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Searching journal of publication like 'Inorganic Chemistry' volume of publication is 52

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4336328 CIFC40.5 H25.5 Cu1.5 O7.5P n -3 n :232.99; 32.99; 32.99
90; 90; 90
35904Yabing He; Zhiyong Guo; Shengchang Xiang; Zhangjing Zhang; Wei Zhou; Frank R. Fronczek; Sean Parkin; Stephen T. Hyde; Michael O'Keeffe; Banglin Chen
Metastable Interwoven Mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 11580-11584
4338352 CIFC12 H103 Mo24 N4 Na5 O138 P12F d d d :211.8607; 50.637; 61.215
90; 90; 90
36765Yang, Lu; Ma, Pengtao; Zhou, Zhen; Wang, Jingping; Niu, Jingyang
A crown-shaped 24-molybdate cluster constructed by organotriphosphonate ligand.
Inorganic chemistry, 2013, 52, 8285-8287
4336331 CIFC24 H16.67 Cu O5.67 Si0.67F 4 3 233.4952; 33.4952; 33.4952
90; 90; 90
37579.2Huiqing Ma; Di Sun; Liangliang Zhang; Rongming Wang; Vladislav A. Blatov; Jie Guo; Daofeng Sun
A "Strongly" Self-Catenated Metal-Organic Framework with the Highest Topological Density among 3,4-Coordinated Nets
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 10732-10734
4336329 CIFC156 H84 Mn6 N0 O30P n -3 n :233.5118; 33.5118; 33.5118
90; 90; 90
37635Yabing He; Zhiyong Guo; Shengchang Xiang; Zhangjing Zhang; Wei Zhou; Frank R. Fronczek; Sean Parkin; Stephen T. Hyde; Michael O'Keeffe; Banglin Chen
Metastable Interwoven Mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 11580-11584
4336116 CIFC230 H211.5 Cu15 Gd7 N16.5 O83.5R -3 :H34.3349; 34.3349; 37.949
90; 90; 120
38743.8Despina Dermitzaki; Giulia Lorusso; Catherine P. Raptopoulou; Vassilis Psycharis; Albert Escuer; Marco Evangelisti; Spyros P. Perlepes; Theocharis C. Stamatatos
Molecular Nanoscale Magnetic Refrigerants: A Ferrimagnetic {CuII15GdIII7} Cagelike Cluster from the Use of Pyridine-2,6-dimethanol
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 10235-10237
4331786 CIFC122 H190 Gd6 Mn12 N8 O88F d d d :222.6535; 37.36; 46.159
90; 90; 90
39066Jun-Liang Liu; Wei-Quan Lin; Yan-Cong Chen; Ji-Dong Leng; Fu-Sheng Guo; Ming-Liang Tong
Symmetry-Related [LnIII6MnIII12] Clusters toward Single-Molecule Magnets and Cryogenic Magnetic Refrigerants
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 457-463
4331788 CIFC123 H194 Mn12 N8 O89 Tb6F d d d :222.837; 37.3301; 46.178
90; 90; 90
39367Jun-Liang Liu; Wei-Quan Lin; Yan-Cong Chen; Ji-Dong Leng; Fu-Sheng Guo; Ming-Liang Tong
Symmetry-Related [LnIII6MnIII12] Clusters toward Single-Molecule Magnets and Cryogenic Magnetic Refrigerants
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 457-463
4333810 CIFC51 H48 B O7 Zn1.5F 4 3 235.497; 35.497; 35.497
90; 90; 90
44728Barry A. Blight; Rémy Guillet-Nicolas; Freddy Kleitz; Rui-Yao Wang; Suning Wang
Luminescent Triarylboron-Functionalized Zinc Carboxylate Metal-Organic Framework
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 1673-1675
4333646 CIFC720 H584 B16 Co8 N72R -3 :H31.1071; 31.1071; 54.3615
90; 90; 120
45555.5Simon Turega; Martina Whitehead; Benjamin R. Hall; Anthony J. H. M. Meijer; Christopher A. Hunter; Michael D. Ward
Shape-, Size-, and Functional Group-Selective Binding of Small Organic Guests in a Paramagnetic Coordination Cage
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 1122-1132
4335869 CIFC71 H95.5 Mn3 N1.5 O16 S6C 2 2 2118.515; 57.377; 48.822
90; 90; 90
51865Lyndsey D. Earl; Brian O. Patrick; Michael O. Wolf
Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetic Properties of Bithiophene- and Terthiophene-Linked Manganese Metal-Organic Frameworks
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 10021-10030
4335428 CIFC276 H208.48 Ag4 I4 N4 O4 P12C 1 2/c 169.8512; 19.7868; 38.2622
90; 92.882; 90
52817Sang Ho Lim; Seth M. Cohen
Self-Assembled Supramolecular Clusters Based on Phosphines and Coinage Metals: Tetrahedra, Helicates, and Mesocates
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 7862-7872
4337038 CIFC168 H132 Cl4 O40 Zr12F -4 3 m37.5532; 37.5532; 37.5532
90; 90; 90
52959Guoliang Liu; Zhanfeng Ju; Daqiang Yuan; Maochun Hong
In Situ Construction of a Coordination Zirconocene Tetrahedron
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 13815-13817
4333808 CIFC240 H385.8 Cl2.1 Fe36 N55.9 O264 P44C 1 2/c 143.6079; 28.7572; 50.5916
90; 120.999; 90
54383Christine M. Beavers; Andrey V. Prosverin; John D. Cashion; Kim R. Dunbar; Anne F. Richards
An Unprecedented Fe36 Phosphonate Cage
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 1670-1672
4334268 CIFC111 H97 Cd3 Fe2 N13 O28I 41/a c d :241.4454; 41.4454; 32.834
90; 90; 90
56400Chao Zou; Tianfu Zhang; Ming-Hua Xie; Lijun Yan; Guo-Qiang Kong; Xiu-Li Yang; An Ma; Chuan-De Wu
Four Metalloporphyrinic Frameworks as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Selective Oxidation and Aldol Reaction
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 3620-3626
4337037 CIFC144 H120 Cl4 O40 Zr12F m -3 m42.4069; 42.4069; 42.4069
90; 90; 90
76262Guoliang Liu; Zhanfeng Ju; Daqiang Yuan; Maochun Hong
In Situ Construction of a Coordination Zirconocene Tetrahedron
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 13815-13817
4333809 CIFC238 H434 F42 Fe36 N44 O302 P44 S14R -3 c :H28.6989; 28.6989; 132.1838
90; 90; 120
94284.3Christine M. Beavers; Andrey V. Prosverin; John D. Cashion; Kim R. Dunbar; Anne F. Richards
An Unprecedented Fe36 Phosphonate Cage
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 1670-1672

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