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1509212 CIFAg B O2P b c n8.441; 8.68; 19.741
90; 90; 90
1446.38Brachtel, G.; Jansen, M.
Silber(I)-metaborat, Ag B O2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1981, 478, 13-19
7044476 CIFAg F2P b c n5.476; 8.331; 5.787
90; 90; 90
264Grzelak, A.; Gawraczyński, J.; Jaroń, T.; Kurzydłowski, D.; Mazej, Z.; Leszczyński, P. J.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Derzsi, M.; Struzhkin, V. V.; Grochala, W.
Metal fluoride nanotubes featuring square-planar building blocks in a high-pressure polymorph of AgF2
Dalton Trans., 2017
2018855 CIFAg N O5 TeP b c n5.667; 14.202; 5.232
90; 90; 90
421.086Kazikowski, S.; Olsson, C.; Johansson, L.G.
Structure of silver telluryl nitrate Ag Te O2 N O3.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 427-429
1510039 CIFAg3 S2 TlP b c n8.1597; 8.7932; 7.0278
90; 90; 90
504.244Elfwing, T.; Eriksson, L.
Synthesis and crystal structure determination of TlAg~3~S~2~
Materials Science Forum, 1994, 683-686
1535233 CIFAg6 H8 N2 S10 Sn3P b c n23.8579; 6.4875; 13.3992
90; 90; 90
2073.9Baiyin, Menghe; Ye, Ling; An, Yonglin; Liu, Xin; Jia, Cuiying; Ning, Guiling
A solvothermal synthesis and the structure of (NH~4~)~2~Ag~6~Sn~3~S~10~
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2005, 78, 1283-1284
4311155 CIFAg6 K2 S10 Sn3P b c n24.0201; 6.4017; 13.3056
90; 90; 90
2046Menghe Baiyin; Yonglin An; Xin Liu; Min Ji; Cuiying Jia; Guiling Ning
K2Ag6Sn3S10: A Quaternary Sulfide Composed of Silver Sulfide Layers Pillared by Zigzag Chains [SnS3]2-
Inorganic Chemistry, 2004, 43, 3764-3765
1533962 CIFAl B O4 PbP b c n7.0423; 9.8989; 9.4281
90; 90; 90
657.243Park Hyun-Soo; Barbier, J.; Hammond, R.P.
Crystal structure and polymorphism of Pb Al B O4
Solid State Sciences, 2003, 5, 565-571
8102978 CIFAl Cl4 Hg2 SbP b c n11.9771; 8.7826; 17.5237
90; 90; 90
1843.32Schlirf, Jens; Deiseroth, Hans-Jörg
Crystal structures of α-and β-antimony dimercury tetrachloroaluminate, SbHg~2~AlCl~4~
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2007, 222, 367-368
9010673 CIFAl F3 K2 O4 SP b c n10.81; 8.336; 6.822
90; 90; 90
614.745Demartin, F.; Gramaccioli, C. M.; Campostrini, I.; Orlandi, P.
Thermessaite, K2[AlF3|SO4], a new ino-aluminofluoride-sulfate from La Fossa crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy Locality: La Fossa crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy Note: z-coordinate of S altered
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2008, 46, 693-700
1530184 CIFAl F5 H10 N2 OP b c n10.192; 8.037; 7.844
90; 90; 90
642.526Knop, O.; Cameron, T.S.; Deraniyagala, S.P.; Adhikesavalu, D.; Falk, M.
... Part XIII. Crystal structure of (N H4)2 (Al F5 (H2 O)) and N H3 D+ probe-ion spectra in (N H4)2 (Al F5 (H2 O)), N H4 Al F4 and (N H4)3 Zn Cl5 with remarks on structural filiation of AMF4 fluorides
Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1985, 63, 516-525
9004254 CIFAl O4 TaP b c n4.473; 11.308; 4.775
90; 90; 90
241.523Ercit, T. S.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Cerny, P.
The crystal structure of alumotantite: Its relation to the structures of simpsonite and the (Al,Ga)(Ta,Nb)O4 compounds
The Canadian Mineralogist, 1992, 30, 653-662
7014371 CIFAl1.4 N9.6 Nd O0.4 Si5.6P b c n9.306; 9.7224; 8.8777
90; 90; 90
803.22Huang, Saifang; Huang, Zhaohui; Liu, Yan-gai; Fang, Minghao
Crystal structure of NdSi(6-z)Al(1+z)O(z)N(10-z) (z = 0.4) determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2011, 40, 1261-1266
7709412 CIFAl2 B3 F3 O8 Pb2P b c n9.8591; 8.6238; 9.3131
90; 90; 90
791.83Jiang, Bao; Shu, Shan; Yang, Zhihua; Zhang, Fangfang; Zhang, Min; Pan, Shilie
Pb2Al2B3O8F3: Structure and Properties of a New Fluoroaluminoborate with Non-traditional Chain-like B3O8 Group
Dalton Transactions, 2022
2227193 CIF
Al2 Ca2 O9 Sn2P b c n8.9866; 5.4894; 14.903
90; 90; 90
735.18Yamane, Hisanori; Abe, Shunsuke; Tu, Rong; Goto, Takashi
A ramsayite-type oxide, Ca~2~Sn~2~Al~2~O~9~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, i72
9010405 CIFAl2 O9 Pb2 Si2P b c n6.8981; 10.6906; 9.7413
90; 90; 90
718.37Dorsam, G.; Liebscher, A.; Wunder, B.; Franz, G.
Crystal structures of synthetic melanotekite (Pb2Fe2Si2O9), kentrolite (Pb2Mn2Si2O9), and the aluminum analogue (Pb2Al2Si2O9)
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 573-583
2010455 CIFAl2.7 Fe Si2.3P b c n6.061; 6.061; 9.525
90; 90; 90
349.9Gueneau, C.; Servant, C.; d'Yvoire, F.; Rodier, N.
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1995, 51, 177-179
7713760 CIFAl4 B14 Cs4 H4 K2 O32P b c n12.0255; 14.8843; 9.927
90; 90; 90
1776.8Chen, Juan; Chen, Chong-An; Zhang, Peng-Yun; Yang, Guo-Yu
Three new aluminoborates: From 1D tube to 3D framework
Dalton Transactions, 2023
7713759 CIFAl4 B14 Cs6 H4 O32P b c n12.2648; 15.2916; 9.99
90; 90; 90
1873.6Chen, Juan; Chen, Chong-An; Zhang, Peng-Yun; Yang, Guo-Yu
Three new aluminoborates: From 1D tube to 3D framework
Dalton Transactions, 2023
1525215 CIFAl8.3 K0.2 Na7.3 O96 Si39.9P b c n17.92; 20.31; 7.48
90; 90; 90
2722.39Schlenker, J.L.; Pluth, J.J.; Smith, J.V.
Positions of cations and molecules in zeolites with the mordenite-type framework. VIII Dehydrated sodium-exchanged mordenite
Materials Research Bulletin, 1979, 14, 751-758
1525212 CIFAl8.6 Ba3.32 Ca0.32 O96 Si39.9P b c n17.974; 20.3199; 7.419
90; 90; 90
2709.64Schlenker, J.L.; Pluth, J.J.; Smith, J.V.
Positions of cations and molecules in zeolites with the mordenite-type framework. (VI). Dehydrated barium mordenite
Materials Research Bulletin, 1978, 13, 169-174

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