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Searching journal of publication like 'Angew. Chem. Int. ed.' volume of publication is 41

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1535302 CIFBr5 H36 La4 Mo12 O56 PP -4 3 m12.2256; 12.2256; 12.2256
90; 90; 90
1827.3Mialane, P.; Dolbecq, A.; Mallard, A.; Lisnard, L.; Marrot, J.; Secheresse, F.
[eta-P Mo12 O36 (OH)4 {La (H2 O)4}4]5+: The First eta-P Mo12 O40 Keggin Ion and Its Association with the Two-Electron-Reduced alpha-P Mo12 O40 Isomer
Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2002, 41, 2398-2401
1535306 CIFCl5.04 La4 Mo12 O56.12 PP -4 3 m12.4193; 12.4193; 12.4193
90; 90; 90
1915.54Mialane, P.; Dolbecq, A.; Mallard, A.; Lisnard, L.; Marrot, J.; Secheresse, F.
[eta-P Mo12 O36 ( OH)4 {La (H2 O)4}4]5+: The First eta-P Mo12O 40 Keggin Ion and Its Association with the Two-Electron-Reduced alpha-P Mo12 O40 Isomer
Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2002, 41, 2398-2401
1541516 CIFC26 H60 Cl9 N11 Nb6 O6.865P 1 c 112.279; 12.648; 37.695
90; 100.231; 90
5761.13Naumov, N.G.; Cordier, S.; Perrin, C.
Two (Nb6 Cl9 O3 (C N)6)(5-) isomer anions in two Nb6 cluster oxyhalides: Cs5 (Nb6 Cl9 O3 (C N)6) * 4(H2 O) and (Me4 N)5 (Nb6 Cl9 O3 (C N)6) * 5(H2 O)
Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2002, 41, 3002-3004
1509683 CIFAg2 Ni O2R -3 m :H2.9193; 2.9193; 24.031
90; 90; 120
177.362Schreyer, M.; Jansen, M.
Synthesis and characterization of Ag2 Ni O2 showing an uncommon charge distribution
Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2002, 41, 643-646
1534513 CIFC2 B36 Si8 Tb1.8R -3 m :H10.1171; 10.1171; 16.397
90; 90; 120
1453.47Salvador, J.R.; Mahanti, S.D.; Bilc, D.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
Gallium flux synthesis of Tb3-x C2 Si8 (B12)3: a novel quaternary boron-rich phase containing B12-icosahedra
Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2002, 41, 844-846

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