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Searching space group like 'P -6 c 2'
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Bibliography |
4003212 | CIF | C F K O3 Zn | P -6 c 2 | 5.0182; 5.0182; 8.355 90; 90; 120 | 182.21 | Yang, Guangsai; Peng, Guang; Ye, Ning; wang, Jiyang; Luo, Min; Yan, Tao; Zhou, Yuqiao Structural Modulation of Anionic Group Architectures by Cations to Optimize SHG Effects: A Facile Route to New NLO Materials in the ATCO3F (A = K, Rb; T = Zn, Cd) Series Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 7520 |
4003215 | CIF | C F O3 Rb Zn | P -6 c 2 | 5.1035; 5.1035; 8.619 90; 90; 120 | 194.41 | Yang, Guangsai; Peng, Guang; Ye, Ning; wang, Jiyang; Luo, Min; Yan, Tao; Zhou, Yuqiao Structural Modulation of Anionic Group Architectures by Cations to Optimize SHG Effects: A Facile Route to New NLO Materials in the ATCO3F (A = K, Rb; T = Zn, Cd) Series Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 7520 |
4003213 | CIF | C Cd F K O3 | P -6 c 2 | 5.1349; 5.1349; 8.846 90; 90; 120 | 202 | Yang, Guangsai; Peng, Guang; Ye, Ning; wang, Jiyang; Luo, Min; Yan, Tao; Zhou, Yuqiao Structural Modulation of Anionic Group Architectures by Cations to Optimize SHG Effects: A Facile Route to New NLO Materials in the ATCO3F (A = K, Rb; T = Zn, Cd) Series Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 7520 |
4003214 | CIF | C Cd F O3 Rb | P -6 c 2 | 5.2109; 5.2109; 9.0645 90; 90; 120 | 213.16 | Yang, Guangsai; Peng, Guang; Ye, Ning; wang, Jiyang; Luo, Min; Yan, Tao; Zhou, Yuqiao Structural Modulation of Anionic Group Architectures by Cations to Optimize SHG Effects: A Facile Route to New NLO Materials in the ATCO3F (A = K, Rb; T = Zn, Cd) Series Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 7520 |
1510740 | CIF | B2 Be2 O7 Sr2 | P -6 c 2 | 4.683; 4.683; 15.311 90; 90; 120 | 290.792 | Wu, K.-C.; Zeng, W.-I.; Chen, C.-T.; Wu, B.-C.; Yu, L.-H.; Wang, Y.-B. Design and synthesis of an ultraviolet-transparent nonlinear optical crystal Sr2 Be2 B2 O7 Nature (London), 1995, 373, 322-324 |
2310096 | CIF | B O3 Yb | P -6 c 2 | 6.46; 6.46; 8.74 90; 90; 120 | 315.869 | Graf, D.L.; Bradley, W.F.; Roth, R.S. The vaterite-type A B O3 rare-earth borates Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1966, 20, 283-287 |
1511281 | CIF | B O3 Tm | P -6 c 2 | 6.54; 6.54; 8.81 90; 90; 120 | 326.334 | Redman, M.J.; Santoro, R.P.; Newnham, R.E. Crystal structure of yttrium and other rare-earth borates Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1963, 46, 253-256 |
9015194 | CIF | Ba O9 Si3 Ti | P -6 c 2 | 6.5518; 6.5518; 9.6503 90; 90; 120 | 358.751 | Hejny, C.; Miletich, R.; Jasser, A.; Schouwink, P.; Crichton, W.; Kahlenberg, V. Second-order P6c2-P31c transition and structural crystallography of the cyclosilicate benitoite, BaTiSi3O9, at high pressure Note: P = 4.28 GPa American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1749-1763 |
9016710 | CIF | Ba O9 Si3 Ti | P -6 c 2 | 6.5605; 6.5605; 9.6574 90; 90; 120 | 359.969 | Hejny, C.; Miletich, R.; Jasser, A.; Schouwink, P.; Crichton, W.; Kahlenberg, V. Second-order P6c2-P31c transition and structural crystallography of the cyclosilicate benitoite, BaTiSi3O9, at high pressure Note: P = 4.01 GPa American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1749-1763 |
1528300 | CIF | Be3 F9 K Zn | P -6 c 2 | 6.583; 6.583; 9.623 90; 90; 120 | 361.151 | Aleonard, S.; le Fur, Y. Fluoroberyllates de structure benitoite Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1966, 89, 425-427 |
9016221 | CIF | Ba O9 Si3 Ti | P -6 c 2 | 6.5689; 6.5689; 9.6804 90; 90; 120 | 361.751 | Hejny, C.; Miletich, R.; Jasser, A.; Schouwink, P.; Crichton, W.; Kahlenberg, V. Second-order P6c2-P31c transition and structural crystallography of the cyclosilicate benitoite, BaTiSi3O9, at high pressure Note: P = 3.56 GPa American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1749-1763 |
1010959 | CIF | Ba O9 Si3 Ti | P -6 c 2 | 6.6; 6.6; 9.71 90; 90; 120 | 366.3 | Zachariasen, W H The crystal structure of Benitoite Ba Ti Si3 O9 Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1930, 74, 139-146 |
9015046 | CIF | Ba O9 Si3 Ti | P -6 c 2 | 6.6031; 6.6031; 9.71 90; 90; 120 | 366.645 | Hejny, C.; Miletich, R.; Jasser, A.; Schouwink, P.; Crichton, W.; Kahlenberg, V. Second-order P6c2-P31c transition and structural crystallography of the cyclosilicate benitoite, BaTiSi3O9, at high pressure Note: P = 2.14 GPa American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1749-1763 |
9008010 | CIF | Ba O9 Si3 Ti | P -6 c 2 | 6.6; 6.6; 9.74 90; 90; 120 | 367.432 | Zachariasen, W. H. The crystal structure of benitoite, BaTiSi3O9 Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1930, 74, 139-146 |
9014925 | CIF | Ba O9 Si3 Ti | P -6 c 2 | 6.6094; 6.6094; 9.7239 90; 90; 120 | 367.871 | Hejny, C.; Miletich, R.; Jasser, A.; Schouwink, P.; Crichton, W.; Kahlenberg, V. Second-order P6c2-P31c transition and structural crystallography of the cyclosilicate benitoite, BaTiSi3O9, at high pressure Note: P = 1.12 GPa American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1749-1763 |
1007080 | CIF | K Mg O9 P3 | P -6 c 2 | 6.605; 6.605; 9.772 90; 90; 120 | 369.2 | Masse, R; Grenier, J C; Durif, A Trimetaphosphates mixtes N H~4~ M(II) P~3~ O~9~ isomorphes de la benitoite Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1968, 1968, 1741-1742 |
1007257 | CIF | K Mg O9 P3 | P -6 c 2 | 6.605; 6.605; 9.772 90; 90; 120 | 369.2 | Masse, R; Grenier, J C; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Tranqui, D; Durif, A Etude cristallographique de trimetaphosphates hexagonaux du type M(II) N H4 (P O3)3 (M(II)= Zn, Co, Ca, Cd, Mg, Mn). Etude d'un cycle P3 O9 dans un sel de potassium isomorphe. Mg K (P O3)3 Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1967, 90, 158-161 |
1562157 | CIF | Co K O9 P3 | P -6 c 2 | 6.6161; 6.6161; 9.788 90; 90; 120 | 371.05 | Ben Smida, Y.; Guesmi, A.; Georges, S.; Zid, M.F. Synthesis, crystal structure and electrical proprieties of new phosphate KCoP3O9 Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 221, 278-284 |
9008168 | CIF | Ba O9 Si3 Ti | P -6 c 2 | 6.641; 6.641; 9.759 90; 90; 120 | 372.737 | Fisher, V. K. Verfeinerung der kristallstruktur von benitoit BaTi[Si3O9] Sample: Dallas Gem Mine, San Benito, Ca Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1969, 129, 222-243 |
9014388 | CIF | Ba O9 Si3 Ti | P -6 c 2 | 6.643; 6.643; 9.766 90; 90; 120 | 373.229 | Hejny, C.; Miletich, R.; Jasser, A.; Schouwink, P.; Crichton, W.; Kahlenberg, V. Second-order P6c2-P31c transition and structural crystallography of the cyclosilicate benitoite, BaTiSi3O9, at high pressure Note: P = 0.0001 GPa American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1749-1763 |
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