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1000067 CIFLi O6 Sb WP b c n4.6664; 17.4435; 4.9941
90; 90; 90
406.5Le Bail, A; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Ab-initio structure determination of Li Sb W O~6~ by X-ray powder diffraction
Materials Research Bulletin, 1988, 23, 447-452
1000090 CIFF5 Fe K2P b c n7.4059; 12.8771; 20.4282
90; 90; 90
1948.2Le Bail, A; Desert, A; Fourquet, J L
Reinvestigation of the structure of K~2~FeF~5~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 84, 408-412
1000225 CIFD4 F6 Fe Mn NP b c n7.7947; 12.8133; 10.5244
90; 90; 90
1051.1Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; de Pape, R; Pannetier, J
Nuclear and magnetic structures of N D~4~ Mn Fe F~6~ at 4.2 K.
Solid State Communications, 1986, 165, 169-369
1000235 CIFF5 Fe H10 N2 OP b c n10.491; 8.09; 7.997
90; 90; 90
678.7Fourquet, J L; Plet, F; Calage, Y
Crystal Structure and Magnetic Characterization of (N H~4~)~2~ Fe F~5~ (H~2~ O)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 74, 34-38
1000326 CIFF12 In2 Li4 ZnP b c n4.7496; 17.606; 5.0617
90; 90; 90
423.3Maguer, J J; Courbion, G
A tri-$-alpha-PbO~2~ related structure:Li~4~ZnIn~2~F~12~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 103, 466-471
1000330 CIFC2 Ba2 F3 O6 YP b c n9.458; 6.966; 11.787
90; 90; 90
776.6Mercier, N; Leblanc, M
Synthesis and crystal structure of fluorocarbonates Ba~2~M(CO~3~)~2~F~3~ (M=Y,Gd)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1991, 28, 727-735
1000331 CIFC2 Ba2 F3 Gd O6P b c n9.513; 6.978; 11.864
90; 90; 90
787.6Mercier, N; Leblanc, M
Synthesis and crystal structure of fluorocarbonates Ba~2~M(CO~3~)~2~F~3~ (M=Y,Gd)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1991, 28, 727-735
1000481 CIFBa F5 Fe H2 OP b c n10.314; 7.317; 13.463
90; 90; 90
1016Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H
Crystal Structures of Ba Fe F5 * H2 O
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1989, 26, 413-418
1001642 CIFK2 Mo2 O11 P2P b c n9.314; 8.8679; 10.954
90; 90; 90
904.8Guesdon, A; Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
A molybdenum(V) diphosphate with a tunnel structure: $-beta-K2 Mo2 O4 P2 O7
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 114, 481-485
1001835 CIFCa Cl2 H4 O2P b c n5.893; 7.469; 12.07
90; 90; 90
531.3Leclaire, A.; Borel, M. M.
Le dichlorure de calcium dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1977, 33, 1608-1610
1006088 CIFCu Nb2 O6P b c n14.097; 5.613; 5.123
90; 90; 90
405.4Norwig, J; Weitzel, H; Paulus, H; Lautenschlaeger, G; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Fuess, H
Structural relations in mixed oxides Cux Zn1-x Nb2 O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 115, 476-483
1006089 CIFCu0.36 Nb2 O6 Zn0.64P b c n14.187; 5.73; 5.031
90; 90; 90
409Norwig, J; Weitzel, H; Paulus, H; Lautenschlaeger, G; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Fuess, H
Structural relations in mixed oxides Cux Zn1-x Nb2 O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 115, 476-483
1008066 CIFFe O4 UP b c n4.888; 11.937; 5.11
90; 90; 90
298.2Bachmann, M; Bertaut, E F
Structure du nouveau compose U Fe O~4~
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1967, 90, 257-258
1008067 CIFCr O4 UP b c n4.871; 11.787; 5.053
90; 90; 90
290.1Bacmann, M; Bertaut, E F
Structure de U Cr O~4~
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1964, 87, 275-276
1008069 CIFCr O4 UP b c n4.871; 11.787; 5.053
90; 90; 90
290.1Bacmann, M; Bertaut, E F; Bassi, G
Parametres atomiques et structure magnetique de U Cr O~4~
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1965, 88, 214-218
1008356 CIFFe Nb2 O6P b c n14.2661; 5.7334; 5.0495
90; 90; 90
413Bordet, P; McHale, A; Santoro, A; Roth, R S
Powder neutron diffraction study of Zr Ti O~4~, Zr~5~ Ti~7~ O~24~ and Fe Nb~2~ O~6~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 64, 30-46
1008697 CIFO24 Ti7.24 Zr4.76P b c n14.3574; 5.3247; 5.02
90; 90; 90
383.8Bordet, P; McHale, A; Santoro, A; Roth, R S
Powder neutron diffraction study of Zr Ti O4, Zr5 Ti7 O24 and Fe Nb2 O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 64, 30-46
1008745 CIFMn Nb O6 TaP b c n14.418; 5.76; 5.099
90; 90; 90
423.5Klein, S; Weitzel, H
Magnetische Struktur von Mn (Nb0.5 Ta0.5)2 O6, Manganotantalit
Acta Crystallographica A (24,1968-38,1982), 1976, 32, 587-591
1008790 CIFO2 Ti0.5 Zr0.5P b c n4.8042; 5.4825; 5.0313
90; 90; 90
132.5Bordet, P; McHale, A; Santoro, A; Roth, R S
Powder neutron diffraction study of Zr Ti O4, Zr5 Ti7 O24 and Fe Nb2 O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 64, 30-46
1008828 CIF
Fe1.78 Ge2.11 Mg0.11 O9 Pb2P b c n7.1486; 11.163; 10.145
90; 90; 90
809.6Barbier, J; Levy, D
Pb~2~Fe~2~Ge~2~O~9~, the Germanate Analogue of the Silicate Mineral Melanotekite
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1998, 54, 2-5
1100161 CIFC12 H19 N4 O6.5 ZnP b c n20.4557; 10.4408; 15.0918
90; 90; 90
3223.2Carballo, Rosa; Vazquez-Lopez, Ezequiel M.; Covelo, Berta; Garcia-Martinez, Emilia; Castineiras, Alfonso; Niclos, Juan
'Solid state coordination chemistry of mononuclear mixed-ligand complexes of Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) with α-hydroxycarboxylic acids and imidazole'
Polyhedron, 2004, 23, 1505-1518
1100211 CIFC12 H33 I N P Si2P b c n25.54; 13.223; 11.653
90; 90; 90
3935.4Chitsaz, S.; Folkerts, H.; Grebe, J.; Gröb, T.; Harms, K.; Hiller, W.; Krieger, M.; Massa, W.; Merle, J.; Möhlen, M.; Neumüller, B.; Dehnicke, K.
Die Kristallstrukturen einer Serie von Verbindungen mit Kationen des Typs [R~3~PNH~2~]^+^, [R3PN(H)SiMe~3~]^+^ und [R3PN(SiMe~3~)~2~]^+^
Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2000, 626, 775-783
1100256 CIFC108 H198 K4 N4 O2 P6P b c n29.4359; 20.482; 18.9377
90; 90; 90
11417.7Gröb, Thorsten; Chitsaz, Soheila; Harms, Klaus; Dehnicke, Kurt
Phosphaniminate von Alkalimetallen: Die Kristallstrukturen von [KNPCy~3~]~4~, [KNPCy~3~]~4~·2OPCy~3~, [CsNPCy~3~]~4~·4OPCy~3~ und [Li~4~(NPPh~3~)(OSiMe~2~NPPh~3~)~3~(DME)]
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 473-479
1100371 CIFC40 H64 Li2 N2 O13 S2P b c n11.825; 21.268; 18.597
90; 90; 90
4677.04Boche, Gernot; Boie, Christiane; Bosold, Ferdinand; Harms, Klaus; Marsch, Michael
[(N-Lithio-N-mesitylsulfonyloxy-tert-butylcarbamate)~2~·(thf)~3~]: Crystal Structure of a Nitrenoid
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, 1994, 33, 115-117
1100425 CIFC33 H33 B Cr2 O6P b c n33.631; 12.174; 15.285
90; 90; 90
6258.04Elschenbroich, Christoph; Kühlkamp, Peter; Behrendt, Andreas; Harms, Klaus
Metall-π-Komplexe von Benzolderivaten, 49. Halbsandwichkomplexe des Trimesitylborans Mes~3~B: Darstellung und Struktur von Mes~2~B[(η^6^-Mes)Cr(CO)~3~], MesB[(η^6^-Mes)Cr(CO)~3~]~2~ und B[(η^6^-Mes)Cr(CO)~3~]~3~. Redoxverhalten und Fragen der intramolekularen Wechselwirkung
Chemische Berichte, 1996, 129, 859-869
1100551 CIFC24 H72 N6 P4 Si4 Zn3P b c n11.647; 17.897; 23.513
90; 90; 90
4901.2Krieger, M.; Gould, R. O.; Neumüller, B.; Harms, K.; Dehnicke, K.
Phosphaniminato-Komplexe des Zinks mit Hydrido-, Alkinylo-, Alkenylo- und Amido-Liganden
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1998, 624, 1434-1442
1100562 CIFC14 H42 N2 Si5P b c n14.878; 12.994; 12.597
90; 90; 90
2435.31Mommertz, Andreas; Geiseier, Gertraud; Harms, Klaus; Dehnicke, Kurt
Kristallstrukturen von Me~2~Si[N(SiMe~3~)~2~]~2~ und [Me~2~Si(NPh)(NHPh)Li·OEt~2~]~2~ / Crystal Structures of Me~2~Si[N(SiMe~3~)~2~]~2~ and [Me~2~Si(NPh)(NHPh)Li·OEt~2~]~2~
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences, 1998, 53, 977-980
1100975 CIFC16 H20 Cl4 N8 Zn2P b c n11.747; 13.566; 14.367
90; 90; 90
2289.5Ruili Sang; Li Xu
A Series of Single, Double, and Triple Me2biim-Bridged Dinuclear, Trinuclear, and Polymeric Complexes: Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Luminescent Properties
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 3731-3737
1101136 CIFC28 H36 Ag4 N16 O13 S3P b c n16.778; 18.433; 13.403
90; 90; 90
4145Juan M. Salas; M. Angustias Romero; Abderrahman Rahmani; Miguel Quirós
Dimeric complexes generated by the reaction of 5,7-dimethyl[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine and silver sulphate: X-ray evidence of the coexistence of two different dimers in the same crystal
Anales de Quimica, International Edition, 1996, 92, 249-254
1101137 CIFC14 H16 N8 O3 Pt SP b c n14.207; 15.187; 17.165
90; 90; 90
3703.5Navarro, Jorge A. R.; Romero, M. Angustias; Salas, Juan M.; Quirós, Miguel; El Bahraoui, Jaouad; Molina, José
Binuclear Platinum(II) Triazolopyrimidine Bridged Complexes. Preparation, Crystal Structure, NMR Spectroscopy, and ab Initio MO Investigation on the Bonding Nature of the Pt(II)···Pt(II) Interaction in the Model Compound {Pt2[NHCHN(C(CH2)(CH3))]4}}
Inorganic Chemistry, 1996, 35, 7829-7835
1502107 CIFC13 H16 O4P b c n13.5; 15.178; 11.351
90; 90; 90
2325.9Egan, Ben A.; Paradowski, Michael; Thomas, Lynne H.; Marquez, Rodolfo
Regiocontrolled rearrangement of isobenzofurans.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2086-2089
1502177 CIFC40 H58 O2 S2P b c n9.585; 15.461; 23.811
90; 90; 90
3528.6Hachiya, Makoto; Ito, Mikinao; Matsuo, Tsukasa; Hashizume, Daisuke; Fueno, Hiroyuki; Tanaka, Kazuyoshi; Tamao, Kohei
Air- and moisture-stable p-monothiobenzoquinones incorporated in an octaalkyl-s-hydrindacene skeleton.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2666-2669
1502676 CIFB H7 N2P b c n12.974; 5.0702; 9.5069
90; 90; 90
625.37Mebs, Stefan; Grabowsky, Simon; Förster, Diana; Kickbusch, Rainer; Hartl, Monika; Daemen, Luke L.; Morgenroth, Wolfgang; Luger, Peter; Paulus, Beate; Lentz, Dieter
Charge transfer via the dative N-B bond and dihydrogen contacts. Experimental and theoretical electron density studies of small Lewis acid-base adducts.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2010, 114, 10185-10196
1503091 CIFC25 H16 Fe N2 O2P b c n27.672; 10.248; 13.417
90; 90; 90
3804.8Saha, Sukdeb; Ghosh, Amrita; Mahato, Prasenjit; Mishra, Sandhya; Mishra, Sanjiv K.; Suresh, E.; Das, Satyabrata; Das, Amitava
Specific recognition and sensing of CN- in sodium cyanide solution.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3406-3409
1503161 CIFC27 H23 N2 O4.5P b c n11.301; 17.774; 22.517
90; 90; 90
4522.9Gao, Meng; Yang, Yan; Wu, Yan-Dong; Deng, Cong; Shu, Wen-Ming; Zhang, Dong-Xue; Cao, Li-Ping; She, Neng-Fang; Wu, An-Xin
An efficient synthesis of hydantoins via sustainable integration of coupled domino processes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4026-4029
1503246 CIFC19 H19 Br O2P b c n25.683; 12.1372; 11.0178
90; 90; 90
3434.5Tang, Xiang-Ying; Wei, Yin; Shi, Min
Thermally induced electrocyclic reaction of methylenecyclopropane methylene diketone derivatives: a facile method for the synthesis of spiro[2.5]octa-3,5-dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5120-5123
1503476 CIFC48 H36 N2 O2P b c n11.4305; 25.443; 12.0501
90; 90; 90
3504.5Jierry, Loïc; Harthong, Steven; Aronica, Christophe; Mulatier, Jean-Christophe; Guy, Laure; Guy, Stéphan
Efficient dibenzo[c]acridine helicene-like synthesis and resolution: scaleup, structural control, and high chiroptical properties.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 288-291
1503629 CIFC20 H22 N2 O5P b c n15.278; 15.133; 15.916
90; 90; 90
3679.8Chen, Fei; Feng, Zhang; He, Chun-Yang; Wang, Hao-Yang; Guo, Yin-Long; Zhang, Xingang
Pd-catalyzed dehydrogenative cross-coupling of polyfluoroarenes with heteroatom-substituted enones.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 1176-1179
1503950 CIFC57.5 H40.5 Cl I2 OP b c n32.948; 17.014; 31.987
90; 90; 90
17931Wang, Kung K.; Wang, Yu-Hsuan; Yang, Hua; Akhmedov, Novruz G.; Petersen, Jeffrey L.
Synthesis of a C(56)H(40) hydrocarbon bearing a 54-carbon framework of C(60).
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2527-2530
1504104 CIFC27 H24 N2 O3P b c n33.2133; 7.9061; 17.9377
90; 90; 90
4710.2Lin, Chi-Hui; Jhang, Jing-Fu; Yang, Ding-Yah
One-pot synthesis of coumarin-based oxazabicyclic and oxazatricyclic compounds and their fluorescence redox switching properties.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4064-4067
1504370 CIFC5 H7 O2P b c n9.064; 9.227; 11.456
90; 90; 90
958.1Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504371 CIFC5 H7 O2P b c n9.062; 9.216; 11.411
90; 90; 90
953Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504372 CIFC5 H7 O2P b c n9.079; 9.247; 11.464
90; 90; 90
962.4Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504373 CIFC5 H7 O2P b c n9.099; 9.225; 11.495
90; 90; 90
964.9Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504374 CIFC5 H7 O2P b c n9.12; 9.359; 11.817
90; 90; 90
1008.6Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504375 CIFC10 H14 O4P b c n9.0859; 9.2413; 11.465
90; 90; 90
962.7Piccoli, Paula M. B.; Koetzle, Thomas F.; Schultz, Arthur J.; Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Stare, Jernej; Pinkerton, A. Alan; Eckert, Juergen; Hadzi, Dusan
Variable temperature neutron diffraction and X-ray charge density studies of tetraacetylethane.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 6667-6677
1504710 CIFC28 H28 N9.33P b c n27.601; 15.053; 9.1793
90; 90; 90
3813.8Zhang, En-Xuan; Wang, De-Xian; Zheng, Qi-Yu; Wang, Mei-Xiang
Synthesis of large macrocyclic azacalix[n]pyridines (n = 6 - 9) and their complexation with fullerenes C(60) and C(70).
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 2565-2568
1504787 CIFC26 H10 S8P b c n18.403; 8.002; 14.417
90; 90; 90
2123.1Beer, Leanne; Reed, Robert W.; Robertson, Craig M.; Oakley, Richard T.; Tham, Fook S.; Haddon, Robert C.
Tetrathiophenalenyl radical and its disulfide-bridged dimer.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3121-3123
1504913 CIFC94 H76 Cl4 N8 O8P b c n22.06; 12.69; 29.55
90; 90; 90
8272Ikeda, Chusaku; Sakamoto, Naoya; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
Synthesis and guest recognition ability of 2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-phenylene-containing porphyrinoids.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4601-4604
1505159 CIFC22 H30 N2 S3P b c n38.741; 12.0548; 9.6188
90; 90; 90
4492.1Pang, Hao; Skabara, Peter J.; Crouch, David J.; Duffy, Warren; Heeney, Martin; McCulloch, Iain; Coles, Simon J.; Horton, Peter N.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
Structural and Electronic Effects of 1,3,4-Thiadiazole Units Incorporated into Polythiophene Chains
Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 6585
1505160 CIFC22 H30 N2 S Se2P b c n38.796; 12.1462; 9.6432
90; 90; 90
4544.1Pang, Hao; Skabara, Peter J.; Crouch, David J.; Duffy, Warren; Heeney, Martin; McCulloch, Iain; Coles, Simon J.; Horton, Peter N.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
Structural and Electronic Effects of 1,3,4-Thiadiazole Units Incorporated into Polythiophene Chains
Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 6585
1505381 CIFC28 H35 N3 O2 SP b c n17.22; 11.154; 27.154
90; 90; 90
5215.5Xu, Xiaoliang; Cheng, Dongping; Li, Jinghua; Guo, Hongyun; Yan, Jie
Copper-catalyzed highly efficient multicomponent reactions: synthesis of 2-(sulfonylimino)-4-(alkylimino)azetidine derivatives.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1585-1587
1505766 CIFC20 H4 Cs Er F24 O8P b c n8.534; 21.189; 17.251
90; 90; 90
3119Tan, Rendy H. C.; Motevalli, Majid; Abrahams, Isaac; Wyatt, Peter B.; Gillin, William P.
Quenching of IR luminescence of erbium, neodymium, and ytterbium beta-diketonate complexes by ligand C-H and C-D bonds.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2006, 110, 24476-24479
1506187 CIFC32 H40 O6P b c n26.12; 9.092; 11.853
90; 90; 90
2814.9Bérubé, Amélie; Drutu, Ioana; Wood, John L.
Progress toward the total synthesis of bacchopetiolone: application of a tandem aromatic oxidation/Diels-Alder reaction.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 5421-5424
1506707 CIFC32 H28 Cl4 N4 O4P b c n20.395; 11.2144; 13.2709
90; 90; 90
3035.3Chou, Teh-Chang; Liao, Kung-Ching; Lin, Jin-Ju
Synthesis and luminescence properties of U-shaped polycyclic molecules containing syn-facial functionalized quinoxaline rings.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 4843-4846
1507216 CIFC22 H16 N6 O10P b c n15.0526; 7.086; 22.0077
90; 90; 90
2347.4Akutagawa, Tomoyuki; Uchimaru, Tadafumi; Sakai, Ken-ichi; Hasegawa, Tatsuo; Nakamura, Takayoshi
Bidentated Hydrogen Bond from [O−H···N−N···H−O] to [O-···+H−N−N−H+···-O] Structures in Solids
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2003, 107, 6248
1507378 CIFC22 H24 N2 O4 S2P b c n11.994; 11.904; 15.388
90; 90; 90
2197Azumaya, Isao; Kato, Takako; Okamoto, Iwao; Yamasaki, Ryu; Tanatani, Aya; Yamaguchi, Kentaro; Kagechika, Hiroyuki; Takayanagi, Hiroaki
Absolute helical arrangement of sulfonamide in the crystal.
Organic letters, 2003, 5, 3939-3942
1507782 CIFC44 H32 Cl4 Cu2 N4 O4P b c n12.891; 13.324; 23.68
90; 90; 90
4067Selvakumar, P M; Nadella, N; Prathap, K J; Kureshy, R I; Suresh, E; Subramanian, P S
Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Catalytic studies on Dinuclear Cu(II)-Mesocates
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2011, 375, 106-113
1507870 CIFC18 H28 N2 O3P b c n18.1522; 11.5989; 18.603
90; 90; 90
3916.8Snyder, Seth E.; Huang, Bin-Syuan; Chen, Yu-Tzu; Lin, Huei-Shian; Carey, James R.
A simple chiral recognition system to investigate substituent effects on π-π interactions.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 3442-3445
1507924 CIFC25 H20 O6P b c n10.329; 14.725; 26.376
90; 90; 90
4011.6Schickea, Olivier; Faurea, Bruno; Giorgib, Michel; Simaana, A. Jalila; Reglier, Marius
Binuclear copper(II) complexes 1: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of a new complex in phosphatase-like activity
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 391, 189-194
1508032 CIFC24 N3 O40 P V2 W10P b c n15.5486; 21.1547; 23.1083
90; 90; 90
7600.92Kamata, Keigo; Yonehara, Kazuhiro; Nakagawa, Yoshinao; Uehara, Kazuhiro; Mizuno, Noritaka
Efficient stereo- and regioselective hydroxylation of alkanes catalysed by a bulky polyoxometalate.
Nature chemistry, 2010, 2, 478-483
1508363 CIFC94 H88 N24 Ni6 O19 S2P b c n15.525; 22.703; 31.993
90; 90; 90
11276.4Zheng, Xiao-Feng; Zhu, Long-Guan
An Unsymmetrical Trinickel Metal Complex with 4-Sulfobenzoate Axial Ligand: [Ni3(dpa)4(4-sb)(H2O)]x3H2O
Crystals, 2011, 1, 120-127
1508916 CIFC18 H18 Cu N6 S2P b c n31.372; 7.5677; 7.9918
90; 90; 90
1897.4Palanimuthu, Duraippandi; Shinde, Sridevi Vijay; Somasundaram, Kumaravel; Samuelson, Ashoka G.
In Vitro and in Vivo Anticancer Activity of Copper Bis(thiosemicarbazone) Complexes.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2013, 56, 722-734
1509212 CIFAg B O2P b c n8.441; 8.68; 19.741
90; 90; 90
1446.38Brachtel, G.; Jansen, M.
Silber(I)-metaborat, Ag B O2
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Photoinduced shape changes of diarylethene single crystals: correlation between shape changes and molecular packing.
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Photoinduced shape changes of diarylethene single crystals: correlation between shape changes and molecular packing.
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Ab initio studies of high-pressure transformations in Ge O2
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The crystal structure of ammonium elenopentathionate hemitrihydrate
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The crystal structures of tantalite, ixiolite and wodginite from bernic lake, manitoba I. Tantalite and ixiolite
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The hydrogen bond system in potassium trihydrogen bis-selenite, K H3 (Se O3)2, and in potassium trideuterio bis- selenite K D3 (Se O3)2, as determined by neutron diffraction
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1527764 CIFH3 K2 O7.5 S5P b c n20.316; 9.229; 12.248
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2296.46Maroy, K.
The crystal structure of potassium pentathionate hemitrihydrate
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The crystal structure of rubidium telluropentathionate hemitrihydrate
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1527881 CIFC Mo2P b c n4.732; 6.037; 5.204
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A neutron diffraction investigation on a crystal of alpha-Mo2 C
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Structure elucidation of Ba Si2 O2 N2 - A host lattice for rare-earth doped luminescent materials in phosphor-converted (pc)-LEDs
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1528870 CIFBi38 Mo7 O78P b c n28.7058; 16.8493; 16.9376
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Calcium and strontium thiobarbiturates with discrete and polymeric structures
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1529268 CIF
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Synthesis, structural and vibrational properties of microcrystalline beta-RbSm(MoO4)2
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1529358 CIFC6 H8 N8 O5 ZnP b c n9.537; 6.865; 17.12
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Multidimensional Transition Metal Complexes Based on 3-Amino-1H-1,2,4-triazole-5-carboxylic Acid: From Discrete Mononuclear Complexes to Layered Materials.
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Synthesis, structural and vibrational properties of microcrystalline RbNd(MoO4)2
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1529763 CIFC2 H10 Cl2 Hg N6 S2P b c n8.675; 8.123; 15.786
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Thiosemicarbazide complexes of mercury(II) halides
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Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe Nb O4-II
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The crystal structure of sodium iron orthophosphate Na2 Fe (P O4) (O H)
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Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Yb Ti2 O5 F
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1530409 CIFGe Li Nd O4P b c n5.096; 11.923; 5.399
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Crystal structure of Li Nd Ge O4
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1530585 CIFO12 P2 S Zr2P b c n12.3742; 8.867; 8.951
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beta- Zr2 (P O4)2 (S O4): A zirconium phosphato-sulfate with a Sc2 (W O4)3 structure. A comparison between garnet, Nasicon and Sc2 (W O4)3 structure types
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Crystal structures of certain double and simple rare earth sulfates
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1530783 CIFEr2 O12 S3P b c n12.442; 9.001; 9.837
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Crystal structures of certain double and simple rare earth sulfates
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1530802 CIFF5 Ga H10 N2 OP b c n10.33; 8.054; 7.908
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Crystal structure of ammonium monoaquapentafluorogallate (N H4)2 Ga F5 * H2 O
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1530893 CIFFe2 Li2 Mo3 O12P b c n12.8947; 9.4957; 9.3477
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Structure of the lithium insertion compound Li2 Fe2 (Mo O4)3 from neutron powder diffraction data
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1530900 CIFC3 H12 Cu N6 O7 SP b c n13.004; 9.268; 8.873
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X-ray structural study of the electron structure of cupric sulfate tricarbamide Cu S O4 * 3C O (N H2)2
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Crystal structure of di- and trinitratoheptafluorodiantimonates(III) of potassium K (Sb2 F7) (K N O3)2 and K (Sb2 F7) (K N O3)3
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1530959 CIFF4 Na2 O2 WP b c n5.074; 18.253; 5.437
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The new modification of lead dioxide and the texture of anode sediments
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419.704Bonazzi, P.; Zoppi, M.; Dei, L.
Metamict aeschynite-(Y) from the Evje-Iveland district (Norway): heat-induced recrystallization and dehydrogenation
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1531559 CIFGa6 O19 Sr10P b c n34.3163; 7.8918; 15.9558
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beta-(Sr10 Ga6 O19): an oxygen deficient perovskite containing (Ga6 O19)-polyanions
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1531861 CIFRu2 Si3P b c n10.991; 8.905; 5.495
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537.822Migas, D.B.; Miglio, L.; Shaposhnikov, V.L.; Borisenko, V.E.
Structural, electronic and optical properties of Ru2 Si3, Ru2 Ge3, Os2 Si3 and Os2 Ge3
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1531867 CIFGe3 Ru2P b c n11.333; 9.158; 5.658
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Structural, electronic and optical properties of Ru2 Si3, Ru2 Ge3, Os2 Si3 and Os2 Ge3
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1531873 CIFOs2 Si3P b c n11.094; 8.927; 5.551
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Structural, electronic and optical properties of Ru2 Si3, Ru2 Ge3, Os2 Si3 and Os2 Ge3
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1531878 CIFGe3 Os2P b c n11.407; 9.19; 5.709
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Structural, electronic and optical properties of Ru2 Si3, Ru2 Ge3, Os2 Si3 and Os2 Ge3
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1532121 CIFFe2 O3P b c n6.6428; 4.6003; 4.9263
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150.542Rozenberg, G.Kh.; Naaman, O.; Dubrovinskii, L.S.; Ahuja, R.; Le Bihan, T.; Pasternak, M.P.
High-pressure structural studies of hematite Fe2 O3
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1532146 CIFC24 H12 N6 O6P b c n7.235; 41.244; 21.816
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The construction of supramolecular polymers through anion bridging: from frustrated hydrogen-bonding networks to well-ordered linear arrays
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1532168 CIFF Mg Na2 O4 PP b c n5.223; 13.818; 11.749
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New synthetic approaches to monophosphate fluoride ceramics: synthesis and structural characterization of Na2 Mg (P O4) F and Sr5 (P O4)3 F
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Die Kristallstruktur des Minerals Scholzit
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1532756 CIFMg0.857 Nb1.714 O6 Ti0.429P b c n14.136; 5.681; 5.042
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Structural effects of Li and K additives on the columbite precursor and 0.9PMN - 0.1PT powders
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1532785 CIFLi2 O10 U W2P b c n7.9372; 12.786; 7.4249
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753.516Obbade, S.; Yagoubi, S.; Dion, C.; Saadi, M.; Abraham, F.
Two new lithium uranyl tungstates Li2 (U O2) (W O4)2 and Li2 (U O2)4 (W O4)4 O with framework based on the uranophane sheet anion topology
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1532829 CIFFe0.794 Mn0.067 Nb1.578 O6 Sc0.047 Sn0.015 Ta0.078 Ti0.335 W0.044P b c n14.174; 5.692; 5.065
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408.636Okrusch, M.; Brummer, A.; Hock, R.; Schuessler, U.; Baier, M.; Theisinger, H.
Intergrown niobian rutile phases with Sc- and W-rich ferrocolumbite: an electron-microprobe and Rietveld study
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1533491 CIFC V2P b c n4.57; 5.742; 5.026
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131.887Arbuzov, M.P.; Khaenko, B.V.; Fak, V.G.
Investigation of the Rhombic Modification of Carbide, V2 C
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1533881 CIFC V2P b c n4.567; 5.744; 5.026
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X-ray study of the crystal structure of carbide V2 C rhombic modification
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1533962 CIFAl B O4 PbP b c n7.0423; 9.8989; 9.4281
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657.243Park Hyun-Soo; Barbier, J.; Hammond, R.P.
Crystal structure and polymorphism of Pb Al B O4
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1534038 CIFB10 Cs Cu H10P b c n21.212; 9.216; 9.657
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1887.84Polyakova, I.N.; Malinina, E.A.; Kuznetsov, N.T.
Crystal structures of cesium and dimethylammonium cupradecaborates, Cs (Cu B10 H10) and (C H3)2 N H2 (Cu B10 H10)
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1534505 CIFF6 Na Rb SnP b c n8.156; 13.129; 10.958
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1173.38Gerasimenko, A.V.; Ivanov, S.B.; Sergienko, V.I.; Antokhina, T.F.
Crystal structures of Na Rb Sn F6 and Na Cs Sn F6.
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1534509 CIFCs F6 Na SnP b c n8.352; 13.389; 11.206
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1253.11Gerasimenko, A.V.; Ivanov, S.B.; Antokhina, T.F.; Sergienko, V.I.
Crystal structures of NaRbSnF6 and NaCsSnF6.
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 1139-1143
1534667 CIFBa Cl4 PdP b c n6.867; 12.588; 7.5015
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Ein neues Chloropalladat(II): Ba Pd Cl4
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1535040 CIFMo3 O12 Y2P b c n13.86882; 9.93488; 10.02158
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1380.82Marinkovic, B.A.; Jardim, P.M.; Rizzo, F.; de Avillez, R.R.
Crystal structure and negative thermal expansion of metastable Y2 Mo3 O12
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1535233 CIFAg6 H8 N2 S10 Sn3P b c n23.8579; 6.4875; 13.3992
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2073.9Baiyin, Menghe; Ye, Ling; An, Yonglin; Liu, Xin; Jia, Cuiying; Ning, Guiling
A solvothermal synthesis and the structure of (NH~4~)~2~Ag~6~Sn~3~S~10~
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2005, 78, 1283-1284
1535550 CIFAs2 F13 H PbP b c n10.583; 15.209; 10.794
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1737.37Tramsek, M.; Lork, E.; Zemva, B.; Mews, R.
Synthesis and crystal structures of two new lead(II) hexafluoroarsenates(V)
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2001, 110, 123-131
1535687 CIFB6 Dy4 H2 O16P b c n12.9266; 4.3711; 8.8763
90; 90; 90
501.542Huppertz, H.
Multianvil high-pressure/high-temperatuer preparation, crystal structure, and properties of the new oxoborates Dy4 B6 O14 (O H)2 and Ho4 B6 O14 (O H)2
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 3700-3708
1535691 CIFB6 H2 Ho4 O16P b c n12.9278; 4.362; 8.8713
90; 90; 90
500.262Huppertz, H.
Multianvil high-pressure/high-temperatuer preparation, crystal structure, and properties of the new oxoborates Dy4 B6 O14 (O H)2 and Ho4 B6 O14 (O H)2
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1535839 CIFF5 K2 SbP b c n68.81; 13.635; 6.508
90; 90; 90
6105.96Udovenko, A.A.; Eiberman, M.F.; Davidovich, R.L.
X-ray investigation of sequential phase transitions in potassium pentafluoroantimonate(III) over a temperature range 323-98 K. II.Crystal structure.
Kristallografiya, 1992, 37, 735-752
1536520 CIFBa Cl4 ZnP b c n6.4899; 15.374; 6.8237
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Crystal structure, thermal behavior, and luminescence of Ba Zn Cl4 - II : Sm(2+) and comparison to Ba Zn Cl4 - I : Sm(2+)
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