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1000067 CIFLi O6 Sb WP b c n4.6664; 17.4435; 4.9941
90; 90; 90
406.5Le Bail, A; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Ab-initio structure determination of Li Sb W O~6~ by X-ray powder diffraction
Materials Research Bulletin, 1988, 23, 447-452
1000090 CIFF5 Fe K2P b c n7.4059; 12.8771; 20.4282
90; 90; 90
1948.2Le Bail, A; Desert, A; Fourquet, J L
Reinvestigation of the structure of K~2~FeF~5~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 84, 408-412
1000225 CIFD4 F6 Fe Mn NP b c n7.7947; 12.8133; 10.5244
90; 90; 90
1051.1Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; de Pape, R; Pannetier, J
Nuclear and magnetic structures of N D~4~ Mn Fe F~6~ at 4.2 K.
Solid State Communications, 1986, 165, 169-369
1000235 CIFF5 Fe H10 N2 OP b c n10.491; 8.09; 7.997
90; 90; 90
678.7Fourquet, J L; Plet, F; Calage, Y
Crystal Structure and Magnetic Characterization of (N H~4~)~2~ Fe F~5~ (H~2~ O)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 74, 34-38
1000326 CIFF12 In2 Li4 ZnP b c n4.7496; 17.606; 5.0617
90; 90; 90
423.3Maguer, J J; Courbion, G
A tri-$-alpha-PbO~2~ related structure:Li~4~ZnIn~2~F~12~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 103, 466-471
1000330 CIFC2 Ba2 F3 O6 YP b c n9.458; 6.966; 11.787
90; 90; 90
776.6Mercier, N; Leblanc, M
Synthesis and crystal structure of fluorocarbonates Ba~2~M(CO~3~)~2~F~3~ (M=Y,Gd)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1991, 28, 727-735
1000331 CIFC2 Ba2 F3 Gd O6P b c n9.513; 6.978; 11.864
90; 90; 90
787.6Mercier, N; Leblanc, M
Synthesis and crystal structure of fluorocarbonates Ba~2~M(CO~3~)~2~F~3~ (M=Y,Gd)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1991, 28, 727-735
1000481 CIFBa F5 Fe H2 OP b c n10.314; 7.317; 13.463
90; 90; 90
1016Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H
Crystal Structures of Ba Fe F5 * H2 O
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1989, 26, 413-418
1001642 CIFK2 Mo2 O11 P2P b c n9.314; 8.8679; 10.954
90; 90; 90
904.8Guesdon, A; Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
A molybdenum(V) diphosphate with a tunnel structure: $-beta-K2 Mo2 O4 P2 O7
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 114, 481-485
1001835 CIFCa Cl2 H4 O2P b c n5.893; 7.469; 12.07
90; 90; 90
531.3Leclaire, A.; Borel, M. M.
Le dichlorure de calcium dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1977, 33, 1608-1610
1006088 CIFCu Nb2 O6P b c n14.097; 5.613; 5.123
90; 90; 90
405.4Norwig, J; Weitzel, H; Paulus, H; Lautenschlaeger, G; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Fuess, H
Structural relations in mixed oxides Cux Zn1-x Nb2 O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 115, 476-483
1006089 CIFCu0.36 Nb2 O6 Zn0.64P b c n14.187; 5.73; 5.031
90; 90; 90
409Norwig, J; Weitzel, H; Paulus, H; Lautenschlaeger, G; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Fuess, H
Structural relations in mixed oxides Cux Zn1-x Nb2 O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 115, 476-483
1008066 CIFFe O4 UP b c n4.888; 11.937; 5.11
90; 90; 90
298.2Bachmann, M; Bertaut, E F
Structure du nouveau compose U Fe O~4~
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1967, 90, 257-258
1008067 CIFCr O4 UP b c n4.871; 11.787; 5.053
90; 90; 90
290.1Bacmann, M; Bertaut, E F
Structure de U Cr O~4~
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1964, 87, 275-276
1008069 CIFCr O4 UP b c n4.871; 11.787; 5.053
90; 90; 90
290.1Bacmann, M; Bertaut, E F; Bassi, G
Parametres atomiques et structure magnetique de U Cr O~4~
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1965, 88, 214-218
1008356 CIFFe Nb2 O6P b c n14.2661; 5.7334; 5.0495
90; 90; 90
413Bordet, P; McHale, A; Santoro, A; Roth, R S
Powder neutron diffraction study of Zr Ti O~4~, Zr~5~ Ti~7~ O~24~ and Fe Nb~2~ O~6~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 64, 30-46
1008697 CIFO24 Ti7.24 Zr4.76P b c n14.3574; 5.3247; 5.02
90; 90; 90
383.8Bordet, P; McHale, A; Santoro, A; Roth, R S
Powder neutron diffraction study of Zr Ti O4, Zr5 Ti7 O24 and Fe Nb2 O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 64, 30-46
1008745 CIFMn Nb O6 TaP b c n14.418; 5.76; 5.099
90; 90; 90
423.5Klein, S; Weitzel, H
Magnetische Struktur von Mn (Nb0.5 Ta0.5)2 O6, Manganotantalit
Acta Crystallographica A (24,1968-38,1982), 1976, 32, 587-591
1008790 CIFO2 Ti0.5 Zr0.5P b c n4.8042; 5.4825; 5.0313
90; 90; 90
132.5Bordet, P; McHale, A; Santoro, A; Roth, R S
Powder neutron diffraction study of Zr Ti O4, Zr5 Ti7 O24 and Fe Nb2 O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 64, 30-46
1008828 CIF
Fe1.78 Ge2.11 Mg0.11 O9 Pb2P b c n7.1486; 11.163; 10.145
90; 90; 90
809.6Barbier, J; Levy, D
Pb~2~Fe~2~Ge~2~O~9~, the Germanate Analogue of the Silicate Mineral Melanotekite
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 2-5
1100161 CIFC12 H19 N4 O6.5 ZnP b c n20.4557; 10.4408; 15.0918
90; 90; 90
3223.2Carballo, Rosa; Vazquez-Lopez, Ezequiel M.; Covelo, Berta; Garcia-Martinez, Emilia; Castineiras, Alfonso; Niclos, Juan
'Solid state coordination chemistry of mononuclear mixed-ligand complexes of Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) with α-hydroxycarboxylic acids and imidazole'
Polyhedron, 2004, 23, 1505-1518
1100211 CIFC12 H33 I N P Si2P b c n25.54; 13.223; 11.653
90; 90; 90
3935.4Chitsaz, S.; Folkerts, H.; Grebe, J.; Gröb, T.; Harms, K.; Hiller, W.; Krieger, M.; Massa, W.; Merle, J.; Möhlen, M.; Neumüller, B.; Dehnicke, K.
Die Kristallstrukturen einer Serie von Verbindungen mit Kationen des Typs [R~3~PNH~2~]^+^, [R3PN(H)SiMe~3~]^+^ und [R3PN(SiMe~3~)~2~]^+^
Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2000, 626, 775-783
1100256 CIFC108 H198 K4 N4 O2 P6P b c n29.4359; 20.482; 18.9377
90; 90; 90
11417.7Gröb, Thorsten; Chitsaz, Soheila; Harms, Klaus; Dehnicke, Kurt
Phosphaniminate von Alkalimetallen: Die Kristallstrukturen von [KNPCy~3~]~4~, [KNPCy~3~]~4~·2OPCy~3~, [CsNPCy~3~]~4~·4OPCy~3~ und [Li~4~(NPPh~3~)(OSiMe~2~NPPh~3~)~3~(DME)]
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 473-479
1100371 CIFC40 H64 Li2 N2 O13 S2P b c n11.825; 21.268; 18.597
90; 90; 90
4677.04Boche, Gernot; Boie, Christiane; Bosold, Ferdinand; Harms, Klaus; Marsch, Michael
[(N-Lithio-N-mesitylsulfonyloxy-tert-butylcarbamate)~2~·(thf)~3~]: Crystal Structure of a Nitrenoid
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, 1994, 33, 115-117
1100425 CIFC33 H33 B Cr2 O6P b c n33.631; 12.174; 15.285
90; 90; 90
6258.04Elschenbroich, Christoph; Kühlkamp, Peter; Behrendt, Andreas; Harms, Klaus
Metall-π-Komplexe von Benzolderivaten, 49. Halbsandwichkomplexe des Trimesitylborans Mes~3~B: Darstellung und Struktur von Mes~2~B[(η^6^-Mes)Cr(CO)~3~], MesB[(η^6^-Mes)Cr(CO)~3~]~2~ und B[(η^6^-Mes)Cr(CO)~3~]~3~. Redoxverhalten und Fragen der intramolekularen Wechselwirkung
Chemische Berichte, 1996, 129, 859-869
1100551 CIFC24 H72 N6 P4 Si4 Zn3P b c n11.647; 17.897; 23.513
90; 90; 90
4901.2Krieger, M.; Gould, R. O.; Neumüller, B.; Harms, K.; Dehnicke, K.
Phosphaniminato-Komplexe des Zinks mit Hydrido-, Alkinylo-, Alkenylo- und Amido-Liganden
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1998, 624, 1434-1442
1100562 CIFC14 H42 N2 Si5P b c n14.878; 12.994; 12.597
90; 90; 90
2435.31Mommertz, Andreas; Geiseier, Gertraud; Harms, Klaus; Dehnicke, Kurt
Kristallstrukturen von Me~2~Si[N(SiMe~3~)~2~]~2~ und [Me~2~Si(NPh)(NHPh)Li·OEt~2~]~2~ / Crystal Structures of Me~2~Si[N(SiMe~3~)~2~]~2~ and [Me~2~Si(NPh)(NHPh)Li·OEt~2~]~2~
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences, 1998, 53, 977-980
1100975 CIFC16 H20 Cl4 N8 Zn2P b c n11.747; 13.566; 14.367
90; 90; 90
2289.5Ruili Sang; Li Xu
A Series of Single, Double, and Triple Me2biim-Bridged Dinuclear, Trinuclear, and Polymeric Complexes: Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Luminescent Properties
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 3731-3737
1101136 CIFC28 H36 Ag4 N16 O13 S3P b c n16.778; 18.433; 13.403
90; 90; 90
4145Juan M. Salas; M. Angustias Romero; Abderrahman Rahmani; Miguel Quirós
Dimeric complexes generated by the reaction of 5,7-dimethyl[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine and silver sulphate: X-ray evidence of the coexistence of two different dimers in the same crystal
Anales de Quimica, International Edition, 1996, 92, 249-254
1101137 CIFC14 H16 N8 O3 Pt SP b c n14.207; 15.187; 17.165
90; 90; 90
3703.5Navarro, Jorge A. R.; Romero, M. Angustias; Salas, Juan M.; Quirós, Miguel; El Bahraoui, Jaouad; Molina, José
Binuclear Platinum(II) Triazolopyrimidine Bridged Complexes. Preparation, Crystal Structure, NMR Spectroscopy, and ab Initio MO Investigation on the Bonding Nature of the Pt(II)···Pt(II) Interaction in the Model Compound {Pt2[NHCHN(C(CH2)(CH3))]4}}
Inorganic Chemistry, 1996, 35, 7829-7835
1502107 CIFC13 H16 O4P b c n13.5; 15.178; 11.351
90; 90; 90
2325.9Egan, Ben A.; Paradowski, Michael; Thomas, Lynne H.; Marquez, Rodolfo
Regiocontrolled rearrangement of isobenzofurans.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2086-2089
1502177 CIFC40 H58 O2 S2P b c n9.585; 15.461; 23.811
90; 90; 90
3528.6Hachiya, Makoto; Ito, Mikinao; Matsuo, Tsukasa; Hashizume, Daisuke; Fueno, Hiroyuki; Tanaka, Kazuyoshi; Tamao, Kohei
Air- and moisture-stable p-monothiobenzoquinones incorporated in an octaalkyl-s-hydrindacene skeleton.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2666-2669
1502676 CIFB H7 N2P b c n12.974; 5.0702; 9.5069
90; 90; 90
625.37Mebs, Stefan; Grabowsky, Simon; Förster, Diana; Kickbusch, Rainer; Hartl, Monika; Daemen, Luke L.; Morgenroth, Wolfgang; Luger, Peter; Paulus, Beate; Lentz, Dieter
Charge transfer via the dative N-B bond and dihydrogen contacts. Experimental and theoretical electron density studies of small Lewis acid-base adducts.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2010, 114, 10185-10196
1503091 CIFC25 H16 Fe N2 O2P b c n27.672; 10.248; 13.417
90; 90; 90
3804.8Saha, Sukdeb; Ghosh, Amrita; Mahato, Prasenjit; Mishra, Sandhya; Mishra, Sanjiv K.; Suresh, E.; Das, Satyabrata; Das, Amitava
Specific recognition and sensing of CN- in sodium cyanide solution.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3406-3409
1503161 CIFC27 H23 N2 O4.5P b c n11.301; 17.774; 22.517
90; 90; 90
4522.9Gao, Meng; Yang, Yan; Wu, Yan-Dong; Deng, Cong; Shu, Wen-Ming; Zhang, Dong-Xue; Cao, Li-Ping; She, Neng-Fang; Wu, An-Xin
An efficient synthesis of hydantoins via sustainable integration of coupled domino processes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4026-4029
1503246 CIFC19 H19 Br O2P b c n25.683; 12.1372; 11.0178
90; 90; 90
3434.5Tang, Xiang-Ying; Wei, Yin; Shi, Min
Thermally induced electrocyclic reaction of methylenecyclopropane methylene diketone derivatives: a facile method for the synthesis of spiro[2.5]octa-3,5-dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5120-5123
1503476 CIFC48 H36 N2 O2P b c n11.4305; 25.443; 12.0501
90; 90; 90
3504.5Jierry, Loïc; Harthong, Steven; Aronica, Christophe; Mulatier, Jean-Christophe; Guy, Laure; Guy, Stéphan
Efficient dibenzo[c]acridine helicene-like synthesis and resolution: scaleup, structural control, and high chiroptical properties.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 288-291
1503629 CIFC20 H22 N2 O5P b c n15.278; 15.133; 15.916
90; 90; 90
3679.8Chen, Fei; Feng, Zhang; He, Chun-Yang; Wang, Hao-Yang; Guo, Yin-Long; Zhang, Xingang
Pd-catalyzed dehydrogenative cross-coupling of polyfluoroarenes with heteroatom-substituted enones.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 1176-1179
1503950 CIFC57.5 H40.5 Cl I2 OP b c n32.948; 17.014; 31.987
90; 90; 90
17931Wang, Kung K.; Wang, Yu-Hsuan; Yang, Hua; Akhmedov, Novruz G.; Petersen, Jeffrey L.
Synthesis of a C(56)H(40) hydrocarbon bearing a 54-carbon framework of C(60).
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2527-2530
1504104 CIFC27 H24 N2 O3P b c n33.2133; 7.9061; 17.9377
90; 90; 90
4710.2Lin, Chi-Hui; Jhang, Jing-Fu; Yang, Ding-Yah
One-pot synthesis of coumarin-based oxazabicyclic and oxazatricyclic compounds and their fluorescence redox switching properties.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4064-4067
1504370 CIFC5 H7 O2P b c n9.064; 9.227; 11.456
90; 90; 90
958.1Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504371 CIFC5 H7 O2P b c n9.062; 9.216; 11.411
90; 90; 90
953Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504372 CIFC5 H7 O2P b c n9.079; 9.247; 11.464
90; 90; 90
962.4Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504373 CIFC5 H7 O2P b c n9.099; 9.225; 11.495
90; 90; 90
964.9Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504374 CIFC5 H7 O2P b c n9.12; 9.359; 11.817
90; 90; 90
1008.6Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504375 CIFC10 H14 O4P b c n9.0859; 9.2413; 11.465
90; 90; 90
962.7Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504710 CIFC28 H28 N9.33P b c n27.601; 15.053; 9.1793
90; 90; 90
3813.8Zhang, En-Xuan; Wang, De-Xian; Zheng, Qi-Yu; Wang, Mei-Xiang
Synthesis of large macrocyclic azacalix[n]pyridines (n = 6 - 9) and their complexation with fullerenes C(60) and C(70).
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 2565-2568
1504787 CIFC26 H10 S8P b c n18.403; 8.002; 14.417
90; 90; 90
2123.1Beer, Leanne; Reed, Robert W.; Robertson, Craig M.; Oakley, Richard T.; Tham, Fook S.; Haddon, Robert C.
Tetrathiophenalenyl radical and its disulfide-bridged dimer.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3121-3123
1504913 CIFC94 H76 Cl4 N8 O8P b c n22.06; 12.69; 29.55
90; 90; 90
8272Ikeda, Chusaku; Sakamoto, Naoya; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
Synthesis and guest recognition ability of 2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-phenylene-containing porphyrinoids.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4601-4604
1505159 CIFC22 H30 N2 S3P b c n38.741; 12.0548; 9.6188
90; 90; 90
4492.1Pang, Hao; Skabara, Peter J.; Crouch, David J.; Duffy, Warren; Heeney, Martin; McCulloch, Iain; Coles, Simon J.; Horton, Peter N.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
Structural and Electronic Effects of 1,3,4-Thiadiazole Units Incorporated into Polythiophene Chains
Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 6585
1505160 CIFC22 H30 N2 S Se2P b c n38.796; 12.1462; 9.6432
90; 90; 90
4544.1Pang, Hao; Skabara, Peter J.; Crouch, David J.; Duffy, Warren; Heeney, Martin; McCulloch, Iain; Coles, Simon J.; Horton, Peter N.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
Structural and Electronic Effects of 1,3,4-Thiadiazole Units Incorporated into Polythiophene Chains
Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 6585
1505381 CIFC28 H35 N3 O2 SP b c n17.22; 11.154; 27.154
90; 90; 90
5215.5Xu, Xiaoliang; Cheng, Dongping; Li, Jinghua; Guo, Hongyun; Yan, Jie
Copper-catalyzed highly efficient multicomponent reactions: synthesis of 2-(sulfonylimino)-4-(alkylimino)azetidine derivatives.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1585-1587
1505766 CIFC20 H4 Cs Er F24 O8P b c n8.534; 21.189; 17.251
90; 90; 90
3119Tan, Rendy H. C.; Motevalli, Majid; Abrahams, Isaac; Wyatt, Peter B.; Gillin, William P.
Quenching of IR luminescence of erbium, neodymium, and ytterbium beta-diketonate complexes by ligand C-H and C-D bonds.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2006, 110, 24476-24479
1506187 CIFC32 H40 O6P b c n26.12; 9.092; 11.853
90; 90; 90
2814.9Bérubé, Amélie; Drutu, Ioana; Wood, John L.
Progress toward the total synthesis of bacchopetiolone: application of a tandem aromatic oxidation/Diels-Alder reaction.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 5421-5424
1506707 CIFC32 H28 Cl4 N4 O4P b c n20.395; 11.2144; 13.2709
90; 90; 90
3035.3Chou, Teh-Chang; Liao, Kung-Ching; Lin, Jin-Ju
Synthesis and luminescence properties of U-shaped polycyclic molecules containing syn-facial functionalized quinoxaline rings.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 4843-4846
1507216 CIFC22 H16 N6 O10P b c n15.0526; 7.086; 22.0077
90; 90; 90
2347.4Akutagawa, Tomoyuki; Uchimaru, Tadafumi; Sakai, Ken-ichi; Hasegawa, Tatsuo; Nakamura, Takayoshi
Bidentated Hydrogen Bond from [O−H···N−N···H−O] to [O-···+H−N−N−H+···-O] Structures in Solids
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2003, 107, 6248
1507378 CIFC22 H24 N2 O4 S2P b c n11.994; 11.904; 15.388
90; 90; 90
2197Azumaya, Isao; Kato, Takako; Okamoto, Iwao; Yamasaki, Ryu; Tanatani, Aya; Yamaguchi, Kentaro; Kagechika, Hiroyuki; Takayanagi, Hiroaki
Absolute helical arrangement of sulfonamide in the crystal.
Organic letters, 2003, 5, 3939-3942
1507782 CIFC44 H32 Cl4 Cu2 N4 O4P b c n12.891; 13.324; 23.68
90; 90; 90
4067Selvakumar, P M; Nadella, N; Prathap, K J; Kureshy, R I; Suresh, E; Subramanian, P S
Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Catalytic studies on Dinuclear Cu(II)-Mesocates
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2011, 375, 106-113
1507870 CIFC18 H28 N2 O3P b c n18.1522; 11.5989; 18.603
90; 90; 90
3916.8Snyder, Seth E.; Huang, Bin-Syuan; Chen, Yu-Tzu; Lin, Huei-Shian; Carey, James R.
A simple chiral recognition system to investigate substituent effects on π-π interactions.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 3442-3445
1507924 CIFC25 H20 O6P b c n10.329; 14.725; 26.376
90; 90; 90
4011.6Schickea, Olivier; Faurea, Bruno; Giorgib, Michel; Simaana, A. Jalila; Reglier, Marius
Binuclear copper(II) complexes 1: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of a new complex in phosphatase-like activity
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 391, 189-194
1508032 CIFC24 N3 O40 P V2 W10P b c n15.5486; 21.1547; 23.1083
90; 90; 90
7600.92Kamata, Keigo; Yonehara, Kazuhiro; Nakagawa, Yoshinao; Uehara, Kazuhiro; Mizuno, Noritaka
Efficient stereo- and regioselective hydroxylation of alkanes catalysed by a bulky polyoxometalate.
Nature chemistry, 2010, 2, 478-483
1508363 CIFC94 H88 N24 Ni6 O19 S2P b c n15.525; 22.703; 31.993
90; 90; 90
11276.4Zheng, Xiao-Feng; Zhu, Long-Guan
An Unsymmetrical Trinickel Metal Complex with 4-Sulfobenzoate Axial Ligand: [Ni3(dpa)4(4-sb)(H2O)]x3H2O
Crystals, 2011, 1, 120-127
1508916 CIFC18 H18 Cu N6 S2P b c n31.372; 7.5677; 7.9918
90; 90; 90
1897.4Palanimuthu, Duraippandi; Shinde, Sridevi Vijay; Somasundaram, Kumaravel; Samuelson, Ashoka G.
In Vitro and in Vivo Anticancer Activity of Copper Bis(thiosemicarbazone) Complexes.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2013, 56, 722-734
1509212 CIFAg B O2P b c n8.441; 8.68; 19.741
90; 90; 90
1446.38Brachtel, G.; Jansen, M.
Silber(I)-metaborat, Ag B O2
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Photoinduced shape changes of diarylethene single crystals: correlation between shape changes and molecular packing.
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Photoinduced shape changes of diarylethene single crystals: correlation between shape changes and molecular packing.
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Conformer-dependent self-assembly metallacycles with photo-reversible response
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1550862 CIFC14 H18 Ca N2 O7P b c n28.4326; 7.33162; 7.92571
90; 90; 90
1652.17Al-Terkawi, Abdal-Azim; Scholz, Gudrun; Prinz, Carsten; Emmerling, Franziska; Kemnitz, Erhard
Ca-, Sr-, and Ba-Coordination polymers based on anthranilic acid via mechanochemistry.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2019, 48, 6513-6521
1550864 CIFC14 H14 Ba N2 O5P b c n31.0208; 12.1669; 7.822
90; 90; 90
2952.23Al-Terkawi, Abdal-Azim; Scholz, Gudrun; Prinz, Carsten; Emmerling, Franziska; Kemnitz, Erhard
Ca-, Sr-, and Ba-Coordination polymers based on anthranilic acid via mechanochemistry.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2019, 48, 6513-6521
1551305 CIFC42 H68 N4 O6 S2P b c n9.8603; 43.035; 38.9591
90; 90; 90
16531.8M.Mir, Fatemeh; Crisma, Marco; Toniolo, Claudio; Lubell, William D.
Isolated α-turn and incipient γ-helix
Chemical Science, 2019
1551517 CIFC38 H58 N14 S4 Zn2P b c n20.581; 13.879; 16.592
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4739Yu, Ping; Deng, Jungang; Cai, Jinhua; Zhang, Zhenlei; Zhang, Juzheng; Hamid Khan, Muhammad; Liang, Hong; Yang, Feng
Anticancer and biological properties of a Zn-2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(thiosemicarbazone) complex.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2019, 11, 1372-1386
1551632 CIFC25 H28 Cu N6 O6P b c n12.666; 12.687; 15.113
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2428.6SAGA, Makoto; SAKANE, Genta; YAMAZAKI, Shigeo; SAITO, Keiitsu
Crystal Structure of a Copper(II) Complex with <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>&prime;-Bis(2-methylquinolyl)-dimethyl-1,3-propanediamine
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1551650 CIFC19 H14 N4 OP b c n7.9513; 23.364; 8.3103
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1543.8HAO, Yongjing; XIE, Juan; MENG, Xiaocai; GAO, Xiaorui
Crystal Structure of 1,3-Di(quinolin-3-yl)urea
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1551726 CIFC19 H20 N2 SP b c n4.8145; 12.6749; 26.2919
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Crystal Structure of Bis(3,4-dihydroisoquinolin-2(1H)-yl)methanethione
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1551779 CIFC9 H10 Cl3 N3 OP b c n14.439; 8.3664; 39.656
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4790.5KAWAMURA, Tomoko; HIRAYAMA, Noriaki
Addendum: Crystal Structure of Guanfacine Hydrochloride [X-ray Structure Analysis Online, Vol. 25, p. 3 (2009)]
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1552117 CIF
C32 H22 F12 N4 O2P b c n13.479; 11.213; 22.552
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3408.5Akkurt, Mehmet; Shikhaliyev, Namiq Q.; Askerova, Ulviyya F.; Mukhtarova, Sevinc H.; Mammadova, Gunay Z.; Toze, Flavien A. A.
(1<i>Z</i>,2<i>Z</i>)-1,2-Bis(2-(3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)hydrazineylidene)-1,2-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)ethane including an unknown solvate
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1552157 CIFC17 H22 OP b c n31.0922; 11.7199; 7.596
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2767.96Stegbauer, Simone; Jeremias, Noah; Jandl, Christian; Bach, Thorsten
Reversal of reaction type selectivity by Lewis acid coordination: the ortho photocycloaddition of 1- and 2-naphthaldehyde
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1552496 CIFC44 H24 In N2 O8P b c n29.078; 22.581; 30.471
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20008Jiang, Xiao-Lei; Hou, Sheng-Li; Jiao, Zhuo-Hao; Zhao, Bin
Luminescent Detection of Colchicine by a Unique Indium-Organic Framework in Water with High Sensitivity.
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1552882 CIFC42 H53 Au N2P b c n34.2921; 13.9716; 17.0268
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8157.8Romanov, Alexander S.; Jones, Saul T. E.; Gu, Qinying; Conaghan, Patrick J.; Drummond, Bluebell H.; Feng, Jiale; Chotard, Florian; Buizza, Leonardo; Foley, Morgan; Linnolahti, Mikko; Credgington, Dan; Bochmann, Manfred
Carbene metal amide photoemitters: tailoring conformationally flexible amides for full color range emissions including white-emitting OLED.
Chemical science, 2020, 11, 435-446
1552971 CIFC31 H30 N2P b c n26.28; 9.4772; 9.5917
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2388.9Wang, Bin; Gu, Zhenhua
Highly efficient and practical resolution of 2,3:6,7-dibenzobicyclo[3.3.1]nona-2,6-diene-4,8-dione and stereoselective synthesis of its chiral diamine derivatives
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1553602 CIFC12 H9 N O S3P b c n7.9629; 16.9905; 18.7808
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2540.92Chen, Qiao; Lei, Yingjie; Wang, Yanfang; Wang, Chao; Wang, Yanan; Xu, Zhaoqing; Wang, Huan; Wang, Rui
Direct thiocyanation of ketene dithioacetals under transition-metal-free conditions
Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2017, 4, 369
1553910 CIFC38 H26 N4 O4P b c n21.1618; 11.9414; 23.2097
90; 90; 90
5865.1Zwoliński, K. M.; Sieroń, L.; Eilmes, J.
One-flask synthesis of dibenzotetraaza[14]annulene cyclic congeners bearing buta-1,3-diyne bridges
Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 5, 171
1554197 CIFC56 H34 F12 Ir N5 O2 P2P b c n22.853; 23.83; 18.909
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10298Han, Hua-Bo; Ma, Xiao-Feng; Wu, Zheng-Guang; Zheng, You-Xuan
Highly efficient yellow electroluminescence of iridium complexes with good electron mobility
Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 2, 1284
1554328 CIFC16 H15 Cl OP b c n57.5837; 5.8021; 8.0527
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2690.46Chen, Mintao; Wei, Yin; Shi, Min
A facile method for the synthesis of trifluoromethylthio-/chloro-homoallylic alcohols from methylenecyclopropanes
Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 5, 2030
1554752 CIFC64 H72 Cl2 N18 Na2 O19 S2P b c n19.1042; 43.808; 23.0275
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19272.1Bauer, Daniel; Andrae, Beatrice; Gaß, Patrick; Trenz, Danjano; Becker, Sabine; Kubik, Stefan
Functionalisable acyclic cucurbiturils
Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 1555
1554942 CIFC26 H20 Cu F6 PP b c n15.5529; 7.3629; 19.8862
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2277.26Liu, He; Shen, Qilong
Bistrifluoromethylated organocuprate [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]−: synthesis, characterization and its application for trifluoromethylation of activated heteroaryl bromides, chlorides and iodides
Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 2324
1554985 CIFC25 H22 B11 Cl6 NP b c n18.70332; 18.4574; 18.4002
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6352.02Lu, Mengsi; Allemann, Oliver; Xu, Jun; Linden, Anthony; Baldridge, Kim K.; Siegel, Jay S.
Peraryl-X-onium ions of nitrogen and oxygen
Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 2640
1554986 CIFC25 H22 B11 Cl6 NP b c n18.015; 14.8013; 23.3476
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6225.53Lu, Mengsi; Allemann, Oliver; Xu, Jun; Linden, Anthony; Baldridge, Kim K.; Siegel, Jay S.
Peraryl-X-onium ions of nitrogen and oxygen
Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 2640
1555205 CIFC25 H18 N2 O2P b c n18.714; 15.974; 12.0964
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3616.1Wössner, Jan S.; Grenz, David C.; Kratzert, Daniel; Esser, Birgit
Tuning the optical properties of spiro-centered charge-transfer dyes by extending the donor or acceptor part
Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 3649
1555422 CIFC16 H18 Li N2 OP b c n15.9311; 9.7436; 9.2498
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1435.81Kornev, Alexander N.; Sushev, Vyacheslav V.; Zolotareva, Natalia V.; Baranov, Evgenii V.; Fukin, Georgy K.; Abakumov, Gleb A.
Interaction of Azobenzene and Benzalaniline with Strong Amido Bases.
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1556086 CIFC148 H134 Ag10 B2 Cl8 F8 N6 P12P b c n28.1498; 17.1737; 30.4308
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14711.4Ma, Howard Z.; McKay, Alasdair I.; Mravak, Antonija; Scholz, Michael S.; White, Jonathan M.; Mulder, Roger J.; Bieske, Evan J.; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; O'Hair, Richard A. J.
Structural characterization and gas-phase studies of the [Ag10H8(L)6]2+ nanocluster dication
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1556482 CIFC12 H28 Br2 Ca O5P b c n11.4609; 11.5457; 14.2003
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1879.04Koch, A.; Krieck, S.; Gorls, H.; Westerhausen, M.
Reduction of Bromo- and Iodo-2,6-bis(diphenylphosphanylmethyl)benzene with Magnesium and Calcium
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1556590 CIFC29 H44 Cl F6 Ir N3 O1.5 PP b c n11.9277; 19.21; 28.2172
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6465.4Grotjahn, D.B.; Martin, J.K.; Tom, T.N.; Rheingold, A.L.
Cationic Protic Imidazolylidene NHC Complexes of Cp*IrCl+ and Cp*RhCl+ with a Pyridyl Tether Formed at Ambient Temperature
Inorganics, 2018, 6, 27
1556592 CIFC29 H44 Cl F6 N3 O1.5 P RhP b c n12.1218; 19.268; 28.333
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6617.5Grotjahn, D.B.; Martin, J.K.; Tom, T.N.; Rheingold, A.L.
Cationic Protic Imidazolylidene NHC Complexes of Cp*IrCl+ and Cp*RhCl+ with a Pyridyl Tether Formed at Ambient Temperature
Inorganics, 2018, 6, 27
1556593 CIFC23 H30 N2P b c n15.7258; 7.9668; 16.0813
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2014.7Cybularczyk-Cecotka, M.; Dabrowska, A.M.; Gunka, P.A.; Horeglad, P.
Probing the Effect of Six-Membered N-Heterocyclic Carbene-6-Mes-on the Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of Me2MOR(NHC) (M = Ga, In) Complexes
Inorganics, 2018, 6, 28
1556657 CIFC24 H37 B Ru2 S6P b c n34.157; 8.5558; 19.8431
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5799Saha, K.; Kaur, U.; Borthakur, R.; Ghosh, S.
Synthesis of Trithia-Borinane Complexes Stabilized in Diruthenium Core: [(Cp*Ru)2(n1-S)(n1-CS){(CH2)2S3BR}] (R = H or SMe)
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1556849 CIFC16 H6 F6 N2 O2P b c n11.7327; 9.6358; 13.0361
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1473.8Liu, Jingfeng; Meng, Qingjie; Li, Liying; Lu, Gewu; Yuan, Hang; Cui, Lei; Liu, Xia; Mu, Hongliang; Ji, Jingjing; Zhou, Defeng; Wang, Zhen; Yan, Jingling
A high-performance polycyanurate network derived from 4,4′-biscyanato-2,2′-trifluoromethylbiphenyl
Polymer Chemistry, 2020, 11, 784-788
1556992 CIFC18 H16 O4P b c n9.7263; 11.8883; 24.935
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2883.2Liang, Kangjiang; Li, Tao; Li, Na; Zhang, Yang; Shen, Lei; Ma, Zhixian; Xia, Chengfeng
Redox-neutral photochemical Heck-type arylation of vinylphenols activated by visible light
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1556996 CIFCa H14 O24 Si5 U2P b c n18.3; 14.2331; 17.9192
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4667.3Plasil, J.; Fejfarova, K.; Cejka, J.; Dusek, M.; Skoda, R.; Sejkora, J.
Revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of haiweeite, Ca(UO2)2(Si5O12)(OH)2*6H2O
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 718-723
1557372 CIFC20 H12 SP b c n21.4461; 8.4399; 7.3436
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1329.21Xu, Niansheng; Zheng, Aibin; Wei, Yuefang; Yuan, Yi; Zhang, Jing; Lei, Ming; Wang, Peng
D‒π‒D molecular semiconductors for perovskite solar cells: the superior role of helical versus planar π-linkers
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1557642 CIFC18 H26 Cl N3P b c n22.502; 12.689; 12.952
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1557869 CIFC14 H17 Br O4P b c n21.874; 15.366; 8.915
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2996.5Yan, Chenting; Takeshita, Masato; Nakatsuji, Jun-ya; Kurosaki, Akihiro; Sato, Kaoko; Shang, Rong; Nakamoto, Masaaki; Yamamoto, Yohsuke; Adachi, Yohei; Furukawa, Ko; Kishi, Ryohei; Nakano, Masayoshi
Synthesis and properties of hypervalent electron-rich pentacoordinate nitrogen compounds
Chemical Science, 2020, 11, 5082-5088
1557976 CIFC62 H129 Ag18 Mo18 N7 O57 S12P b c n27.3167; 19.80926; 27.71777
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14998.7Li, Ya-Hui; Wang, Zhao-Yang; Ma, Bing; Xu, Hong; Zang, Shuang-Quan; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Self-assembly of thiolate-protected silver coordination polymers regulated by POMs.
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1558276 CIFC14 H9 N7P b c n33.189; 10.162; 7.2434
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2443Cariati, Elena; Lucenti, Elena; Forni, Alessandra; Previtali, Andrea; Marinotto, Daniele; Malpicci, Daniele; Righetto, Stefania; Giannini, Clelia; Virgili, Tersilla; Kabacinski, Piotr; Ganzer, Lucia; Giovanella, Umberto; Botta, Chiara
Unravelling the intricated photophysical behavior of 3-(pyridin-2-yl)triimidazotriazine AIE and RTP polymorphs
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1558384 CIFC27 H20 N2 O3P b c n27.169; 7.8353; 19.215
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4090.4Jena, Satyam; Dhanalakshmi, Pandi; Bano, Gulista; Thilagar, Pakkirisamy
Delayed Fluorescence, Room Temperature Phosphorescence, and Mechanofluorochromic Naphthalimides: Differential Imaging of Normoxia and Hypoxia Live Cancer Cells.
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1558489 CIFC40 H108 Cl4 Cr4 N16 O22 W4P b c n19.572; 24.347; 16.601
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7910.7Glerup, Jorgen; Hazell, Alan; Michelsen, Kirsten; Weihe, Hogni
Synthesis and Magnetic Susceptibility of New Bimetallic, Tetranuclear and Octanuclear Complex Ions Containing Molybdenum(VI)/Tungsten(VI) and Chromium(III)/Rhodium(III). Crystal Structures of {[MoO4Crcyclam]2}(ClO4)2, {[MoO4Rhcyclam]2}(ClO4)2 and {[WO4Crcyclam]4}(ClO4)4.3H2O
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1558597 CIFC14 H20 Cl4 Co N2P b c n16.744; 8.832; 13.263
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1961.4Kansikas, Jarno; Leskela, Markku; Kenessey, Gabor; Werner, Per-Erik; Liptay, Gyorgy
Pyridine-Type Complexes of Transition-Metal Halides. VI. Preparation and Characterization of 2,6- and 3,5-Dimethylpyridine Complexes of Cobalt(II) Halides; the Crystal Structure of Di(2,6-dimethylpyridinium) Tetrachlorocobaltate(II) and Dichlorotetrakis(3,5-dimethylpyridine)cobalt(II)
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1994, 48, 951-959
1558836 CIFC60 H78 Br6 N10 O10 Zn3P b c n33.1022; 13.6273; 16.0057
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7220.1Tian, Jiayue; Liu, Luyao; Zhou, Kang; Hong, Zixiao; Chen, Qihui; Jiang, Feilong; Yuan, Daqiang; Sun, Qingfu; Hong, Maochun
Metal‒organic tube or layered assembly: reversible sheet-to-tube transformation and adaptive recognition
Chemical Science, 2020, 11, 9818-9826
1559107 CIFC32 H30 Fe N O1.5P b c n13.4843; 14.5316; 26.5664
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5205.6Yan, Lipeng; Lan, Jingbo; Cheng, Hu; Li, Yihang; Zhang, Mangang; Wu, Di; You, Jingsong
Regioselective addition/annulation of ferrocenyl thioamides with 1,3-diynes via a sulfur-transfer rearrangement to construct extended π-conjugated ferrocenes with luminescent property
Chemical Science, 2020
1559469 CIFC8 H12 N2 O2P b c n15.072; 7.9873; 6.841
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823.55Destro, Riccardo; Roversi, Pietro; Soave, Raffaella; Hovestad, Arjan; Lo Presti, Leonardo
Experimental Charge Density Analysis and Electrostatic Properties of Crystalline 1,3-Bis(Dimethylamino)Squaraine and Its Dihydrate from Low Temperature (T = 18 and 20 K) XRD Data
Crystals, 2020, 10, 894
1559707 CIFC29 H34 F6 O4 S2P b c n25.3473; 11.025; 10.6805
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2984.7Sysoiev, Dmytro; Huhn, Thomas
Basic enemies of photochromism: irreversible transformation of fluorinated diarylethenes to polyenic enamines and enols.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2020, 19, 1511-1516
1559901 CIFC24 H38 N22 O3 S3P b c n22.6297; 16.5486; 21.7786
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8155.9Khadivjam, Tinasadat; Che-Quang, Huy; Maris, Thierry; Ajoyan, Zvart; Howarth, Ashlee J.; Wuest, James D.
Modular Construction of Porous Hydrogen-Bonded Molecular Materials from Melams
Chemistry-A European Journal, 2020, 26, 7026-7040
1559917 CIFC46 H54 N4 O4P b c n15.8859; 18.0676; 29.0581
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8340.3Aouina, Aroua; Oloyede, Hammed Olawale; Akong, Raymond Akong; Abdelhak, Jawher; Görls, Helmar; Plass, Winfried; Eseola, Abiodun Omokehinde
Exploring Broad Molecular Derivatization as Tool in Selective Fluorescent Detection of Mercury(II) by a Series of Large Stokes Shift 1,4-Bis(5-phenyl-1H-imidazol-4-yl)benzenes
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 22398-22412
1560581 CIFC28 H20 Co N4 O4P b c n13.2162; 15.3955; 11.3899
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2317.5Zhu, Zheng; Meng, Xiang-min; Zhang, Dong-mei; Zhang, Xia; Wang, Mei; Jin, Fan; Fan, Yu-hua
Syntheses, structures and selective dye adsorption of five formic-based coordination polymers prepared by in-situ hydrolysis of N, N′-dimethylformamide
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017, 248, 109-118
1560582 CIFC28 H20 N4 O4 ZnP b c n13.205; 15.562; 11.364
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2335.3Zhu, Zheng; Meng, Xiang-min; Zhang, Dong-mei; Zhang, Xia; Wang, Mei; Jin, Fan; Fan, Yu-hua
Syntheses, structures and selective dye adsorption of five formic-based coordination polymers prepared by in-situ hydrolysis of N, N′-dimethylformamide
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017, 248, 109-118
1561261 CIFC34 H22 N6 O11 Zn2P b c n20.458; 7.6063; 20.826
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3240.7Yuan, Fei; Yuan, Chun-Mei; Hu, Huai-Ming; Wang, Ting-Ting; Zhou, Chun-Sheng
Structural diversity of a series of terpyridyl carboxylate coordination polymers: Luminescent sensor and magnetic properties
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2018, 258, 588-601
1561400 CIFF2 Mn2 O7 Rb2 V2P b c n7.4389; 11.574; 10.914
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939.7Sanjeewa, Liurukara D.; McGuire, Michael A.; Smith Pellizzeri, Tiffany M.; McMillen, Colin D.; Ovidiu Garlea, V.; Willett, Daniel; Chumanov, George; Kolis, Joseph W.
Synthesis and characterization of new fluoride-containing manganese vanadates A2Mn2V2O7F2 (A=Rb, Cs) and Mn2VO4F
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 241, 30-37
1561401 CIFCs2 F2 Mn2 O7 V2P b c n7.5615; 11.745; 11.127
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988.2Sanjeewa, Liurukara D.; McGuire, Michael A.; Smith Pellizzeri, Tiffany M.; McMillen, Colin D.; Ovidiu Garlea, V.; Willett, Daniel; Chumanov, George; Kolis, Joseph W.
Synthesis and characterization of new fluoride-containing manganese vanadates A2Mn2V2O7F2 (A=Rb, Cs) and Mn2VO4F
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 241, 30-37
1561961 CIFC38 H28 Co2 N4 O11P b c n16.4076; 13.8565; 14.147
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3216.3Lin, Hong-Yan; Lu, Huizhe; Le, Mao; Luan, Jian; Wang, Xiu-Li; Liu, Guocheng; Zhang, Juwen
Effect of three bis-pyridyl-bis-amide ligands with various spacers on the structural diversity of new multifunctional cobalt(II) coordination polymers
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 226, 66-73
1562532 CIFO2 TiP b c n4.5337; 5.49959; 4.9037
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122.266Spektor, Kristina; Tran, Dung Trung; Leinenweber, Kurt; Häussermann, Ulrich
Transformation of rutile to TiO2-II in a high pressure hydrothermal environment
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2013, 206, 209-216
1562568 CIFC32 H26 Br2 Co N4 O4P b c n25.419; 10.6458; 11.62
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3144.4Zhang, Ju-Wen; Gong, Chun-Hua; Hou, Li-Li; Tian, Ai-Xiang; Wang, Xiu-Li
Aromatic carboxylate effect on dimensionality of three bis(benzimidazole)-based cobalt(II) coordination polymers: Syntheses, structures and properties
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2013, 205, 104-109
1562772 CIFC6 H8 As N3 O9 PbP b c n14.93; 7.0687; 23.611
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2491.8Lesikar-Parrish, Leslie A.; Neilson, Robert H.; Richards, Anne F.
Metal arsonate polymers of Cd, Zn, Ag and Pb supported by 4-aminophenylarsonic acid
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2013, 198, 424-432
1562911 CIFH6 O15 P2 U Zn4P b c n8.8817; 6.6109; 19.5693
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1149.03Wylie, Ernest M.; Dawes, Colleen M.; Burns, Peter C.
Synthesis, structure, and spectroscopic characterization of three uranyl phosphates with unique structural units
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2012, 196, 482-488
1563304 CIFC36 H34 Cd N10 O6P b c n13.805; 9.278; 25.858
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A series of Cd(II) complexes with π‒π stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions: Structural diversities by varying the ligands
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1563415 CIFC23 H29 N3 O3P b c n24.1436; 9.2164; 18.0242
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4010.7Biswas, Suprakash; Dutta, Tanoy; Silswal, Akshay; Bhowal, Rohit; Chopra, Deepak; Koner, Apurba L.
Strategic engineering of alkyl spacer length for a pH-tolerant lysosome marker and dual organelle localization.
Chemical science, 2021, 12, 9630-9644
1563512 CIFC24 H12 Ce2 O13P b c n27.564; 11.4041; 15.5519
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4888.62Pizon, David; Henry, Natacha; Loiseau, Thierry; Roussel, Pascal; Abraham, Francis
Synthesis, crystal structure and thermal behavior of two hydrated forms of lanthanide phthalates Ln2(O2+C6H4‒CO2)3(H2O) (Ln=Ce, Nd) and Nd2(O2C‒C6H4‒CO2)3(H2O)3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2010, 183, 1943-1948
1563514 CIFC24 H12 Nd2 O13P b c n27.5346; 11.3006; 15.5119
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4826.64Pizon, David; Henry, Natacha; Loiseau, Thierry; Roussel, Pascal; Abraham, Francis
Synthesis, crystal structure and thermal behavior of two hydrated forms of lanthanide phthalates Ln2(O2+C6H4‒CO2)3(H2O) (Ln=Ce, Nd) and Nd2(O2C‒C6H4‒CO2)3(H2O)3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2010, 183, 1943-1948
1563790 CIFC3 H3 Cl Cu3 N12 O2P b c n9.2922; 23.934; 12.29
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2733.3Gao, Hui; Liu, Min-Min; Zhai, Quan-Guo; Wei, Xing-Xing; Yang, Jin-Xiang; Zhang, Xian-Ming
Continuous regulation of the architectures of cupric tetrazolate coordination polymers via the pH and temperature
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019, 276, 244-250
1563812 CIFC17 H16 Cl N2 O3.5 ReP b c n13.4935; 22.1756; 11.2515
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3366.7Kjellberg, Marianne; Ohleier, Alexia; Thuéry, Pierre; Nicolas, Emmanuel; Anthore-Dalion, Lucile; Cantat, Thibault
Photocatalytic Deoxygenation of N‒O bonds with Rhenium Complexes: from the Reduction of Nitrous Oxide to Pyridine N-Oxides
Chemical Science, 2021
1564090 CIFC39 H39 N O5.5 P3P b c n13.6336; 19.7591; 26.8567
90; 90; 90
7234.9Page, Samuel J.; Rogers-Simmonds, Daisy; White, Andrew J.P.; Miller, Philip W.
Synthesis and crystallographic characterisation of a homologous series of bis-tridentate phosphine oxide NP3O3 Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2020, 512, 119870
1564097 CIFC18 H20 N2 Ni O5P b c n19.6427; 11.8972; 15.2443
90; 90; 90
3562.5Vráblová, Anna; Tomás, Milagros; Titiš, Ján; Černák, Juraj; Falvello, Larry R.
On new solvatomorphs of the metalloligand [Ni(o-van-en)]
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2020, 512, 119874
1564098 CIFC18 H20.31 N2 Ni O5.16P b c n19.6607; 11.8032; 15.0266
90; 90; 90
3487.06Vráblová, Anna; Tomás, Milagros; Titiš, Ján; Černák, Juraj; Falvello, Larry R.
On new solvatomorphs of the metalloligand [Ni(o-van-en)]
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2020, 512, 119874
1564102 CIFC8 H6 Br4 Cu2 N4P b c n16.1765; 8.3154; 21.382
90; 90; 90
2876.2Xu, Chanchan; Li, Yuzhe; Lv, Le; Lin, Fang; Lin, Feng; Zhang, Zhijuan; Luo, Chaoyun; Luo, Dawei; Liu, Wei
Synthesis, characterization, luminescence properties of copper(I) bromide based coordination compounds
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2020, 512, 119893
1564200 CIFC19 H11 F N2P b c n7.191; 13.105; 14.5221
90; 90; 90
1368.5Lai, Liming; Fang, Bing; Fan, Mingyu; Cheng, Wenyu; Yin, Meizhen
Modulating Room-Temperature Phosphorescence through the Synergistic Effect of Heavy-Atom Effect and Halogen Bonding
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021
1564223 CIFC33 H34 F6 S2 Si2P b c n18.2115; 10.9601; 33.38
90; 90; 90
6662.6Nagai, Akira; Nishimura, Ryo; Hattori, Yohei; Hatano, Eri; Fujimoto, Ayako; Morimoto, Masakazu; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Kamada, Kenji; Sotome, Hikaru; Miyasaka, Hiroshi; Yokojima, Satoshi; Nakamura, Shinichiro; Uchida, Kingo
Molecular crystalline capsules that release their contents by light
Chemical Science, 2021
1564224 CIFC33 H34 F6 S2 Si2P b c n18.2035; 10.9561; 33.712
90; 90; 90
6723.5Nagai, Akira; Nishimura, Ryo; Hattori, Yohei; Hatano, Eri; Fujimoto, Ayako; Morimoto, Masakazu; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Kamada, Kenji; Sotome, Hikaru; Miyasaka, Hiroshi; Yokojima, Satoshi; Nakamura, Shinichiro; Uchida, Kingo
Molecular crystalline capsules that release their contents by light
Chemical Science, 2021
1564225 CIFC33 H34 F6 S2 Si2P b c n18.2294; 10.974; 33.6809
90; 90; 90
6737.8Nagai, Akira; Nishimura, Ryo; Hattori, Yohei; Hatano, Eri; Fujimoto, Ayako; Morimoto, Masakazu; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Kamada, Kenji; Sotome, Hikaru; Miyasaka, Hiroshi; Yokojima, Satoshi; Nakamura, Shinichiro; Uchida, Kingo
Molecular crystalline capsules that release their contents by light
Chemical Science, 2021
1564226 CIFC33 H34 F6 S2 Si2P b c n18.2216; 10.9631; 33.6434
90; 90; 90
6720.8Nagai, Akira; Nishimura, Ryo; Hattori, Yohei; Hatano, Eri; Fujimoto, Ayako; Morimoto, Masakazu; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Kamada, Kenji; Sotome, Hikaru; Miyasaka, Hiroshi; Yokojima, Satoshi; Nakamura, Shinichiro; Uchida, Kingo
Molecular crystalline capsules that release their contents by light
Chemical Science, 2021
1564228 CIFC33 H34 F6 S2 Si2P b c n18.2491; 10.9875; 33.644
90; 90; 90
6746Nagai, Akira; Nishimura, Ryo; Hattori, Yohei; Hatano, Eri; Fujimoto, Ayako; Morimoto, Masakazu; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Kamada, Kenji; Sotome, Hikaru; Miyasaka, Hiroshi; Yokojima, Satoshi; Nakamura, Shinichiro; Uchida, Kingo
Molecular crystalline capsules that release their contents by light
Chemical Science, 2021
1564229 CIFC33 H34 F6 S2 Si2P b c n18.1941; 10.9554; 33.6907
90; 90; 90
6715.4Nagai, Akira; Nishimura, Ryo; Hattori, Yohei; Hatano, Eri; Fujimoto, Ayako; Morimoto, Masakazu; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Kamada, Kenji; Sotome, Hikaru; Miyasaka, Hiroshi; Yokojima, Satoshi; Nakamura, Shinichiro; Uchida, Kingo
Molecular crystalline capsules that release their contents by light
Chemical Science, 2021
1564230 CIFC33 H34 F6 S2 Si2P b c n18.2662; 10.9946; 33.201
90; 90; 90
6667.7Nagai, Akira; Nishimura, Ryo; Hattori, Yohei; Hatano, Eri; Fujimoto, Ayako; Morimoto, Masakazu; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Kamada, Kenji; Sotome, Hikaru; Miyasaka, Hiroshi; Yokojima, Satoshi; Nakamura, Shinichiro; Uchida, Kingo
Molecular crystalline capsules that release their contents by light
Chemical Science, 2021
1564231 CIFC33 H34 F6 S2 Si2P b c n18.127; 10.9066; 33.637
90; 90; 90
6650.2Nagai, Akira; Nishimura, Ryo; Hattori, Yohei; Hatano, Eri; Fujimoto, Ayako; Morimoto, Masakazu; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Kamada, Kenji; Sotome, Hikaru; Miyasaka, Hiroshi; Yokojima, Satoshi; Nakamura, Shinichiro; Uchida, Kingo
Molecular crystalline capsules that release their contents by light
Chemical Science, 2021
1564232 CIFC33 H34 F6 S2 Si2P b c n18.2337; 10.9971; 33.6597
90; 90; 90
6749.4Nagai, Akira; Nishimura, Ryo; Hattori, Yohei; Hatano, Eri; Fujimoto, Ayako; Morimoto, Masakazu; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Kamada, Kenji; Sotome, Hikaru; Miyasaka, Hiroshi; Yokojima, Satoshi; Nakamura, Shinichiro; Uchida, Kingo
Molecular crystalline capsules that release their contents by light
Chemical Science, 2021
1564449 CIFC22 H24 Cl2 Mn N6P b c n15.159; 8.142; 18.374
90; 90; 90
2267.8Mikata, Yuji; Murakami, Kana; Ochi, Ayaka; Nakagaki, Fumie; Naito, Kyoko; Matsumoto, Arimasa; Mitsuhashi, Ryoji; Mikuriya, Masahiro
Conversion of (µ-OH)2Mn2(II,II) complex to (µ-O)2Mn2(III,III) core supported by a quinoxaline-based tetranitrogen ligand
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2020, 509, 119688
1564578 CIFC10 H10 Mn3 N4 O12P b c n9.3789; 7.3342; 23.3025
90; 90; 90
1602.9Sun, Ping-Ping; Zhang, Yu-Hang; Yu, Xuehua; Shi, Qi; Tian, Bo; Gao, Jun; Shi, Fa-Nian
Cu powder decorated 3D Mn-MOF with excellent electrochemical properties for supercapacitors
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2020, 508, 119629
1564583 CIFC56 H102 Co2 La N5 O16P b c n20.2082; 18.663; 18.4793
90; 90; 90
6969.4Nikolaevskii, Stanislav A.; Petrov, Pavel A.; Sukhikh, Taisiya S.; Yambulatov, Dmitriy S.; Kiskin, Mikhail A.; Sokolov, Maxim N.; Eremenko, Igor L.
Simple synthetic protocol to obtain 3d-4f-heterometallic carboxylate complexes of N-heterocyclic carbenes
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2020, 508, 119643
1564700 CIFC40 H32 O48 Rb16 S16P b c n12.5218; 23.348; 7.3314
90; 90; 90
2143.4Zhang, Shiyu; Panda, Dillip K.; Yadav, Ashok; Zhou, Wei; Saha, Sourav
Effects of intervalence charge transfer interaction between π-stacked mixed valent tetrathiafulvalene ligands on the electrical conductivity of 3D metal‒organic frameworks
Chemical Science, 2021
1565056 CIFC6 H8 N2 OP b c n18.1149; 7.9429; 18.0218
90; 90; 90
2593.06Greener, Andrew John; Ubysz, Patrycja; Owens-Ward, Will; Smith, George; Ocaña, Ivan; Whitwood, Adrian Charles; Chechik, Victor; James, Michael J.
Radical–Anion Coupling Through Reagent Design: Hydroxylation of Aryl Halides
Chemical Science, 2021
1565148 CIFC25 H24 N2 O5P b c n25.4779; 11.8085; 13.8705
90; 90; 90
4173Wang, Lele; Han, Hua-Bin; Gu, Lijie; Zhang, Wenjing; Zhao, Junwei; Wang, Qi-Lin
Skeletal remodeling of chalcone-based pyridinium salts to access isoindoline polycycles and their bridged derivatives
Chemical Science, 2021
1565154 CIFC26 H24 N2 O5P b c n15.5191; 9.0804; 30.9354
90; 90; 90
4359.4Wang, Lele; Han, Hua-Bin; Gu, Lijie; Zhang, Wenjing; Zhao, Junwei; Wang, Qi-Lin
Skeletal remodeling of chalcone-based pyridinium salts to access isoindoline polycycles and their bridged derivatives
Chemical Science, 2021
1565383 CIFC13.5 H7 Cl4 N2 SP b c n16.7712; 13.1359; 13.0495
90; 90; 90
2874.87Borys, Andryj M.; Clark, Ewan R.; Saines, Paul J.; Alberola, Antonio; Rawson, Jeremy M.
A short, versatile route towards benzothiadiazinyl radicals.
Chemical science, 2021, 13, 149-158
1565524 CIFFe2.67 O8 W1.33P b c n4.58111; 5.59297; 4.96249
90; 90; 90
127.149Caubergh, Stéphane; Matsubara, Nami; Damay, Françoise; Fauth, François; Khalyavin, Dmitry D.; Manuel, Pascal; Mahmoud, Abdelfattah; Poelman, Dirk; Martin, Christine; Vertruyen, Bénédicte
Cationic Ordering, Solid Solution Domain, and Diffuse Reflectance in Fe2WO6 Polymorphs
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125, 25907-25916
1565678 CIFC19 H20 Mn N2 O4P b c n24.7944; 8.0362; 8.6956
90; 90; 90
1732.62Banerjee, Saikat; Ghorai, Pravat; Sarkar, Papiya; Panja, Anangamohan; Saha, Amrita
A rare flattened tetrahedral Mn(II) salen type complex: Synthesis, crystal structure, biomimetic catalysis and DFT study
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2020, 499, 119176
1566656 CIFD2 OP b c n8.3966; 5.4546; 8.3737
90; 90; 90
383.52Salzmann, C. G.; Loveday, J. S.; Rosu-Finsen, A.; Bull, C. L.
Structure and nature of ice XIX
Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 3162
1566665 CIFC51 H48 Cl N4 O2 P3 RuP b c n25.849; 19.5041; 21.0152
90; 90; 90
10595Tossaint, Alex S.; Rebreyend, Christophe; Sinha, Vivek; Weber, Manuela; Canossa, Stefano; Pidko, Evgeny A.; Filonenko, Georgy A.
Two step activation of Ru-PN3P pincer catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation
Catalysis Science & Technology, 2022, 12, 2972-2977
1566826 CIFC18 H16 O2 SP b c n19.5758; 8.4512; 18.7056
90; 90; 90
3094.64Zhou, Jun; Mao, Lijun; Wu, Meng-Xiang; Peng, Zhiyong; Yang, Yiming; Zhou, Manfei; Zhao, Xiao-Li; Shi, Xueliang; Yang, Hai-Bo
Extended phenothiazines: synthesis, photophysical and redox properties, and efficient photocatalytic oxidative coupling of amines
Chemical Science, 2022
1566842 CIFC26 H25 N3P b c n19.753; 10.6344; 20.535
90; 90; 90
4313.6Li, Taian; Chiou, Mong-Feng; Li, Yajun; Ye, Changqing; Su, Min; Xue, Mengyu; Yuan, Xiaobin; Wang, Chuanchuan; Wan, Wen-Ming; Li, Daliang; Bao, Hongli
Synthesis of Unsymmetrically Tetrasubstituted Pyrroles and Studies of AIEE in Pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrimidine Derivatives
Chemical Science, 2022
1566958 CIFC5 H11 B O3P b c n14.303; 13.119; 7.702
90; 90; 90
1445.2Itou, Takahiko; Kitai, Hideyuki; Shimazu, Akira; Miyazaki, Tsukasa; Tashiro, Kohji
Clarification of Cross-Linkage Structure in Boric Acid Doped Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Its Model Compound As Studied by an Organized Combination of X-ray Single-Crystal Structure Analysis, Raman Spectroscopy, and Density Functional Theoretical Calculation
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2014, 118, 6032-6037
1566989 CIFC15.23 H28.13 Cu1.07 N4.3P b c n11.819; 12.632; 10.1183
90; 90; 90
1510.6Amdur, Moses J.; Mullin, Kathleen; Waters, Michael; Puggioni, Danilo; Wojnar, Michael; Gu, Mingqiang; Sun, Lei; Oyala, Paul; Rondinelli, James; Freedman, Danna
Chemical Control of Spin-Lattice Relaxation to Create a Room Temperature Molecular Qubit
Chemical Science, 2022
1566990 CIFC14 H26 N4 ZnP b c n12.064; 11.9661; 10.878
90; 90; 90
1570.34Amdur, Moses J.; Mullin, Kathleen; Waters, Michael; Puggioni, Danilo; Wojnar, Michael; Gu, Mingqiang; Sun, Lei; Oyala, Paul; Rondinelli, James; Freedman, Danna
Chemical Control of Spin-Lattice Relaxation to Create a Room Temperature Molecular Qubit
Chemical Science, 2022
1567078 CIFC111 H129 B2 Cl4 F4 N11 O5P b c n38.9356; 18.8132; 29.4619
90; 90; 90
21580.9Zhou, Weinan; Sarma, Tridib; Yang, Liu; Lei, Chuanhu; Sessler, Jonathan L.
Controlled assembly of a bicyclic porphyrinoid and its 3-dimensional boron difluoride arrays
Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 7276-7282
1567263 CIFF6 H4 N Na TiP b c n8.034; 12.953; 10.755
90; 90; 90
1119.2Popov, D. Yu.; Kavun, V. Ya.; Antokhina, T. F.; Gerasimenko, A. V.; Sergienko, V. I.
Crystal Structure of NH4NaTiF6 and Internal Mobility of the Complex Anions
Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2001, 27, 831-834
1567264 CIFCs F6 Li TiP b c n9.251; 11.92; 10.271
90; 90; 90
1132.6Popov, D. Yu.; Kavun, V. Ya.; Gerasimenko, A. V.; Sergienko, V. I.; Antokhina, T. F.
Crystal Structures of LiCsTiF6 and Cs2TiF6 and Internal Mobility of Complex Anions
Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2002, 28, 19-24
1567295 CIFC42 H56 Cu F6 N8 O6 S2P b c n12.407; 21.571; 16.723
90; 90; 90
4475.6Heck, Joshua; Metz, Fabian; Buchenau, Sören; Teubner, Melissa; Grimm-Lebsanft, Benjamin; Spaniol, Thomas P.; Hoffmann, Alexander; Rübhausen, Michael A.; Herres-Pawlis, Sonja
Manipulating electron transfer – the influence of substituents on novel copper guanidine quinolinyl complexes
Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 8274-8288
1567311 CIFC31 H24 O2 SP b c n15.4383; 20.371; 7.3501
90; 90; 90
2311.6Reid, Amelia G.; Moreno, Juan J.; Hooe, Shelby L.; Baugh, Kira R.; Thomas, Isobel H.; Dickie, Diane A.; Machan, Charles W.
Inverse potential scaling in co-electrocatalytic activity for CO2 reduction through redox mediator tuning and catalyst design
Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 9595-9606
1567335 CIFC72 H82 Au2 F12 N10 Sb2P b c n25.668; 11.721; 25.249
90; 90; 90
7596Font, Pau; Valdés, Hugo; Guisado-Barrios, Gregorio; Ribas, Xavi
Hemilabile MIC^N ligands allow oxidant-free Au(i)/Au(iii) arylation-lactonization of γ-alkenoic acids
Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 9351-9360
1567499 CIFC63.4 H61 N3 O2P b c n11.8808; 10.3821; 42.031
90; 90; 90
5184.4Bartkowski, Krzysztof; Zimmermann Crocomo, Paola; Kochman, Michał Andrzej; Kumar, Dharmandra; Kubas, Adam; Data, Przemysław; Lindner, Marcin
Tandem rigidification and π-extension as a key tool for the development of a narrow linewidth yellow hyperfluorescent OLED system
Chemical Science, 2022
1567503 CIFC26 H22 Cl2 N8 O8 RuP b c n8.1943; 21.1329; 16.5436
90; 90; 90
2864.8Pokhrel, Indira; Reddy, Guda Dinneswara; Kwon, Taejin; Choi, Eungyeong; Chun, Yu Sung; Lee, Sang Tak; Sung, Bong June; Lee, Duck Hyung; Bin Oh, Han; Yoon, Kyung Byung
Insights into the directions to increase turnover frequency and turnover number during photochemical water oxidation with molecular Ru catalysts
Energy & Environmental Science, 2022, 15, 4259-4288
1567532 CIF
C34 H24 F10 Ir N4 O2 PP b c n41.574; 8.6065; 18.2384
90; 90; 90
6525.8Shevlin, Madelyn R.; Stumbo, Emily E.; McMillen, Colin D.; Pienkos, Jared A.
Bis[3,5-difluoro-2-(pyridin-2-yl)phenyl](4,4'-dimethoxy-2,2'-bipyridine)iridium(III) hexafluoridophosphate
IUCrData, 2022, 7, x220830
1567609 CIFC23 H16 I3 NP b c n21.1343; 13.7339; 7.328
90; 90; 90
2127Decato, Daniel A.; Sun, Jiyu; Boller, Madeleine R.; Berryman, Orion B.
Pushing the limits of the hydrogen bond enhanced halogen bond—the case of the C–H hydrogen bond
Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 11156-11162
1567612 CIFC22 H15 I3 N2P b c n21.0883; 13.773; 7.3022
90; 90; 90
2120.9Decato, Daniel A.; Sun, Jiyu; Boller, Madeleine R.; Berryman, Orion B.
Pushing the limits of the hydrogen bond enhanced halogen bond—the case of the C–H hydrogen bond
Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 11156-11162
1567613 CIFC22 H14 I3 NP b c n21.0383; 13.782; 7.3031
90; 90; 90
2117.5Decato, Daniel A.; Sun, Jiyu; Boller, Madeleine R.; Berryman, Orion B.
Pushing the limits of the hydrogen bond enhanced halogen bond—the case of the C–H hydrogen bond
Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 11156-11162
1567661 CIFC22 H26 N2 O4 Se4P b c n16.0349; 15.8463; 19.0464
90; 90; 90
4839.57Kerckhoffs, Aidan; Christensen, Kirsten E.; Langton, Matthew J.
Fast relaxing red and near-IR switchable azobenzenes with chalcogen and halogen substituents: periodic trends, tuneable thermal half-lives and chalcogen bonding.
Chemical science, 2022, 13, 11551-11559
1567856 CIFC40 H38 F12 N8 O6P b c n13.8062; 16.5341; 18.0269
90; 90; 90
4115.1Tilly, David P.; Žabka, Matej; Vitorica-Yrzebal, Inigo; Sparkes, Hazel Anne; Pridmore, Natalie E.; Clayden, Jonathan
Supramolecular interactions between ethylene-bridged oligoureas: nanorings and chains formed by cooperative positive allostery
Chemical Science, 2022
1568047 CIFC22 H42 Cl2 Hf Si4P b c n17.8746; 9.0854; 18.3865
90; 90; 90
2985.9Gransbury, Gemma K.; Réant, Benjamin L L; Wooles, Ashley J.; Emerson-King, Jack; Chilton, Nicholas F.; Liddle, Stephen T.; Mills, David P.
Electronic structure comparisons of isostructural early d- and f-block metal(iii) bis(cyclopentadienyl) silanide complexes.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 621-634
1568410 CIFC26 H30 Ag B2 F8 N6P b c n13.6718; 15.798; 15.142
90; 90; 90
3270.5Pröhm, Patrick; Berg, Willi; Rupf, Susanne Margot; Müller, Carsten; Riedel, Sebastian
On pyridine chloronium cations
Chemical Science, 2023, 14, 2325-2329
1568433 CIFC75 H104 Al Cu N4 Si2P b c n15.0236; 21.9618; 21.1294
90; 90; 90
6971.55Liu, Han-Ying; Neale, Samuel E.; Hill, Michael S.; Mahon, Mary F.; McMullin, Claire L.
Structural snapshots of an Al-Cu bond-mediated transformation of terminal acetylenes.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 2866-2876
1568801 CIFC49 H75 Bi N5 O4 S2P b c n33.0206; 10.3986; 29.787
90; 90; 90
10227.9Hannah, Tyler J.; McCarvell, W. Michael; Kirsch, Tamina; Bedard, Joseph; Hynes, Toren; Mayho, Jacqueline; Bamford, Karlee L.; Vos, Cyler W.; Kozak, Christopher M.; George, Tanner; Masuda, Jason D.; Chitnis, S. S.
Planar bismuth triamides: a tunable platform for main group Lewis acidity and polymerization catalysis
Chemical Science, 2023, 14, 4549-4563
1569070 CIFC19 H29 Br2 N2P b c n15.6157; 13.7323; 10.4556
90; 90; 90
2242.1Mahapatra, Amita; Samantara, Aneeya K.; Barik, Sahadev; Sahoo, Malaya K.; Behera, J. N.; Sarkar, Moloy
Insight into the structure and transport properties of pyrrolidinium-based geminal dicationic-organic ionic crystals: unravelling the role of alkyl-chain length.
Soft matter, 2023, 19, 3510-3518
1570079 CIFC60 H34 Cl4 N4 O8 Zn2P b c n7.5165; 21.9107; 15.9258
90; 90; 90
2622.85Jena, Rohan; Laha, Subhajit; Dwarkanath, Nimish; Hazra, Arpan; Haldar, Ritesh; Balasubramanian, Sundaram; Maji, Tapas Kumar
Noncovalent interaction guided selectivity of haloaromatic isomers in a flexible porous coordination polymer.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12321-12330
1570095 CIFC53 H52 F10 Ir N5 O4P b c n25.7551; 19.7204; 22.789
90; 90; 90
11574.6Tan, Yi Zhen; Wu, Xiangyang; Lu, Yunpeng; Chiba, Shunsuke; Yeow, Edwin K. L.
Towards catalytic redox-active iridium polypyridyl complex by in situ photosubstitution
Catalysis Science & Technology, 2024, 14, 66-75
1570521 CIFC13 H25 F6 Fe N3 O7 S2P b c n35.662; 8.8757; 15.3809
90; 90; 90
4868.4Devi, Tarali; Dutta, Kuheli; Deutscher, Jennifer; Mebs, Stefan; Kuhlmann, Uwe; Haumann, Michael; Cula, Beatrice; Dau, Holger; Hildebrandt, Peter; Ray, Kallol
A high-spin alkylperoxo-iron(iii) complex with <i>cis</i>-anionic ligands: implications for the superoxide reductase mechanism.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 528-533
1570916 CIFC56 H51 Cl2 N8 O4.5P b c n13.644; 25.64; 29.54
90; 90; 90
10334Li, Yong; He, Liujun; Qin, Hongxia; Liu, Yao; Yang, Binxin; Xu, Zhigang; Yang, Donglin
A Facile Ugi/Ullmann Cascade Reaction to Access Fused Indazolo-Quinoxaline Derivatives with Potent Anticancer Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 464
1571367 CIFC35 H57 Fe N3 Si2P b c n10.1151; 17.6923; 20.5843
90; 90; 90
3683.75Bhutto, Samuel M.; Hooper, Reagan X.; McWilliams, Sean F.; Mercado, Brandon Q.; Holland, Patrick L.
Iron(iv) alkyl complexes: electronic structure contributions to Fe-C bond homolysis and migration reactions that form N-C bonds from N<sub>2</sub>.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 3485-3494
1571376 CIFC24 H28 Mn N4 O5P b c n19.2401; 12.1579; 10.1312
90; 90; 90
2369.9Boro, Mridul; Baishya, Trishnajyoti; Frontera, Antonio; Barceló-Oliver, Miquel; Bhattacharyya, Manjit K.
Energetic Features of H-Bonded and π-Stacked Assemblies in Pyrazole-Based Coordination Compounds of Mn(II) and Cu(II): Experimental and Theoretical Studies
Crystals, 2024, 14, 318
1571377 CIFC18 H26 Cu N4 O4P b c n15.6899; 10.7161; 11.3062
90; 90; 90
1900.96Boro, Mridul; Baishya, Trishnajyoti; Frontera, Antonio; Barceló-Oliver, Miquel; Bhattacharyya, Manjit K.
Energetic Features of H-Bonded and π-Stacked Assemblies in Pyrazole-Based Coordination Compounds of Mn(II) and Cu(II): Experimental and Theoretical Studies
Crystals, 2024, 14, 318
1571408 CIFC59 H44 F6 O7 S4P b c n23.6038; 12.3774; 17.1095
90; 90; 90
4998.6Sun, Jinghui; Yan, Yifei; Chen, Xuanxuan; Huang, Zhiwei; Huang, Yinhua
Palladium-catalyzed regio- and stereo-selective phosphination of cyclic biarylsulfonium salts to access atropoisomeric phosphines.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 6943-6948
1571788 CIFC48.125 H35 Cl1.25P b c n14.015; 20.406; 25.223
90; 90; 90
7214Kaneda, Tomoya; Kato, Kenichi; Ohtani, Shunsuke; Ogoshi, Tomoki
Pillar[5]arenes decorated with six-membered-ring aromatics at all the substitution positions.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 10651-10658
1571789 CIFC48 H24 Cl4P b c n30.8986; 10.7331; 22.0999
90; 90; 90
7329.2Jiang, Qing; Tang, Hui; Peng, Yuchen; Hu, Zhenni; Zeng, Wangdong
Helical polycyclic hydrocarbons with open-shell singlet ground states and ambipolar redox behaviors.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 10519-10528
1571988 CIFC82 H118 Mg4 N12P b c n15.6944; 30.4384; 17.51319
90; 90; 90
8366.27Yang, Wenbang; White, Andrew J. P.; Crimmin, Mark R.
Cross-coupling of CO and an isocyanide mediated by a tetrameric magnesium hydride cluster.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 11807-11813
1572568 CIFC38 H24 Cl2 N2 PtP b c n14.9481; 8.4291; 21.4418
90; 90; 90
2701.6Ota, Seiya; Soto, Miguel A.; Patrick, Brian O.; Kamal, Saeid; Lelj, Francesco; MacLachlan, Mark J.
π-Extended ligands with dual-binding behavior: hindered rotation unlocks unexpected reactivity in cyclometalated Pt complexes.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 14644-14650
1572639 CIFC24 H28 Au O2.5 PP b c n15.7586; 19.2635; 14.1296
90; 90; 90
4289.3León, Félix; García-Rodeja, Yago; Mallet-Ladeira, Sonia; Miqueu, Karinne; Szalóki, György; Bourissou, Didier
Catechol/<i>o</i>-benzoquinone exchange at gold(iii).
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 16651-16659
1572667 CIFC84 H66 Cu2 Fe2 P4P b c n21.973; 19.4588; 45.8368
90; 90; 90
19598.4Tran, Ba L.; Fuller, 3rd, Jack T; Erickson, Jeremy D.; Ginovska, Bojana; Raugei, Simone
Direct observation of β-alkynyl eliminations from unstrained propargylic alkoxide Cu(i) complexes by C-C bond cleavage.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 17481-17489
1572732 CIFC31 H32 B2 N2P b c n15.9465; 14.8115; 22.4995
90; 90; 90
5314.2Shibutani, Yuki; Kusumoto, Shuhei; Nozaki, Kyoko
Fully conjugated tetraborylethylene: selenium mediated C-C double bond formation from diborylcarbenoid.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 17912-17917
1572885 CIFC28 H18 Br2 O2P b c n14.9838; 9.3761; 15.4285
90; 90; 90
2167.5Cadeddu, Stefano; van den Bersselaar, Bart W. L.; de Waal, Bas; Cordier, Marie; Vanthuyne, Nicolas; Meskers, Stefan C. J.; Vantomme, Ghislaine; Crassous, Jeanne
Engineering circularly polarized light emission in nanostructured oligodimethylsiloxane-helicene chiral materials.
Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 21351-21359
1572940 CIFC182 H130 B Cl27 F4 N51.5 O20.25 Pd4P b c n14.977; 27.843; 49.372
90; 90; 90
20588Virtue, Jemma I.; Tsoukatos, Steven; Johnston, Martin R.; Bloch, Witold M.
Halide-triggered assembly and selective bisulfate recognition in a quadruply interlocked coordination cage.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 19119-19125
1572941 CIFC379 H277 B14 Cl71 F56 N106 Pd8P b c n14.916; 27.009; 58.19
90; 90; 90
23443Virtue, Jemma I.; Tsoukatos, Steven; Johnston, Martin R.; Bloch, Witold M.
Halide-triggered assembly and selective bisulfate recognition in a quadruply interlocked coordination cage.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 19119-19125
1572958 CIFC6 H26 Cl2 Mn N6 OP b c n11.9372; 14.3092; 8.8637
90; 90; 90
1514.02Radoń, Mariusz; Drabik, Gabriela; Hodorowicz, Maciej; Szklarzewicz, Janusz
Performance of Quantum Chemistry Methods for Benchmark Set of Spin–State Energetics Derived from Experimental Data of 17 Transition Metal Complexes (SSE17)
Chemical Science, 2024
1573003 CIFC18 H21 As3 Mo10 N3 O41 SeP b c n31.326; 23.4652; 24.275
90; 90; 90
17844Liu, Lu-Lu; Xu, Zi-Yu; Yi, Peng; Chen, Chao-Qin; Lang, Zhong-Ling; Yang, Peng
Making an inverted Keggin ion lacunary.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 16977-16986
1573297 CIFC92 H96 Cl20 P4 Pt2P b c n22.317; 21.114; 21.952
90; 90; 90
10344Lindahl, Sarah E.; Metzger, Erin M.; Chen, Chun-Hsing; Pink, Maren; Zaleski, Jeffrey M.
Pronounced electronic modulation of geometrically-regulated metalloenediyne cyclization
Chemical Science, 2024
1573425 CIFC21 H9 Eu N3 O12P b c n16.9059; 10.6492; 18.4816
90; 90; 90
3327.3Shi, Bojun; Jia, Hao; Chen, Lingfang; Zhang, Shuchun; Zhang, Yu; Yin, Baipeng; Bai, Shuming; Zhang, Chuang
Dynamic Magnetic Control of Lanthanide Metal–Organic Framework Crystals and Their Polarized Emissions
Chemistry, 2024, 6, 1415-1426
1573849 CIFC10 H11 N3 O3 SP b c n7.2257; 13.4248; 24.382
90; 90; 90
2365.1Lu, Jiachen; Ok, Kang Min
Synergistic engineering of ultraviolet metal-free crystals with exceptional birefringence via pyridine-derived dimers
Chemical Science, 2025
1573892 CIFC15 H16 N2 SP b c n11.6219; 13.9013; 8.4102
90; 90; 90
1358.75Yu, Yongjiang; Chen, Wang; Hu, Rongrong; Tang, Ben Zhong
Base-free Multicomponent Polymerization of Elemental Sulfur, Difluoromethylene Phosphobetaine and Amines Toward Electron-Deficient Aromatic Polythioureas
Polymer Chemistry, 2024
2000263 CIF
C14 H10 N4P b c n16.439; 9.448; 7.478
90; 90; 90
1161.5Huang, N.-T.; Pennington, W. T.; Petersen, J. D.
Structure of 2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2011-2012
2000317 CIF
C16 H15 Cl3 O TeP b c n18.829; 8.809; 20.969
90; 90; 90
3478Zukerman-Schpector, J.; Castellano, E. E.; Oliva, G.; Comasseto, J. V.; Stefani, H. A.
Structure of dichloro[(<i>Z</i>)-2-chloro-2-<i>p</i>-tolylvinyl](<i>p</i>-methoxyphenyl)tellurium(VI)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 960-962
2000406 CIF
C14 H13 N O2P b c n22.521; 10.809; 9.509
90; 90; 90
2314.8Yeap, G.-Y.; Fun, H.-K.; Teoh, S.-G.; Teo, S.-B.; Chinnakali, K.; Yip, B.-C.
Structure of 4-[(4-methoxyphenylimino)methyl]phenol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 2257-2258
2000530 CIF
C18 H18 O2P b c n18.917; 11.843; 13.177
90; 90; 90
2952Meyers, C. Y.; Tunnell, J. L.; Robinson, P. D.; Hua, D. H.; Saha, S.
Structure of <i>sp</i>-9-hydroxy-9-pivaloylfluorene, product of base-catalyzed autoxidation of <i>ap</i>-9-pivaloylfluorene
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1815-1818
2000752 CIF
C20 H16 Cl2 Cu N4 O8P b c n12.413; 14.645; 12.287
90; 90; 90
2233.6Chen, C.; Xu, D.; Xu, Y.; Cheng, C.; Ling, R.
Structure of <i>catena</i>-poly[{(2,2'-bipyridyl)(diperchlorato)copper(II)}-μ-4,4'-bipyridyl]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1231-1233
2000771 CIF
C18 H15 F2 PP b c n6.105; 16.634; 14.356
90; 90; 90
1457.9Doxsee, K. M.; Hanawalt, E. M.; Weakley, T. J. R.
Structure of difluorotriphenylphosphorane
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1288-1290
2000863 CIF
F4 In LiP b c n4.752; 11.721; 4.971
90; 90; 90
276.88Gravereau, P.; Chaminade, J. P.; Gaewdang, T.; Grannec, J.; Pouchard, M.; Hagenmuller, P.
Structure of lithium tetrafluoroindate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 769-771
2000905 CIF
C15 H18 O3P b c n26.085; 7.211; 13.653
90; 90; 90
2568.1Rodier, N.; Zhang, Y. M.; Mayrargue, J.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 885-887
2000922 CIF
C21 H13 Br2 N3P b c n7.366; 12.006; 20.601
90; 90; 90
1821.9Constable, E. C.; Khan, F. K.; Marquez, V. E.; Raithby, P. R.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 932-934
2001044 CIF
C6 H18 Co I2 N2 O2P b c n11.742; 11.291; 10.404
90; 90; 90
1379.4Jin, S.; Nieuwenhuyzen, M.; Robinson, W. T.; Wilkins, C. J.
Structures of dichlorobis(trimethylamine oxide)cobalt(II), diiodobis(trimethylamine oxide)cobalt(II), dichlorobis(trimethylamine oxide)zinc and dibromobis(trimethylamine oxide)zinc
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 274-279
2001046 CIF
C6 H18 Br2 N2 O2 ZnP b c n11.27; 11.053; 10.206
90; 90; 90
1271.3Jin, S.; Nieuwenhuyzen, M.; Robinson, W. T.; Wilkins, C. J.
Structures of dichlorobis(trimethylamine oxide)cobalt(II), diiodobis(trimethylamine oxide)cobalt(II), dichlorobis(trimethylamine oxide)zinc and dibromobis(trimethylamine oxide)zinc
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 274-279
2001208 CIF
C16 H40 Ag Cl2 N4 O10P b c n16.012; 8.7156; 19.13
90; 90; 90
2669.7Po, H. N.; Shen, S.-C.; Doedens, R. J.
Structure of (<i>rac</i>-5,5,7,12,12,14-hexamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)silver(II) diperchlorate dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1993, 49, 1914-1916
2001239 CIF
C14 H12 N2 O4P b c n15.885; 7.804; 10.504
90; 90; 90
1302.1Rice, C. R.; Robinson, K. J.; Wallis, J. D.
Intramolecular interactions in dimethyl 2,2'-bipyridine-3,3'-dicarboxylate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1993, 49, 1980-1982
2001317 CIF
C17 H16 O3P b c n21.972; 9.2992; 12.486
90; 90; 90
2551.2Coxon, J. M.; Fong, S. T.; Steel, P. J.; Bott, S. G.; Marchand, A. P.; Zope, U. R.
Structures of two hexacyclic cage diketone monoacetals
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1993, 49, 1859-1862
2001323 CIF
C15 H24 O2P b c n14.276; 10.984; 17.117
90; 90; 90
2684.1Kawata, T.; Ohba, S.; Umehara, M.; Honnami, H.
Three isomers of tricyclo[^4,9^]pentadecane-2,10-dione, (I), (II) and (III), and <i>cis</i>-<i>cisoid</i>-<i>cis</i>-9-hydroxy-9-methyltricyclo[^3,7^]tetradecan-2-one, (IV)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1993, 49, 1854-1857
2001775 CIF
C2 H10 Na3 O10 PP b c n10.617; 6.977; 27.65
90; 90; 90
2048Lis, T.
Structure of phosphoglycolate (PG) in different ionization states. Structure of phosphoglycolic acid (H~3~PG) and its salts: KH~2~PG, NaH~2~PG, K~3~H~3~(PG)~2~, Na~2~HPG.0.5H~2~O, Na~5~H(PG)~2~.4H~2~O and Na~3~PG.4H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1993, 49, 696-705
2001846 CIF
C13 H19 Mn N9 O2P b c n18.643; 12.616; 7.127
90; 90; 90
1676.3Brooker, S.; McKee, V.
Seven-coordinate manganese(II) complexes of 2,6-bis[1-(2-hydroxyethylimino)ethyl]pyridine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1993, 49, 441-445
2002018 CIF
C38 H28 N3 O6 P3P b c n10.609; 13.705; 23.535
90; 90; 90
3422Kubono, K.; Asaka, N.; Isoda, S.; Kobayashi, T.; Taga, T.
Structure of 1:1 clathrate between tris(2,3-naphthalenedioxy)cyclotriphosphazene and <i>p</i>-xylene
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1993, 49, 404-406
2002115 CIFNb1.76 O6 V0.24 ZnP b c n14.113; 5.693; 5.025
90; 90; 90
403.7Waburg, M; M, ller-Buschbaum H K
Kristallchemische Untersuchungen an den Phasen: (I) Zn (V.~12~ Nb~.88~)~2~ O~6~, (II) Zn (V.~28~ Ta~.72~)~2~ O~6~ und (III) Zn (Nb~.58~ Ta~.42~)~2~ O~6~
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1986, 542, 31-36
2002124 CIFMn0.333 O6 Ta2 Zn0.667P b c n4.73; 17.15399; 5.093
90; 90; 90
413.2Rohweder, U; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Geordnete und ungeordnete Metallverteilung in Mn Zn2 Ta2 O8 und Mn0.33 Zn0.67 Ta2 O6
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1989, 572, 102-108
2002311 CIFO6 Ta2 ZnP b c n4.702; 17.09399; 5.07
90; 90; 90
407.5Waburg, M.; Müller-Buschbaum, Hk.
ZnTa~2~O~6~, ein neuer Vertreter des tri-α-PbO~2~ Typs (mit ergaenzenden Daten über ZnNb~2~O~6~)
Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1984, 508, 55-60
2002312 CIFNb2 O6 ZnP b c n14.208; 5.726; 5.04
90; 90; 90
410Waburg, M.; Müller-Buschbaum, Hk.
ZnTa~2~O~6~, ein neuer Vertreter des tri-α-PbO~2~ Typs (mit ergaenzenden Daten über ZnNb~2~O~6~)
Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1984, 508, 55-60
2002316 CIFNb2 Ni O6P b c n14.032; 5.687; 5.033
90; 90; 90
401.6Wichmann, R; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Synthese und Untersuchung von Ni Nb2 O6-Einkristallen mit Columbit - und Rutilstruktur
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1983, 503, 101-105
2002361 CIFNb1.16 O6 Ta0.84 ZnP b c n4.71; 17.103; 5.072
90; 90; 90
408.6Waburg, M; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Kristallchemische Untersuchungen an den Phasen: (I) Zn (V0.12 Nb0.88)2 O6, (II) Zn (V0.28 Ta0.72)2 O6 und (III) Zn (Nb0.58 Ta0.42)2 O6
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1986, 542, 31-36
2002838 CIFBa2.5 Cd11 O36 V9P b c n20.842; 13.471; 11.838
90; 90; 90
3323.7Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk; Mertens, B
Ueber ein cadmiumreiches Orthovanadat Ba2.5 Cd11 (V O4)9 mit Cadmium in oktaedrischer und tetragonal pyramidaler Koordination
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (42,1987-), 1997, 52, 989-993
2003436 CIF
Ce Mo8 O14P b c n9.1937; 11.121; 20.014
90; 90; 90
2046.3Kerihuel, G.; Gougeon, P.
CeMo~8~O~14~, a Third Crystalline Form of the <i>R</i>Mo~8~O~14~ Series (<i>R</i> = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1995, 51, 787-790
2003603 CIF
C22 H26 Cl4 N5 O2 P3P b c n15.279; 16.864; 10.424
90; 90; 90
2685.9Diefenbach, U.; Allcock, H. R.; Visscher, K. B.
Strukturuntersuchungen einer anorganisch-organischen Spiroverbindung aus Cyclotriphosphazen und 9,10-Diaminophenanthren
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1995, 51, 1215-1218
2003724 CIF
C14 H34 Na O6 PP b c n43.851; 9.588; 8.788
90; 90; 90
3694.9Rudert, R.; Czichocki, G.; Weiland, B.; Vollhardt, D.
Sodium Cyclododecylphosphonic Acid Monoethyl Ester Trihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1995, 51, 1252-1254
2003899 CIF
H2 O6 Pb Se2P b c n16.381; 6.111; 5.896
90; 90; 90
590.2Koskenlinna, M.; Valkonen, J.
Lead(II) Hydrogenselenite
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1995, 51, 1737-1739
2004149 CIF
C12 H14 Cd Cl4 N2 OP b c n7.286; 7.408; 30.52
90; 90; 90
1647.3Huang, X.-Y.; Ye, Q.; Meng, Q.-J.; You, X.-Z.
4,4'-Oxydianilinium Tetrachlorocadmate(II), an Intercalation Compound
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1995, 51, 2285-2287
2004331 CIF
C14 H9 Cl2 N O4P b c n8.653; 20.225; 14.724
90; 90; 90
2576.8Novoa de Armas, H.; Pomés Hernández, R.; Duque Rodríguez, J.; Toscano, R. A.
4,4'-Dichloro-2,2'-iminodibenzoic Acid
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 166-168
2004370 CIF
C29 H72 Cl2 Cu3 N8 O5P b c n14.341; 12.451; 23.866
90; 90; 90
4262Wang, S.
Cu~3~(bdmap)~4~Cl~2~(CH~3~OH), bdmap = 1,3-Bis(dimethylamino)-2-propanolato. A Clamp-Shaped Molecule
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 41-43
2004419 CIF
C26 H16 Cu N6 S2P b c n13.224; 10.058; 17.423
90; 90; 90
2317.4Parker, O. J.; Aubol, S. L.; Breneman, G. L.
<i>cis</i>-Diisothiocyanatobis(1,10-phenanthroline)copper(II), [Cu(NCS)~2~(C~12~H~8~N~2~)~2~]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 39-41
2004530 CIF
C12 H20 N2 O2P b c n11.1558; 11.574; 9.68
90; 90; 90
1249.9Dromzee, Y.; Chiarelli, R.; Gambarelli, S.; Rassat, A.
Dupeyredioxyl (1,3,5,7-Tetramethyl-2,6-diazaadamantane-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-dioxyl)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 474-477
2004541 CIF
C24 H29 N O2P b c n15.899; 12.272; 10.618
90; 90; 90
2071.7Sivaraman, J.; Subramanian, K.; Velmurugan, D.; Subramanian, E.; Shanmugasundram, P. S.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 481-483
2004588 CIF
C9 H10 Au F3 N2 O3 S3P b c n20.348; 13.501; 11.701
90; 90; 90
3214.5Kruger, G. J.; Olivier, P. J.; Raubenheimer, H. G.
Bis(3-methyl-1,3-thiazolinylidene)gold(I) Trifluoromethanesulfonate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 624-626
2004652 CIF
B2 O4 SrP b c n12.0135; 4.339; 6.5864
90; 90; 90
343.33Kim, J.-B.; Lee, K.-S.; Suh, I.-H.; Lee, J.-H.; Park, J.-R.; Shin, Y.-H.
Strontium Metaborate, SrB~2~O~4~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 498-500
2004695 CIF
C6 H16 N10 Ni O8 S2P b c n15.683; 8.888; 12.653
90; 90; 90
1763.7Sen, A. K.; Dubey, S. N.; Squattrito, P. J.
Diaquabis(4-amino-3-methyl-4,5-dihydro-1<i>H</i>-1,2,4-triazole-5-thione)nickel(II) Nitrate: a Sulfur‒Nitrogen Chelate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 865-868
2004895 CIF
C26 H22 Cu N4 O6P b c n20.054; 13.005; 9.611
90; 90; 90
2506.6Leban, I.; Segedin, P.; Gruber, K.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 1096-1098
2005242 CIF
C21 H22 N2 O2P b c n15.557; 13.138; 17.899
90; 90; 90
3658Gong, Y.; Robinson, P. D.; Bausch, M. J.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 2081-2084
2005373 CIF
C20 H20 Br3 Cl2 Mo N4P b c n7.577; 22.058; 15.098
90; 90; 90
2523.4Rotar, R.; Leban, I.; Brenčič, J. V.
<i>trans</i>-Dichlorotetrakis(pyridine-<i>N</i>)molybdenum(III) Tribromide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 2155-2157
2005408 CIF
C26 H48 O2 Si2P b c n17.242; 15.244; 11.406
90; 90; 90
2997.9Boss, C.; Keese, R.; Förtsch, M.
Racemic 3,6-Dimethyl-3,6-bis(<i>tert</i>-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-1,7-cyclododecadiyne
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 2370-2372
2005461 CIF
C20 H24 N2 O3 SP b c n11.447; 12.989; 24.881
90; 90; 90
3699.4Kumaradhas, P.; Nirmala, K. A.; Sridhar, M. A.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 2595-2597
2005477 CIF
La Mo8 O14P b c n9.2065; 11.1298; 20.0264
90; 90; 90
2052Kerihuel, G.; Tortelier, J.; Gougeon, P.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 2389-2393
2005549 CIF
C12 H14 O6P b c n16.68; 8.886; 8.054
90; 90; 90
1193.8Näther, C.; Bock, H.; Seitz, W.; Nagel, N.
Diethyl 2,5-Dihydroxyterephthalate at 200K
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 2631-2633
2005650 CIF
C22 H18 N2 Ni S2P b c n12.578; 12.848; 11.505
90; 90; 90
1859.2Henderson, R. K.; Bouwman, E.; Reedijk, J.; Powell, A. K.
[<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-Bis(2-thiobenzylidene)-1,2-dimethyl-4,5-phenylenediaminato]nickel(II), Ni(tsaldimph)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 2696-2698
2005722 CIF
C13 H10 O3P b c n40.877; 6.96; 7.371
90; 90; 90
2097.1Dobson, A. J.; Gerkin, R. E.
2-Hydroxybiphenyl-3-carboxylic Acid (3-Phenylsalicylic Acid)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 3088-3091
2006379 CIF
C19 H10 N2 O2P b c n14.997; 12.898; 14.743
90; 90; 90
2852Batchelor, Rhys A.; Hunter, Christopher A.; Simpson, Jim
3-(1,8-Naphthalenedicarboximido)benzonitrile [or <i>N</i>-(3-Cyanophenyl)-1,8-naphthalimide], C~19~H~10~N~2~O~2~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1997, 53, 1117-1119
2006652 CIF
C16 H18 N4 O2P b c n17.366; 8.196; 20.999
90; 90; 90
2988.8De-Chun Zhang; Zheng-Hao Fei; Tian-Zhu Zhang; Yan-Qiu Zhang; Kai-Bei Yu
2-Nitro-4'-(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-diethylamino)azobenzene, C~16~H~18~N~4~O~2~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1997, 53, 1647-1648
2006679 CIF
C6 H16 Au Cl N4 O4 S2P b c n13.8946; 16.513; 6.4276
90; 90; 90
1474.76Richard J. Staples; John P. Fackler Jr; Juan Costamagna
Bis(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-dimethylthiourea-<i>S</i>)gold(I) Perchlorate and Bis(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-diethylthiourea-<i>S</i>)gold(I) Perchlorate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1997, 53, 1555-1558
2006940 CIF
C20 H49 Cl Fe P4P b c n10.747; 27.457; 17.837
90; 90; 90
5263.3Wiesler, Beatrix; Tuczek, Felix; Näther, Christian; Bensch, Wolfgang
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 44-46
2006975 CIFFe1.78 Ge2.11 Mg0.11 O9 Pb2P b c n7.1486; 11.163; 10.145
90; 90; 90
809.6Barbier, Jacques; Lévy, David
Pb~2~Fe~2~Ge~2~O~9~, the Germanate Analogue of the Silicate Mineral Melanotekite
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 02-05
2007145 CIF
C20 H12 N2 O8P b c n27.634; 8.122; 15.741
90; 90; 90
3533Fitzgerald, Lawrence J.; Gerkin, Roger E.
Phenolphthalein and 3',3''-Dinitrophenolphthalein
Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1998, 54, 535-539
2007159 CIF
C24 H16 Cu N4 O6 S4P b c n11.253; 13.033; 17.563
90; 90; 90
2575.8Freire, Eleonora; Baggio, Sergio; Baggio, Ricardo; Garland, Maria Teresa
Bis(1,10-phenanthroline-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')copper(II) Tetrathionate and Tris(1,10-phenanthroline-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')copper(II) Tetrathionate Pentahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 464-468
2007231 CIF
C30 H20 O3P b c n19.037; 9.548; 12.089
90; 90; 90
2197.4Kaftory, Menahem; Goldberg, Yulia; Goldberg, Stephen, Z.; Botoshansky, Mark
2,3-Bis(diphenylmethylene)succinic Anhydride, (I), 2-(2-Adamantylidene)-3-(9-fluorenylidene)succinic Anhydride, (II), and 2-(9-Fluorenylidene)-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzylidene)succinic Anhydride, (III)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 683-687
2007470 CIF
C7 H12 O4P b c n7.7068; 10.1645; 9.691
90; 90; 90
759.2Bromley, Mark K.; Looney, Mark G.; Solomon, David H.; Gable, Robert W.; Helliwell, Madeleine; Hodge, Philip
1,5,7,11-Tetraoxaspiro[5.5]undecane, 3,9-Dimethylidene-1,5,7,11-tetraoxaspiro[5.5]undecane and 1,5-Dioxa-7,11-dithiaspiro[5.5]undecane
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 1019-1023
2007471 CIF
C9 H12 O4P b c n10.175; 9.6082; 9.577
90; 90; 90
936.3Bromley, Mark K.; Looney, Mark G.; Solomon, David H.; Gable, Robert W.; Helliwell, Madeleine; Hodge, Philip
1,5,7,11-Tetraoxaspiro[5.5]undecane, 3,9-Dimethylidene-1,5,7,11-tetraoxaspiro[5.5]undecane and 1,5-Dioxa-7,11-dithiaspiro[5.5]undecane
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 1019-1023
2007611 CIF
C8 H8 O2 SP b c n9.747; 10.648; 15.418
90; 90; 90
1600.2Briggs, Andrew D.; Clegg, William; Elsegood, Mark R.J.; Frampton, Christopher S.; Jackson, Richard F.W.
Conformational Variations in Vinylsulfoximines
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 1335-1341
2007626 CIF
C36 H64 O8 Ti2P b c n22.036; 9.243; 19.816
90; 90; 90
4036.1James, Siân C.; Norman, Nicholas C.; Orpen, A. Guy
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 1261-1263
2007885 CIF
C13 H12 N3 O2.5P b c n11.8; 16.538; 12.565
90; 90; 90
2452Wang, Zuoxiang; Jian, Fangfang; Duan, Chunying; Bai, Zhiping; You, Xiaozeng
2-(2-Hydroxybenzylidene)-1-(2-picoloyl)hydrazine Hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 1927-1929
2007933 CIF
C24 H17 B N2 O4P b c n16.12; 15.959; 14.9294
90; 90; 90
3840.7Clegg, William; Scott, Andrew J.; Lawlor, Fiona J.; Norman, Nicholas C.; Marder, Todd B.; Dai, Chaoyang; Nguyen, Paul
Salts of the Bis(catecholato)borate Anion with Organic Cations
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 1875-1880
2007997 CIF
C17 H18 O4P b c n23.553; 5.3933; 22.9996
90; 90; 90
2921.6Stomberg, Rolf; Li, Shiming; Lundquist, Knut; Albinsson, Bo
Investigation of Three Stilbene Derivatives by X-ray Crystallography and NMR Spectroscopy
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 1929-1934
2008196 CIF
C11 H17 Cl N2 OP b c n21.935; 11.4354; 9.9743
90; 90; 90
2501.9Lian Ee Khoo; Hong Juan Hu; Alan Hazell
4-Chloro-2-[2-(dimethylamino)ethylaminomethyl]phenol and 2-[2-(dimethylamino)ethylaminomethyl]-6-methoxyphenol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 245-248
2008246 CIF
C14 H16 Cl2 N2 Ni S2P b c n14.5297; 8.2314; 14.3684
90; 90; 90
1718.5Thangarasu Pandiyan; Bernès, Sylvain; Durán de Bazúa, Carmen
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 318-320
2008266 CIF
C14 H15 N3 O4P b c n4.5686; 15.7687; 20.1621
90; 90; 90
1452.5Kandasamy Chinnakali; Hoong-Kun Fun; Shyamaprasad Goswami; Ajit Kumar Mahapatra; Gur Dayal Nigam
2-Aminopyrimidine and <i>p</i>-phenylenediacetic acid (1:1) co-crystal
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 399-401
2008434 CIF
H4 Mo4 O15 SrP b c n19.3111; 7.5851; 15.514
90; 90; 90
2272.4Harrison, William T. A.
Strontium tetramolybdate dihydrate, SrMo~4~O~13~^.^2H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 485-487
2008459 CIF
C16 H17 O5.5 SP b c n14.415; 6.693; 31.692
90; 90; 90
3057.6Jene, Paul G.; Chan, David S.; Cooke, Bethany L.; Ibers, James A.
Capped-porphyrin precursors
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 801-806
2008644 CIF
C24 H16 Mn N10P b c n13.492; 9.6317; 16.9975
90; 90; 90
2208.84Shen, Zhen; Zuo, Jing-Lin; Chinnakali, Kandasamy; Fun, Hoong-Kun; You, Xiao-Zeng
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 901-903
2008737 CIF
C8 H12 Cl Cu N8 O2 S2P b c n12.8678; 11.4996; 10.0894
90; 90; 90
1492.97Razak, Ibrahim Abdul; Chinnakali, Kandasamy; Fun, Hoong-Kun; Yang, Ping; Zeng, Wen-Ru; Xie, Fu-Xin; Tian, Yu-Peng; Zhang, Hao
A copper(I) complex of 4-amino-3-thioxo-6-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1,2,4-triazin-5-one
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 1092-1093
2008902 CIF
C22 H26 O6P b c n14.898; 9.19; 15.525
90; 90; 90
2125.6Dobson, Allison J.; Gerkin, Roger E.
C—H···O interactions in dimethyl 6,6'-dimethoxy-3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbiphenyl-2,2'-dicarboxylate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 1496-1499
2008931 CIF
C23 H30 N2 O4P b c n24.83; 9.642; 9.176
90; 90; 90
2196.8Elerman, Yalçin; Kabak, Mehmet; Kara, Hülya; Güven, Kutalmıs̨; Naki̇poǧlu, Canan
3,9-Dimethyl-1,11-diphenyl-4,8-diazaundecane-1,11-dione dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 1508-1511
2009026 CIF
C39 H43 In2 N5 O12P b c n11.138; 18.801; 19.121
90; 90; 90
4004Bortoluzzi, Adailton J.; Neves, Ademir; Vencato, Ivo; Zucco, Cesar; Hörner, Manfredo
Bis(μ-acetato){μ-2,6-bis[(2-hydroxybenzyl)-(2-pyridylmethyl)aminomethyl]-4-methylphenolato}diindium(III) nitrate dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 1634-1636
2009056 CIF
C12 H12 O8P b c n9.929; 8.895; 14.482
90; 90; 90
1279Foxon, Simon P.; Semlyen, J. Anthony; Wood, Barry R.
A cyclic dimer of ethyleneglycol maleate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, IUC9900115
2009187 CIF
C8 H7 N O7P b c n28.194; 9.5793; 6.905
90; 90; 90
1864.89Ajit Kumar Mahapatra; Avijit Adak; Shyamaprosad Goswami; Gur Dayal Nigam; Kandasamy Chinnakali; S. Shanmuga Sundara Raj; Ibrahim Abdul Razak; Hoong-Kun Fun
5-Nitroisophthalic acid hydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 1845-1847
2009382 CIF
C22 H16 N6 Ni O2P b c n13.9571; 9.8457; 15.231
90; 90; 90
2093Karmele Urtiaga, M.; Pizarro, J.L.; Cortes, R.; Goñi, A.; Larramendi, J.I.R.
Structure of bis(2,2'-bipyridyl)diisocyanatonickel(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 56-58
2009405 CIF
C21 H24 B Cu F4 N4 S3P b c n14.84; 19.592; 17.716
90; 90; 90
5150.8Gallagher, John F.; Alyea, Elmer C.; Ferguson, George; Xu Zheng
Structure of the copper tripodal Schiff base complex {tris[4-(2-thienyl)-3-aza-κ<i>N</i>-3-butenyl]amine-κ<i>N</i>}copper(I) tetrafluoroborate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 16-18
2009496 CIF
C14 H27 N2 O9.5 PdP b c n17.723; 15.126; 14.796
90; 90; 90
3966.5Achternbosch, Matthias; Klüfers, Peter
Polyol metal complexes. V. Structure of (2,2'-bipyridyl-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')[<i>meso</i>-oxolane-3,4-diolato(2‒)-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>']palladium(II) 6.5-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 175-178
2009590 CIF
C6 H12 N2 PtP b c n25.3136; 6.0161; 11.3754
90; 90; 90
1732.3Dryden, N. H.; Puddephatt, R. J.; Roy, S.; Vittal, J. J.
Two forms of <i>cis</i>-dimethylbis(methyl isocyanide)platinum(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 533-536
2009691 CIF
C29 H21 N O4 S2P b c n15.8; 14.345; 21.424
90; 90; 90
4855.8Sivaraman, J.; Subramanian, K.; Velmurugan, D.; Subramanian, E.; Sadanandan, E.V.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 787-789
2009744 CIF
C8 H16 Cl3 In O2P b c n10.805; 10.114; 13.11
90; 90; 90
1432.7Whittlesey, B. R.; Ittycheriah, I. P.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 693-695
2009780 CIF
C26 H16 Mn N6 S2P b c n13.34; 10.109; 17.589
90; 90; 90
2371.9Holleman, Susan R.; Parker, O. Jerry; Breneman, Gary L.
<i>cis</i>-Diisothiocyanatobis(1,10-phenanthroline)manganese(II), [Mn(NCS)~2~(C~12~H~8~N~2~)~2~]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 867-869
2009869 CIF
C13 H15 N O5 SP b c n20.694; 7.415; 17.693
90; 90; 90
2715Feeder, N.; Jones, W.
Four <i>N</i>-saccharinaliphatic acids
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 1118-1122
2009898 CIF
C15 H18 Cl3 N3 O8P b c n35.636; 8.127; 14.597
90; 90; 90
4227Rodier, N.; Bellaissaoui, A.; Morpain, C.; Laude, B.
3,4-Diméthoxycarbonyl-5-éthoxycarbonyl-1-(2,2,2-trichloro-1-éthoxycarbonylaminoéthyl)pyrazole, C~15~H~18~Cl~3~N~3~O~8~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 1171-1173
2010139 CIF
C16 H14 Br2 N4 O2P b c n18.975; 10.327; 8.569
90; 90; 90
1679.1Ueng, C.-H.; Wang, Y.; Yeh, M.-Y.
Two heterocyclic 1,2,4,5-tetrazines
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 1781-1784
2010455 CIFAl2.7 Fe Si2.3P b c n6.061; 6.061; 9.525
90; 90; 90
349.9Gueneau, C.; Servant, C.; d'Yvoire, F.; Rodier, N.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1995, 51, 177-179
2010579 CIF
C20 H16 N7 Nd O9P b c n16.935; 9.0806; 14.987
90; 90; 90
2304.7Bower, John F.; Cotton, Simon A.; Fawcett, John; Russell, David R.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2000, 56, e8-e9
2010611 CIF
C56 H92 N2 O15 V2P b c n19.657; 17.066; 17.67
90; 90; 90
5928Kutá Smatanová, Ivana; Marek, Jaromír; Švančárek, Peter; Schwendt, Peter
Bis(tetra-<i>n</i>-butylammonium) bis[(mandelato)oxo(peroxo)vanadate(V)] mandelic acid solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2000, 56, 154-155
2010731 CIF
C44 H62 N2 O12P b c n15.922; 16.7908; 16.453
90; 90; 90
4398.6Kim, Jong Seung; Jensen, William P.; Lee, Chang-Hee; Lee, Jin-Ho; Kim, Moon-Jib; Kim, Jin-Gyu; Suh, Il-Hwan
25,27:26,28-Bis(3,9-dioxa-6-azaundecane-1,11-dioxy)calix[4]arene tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2000, 56, 379-381
2010732 CIF
C20 H16 Cu2 Mo2 N4 O7P b c n11.839; 9.108; 21.319
90; 90; 90
2298.8You, Wan-Sheng; Wang, En-Bo; Xu, Lin; Hu, Chang-Wen; Luan, Guo-You
Chains of (4,4'-bipyridyl)copper(I) bridged by dimolybdate units
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2000, 56, 289-290
2011027 CIF
C24 H28 N4 O8P b c n26.919; 7.572; 11.966
90; 90; 90
2439Hosomi, Hiroyuki; Ohba, Shigeru; Ito, Yoshikatsu
1,3-Propanediammonium bis(3'-nitro-<i>trans</i>-cinnamate) and <i>trans</i>-1,2-cyclohexanediammonium bis(3'-nitro-<i>trans</i>-cinnamate)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2000, 56, e260-e261
2011177 CIF
C24 H16 N8 Ni2P b c n14.067; 10.1759; 15.755
90; 90; 90
2255.2Juraj Černák; Abboud, Khalil A.
Ni(bipy)~2~Ni(CN)~4~, a new type of one-dimensional square tetracyano complex
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2000, 56, 783-785
2011678 CIF
C24 H36 Cd N2 O4 P2 S4P b c n11.7493; 19.0809; 14.6006
90; 90; 90
3273.27Hao, Qingli; Yang, Xujie; Jian, Fangfang; Lu, Lude; Wang, Xin; Abdul Razak, Ibrahim; Chantrapromma, Suchada; Fun, Hoong-Kun
Bis(<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>'-diisopropyl dithiophosphato-<i>S</i>,<i>S</i>')(1,10-phenanthroline-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')metal(II) complexes with cadmium(II) and iron(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 42-44
2011679 CIF
C24 H36 Fe N2 O4 P2 S4P b c n11.5761; 18.8015; 14.7098
90; 90; 90
3201.56Hao, Qingli; Yang, Xujie; Jian, Fangfang; Lu, Lude; Wang, Xin; Abdul Razak, Ibrahim; Chantrapromma, Suchada; Fun, Hoong-Kun
Bis(<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>'-diisopropyl dithiophosphato-<i>S</i>,<i>S</i>')(1,10-phenanthroline-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')metal(II) complexes with cadmium(II) and iron(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 42-44
2011695 CIF
C20 H16 Mn N4 O6 S4P b c n15.33; 9.889; 16.061
90; 90; 90
2434.8Freire, Eleonora; Baggio, Sergio; Baggio, Ricardo; Mombrú, Alvaro
<i>catena</i>-Poly[[diaqua(1,10-phenanthroline-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')manganese(II)]-μ-(thiosulfato-<i>O</i>:<i>S</i>)] and bis(2,2'-bipyridyl-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')(tetrathionato-<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')manganese(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 14-17
2011730 CIF
C11 H12 N6 O4P b c n33.622; 10.562; 7.067
90; 90; 90
2509.6Janczak, Jan; Perpétuo, Genivaldo Julio
Melaminium phthalate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 123-125
2011806 CIF
C16 H15 Na O6P b c n21.484; 9.4624; 7.3293
90; 90; 90
1490Evans, James; Kapitan, Anoop; Rosair, Georgina; Roberts, Kevin J; White, Graeme
Sodium hydrogen bis(phenoxyacetate)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 250-251
2011869 CIF
C20 H22 N2 SP b c n19.4661; 10.7312; 8.3
90; 90; 90
1733.83Cuthbertson, Eric; Frampton, Christopher S.; MacNicol, David D.
A comparison of 2,7-dihydro-2,2,7,7-tetramethyl-3,6-diphenyl-1,4,5-thiadiazepine and the corresponding 1,1-dioxide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 431-432
2011870 CIF
C20 H22 N2 O2 SP b c n18.9551; 11.4905; 8.1745
90; 90; 90
1780.44Cuthbertson, Eric; Frampton, Christopher S.; MacNicol, David D.
A comparison of 2,7-dihydro-2,2,7,7-tetramethyl-3,6-diphenyl-1,4,5-thiadiazepine and the corresponding 1,1-dioxide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 431-432
2011872 CIF
C6 H6 Cl2 Cu N4 S2P b c n9.494; 15.936; 7.137
90; 90; 90
1079.8Liu, Jia-Geng; Nie, Jing-Jing; Xu, Duan-Jun; Xu, Yuan-Zhi; Wu, Jing-Yun; Chiang, Michael Y.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 354-355
2011898 CIF
C6 H10 O4 SeP b c n8.5981; 5.1355; 18.2159
90; 90; 90
804.33Doudin, Khaled I.; Songstad, Jon; Törnroos, Karl W.
3,3'-Selenobis(propionic acid)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 439-440
2012045 CIF
C26 H16 S4P b c n13.51; 18.014; 16.795
90; 90; 90
4087Linden, Anthony; Gebert, Andreas; Heimgartner, Heinz
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 764-766
2012051 CIF
C20 H18 Cu N2 O3P b c n7.5388; 9.1091; 24.8514
90; 90; 90
1706.59Jian, Fangfang; Wang, Ying; Lu, Lude; Yang, Xujie; Wang, Xin; Chantrapromma, Suchada; Fun, Hoong-Kun; Razak, Ibrahim Abdul
(2-Methylquinolin-8-olato)iron(III) and -copper(II) complexes
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 714-716
2012103 CIF
C15 H22 N6 O10 S2P b c n26.625; 7.863; 10.23
90; 90; 90
2141.7Jan Janczak; Genivaldo Julio Perpétuo
Melaminium bis(4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 873-875
2012116 CIF
C26 H16 N6 Ni S2P b c n13.018; 10.116; 17.536
90; 90; 90
2309.3Freire, Eleonora; Baggio, Sergio; Suescun, Leopoldo; Baggio, Ricardo
Comparative X-ray study of three nickel(II)‒thiocyanate compounds
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 905-908
2012340 CIF
C15 H12 Cl4 O2P b c n25.675; 11.602; 10.53
90; 90; 90
3136.7Eriksson, Johan; Eriksson, Lars
2,2',6,6'-Tetrachloro-4,4'-propane-2,2-diyldiphenol, 2,2',6-tribromo-4,4'-propane-2,2-diyldiphenol and 2,2',6,6'-tetrabromo-4,4'-propane-2,2-diyldiphenol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2001, 57, 1308-1312
2012450 CIF
C16 H28 Cl6 Cu4 N4 O S4P b c n10.3705; 14.903; 20.375
90; 90; 90
3149Bolos, C. A.; Christidis, P. C.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2002, 58, m29-m30
2012718 CIF
C20 H18 Cl2 N2 O2 ZnP b c n14.052; 10.192; 14.047
90; 90; 90
2011.8Ivashevskaja, Svetlana N.; Aleshina, Lyudmila A.; Andreev, Vladimir P.; Nizhnik, Yakov P.; Chernyshev, Vladimir V.; Schenk, Hendrik
Dichlorobis(2-methylquinoline <i>N</i>-oxide-κ<i>O</i>)zinc(II) from powder data
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2002, 58, m300-m301
2012790 CIF
C6 H15 Be F4 N2 O0.5P b c n19.523; 9.2726; 9.939
90; 90; 90
1799.2Gerrard, Lee A.; Weller, Mark T.
Dabconium orthofluoroberyllate hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2002, 58, m407-m408
2012848 CIF
C20 H24 B2 N2 O2 SP b c n11.484; 18.385; 9.509
90; 90; 90
2007.7Cox, Philip J.; Wardell, James L.
Coordinative N→B bond formation and hydrogen-bonded molecular ladders in 2,5-bis[(<i>N</i>\ρightarrow <i>B</i>)-(2-aminoethoxy)phenylboryl]thiophene
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2002, 58, o515-o517
2013276 CIF
C24 H20 Cd2 N8 O14P b c n19.91; 7.8559; 19.263
90; 90; 90
3012.9Zaman, Md. Badruz; Davis, Matthew J.; Smith, Mark D.; zur Loye, Hans-Conrad
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2003, 59, m234-m236
2013571 CIF
C18 H18 N2 S2P b c n6.7333; 12.6195; 19.827
90; 90; 90
1684.7Li, Yi-Zhi; Liu, Wei-Wei; Li, Yan-Jie; Pan, Guo-Jun; Hu, Hong-Wen
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2003, 59, o611-o612
2013660 CIF
C18 H14 N2 O5P b c n4.735; 12.516; 26.48
90; 90; 90
1569.3Reck, Günter; Orgzall, Ingo; Schulz, Burkhard; Dietzel, Birgit
Two polymorphic forms of 2,5-bis(4-methoxycarbonylphenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2003, 59, o634-o635
2013720 CIF
C4 H12 B2 F2 Ge3 N2 O9P b c n6.9776; 11.779; 15.997
90; 90; 90
1314.8Li, Yang-feng; Zou, Xiaodong
(C~4~N~2~H~12~)[(GeO~2~)~3~(BO~1.5~F)~2~], a layered borogermanate containing three- and nine-membered rings
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2003, 59, m471-m472
2014051 CIF
C40 H32 OP b c n16.6918; 9.6863; 17.5921
90; 90; 90
2844.32Linden, Anthony; Furegati, Markus; Rippert, Andreas J.
(<i>P</i>,<i>M</i>)-1,2,3,9,10,11-Hexamethoxy-5,7-dihydrodibenz[<i>c</i>,<i>e</i>]oxepine and (<i>P</i>,<i>M</i>)-1,11-dimethyl-5,5,7,7-tetraphenyl-5,7-dihydrodibenz[<i>c</i>,<i>e</i>]oxepine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2004, 60, o223-o225
2014107 CIF
C28 H28 Cu2 N4 O8P b c n21.6096; 7.216; 17.6529
90; 90; 90
2752.7Yi-Hang Wen; Ye-Yan Qin; Jian Zhang; Zhao-Ji Li; Jian-Kai Cheng; Yao Kang; Yuan-Gen Yao
<i>catena</i>-Poly[[[aquacopper(I)]-μ-4,4'-bipyridyl-κ^2^<i>N</i>:<i>N</i>'] hemi(isophthalate) monohydrate]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2004, 60, m371-m372
2014270 CIF
C28 H46 Cl4 Fe2 N12 O4 P2P b c n16.9011; 12.9824; 18.3248
90; 90; 90
4020.8Batten, Michael P.; Canty, Allan J.; Cavell, Kingsley J.; Rüther, Thomas; Skelton, Brian W.; White, Allan H.
Bis[tris(1-methyl-1<i>H</i>-imidazol-2-yl)phosphine-κ^3^<i>N</i>^3^]iron(II) tetrachloroferrate(II) methanol tetrasolvate (<i>ca</i> 153K) and bis[tris(1-methyl-1<i>H</i>-imidazol-2-yl)methanol-κ^3^<i>N</i>^3^]iron(III) bis[tetrachloroferrate(III)] chloride (redetermination, <i>ca</i> 153K)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2004, 60, m311-m313
2014407 CIF
C6 H10 N2 S2 SnP b c n14.449; 5.5526; 12.66
90; 90; 90
1015.7Britton, Doyle
Dimethyl- and diethyldithiocyanatotin(IV)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2006, 62, m93-m94
2014465 CIF
C5 H6 Cd N2 O6P b c n10.328; 13.2177; 13.1813
90; 90; 90
1799.4Yan-Qiong Sun; Jie Zhang; Guo-Yu Yang
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2004, 60, m590-m591
2014543 CIF
C9 H9 N5 O3P b c n9.6497; 12.1378; 16.5063
90; 90; 90
1933.3Arranz Mascarós, Paloma; Gutiérrez Valero, M. Dolores; Low, John N.; Glidewell, Christopher
<i>N</i>-(3-Methyl-4-oxo-3,4-dihydropteridin-2-yl)glycine: hydrogen-bonded sheets of <i>R</i>~4~^4^(22) and <i>R</i>~4~^4^(30) rings
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2004, 60, o795-o797
2014859 CIF
C15 H15 I3 In N3P b c n9.6622; 14.9139; 13.985
90; 90; 90
2015.25Pardoe, Jennifer A. J.; Cowley, Andrew R.; Downs, Anthony J.; Greene, Timothy M.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2005, 61, m200-m202
2014867 CIF
C26 H18 Mn N2 O6P b c n23.5785; 12.1715; 7.6545
90; 90; 90
2196.73Jian-Rong Su; Duan-Jun Xu
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2005, 61, m256-m258
2014981 CIF
C12 H17 N3 O3P b c n17.998; 7.112; 20.39
90; 90; 90
2610Camerman, Arthur; Hempel, Andrew; Mastropaolo, Donald; Camerman, Norman
2-Acetamido-<i>N</i>-benzyl-2-(methoxyamino)acetamides: functionalized amino acid anticonvulsants
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2005, 61, o417-o419
2015607 CIF
C7 H7 I2 NP b c n7.6194; 14.6296; 8.1057
90; 90; 90
903.53Pugh, David
2,6-Dibromo-3,5-dimethylpyridine and 2,6-diiodo-3,5-dimethylpyridine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2006, 62, o590-o592
2015637 CIF
Ca7.96 Cu0.04 Ge5 O18P b c n5.2436; 11.6079; 28.9238
90; 90; 90
1760.51Redhammer, Günther J.; Roth, Georg; Amthauer, Georg
Ca~7.96~Cu~0.04~Ge~5~O~18~: a new calcium germanate with GeO~4~ and Ge~3~O~10~ units
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2006, 62, i94-i96
2015676 CIF
C26 H34 Cd N2 O10P b c n11.645; 15.149; 15.194
90; 90; 90
2680.38E Yang; Rong-Qiang Zhuang; Jian-Xin Chen
<i>catena</i>-Poly[[[<i>cis</i>-aquabis(4-carboxycyclohexane-1-carboxylato-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')cadmium(II)]-μ-4,4'-bipyridine-κ^2^<i>N</i>:<i>N</i>] monohydrate]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2006, 62, m612-m613
2015747 CIF
C50 H28 Cl4 N6P b c n11.0921; 19.3442; 20.1742
90; 90; 90
4328.73Gagnon, Eric; Maly, Kenneth E.; Maris, Thierry; Wuest, James D.
A new pseudopolymorph of hexakis(4-cyanophenyl)benzene
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2007, 63, o4-o6
2015826 CIF
C19 H17 N O3P b c n13.0541; 6.9672; 34.604
90; 90; 90
3147.3Yoriko Sonoda; Seiji Tsuzuki; Nobuyuki Tamaoki; Midori Goto
Four (<i>E</i>,<i>Z</i>,<i>E</i>)-1-(4-alkoxyphenyl)-6-(4-nitrophenyl)hexa-1,3,5-trienes
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2007, 63, o196-o200
2015897 CIF
C29 H16 Co N4 O5P b c n12.2197; 11.0048; 17.2631
90; 90; 90
2321.5Chen, Xia; Chen, Hong-Feng; Xue, Gang; Chen, Hong-Yu; Yu, Wen-Tao; Fang, Qi
(Croconato-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')bis(1,10-phenanthroline-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')cobalt(II), and the nickel(II) and copper(II) analogues
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2007, 63, m166-m168
2015898 CIF
C29 H16 N4 Ni O5P b c n12.2618; 10.929; 17.171
90; 90; 90
2301.1Chen, Xia; Chen, Hong-Feng; Xue, Gang; Chen, Hong-Yu; Yu, Wen-Tao; Fang, Qi
(Croconato-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')bis(1,10-phenanthroline-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')cobalt(II), and the nickel(II) and copper(II) analogues
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2007, 63, m166-m168
2015912 CIF
C26 H24.91 N10 O9.45P b c n7.01; 33.052; 24.2496
90; 90; 90
5618.5Sridhar, Balasubramanian; Ravikumar, Krishnan
Supramolecular hydrogen-bonding networks in bis(adeninium) phthalate phthalic acid 1.45-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2007, 63, o212-o214
2016155 CIF
C18 H18 Cl4 N2 O2P b c n10.36; 12.191; 15.332
90; 90; 90
1936.4Kubono, Koji; Yokoi, Kunihiko
Monoclinic and orthorhombic polymorphs of 4,4',6,6'-tetrachloro-2,2'-(piperazine-1,4-diyldimethylene)diphenol
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2007, 63, o535-o537
2016208 CIF
C27 H26 Cu N2 O8 P2P b c n7.9585; 16.8134; 21.622
90; 90; 90
2893.23Platt, Andrew W. G.; Lees, Anthony M. J.
<i>catena</i>-Poly[[bis(nitrato-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')copper(II)]-μ-propane-1,3-diylbis(diphenylphosphine oxide)-κ^2^<i>O</i>:<i>O</i>']
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2007, 63, m433-m435
2016251 CIF
C8 H22 Cl2 N2 Si3P b c n6.8227; 13.4226; 17.5317
90; 90; 90
1605.52Böhme, Uwe; Bendrath, Franziska; Günther, Betty
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2007, 63, o631-o632
2016300 CIF
C38 H30 N4 O8 SrP b c n23.411; 10.409; 13.722
90; 90; 90
3343.8Duan-Jun Xu; Bing-Yu Zhang; Jian-Rong Su; Jing-Jing Nie
Intramolecular π‒π stacking in diaquabis(2-hydroxybenzoato-κ<i>O</i>)bis(1,10-phenanthroline-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')strontium(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2007, 63, m622-m624
2016494 CIF
C22 H22 N2 O4 ZnP b c n15.5576; 10.1598; 12.5487
90; 90; 90
1983.5Brahma, Sanjaya; Sachin, H. P.; Shivashankar, S. A.; Narasimhamurthy, T.; Rathore, R. S.
Adducts of bis(acetylacetonato)zinc(II) with 1,10-phenanthroline and 2,2'-bipyridine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2008, 64, m140-m143
2016750 CIF
C10 H10 I NP b c n24.259; 11.469; 7.1937
90; 90; 90
2001.5Lemmerer, Andreas; Billing, David G.; Robinson, Janine M.
Hydrogen-bonding one-dimensional chains containing the <i>R</i>~4~^2^(8) motif in the ammonium salts 1-naphthylammonium iodide and naphthalene-1,8-diyldiammonium diiodide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2008, 64, o481-o484
2016830 CIF
C26 H27 Ag2 N4 O9 P SP b c n14.539; 17.472; 22.623
90; 90; 90
5747Du, Zi-Yi; Liu, Qing-Yan; Wen, He-Rui; Xie, Yong-Rong; Huang, Jian-Jun
Hydrogen-bonded layers directed by the [3-O~3~S‒C~6~H~4~‒PO~3~H]^2{-^} dianion: <i>catena</i>-poly[[silver(I)-μ-4,4'-bipyridine-κ^2^<i>N</i>:<i>N</i>'] 3-[hydroxy(oxido)phosphinoyl]benzenesulfonate trihydrate] and <i>catena</i>-poly[[[tetraaquacobalt(II)]-μ-4,4'-bipyridine-κ^2^<i>N</i>:<i>N</i>'] 3-[hydroxy(oxido)phosphinoyl]benzenesulfonate]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2008, 64, m353-m357
2017126 CIF
C19 H22 F6 O14P b c n6.9425; 12.366; 29.22
90; 90; 90
2508.6Zhou, Yan; Zhao, Wen-Na; Han, Lei
A novel (3,4,10)-connected three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded supramolecular network containing a cyclic water hexamer
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2009, 65, o287-o289
2017230 CIF
C10 H14 Cu N2 O8P b c n12.498; 20.899; 10.43
90; 90; 90
2724.3Perec, Mireille; Baggio, Ricardo
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2009, 65, m296-m298
2017364 CIF
C6 H54 Ag2 N5 S2P b c n17.719; 8.159; 7.326
90; 90; 90
1059.1Luo, Geng-Geng; Sun, Di; Zhang, Na; Huang, Rong-Bin; Zheng, Lan-Sun
Two novel silver(I) coordination polymers: poly[(μ~2~-2-aminopyrimidine-κ^2^<i>N</i>^1^:<i>N</i>^3^)bis(μ~3~-thiocyanato-κ^3^<i>S</i>:<i>S</i>:<i>S</i>)disilver(I)] and poly[(2-amino-4,6-dimethylpyrimidine-κ<i>N</i>)(μ~3~-thiocyanato-κ^3^<i>N</i>:<i>S</i>:<i>S</i>)silver(I)]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2009, 65, m377-m381
2017394 CIF
C12 H24 I3 O3 YbP b c n9.3507; 14.6003; 14.3335
90; 90; 90
1956.9Emge, Thomas J.; Kornienko, A.; Brennan, John G.
<i>Trans</i> influence in a <i>mer</i>-octahedral triiodidolanthanide: triiodidotris(tetrahydrofuran-κ<i>O</i>)ytterbium(III)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2009, 65, m422-m425
2017474 CIF
C11 H12 N3 O1.5P b c n10.8346; 7.4952; 24.621
90; 90; 90
1999.4Quiroga, Jairo; Trilleras, Jorge; Cobo, Justo; Glidewell, Christopher
5-Amino-3-methyl-1-phenyl-1<i>H</i>-pyrazole-4-carbaldehyde hemihydrate: a polarized electronic structure within hydrogen-bonded sheets of <i>R</i>~10~^8^(34) rings
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2010, 66, o47-o49
2017512 CIF
C13 H9 N O SP b c n11.9297; 10.8294; 16.6986
90; 90; 90
2157.32Spencer, John; Chowdhry, Babur Z.; Hamid, Samiyah; Mendham, Andrew P.; Male, Louise; Coles, Simon J.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
Seven 3-methylidene-1<i>H</i>-indol-2(3<i>H</i>)-ones related to the multiple-receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2010, 66, o71-o78
2017513 CIF
C13 H11 N O3P b c n19.225; 5.0503; 22.1886
90; 90; 90
2154.3Spencer, John; Chowdhry, Babur Z.; Hamid, Samiyah; Mendham, Andrew P.; Male, Louise; Coles, Simon J.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
Seven 3-methylidene-1<i>H</i>-indol-2(3<i>H</i>)-ones related to the multiple-receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2010, 66, o71-o78
2017705 CIF
C18 H12 Br3 Cl6 N SbP b c n17.4052; 16.4768; 16.7408
90; 90; 90
4801Quiroz-Guzman, Mauricio; Brown, Seth N.
Tris(4-bromophenyl)aminium hexachloridoantimonate (`Magic Blue'): a strong oxidant with low inner-sphere reorganization
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2010, 66, m171-m173
2017718 CIF
K12 Nb6 Se35.3P b c n8.329; 13.2559; 55.974
90; 90; 90
6180Krizan, Jason W.; Pulido, Sergio H.; Wehrhan, Sarah E.; Chan, Benny C.
Cs~6~Nb~4~Se~22~ and K~12~Nb~6~Se~35.3~: two new compounds containing the <i>M</i>~4~<i>Q</i>~22~ building block
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2010, 66, i75-i78
2017748 CIF
C64 H112 Mn2 N4 Na2 O4 Si4P b c n25.209; 17.6946; 15.5541
90; 90; 90
6938.1Blake, Alexander J.; Harris, Naomi A.; Kays, Deborah L.; Lewis, William; Moxey, Graeme J.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2010, 66, m204-m206
2017756 CIF
C32 H62 Cl4 N2 O7 ZnP b c n26.9702; 11.4912; 24.9646
90; 90; 90
7737Zhao, Min Min; Qu, Zhi Rong
Bis(adamantan-1-aminium) tetrachloridozincate(II) 18-crown-6 monohydrate clathrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2010, 66, m215-m217
2017894 CIF
C16 H18 O6P b c n12.4911; 8.51; 13.2883
90; 90; 90
1412.54Langer, Vratislav; Lundquist, Knut
5,5'-Bis(hydroxymethyl)-3,3'-dimethoxybiphenyl-2,2'-diol with a new three-dimensional 3-modal topology of synthons
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2010, 66, o606-o608
2018027 CIF
C18 H20 O10P b c n14.2694; 16.5639; 7.2237
90; 90; 90
1707.37Thébault, Frédéric; Öhrström, Lars; Haukka, Matti
2,3,6,7,10,11-Hexahydroxytriphenylene tetrahydrate: a new form of an important starting material for supramolecular chemistry and covalent organic frameworks
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2011, 67, o143-o145
2018233 CIF
C14 H18 Cl2 N2 S2P b c n13.6599; 8.5928; 14.8979
90; 90; 90
1748.7Lennartson, Anders; McKenzie, Christine J.
1,2-Bis[(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)sulfanyl]ethane and its dimorphic hydrochloride salt
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2011, 67, o354-o358
2018264 CIF
C14 H20 N O4.5P b c n16.9402; 14.1463; 11.6407
90; 90; 90
2789.59Jagan, R.; Sivakumar, K.
Self-assembled supramolecular sheet- and channel-type frameworks in the <i>p</i>-phenetidinium hydrogen phthalate and cyclohexylaminium hydrogen phthalate hemihydrate salts
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2011, 67, o373-o377
2018339 CIF
Cl2 H8 Mg O4P b c n7.2557; 8.4285; 11.0412
90; 90; 90
675.22Schmidt, Horst; Hennings, Erik; Voigt, Wolfgang
Magnesium chloride tetrahydrate, MgCl~2~·4H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2012, 68, i4-i6
2018361 CIF
C20 H13 Cl2 N3 OP b c n20.868; 9.603; 16.924
90; 90; 90
3391Quiroga, Jairo; Díaz, Yurina; Cobo, Justo; Glidewell, Christopher
Hydrogen-bonded assembly in six closely related pyrazolo[3,4-<i>b</i>]pyridine derivatives; a simple chain, three types of chains of rings and a complex sheet structure
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2012, 68, o12-o18
2018488 CIF
C14 H14 Cl2 Mn N2 O10P b c n17.195; 12.411; 17.569
90; 90; 90
3749Jin, Shuang; Wen, Mei-Feng; Liu, Lu-Fang; Gao, Ming-Juan; Wu, Jian-Zhong
Synthesis and supramolecular networks of 5,6-dioxo-1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxylic acid dihydrate and its first coordination compound <i>cis</i>-diaquachlorido(5,6-dioxo-1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxylic acid-κ^4^<i>O</i>^2^,<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>O</i>^9^)manganese(II) chloride dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2012, 68, m135-m138
2018569 CIF
C22 H18 Ba O6P b c n20.464; 11.9699; 8.2812
90; 90; 90
2028.5Arlin, Jean-Baptiste; Kennedy, Alan R.
Alkaline earth metal salts of 1-naphthoic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2012, 68, m213-m218
2018855 CIFAg N O5 TeP b c n5.667; 14.202; 5.232
90; 90; 90
421.086Kazikowski, S.; Olsson, C.; Johansson, L.G.
Structure of silver telluryl nitrate Ag Te O2 N O3.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 427-429
2018964 CIF
C12 H17 N6 Ni O0.5P b c n20.412; 7.173; 17.8858
90; 90; 90
2618.75Stolárová, Monika; Černák, Juraj; Tomás, Milagros; Falvello, Larry R.
Crystal structure and thermal properties of a square-planar Ni^II^ complex of cyanide and a tricyclic bis-amidine ligand formed <i>in situ</i> under solvothermal conditions
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2013, 69, 565-568
2018979 CIF
C38 H40 N4 O4 Pd2P b c n16.282; 17.74; 11.608
90; 90; 90
3352.9Komiya, Naruyoshi; Kageyama, Takeharu; Naito, Masaya; Naota, Takeshi
A clothes-peg-shaped binuclear <i>trans</i>-bis(2-aminotroponato)palladium(II) complex bearing pentamethylene spacers
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2013, 69, 503-505
2019279 CIF
C14 H9 N O SP b c n7.9006; 16.302; 16.998
90; 90; 90
2189.3Umezono, Satoru; Ikeda, Satoshi; Okuno, Tsunehisa
Transannular S···N interactions in 10-ethynyl-10<i>H</i>-phenothiazine 5-oxide and 5,5-dioxide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2013, 69, 1553-1556
2019437 CIF
C4 N4 S3P b c n3.897; 16.881; 10.91
90; 90; 90
717.7Jones, Ray
Three trithiadiazepines and a trithiatriazepine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2014, 70, 60-66
2019622 CIF
C30.5 H25 Cl3 Co N4P b c n13.798; 20.8958; 19.2954
90; 90; 90
5563.3Nyamato, George S.; Ojwach, Stephen O.; Akerman, Matthew P.
Packing forces in dichloridobis(3,5-diphenyl-1<i>H</i>-pyrazole-κ<i>N</i>^2^)cobalt(II) dichloromethane hemisolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2014, 70
2019629 CIF
C21 H24 Br N O3P b c n18.0371; 15.4309; 14.2604
90; 90; 90
3969.08Steiger, Scott A.; Monacelli, Anthony J.; Li, Chun; Hunting, Janet L.; Natale, Nicholas R.
The effect of bromine scanning around the phenyl group of 4-phenylquinolone derivatives
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2014, 70
2019630 CIF
C21 H24 Br N O3P b c n17.0813; 15.4877; 14.2544
90; 90; 90
3771Steiger, Scott A.; Monacelli, Anthony J.; Li, Chun; Hunting, Janet L.; Natale, Nicholas R.
The effect of bromine scanning around the phenyl group of 4-phenylquinolone derivatives
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2014, 70
2019721 CIF
C40 H32 O6P b c n10.2772; 19.336; 15.9587
90; 90; 90
3171.31Yoshiwaka, Sayaka; Sasagawa, Kosuke; Noguchi, Keiichi; Yonezawa, Noriyuki; Okamoto, Akiko
Comparative structural analysis of 2,7-diethoxy-1,8-bis(4-phenoxybenzoyl)naphthalene and its homologues: orientation of the 4-phenoxybenzoyl groups at the 1- and 8-positions of the naphthalene ring
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2014, 70
2019727 CIF
C19 H15 N5 O6 ZnP b c n6.7644; 18.5124; 15.3595
90; 90; 90
1923.4Coropceanu, Eduard B.; Dreab, Ana; Croitor, Lilia
Two Zn^II^ mononuclear coordination compounds with pyridinedicarboxylate and auxiliary <i>N</i>-(pyridin-4-ylmethylidene)hydroxylamine ligands
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2014, 70
2019744 CIF
C19 H17 F N4 OP b c n19.392; 7.5431; 22.754
90; 90; 90
3328.4Bustos, Carlos; Alvarez-Thon, Luis; Oportus, Tania; Mesías-Salazar, Angela; Baggio, Ricardo
On substituted pyrazole derivatives. II. (<i>E</i>)-1-(4-{[1-(4-Fluorophenyl)-3,5-dimethyl-1<i>H</i>-pyrazol-4-yl]diazenyl}phenyl)ethanone and (<i>E</i>)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-3,5-dimethyl-4-[2-(2-nitrophenyl)diazenyl]-1<i>H</i>-pyrazole
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2015, 71
2019824 CIF
C5 H8 N4 O5 SP b c n28.0866; 9.0052; 7.4023
90; 90; 90
1872.23Rajkumar, M. Ambrose; NizamMohideen, M.; Xavier, S. Stanly John; Anbarasu, S.; Devarajan, Dr. Prem Anand
Crystal structure of 2-amino-5-nitropyridinium sulfamate
Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 2015, 71, 231
2019949 CIF
C17 H18 N3 O5 ReP b c n28.4; 9.038; 14.39
90; 90; 90
3693.6Marake, Daniel T.; Mokolokolo, Penny P.; Visser, Hendrik G.; Brink, Alice
Structural comparison of group 7 tricarbonyl complexes of 2-{[2-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)ethyl]iminomethyl}-5-methylphenolate
Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, 2015, 71
2020217 CIFLi2 Mg2 O12 S3P b c n12.165; 8.538; 8.689
90; 90; 90
902.481Touboul, M.; Quarton, M.; Lokaj, J.; Kettmann, V.
Structure of dilithium dimagnesium trisulfate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 1887-1889
2020520 CIFO4 Sr TeP b c n5.605; 13.181; 5.003
90; 90; 90
369.6Lapasset, J.; Moret, J.
Structure de SrTeO~4~ sur monocristal. Organisation de structures comportant des empilements de chaînes (TeO~4~)~n~. Dimorphisme de Na~2~TeO~4~
Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1985, 41, 1558-1562
2020568 CIF
C16 H11 N3P b c n25.145; 16.9623; 16.8138
90; 90; 90
7171.4Kumara, Tholappanavara H. Suresha; Nagendrappa, Gopalpur; Chandrika, Nanjappa; Sowmya, Haliwana B. V.; Kaur, Manpreet; Jasinski, Jerry P.; Glidewell, Christopher
Reactions between arylhydrazinium chlorides and 2-chloroquinoline-3-carbaldehydes: molecular and supramolecular structures of a hydrazone, a 4,9-dihydro-1<i>H</i>-pyrazolo[3,4-<i>b</i>]quinoline and two 1<i>H</i>-pyrazolo[3,4-<i>b</i>]quinolines
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72
2020594 CIF
C4 H6 O3P b c n8.0707; 7.8733; 7.9305
90; 90; 90
503.93Seidel, Rüdiger W.; Goddard, Richard; Nöthling, Nils; Lehmann, Christian W.
Acetic anhydride at 100K: the first crystal structure determination
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 753-757
2020648 CIF
C20 H18 Br2 N10 ZnP b c n11.498; 11.715; 17.071
90; 90; 90
2299.4Liu, Chun-Li; Wei, Xu; Huang, Qiu-Ying; Meng, Xiang-Ru
Syntheses, structures and properties of two new isostructural zinc(II) complexes based on 1-[(benzotriazol-1-yl)methyl]-1<i>H</i>-imidazole
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 917-922
2020649 CIF
C20 H18 I2 N10 ZnP b c n11.729; 11.853; 17.563
90; 90; 90
2441.7Liu, Chun-Li; Wei, Xu; Huang, Qiu-Ying; Meng, Xiang-Ru
Syntheses, structures and properties of two new isostructural zinc(II) complexes based on 1-[(benzotriazol-1-yl)methyl]-1<i>H</i>-imidazole
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 917-922
2020680 CIF
C24 H26 N12 O5 ZnP b c n13.861; 10.521; 18.634
90; 90; 90
2717.4Liu, Chun-Li; Huang, Qiu-Ying; Meng, Xiang-Ru
A one-dimensional zinc(II) coordination polymer with a three-dimensional supramolecular architecture incorporating 1-[(1<i>H</i>-benzimidazol-2-yl)methyl]-1<i>H</i>-tetrazole and adipate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 1002-1006
2020702 CIF
C17 H22 B N2 O7 PP b c n10.259; 14.5721; 27.577
90; 90; 90
4122.6Zhang, Rui; Zhang, Yundi; Ge, Chunhua; Miao, Jinpeng; Zhang, Xiangdong
Two closely related {4-[(<i>N</i>-substituted amino)(diethoxyphosphoryl)methyl]phenyl}boronic acids
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2017, 73, 57-60
2020735 CIF
C20 H18 Br2 Hg N10P b c n11.756; 11.764; 17.407
90; 90; 90
2407.3Wei, Xu; Li, Jian-Hua; Huang, Qiu-Ying; Meng, Xiang-Ru
Two new isostructural mercury(II) complexes involving the N-heterocyclic 1-[(benzotriazol-1-yl)methyl]-1<i>H</i>-1,3-imidazole ligand: syntheses, structures and properties
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2017, 73
2020736 CIF
C20 H18 Hg I2 N10P b c n12.103; 11.827; 17.862
90; 90; 90
2556.8Wei, Xu; Li, Jian-Hua; Huang, Qiu-Ying; Meng, Xiang-Ru
Two new isostructural mercury(II) complexes involving the N-heterocyclic 1-[(benzotriazol-1-yl)methyl]-1<i>H</i>-1,3-imidazole ligand: syntheses, structures and properties
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2017, 73
2020762 CIF
C16 H22 Cu N6 O9P b c n13.3089; 8.4494; 18.535
90; 90; 90
2084.3Smolentsev, Anton I.
Copper(II) bromide, nitrate and perchlorate complexes with sterically demanding <i>N</i>-(6-methylpyridin-2-yl)acetamide ligands
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2017, 73
2020836 CIF
C12 H9 FP b c n5.6462; 20.739; 7.292
90; 90; 90
853.9Guzei, Ilia A.; Spencer, Lara C.; Buechel, Sondra C.; Kaufmann, Leah B.; Czerwinski, Curtis J.
Intricacies of ligand coordination in tricarbonylchromium(0) complexes with <i>ortho</i>- and <i>para</i>-fluorobiphenyls
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2017, 73
2020859 CIF
C16 H18 N4 O6P b c n6.9499; 9.0237; 26.828
90; 90; 90
1682.5Sridhar, Balasubramanian; Nanubolu, Jagadeesh Babu; Ravikumar, Krishnan
Four cocrystals of thymine with phenolic coformers: influence of the coformer on hydrogen bonding
Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, 2015, 71, 602
2020865 CIF
C14 H20 Cl4 Cu N2P b c n16.9587; 7.8858; 13.8774
90; 90; 90
1855.87Kelley, Annette; Nalla, Sowjanya; Bond, Marcus R.
The square-planar to flattened-tetrahedral CuX42−(X= Cl, Br) structural phase transition in 1,2,6-trimethylpyridinium salts
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2015, 71, 48-60
2020870 CIF
C14 H20 Cl4 Cu N2P b c n16.9411; 8.2218; 13.8212
90; 90; 90
1925.1Kelley, Annette; Nalla, Sowjanya; Bond, Marcus R.
The square-planar to flattened-tetrahedral CuX42−(X= Cl, Br) structural phase transition in 1,2,6-trimethylpyridinium salts
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2015, 71, 48-60
2020901 CIF
C26 H24 Cu N8 O9 S2P b c n18.1534; 7.1814; 21.8523
90; 90; 90
2848.82Schroeder, Zachary W.; Hiscock, L. K.; Dawe, Louise Nicole
Copper(II)- and gold(III)-mediated cyclization of a thiourea to a substituted 2-aminobenzothiazole
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2017, 73, 905-910
2020998 CIF
C30 H22 Ca N2 O4P b c n27.0933; 11.2988; 7.8989
90; 90; 90
2418.03Bendjellal, Nassima; Trifa, Chahrazed; Bouacida, Sofiane; Boudaren, Chaouki; Boudraa, Mhamed; Merazig, Hocine
Two novel alkaline earth coordination polymers constructed from cinnamic acid and 1,10-phenanthroline: synthesis and structural and thermal properties
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2018, 74
2021192 CIF
C12 H18 N2 O7P b c n7.5583; 12.7016; 15.7903
90; 90; 90
1515.9Mao, Yimin; Zavalij, Peter Y.
Two furan-2,5-dicarboxylic acid solvates crystallized from dimethylformamide and dimethyl sulfoxide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2018, 74, 986-990
2021204 CIF
C14 H16 Cl N3 O2P b c n8.4524; 13.5387; 24.9813
90; 90; 90
2858.72Rajam, Ammaiyappan; Muthiah, Packianathan Thomas; Butcher, Raymond John; Jasinski, Jerry P.; Wikaira, Jan
Design of two series of 1:1 cocrystals involving 4-amino-5-chloro-2,6-dimethylpyrimidine and carboxylic acids
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2018, 74
2021425 CIF
C62 H55 Cl5 Ir N3 P4P b c n28.1283; 19.0989; 23.6339
90; 90; 90
12696.6Partl, Gabriel Julian; Nussbaumer, Felix; Schuh, Walter; Kopacka, Holger; Wurst, Klaus; Peringer, Paul
Crystal structures of two PCN pincer iridium complexes and one PCP pincer carbodiphosphorane iridium intermediate: substitution of one phosphine moiety of a carbodiphosphorane by an organic azide
Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 2019, 75, 75
2021514 CIF
C20 H20 N2 O4P b c n20.061; 7.8464; 11.6895
90; 90; 90
1840Powers, Kyle A.; Geiger, David K.
Hydrogen bonding in two benzene-1,2-diaminium pyridine-2-carboxylate salts and a cocrystal of benzene-1,2-diamine and benzoic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2019, 75
2021527 CIF
C18 H12 Cd N8 O6P b c n27.1721; 9.7995; 16.3477
90; 90; 90
4353Liu, Jian-Jun; Li, Li-Zhi; Chen, Chun-Ping; Wei, Jin-Zhong; Cheng, Fei-Xiang
A fourfold interpenetrating cadmium(II) metal‒organic framework based on 2,4,6-tris(pyridin-4-yl)-1,3,5-triazine with reversible photochromic properties
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2019, 75, 372-377
2021576 CIF
C29 H28 N6 O12P b c n26.1542; 7.2708; 16.6719
90; 90; 90
3170.36Santiago de Oliveira, Yara; Saraiva Costa, Wendell; Ferreira Borges, Poliana; Silmara Alves de Santana, Maria; Ayala, Alejandro Pedro
The design of novel metronidazole benzoate structures: exploring stoichiometric diversity
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2019, 75
2021669 CIF
C26 H24 N10 Ni O2P b c n11.9385; 9.7023; 22.5975
90; 90; 90
2617.5Xie, Long-Yan; Zhang, Yu; Xu, Hao; Gong, Chang-Da; Du, Xiu-Li; Li, Yang; Wang, Meng; Qin, Jie
Synthesis, structure and bioactivity of Ni^2+^ and Cu^2+^ acylhydrazone complexes
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2019, 75
2021686 CIF
C24 H26 N4 OP b c n19.0555; 12.384; 17.8388
90; 90; 90
4209.7Böhme, Uwe; Schwarzer, Anke; Günther, Betty
The heteroscorpionate ligand 2,2-bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-1,1-diphenylethanol and an easy preparation of its tungsten complex
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2019, 75
2021793 CIF
C6 H8 Cu N2 O4 SP b c n7.0852; 7.2052; 16.431
90; 90; 90
838.81Gonzalez Guillen, Anabel; Oszajca, Marcin; Luberda-Durnaś, Katarzyna; Lasocha, Wieslaw
Synthesis, crystal structure solution and characterization of two organic‒inorganic hybrid layered materials based on metal sulfates and 1,4-phenylenediamine
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2019, 75
2021977 CIF
C16 H14 O3P b c n12.7692; 8.5258; 23.182
90; 90; 90
2523.77Małecka, Magdalena; Checińska, Lilianna; Kusz, Joachim; Biernacka, Marta; Kupcewicz, Bogumiła
Interactions in flavanone and chalcone derivatives: Hirshfeld surface analysis, energy frameworks and global reactivity descriptors
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2020, 76
2022164 CIF
C16 H24 N2 S6P b c n12.2613; 9.9564; 16.2828
90; 90; 90
1987.8Assoumatine, Tokouré; Stoeckli-Evans, Helen
The crystal structures, Hirshfeld surface analyses and energy frameworks of two hexathiapyrazinophane regioisomers; 2,5,8,11,14,17-hexathia-[9.9](2,6,3,5)-pyrazinophane and 2,5,8,11,14,17-hexathia-[9.9](2,5,3,6)-pyrazinophane
Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 2020, 76, 977
2022252 CIF
C5 H10 N10 O6P b c n7.7416; 8.9487; 17.168
90; 90; 90
1189.4Li, Hongya; Yan, Biao; Ma, Haixia; Ma, Xiangrong; Sun, Zhiyong; Ma, Yajun
Crystal structure, thermal properties and detonation characterization of bis(5-amino-1,2,4-triazol-4-ium-3-yl)methane dinitrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2020, 76, 965-971
2022516 CIF
C24 H34 O2 TeP b c n9.3633; 14.2339; 17.7479
90; 90; 90
2365.37Shibuya, Yuga; Koguchi, Shinichi; Oba, Makoto
Bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl) tellurone: a well-defined monomeric diorganotellurone without cocrystallized solvents and without stabilizing intramolecular contacts
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2022, 78
2022625 CIF
C28 H20 B2 Cu3 F8 N6 O6P b c n21.9637; 12.4106; 11.5844
90; 90; 90
3157.71Kochel, Andrzej; Hołyńska, Małgorzata; Twaróg, Kamil; Jezierska, Aneta; Panek, Jarosław J.; Wojaczyński, Jacek
A new mixed-valence Cu^I^/Cu^II^ three-dimensional coordination polymer constructed with an <i>N</i>,<i>O</i>-donor ligand generated <i>via</i> solvothermal synthesis: structural features and magnetic properties
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2022, 78
2022657 CIF
C14 H32 Cl3 Fe N4P b c n9.2912; 11.9579; 17.267
90; 90; 90
1918.4DeLancey, Stephanie S.; Clendening, Reese A.; Zeller, Matthias; Ren, Tong
Geometric isomers of dichloridoiron(III) complexes of CTMC (5,7,12,14-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2022, 78, 507-514
2022679 CIF
Ir2 S3P b c n8.4728; 6.01563; 6.1537
90; 90; 90
313.649Yoshiasa, Akira; Kitahara, Ginga; Tokuda, Makoto; Ishimaru, Satoko; Ono, Shin-ichiro; Terai, Kunihisa; Nakatsuka, Akihiko; Sugiyama, Kazumasa
Single-crystal structure refinements and Debye temperatures of Ir2S3 kashinite and Rh2S3 bowieite
Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, 2022, 78
2022680 CIF
Rh2 S3P b c n8.4672; 5.98537; 6.13921
90; 90; 90
311.131Yoshiasa, Akira; Kitahara, Ginga; Tokuda, Makoto; Ishimaru, Satoko; Ono, Shin-ichiro; Terai, Kunihisa; Nakatsuka, Akihiko; Sugiyama, Kazumasa
Single-crystal structure refinements and Debye temperatures of Ir2S3 kashinite and Rh2S3 bowieite
Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, 2022, 78
2022845 CIF
C52 H40.33 N16 O16.17P b c n18.8065; 10.0745; 28.847
90; 90; 90
5465.5Mocilac, Pavle; Pohl, Fabian; Gallagher, John F.
The unusual (syn-/anti-)2 conformation of a dimethoxypyrimidyl-based tennimide
Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 2023, 79
2023115 CIF
C40 H38 Br2 O4P b c n18.1223; 9.984; 18.2863
90; 90; 90
3308.6Gorbunov, Alexander; Bezzubov, Stanislav; Malakhova, Maria; Kovalev, Vladimir; Vatsouro, Ivan
Synthesis and crystal structures of 5,17-dibromo-26,28-dihydroxy-25,27-dipropynyloxycalix[4]arene, 5,17-dibromo-26,28-dipropoxy-25,27-dipropynyloxycalix[4]arene and 25,27-bis(2-azidoethoxy)-5,17-dibromo-26,28-dihydroxycalix[4]arene
Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 2024, 80
2023204 CIF
C9 H9 F2 N O2P b c n14.877; 8.9995; 13.635
90; 90; 90
1825.5Novikov, Egor M.; Guillen Campos, Jesus; Read de Alaniz, Javier; Fonari, Marina S.; Timofeeva, Tatiana V.
Synthesis, molecular and crystal structures of 4-amino-3,5-difluorobenzonitrile, ethyl 4-amino-3,5-difluorobenzoate, and diethyl 4,4′-(diazene-1,2-diyl)bis(3,5-difluorobenzoate)
Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 2024, 80
2023301 CIF
C34 H28 Cl2 N12 Ni O2P b c n12.8146; 10.1523; 27.5618
90; 90; 90
3585.7Znovjyak, Kateryna; Shova, Sergiu; Panov, Dmitriy M.; Kariaka, Nataliia S.; Fritsky, Igor O.; Malinkin, Sergey O.; Seredyuk, Maksym
Crystal structure of bis{5-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-[6-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)pyridin-2-yl]-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ido}nickel(II) methanol disolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 2024, 80, 1235-1239
2100014 CIFC H2 Cl2P b c n3.984; 7.863; 9.357
90; 90; 90
293.12Marcin Podsiad{λ}o; Kamil F. Dziubek; Andrzej Katrusiak
In-situ high-pressure crystallization and compression of halogen contacts in dichloromethane
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2005, 61, 595-600
2100015 CIFC H2 Cl2P b c n3.924; 7.793; 9.335
90; 90; 90
285.46Marcin Podsiad{λ}o; Kamil F. Dziubek; Andrzej Katrusiak
In-situ high-pressure crystallization and compression of halogen contacts in dichloromethane
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2005, 61, 595-600
2100837 CIF
C20 H16 N2 O2P b c n11.666; 12.003; 10.779
90; 90; 90
1509.4Mizuguchi, J.; Grubenmann, A.; Wooden, G.; Rihs, G.
Structures of 3,6-diphenylpyrrolo[3,4-<i>c</i>]pyrrole-1,4-dione and 2,5-dimethyl-3,6-diphenylpyrrolo[3,4-<i>c</i>]pyrrole-1,4-dione
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 1992, 48, 696-700
2101136 CIF
C15 H19 N3 SP b c n8.033; 22.77; 8.193
90; 90; 90
1498.6Bartoszak, E.; Jaskólski, M.; Grech, E.; Gustafsson, T.; Olovsson, I.
Structure of thiocanate salt of 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene (dmanH^+^.SCN^{-^}) at 188 and 290 K
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 1994, 50, 358-363
2101137 CIF
C15 H19 N3 SP b c n8.0608; 22.941; 8.266
90; 90; 90
1528.6Bartoszak, E.; Jaskólski, M.; Grech, E.; Gustafsson, T.; Olovsson, I.
Structure of thiocanate salt of 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene (dmanH^+^.SCN^{-^}) at 188 and 290 K
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 1994, 50, 358-363
2101290 CIF
C36 H52 Cl6 In N3 O14P b c n26.639; 16.667; 10.538
90; 90; 90
4678.8Spengler, R.; Lange, J.; Zimmermann, H.; Burzlaff, H.; Veltsistas, P. G.; Karayannis, M. I.
Structure of C~36~H~52~Cl~6~InN~3~O~14~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 1995, 51, 174-177
2101359 CIF
C31 H23 N O2P b c n9.964; 20.181; 11.622
90; 90; 90
2337Toda, F.; Tanaka, K.; Stein, Z.; Goldberg, I.
Structure, solid-state photochemistry and reactivity in asymmetric synthesis of 3,4-bis(diphenylmethylene)-<i>N</i>-methylsuccinimide
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 1995, 51, 856-863
2101482 CIF
C7 H3 N3 O4P b c n13.081; 9.027; 6.545
90; 90; 90
772.8Britton, D.; Cramer, C. J.
Structures of four <i>o</i>-nitrobenzonitriles
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 1996, 52, 344-351
2102050 CIF
C21 H22 N2 O5 S2P b c n17.503; 7.731; 15.188
90; 90; 90
2055.2Nagel, Norbert; Bock, Hans; Eller, Peter
Dimorphism and inclusion compounds of <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-di(benzenesulfonyl)-<i>p</i>-phenylenediamine
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 234-244
2102096 CIF
H16 O20 U4P b c n14.6861; 13.9799; 16.7063
90; 90; 90
3429.97Weller, Mark T.; Light, Mark E.; Gelbrich, Thomas
Structure of uranium(VI) oxide dihydrate, UO~3~·2H~2~O; synthetic <i>meta</i>-schoepite (UO~2~)~4~O(OH)~6~·5H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 577-583
2102734 CIF
Fe Li O11 Sr Ti4P b c n13.875; 11.492; 19.887
90; 90; 90
3171Imaz, Inhar; Pechev, Stanislav; Gravereau, Pierre; Chaminade, Jean-Pierre; Kosseva, Iovka; Peshev, Pavel; Bouree, Francoise
Structural filiations in the new complex titanates SrLi<i>M</i>Ti~4~O~11~ (<i>M</i> = Cr, Fe)
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2007, 63, 26-36
2102758 CIF
C12 H9 Cl N4 O3P b c n22.2727; 8.2207; 13.5916
90; 90; 90
2488.58Wardell, Solange M. S. V.; de Souza, Marcus V. N.; Wardell, James L.; Low, John N.; Glidewell, Christopher
Three isomeric 1-(2-chloronicotinoyl)-2-(nitrophenyl)hydrazines, including three polymorphs of 1-(2-chloronicotinoyl)-2-(2-nitrophenyl)hydrazine: hydrogen-bonded supramolecular structures in two and three dimensions
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2007, 63, 101-110
2102829 CIF
C14 H12 Br NP b c n13.4669; 11.7471; 14.9271
90; 90; 90
2361.4Ojala, William H.; Smieja, Jonathan M.; Spude, Jill M.; Arola, Trina M.; Kuspa, Marika K.; Herrera, Nell; Ojala, Charles R.
Isostructuralism among `bridge-flipped' isomeric benzylideneanilines and phenylhydrazones
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2007, 63, 485-496
2102830 CIF
C14 H12 Br NP b c n13.355; 11.6667; 14.9529
90; 90; 90
2329.8Ojala, William H.; Smieja, Jonathan M.; Spude, Jill M.; Arola, Trina M.; Kuspa, Marika K.; Herrera, Nell; Ojala, Charles R.
Isostructuralism among `bridge-flipped' isomeric benzylideneanilines and phenylhydrazones
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2007, 63, 485-496
2102966 CIF
C H2 Br ClP b c n4.1126; 8.0685; 9.755
90; 90; 90
323.7Podsiadło, Marcin; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Isobaric and isochoric freezing of CH~2~BrCl and isostructural relations between CH~2~Cl~2~, CH~2~Br~2~ and CH~2~BrCl
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2007, 63, 903-911
2102967 CIF
C H2 Br ClP b c n3.9929; 7.9351; 9.6808
90; 90; 90
306.73Podsiadło, Marcin; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Isobaric and isochoric freezing of CH~2~BrCl and isostructural relations between CH~2~Cl~2~, CH~2~Br~2~ and CH~2~BrCl
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2007, 63, 903-911
2103338 CIF
C8 H10 Cu O7P b c n6.874; 22.9815; 6.2999
90; 90; 90
995.23Kaduk, James A.
Terephthalate salts of dipositive cations
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2002, 58, 815-822
2104024 CIF
Ge O2P b c n4.0519; 5.0269; 4.5223
90; 90; 90
92.11Shiraki, Koichi; Tsuchiya, Taku; Ono, Shigeaki
Structural refinements of high-pressure phases in germanium dioxide
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2003, 59, 701-708
2104370 CIF
C18 H24 N5 O4 P3P b c n38.7541; 10.1505; 10.555
90; 90; 90
4152.1Coles, Simon; Davies, David; Hursthouse, Michael; Yeşilot, Serkan; Çoşut, Bünyemin; Kılıç, Adem
Absolute structure determination as a reference for the enantiomeric resolution of racemic mixtures of cyclophosphazenes <i>via</i> chiral high-performance liquid chromatography
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2009, 65, 355-362
2104619 CIF
C14 H26 Cu N4P b c n11.978; 12.653; 10.363
90; 90; 90
1570.6Marsh, Richard E.
Space groups <i>P</i>1 and <i>Cc</i>: how are they doing?
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2009, 65, 782-783
2105082 CIF
C12 H9 F N2 OP b c n24.3381; 7.9334; 10.8791
90; 90; 90
2100.58Mocilac, Pavle; Donnelly, Katie; Gallagher, John F.
Structural systematics and conformational analyses of a 3 ×3 isomer grid of fluoro-<i>N</i>-(pyridyl)benzamides: physicochemical correlations, polymorphism and isomorphous relationships
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2012, 68, 189-203
2105210 CIF
C8 H12 Br N OP b c n20.143; 10.9691; 8.2747
90; 90; 90
1828.3Briggs, Naomi E. B.; Kennedy, Alan R.; Morrison, Catriona A.
42 salt forms of tyramine: structural comparison and the occurrence of hydrate formation
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2012, 68, 453-464
2105618 CIF
C8 H10 N4 OP b c n16.409; 7.619; 13.544
90; 90; 90
1693.3Bertolasi, Valerio; Gilli, Paola; Ferretti, Valeria; Gilli, Gastone; Fernàndez-Castaño, Cristina
Self-assembly of N<i>H</i>-pyrazoles <i>via</i> intermolecular N—H···N hydrogen bonds
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 1999, 55, 985-993
2105775 CIF
C7 H11 Eu O8P b c n14.1085; 7.7825; 18.0083
90; 90; 90
1977.3Cañadillas-Delgado, Laura; Fabelo, Óscar; Pasán, Jorge; Déniz, Mariadel; Martínez-Benito, Carla; Díaz-Gallifa, Pau; Martín, Tomás; Ruiz-Pérez, Catalina
Three new europium(III) methanetriacetate metal-organic frameworks: the influence of synthesis on the product topology
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2014, 70, 19-27
2105966 CIFC24 H36 N20 O18 Rh2P b c n18.843; 16.642; 12.307
90; 90; 90
3859.3Jin-Long; Uemura, Kazuhiro; Ebihara, Masahiro
Assembled structures of tetrakis(biimidazole)dirhodium complexes hydrogen-bonded with common inorganic anions
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2014, 70, 1006-1019
2105968 CIFC26 H32 Cl4 N16 O18 Rh2P b c n20.119; 16.115; 13.055
90; 90; 90
4232.7Jin-Long; Uemura, Kazuhiro; Ebihara, Masahiro
Assembled structures of tetrakis(biimidazole)dirhodium complexes hydrogen-bonded with common inorganic anions
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2014, 70, 1006-1019
2105975 CIF
C5 H6 N2 O4P b c n10.4325; 6.7755; 18.6056
90; 90; 90
1315.1Francis, Raju; Raghavaiah, Pallepogu; Pius, Kuruvilla
Unusual crystal structure of <i>N</i>-substituted maleamic acid ‒ very strong effect of intramolecular hydrogen bonds
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2014, 70, 942-947
2105980 CIF
C6 H20 Ca Cl2 N2 O7P b c n23.347; 8.702; 7.391
90; 90; 90
1501.6Lamberts, Kevin; Möller, Andreas; Englert, Ulli
Enantiopure and racemic alanine as bridging ligands in Ca and Mn chain polymers
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2014, 70, 989-998
2106227 CIFH10 N2 O7 UP b c n5.789; 11.55; 11.666
90; 90; 90
780.023Adrian, H.W.W.; van Tets, A.
A low temperature neutron and X-ray diffraction study of U O2 (N H2 O)2 (H2 O)3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1977, 33, 2997-3000
2106368 CIFNa2 O4 TeP b c n5.798; 12.24; 5.214
90; 90; 90
370.025Kratochvil, B.; Jensovsky, L.
The crystal structure of sodium metatellurate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1977, 33, 2596-2598
2106571 CIFCl6 H2 K3 O RhP b c n12.4; 15.65; 12.05
90; 90; 90
2338.42Murray-Rust, P.; Murray-Rust, J.
The structure of K3 Rh Cl6 (H2 O); a comparison of two independent X-ray structure determinations
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1975, 31, 1037-1040
2106924 CIFK2 O16 S5P b c n9.19; 10.891; 14.522
90; 90; 90
1453.48de Vries, R.; Mijlhoff, F.C.
The Crystal Structure of Potassium Pentasulphate K2 S5 O16
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1969, 25, 1696-1699
2106927 CIFF4 Na TiP b c n4.976; 5.755; 11.07
90; 90; 90
317.01Omaly, J.; Avignant, D.; Batail, P.; Grandjean, D.; Cousseins, J.C.
Structure cristalline de alpha-Na Ti F4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1976, 32, 2106-2110
2107194 CIFAu Cl4 H4 K O2P b c n11.639; 10.012; 7.548
90; 90; 90
879.566Theobald, F.R.; Omrani, H.
Structure du Tetrachloroaurate(III) de Potassium Dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1980, 36, 2932-2935
2107992 CIF
C13 H19 Cl N2 O2P b c n17.8252; 7.2708; 20.6396
90; 90; 90
2674.96Jacobs, Jeroen; Moris, Michele; De Samber, Tim; Vrijdag, Johannes; De Borggraeve, Wim; Van Meervelt, Luc
The orthorhombic pseudopolymorph of tacrine hydrochloride
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2016, 72, 771-774
2108047 CIFEr10 O21 W2P b c n15.8221; 10.4814; 10.5407
90; 90; 90
1748Bevan, D. J. M.; Drennan, J.; Rossell, H. J.
Structure determination of the fluorite-related superstructure phases Er10W2O21 and Y10W2O21
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1982, 38, 2991-2997
2108048 CIFO21 W2 Y10P b c n15.8761; 10.5232; 10.5778
90; 90; 90
1767.2Bevan, D. J. M.; Drennan, J.; Rossell, H. J.
Structure determination of the fluorite-related superstructure phases Er10W2O21 and Y10W2O21
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1982, 38, 2991-2997
2108090 CIF
C27 H23 F6 I2 N3 O7 S2P b c n22.4519; 18.1915; 8.0879
90; 90; 90
3303.4Riel, Asia Marie S.; Jessop, Morly J.; Decato, Daniel A.; Massena, Casey J.; Nascimento, Vinicius R.; Berryman, Orion B.
Experimental investigation of halogen-bond hard‒soft acid‒base complementarity
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2017, 73, 203-209
2108263 CIF
C13 H14 Br NP b c n23.769; 11.2921; 8.2022
90; 90; 90
2201.5Shukla, Rahul; Singh, Paramveer; Panini, Piyush; Chopra, Deepak
Similarities and differences in the crystal packing of halogen-substituted indole derivatives
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2018, 74
2108268 CIF
C13 H14 F NP b c n11.9582; 9.106; 18.7079
90; 90; 90
2037.1Shukla, Rahul; Singh, Paramveer; Panini, Piyush; Chopra, Deepak
Similarities and differences in the crystal packing of halogen-substituted indole derivatives
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2018, 74
2108592 CIF
C30 H52 Cu N6 O6P b c n11.386; 14.063; 21.427
90; 90; 90
3430.9Shin, Jong Won; Jeong, Ah Rim; Kim, Younghak; Kim, Dae-Woong; Lee, Sang-Geul; Lee, Hyosun; Moon, Dohyun
Solvent-triggered single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation from a monomeric to polymeric copper(II) complex based on an aza macrocyclic ligand
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2200425 CIF
C22 H41 B F3 NP b c n13.5626; 17.1534; 20.3567
90; 90; 90
4735.9Quach, Tan D.; Batey, Robert A.; Lough, Alan J.
Tetra-<i>n</i>-butylammonium phenyltrifluoroborate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2001, 57, o688-o689
2200513 CIF
C12 H8 Cu N4 O4P b c n9.773; 17.404; 7.44
90; 90; 90
1265.5Breneman, Gary L.; Howald, Carl W.; Parker, O. Jerry
Second crystal form of dinitrito(1,10-phenanthroline)copper(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2001, 57, m286-m287
2200557 CIF
C18 H19 N3 O7P b c n22.7045; 11.1044; 14.2366
90; 90; 90
3589.33Shan, Ning; Bond, Andrew D.; Jones, William
NTA‒1,10-phenanthroline‒water (1/1/1)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2001, 57, o811-o813
2200630 CIF
C8 H8P b c n15.6898; 10.5854; 7.5745
90; 90; 90
1257.99Bond, Andrew D.; Davies, John E.
Styrene at 120K
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2001, 57, o1191-o1193
2200727 CIF
C8 H8P b c n15.6757; 10.4805; 7.5277
90; 90; 90
1236.72Nobuhiro Yasuda; Hidehiro Uekusa; Yuji Ohashi
Styrene at 83K
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2001, 57, o1189-o1190
2200755 CIF
C26 H26 Mo2 N8 O7P b c n14.2861; 11.8522; 17.2215
90; 90; 90
2915.97Guo, ShengLi; Wagner, Matthias; Bolte, Michael
Bis(μ-1-acetimido-4-phenylpyrazolone-<i>N</i>^2^:<i>O</i>)-μ-oxo-tetraoxodimolybdenum(VI) as its diacetonitrile adduct: a novel dinuclear molybdenum complex bridged by a 1-acetimido-4-phenylpyrazolone ligand
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2001, 57, m428-m430
2200887 CIF
C12 H12 Cu F6 N6 O9 S2P b c n8.9014; 13.7809; 18.891
90; 90; 90
2317.3Kristiansson, Olof
Bis(pyrazine-2-carboxamide)bis(trifluoromethanesulfonato)copper(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2002, 58, m130-m132
2201092 CIF
C18 H15 N O3 SP b c n10.6135; 12.6606; 23.328
90; 90; 90
3134.7Lough, Alan J.; Fagnou, Keith; Lautens, Mark
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2002, 58, o664-o665
2201243 CIFMn O5 Te2P b c n7.3114; 10.9216; 6.1711
90; 90; 90
492.78Johnston, Magnus G.; Harrison, William T. A.
Managanese tellurite, β-MnTe~2~O~5~
Acta Crystallographica, Section E, 2002, 58, i59-i61
2201417 CIF
C6 H9 N3 O SP b c n7.9246; 12.543; 16.015
90; 90; 90
1591.9Carballo, Rosa; Casas, J. Sergio; García-Martínez, Emilia; Pereiras-Gabián, Gumersindo; Sánchez, Agustín; Sordo, José; Vázquez-López, Ezequiel M.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2002, 58, o787-o789
2201463 CIF
C64 H48 Ag2 Mo N10 P4 S6P b c n17.181; 15.313; 26.386
90; 90; 90
6942Xu, Hong-Wu; Chen, Zhong-Ning; Wu, Ji-Gui
Bis[μ-bis(diphenylphosphino)amine-κ<i>P</i>:<i>P</i>']bis[acetonitrilesilver(I)] tris(<i>cis</i>-1,2-dicyanoethylene-1,2-dithiolate)molybdate(IV)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2002, 58, m631-m633
2201590 CIF
C52 H44 Br6 Cd2 O2 P2P b c n25.7075; 10.7351; 18.8469
90; 90; 90
5201.2Baby Mariyatra, Mahimaidoss; Panchanatheswaran, Krishnaswamy; Goeta, Andres E.
Triphenyl(benzoylmethyl)phosphonium hexabromodicadmate(II): supramolecular aggregation through extensive C—H···Br and C—H···O interactions
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2002, 58, m694-m696
2202576 CIF
C28 H60 Cl2 Ge2 Si2P b c n25.236; 9.6427; 14.0761
90; 90; 90
3425.3Lerner, Hans-Wolfram; Dürner, Gerd; Bolte, Michael
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2003, 59, m816-m817
2202617 CIF
C24 H18 Cl4 Mn N4 O2P b c n13.181; 9.738; 19.707
90; 90; 90
2529.5Yang, Qi Yun; Qi, Jian Ying; Chan, Gang; Zhou, Zhong Yuan; Chan, Albert S. C.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2003, 59, m982-m984
2202682 CIF
C32 H36 Cu N4 O11P b c n7.4063; 18.157; 23.801
90; 90; 90
3200.7Tao, Jun; Huang, Rong-Bin; Zheng, Lan-Sun; Ng, Seik Weng
Tetraaquabis(4,4'-bipyridine)copper(II) 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylate trihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2003, 59, m614-m615
2203070 CIF
C46 H51 B F24 N2 Si2P b c n17.1047; 16.8652; 18.9828
90; 90; 90
5476Kathryn Hassall; Jonathan White
Dimethyl(2-trimethylsilylethyl)[(2-trimethylsilylethyl)dimethylammonio]ammonium tetrakis[3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]borate at 130K
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, o107-o108
2203157 CIF
C20 H16 Mn N10P b c n14.5978; 8.1794; 16.9523
90; 90; 90
2024.1Ya-Qian Cheng; Mao-Lin Hu; Sai-Rong Fan; Wei Zhang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, m212-m213
2203182 CIF
C14 H12 N2 O3P b c n10.6039; 12.9904; 18.1168
90; 90; 90
2495.6Ersanlı, Cem Cüneyt; Odabas̨oǧlu, Mustafa; Albayrak, Çiǧdem; Erdönmez, Ahmet
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, o230-o231
2203215 CIF
C16 H18 N2 O2P b c n27.2961; 14.4293; 7.568
90; 90; 90
2980.8Karadayı, Nevzat; Turgut, Günseli; Odabas̨oğlu, Mustafa; Büyükgüngör, Orhan
4-(4-Methylphenylazo)-2-allylphenol monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, o176-o178
2203341 CIF
C24 H40 Cl2 N8 O8 S8 ZnP b c n28.6778; 11.3532; 12.6453
90; 90; 90
4117.1Fujihara, Takashi; Sugaya, Tomoaki; Nagasawa, Akira; Nakayama, Juzo
Tetrakis(1,3-dimethylimidazolidinium-2-dithiocarboxylate-κ<i>S</i>)zinc(II) diperchlorate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, m282-m284
2203357 CIF
F5 H2 Na O UP b c n6.9928; 8.7617; 15.0426
90; 90; 90
921.64Andreas Fischer; Zoltán Szabó
Sodium pentafluorouranate(IV) monohydrate, Na[UF~5~]·H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, i45-i46
2203467 CIF
C24 H16 N2 O6P b c n22.1158; 12.8114; 21.802
90; 90; 90
6177.3Ocak, Nazan; Büyükgüngör, Orhan; Akdemir, Nesuhi; Ag̃ar, Erbil; Özil, Musa; Erdönmez, Ahmet
Dimethyl 2,2'-(4,5-dicyano-<i>o</i>-phenylenedioxy)dibenzoate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, o505-o507
2203478 CIF
C24 H24 Br2 Mn N4P b c n15.2773; 10.2049; 15.4099
90; 90; 90
2402.5Jun Sakamoto; Naokazu Yoshikawa; Hiroshi Takashima; Keiichi Tsukahara; Nobuko Kanehisa; Yasushi Kai; Keiko Matsumura
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, m352-m353
2203526 CIF
C13 H20 N8 O3P b c n15.81; 7.299; 28.55
90; 90; 90
3294.6Lu, Liping; Qin, Shidong; Zhu, Miaoli; Yang, Pin
4-Dimethylamino-6-(1-methyl-4-nitro-1<i>H</i>-pyrrol-2-yl)-1,3,5-triazine-2-amine dimethylformamide solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, o583-o585
2203565 CIF
C30 H30 Mn N3 O3P b c n19.227; 14.948; 36.427
90; 90; 90
10469You, Zhong-Lu; Zhu, Hai-Liang; Liu, Wei-Sheng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, m603-m605
2203620 CIF
C18 Cl12 O2P b c n9.0245; 18.407; 13.516
90; 90; 90
2245.2Ying Peng; Su-Yuan Xie; La-Sheng Long; Rong-Bin Huang; Lan-Sun Zheng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, o762-o763
2203804 CIF
C26 H23 Au N2 O0.5 PP b c n26.2518; 9.3899; 18.496
90; 90; 90
4559.3Li, Dan; Wu, Tao; Ng, Seik Weng
(2-Methylbenzimidazolyl-κ<i>N</i>)(triphenylphosphine-κ<i>P</i>)gold(I) hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, m728-m729
2204033 CIF
C24 H16 Cd N10P b c n14.071; 8.985; 17.23
90; 90; 90
2178Xiang He; Can-Zhong Lu; Xiao-Yuan Wu; Quan-Zheng Zhang; Shui-Mei Chen; Jiu-Hui Liu
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, m1124-m1125
2204066 CIF
C16 H16 O3 SP b c n29.7459; 11.2443; 8.8337
90; 90; 90
2954.6Weiming Xu; Xiu-Rong Hu; Jian-Ming Gu
Acta Crystallographica, Section E, 2004, 60, o1325-o1326
2204117 CIF
C4 H12 O4 P2 Pb S4P b c n17.738; 9.218; 9.216
90; 90; 90
1506.9Tetsuzo Ito; Yoshinori Maeda
Linear-chain bis(μ-<i>O,O</i>'-dimethyl dithiophosphato)lead(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, m1349-m1350
2204131 CIF
C20 H24 Br2P b c n13.53; 10.987; 11.916
90; 90; 90
1771.4Hemamala Karunadasa; Christina Leggett; Shaun Wong
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, o1499-o1500
2204407 CIF
C25 H41 Cd N7 O18P b c n16.25; 10.0614; 20.021
90; 90; 90
3273.4Fu, Ai-Yun; Wang, Da-Qi; Liu, Ai-Zhen
Bis(ethylenediammonium) tris(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-κ^3^<i>O,O</i>',<i>N</i>)cadmium(II) hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, m1372-m1373
2204456 CIF
C14 H24 N10 S4 Zn2P b c n12.0231; 14.269; 14.559
90; 90; 90
2497.7Fu, Ai-Yun; Wang, Da-Qi; Yu, Tao
Tris(ethylenediamine-κ^2^<i>N,N</i>')zinc(II) bis[2,3-dimercaptobutenedinitrile(2‒)-κ^2^<i>S,S</i>']zincate(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, m1736-m1737
2205142 CIF
C12 H28 Cl2 N4 O18 ZnP b c n19.7; 13.097; 20.021
90; 90; 90
5165.6Lu, Jian Jun; Shi, Jing Min
Hexaaquazinc(II) bis(perchlorate) bis(2,5-dimethylpyrazine 1,4-dioxide)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, m327-m328
2205307 CIF
C21 H24 Cu F6 N3 O3 PP b c n18.8196; 18.4938; 13.5023
90; 90; 90
4699.4Nielsen, Anne; Bond, Andrew D.; McKenzie, Christine J.
Acetato(methanol)[<i>N</i>-phenyl-<i>N,N</i>-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine]copper(II) hexafluorophosphate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, m478-m480
2205329 CIF
C11 H10 N4 O S2P b c n7.8042; 7.3159; 21.753
90; 90; 90
1242Wu, Ben-Lai; Lou, Ben-Yong; Han, Lei; Hong, Mao-Chun
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o594-o595
2205359 CIF
C13 H10 N4 SP b c n11.2958; 12.748; 17.5607
90; 90; 90
2528.7Sema Öztürk Yıldırım; Mehmet Akkurt; Ahmet Çetin; Ahmet Cansız; Memet Şekerci; Canan Kazak
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o619-o621
2205428 CIF
C30 H32 N2 O4P b c n24.1025; 11.0675; 19.0716
90; 90; 90
5087.4Shan-Zhong Jian; Jian-Ming Gu; Yan-Guang Wang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o990-o991
2205502 CIF
C10 H10 N6 O SP b c n12.1981; 10.1097; 19.9112
90; 90; 90
2455.4Ding-Ben Chen; Ling Huang; Fu-You Pan; Jian-Guo Yang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o836-o837
2205788 CIF
C21 H21 NP b c n16.0767; 11.2793; 8.9528
90; 90; 90
1623.4Manifar, Touraj; Rohani, Sohrab; Jennings, Michael, C.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o1297-o1299
2206100 CIF
C24 H18P b c n11.735; 12.964; 11.82
90; 90; 90
1798.2Nengfang She; Huizhen Guo; Yitao Li; Anxin Wu
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o1790-o1792
2206167 CIF
C22 H22 O2P b c n18.476; 11.494; 8.4632
90; 90; 90
1797.3Guo-Dong Yin; Zhi-Guo Wang; An-Xin Wu
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o2148-o2149
2206888 CIF
C3 H6 N2 O2P b c n5.3602; 7.5178; 11.791
90; 90; 90
475.14Nichol, Gary S.; Clegg, William
Malonamide: an orthorhombic polymorph
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o3427-o3429
2206968 CIF
C32 H32 Cu N6 O4P b c n16.1964; 8.0465; 22.5076
90; 90; 90
2933.3Xi, Yun; Li, Jun; Zhang, Fengxing
Bis[2-(1<i>H</i>-benzimidazol-2-yl)phenolato]copper(II) dimethylformamide disolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, m1953-m1954
2207023 CIF
C36 H54 N4 O4 P2 S4 ZnP b c n18.334; 12.0404; 19.1304
90; 90; 90
4223Chen, Danlin; Lai, Chian Sing; Tiekink, Edward R. T.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, m2052-m2054
2207026 CIF
C38 H44 Cl2 N10 O10P b c n16.4609; 17.6108; 13.8677
90; 90; 90
4020.1Li, Ji; Meng, Xiang-Gao; Liao, Zhan-Ru
<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-Bis(benzimidazol-1-ium-2-ylmethyl)-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-bis(benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl)cyclohexane-1,2-<i>trans</i>-diamine bis(perchlorate) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o3421-o3423
2207047 CIF
C8 H18 Cl4 Co N2P b c n19.5053; 14.0326; 20.2636
90; 90; 90
5546.4Qu, Yang; Sun, Xian-Ming
<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-Dimethyl-1,4-diazoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane tetrachlorocobaltate(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, m2121-m2123
2207243 CIF
Mg O5 Te2P b c n7.2391; 10.658; 5.988
90; 90; 90
462Weil, Matthias
Redetermination of MgTe~2~O~5~
Acta Crystallographica, Section E, 2005, 61, i237-i239
2207372 CIF
C26 H16 N6 S2 ZnP b c n13.147; 10.088; 17.549
90; 90; 90
2327.5Ying-Ying Liu; Jian-Fang Ma; Jin Yang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, m2367-m2368
2207427 CIF
C14 H11 Br N2 O3P b c n12.5131; 13.2636; 16.5594
90; 90; 90
2748.3Şahin, Onur; Albayrak, Çiǧdem; Odabaşoǧlu, Mustafa; Büyükgüngör, Orhan
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o4276-o4278
2207526 CIF
C21 H24 O8P b c n18.5563; 7.7666; 27.4354
90; 90; 90
3954Cuthbertson, Timothy; Groy, Thomas L.; Rose, Seth D.
1,3-Bis(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-2,3-epoxypropanone: an anticancer chalcone epoxide
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o4300-o4302
2207579 CIF
C14 H12 O3 SP b c n21.3; 7.756; 15.227
90; 90; 90
2515.5Guo, Shengrong; Yuan, Yanqin
4-Acetylphenyl phenyl sulfone
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, o4032-o4033
2207660 CIF
C24 H25 N3 O4P b c n32.045; 8.7676; 15.9796
90; 90; 90
4489.6Kasthuri Balasubramani; Packianathan Thomas Muthiah; Ramaswamy Karunanandam RajaRam; Balasubramanian Sridhar
Hydrogen-bonding patterns in 2-amino-4,6-dimethylpyrimidine–cinnamic acid (1/2)
Acta Crystallographica, Section E, 2005, 61, o4203-o4205
2207752 CIF
C23 H28 Br4 O6P b c n22.737; 7.28; 15.28
90; 90; 90
2529.2Morgans, G. L.; Otterlo, W. A. L. van; Michael, J. P.; Fernandes, M. A.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o168-o170
2207760 CIF
C12 H12 Br N3 O2P b c n8.0505; 14.0971; 21.899
90; 90; 90
2485.3Sundar, T. V.; Parthasarathi, V.; Sridhar, B.; Venkatesan, P.; Nallu, M.
2-Amino-1-(4-nitrobenzyl)pyridinium bromide
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o74-o76
2207790 CIF
C14 H12 N2 O4P b c n16.297; 10.6; 14.649
90; 90; 90
2530.6Xuan Huang; Jia-Geng Liu; Duan-Jun Xu
Benzimidazolium 3,5-dihydroxybenzoate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o276-o278
2207949 CIF
C12 H6 Br4P b c n10.615; 9.8137; 12.768
90; 90; 90
1330.1Estrada, Jesús; Aguirre, Gerardo; Somanathan, Ratnasamy; Bernès, Sylvain
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o388-o389
2208220 CIF
C18 H13 Ag N2 O2P b c n11.434; 14.817; 8.7828
90; 90; 90
1488Hua Wu; Xian-Wu Dong; Hai-Yan Liu; Jian-Fang Ma
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m281-m282
2208235 CIF
C38 H50 Cl2 Mn N2 O2P b c n14.44; 10.753; 23.222
90; 90; 90
3605.8Juan-Lan Huang; Yi-Hang Wen
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m611-m612
2208336 CIF
C26 H16 Mn N6 O2P b c n13.603; 9.401; 16.749
90; 90; 90
2141.9Li, Zhan-Xian; Yu, Ming-Ming; Ni, Zhong-Hai; Kou, Hui-Zhong; Fu, Wen-Fu
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m486-m487
2208357 CIF
C20 H19 N3 O4 SP b c n18.247; 14.083; 14.736
90; 90; 90
3786.7Ngah, Nurziana; Dariman, Najihah; Yamin, Bohari M.
3-(1<i>H</i>-Indol-3-yl)-2-[3-(4-methoxybenzoyl)thioureido]propionic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o1025-o1027
2208380 CIF
C7 H5 Cl2 N OP b c n12.7941; 13.5868; 9.5283
90; 90; 90
1656.31Rauf, M. Khawar; Badshah, Amin; Bolte, Michael; Saeed, Aamer
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o1070-o1071
2208736 CIF
C70 F30P b c n18.0971; 16.2516; 15.3735
90; 90; 90
4521.5Kareev, Ivan E.; Lebedkin, Sergey F.; Popov, Alexey A.; Miller, Susie M.; Anderson, Oren P.; Strauss, Steven H.; Boltalina, Olga V.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o1501-o1503
2208895 CIF
C42 H48 Br6 Hg3 N12P b c n13.927; 11.7; 31.83
90; 90; 90
5187Xiao-Feng Wang; Yang Lv; Taka-aki Okamura; Wei-Yin Sun; Norikazu Ueyama
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m1124-m1126
2208913 CIF
C14 H11 Cl N2 O3P b c n12.3199; 13.0849; 16.6349
90; 90; 90
2681.6Karadayı, Nevzat; Albayrak, Çiğdem; Odabaşoğlu, Mustafa; Büyükgüngör, Orhan
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o1699-o1701
2208979 CIF
C34 H22 Br NP b c n15.9337; 10.8421; 28.542
90; 90; 90
4930.8Shou-Cai Zhang; Guang-Bo Che; Bo Liu
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o1814-o1815
2209188 CIF
C18 H22 O7 S2P b c n21.914; 5.6447; 15.4723
90; 90; 90
1913.9Andrey A. Yakovenko; Jose B. Gallegos; Robert D. Long; Tatiana V. Timofeeva; Mikhail Yu. Antipin
An orthorhombic polymorph of 3-oxapentane-1,5-diyl bis(<i>p</i>-toluenesulfonate)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o2484-o2486
2209245 CIF
C14 H14 SP b c n13.9913; 11.3985; 7.2081
90; 90; 90
1149.55Hansson, Christian
Dibenzyl sulfide at 150 K
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o2377-o2379
2209261 CIF
C9 H13 I N2 O2P b c n12.5402; 9.8173; 19.135
90; 90; 90
2355.7Seethalakshmi, T.; Venkatesan, P.; Fronczek, F. R.; Kaliannan, P.; Thamotharan, S.
4-Amino-(1-ethoxycarbonylmethyl)pyridinium iodide
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o2560-o2562
2209593 CIF
C20 H8 Cl4 N4 OP b c n14.1016; 9.8811; 27.016
90; 90; 90
3764.4Ye, E; Zhang, Yong-Wei; Wang, Hui; Niu, Yun-Yin; Ng, Seik Weng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o2594-o2595
2209811 CIF
C24 H16 Cu N8 PtP b c n13.167; 11.055; 15.534
90; 90; 90
2261.1Vavra, Martin; Potočňák, Ivan; Steinborn, Dirk; Wagner, Christoph
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m1895-m1897
2209965 CIF
C27 H37 Eu N6 O14P b c n16.978; 10.7099; 18.617
90; 90; 90
3385.2Bing Jia; Xiang-Gao Meng; Shao-Min Shi; Zong-Qiu Hu; Fei-Hua Luo
Tris(dimethylammonium) tris(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-κ^3^<i>N</i>,<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')europate(III) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m1799-m1801
2210146 CIF
C8 H32 Cl2 N4 Ni O4P b c n15.005; 9.591; 12.505
90; 90; 90
1799.6Chen, Zi-Lu; Zhang, Yu-Zhen; Liang, Fu-Pei
Diaqua(ethylenediamine)(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>N</i>'-tetramethylethylenediamine)nickel(II) dichloride dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m2287-m2289
2210221 CIF
C18 H30 Hg N4 O14P b c n13.444; 8.377; 22.512
90; 90; 90
2535Aghabozorg, Hossein; Ghasemikhah, Pouya; Ghadermazi, Mohammad; Attar Gharamaleki, Jafar; Sheshmani, Shabnam
Piperazinium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)mercurate(II) hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m2269-m2271
2210292 CIF
C18 H30 Mn N4 O14P b c n13.553; 8.4219; 22.215
90; 90; 90
2535.7Aghabozorg, Hossein; Ghasemikhah, Pouya; Soleimannejad, Janet; Ghadermazi, Mohammad; Attar Gharamaleki, Jafar
Piperazinediium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)manganate(II) hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m2266-m2268
2210427 CIF
C32 H32 N6 O4 ZnP b c n15.4137; 8.7799; 22.0554
90; 90; 90
2984.8Ya-Hui Zhao; Zhong-Min Su; Yong Wang; Xiang-Rong Hao; Kui-Zhan Shao
Bis[2-(2-oxidophenyl)-1<i>H</i>-benzimidazole-κ^2^<i>N</i>^3^,<i>O</i>]zinc(II) dimethylformamide disolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m2361-m2362
2210447 CIF
C20 H22 Cd N4 O4 S2P b c n16.178; 8.9156; 31.928
90; 90; 90
4605.2Cheng-Juan Li; Hui Wang; Jian-Min Dou; Da-Cheng Li; Da-Qi Wang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m2136-m2137
2210509 CIF
C16 H14 O2 SP b c n13.378; 7.8668; 24.931
90; 90; 90
2623.8Choi, Hong Dae; Seo, Pil Ja; Lee, Hee Kyung; Son, Byeng Wha; Lee, Uk
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o4480-o4481
2210548 CIF
C30 H30 N2 O5 ZnP b c n15.533; 10.822; 16.003
90; 90; 90
2690.1Xu, Hua-Jie; Liu, Zhao-Di; Sheng, Liang-Quan
<i>trans</i>-Bis{2-[(4-hydroxyphenethylimino)methyl]phenolato}zinc(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m2695-m2697
2210649 CIF
C22 H28 Co N7 O9P b c n12.041; 11.436; 18.908
90; 90; 90
2603.6Hong-Wei Lin; Zhen-Feng Chen
Bis{2-[2-(ethylamino)ethyliminomethyl]-4-nitrophenolato}cobalt(III) nitrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m2512-m2514
2210681 CIF
C18 H19 Mn N2 O4.5P b c n27.6765; 10.6137; 11.682
90; 90; 90
3431.6Shu-Zhong Zhan; Ying-Jun Zhang; Jian-Ge Wang
Bis{2-[(2-oxidoethyl)iminomethyl]phenolato-κ^3^<i>O</i>,<i>N</i>,<i>O</i>'}manganese(IV) hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m2713-m2714
2210783 CIF
C10 H13 Cl N2 O3 SP b c n14.777; 9.316; 19.224
90; 90; 90
2646.4Tatiana N. Drebushchak; Nikita V. Chukanov; Elena V. Boldyreva
A new polymorph of chlorpropamide: 4-chloro-<i>N</i>-(propylaminocarbonyl)benzenesulfonamide
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o4393-o4395
2211129 CIF
C28 H21 O10 SmP b c n27.665; 8.651; 9.9345
90; 90; 90
2377.6Bin Yu; Wang, Xiao-Qing; Kou, Hui-Zhong; Shen, Guang-Qiu; Shen, De-Zhong
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m3078-m3079
2211143 CIF
C18 H22 Co N6 O6 SP b c n19.899; 9.1119; 12.2503
90; 90; 90
2221.2Tian-Jun Lou; Yong-Fang Li; Yong Zhu
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m2832-m2834
2211189 CIF
C4 H8 Co N5 O7P b c n8.4127; 11.366; 9.859
90; 90; 90
942.7Rubin-Preminger, Janice M.; Englert, Ulli
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m2972-m2973
2211331 CIF
C30 H30 Co N2 O5P b c n15.402; 11.022; 15.585
90; 90; 90
2645.7Liu, Zhao-Di
<i>trans</i>-Bis{2-[(4-oxidobenzylideneamino)methyl]phenolato}cobalt(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, m3203-m3204
2211451 CIF
C4 H10 B Cl3 OP b c n11.4235; 11.8071; 12.6502
90; 90; 90
1706.24Weinmann, Markus; Nuss, Jürgen; Jansen, Martin
Diethyl ether‒trichloroborane, (C~2~H~5~)~2~O‒BCl~3~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o5590-o5591
2211506 CIF
C20 H18 N2 O4 S3P b c n17.039; 18.642; 13.69
90; 90; 90
4349Dufresne, Stéphane; Bourgeaux, Marie; Skene, W. G.
Diethyl 2,5-bis[(<i>E</i>)-thiophen-2-ylmethyleneamino]thiophene-3,4-dicarboxylate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o5602-o5604
2211793 CIF
C16 H16 Cd2 N2 O11P b c n7.8099; 19.18; 13.4279
90; 90; 90
2011.4Wu, Hui-Fang; Chen, Xu-Dong; Du, Miao
A one-dimensional Cd^II^ coordination polymer: poly[[[bis[methanolcadmium(II)]-μ~2~-aqua]-bis(μ~3~-pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-κ^5^<i>O</i>:<i>O</i>,<i>N</i>,<i>O</i>':<i>O</i>')]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m126-m128
2211877 CIF
C20 H18 N2 O3 ZnP b c n7.284; 9.131; 25.199
90; 90; 90
1676Silva, Luiz Everson da; Joussef, Antonio Carlos; Rebelo, Ricardo Andrade; Foro, Sabine; Schmidt, Boris
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m129-m131
2211888 CIF
C8 H14 Mn N2 O6P b c n15.324; 7.936; 10.079
90; 90; 90
1225.7Ya-Nan Chan; Hong-Kun Zhao; Xiu-Guang Wang; Xiao-Jun Zhao
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m70-m72
2212011 CIF
C8 H8 Cu2 Mo N8 O4P b c n11.868; 14.931; 17.741
90; 90; 90
3143.7Zhang, Yue; Hozumi, Toshiya; Hashimoto, Kazuhito; Ohkoshi, Shin-ichi
Poly[triaquaocta-μ-cyano-dicopper(II)molybdate(IV) monohydrate]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, i30-i32
2212015 CIF
C11 H11 N O3P b c n22.582; 12.222; 6.9793
90; 90; 90
1926.3Liu, Xiao-Gang; Chen, Tao
6-Amino-2-naphthoic acid monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o597-o598
2212179 CIF
C40 H52 Ca2 N4 O20P b c n22.4368; 7.1515; 28.9753
90; 90; 90
4649.3Schmidt, Martin U.; Schmiermund, Torsten; Bolte, Michael
Calcium anilate hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m360-m362
2212204 CIF
C41 H50 N6 O2P b c n18.302; 8.096; 24.553
90; 90; 90
3638.1Xing, Zhi-Tao; Ding, Wei-Lin; Wang, Hai-Bo; Wu, Wen-Yuan; Yin, Jun
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o819-o820
2212576 CIF
C14 H20 N2 O4 SP b c n10.1018; 10.1628; 29.4514
90; 90; 90
3023.56Amini, Mostafa M.; Nasiri, Samira; Ng, Seik Weng
Bis(benzylammonium) sulfate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o1361-o1362
2212614 CIF
C6 H15 N2 Ni O9.5 SP b c n25.272; 7.5122; 13.764
90; 90; 90
2613.1Jiao, Yan; Pan, Zhao-Rui; Fang, Zhi-Jie; Li, Yi-Zhi; Zheng, He-Gen
Triaqua[2-(6-oxido-4-oxo-3,4-dihydropyimidin-2-ylsulfanyl)acetato]nickel(II) 2.5-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m761-m763
2212939 CIF
C18 H20 Cl2 D12 N4 O2 S2P b c n24.8142; 10.1662; 9.4483
90; 90; 90
2383.49Matiková-Maľarová, Miroslava; Marek Šebela; Trávníček, Zdeněk
<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-Bis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethane-1,2-diammonium dichloride hexadeuterodimethyl sulfoxide disolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o1753-o1755
2213077 CIF
C17 H13 Br2 Cl2 N O5P b c n13.7847; 18.774; 29.8756
90; 90; 90
7731.6Yathirajan, H. S.; Mayekar, Anil N.; Narayana, B.; Sarojini, B. K.; Bolte, Michael
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o2196-o2197
2213132 CIF
C26 H16 Co N6 S2P b c n13.153; 10.078; 17.489
90; 90; 90
2318.3Gang-Qiang Yin
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m1542-m1543
2213206 CIF
C21 H17 N3 O6P b c n26.1766; 8.1726; 17.7838
90; 90; 90
3804.5C. Remya; D. Gayathri; D. Velmurugan; K. Ravikumar; M. Poornachandran
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o2218-o2220
2213367 CIF
C15 H12 Br N3 O2 SP b c n33.1196; 8.926; 9.9158
90; 90; 90
2931.36Ali, Hapipah M.; Yusnita, Juahir; Ng, Seik Weng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o2733-o2733
2213446 CIF
C11 H8 O3P b c n14.9634; 7.1821; 15.9359
90; 90; 90
1712.61Dufort, Marisa D.; Lalancette, Roger A.; Thompson, Hugh W.
(<i>E</i>)-(1-Oxoindan-2-ylidene)acetic acid: catemeric hydrogen bonding in an unsaturated γ-keto acid
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o2084-o2086
2213483 CIF
C28 H62 Cr O7 S2 Si2P b c n8.7343; 17.8256; 25.0266
90; 90; 90
3896.5Ciborska, Anna; Baranowska, Katarzyna; Wojnowski, Wiesław
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m1239-m1241
2213517 CIF
C16 H20 N2 O2P b c n10.675; 8.8373; 14.995
90; 90; 90
1414.6Su, Qing; Wu, Qiao-Lin; Li, Guang-Hua; Gao, Wei; Mu, Ying
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o2052-o2053
2213767 CIF
C9 H8 Cl N3 SP b c n38.708; 7.16; 7.407
90; 90; 90
2052.8Lu, Yin-Xiang
Methyl <i>N</i>-(4-chlorophenyl)-<i>N</i>'-cyanocarbamimidothioate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o3018
2214019 CIF
C40 H36 N6 O6 ZnP b c n15.447; 10.0122; 23.598
90; 90; 90
3649.6Tai, Xi-Shi; Yin, Jie; Hao, Ming-Yang
Bis(4-methoxybenzaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazonato)pyridinezinc(II) pyridine solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m1927-m1928
2214100 CIF
C13 H9 Cl2 N OP b c n24.2968; 11.3273; 8.7396
90; 90; 90
2405.29B. Thimme Gowda; B. P. Sowmya; Miroslav Tokarčík; Jozef Kožíšek; Hartmut Fuess
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o3326-o3326
2214105 CIF
C24 H16 Cd I2 N4P b c n13.4833; 9.5244; 17.3385
90; 90; 90
2226.62Ming-Lei Cao; Xin Fang; Hai-Yang Yu; Jun-Dong Wang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m1951-m1951
2214125 CIF
C22 H28 Br2 Cd Cl2 N4 O3P b c n12.4517; 9.2937; 23.254
90; 90; 90
2691Li-Zhong Li; Li-Hua Wang
Bis{2-bromo-4-chloro-6-[(2-dimethylaminoethylimino)methyl]phenolato}cadmium(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2010-m2011
2214269 CIF
C23 H15 Fe2 N O6 S2P b c n15.234; 11.945; 25.84
90; 90; 90
4702Shang Gao; Xiao-Jun Peng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m1997-m1997
2214284 CIF
C9 H5 N O3P b c n5.0654; 18.8003; 8.1609
90; 90; 90
777.17Tsonko Kolev; Denitsa Yancheva; Boris Shivachev; Rosica Petrova
The pyridinium-betaine of squaric acid
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o3259-o3259
2214521 CIF
C6 H14 N2 O4 ZnP b c n12.1335; 7.7866; 10.4078
90; 90; 90
983.32Kim, Young-Inn; Lee, You-Soon; Seo, Hoe-Joo; Kang, Sung Kwon
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2239-m2240
2214629 CIF
C12 H10 N2 Ni O6 V2P b c n14.862; 7.6402; 26.947
90; 90; 90
3059.8Wang, Chong-Chen
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2233-m2233
2214658 CIF
C16 H12 O3 SP b c n11.891; 10.8909; 20.958
90; 90; 90
2714.1Vembu, Nagarajan; Shafna, Karattu Chali; Sparkes, Hazel A.; Howard, Judith A. K.
2-Naphthyl benzenesulfonate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o3545-o3545
2214850 CIF
C15 H15 Ag F3 N3 O3 SP b c n21.9546; 6.9806; 22.6474
90; 90; 90
3470.9Klausmeyer, Kevin K.; Hung-Low, Fernando; Renz, Amanda
Acetonitrile(6,6'-dimethyl-2,2'-dipyridyl)silver(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2181-m2181
2214972 CIF
C21 H25 N3 Ni O9P b c n10.4453; 22.2586; 9.966
90; 90; 90
2317.1Xuan, Xiao-Peng; Zhao, Pei-Zheng; Tang, Qing-Hu
Diaqua(benzoato-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')(2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')nickel(II) nitrate dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2405-m2405
2215062 CIF
C4 H2 N4 S6 ZnP b c n12.983; 11.448; 7.6035
90; 90; 90
1130.1Zhang, Xiu-Ling; An, Ning; Qiu, Yu-E.; Zhang, Cun-Lan; Wang, Yi-Chun
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2432-m2433
2215295 CIF
C19 H20 Br2P b c n10.9244; 8.8066; 17.4316
90; 90; 90
1677.04K. Chinnakali; R. Surendran; M. Pushparani; A. K. Mohanakrishnan; Hoong-Kun Fun
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o3826-o3826
2215339 CIF
C15 H15 N O3P b c n54.05; 7.353; 6.483
90; 90; 90
2576.5Yang, Shu-Ping; Han, Li-Jun; Wang, Da-Qi; Zhao, Cui
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4100-o4100
2215355 CIF
C73 H58 B2 Cl2 Cu2 F8 N6 P4P b c n19.873; 17.4039; 21.0008
90; 90; 90
7263.5Juan Mo; Heng-Yu Qian; Xiang-Dang Du; Wen Chen
Bis[μ-bis(diphenylphosphino)amine-κ^2^<i>P</i>:<i>P</i>']bis[(1,10-phenanthroline-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')copper(I)] bis(tetrafluoridoborate) dichloromethane solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2449-m2449
2215518 CIF
C9 H23 Cl N2 OP b c n14.1959; 12.7099; 12.5451
90; 90; 90
2263.5Huang, Peng-Mian; Deng, Yi
4-Amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-ium chloride monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4170-o4170
2215629 CIF
C80 F30P b c n16.0658; 17.2662; 18.2153
90; 90; 90
5052.84Shustova, Natalia B.; Peryshkov, Dimitry V.; Boltalina, Olga V.; Strauss, Steven H.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4073-o4073
2215708 CIF
C74 H68 Cd2 Cl4 N16 O20P b c n21.0869; 14.8065; 24.565
90; 90; 90
7669.8Zhu, Li-Na; Gao, Shan; Ng, Seik Weng
Bis(μ-<i>N</i>,2-di-3-pyridylisoindoline-1-imine-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')bis[aqua(perchlorato-κ<i>O</i>)cadmium(II)] bis(perchlorate) methanol disolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2618-m2618
2215904 CIF
C11 H15 N O2P b c n11.7776; 9.4779; 18.818
90; 90; 90
2100.6Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Harrison, William T. A.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4280-o4280
2215952 CIF
C18 H18 N4P b c n23.844; 7.0493; 9.2504
90; 90; 90
1554.8Li-Na Zhu; Shan Gao; Li-Hua Huo
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4399-o4399
2216021 CIF
C18 H16 Cl Mn N4 O8P b c n9.941; 15.416; 13.357
90; 90; 90
2047Zhang, Li-Fang
Diaqua[<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-(<i>o</i>-phenylene)bis(pyridine-2-carboxamidato)-<i>{κ</i>}^4^<i>N</i>]manganese(III) perchlorate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2760-m2760
2216051 CIF
C40 H32 Cd N10 O8P b c n14.359; 16.809; 16.78
90; 90; 90
4050Meng, Fa-Yan; Zhang, Yi-Ming; Ng, Seik Weng
Bis[1,3-bis(1<i>H</i>-benzimidazol-2-yl)benzene-κ<i>N</i>^3^]bis(nitrato-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')cadmium(II) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2752-m2752
2216100 CIF
C4 H10 Cd I2 N2 S2P b c n10.369; 9.809; 12.792
90; 90; 90
1301.1Ilia A. Zamilatskov; Evgeny A. Buravlev; Elena V. Savinkina; Natalya S. Roukk; Dmitry V. Albov
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2669-m2669
2216104 CIF
C20 H24 N2 O2P b c n18.9118; 6.937; 13.4509
90; 90; 90
1764.64G. Chakkaravarthi; A. Anthonysamy; S. Balasubramanian; V. Manivannan
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4475-o4475
2216116 CIF
C28 H22 N2 O6 PbP b c n19.6407; 12.969; 9.8195
90; 90; 90
2501.2Xuan, Xiao-Peng; Zhao, Pei-Zheng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2678-m2678
2216278 CIF
C20 H26.34 N4 O10.17P b c n19.4117; 8.1486; 13.4528
90; 90; 90
2127.94P. G. Seethalakshmi; P. Ramadevi; S. Kumaresan; Harrison, William T. A.
1,4-Diazoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane bis(3-carboxypyridine-2-carboxylate) 2.17-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4837-o4837
2216279 CIF
C5 H15 Co N2 O10.5P b c n20.87; 17.1153; 7.3375
90; 90; 90
2620.9B. Sridhar; K. Ravikumar
Tetraaqua(2,6-dioxo-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyrimidine-4-carboxylato-κ^2^<i>N</i>^3^,<i>O</i>)cobalt(II) 2.5-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2887-m2888
2216293 CIF
C17 H19 Cl F3 N OP b c n16.445; 9.5147; 21.856
90; 90; 90
3419.8Yan, Fan-Yong; Liu, Dong-Qing
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4637-o4637
2216309 CIF
C4 H14 N4 O4 S3P b c n11.325; 8.3903; 12.6041
90; 90; 90
1197.6Harald Brand; Christopher Hubrich; Kurt Polborn; Axel Schulz; Alexander Villinger
Redetermination of bis(<i>S</i>-methylthiuronium) sulfate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4733-o4733
2216319 CIF
C10 H16 N O4.5P b c n9.3553; 11.087; 22.188
90; 90; 90
2301.4Tsonko Kolev; Bojidarka Koleva; Rüdiger W. Seidel; Michael Spiteller; William S. Sheldrick
Cyclohexylammonium hydrogensquarate hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4852-o4852
2216397 CIF
C30 H20 N2 O2 S2P b c n30.6054; 10.1073; 8.1631
90; 90; 90
2525.16Jikun Li; Guofang He
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4783-o4783
2216512 CIF
C20 H14 F8 N2 O2P b c n14.8085; 20.5518; 12.7062
90; 90; 90
3867Dong, Jie; Tian, Lai-Jin; Qu, Yuan
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4850-o4850
2216632 CIF
C14 H14 Co N4 O2 S2P b c n11.371; 8.255; 17.779
90; 90; 90
1669Yu-Peng Pan; Da-Cheng Li; Da-Qi Wang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m3034-m3034
2216651 CIF
C13 H10 Cl N OP b c n21.3211; 11.0697; 9.2754
90; 90; 90
2189.2Leela Sundararaman; Ramamurthi Kandasamy; Stoeckli-Evans, Helen; Vasuki Gopalsamy
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o4805-o4805
2216880 CIF
C28 H42 Br2 N4 O2 Zn2P b c n21.656; 7.839; 19.114
90; 90; 90
3244.8Hung, Wen-Chou; Lai, Shu-Ling; Lin, Chu-Chieh
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m129-m130
2216915 CIF
C8 H14 Cd N2 O6P b c n15.153; 8.006; 10.403
90; 90; 90
1262Borel, Cédric; Langer, Vratislav; Arnehed, Johan; Leikvoll, Lisette; Ghazzali, Mohamed
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m185-m185
2216924 CIF
C8 H10 Cu2 O11P b c n9.2695; 14.3052; 9.2715
90; 90; 90
1229.4Guo, Ming-Lin
Redetermination of poly[aquadi-μ~3~-oxydiacetato-dicopper(II)]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m147-m147
2217078 CIF
C13 H12 N4 OP b c n18.264; 7.93; 16.471
90; 90; 90
2385.6Feng Yi-Min; Tai Xi-Shi
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o65-o65
2217159 CIF
C12 H16 Cl N2 O8 SmP b c n8.9713; 19.6698; 10.1459
90; 90; 90
1790.38Wu, Ke-Jun; Cai, Li-Zhen; Xu, Gang; Zhou, Guo-Wei; Guo, Guo-Cong
<i>catena</i>-Poly[[[tetraaquasamarium(III)]-di-μ-isonicotinato-κ^4^<i>O</i>:<i>O</i>'] chloride]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m56-m56
2217177 CIF
C16 H16 Br2 O8P b c n20.639; 10.15; 9.088
90; 90; 90
1903.8Guang-Liang Song; Shan Liu; Shui-Ping Deng; Yuan-Yuan Liu; Hong-Jun Zhu
(4,6-Dibromo-<i>m</i>-phenylenedimethylidyne) tetraacetate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o153-o153
2217403 CIF
C44 H38 N8 O6 ZnP b c n14.1429; 16.7005; 16.5588
90; 90; 90
3911.08Meng, Fa-Yan; Teng, Lei; Chen, Xue Mei; Zhao, Bi Lin; Jiao, Ping
Diacetatobis[1,3-bis(benzimidazol-2-yl)benzene]zinc(II) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m319-m319
2217461 CIF
C34 H30 Cu N4 S4P b c n36.141; 9.9372; 8.7598
90; 90; 90
3146M. T. H. Tarafder; M. Toihidul Islam; M. A. A. A. A. Islam; Suchada Chantrapromma; Hoong-Kun Fun
Bis[benzyl <i>N</i>'-(3-phenylprop-2-enylidene)hydrazinecarbodithioato-κ^2^<i>N</i>',<i>S</i>]copper(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m416-m417
2217710 CIF
C14 H20 Br4 Co N2P b c n17.234; 9.0691; 13.729
90; 90; 90
2145.8Ali, Basem Fares; Al-Far, Rawhi H.; Haddad, Salim F.
Bis(2,6-dimethylpyridinium) tetrabromidocobaltate(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m485-m486
2217848 CIF
C8 H18 Cl NP b c n14.5863; 13.2196; 9.9779
90; 90; 90
1923.99Dean, Pamela M.; Pringle, Jennifer M.; MacFarlane, Douglas R.
1-Methyl-1-propylpyrrolidinium chloride
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o637
2217910 CIF
C22 H16 Co N6 O2P b c n14.148; 9.774; 15.253
90; 90; 90
2109Jia, LI; Kong, Ling-Qian; Li, Da-Cheng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m582
2217927 CIF
C14 H14 N4 O2P b c n12.6326; 9.3346; 22.119
90; 90; 90
2608.3Xi-Shi, Tai; Yi-Min, Feng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o707
2217973 CIF
C34 H30 N4 S4 ZnP b c n36.0897; 9.931; 8.7633
90; 90; 90
3140.83Fun, Hoong-Kun; Chantrapromma, Suchada; Tarafder, M. T. H.; Islam, M. Toihidul; Zakaria, C. M.; Islam, M. A. A. A. A.
Bis[benzyl <i>N</i>'-(3-phenylprop-2-enylidene)hydrazinecarbodithioato-κ^2^<i>N</i>',<i>S</i>]zinc(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m518-m519
2218130 CIF
C17 H21 N3 O3 SP b c n29.874; 7.5153; 15.4456
90; 90; 90
3467.7Tai, Xi-Shi; Feng, Yi-Min; Kong, Fan-Yuan
4-(Diethylamino)salicylaldehyde phenylsulfonylhydrazone
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o865
2218192 CIF
C48 H38 F2 N6 Ni O2P b c n25.475; 10.162; 15.7
90; 90; 90
4064.4Zhang, Xin; Zhang, Guo-Ying; Chen, Dan; Song, Yu-Jing
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m642
2218293 CIF
C14 H9 F6 N3 SP b c n15.0907; 7.7491; 26.709
90; 90; 90
3123.3Yue, Huadong; Wang, Yifeng; Xia, Aibao; Luo, Shuping; Xu, Danqian
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o858
2218585 CIF
C14 H16 N2 O2P b c n14.2157; 10.4608; 8.1817
90; 90; 90
1216.68Butt, M. Saeed; Akhter, Zareen; Bolte, Michael; Siddiqi, Humaira M.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o1122
2218623 CIF
C14 H10 Br2 OP b c n16.5965; 10.2476; 7.2626
90; 90; 90
1235.2Zhang, Hai-Quan; Bao-Li; Yang, Guang-Di; Ma, Yu-Guang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o1304
2218648 CIF
C24 H19 La2 N3 O14P b c n12.2525; 8.0521; 25.682
90; 90; 90
2533.74Weng-Thim, Tham; Adnan, Rohana; Fun, Hoong-Kun; Jebas, Samuel Robinson
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m971-m972
2218880 CIF
C12 H20 Cl NP b c n13.039; 21.0436; 8.9968
90; 90; 90
2468.61Samardjiev, Ivan; Samas, Brian
2,6-Diisopropylanilinium chloride
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o1480
2218945 CIF
C13 H10 N4 O SP b c n27.4006; 11.494; 7.7886
90; 90; 90
2452.96Fun, Hoong-Kun; Jebas, Samuel Robinson; Sujith, K. V.; Patil, P. S.; Kalluraya, B.; Dharmaprakash, S. M.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o1528-o1529
2219202 CIF
C6 H10 N O3 PP b c n31.122; 7.1249; 7.9441
90; 90; 90
1761.5Lin, Zhen; Lei, Xiu-Qing; Bai, Sheng-Di; Ng, Seik Weng
Ammonium benzenephosphonate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o1607
2219283 CIF
C58 H62 Fe2 N6 O10P b c n15.189; 19.163; 18.917
90; 90; 90
5506Wang, Jinglin; Liu, Bin; Yang, Binsheng
Tris[μ-2,2'-(azinodimethylidyne)diphenolato-κ^4^<i>O</i>,<i>N</i>:<i>N</i>',<i>O</i>']diiron(III) tetrahydrofuran tetrasolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1210
2219285 CIF
C28 H50 Cu N10 O9 S2P b c n22.623; 10.342; 16.25
90; 90; 90
3802Paşaoğlu, Hümeyra; Kaştaş, Gökhan; Heren, Zerrin; Büyükgüngör, Orhan
<i>cis</i>-Bis(butylamine-κ<i>N</i>)bis[sulfadiazine(1{-})-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>']copper(II) pentahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1192
2219338 CIF
C20 H16 N4 O5 ZnP b c n13.931; 9.1685; 14.364
90; 90; 90
1834.7Zhang, Shi Guo; Hou, Chao
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1131
2219414 CIF
C5 H5 N3 O6P b c n21.728; 21.654; 6.5713
90; 90; 90
3091.8Li, Ying; Li, Ping; Zhou, Qiu-Ping; Zhang, Guo-Fang; Ng, Seik Weng
3,5-Dinitropyridin-4(1<i>H</i>)-one monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o1701
2219416 CIF
C24 H22 N4 O8 S2 ZnP b c n19.709; 8.0722; 16.339
90; 90; 90
2599.5Cai, Cheng-Xiang; Ou-Yang, Miao; Zhao, Zhi-Yuan; Jiang, Yi-Min
Bis[2-(2-pyridylmethyleneamino)benzenesulfonato-κ^3^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>O</i>]zinc(II) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1195
2219496 CIF
C24 H19 Ce2 N3 O14P b c n12.236; 8.06; 25.67
90; 90; 90
2531.6Ma, Hui-Jie; Fan, Yu-Hua; Wang, Qiang; Bi, Cai-Feng; Zhang, Dong-Mei
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1326
2219512 CIF
C12 H32 Cl4 O8 SnP b c n8.4023; 17.1528; 15.9612
90; 90; 90
2300.38Wardell, James L.; Harrison, William T. A.
Diaquatetrachloridotin(IV)‒diglyme (1/2)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1297
2219514 CIF
C32 H32 Co N6 O4P b c n15.44; 8.7022; 22.156
90; 90; 90
2976.9He, Feigang; Xi, Yun; Li, Jun; Zhang, Fengxing
Bis[2-(1<i>H</i>-benzimidazol-2-yl)phenolato-κ^2^<i>N</i>^3^,<i>O</i>]cobalt(II) dimethylformamide disolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1311
2219718 CIF
C27 H23 Cl2 Co N5 OP b c n16.345; 12.342; 12.342
90; 90; 90
2489.8Cai, Shuang-Lian; Ying, Shao-Ming; Li, Hui; Chen, Yun
<i>cis</i>-Dichloridobis(1,10-phenanthroline)cobalt(II) dimethylformamide solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1328-m1329
2219817 CIF
C30 H34 Cu2 N6 O13P b c n7.2712; 26.91; 34.207
90; 90; 90
6693Xie, Hong-Zhen; Pan, Wei-Juan; Xu, Wei; Lin, Jian-Li
μ-α-Methylglutarato-bis{aqua[bis(2-pyridylcarbonyl)aminato]copper(II)} trihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1471-m1472
2219940 CIF
C25 H16 N4 Ni O5P b c n12.725; 10.752; 15.733
90; 90; 90
2152.6Chen, Hong-Feng; Fang, Qi; Yu, Wen-Tao
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1459
2219962 CIF
C24 H22 Cd N4 O8 S2P b c n20.255; 7.8924; 16.475
90; 90; 90
2633.7Ou-Yang, Miao; Huang, Xue-Ren; Zhang, Yun-Liang; Jiang, Yi-Min
Bis[2-(2-pyridylmethyleneamino)benzenesulfonato-κ^3^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>O</i>]cadmium(II) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1461
2219978 CIF
C12 H16 Br2 N2 PtP b c n13.297; 8.2906; 13.516
90; 90; 90
1490Kelly, Mairéad E.; Wagner, Christoph; Schmidt, Harry
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1385
2220027 CIF
C16 H12 O5 SP b c n23.319; 9.0865; 13.728
90; 90; 90
2908.8Yang, Shu-Ping; Wang, Da-Qi; Han, Li-Jun; Liu, Yu-Fen
4-Methyl-2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1-benzopyran-7-yl benzenesulfonate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, o2088
2220139 CIF
C20 H24 N2 Ni O5P b c n12.8401; 19.6133; 7.5853
90; 90; 90
1910.3Xie, Hai
{6,6'-Diethoxy-2,2'-[ethylenebis(nitrilomethylidyne)]diphenolato}nickel(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1638
2220200 CIF
C38 H42 Cd Fe2 O8P b c n9.8989; 8.6785; 41.228
90; 90; 90
3541.8Zhao, Hong-Ying; Song, Lian-Qing; Wang, Jing-Wu; Ng, Seik Weng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1624
2220294 CIF
C18 H16 Cu N2 O8P b c n8.2003; 16.234; 13.708
90; 90; 90
1824.9Zhang, Hong-Kun; Du, Yu-Hong; Jiang, Tao; Li, Bai-Yan; Hou, Guang-Feng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1510
2220331 CIF
C29 H16 N4 O5 ZnP b c n12.2605; 11.0133; 17.2745
90; 90; 90
2332.55Chen, Hongyu; Li, Ping; Dong, Lihua; Zhu, Xiaohui; Fang, Qi
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1507-m1508
2220463 CIF
C16.3 H16.6 Cl0.2 N4 O2.4 SP b c n19.5069; 12.5245; 13.278
90; 90; 90
3244Eschwege, Karel G. von; Muller, Alfred
2,3-Bis(2-methoxyphenyl)tetrazolium-5-thiolate‒acetone‒dichloromethane (1/0.4/0.1)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o2
2220519 CIF
C23 H33 Cl N4P b c n22.663; 10.081; 9.6368
90; 90; 90
2201.7Arslan, Hakan; VanDerveer, Don; Gök, Yetkin; Özdemir, İsmail; Çetinkaya, Bekir
1,3-Bis[4-(dimethylamino)benzyl]-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1<i>H</i>-1,3-diazepan-2-ium chloride
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o109-o110
2220567 CIF
C18 H18 N4 O6 ZnP b c n7.767; 16.045; 14.006
90; 90; 90
1745.4Wei, Yu-Feng; Li, Zhong-Shu; Zhang, Huai-Hong; Wang, Yi-Hong
Aquabis(2-methyl-4-oxopyrido[1,2-<i>a</i>]pyrimidin-9-olato)zinc(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m91
2220809 CIF
C11 H21 Cl Cu N4 O4P b c n12.53; 14.469; 8.501
90; 90; 90
1541.2He, Xiao-qiang
(11,13-Dimethyl-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclotrideca-10,13-dienato)copper(II) perchlorate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m205
2220812 CIF
C30 H32 Cl6 N2 O2 Pt S2P b c n24.3695; 7.9061; 17.4322
90; 90; 90
3358.6Karaca, Selvi; Akkurt, Mehmet; Safari, Nasser; Amani, Vahid; Büyükgüngör, Orhan; Abedi, Anita
Bis(phenanthridinium) hexachloridoplatinate(IV) dimethyl sulfoxide disolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m235
2220874 CIF
C7 H6 Mg0.5 O3P b c n6.5913; 7.29; 26.759
90; 90; 90
1285.8Liu, Hsin-Kuan; Peng, Xiang-Wen; Lin, Chia-Her
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m237
2220876 CIF
C14 H20 Cl N3 O2P b c n19.0092; 9.0077; 17.7294
90; 90; 90
3035.79Fun, Hoong-Kun; Kia, Reza; Das, Nirmal Kumar; Sen, Debabrata; Goswami, Shyamaprosad
7-(2,2-Dimethylpropanamido)-2-methyl-1,8-naphthyridin-1-ium chloride monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o340
2221069 CIF
C14 H9 N O2P b c n5.548; 23.801; 8.025
90; 90; 90
1059.7Izotova, L. Yu.; Ashurov, J. M.; Ibragimov, B. T.; Weber, E.
A new polymorph of <i>N</i>-phenylphthalimide
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o658
2221158 CIF
C8 H18 Cl2 N4 O2P b c n12.7355; 8.8506; 26.334
90; 90; 90
2968.3Guo, Qiang; Sun, Lanying; Guo, Huiyuan; Liu, Mingliang
4-Ethoxyimino-<i>N</i>'-methoxypyrrolidin-1-ium-3-carboximidamidium dichloride
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o580
2221226 CIF
C16 H17 N O S2P b c n21.7617; 8.4992; 15.2115
90; 90; 90
2813.47Uludağ, Nesimi; Öztürk, Aslı; Hökelek, Tuncer; Erdoğan, Ümit Işık
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o595-o596
2221358 CIF
Cu2 Ge4 H8 Na4 O16P b c n13.041; 8.744; 12.975
90; 90; 90
1479.5Li, Ya-Feng; Li, Dan-Ping; Shi, Cui-Li; Hu, Yong-Sheng; Jin, Li
Tetrasodium (dihydrogenheptaoxidodigermanato)bis(dihydrogentetraoxidogermanato)dicopper(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, i27
2221364 CIF
C10 H7 N3 O3P b c n18.136; 7.3355; 14.5986
90; 90; 90
1942.15Shah Bakhtiar, Nasir; Abdullah, Zanariah; Ng, Seik Weng
3-Nitrophenyl pyrimidin-2-yl ether
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o704
2221466 CIF
C20 H24 N2 O5 ZnP b c n12.6512; 19.986; 7.8708
90; 90; 90
1990.1Shen, Yong-Miao; Wang, Wei
{6,6'-Diethoxy-2,2'-[ethane-1,2-diylbis(nitrilomethylidyne)]diphenolato}zinc(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m444
2221584 CIF
C14 H20 Br4 N2 ZnP b c n17.237; 9.0754; 13.7302
90; 90; 90
2147.9Ali, Basem Fares; Al-Far, Rawhi
Bis(2,6-dimethylpyridinium) tetrabromidozincate(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m581-m582
2221629 CIF
C26 H30 N2 Ni O6P b c n12.8706; 16.113; 11.8546
90; 90; 90
2458.45Kargar, Hadi; Kia, Reza; Jamshidvand, Arezoo; Fun, Hoong-Kun
{6,6'-Diethoxy-2,2'-[4,5-dimethyl-<i>o</i>-phenylenebis(nitrilomethylidyne)]diphenolato}nickel(II) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m498-m499
2222100 CIF
C14 H18 N3 O2.5P b c n17.074; 9.8366; 16.316
90; 90; 90
2740.3Tamilvendan, Dhanapal; Venkatesa Prabhu, Ganesan; Fronczek, Frank R.; Vembu, Nagarajan
<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-(Phenyliminodimethylene)diprop-2-enamide hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o1343
2222140 CIF
C18 H16 N4 O13 SP b c n14.691; 7.7968; 17.983
90; 90; 90
2059.8Cui, Yue; Gao, Qian; Zhang, Chao-Yan; Xie, Ya-Bo
Bis(5,6-dicarboxybenzimidazolium) sulfate monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o1335
2222296 CIF
C64 H96 Cl12 O6P b c n23.697; 13.682; 25.402
90; 90; 90
8236Li, Zhengyi; Yuan, Dinghao; Xi, Haitao; Sun, Xiaoqiang
25,26,27,28-Tetrabutoxy-5,11,17,23-tetra-<i>tert</i>-butylcalix[4]arene chloroform tetrasolvate dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o1697
2222735 CIF
C12 H15 N3 O2P b c n23.5705; 11.3547; 9.1848
90; 90; 90
2458.18Arfan, Mohammad; Tahir, M. Nawaz; Khan, Rasool; Saba, Sumbal; Iqbal, Mohammad S.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o1834-o1835
2222927 CIF
C13 H16 Cl2 Cu N2 O2P b c n23.0936; 8.489; 14.0582
90; 90; 90
2755.99Ikmal Hisham, Nurul Azimah; Mohd Ali, Hapipah; Ng, Seik Weng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m870
2222949 CIF
C16 H22 F6 N10 O11 Zn2P b c n9.175; 14.722; 20.657
90; 90; 90
2790.2Zhang, Li
Bis[μ-5-(2-pyridyl)tetrazolato]-κ^3^<i>N</i>^1^,<i>N</i>^5^:<i>N</i>^2^;κ^3^<i>N</i>^2^:<i>N</i>^1^,<i>N</i>^5^-bis[triaquazinc(II)] bis(trifluoroacetate) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m871-m872
2222970 CIF
C24 H22 Mn N4 O8 S2P b c n20.041; 7.918; 16.409
90; 90; 90
2604Zhao, Cheng-Qiang; Ou-Yang, Miao; Huang, Xue-Ren; Jiang, Yi-Min
Bis[2-(2-pyridylmethyleneamino)benzenesulfonato-κ^3^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>O</i>]manganese(II) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m1055-m1056
2223085 CIF
C22 H32 Co N4 O3 S4P b c n12.3755; 9.2485; 22.827
90; 90; 90
2612.7Cai, Ying-Jie; Li, Jin; Huang, Peng; Zeng, Qing-Fu
Bis{2-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyliminomethyl]-4,6-disulfanylphenolato}cobalt(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m1146
2223139 CIF
C20 H15 N O2P b c n8.836; 9.71; 18.621
90; 90; 90
1597.6Wang, Yong-Gang; Tan, Xue-Jie; Xing, Dian-Xiang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o2192
2223188 CIF
C24 H26 N10 Ni OP b c n17.077; 8.535; 16.67
90; 90; 90
2429.69Phatchimkun, Jaturong; Kongsaeree, Palangpon; Suchaichit, Nattawut; Chaichit, Narongsak
Diazidobis(5,5'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridyl-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')nickel(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m1020-m1021
2223271 CIF
C9 H6 N4 O8P b c n23.534; 9.3318; 10.5047
90; 90; 90
2307Li, Yan-jun
4-Nitroaniline‒picric acid (2/1)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o2566
2223599 CIF
C10 H6 S2P b c n10.6325; 10.8713; 7.56
90; 90; 90
873.85Harcourt, Emily M.; Lynch, Daniel E.; Hamilton, Darren G.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o2484
2223970 CIF
C26 H18 Cl2 N2 O2P b c n13.1622; 10.6184; 16.0671
90; 90; 90
2245.6Chang, Jian-Guo
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o2767
2224086 CIF
C24 H22 Co N4 O8 S2P b c n19.636; 8.0973; 16.2819
90; 90; 90
2588.8Huang, Xue-Ren; Ou-Yang, Miao; Yang, Ge-Ge; Meng, Xiu-Jin; Jiang, Yi-Min
Bis[2-(2-pyridylmethyleneamino)benzenesulfonato-κ^3^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>O</i>]cobalt(II) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m1465
2224107 CIF
C11 H17 N O2 SP b c n19.6157; 9.1034; 13.3808
90; 90; 90
2389.4Datta, Mrityunjoy; Buglass, Alan J.; Elsegood, Mark R. J.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o2823
2224115 CIF
C14 H12 Br2 O6 SrP b c n18.74; 11.669; 8.0529
90; 90; 90
1761Zhang, Bi-Song
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m1500
2224496 CIF
C27 H26 N2 O6P b c n11.586; 12.575; 32.749
90; 90; 90
4771.3Yang, Shu-Ping; Han, Li-Jun; Wen, Ai-Ping; Wang, Da-Qi
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, o3049
2224971 CIF
C8 H5 N2 Na O6P b c n27.8428; 10.452; 6.642
90; 90; 90
1932.9Danish, Muhammad; Saleem, Iram; Ahmad, Nazir; Raza, Abdul Rauf; Starosta, Wojciech; Leciejewicz, Janusz
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m137
2224999 CIF
C27 H26 Au2 Br2 P2P b c n19.61; 14.322; 19.958
90; 90; 90
5605Mohr, Fabian; Molter, Anja; Tiekink, Edward R. T.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m167
2225158 CIF
C15 H11 F O2 SP b c n14.992; 10.4661; 16.008
90; 90; 90
2511.8Choi, Hong Dae; Seo, Pil Ja; Son, Byeng Wha; Lee, Uk
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o564
2225501 CIF
C22 H30 N2 S4 SnP b c n18.8797; 9.2067; 14.5694
90; 90; 90
2532.4Muthalib, Amirah Faizah; Baba, Ibrahim; Farina, Yang; Ng, Seik Weng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m354
2225581 CIF
C18 H19 Cu N3 O2 SP b c n13.6786; 10.4938; 25.2618
90; 90; 90
3626.1Wang, Chen-Yi; Li, Jing-Fen; Cao, Feng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m445-m446
2225870 CIF
C22 H24 N2 O4 ZnP b c n8.9646; 10.628; 22.366
90; 90; 90
2130.9Bai, Li-Ming
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m531
2226168 CIF
C26 H16 Co N6 O2P b c n13.2317; 9.7095; 16.7265
90; 90; 90
2148.9Zhang, Dao-Peng; Tian, Nai-Chang; Zhang, Xiao-Mei
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m614
2226269 CIF
C14 H14 Cl N O2 SP b c n10.574; 16.269; 16.859
90; 90; 90
2900.2Gowda, B. Thimme; Foro, Sabine; Nirmala, P. G.; Fuess, Hartmut
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o1282
2226311 CIF
C19 H12 F N3 O2 SP b c n12.303; 10.4477; 25.247
90; 90; 90
3245.2Arshad, Afsheen; Osman, Hasnah; Lam, Chan Kit; Quah, Ching Kheng; Fun, Hoong-Kun
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o1446-o1447
2226366 CIF
C12 H8 Cl3 N O2 SP b c n10.5639; 16.279; 16.693
90; 90; 90
2870.7Gowda, B. Thimme; Foro, Sabine; Nirmala, P. G.; Fuess, Hartmut
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o1641
2226683 CIF
C17 H15 F3 N4 O2P b c n11.9675; 12.9579; 21.28
90; 90; 90
3300Cai, Zhao-Hui; Chen, Xiao-Bao; Yang, Xu-Hong; Wang, Xiang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o1854-o1855
2226737 CIF
C15 H10 F2 O2 SP b c n14.9369; 10.6284; 16.1532
90; 90; 90
2564.41Choi, Hong Dae; Seo, Pil Ja; Son, Byeng Wha; Lee, Uk
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o1637
2226766 CIF
C26 H16 Mg N6 S2P b c n13.2159; 10.1426; 17.4783
90; 90; 90
2342.85Zhao, Dan; Li, Fei-Fei; Sha, Jiao
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m988
2227014 CIF
C20 H26 O4P b c n22.692; 5.546; 13.7099
90; 90; 90
1725.4Kane, Christopher M.; Drake, Stephen D.; Holman, K. Travis
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o1921
2227034 CIF
C18 H34 N6 O2P b c n12.571; 14.665; 10.877
90; 90; 90
2005.2Mendoza-Díaz, Guillermo; Betancourt-Mendiola, María de Lourdes; Bernès, Sylvain
5,11-Diisopropyl-2,8-dimethyl-1<i>H</i>,7<i>H</i>-diimidazo[<i>c</i>,<i>h</i>][1,6]diazecine dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o1958-o1959
2227160 CIF
C14 H14 Mn N4 O2 S2P b c n11.4759; 8.398; 17.9451
90; 90; 90
1729.5Gao, Qihe; Bao, Qianqian; Rong, Rong
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1203
2227193 CIF
Al2 Ca2 O9 Sn2P b c n8.9866; 5.4894; 14.903
90; 90; 90
735.18Yamane, Hisanori; Abe, Shunsuke; Tu, Rong; Goto, Takashi
A ramsayite-type oxide, Ca~2~Sn~2~Al~2~O~9~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, i72
2227363 CIF
C29 H22 N6 S2P b c n30.449; 8.2759; 9.7353
90; 90; 90
2453.2Zhao, Bing; Liu, Zhuo; Gao, Yan; Song, Bo; Deng, Qi-gang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o2814
2227427 CIF
C38 H54 Co N4 O4P b c n9.6146; 12.792; 31.275
90; 90; 90
3846.5Hrib, Cristian G.; Blaurock, Steffen; Edelmann, Frank T.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1387
2227472 CIF
C14 H18 Mn N4 O8P b c n23.374; 10.1929; 7.3336
90; 90; 90
1747.2Esmhosseini, Majid; Maleki, Shahrzad
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1052
2227609 CIF
C19 H21 N2 O0.5P b c n16.7611; 11.5467; 16.6563
90; 90; 90
3223.58Gayathri, P.; Thiruvalluvar, A.; Srinivasan, N.; Jayabharathi, J.; Butcher, R. J.
1-(3,5-Dimethylphenyl)-4,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1<i>H</i>-imidazole hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o2776
2227621 CIF
C14 H18 N4 O8 ZnP b c n23.386; 10.193; 7.3442
90; 90; 90
1750.7Esmhosseini, Majid
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1057
2227720 CIF
C17 H18 N2 O5 S2P b c n29.582; 7.9657; 15.676
90; 90; 90
3693.9Navarrete-Vázquez, Gabriel; Morales-Vilchis, Guadalupe; Estrada-Soto, Samuel; Rodríguez-López, Verónica; Tlahuext, Hugo
Ethyl 2-{(2<i>Z</i>)-2-[(1-naphthylsulfonyl)imino]-2,3-dihydro-1,3-thiazol-4-yl}acetate monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o2744
2227845 CIF
C8 H8 Na2 O8P b c n8.9053; 8.6395; 12.527
90; 90; 90
963.8Wu, Jiang; Zhu, Hong-lin
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1419
2228043 CIF
C14 H12 O2P b c n46.248; 6.465; 7.47
90; 90; 90
2233.5Van Eerdenbrugh, Bernard; Fanwick, Phillip E.; Taylor, Lynne S.
2-(Biphenyl-4-yl)acetic acid (felbinac)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o2609
2228246 CIF
C20.5 H22 Cl3 Mo N3 OP b c n17.4207; 14.9657; 16.5237
90; 90; 90
4307.94Nielson, Alastair J.; Waters, Joyce M.
(2,2'-Bipyridine-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')[2-<i>tert</i>-butylanilinato(2{-})]dichloridooxidomolybdenum(VI) dichloromethane hemisolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1659-m1660
2228334 CIF
C30 H24 Co N4 O4P b c n13.078; 16.348; 11.354
90; 90; 90
2427.5Huang, Ping-Yun; Wang, Jin-Guo
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1638
2228400 CIF
C26 H26 N4 Ni O10P b c n15.7628; 10.5672; 15.6178
90; 90; 90
2601.44Zha, Meiqin; Li, Xing; Bing, Yue; Luo, Zhengbing
Diaquabis{2-hydroxy-5-[(pyridin-2-yl)methylideneamino]benzoato-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'}nickel(II) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1570
2228429 CIF
C19 H36 Al N3P b c n18.263; 10.596; 10.449
90; 90; 90
2022Li, Haoyang; Xiang, Yonggang; Han, Hongfei
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1598
2228453 CIF
C24 H24 F2 Mg N2 O8P b c n27.911; 12.423; 7.5895
90; 90; 90
2631.6Zhang, Bi-Song; Qiu, Jian-Ping; Liu, Li-Hua; Xu, Wei
Tetraaqua(2,2'-bipyridine-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')magnesium(II) bis(4-fluorobenzoate)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1624
2228456 CIF
C24 H26 O6P b c n14.6818; 9.53505; 29.8893
90; 90; 90
4184.25Ee, Gwendoline Cheng Lian; Sim, Wei Chung; Kwong, Huey Chong; Mohamed Tahir, Mohamed Ibrahim; Silong, Sidik
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o3362-o3363
2228534 CIF
C18 H23 N5 O2P b c n28.328; 14.818; 8.7995
90; 90; 90
3693.7Zeng, Xiao-Hua; Deng, Shou-Heng; Wang, Hong-Mei; Zheng, Ai-Hua; Chen, Ping
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o3140-o3141
2228603 CIF
C26 H26 N4 O10 ZnP b c n15.812; 10.6962; 15.636
90; 90; 90
2644.5Bing, Yue; Li, Xing; Zha, Meiqin; Lu, Yue
Diaquabis{2-hydroxy-5-[(pyridin-2-yl)methylideneamino]benzoato-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'}zinc(II) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1524-m1525
2229024 CIF
C21 H21 N O6 S2P b c n21.032; 6.2243; 15.405
90; 90; 90
2016.7Komarsamy, Lynette; Bala, Muhammad D.; Friedrich, Holger B.; Omondi, Bernard
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o302
2229140 CIF
C13 H16 N2 O SP b c n20.7342; 11.132; 23.1608
90; 90; 90
5345.8Shahani, Tara; Fun, Hoong-Kun; Ragavan, R. Venkat; Vijayakumar, V.; Sarveswari, S.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o463-o464
2229164 CIF
C14 H16 N2P b c n19.2145; 11.3371; 10.3399
90; 90; 90
2252.4Lemmerer, Andreas; Michael, Joseph P.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o394
2229227 CIF
C15 H15 N3 OP b c n19.296; 8.1417; 17.294
90; 90; 90
2716.9Tang, Chun-Bao
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o271
2229276 CIF
C22 H28 N8 SiP b c n7.2722; 11.536; 28.444
90; 90; 90
2386.2Wang, Peng; Yue, Zheng; Zhang, Jie; Feng, Sheng-Yu
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o368
2229280 CIF
C58 H52 Fe N2 O8 S4P b c n16.987; 9.635; 31.982
90; 90; 90
5234Xu, Yu-Min; Hu, Tuo-Ping
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m159
2229354 CIF
C15 H13 Cl F3 N3 O3P b c n11.951; 19.549; 13.726
90; 90; 90
3206.8Dai, Hong; Shen, Yan-Fei; Chen, Jiao; Chen, Hong-Lian; Shen, Yong-Jun
(<i>E</i>)-1-Methyl-5-(3-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy)-3-trifluoromethyl-1<i>H</i>-pyrazole-4-carbaldehyde <i>O</i>-acetyloxime
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o726
2229436 CIF
C16 H32 N4 O10P b c n17.183; 6.5826; 17.983
90; 90; 90
2034Szalay, Paul S.; Zeller, Matthias; Hunter, Allen D.
2,2'-[4,10-Bis(carboxymethyl)-4,10-diaza-1,7-diazoniacyclododecane-1,7-diyl]diacetate dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o644
2229528 CIF
C10 H10 Br N O4P b c n11.4128; 14.45; 14.539
90; 90; 90
2397.7Rizzoli, Corrado; Marku, Elda; Greci, Lucedio
4-Nitrophenyl 2-bromo-2-methylpropanoate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o698
2229627 CIF
C25 H23 Br N2 O4P b c n13.8406; 16.5192; 19.4719
90; 90; 90
4452Jasinski, Jerry P.; Miller, William M.; Samshuddin, S.; Narayana, B.; Yathirajan, H. S.
(2<i>E</i>)-3-{4-[(1<i>H</i>-1,3-Benzimidazol-2-yl)methoxy]-3-ethoxyphenyl}-1-(4-bromophenyl)prop-2-en-1-one monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o834-o835
2229643 CIF
C24 H25 Co N10 OP b c n17.103; 8.5544; 16.7062
90; 90; 90
2444.22Phatchimkun, Jaturong; Chaichit, Narongsak
Diazidobis(5,5'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridyl-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')cobalt(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m516-m517
2229774 CIF
C5 H8 N8 S2P b c n6.415; 7.314; 22.204
90; 90; 90
1041.8Wei, Wei; Xia, Zheng-qiang; Chen, San-ping; Gao, Sheng-li
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o999
2229855 CIF
C24 H30 Cd N8 O6 S4P b c n16.9168; 15.2448; 11.8402
90; 90; 90
3053.51Hossain, G. M. Golzar
<i>cis</i>-Bis[4-amino-<i>N</i>-(pyrimidin-2-yl)benzenesulfonamido-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>']bis(dimethyl sulfoxide-κ<i>O</i>)cadmium
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m505-m506
2229880 CIF
C15 H18 Mn N2 O8P b c n18.9148; 23.7112; 7.8701
90; 90; 90
3529.7Wang, Xiao-Hui
<i>catena</i>-Poly[[[diaqua(1,3-benzimidazole-κ<i>N</i>^3^)manganese(II)]-μ-benzene-1,3-dicarboxylato-κ^3^<i>O</i>^1^,<i>O</i>^1'^:<i>O</i>^3^] dihydrate]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m423-m424
2230184 CIF
C7 H10 Cl2 O2P b c n21.9202; 9.9343; 8.1005
90; 90; 90
1763.98Çetinkaya, Yasin; Menzek, Abdullah; Hökelek, Tuncer
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o1145
2230244 CIF
C25 H26 N8 O6 Zn2P b c n18.9722; 18.2247; 16.5585
90; 90; 90
5725.3Maniam, Palanikumar; Stock, Norbert
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m669-m670
2230426 CIF
C30 H22 O7P b c n16.981; 15.291; 18.665
90; 90; 90
4846Zhang, Tao; Wang, Wenjing; Xu, Jiao; Ni, Liwei; Zhang, Xing
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o1288
2230454 CIF
C25 H16 F2 N2 OP b c n15.2947; 11.6259; 20.9388
90; 90; 90
3723.23Butcher, R. J.; Akkurt, M.; Samshuddin, S.; Narayana, B.; Yathirajan, H. S.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o1346-o1347
2230459 CIF
C28 H32 Mn N4 O13P b c n17.4364; 10.4199; 16.9014
90; 90; 90
3070.74Ge, Guo-Di; Shen, Jin-Bei; Zhao, Guo-Liang
Triaquabis{2-methoxy-6-[(phenyliminiumyl)methyl]phenolate-κ<i>O</i>^1^}manganese(II) dinitrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m813-m814
2230498 CIF
C18 H12 Co N8 O6P b c n26.193; 9.8005; 16.295
90; 90; 90
4183Wang, Ya-Ping; Zhang, Ning; He, Xiang; Shao, Min; Li, Ming-Xing
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m751
2230544 CIF
C26 H16 Cd N6 S2P b c n13.5295; 9.91538; 17.5297
90; 90; 90
2351.61Vallejo, Daniel; Beobide, Garikoitz; Castillo, Oscar; Luque, Antonio
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m704-m705
2230896 CIF
C10 H20 Cu N6 O6P b c n12.96; 17.635; 7.288
90; 90; 90
1665.7Zhu, Run-Qiang
Bis(2-ethyl-1<i>H</i>-imidazole-κ<i>N</i>^3^)bis(nitrito-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')copper(II) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m937
2230975 CIF
Li2 O12 P3 Ti2P b c n12.0344; 8.5795; 8.6794
90; 90; 90
896.14Kee, Yongho; Lee, Seoung-Soo; Yun, Hoseop
The mixed-valent titanium phosphate, Li~2~Ti~2~(PO~4~)~3~, dilithium dititanium(III/IV) tris(orthophosphate)
Acta Crystallographica, Section E, 2011, 67, i49-i49
2231004 CIF
C12 H17 N O4P b c n13.732; 7.8522; 23.124
90; 90; 90
2493.4Rong, Tao
2,4,6-Trimethylanilinium 2-carboxyethanoate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o1921
2231077 CIF
C12 H18 Co N2 O6 SP b c n15.132; 16.687; 6.4503
90; 90; 90
1628.8Alam, Naveed; Zeller, Matthias; Ahmad Tajidi, Nur Syamimi; Arifin, Zainudin; Mazhar, Muhammad
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m1065-m1066
2231091 CIF
C14 H30 F6 N2 O4 SiP b c n10.05; 23.218; 8.031
90; 90; 90
1874Sen Gupta, Nalinava; Wragg, David S.; Tilset, Mats; Omtvedt, Jon Petter
4,7,13,18-Tetraoxa-1,10-diazoniabicyclo[8.5.5]icosane hexafluoridosilicate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o1958-o1959
2231392 CIF
C16 H17 N2 O1.5P b c n16.0752; 13.914; 12.645
90; 90; 90
2828.3Fang, Xu-Bin; Fang, Lei; Liu, Xu-Ying
6-Methoxy-2-methyl-1-<i>m</i>-tolyl-1<i>H</i>-benzimidazole hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o2263
2231461 CIF
C12 H16 Cl N5 O3P b c n13.3797; 15.7975; 12.9998
90; 90; 90
2747.71Booysen, Irvin; Ismail, Muhammed; Gerber, Thomas; Hosten, Eric; Betz, Richard
2-[(<i>E</i>)-(6-Amino-1,3-dimethyl-2,4-dioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidin-5-yl)iminomethyl]pyridinium chloride monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o2436-o2437
2231500 CIF
C12 H16 Cl N3 OP b c n24.92; 9.5033; 11.064
90; 90; 90
2620.2Li, Yu-Feng; Wang, Wen-Mei
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o2453
2231515 CIF
C24 H21 N3 O SP b c n22.632; 11.1961; 16.1137
90; 90; 90
4083.1Fun, Hoong-Kun; Arshad, Suhana; Himaja, M.; Munirajasekhar, D.; Sarojini, B. K.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o2412
2231524 CIF
C24 H32 N2 O4P b c n23.6018; 11.2077; 8.6653
90; 90; 90
2292.16Fun, Hoong-Kun; Quah, Ching Kheng; Nithinchandra; Kalluraya, Balakrishna
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o2414
2231618 CIF
C14 H12 F8 N2P b c n8.678; 9.818; 17.088
90; 90; 90
1455.9Wang, Jin; Zhong, Jun-Wen; Liu, Pei-Lian; Cao, Wan-Wan; Zeng, Zhuo
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o2399
2231860 CIF
C13 H10.5 N O0.75P b c n26.4; 8.893; 17.492
90; 90; 90
4107Schur, Einat; Bernstein, Joel; Lemmerer, Andreas; Vainer, Radion
Acridine 0.75-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o2761
2231943 CIF
C7 H16 Cl NP b c n24.2052; 9.7594; 7.2764
90; 90; 90
1718.89Al-Dajani, Mohammad T. M.; Talaat, Jamal; Salhin, Abdusalam; Hemamalini, Madhukar; Fun, Hoong-Kun
2-Ethylpiperidinium chloride
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o2653
2232061 CIF
C36 H31 Cl2 N P2P b c n11.6467; 16.5474; 15.7584
90; 90; 90
3037Gellhaar, Jorit; Knapp, Carsten
Bis(triphenyl-λ^5^-phosphanylidene)ammonium hydrogen dichloride
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o2546
2232141 CIF
C23 H22 Cd N2 O4P b c n22.573; 10.729; 17.024
90; 90; 90
4123Liu, Dong; Li, Ni-Ya
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m1540
2232598 CIF
C14 H12 Cl N OP b c n9.4032; 10.0963; 25.9904
90; 90; 90
2467.46Rodrigues, Vinola Z.; Kucková, Lenka; Gowda, B. Thimme; Kožíšek, Jozef
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o3277
2232688 CIF
C34 H36 O6P b c n11.093; 20.0537; 13.1409
90; 90; 90
2923.27Sasagawa, Kosuke; Muto, Toyokazu; Okamoto, Akiko; Oike, Hideaki; Yonezawa, Noriyuki
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o3354
2232959 CIF
C15 H13 N O2P b c n17.0146; 9.2193; 15.3843
90; 90; 90
2413.22Pevec, Andrej; Kafka, Stanislav; Košmrlj, Janez
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o3228-o3229
2233057 CIF
C10 H9 F N3 O1.5P b c n24.419; 10.147; 8.241
90; 90; 90
2042Liu, Dong-liang; Li, Chen; Tian, Xin; Li, Song; Xiao, Tao
1-(4-Fluorophenyl)-2-(1<i>H</i>-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)ethanone hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o3170
2233392 CIF
C30 H28 Cd N6 S2P b c n11.285; 15.048; 17.576
90; 90; 90
2984.7Malekshahian, Mohammad; Talei Bavil Olyai, Mohamad Reza; Notash, Behrouz
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m218-m219
2233514 CIF
C15 H11 N O4 S3P b c n30.2449; 7.0841; 14.6755
90; 90; 90
3144.34Yang, Jian-Zhong; Pi, Wei-Yi; Luo, You-Fu
4-(5-Oxo-5<i>H</i>-1,2,4-dithiazol-3-yl)phenyl 4-methylbenzenesulfonate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o450
2233630 CIF
C12 H7 Br2 N O2P b c n15.8761; 7.435; 20.7517
90; 90; 90
2449.5Novina, J. Josephine; Vasuki, G.; Kumar, Sushil; Thomas, K. R. Justin
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o319
2233672 CIF
C12 H16 Cl N2 Nd O8P b c n8.9223; 19.684; 10.151
90; 90; 90
1782.8Xue, Jun-Hui; Hua, Xiao-Hui; Li, Chun-Ping; Xu, Yi-Zhuang; Wu, Jin-Guang
<i>catena</i>-Poly[[[tetraaquaneodymium(III)]-di-μ-isonicotinato] chloride]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m170-m171
2233692 CIF
C15 H17 Br O2 SP b c n19.5624; 8.3501; 17.5346
90; 90; 90
2864.2Choi, Hong Dae; Seo, Pil Ja; Lee, Uk
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o373
2233940 CIF
C21 H19 F2 N O2P b c n18.0199; 9.6391; 21.0754
90; 90; 90
3660.7Jasinski, Jerry P.; Golen, James A.; Samshuddin, S.; Narayana, B.; Yathirajan, H. S.
Ethyl 2-amino-4,6-bis(4-fluorophenyl)cyclohexa-1,3-diene-1-carboxylate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o585
2233996 CIF
C13 H10 Br N OP b c n21.9588; 11.0866; 9.3132
90; 90; 90
2267.28Jothi, L.; Vasuki, G.; Babu, R. Ramesh; Ramamurthi, K.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o772
2234007 CIF
C16 H16 I2 N2 O5P b c n19.467; 12.655; 16.138
90; 90; 90
3975.7Li, Xiao-Yan
(<i>E</i>)-4-Hydroxy-<i>N</i>'-(2-hydroxy-3,5-diiodobenzylidene)-3-methoxybenzohydrazide methanol monosolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o654
2234026 CIF
C46 H44 F12 Hg N6 O2 P2P b c n19.774; 9.774; 24.25
90; 90; 90
4687Wang, Jun-Wen; Guo, Yue; Dong, Gui-Ying; Gu, Yu; Bai, Di-Si
{3,3'-Bis[(anthracen-9-yl)methyl]-1,1'-[(ethane-1,2-diyldioxy)bis(ethane-1,2-diyl)]bis(imidazol-2-ylidene)}mercury(II) bis(hexafluoridophosphate) acetonitrile disolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m302
2234079 CIF
C14 H13 N OP b c n21.618; 11.0561; 9.3318
90; 90; 90
2230.4Jothi, L.; Vasuki, G.; Babu, R. Ramesh; Ramamurthi, K.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o897
2234107 CIF
C44 H47 N6 O2.5 P2 Pd S6P b c n14.6192; 13.2572; 25.707
90; 90; 90
4982.3Chontal-Vidal, Felipe; Arroyo-Gómez, Maricela; Hernández-Ortega, Simón; Reyes-Martínez, Reyna; Morales-Morales, David
<i>trans</i>-Bis(5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-thiolato-κ<i>S</i>^2^)bis(triphenylphosphane-κ<i>P</i>)palladium(II) dimethyl sulfoxide disolvate hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m483-m484
2234137 CIF
C19 H16 Br4 Cu N2 O2P b c n16.3594; 15.5106; 8.4686
90; 90; 90
2148.86Kargar, Hadi; Kia, Reza; Haghshenas, Mahbubeh; Tahir, Muhammad Nawaz
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m392
2234262 CIF
C10 H9 Br2 N3 PtP b c n12.9; 14.004; 13.44
90; 90; 90
2428Ha, Kwang
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m453
2234307 CIF
C16 H9 Cl2 N5 O2P b c n13.878; 13.475; 17.421
90; 90; 90
3257.8Liu, Ju; Cai, Zhi-Qiang; Wang, Yang; Li, Chun-Yan; Xu, Li-Feng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o1142
2234324 CIF
C23 H29 N9 O16 ZrP b c n17.2444; 10.8583; 16.5268
90; 90; 90
3094.6Tabatabaee, Masoumeh; Adineh, Mahnaz; Derikvand, Zohreh; Attar Gharamaleki, Jafar
Bis(guanidinium) tris(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-κ^3^<i>O</i>^2^,<i>N</i>,<i>O</i>^6^)zirconate(II) tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m462-m463
2234525 CIF
C19 H17 N O3 SP b c n24.545; 8.689; 15.809
90; 90; 90
3371.6Anand, S.; Narayanan, S.; Sundaramoorthy, S.; Velmurugan, D.
Methyl (2<i>E</i>)-2-{[(2-methylquinolin-8-yl)oxy]methyl}-3-(thiophen-2-yl)acrylate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o1496
2234556 CIF
C20 H16 Er N7 O9P b c n16.5762; 9.1158; 15.0288
90; 90; 90
2270.93Yang, Hua
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m577
2234566 CIF
C14 H14 Cl2 N4 ZnP b c n11.327; 10.207; 14.452
90; 90; 90
1670.9Wang, Cheng; Wen, Bo; Sun, Zhi-Yao; Yan, Peng-Fei; Gao, Jin-Sheng
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m621
2234605 CIF
C10 H14 Cl N3P b c n15.0055; 8.0884; 17.8088
90; 90; 90
2161.46Molčanov, Krešimir; Stolić, Ivana; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka; Kovačević, Goran; Bajić, Miroslav
2-(4-Aminophenyl)-3,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidin-1-ium chloride
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o1360
2234618 CIF
C10 H20 Cd N4 O6 SP b c n14.465; 15.83; 6.99
90; 90; 90
1600.6Yu, Chua-Hua
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m655
2234645 CIF
C12 H18.5 Cu N2 O2.25P b c n17.0029; 8.0198; 19.6532
90; 90; 90
2679.91Aslam, Muhammad; Anis, Itrat; Afza, Nighat; Hussain, Ajaz; Ahmed, Waseem; Arshad, Muhammad Nadeem
[4,4'-(Ethane-1,2-diyldinitrilo)bis(pent-2-en-2-olato)]copper(II) 0.25-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m670
2234923 CIF
C17 H22 Cd N2 O11 SP b c n16.3246; 15.3063; 16.5084
90; 90; 90
4124.9Gao, Shan; Ng, Seik Weng
<i>catena</i>-Poly[[(tetraaquacadmium)-μ-4,4'-bipyridine-κ^2^<i>N</i>:<i>N</i>'] 4-hydroxy-3-sulfonatobenzoate monohydrate]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m715
2234927 CIF
C68 H76 N4 Ni O4P b c n18.7735; 10.8439; 28.7173
90; 90; 90
5846.2Wang, Yu-Fang; Zhao, Hong-Bin; Chen, Liang; Yang, De-Liang; Wang, Bang-Ying
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m814
2234949 CIF
C14 H15 N O5 SP b c n25.265; 8.929; 12.584
90; 90; 90
2838.8Arshad, Muhammad Nadeem; Khan, Islam Ullah; Zia-ur-Rehman, Muhammad; Danish, Muhammad; Holman, K. Travis
Methyl 2-(but-3-enyl)-4-hydroxy-1,1-dioxo-2<i>H</i>-1λ^6^,2-benzothiazine-3-carboxylate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o1926
2234999 CIF
C6 H14 Br NP b c n22.137; 9.918; 7.5853
90; 90; 90
1665.4Xu, Qian
2-Methylpiperidinium bromide
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o1962
2235081 CIF
C38 H29 Mn N4 O9.5P b c n30.0648; 8.2468; 27.3311
90; 90; 90
6776.4Li, Quanwei; He, Li; Jin, Hongxiao
Aqua(2,6-dihydroxybenzoato-κ<i>O</i>^1^)bis(1,10-phenanthroline-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')manganese(II) 2,6-dihydroxybenzoate hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m798
2235113 CIF
C16 H20 Cu N2 O5P b c n22.0667; 9.0192; 17.4088
90; 90; 90
3464.8Kaewthong, Aphiwat; Sukwattanasinitt, Mongkol; Muangsin, Nongnuj
Bis(acetato-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')(4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')copper(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m775
2235189 CIF
C18 H14 N4 OP b c n15.9777; 11.4504; 7.7573
90; 90; 90
1419.21Campos-Gaxiola, José J.; Höpfl, Herbert; Aguirre, Gerardo; Parra-Hake, Miguel
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o1873
2235248 CIF
C19 H16 Cu I4 N2 O2P b c n16.9336; 15.9602; 8.7041
90; 90; 90
2352.4Kargar, Hadi; Kia, Reza; Shakarami, Tayebeh; Tahir, Muhammad Nawaz
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m752
2235249 CIF
C19 H16 Br4 N2 Ni O2P b c n16.1125; 15.4789; 8.4734
90; 90; 90
2113.3Kargar, Hadi; Kia, Reza; Tahir, Muhammad Nawaz
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m753
2235368 CIF
C10 H12 I N O2P b c n30.7877; 9.7608; 7.4757
90; 90; 90
2246.54Lemmerer, Andreas
Cyclopropylammonium 4-iodobenzoate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o2096
2235499 CIF
C12 H16 Cl La N2 O8P b c n8.987; 19.769; 10.305
90; 90; 90
1830.8Zhao, Jin-He
<i>catena</i>-Poly[[[tetraaqualanthanum(III)]-di-μ-isonicotinato-κ^4^<i>O</i>:<i>O</i>'] chloride]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m972
2235567 CIF
C30 H30 Cl2 O2 Zr3P b c n7.8809; 18.0518; 20.1883
90; 90; 90
2872.1Kraft, Bradley M.; Brennessel, William W.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m893
2235625 CIF
C19 H16 I4 N2 Ni O2P b c n16.682; 15.9978; 8.792
90; 90; 90
2346.4Kargar, Hadi; Kia, Reza; Shakarami, Tayebeh; Tahir, Muhammad Nawaz
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m935
2235638 CIF
C18 H16 Cl4 N2 O2P b c n15.871; 12.505; 9.4133
90; 90; 90
1868.2Kargar, Hadi; Kia, Reza; Adabi Ardakani, Amir; Tahir, Muhammad Nawaz
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o2244-o2245
2235639 CIF
C18 H16 Br4 N2 O2P b c n15.9537; 12.8784; 9.5566
90; 90; 90
1963.5Kargar, Hadi; Kia, Reza; Adabi Ardakani, Amir; Tahir, Muhammad Nawaz
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o2270-o2271
2235675 CIF
C34 H30 Cd N4 S4P b c n36.2497; 9.994; 8.9392
90; 90; 90
3238.49Reza, M. S.; Islam, M. A. A. A. A.; Tarafder, M. T. H.; Sheikh, M. C.; Zangrando, E.
Bis[benzyl 3-(3-phenylprop-2-enylidene)dithiocarbazato-κ^2^<i>N</i>^3^,<i>S</i>]cadmium
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m976-m977
2235726 CIF
C34 H30 Hg N4 S4P b c n36.3639; 10.11949; 8.77097
90; 90; 90
3227.58Islam, M. A. A. A. A.; Reza, M. S.; Tarafder, M. T. H.; Sheikh, M. C.; Zangrando, E.
Bis[benzyl <i>N</i>'-(3-phenylprop-2-enylidene)dithiocarbazato-κ^2^<i>N</i>',<i>S</i>]mercury(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m924-m925
2235836 CIF
C20 H22 O5P b c n15.7611; 18.0089; 11.6451
90; 90; 90
3305.3Fun, Hoong-Kun; Ooi, Chin Wei; Reddy, B. Palakshi; Vijayakumar, V.; Sarveswari, S.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o2367-o2368
2236093 CIF
C6 H18 Cl6 Nb2 S1.7 Se1.3P b c n13.3314; 13.5952; 10.6649
90; 90; 90
1932.9Matsuura, Masatoshi; Fujihara, Takashi; Nagasawa, Akira; Ng, Seik Weng
Di-μ-chlorido-μ-(dimethyl sulfide)-bis{dichlorido[(dimethyl selenide-κ<i>Se</i>)(dimethyl sulfide-κ<i>S</i>)(0.65/0.35)]niobium(III)}(<i>Nb</i>—<i>Nb</i>)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m1166
2236247 CIF
C19 H18 N4 O4 SP b c n24.7506; 12.1689; 12.8408
90; 90; 90
3867.5Tahir, M. Nawaz; Khan, Abdul Haleem; Iqbal, Mohammad S.; Shad, Hazoor Ahmad; Yaqub, Muhammad
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o2687
2236418 CIF
C21 H26 Cu N2 O5P b c n20.567; 12.2647; 8.4287
90; 90; 90
2126.1Ganji, Fatemeh; Kargar, Hadi; Kia, Reza; Mirkhani, Valiollah; Tahir, Muhammad Nawaz
{4,4'-Dimethoxy-2,2'-[2,2-dimethylpropane-1,3-diylbis(nitrilomethanylylidene)]diphenolato}copper(II) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m1255
2236614 CIF
C36 H22 F2 O4P b c n22.3058; 14.6047; 16.8302
90; 90; 90
5482.77Hijikata, Daichi; Sasagawa, Kosuke; Yoshiwaka, Sayaka; Okamoto, Akiko; Yonezawa, Noriyuki
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o3246
2236629 CIF
C16 H16 N4 Ni O6P b c n11.2806; 16.3703; 9.0253
90; 90; 90
1666.67Bian, Chang-Xin; Yao, Xiao-Qiang; Song, Yu-Min
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m1286-m1287
2236640 CIF
C26 H52 Co K N2 O6P b c n25.836; 10.482; 22.544
90; 90; 90
6105.2Brennessel, William W.; Ellis, John E.
(2.2.2-Cryptand)potassium tetrakis(η^2^-ethylene)cobaltate({-}I)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m1257-m1258
2236671 CIF
C12 H12 N3 O9 Re2P b c n24.066; 10.0715; 14.5969
90; 90; 90
3538Schutte, M.; Visser, H. G.; Roodt, A.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m1359-m1360
2236755 CIF
C19 H19 Cl O5P b c n14.2134; 10.2802; 24.2786
90; 90; 90
3547.51Patel, U. H.; Gandhi, S. A.; Barot, V. M.; Patel, M. C.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o2926-o2927
2236787 CIF
C6 H4 N4 SP b c n3.9231; 13.8213; 12.6465
90; 90; 90
685.72Ziegler, Christopher J.; Nemykin, Victor N.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o2693
2237043 CIF
C8 H11 O2 PP b c n13.5314; 8.0328; 15.922
90; 90; 90
1730.6Burrow, Robert A.; da Silva, Rubia M. Siqueira
<i>rac</i>-Ethyl(phenyl)phosphinic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, o3488
2237171 CIF
C22 H38 Fe Si2P b c n7.1282; 12.1466; 26.363
90; 90; 90
2282.6Abri, Abdolreza; Soltani, Behzad; Ziegler, Christopher J.; Engle, James T.; Kia, Reza
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, m46
2237381 CIF
C26 H18P b c n25.9304; 8.93; 14.9377
90; 90; 90
3458.95Wolfenden, Mark L.; Dhar, Raj K.; Fronczek, Frank R.; Watkins, Steven F.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, o308
2237441 CIF
C22 H18 N12 ZnP b c n16.1206; 9.372; 14.6367
90; 90; 90
2211.3Song, Zhe
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, m85
2237451 CIF
C26 H22 N2 O4P b c n27.2997; 9.7923; 15.8557
90; 90; 90
4238.7Ganesh, Gnanavelu; Yuvaraj, PanneerSelvam; Kannan, Piskala Subburaman; Reddy, Boreddy Siva Rami; SubbiahPandi, Arunachalathevar
A diastereomer of methyl (1<i>R</i>,3'<i>S</i>)-1',1''-dimethyl-2,2''-dioxo-2<i>H</i>-dispiro[acenaphthylene-1,2'-pyrrolidine-3',3''-indoline]-4'-carboxylate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, o441
2237474 CIF
C16 H16 F2 N6 O5P b c n14.7196; 8.4891; 28.1096
90; 90; 90
3512.47Kastelic, Jože; Kikelj, Danijel; Leban, Ivan; Lah, Nina
Fluconazole‒malonic acid (1/1)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, o378-o379
2237509 CIF
C14 H10 Cl N O SP b c n29.0274; 14.5512; 5.8686
90; 90; 90
2478.8Yousuf, Sammer; Shah, Shazia; Ambreen, Nida; Khan, Khalid M.; Ahmad, Shakil
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, o360
2237608 CIF
C12 H18 N4 O8 S3P b c n9.6543; 9.7591; 18.579
90; 90; 90
1750.5Ravikumar, B.; Pandiarajan, S.; Athimoolam, S.
Bis(4-sulfamoylanilinium) sulfate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, o596
2237642 CIF
C13 H21 N9 Ni O5P b c n13.484; 8.8741; 29.959
90; 90; 90
3584.8Baisya, Siddhartha S.; Roy, Parag S.
(2-Amino-7-methyl-4-oxidopteridine-6-carboxylato-κ^3^<i>O</i>^4^,<i>N</i>^5^,<i>O</i>^6^)(ethane-1,2-diamine-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')(1<i>H</i>-imidazole-κ<i>N</i>^3^)nickel(II) dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, m193-m194
2237672 CIF
C22 H40 Cl2 Cu N4 S2P b c n14.0663; 13.1359; 14.9278
90; 90; 90
2758.3Flörke, Ulrich; Ahmida, Aziza; Schröder, Jörg; Egold, Hans; Henkel, Gerald
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, m211
2237799 CIF
C28 H24 N2 O2 S2P b c n10.2657; 13.0675; 18.3415
90; 90; 90
2460.5Xin, Wei
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, o896
2237976 CIF
C24 H33 O8 Rh S2P b c n23.55; 18.814; 12.114
90; 90; 90
5367Roy, Christopher P.; Boyer, Pauline M.; Merola, Joseph S.
Aquabis(4-methylbenzenesulfonato-κ<i>O</i>)(η^5^-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)rhodium(III) monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, m259-m260
2238032 CIF
C15 H14 Br NP b c n14.868; 6.161; 28.609
90; 90; 90
2621Sun, Li-Xia; Zhu, Ling-Zhi; Wang, Jun-Kai
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, o631
2238038 CIF
C16 H10 N2 O2P b c n14.429; 10.162; 8.3313
90; 90; 90
1221.6Srinivasan, Thothadri; Kalpana, Venkatesan; Rajakumar, Perumal; Velmurugan, Devadasan
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, o813-o814
2238054 CIF
C18 H17 N O3 SP b c n19.966; 10.355; 15.536
90; 90; 90
3212Selvakumar, R.; Bakthadoss, M.; Vijayakumar, S.; Murugavel, S.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, o708
2238164 CIF
C18 H13 Br O2P b c n40.5848; 5.32093; 13.071
90; 90; 90
2822.67Bugenhagen, Bernhard; Al Jasem, Yosef; al Hindawi, Bassam; Al Rawashdeh, Nathir; Thiemann, Thies
(<i>E</i>)-Methyl 3-(10-bromoanthracen-9-yl)acrylate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, o1138-o1139
2238419 CIF
C7 H20 Bi Cl5 N2P b c n12.2451; 16.5509; 15.8934
90; 90; 90
3221.1Ouasri, Ali; Rhandour, Ali; Saadi, Mohamed; El Ammari, Lahcen
<i>catena</i>-Poly[heptylenediammonium [[tetrachloridobismuthate(III)]-μ-chlorido]]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2013, 69, m437

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