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Searching journal of publication like 'Acta Crystallographica Sect. B'

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2103919 CIF
C Na2 O38.898; 5.237; 5.996
90; 101.87; 90
273.4Dusek, Michal; Chapuis, Gervais; Meyer, Mathias; Petricek, Vaclav
Sodium carbonate revisited
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2003, 59, 337-352
2103920 CIF
C Na2 O38.9195; 5.2454; 6.05
90; 101.354; 90
277.518Dusek, Michal; Chapuis, Gervais; Meyer, Mathias; Petricek, Vaclav
Sodium carbonate revisited
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2003, 59, 337-352
2103923 CIF
O8 V4 Y9.109; 10.687; 2.887
90; 90; 90
281.04Onoda, Mitsuko; Dhaussy, Anne-Claire; Kanke, Yasushi
Structural characterization of YV~4~O~8~: simultaneous analysis of coexisting polytypes and simulation of diffuse scattering for a stacking disorder model
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2003, 59, 429-438
2104016 CIF
Co Zn7.89.03; 4.338; 12.511
90; 89.9; 90
490.1Lind, Hanna; Boström, Magnus; Petříček, Vaclav; Lidin, Sven
Structure of δ~1~-CoZn~7.8~, an example of a phason pinning‒unpinning transformation?
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2003, 59, 720-729
2104629 CIF
?; ;
; ;
King, Graham; Garcia-Martin, Susana; Woodward, Patrick M.
Octahedral tilt twinning and compositional modulation in NaLaMgWO~6~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2009, 65, 676-683

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