Crystallography Open Database

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9013658 CIFMg O3 SiP b c n9.171; 8.513; 5.254
90; 90; 90
410.194Jahn, S.; Martonak, R.
Phase behavior of protoenstatite at high pressure studied by atomistic simulations Locality: theoretical structure
American Mineralogist, 2009, 94, 950-956
9013659 CIFMg O3 SiP b c n9.177; 8.816; 4.812
90; 90; 90
389.312Jahn, S.; Martonak, R.
Phase behavior of protoenstatite at high pressure studied by atomistic simulations Locality: theoretical structure Note: modelled high-pressure phase at P = 0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2009, 94, 950-956
9013675 CIFH2 O5.5 Pb Si2P b c n13.2083; 9.7832; 8.6545
90; 90; 90
1118.33Kampf, A. R.; Rossman, G. R.; Housley, R. M.
Plumbophyllite, a new species from the Blue Bell claims near Baker, San Bernardino County, California Locality: Blue Bell claims near Baker, San Bernardino County, California, USA
American Mineralogist, 2009, 94, 1198-1204
9014279 CIFFe0.09 Mn0.88 Nb0.28 O6 Ta1.72P b c n14.3196; 5.7413; 5.0624
90; 90; 90
416.196dos Santos, C. A.; Zawislak, L. I.; Kinast, E. J.; Antonietti, V.; da Cunha, J. B. M.
Crystal chemistry and structure of the orthorhombic (Fe,Mn)(Ta,Nb)2O6 family of compounds Note: Sample Mn0.88Fe0.09Ta1.72Nb0.28O6
Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2001, 31, 616-631
9014442 CIFO6 Ta Ti TmP b c n14.5706; 5.5339; 5.1832
90; 90; 90
417.933Thorogood, G. J.; Avdeev, M.; Kennedy, B. J.
Structural studies of the aeschynite-euxenite transformation in the series Ln(TiTa)O6 Ln = lanthanide
Solid State Sciences, 2010, 12, 1263-1269
9014551 CIFLu O6 Ta TiP b c n14.5288; 5.5226; 5.1572
90; 90; 90
413.797Thorogood, G. J.; Avdeev, M.; Kennedy, B. J.
Structural studies of the aeschynite-euxenite transformation in the series Ln(TiTa)O6 Ln = lanthanide
Solid State Sciences, 2010, 12, 1263-1269
9015174 CIFFe Nb1.2 O6 Ta0.8P b c n14.2737; 5.73543; 5.0554
90; 90; 90
413.864dos Santos, C. A.; Zawislak, L. I.; Kinast, E. J.; Antonietti, V.; da Cunha, J. B. M.
Crystal chemistry and structure of the orthorhombic (Fe,Mn)(Ta,Nb)2O6 family of compounds Note: Sample Fe(Ta0.4Nb0.6)2O6
Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2001, 31, 616-631
9015462 CIFHo O6 Ta TiP b c n14.6236; 5.5637; 5.203
90; 90; 90
423.323Thorogood, G. J.; Avdeev, M.; Kennedy, B. J.
Structural studies of the aeschynite-euxenite transformation in the series Ln(TiTa)O6 Ln = lanthanide
Solid State Sciences, 2010, 12, 1263-1269
9016333 CIFO6 Ta Ti YbP b c n14.5478; 5.5289; 5.1683
90; 90; 90
415.704Thorogood, G. J.; Avdeev, M.; Kennedy, B. J.
Structural studies of the aeschynite-euxenite transformation in the series Ln(TiTa)O6 Ln = lanthanide
Solid State Sciences, 2010, 12, 1263-1269
9016471 CIFCa8 O18 Si5P b c n5.0851; 11.4165; 28.6408
90; 90; 90
1662.71Galuskin, E. V.; Gfeller, F.; Savelyeva, V. B.; Armbruster, T.; Lazic, B.; Galuskina, I. O.; Tobbens, D. M.; Zadov, A. E.; Dzierzanowski, P.; Pertsev, N. N.; Gazeev, V. M.
Pavlovskyite Ca8(SiO4)2(Si3O10): a new mineral of altered silicate-carbonate xenoliths from the two Russian type localities, Birkhin massif, Baikal Lake area and Upper Chegem caldera, North Caucasus
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 503-512
9016913 CIFCa H17 O25.5 Si5 U2P b c n18.3; 14.2331; 17.9192
90; 90; 90
4667.34Plasil, J.; Fejfarova, K.; Cejka, J.; Dusek, M.; Skoda, R.; Sejkora, J.
Revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of haiweeite, Ca(UO2)2(Si5O12)(OH)2*6H2O
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 718-723

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