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Searching journal of publication like 'Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials' volume of publication is 76

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2108614 CIF
Al Cu K O8 P2P 1 21/c 15.027; 14.047; 9.263
90; 102.29; 90
639.11Yakubovich, Olga; Kiriukhina, Galina; Shvanskaya, Larisa; Volkov, Anatoliy; Dimitrova, Olga
Joint crystallization of KCuAl[PO~4~]~2~ and K(Al,Zn)~2~[(P,Si)O~4~]~2~: crystal chemistry and mechanism of formation of phosphate-silicate epitaxial heterostructure
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108646 CIF
Al3 B4 O12 SmC 1 2/c 17.2386; 9.3412; 11.1013
90; 103.224; 90
730.73Oreshonkov, A. S.; Shestakov, N. P.; Molokeev, M. S.; Aleksandrovsky, A. S.; Gudim, I. A.; Temerov, V. L.; Adichtchev, S. V.; Pugachev, A. M.; Nemtsev, I. V.; Pogoreltsev, E. I.; Denisenko, Y. G.
Monoclinic SmAl~3~(BO~3~)~4~: synthesis, structural and spectroscopic properties
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108615 CIF
Al3 K2 O16 P3 Si ZnC 1 2/c 113.234; 13.121; 8.6581
90; 100.14; 90
1479.9Yakubovich, Olga; Kiriukhina, Galina; Shvanskaya, Larisa; Volkov, Anatoliy; Dimitrova, Olga
Joint crystallization of KCuAl[PO~4~]~2~ and K(Al,Zn)~2~[(P,Si)O~4~]~2~: crystal chemistry and mechanism of formation of phosphate-silicate epitaxial heterostructure
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108691 CIF
B Bi4 I O7I m m m3.959; 13.453; 3.969
90; 90; 90
211.39Volkov, Sergey; Bubnova, Rimma; Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria; Galafutnik, Lydia
The first bismuth borate oxyiodide, Bi~4~BO~7~I: commensurate or incommensurate?
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108648 CIF
B Fe2.654 Mg0.346 O5P b a m9.3914; 12.3034; 3.0697
90; 90; 90
354.69Biryukov, Yaroslav P.; Zinnatullin, Almaz L.; Bubnova, Rimma S.; Vagizov, Farit G.; Shablinskii, Andrey P.; Filatov, Stanislav K.; Shilovskikh, Vladimir V.; Pekov, Igor V.
Investigation of thermal behavior of mixed-valent iron borates vonsenite and hulsite containing [O<i>M</i>~4~]<i>^n^</i>^+^ and [O<i>M</i>~5~]<i>^n^</i>^+^ oxocentred polyhedra by <i>in situ</i> high-temperature Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76, 543-553
2108649 CIF
B Fe2.654 Mg0.346 O5P b a m9.425; 12.3528; 3.0799
90; 90; 90
358.58Biryukov, Yaroslav P.; Zinnatullin, Almaz L.; Bubnova, Rimma S.; Vagizov, Farit G.; Shablinskii, Andrey P.; Filatov, Stanislav K.; Shilovskikh, Vladimir V.; Pekov, Igor V.
Investigation of thermal behavior of mixed-valent iron borates vonsenite and hulsite containing [O<i>M</i>~4~]<i>^n^</i>^+^ and [O<i>M</i>~5~]<i>^n^</i>^+^ oxocentred polyhedra by <i>in situ</i> high-temperature Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76, 543-553
2108722 CIF
B12 YbF m -3 m7.4598; 7.4598; 7.4598
90; 90; 90
415.128Bolotina, Nadezhda; Khrykina, Olga; Azarevich, Andrey; Gavrilkin, Sergey; Sluchanko, Nikolay
Fine details of crystal structure and atomic vibrations in YbB~12~ with a metal‒insulator transition
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108723 CIF
B12 YbF m -3 m7.46; 7.46; 7.46
90; 90; 90
415.161Bolotina, Nadezhda; Khrykina, Olga; Azarevich, Andrey; Gavrilkin, Sergey; Sluchanko, Nikolay
Fine details of crystal structure and atomic vibrations in YbB~12~ with a metal‒insulator transition
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108724 CIF
B12 YbF m -3 m7.4602; 7.4602; 7.4602
90; 90; 90
415.194Bolotina, Nadezhda; Khrykina, Olga; Azarevich, Andrey; Gavrilkin, Sergey; Sluchanko, Nikolay
Fine details of crystal structure and atomic vibrations in YbB~12~ with a metal‒insulator transition
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108725 CIF
B12 YbF m -3 m7.4603; 7.4603; 7.4603
90; 90; 90
415.211Bolotina, Nadezhda; Khrykina, Olga; Azarevich, Andrey; Gavrilkin, Sergey; Sluchanko, Nikolay
Fine details of crystal structure and atomic vibrations in YbB~12~ with a metal‒insulator transition
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108726 CIF
B12 YbF m -3 m7.4584; 7.4584; 7.4584
90; 90; 90
414.89Bolotina, Nadezhda; Khrykina, Olga; Azarevich, Andrey; Gavrilkin, Sergey; Sluchanko, Nikolay
Fine details of crystal structure and atomic vibrations in YbB~12~ with a metal‒insulator transition
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108727 CIF
B12 YbF m -3 m7.4585; 7.4585; 7.4585
90; 90; 90
414.911Bolotina, Nadezhda; Khrykina, Olga; Azarevich, Andrey; Gavrilkin, Sergey; Sluchanko, Nikolay
Fine details of crystal structure and atomic vibrations in YbB~12~ with a metal‒insulator transition
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108728 CIF
B12 YbF m -3 m7.4599; 7.4599; 7.4599
90; 90; 90
415.144Bolotina, Nadezhda; Khrykina, Olga; Azarevich, Andrey; Gavrilkin, Sergey; Sluchanko, Nikolay
Fine details of crystal structure and atomic vibrations in YbB~12~ with a metal‒insulator transition
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108729 CIF
B12 YbF m -3 m7.4608; 7.4608; 7.4608
90; 90; 90
415.295Bolotina, Nadezhda; Khrykina, Olga; Azarevich, Andrey; Gavrilkin, Sergey; Sluchanko, Nikolay
Fine details of crystal structure and atomic vibrations in YbB~12~ with a metal‒insulator transition
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108730 CIF
B12 YbF m -3 m7.4629; 7.4629; 7.4629
90; 90; 90
415.645Bolotina, Nadezhda; Khrykina, Olga; Azarevich, Andrey; Gavrilkin, Sergey; Sluchanko, Nikolay
Fine details of crystal structure and atomic vibrations in YbB~12~ with a metal‒insulator transition
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2108647 CIFB4 Ca3 Eu2 O12P n m a7.20378; 15.57492; 8.63406
90; 90; 90
968.727Kosyl, Katarzyna M.; Paszkowicz, Wojciech; Shekhovtsov, Alexey N.; Kosmyna, Miron B.; Antonowicz, Jerzy; Olczak, Adam; Fitch, Andrew N.
Variation of cation distribution with temperature and its consequences on thermal expansion for Ca~3~Eu~2~(BO~3~)~4~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76, 554-562
2022007 CIFC H3 O3P 1 21/c 16.092; 3.4919; 11.8481
90; 103.898; 90
244.66Jha, Kunal Kumar; Gruza, Barbara; Kumar, Prashant; Chodkiewicz, Michal Leszek; Dominiak, Paulina Maria
TAAM: a reliable and user friendly tool for hydrogen-atom location using routine X-ray diffraction data
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2020, 76
2022019 CIFC H3 O3P 1 21/c 16.0954; 3.4948; 11.8499
90; 103.939; 90
244.996Jha, Kunal Kumar; Gruza, Barbara; Kumar, Prashant; Chodkiewicz, Michal Leszek; Dominiak, Paulina Maria
TAAM: a reliable and user friendly tool for hydrogen-atom location using routine X-ray diffraction data
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2020, 76
2022022 CIFC H3 O3P 1 21/c 16.095; 3.4881; 11.8462
90; 103.842; 90
244.54Jha, Kunal Kumar; Gruza, Barbara; Kumar, Prashant; Chodkiewicz, Michal Leszek; Dominiak, Paulina Maria
TAAM: a reliable and user friendly tool for hydrogen-atom location using routine X-ray diffraction data
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2020, 76
2022032 CIFC H3 O3P 1 21/c 16.0988; 3.4954; 11.8455
90; 103.927; 90
245.096Jha, Kunal Kumar; Gruza, Barbara; Kumar, Prashant; Chodkiewicz, Michal Leszek; Dominiak, Paulina Maria
TAAM: a reliable and user friendly tool for hydrogen-atom location using routine X-ray diffraction data
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2020, 76

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