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1001363 CIFMo4 O25 P6 Si2P -314.705; 14.705; 7.3986
90; 90; 120
1385.5Leclaire, A; Lamire, M; Raveau, B
Mo~4~ P~6~ Si~2~ O~25~, an Mo(^III^) phosphosilicate closely related to V~3~ P~5~ Si O~19~: oxygen non-stoichiometry in silicophosphates.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 1181-1184
1001626 CIFCd3 Cl3 PP -37.633; 7.633; 7.133
90; 90; 120
359.9Rebbah, A; Yazbeck, J; Deschanvres, A
Etude structurale des composes Cd3 Y X3 (Y=As, P, X=Cl, Br, I)
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 43-53
1007003 CIFCd3 H28 O32 P6P -312.285; 12.285; 5.494
90; 90; 120
718.1Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A; Guitel, J C
Etude a basse temperature du trimetaphosphate de cadmium tetradeca- hydrate Cd~3~ (P~3~ O~9~)~2~ (H~2~ O)~14~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1976, 32, 1533-1535
1007004 CIFCd3 H28 O32 P6P -312.197; 12.197; 5.47
90; 90; 120
704.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A; Guitel, J C
Etude a basse temperature du trimetaphosphate de cadmium tetradeca- hydrate Cd~3~ (P~3~ O~9~)~2~ (H~2~ O)~14~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1976, 32, 1533-1535
1007056 CIFCd3 H28 O32 P6P -312.228; 12.228; 5.451
90; 90; 120
705.9Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A; Tordjman, I
Cadmium trimetaphosphate tetradecahydrate, Cd~3~ (P~3~ O~9~)~2~ (H~2~ O)~14~
Crystal Structure Communications, 1973, 2, 89-90
1008078 CIFCu1.9998 Er0.6666 S1.9998P -33.874; 3.874; 6.332
90; 90; 120
82.3Ballestracci, R; Bertaut, E F
Etude cristallographique de nouveaux sulfures de terres rares et de cuivre(I)
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1965, 88, 575-579
1008188 CIFCu1.3333 Er0.8889 S2P -33.898; 3.898; 6.218
90; 90; 120
81.8Ballestracci, R; Bertaut, E F
Etude cristallographique de nouveaux sulfures de terres rares et de cuivre (I)
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1965, 88, 575-579
1008967 CIFCu2 Er0.667 S2P -33.874; 3.874; 6.332
90; 90; 120
82.3Ballestracci, R; Bertaut, E F
Etude cristallographique de nouveaux sulfures de terres rares et de cuivre (I)
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1965, 88, 575-579
1010523 CIFNa2 O3 SP -35.441; 5.441; 6.133
90; 90; 120
157.2Zachariasen, W H; Buckley, H E
The Crystal Lattice of Anhydrous Sodium Sulphite,Na~2~ S O~3~
Physical Review (1,1893-132,1963/141,1966-188,1969), 1931, 37, 1295-1305
1011093 CIFC2 Mg Na2 O6P -34.95; 4.95; 16.5
90; 90; 120
350.1Eitel, W; Skaliks, W
Ueber einige Doppelcarbonate der Alkalien und Erdalkalien
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1929, 183, 263-286
1100426 CIFC36 H33 B Cr3 O9P -316.151; 16.151; 8.203
90; 90; 120
1853.11Elschenbroich, Christoph; Kühlkamp, Peter; Behrendt, Andreas; Harms, Klaus
Metall-π-Komplexe von Benzolderivaten, 49. Halbsandwichkomplexe des Trimesitylborans Mes~3~B: Darstellung und Struktur von Mes~2~B[(η^6^-Mes)Cr(CO)~3~], MesB[(η^6^-Mes)Cr(CO)~3~]~2~ und B[(η^6^-Mes)Cr(CO)~3~]~3~. Redoxverhalten und Fragen der intramolekularen Wechselwirkung
Chemische Berichte, 1996, 129, 859-869
1501596 CIFC24 H30 N3 O10 PP -317.1474; 17.1474; 5.3885
90; 90; 120
1372.13Nadia Malek; Thierry Maris; Marie-Eve Perron; James D. Wuest
Molecular Tectonics: Porous Cleavable Networks Constructed by Dipole-Directed Stacking of Hydrogen-Bonded Sheets
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 4021-4025
1501597 CIFC21 H24 N3 O10 PP -316.9535; 16.9535; 5.2396
90; 90; 120
1304.21Nadia Malek; Thierry Maris; Marie-Eve Perron; James D. Wuest
Molecular Tectonics: Porous Cleavable Networks Constructed by Dipole-Directed Stacking of Hydrogen-Bonded Sheets
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 4021-4025
1501598 CIFC24 H24 N3 O10 PP -317.4823; 17.4823; 5.0683
90; 90; 120
1341.5Nadia Malek; Thierry Maris; Marie-Eve Perron; James D. Wuest
Molecular Tectonics: Porous Cleavable Networks Constructed by Dipole-Directed Stacking of Hydrogen-Bonded Sheets
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 4021-4025
1508172 CIFC146 H118 O11P -322.205; 22.205; 12.509
90; 90; 120
5341.4Kissel, Patrick; Erni, Rolf; Schweizer, W. Bernd; Rossell, Marta D.; King, Benjamin T.; Bauer, Thomas; Götzinger, Stephan; Schlüter, A Dieter; Sakamoto, Junji
A two-dimensional polymer prepared by organic synthesis.
Nature chemistry, 2012, 4, 287-291
1508817 CIFMn5 O24 Pb S6P -314.55145; 14.55145; 7.53483
90; 90; 120
1381.71West, D.V.; McQueen, T.M.; Posen, I.D.; Ke, X.; Huang, Q.; Zandbergen, H.W.; Williams, A.J.; Schiffer, P.; Cava, R.J.
The A2+Mn5(SO4)6 family of triangular lattice, ferrimagnetic sulfates
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2009, 182, 1343
1508818 CIFMn5 O24 S6 SrP -314.5038; 14.5038; 7.51859
90; 90; 120
1369.72West, D.V.; McQueen, T.M.; Posen, I.D.; Ke, X.; Huang, Q.; Zandbergen, H.W.; Williams, A.J.; Schiffer, P.; Cava, R.J.
The A2+Mn5(SO4)6 family of triangular lattice, ferrimagnetic sulfates
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2009, 182, 1343
1509758 CIFAg25 Bi3 O18P -311.5887; 11.5887; 6.2386
90; 90; 120
725.583Bortz, M.; Jansen, M.
Ag25Bi3O18, eine potentiell valenzinstabile Bi(III)/ Bi(V) - Verbindung
Angewandte Chemie (German Edition), 1991, 103, 841-842
1510587 CIFAu7 In3P -312.215; 12.215; 8.509
90; 90; 120
1099.5Puselj, M.; Schubert, K.
Kristallstrukturen von Au9 In4 (h) und Au7 In3
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1975, 41, 33-44
1510824 CIFB2 Ru3 UP -310.9531; 10.9531; 5.9353
90; 90; 120
616.662Rogl, P.
The crystal structure of Ru3 U B2
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1980, 92, 292-298
1511335 CIFB0.83 Ca9.93 O25.79 P5.84P -39.456; 9.456; 6.905
90; 90; 120
534.699Ito, A.; Miura, N.; Akao, M.; Otsuka, R.; Tsutsumi, S.
Flux growth and crystal structure of boron-containing apatite
Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi, 1988, 96, 305-309
1511412 CIFB15 Ni W2P -35.207; 5.207; 6.303
90; 90; 120
147.997Haschke, H.; Benesovsky, F.; Nowotny, H.
Bor-reiche Wolframboride
Monatshefte fuer Chemie (-108,1977), 1967, 98, 547-554
1511712 CIFB9 W1.83P -35.206; 5.206; 6.335
90; 90; 120
148.691Benesovsky, F.; Haschke, H.; Nowotny, H.
Bor-reiche Wolframcarbide
Monatshefte fuer Chemie (-108,1977), 1967, 98, 547-554
1512366 CIFC47 H58.33 Cu2 N4 O8P -318.68118; 18.68118; 11.51988
90; 90; 120
3481.67Cordes, Jens; Murray, Philip R. D.; White, Andrew J. P.; Barrett, Anthony G. M.
1,7-Diazaspiro[5.5]undecane - A Neglected Heterocycle.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 4992-4995
1512770 CIFC7 H9 Mg N O5P -313.9275; 13.9275; 8.025
90; 90; 120
1348.1Paul J. Calderone; Debasis Banerjee; Anna M. Plonka; Sun Jin Kim; John B. Parise
Temperature dependent structure formation and photoluminescence studies of a series of magnesium-based coordination networks
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 394, 452-458
1512887 CIFC132 H124 Cl6 Cu6 Mn2 N24 O67P -322.266; 22.266; 10.33
90; 90; 120
4435.2Xiao-Ming Shi; Chang-Xin Li; Xiao-Zeng Li; Shi Ren; Li-Na Zhu
Polynuclear complexes of a new macrocyclic oxamide metalloligand: Syntheses, crystal structures and deoxyribonucleic acid cleavage and magnetic properties
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 395, 197-202
1512925 CIFC6 H24 Br2 Ca O6P -38.386; 8.386; 6.8655
90; 90; 120
418.13Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1513263 CIFC24 H30 O2P -314.5525; 14.5525; 17.0822
90; 90; 120
3132.9Olive, Alexandre G. L.; Raffy, Guillaume; Allouchi, Hassan; Léger, Jean-Michel; Del Guerzo, André; Desvergne, Jean-Pierre
Striking Correlation between the Unusual Trigonal Crystal Packing and the Ability to Self-Assemble into Nanofibers of 2,3-Di-n-alkyloxyanthracenes†
Langmuir, 2009, 25, 8606-8614
1513265 CIFC28 H38 O2P -314.66; 14.66; 19.643
90; 90; 120
3656Olive, Alexandre G. L.; Raffy, Guillaume; Allouchi, Hassan; Léger, Jean-Michel; Del Guerzo, André; Desvergne, Jean-Pierre
Striking Correlation between the Unusual Trigonal Crystal Packing and the Ability to Self-Assemble into Nanofibers of 2,3-Di-n-alkyloxyanthracenes†
Langmuir, 2009, 25, 8606-8614
1513877 CIFC30 H30 Er I3 N4 O3P -313.0245; 13.0245; 11.15
90; 90; 120
1638Pedersen, Kasper S.; Ungur, Liviu; Sigrist, Marc; Sundt, Alexander; Schau-Magnussen, Magnus; Vieru, Veacheslav; Mutka, Hannu; Rols, Stephane; Weihe, Høgni; Waldmann, Oliver; Chibotaru, Liviu F.; Bendix, Jesper; Dreiser, Jan
Modifying the properties of 4f single-ion magnets by peripheral ligand functionalisation
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 1650
1515776 CIFC45 H43 B2 F15 Ga N9 S3P -316.5444; 16.5444; 11.2559
90; 90; 120
2668.2Yurkerwich, Kevin; Buccella, Daniela; Melnick, Jonathan G.; Parkin, Gerard
Tris(2-mercapto-1-tert-butylimidazolyl)hydroborato gallium derivatives: synthesis of di- and trigallium compounds in a sulfur-rich coordination environment
Chemical Science, 2010, 1, 210
1515781 CIFC54 H86 B2 Ga2 I2 N18 S6P -311.4967; 11.4967; 16.993
90; 90; 120
1945.1Yurkerwich, Kevin; Buccella, Daniela; Melnick, Jonathan G.; Parkin, Gerard
Tris(2-mercapto-1-tert-butylimidazolyl)hydroborato gallium derivatives: synthesis of di- and trigallium compounds in a sulfur-rich coordination environment
Chemical Science, 2010, 1, 210
1516729 CIFC51 H42 Cu I N3 P3P -313.64705; 13.64705; 14.73999
90; 90; 120
2377.42Maini, Lucia; Mazzeo, Paolo P.; Farinella, Francesco; Fattori, Valeria; Braga, Dario
Mechanochemical preparation of copper iodide clusters of interest for luminescent devices.
Faraday discussions, 2014, 170, 93-107
1517077 CIFC270.75 H371 Cd18 Cl8 N18 O105.92 Tb6P -351.114; 51.114; 24.362
90; 90; 120
55122Jones, Richard A.; Gnanam, Annie J.; Arambula, Jonathan; Jones, Jessica N.; Swaminathan, Jagannath; yang, xiao ping; Schipper, Desmond; Hall, Justin Walker; DePue, Lauren J.; Marcotte, Edward; Sessler, Jonathan; Ehrlich, Lauren I.; Brown, Katherine A.; Dieye, Yahkya; Vadivelu, Jamuna; Chandler, Don J.
FD175: Lanthanide Nano-drums: A New Class of Molecular Nanoparticles for Potential Biomedical Applications
Faraday Discussions, 2014
1517080 CIFC273.75 H384.5 Cd18 Cl8 Eu6 N18 O109.67P -351.304; 51.304; 24.418
90; 90; 120
55660Jones, Richard A.; Gnanam, Annie J.; Arambula, Jonathan; Jones, Jessica N.; Swaminathan, Jagannath; yang, xiao ping; Schipper, Desmond; Hall, Justin Walker; DePue, Lauren J.; Marcotte, Edward; Sessler, Jonathan; Ehrlich, Lauren I.; Brown, Katherine A.; Dieye, Yahkya; Vadivelu, Jamuna; Chandler, Don J.
FD175: Lanthanide Nano-drums: A New Class of Molecular Nanoparticles for Potential Biomedical Applications
Faraday Discussions, 2014
1518088 CIFK3 O8 P2 ScP -39.43; 9.43; 7.629
90; 90; 120
587.5Efremov, V. A.; Melnikov, P. P.; Komissarova, L. N.
Sur de nouveaux composes de type glaserite
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 666-675
1518089 CIFCs K2 O8 P2 ScP -35.4836; 5.4836; 7.9157
90; 90; 120
206.13Efremov, V. A.; Melnikov, P. P.; Komissarova, L. N.
Sur de nouveaux composes de type glaserite
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 666-675
1518678 CIFC254 H317 Cd18 Cl8 Eu6 N18 O92P -351.305; 51.305; 24.419
90; 90; 120
55664Jones, Richard A.; Gnanam, Annie J.; Arambula, Jonathan F.; Jones, Jessica N.; Swaminathan, Jagannath; Yang, Xiaoping; Schipper, Desmond; Hall, Justin W.; DePue, Lauren J.; Dieye, Yakhya; Vadivelu, Jamuna; Chandler, Don J.; Marcotte, Edward M.; Sessler, Jonathan L.; Ehrlich, Lauren I. R.; Brown, Katherine A.
Lanthanide nano-drums: a new class of molecular nanoparticles for potential biomedical applications
Faraday Discuss., 2014
1518679 CIFC254 H317 Cd18 Cl8 N18 O92 Tb6P -351.114; 51.114; 24.362
90; 90; 120
55122Jones, Richard A.; Gnanam, Annie J.; Arambula, Jonathan F.; Jones, Jessica N.; Swaminathan, Jagannath; Yang, Xiaoping; Schipper, Desmond; Hall, Justin W.; DePue, Lauren J.; Dieye, Yakhya; Vadivelu, Jamuna; Chandler, Don J.; Marcotte, Edward M.; Sessler, Jonathan L.; Ehrlich, Lauren I. R.; Brown, Katherine A.
Lanthanide nano-drums: a new class of molecular nanoparticles for potential biomedical applications
Faraday Discuss., 2014
1519679 CIFC6 H24 Cl2 N36 O8 ZnP -311.8398; 11.8398; 6.57
90; 90; 120
797.6Wang, Kun; Zeng, Dihao; Zhang, Jian-Guo; Cui, Yan; Zhang, Tong-Lai; Li, Zhi-Min; Jin, Xin
Controllable explosion: fine-tuning the sensitivity of high-energy complexes.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2015, 44, 12497-12501
1521069 CIFAl12 Ca O27 Si4P -37.223; 7.223; 8.614
90; 90; 120
389.198Grey, I.E.; Hibberson, W.O.; Madsen, I.C.; O'Neill, H.S.C.
Ca Al12 Si4 O27, a new high-pressure phase containing Al6 O19 clusters
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2000, 153, 391-397
1521808 CIFBa0.3 Ce1.12 Cl0.021 F2 La0.62 Na1.98 Nd0.36 O24 P6 Sr5.54P -39.659; 9.659; 7.182
90; 90; 120
580.284Rakovan, J.F.; Hughes, J.M.
Strontium in the apatite structure: strontian fluorapatite and belovite-(Ce)
Canadian Mineralogist, 2000, 38, 839-845
1524013 CIFD6 Na2 O6 PtP -35.831; 5.831; 4.755
90; 90; 120
140.013Bandel, G.; Muellner, M.; Troemel, M.
Die Kristallstruktur von Na2 Pt (O D)6
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1979, 453, 5-8
1524089 CIFMg2 Sn0.666667P -313.245; 13.245; 4.45
90; 90; 120
676.075Bolotina, N.B.; Bendeliani, N.A.; Dyuzheva, T.I.; Petricek, V.; Petrova, A.E.; Siminov, V.I.
Growth of crystals, composite crystal structures and electrical resistance of high-pressure phases of Mg2 B1+x (B=Sn, Ge)
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1998, 278, 29-33
1524090 CIFGe0.666667 Mg2P -312.53; 12.53; 4.175
90; 90; 120
567.661Bolotina, N.B.; Petrova, A.E.; Dyuzheva, T.I.; Bendeliani, N.A.; Petricek, V.; Siminov, V.I.
Growth of crystals, composite crystal structures and electrical resistance of high-pressure phases of Mg2 B1+x (B=Sn, Ge)
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1998, 278, 29-33
1524899 CIFBa4 F2 Na3 Nd3 O24 P6P -39.786; 9.786; 7.281
90; 90; 120
603.854Mathew, M.; Mayer, I.; Dickens, B.; Schroeder, L.W.
Substitution in barium-fluoride apatite: The crystal structures of Ba10 (P O4)6 F2, Ba6 La2 Na2 (P O4)6 F2 and Ba4 Nd3 Na3 (P O4)6 F2
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 28, 79-95
1524913 CIFK2 O Pb2 Si2P -35.63; 5.63; 7.59
90; 90; 120
208.348McMurdie, H.F.
X-ray studies of compounds in the system Pb O - B2 O3 and K2 O - Pb O - Si O2
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 1941, 26, 489-494
1526146 CIFFe0.143 S3 Sr1.143 Ti0.857P -311.4935; 11.4935; 20.99
90; 90; 120
2401.31Gourdon, O.; Whangbo Myunghwan; Evain, M.; Jeanneau, E.; Brec, R.; Jobic, S.; Koo, H.-J.
Influence of metal-metal sigma bonding on the structures and physical properties of the hexagonal perovskite-type sulfides Sr9/8 Ti S3, Sr8/7 Ti S3 and Sr8/7 (Ti6/7 Fe1/7) S3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2001, 162, 103-112
1526151 CIFC2.25 H5.875 Al0.652 Mn0.348 N0.375 O4.125 PP -312.746; 12.746; 9.14
90; 90; 120
1285.95Novak Tusar, N.; Ristic, A.; Meden, A.; Kaucic, V.
Large-pore molecular sieve (Mn A P O)-50 : synthesis, single-crystal structure analysis and thermal stability
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2000, 37, 303-311
1526451 CIFLa9.33 O26 Si6P -39.7248; 9.7248; 7.1895
90; 90; 120
588.831Sansom, J.E.H.; Richings, D.; Slater, P.R.
A powder neutron diffraction study of the oxide-ion-conducting apatite-type phases, La9.33 Si6 O26 and La8 Sr2 Si6 O26
Solid State Ionics, 2001, 139, 205-210

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