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1960-1965
2000437 CIF
C54 H95 N9 O17P 21 21 2114.23; 24.37; 18.78
90; 90; 90
6512.6Han, F.; Mortishire-Smith, R. J.; Rainey, P. B.; Williams, D. H.
Structure of the white-line-inducing principle isolated from <i>Pseudomonas reactans</i>
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1965-1968
2000438 CIF
C22 H21 N O2P -110.076; 12.346; 9.154
98.9; 122.06; 96.67
926.3Hamada, K.; Oh-hira, M.; Fujiwara, T.; Toda, F.
Structures of two crystal forms of the host-guest complex between <i>trans</i>-3,3'-bis(diphenylhydroxymethyl)azobenzene and acetone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1969-1971
2000439 CIF
C41 H36 N2 O3C 1 2/c 116.782; 8.744; 23.386
90; 107.83; 90
3266.9Hamada, K.; Oh-hira, M.; Fujiwara, T.; Toda, F.
Structures of two crystal forms of the host-guest complex between <i>trans</i>-3,3'-bis(diphenylhydroxymethyl)azobenzene and acetone
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1969-1971
2000440 CIF
C12 H8 O4C 1 2/c 15.087; 19.222; 9.552
90; 93.81; 90
932Fitzgerald, L. J.; Gerkin, R. E.
Structure of 2,3-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1971-1975
2000441 CIF
C20 H29 Cl N2 O4P 21 21 218.059; 11.537; 22.311
90; 90; 90
2074.4Karle, J. M.; Karle, I. L.
Structure of 9-epiquinine hydrochloride dihydrate <i>versus</i> antimalarial activity
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1975-1980
2000442 CIF
C15 H14 O2P 1 21/n 17.7505; 16.484; 8.7383
90; 101.16; 90
1095.3Nethaji, M.; Pattabhi, V.; Harikrishna Reddy, S.
Structure of pentacyclo[^2,7^.0^4,13^.0^5,1^]pentadeca-8,14-diene-3,6-dione
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1980-1981
2000443 CIF
C26 H8 N8 S6P n m n12.94; 13.551; 7.44
90; 90; 90
1304.6Iwasaki, K.; Ida, T.; Kawamoto, A.; Ugawa, A.; Yamashita, Y.; Yakushi, K.; Suzuki, T.
Structure of the charge-transfer complex of (DBTTF)(BTDA-TCNQ)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1982-1984
2000444 CIF
C10 H13 N3 O3P 1 21/c 15.5055; 25.201; 8.1241
90; 100.434; 90
1108.5Vaughan, K.; Cameron, L. M.; Christie, S.; Zaworotko, M. J.
Structures of the isomeric triazene 1-oxides 3-(4-ethoxycarbonylphenyl)-1-methyltriazene 1-oxide (1) and 3-(2-ethoxycarbonylphenyl)-1-methyltriazene 1-oxide (2)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1985-1988
2000445 CIF
C10 H13 N3 O3P 1 21/c 112.963; 8.1716; 11.212
90; 110.85; 90
1109.9Vaughan, K.; Cameron, L. M.; Christie, S.; Zaworotko, M. J.
Structures of the isomeric triazene 1-oxides 3-(4-ethoxycarbonylphenyl)-1-methyltriazene 1-oxide (1) and 3-(2-ethoxycarbonylphenyl)-1-methyltriazene 1-oxide (2)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1985-1988
2000446 CIF
C10 H6 N4 O4P 1 21/c 18.259; 13.111; 9.978
90; 104.9; 90
1044.1Rice, C. R.; Wallis, J. D.; Povey, D. C.
Intramolecular interactions in 3,3'-dinitro-2,2'-bipyridine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1988-1991
2000447 CIF
C16 H13 Cl N2 O2P -110.33; 10.958; 13.251
78.48; 80.86; 87.04
1450.8Karolak-Wojciechowska, J.; Kwiatkowski, W.; Karczmarzyk, Z.; Zejc, A.; Obniska, J.
Structure and conformation of <i>N</i>-(4-methyl-2-pyridyl)-<i>p</i>-chlorophenylsuccinimide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1991-1994
2000448 CIF
C18 H24 N2 O5P 1 21 110.867; 5.79; 14.74
90; 94.75; 90
924.3Qing, C. Y.; de Wit, D.; van Rantwijk, F.; van Koningsveld, H.; Maat, L.
Structure of a phenylhydrazone of diacetone protected 3-keto-glucose
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1994-1996
2000449 CIF
C18 H20 N2 O3C m c 2110.548; 19.59; 7.729
90; 90; 90
1597.1Singh, P.; Levine, S. G.; Kasdorf, K.
Structures of 4β-(nitromethyl)-2α,6α-diphenyl-4α-piperidinol and 4β-(nitromethyl)-2β,6β-diphenyl-4α-piperidinol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1996-2000
2000450 CIF
C18 H20 N2 O3P -15.573; 11.852; 13.44
68.42; 89.46; 79.82
811Singh, P.; Levine, S. G.; Kasdorf, K.
Structures of 4β-(nitromethyl)-2α,6α-diphenyl-4α-piperidinol and 4β-(nitromethyl)-2β,6β-diphenyl-4α-piperidinol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1996-2000
2000451 CIF
C18 H22 O3C 1 2/c 120.828; 8.364; 21.508
90; 122.39; 90
3163.9Toscano, R. A.; Quijano, L.; Gómez, F.; García-Pérez, G.; Rios, T.
Structure of wigandol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2000-2002
2000452 CIF
C18 H16 Br O PP 1 21/n 19.54; 17.763; 10.39
90; 106.91; 90
1684.6Lane, H. P.; McAuliffe, C. A.; Pritchard, R. G.
Triphenylphosphine oxide hydrogen bromide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2002-2004
2000453 CIF
C17 H20 Cl N3 O SP n a 217.983; 18.028; 11.668
90; 90; 90
1679.2Christiansen, J.; Clark, G. R.; Denny, W. A.; Palmer, B. D.
Structure of <i>N</i>-(2-dimethylaminoethyl)phenothiazine-1-carboxamide hydrochloride
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2004-2007
2000454 CIF
C5 H10 N O3 SP 1 21/c 16.408; 10.433; 12.388
90; 98.6; 90
818.88Pyrka, G. J.; Scott, N.; Fernando, Q.
Structure of the 1:2 adduct of <i>meso</i>-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid and <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dimethylformamide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2007-2009
2000455 CIF
C15 H14 O3P -15.96; 9.569; 10.679
96.82; 98.32; 90.32
598.2Larsen, I. K.; Andersen, L. A.; Pedersen, B. F.
Structures of two crystalline modifications of lapachol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2009-2013
2000456 CIF
C15 H14 O3P 1 21/c 16.035; 9.427; 20.918
90; 98.27; 90
1177.7Larsen, I. K.; Andersen, L. A.; Pedersen, B. F.
Structures of two crystalline modifications of lapachol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2009-2013
2000457 CIF
C20 H17 N3 O2P 1 21/n 112.619; 8.285; 16.469
90; 94.39; 90
1716.8Carugo, O.; Poli, G.; Manzoni, L.
Structure of <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>N</i>''-triphenylbiuret
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2013-2016
2000458 CIF
C16 H12 O4P 1 21/n 111.004; 12.6209; 9.692
90; 108.224; 90
1278.51Matsuzawa, E. S.; Hirayama, N.; Ohshima, E.; Obase, H.
Structural aspects of the 6,11-dihydro-11-oxodibenz[<i>b</i>,<i>e</i>]oxepin skeleton
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2016-2019
2000459 CIF
C17 H14 O4P 1 21/c 113.644; 8.878; 13
90; 117.1; 90
1401.8Matsuzawa, E. S.; Hirayama, N.; Ohshima, E.; Obase, H.
Structural aspects of the 6,11-dihydro-11-oxodibenz[<i>b</i>,<i>e</i>]oxepin skeleton
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2016-2019
2000460 CIF
C18 H16 O4P -110.177; 10.63; 7.776
103.72; 100.7; 107.85
746.9Matsuzawa, E. S.; Hirayama, N.; Ohshima, E.; Obase, H.
Structural aspects of the 6,11-dihydro-11-oxodibenz[<i>b</i>,<i>e</i>]oxepin skeleton
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2016-2019
2000461 CIF
C10 Co4 O10 S2P 1 21/n 19.962; 6.711; 12.339
90; 96.76; 90
819.2Mackay, K. M.; Nicholson, B. K.; van Tiel, M. L.
Redetermination of decacarbonyl di-μ~4~-sulfido-tetracobalt
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2020-2021
2000462 CIF
C12 H17 N4 Na O4 SP -111.57; 12.725; 5.79
101.28; 102.35; 70.01
775.6Hannan, S. S.; Talukdar, A. N.
Structure of monosodium <i>N</i>^1^-(4,6-dimethyl-2-pyrimidyl)sulfanilamidate dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2021-2023
2000463 CIF
C12 H34 Al2 N2P 1 21/n 110.719; 7.648; 12.224
90; 110.32; 90
939.7Byers, J. J.; Pennington, W. T.; Robinson, G. H.
Bis-adducts of trimethylaluminium and trimethylgallium with <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>N</i>'-tetramethylethylenediamine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2023-2025
2000464 CIF
C12 H34 Ga2 N2P 1 21/n 110.735; 7.656; 12.31
90; 110.7; 90
946.4Byers, J. J.; Pennington, W. T.; Robinson, G. H.
Bis-adducts of trimethylaluminium and trimethylgallium with <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>N</i>'-tetramethylethylenediamine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2023-2025
2000465 CIF
C25 H21 N O2 S SnP 1 21/a 116.525; 15.386; 19.751
90; 113.82; 90
4594Ng, S. W.; Kumar Das, V. G.
Structure of triphenyltin 2-(4-pyridylthio)acetate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2025-2026
2000466 CIF
C6 H13 N4 Na O7 S2P -17.083; 9.359; 9.809
89.92; 81.46; 80.66
634.33Pecorari, P.; Rinaldi, M.; Antolini, L.
Structure of sodium (7-amino-2,3-dihydro-5-oxo-5<i>H</i>-thiazolo[3,2-<i>a</i>]pyrimidin-6-yl)sulfamate trihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2027-2029
2000467 CIF
C50 H77 N15 O31 Pt5P 1 21 111.278; 15.195; 19.92
90; 91.6; 90
3412Khodadad, P.; Rodier, N.
Penta[bis(5-oxoprolinato)platinate(II) d'ammonium] monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2029-2031
2000468 CIF
C6 H5 F3 N2 O SP n m a17.426; 6.945; 6.816
90; 90; 90
824.9Tinant, B.; Feneau-Dupont, J.; Declercq, J.-P.; Evariste, F.; Viehe, H. G.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2032-2033
2000469 CIF
C18 H16 O5P 21 21 217.296; 13.099; 15.754
90; 90; 90
1505.6Shoja, M.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2033-2035
2000470 CIF
C26 H29 N O2P 21 21 219.777; 10.211; 22.585
90; 90; 90
2254.7Dyrbusch, M.; Egert, E.
Structure of a cinnamic acid derivative
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2035-2036
2000471 CIF
C14 H15 Cl N2 O2P 1 21/c 117.397; 5.865; 13.482
90; 104.26; 90
1333.2Bryant, Jnr, G. L.; King, Jnr, J. A.
Structures of two acylpyridinium salts and one simple pyridinium salt
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2036-2039
2000472 CIF
C38 H35 B N2 OP -19.086; 9.328; 19.494
79.03; 78.83; 64.53
1452.7Bryant, Jnr, G. L.; King, Jnr, J. A.
Structures of two acylpyridinium salts and one simple pyridinium salt
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2036-2039
2000473 CIF
C7 H11 Cl N2C 1 2/c 117.113; 7.46; 14.57
90; 120.84; 90
1597Bryant, Jnr, G. L.; King, Jnr, J. A.
Structures of two acylpyridinium salts and one simple pyridinium salt
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2036-2039
2000474 CIF
C5 H10 O3 S2P 21 21 219.019; 14.522; 6.059
90; 90; 90
793.57Barkley, J.; Dodd, I. M.; Harding, M. M.; Namwindwa, E. S.; Page, P. C. B.
<i>anti</i>-2-Methyl-1,3-dithiane 1,1,3-trioxide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2039-2040
2000475 CIF
C8 H0 F4 N2P b c a13.343; 21.991; 10.462
90; 90; 90
3070Britton, D.
Structure of tetrafluoroisophthalonitrile
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2040-2042

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