Crystallography Open Database

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9016465 CIFBa10 O24 P6 SP -310.252; 10.252; 7.659
90; 90; 120
697.14Henning, P. A.; Adolfsson, E.; Grins, J.
The chalcogenide phosphate apatites Ca10(PO4)6S, Sr10(PO4)6S, Ba10(PO4)6S and Ca10(PO4)6Se
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 2000, 215, 226-230
9016283 CIFCa5 O12 P3 S0.5P -39.4619; 9.4619; 6.8342
90; 90; 120
529.877Henning, P. A.; Adolfsson, E.; Grins, J.
The chalcogenide phosphate apatites Ca10(PO4)6S, Sr10(PO4)6S, Ba10(PO4)6S and Ca10(PO4)6Se
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 2000, 215, 226-230
9015661 CIFO24 P6 S Sr10P -39.8077; 9.8077; 7.2089
90; 90; 120
600.529Henning, P. A.; Adolfsson, E.; Grins, J.
The chalcogenide phosphate apatites Ca10(PO4)6S, Sr10(PO4)6S, Ba10(PO4)6S and Ca10(PO4)6Se
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 2000, 215, 226-230
9015613 CIFAl96 Ca29.2 Cl2 H20 K14.78 Na79.84 O460 S31 Si102P -312.8742; 12.8742; 87.215
90; 90; 120
12518.8Camara, F.; Bellatreccia, F.; Della Ventura, G.; Mottana, A.; Bindi, L.; Gunter, M. E.; Sebastiani, M.
Fantappieite, a new mineral of the cancrinite-sodalite group with a 33-layer stacking sequence: Occurrence and crystal structure
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 472-480
9015346 CIFNi Ti0.885P -37.3715; 7.3715; 5.302
90; 90; 120
249.507Sitepu, H.
Structural refinement of neutron powder diffraction data of two-stage martensitic phase transformations in Ti50.75Ni47.75Fe1.50 shape memory alloy
Powder Diffraction, 2007, 22, 209-218
9015099 CIFCa10 O24 P6 SeP -39.5007; 9.5007; 6.8406
90; 90; 120
534.732Henning, P. A.; Adolfsson, E.; Grins, J.
The chalcogenide phosphate apatites Ca10(PO4)6S, Sr10(PO4)6S, Ba10(PO4)6S and Ca10(PO4)6Se
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 2000, 215, 226-230
9015042 CIFH14 O14 S Zn4P -38.33; 8.33; 10.54
90; 90; 120
633.375Groat, L. A.
The crystal structure of namuwite, a mineral with Zn in tetrahedral and octahedral coordination, and its relationship to the synthetic basic zinc sulfates Note: U(1,2) for S has been changed to match symmetry constraints.
American Mineralogist, 1996, 81, 238-243
9014689 CIFAs0.154 Cu1.368 Fe2.148 H24 Mg0.222 Ni2.262 O24 Sb1.846P -35.3506; 5.3506; 19.5802
90; 90; 120
485.459Mills, S. J.; Kampf, A. R.; Housley, R. M.; Favreau, G.; Pasero, M.; Biagioni, C.; Merlino, S.; Berbain, C.; Orlandi, P.
Omsite, (Ni,Cu)2Fe3+(OH)6[Sb(OH)6], a new member of the cualstibite group from Oms, France
Mineralogical Magazine, 2012, 76, 1347-1354
9014315 CIFNi TiP -37.341; 7.341; 5.26996
90; 90; 120
245.951Sitepu, H.
Texture and structural refinement using neutron diffraction data from molybdite (MoO3) and calcite (CaCO3) powders and a Ni-rich Ni50.7Ti49.30 alloy Note: Aged
Powder Diffraction, 2009, 24, 315-326
9014066 CIFBa0.06 Ca4.2 Ce0.82 F1.88 Gd0.04 La0.1 Na2.36 Nd1.14 O24 P5.88 Pr0.2 Si0.12 Sm0.22 Sr0.9P -39.4553; 9.4553; 6.9825
90; 90; 120
540.62Pekov, I. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Husdal, T. A.; Kononkova, N. N.; Agakhanov, A. A.; Zadov, A. E.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Carlgieseckeite-(Nd), NaNdCa3(PO4)3F, a new belovite-group mineral species from the Ilimaussaq alkaline complex, South Greenland
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 571-580
9013956 CIFCa3.548 Ce1.299 F1.41 H0.63 La0.6 Na1.999 Nd0.25 O24.63 P5.799 Si0.201 Sr2.301P -39.51; 9.51; 7.01
90; 90; 120
549.047Rastsvetaeva, R. F.; Khomyakov, A. P.
Crystal structure of deloneite-(Ce), high ordered Ca analogue of belovite
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1996, 349, 354-357
9012866 CIFAs2 S6 Sn Tl2P -36.68; 6.68; 7.164
90; 90; 120
276.847Graeser, S.; Schwander, H.; Wulf, R.; Edenharter, A.
Erniggliite (Tl2SnAs2S6), a new mineral from Lengenbach, Binntal (Switzerland): description and crystal structure determination based on data from synchrotron radiation Locality: Lengenbach, Binntal, Switzerland
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1992, 72, 293-305
9012862 CIFCu5.999 H36.01 O21 S2 Zn1.001P -38.211; 8.211; 7.106
90; 90; 120
414.904Mumme, W. G.; Sarp, H.; Chiappero, P. J.
A note on the crystal structure of schulenbergite
Archivs des Sciences, Geneve, 1994, 47, 117-124
9011912 CIFBa0.12 Ca0.06 Ce0.4 F La0.599 Na0.981 O12 P3 Sr2.754P -39.6641; 9.6641; 7.1825
90; 90; 120
580.937Kabalov, Y. K.; Sokolova, E. V.; Pekov, I. V.
Crystal structure of belovite-(La)
Soviet Physics Doklady, 1997, 42, 344-348
9011511 CIFCl H18 Na O16 S Zn4P -38.3556; 8.3556; 13.025
90; 90; 120
787.524Adiwidjaja, G.; Friese, K.; Klaska, K. H.; Schluter, J.
The crystal structure of gordaite NaZn4(SO4)(OH)6Cl*6H2O
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1997, 212, 704-707
9010152 CIFAl1.01 H12 O12 Sb Zn1.99P -35.327; 5.327; 9.792
90; 90; 120
240.64Bonaccorsi, E.; Merlino, S.; Orlandi, P.
Zincalstibite, a new mineral, and cualstibite: Crystal chemical and structural relationships Locality: Lucchetti marble quarry, Fantiscritti marble basin, Carrara, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy
American Mineralogist, 2007, 92, 198-203
9010151 CIFAl Cu2 H12 O12 SbP -39.15; 9.15; 9.745
90; 90; 120
706.569Bonaccorsi, E.; Merlino, S.; Orlandi, P.
Zincalstibite, a new mineral, and cualstibite: Crystal chemical and structural relationships
American Mineralogist, 2007, 92, 198-203
9009982 CIFNi Ti0.88P -34.2579; 4.2579; 5.2149
90; 90; 120
81.878Sitepu, H.; Wright, J. P.; Hansen, T.; Chateigner, D.; Brokmeier, H. G.; Ritter, C.; Ohba, T.
Combined synchrotron and neutron structural refinement of R-phase in Ti50.75Ni47.75Fe1.50 shape memory alloy
Materials Science Forum, 2005, 495, 255-260
9009954 CIFCa0.38 Fe0.36 H18 Mn1.26 Na6.24 Nb0.4 O54 Si18 Ti1.4 Zr0.42P -310.036; 10.036; 12.876
90; 90; 120
1123.14Yamnova, N. A.; Egorov-Tismenko Y K; Pekov, I. V.; Shchegol'kova, L. V.
Crystal structure of tisinalite Na2(Mn,Ca)1-x(Ti,Zr,Nb,Fe3+)[Si6O8(O,OH)10]
Crystallography Reports, 2003, 48, 551-556
9009470 CIFAl Ca7 H22 Na0.8 O36 Si11P -39.765; 9.765; 19.067
90; 90; 120
1574.55Merlino, S.
The structure of reyerite, (Na,K)2Ca14Si22Al2O58(OH)8*6H2O Note: anisoU's from ICSD
Mineralogical Magazine, 1988, 52, 247-256

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