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1000061 CIFAl H3 O3P 1 21/a 15.062; 8.671; 4.713
90; 90.27; 90
206.9Rothbauer, R; Zigan, F; O'Daniel, H
Verfeinerung der Struktur des Bayerits, Al (O H)3
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1967, 125, 317-331
1000105 CIFF24 Fe2 Mn Pb8P 1 21/a 120.181; 5.625; 9.438
90; 105; 90
1034.9Le Bail, A; Mercier, A M
Crystal structure of Pb~8~MnFe~2~F~24~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 183-190
1000440 CIFBa2 Ca H6 O16 P4P 1 21/a 112.3872; 10.2046; 5.4946
90; 100.767; 90
682.3Toumi, M.; Chabchoub, S.; Smiri-Dogguy, L.; Laligant, Y.
Ab-initio powder structure determination of CaBa~2~(HPO~4~)~2~(H~2~PO~4~)~2~: a new phosphate with a M(TΦ~4~)~4~ chain structure
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1997, 34, 1249-1257
1001127 CIFCl Na O3P 1 21/a 18.78; 5.17; 6.88
90; 110; 90
293.5Meyer, D; Gasperin, M
Etude Structurale d'une Phase haute Temperature instable du Chlorate de Sodium
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1973, 96, 18-20
1001271 CIFNa1.5 O32 P4 W8P 1 21/a 117.788; 5.277; 6.607
90; 99.64; 90
611.4Benmmoussa, A; Groult, D; Labbe, Ph; Raveau, B
Two New Members of a Series of Monoclinic Sodium Phosphate Tungsten Bronzes Na~x~ P~4~ O~8~ (W O~3~)~2m~: Na~x~ P~4~ W~8~ O~32~ (m=4) and Na~x~ P~4~ W~12~ O~44~ (m=6)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 573-576
1001272 CIFNa1.7 O44 P4 W12P 1 21/a 123.775; 5.291; 6.588
90; 93.47; 90
827.2Benmmoussa, A; Groult, D; Labbe, Ph; Raveau, B
Two New Members of a Series of Monoclinic Sodium Phosphate Tungsten Bronzes Na~x~ P~4~ O~8~ (W O~3~)~2m~: Na~x~ P~4~ W~8~ O~32~ (m=4) and Na~x~ P~4~ W~12~ O~44~ (m=6)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 573-576
1001340 CIFCo F10 H16 Np2 O8P 1 21/a 18.803; 7.04; 11.066
90; 94.12; 90
684Cousson, A; Abazli, H; Jove, J; Gasperin, M
Synthese et etude structurale des composes Co Np~2~ F~10~ (H~2~ O)~8~ et Cu Np~2~ F~10~ (H~2~ O)~6~
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1985, 109, 155-168
1004149 CIFCs O11 U V3P 1 21/a 111.904; 6.8321; 12.095
90; 106.989; 90
941Duribreux, I.; Dion, C.; Abraham, F.; Saadi, M.
CsUV~3~O~11~, a new uranyl vanadate with a layered structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 146, 258-265
1006039 CIFF4 K MnP 1 21/a 17.7063; 7.6568; 5.7889
90; 90.434; 90
341.6Morón, M. C.; Palacio, F.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.
Neutron powder diffraction experiments on AMnF~4~ (A = K, Rb): nuclear and magnetic structures
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 1992, 180, 125-127
1007071 CIFH6 O10 S Te Tl2P 1 21/a 112.053; 7.205; 12.354
90; 110.85; 90
1002.6Zilber, R; Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Structure of Thallium Sulfate Tellurate (Te (O H)~6~) (Tl~2~ S O~4~)
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1982, 38, 1554-1556
1007086 CIFH8 O16 P3 Rb3 TeP 1 21/a 115.56; 8.358; 13.72
90; 113.27; 90
1639.1Boudjada, N; Durif, A
Structure d'un trimetaphosphate-tellurate de rubidium monohydrate: Te (O H)~6~ Rb~3~ P~3~ H~2~ O
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1982, 38, 595-597
1007138 CIFH9 O14 P2 Rb3 TeP 1 21/a 112.26; 7.059; 8.225
90; 90.32; 90
711.8Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A; Guitel, J C
Structure cristalline d'un phospho-tellurate de rubidium: Te (O H)~6~ Rb~2~ (H P O~4~) Rb (H~2~ P O~4~)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1979, 14, 1219-1223
1007144 CIFH2 O4 P RbP 1 21/a 19.606; 6.236; 7.738
90; 109.07; 90
438.1Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of a New Form of Rubidium Dihydrogenphosphate, Rb H~2~ P O~4~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 665-667
1007164 CIFCu H8 K4 O22 P6P 1 21/a 18.51; 14.303; 8.487
90; 96.51; 90
1026.4Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Structure of tetrapotassium copper cyclo-triphosphate tetrahydrate.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1987, 43, 819-821
1007176 CIFH8 Na4 O16 P4P 1 21/a 19.667; 12.358; 6.17
90; 92.27; 90
736.5Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Contribution to the crystal chemistry of tetrametaphosphates (I).
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1985, 58, 119-132
1007178 CIFCa4 H16 K4 O44 P12P 1 21/a 120.38; 12.683; 7.83
90; 89.31; 90
2023.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal structures of two new types of cyclo-tetraphosphates: tetracalcium tetrapotassium tris(cyclo-tetraphosphate) octahydrate and calcium disodium cyclo-tetraphosphate 5.5-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 212-216
1007204 CIFC4 H32 N12 O16 P4P 1 21/a 19.634; 18.112; 7.292
90; 103.86; 90
1235.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
(Tris)guanidinium cyclotriphosphate and (tetra)guanidinium cyclotetraphosphate: two new examples of organic-cation cyclophosphates
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1993, 30, 471-482
1007205 CIFH10 N2 O7 P2P 1 21/a 19.058; 11.199; 7.764
90; 108.4; 90
747.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal structure of diammonium-dihydrogeno-diphosphate: (NH~4~)~2~H~2~P~2~O~7~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 191-198
1007219 CIFCa4 H16 K4 O44 P12P 1 21/a 120.38; 12.683; 7.83
90; 89.31; 90
2023.7Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal Structures of Two New Types of cyclo-Tetraphosphates: Tetracalcium tetrapotassium tris(cyclo-tetraphosphate) octahydrate and Calcium disodium cyclo-tetraphosphate 5.5-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 212-216
1007236 CIFCs O4 P ZnP 1 21/a 118.32999; 5.45; 9.25
90; 90.14; 90
924.1Blum, D; Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Crystal structures of the three forms of Cs Zn P O4
Ferroelectrics, 1986, 69, 283-292
1007247 CIFNi2 O7 P2P 1 21/a 15.212; 9.913; 4.475
90; 97.46; 90
229.3Masse, R; Guitel, J C; Durif, A
Structure cristalline d'une nouvelle variante de pyrophosphate de nickel Ni2 P2 O7
Materials Research Bulletin, 1979, 14, 337-341
1008008 CIFHg Li2 O12 P4P 1 21/a 19.525; 9.989; 9.461
90; 92.01; 90
899.6Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Tordjman, I; Guitel, J C
Structures cristallines des polyphosphates de cadmium-lithium et de mercure-lithium Cd Li~2~ (P O~3~)~4~ et Hg Li~2~ (P O~3~)~4~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1976, 32, 2953-2956
1008183 CIFAg As2 Cu H3 O8P 1 21/a 19.716; 7.704; 9.209
90; 103.73; 90
669.6Boudjada, A; Masse, R; Guitel, J C
Structure Cristalline d'un Orthoarseniate Acide Mixte de Cuivre(II)- Argent: Cu Ag H~3~ (As O~4~)~2~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1982, 38, 710-713
1008218 CIFK Li O6 P2P 1 21/a 115.43; 5.512; 13.72
90; 108.53; 90
1106.4El Horr, N; Bagieu, M; Tordjman, I
Structure d'un polyphosphate mixte de lithium et de potassium, Li K (P O~3~)~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1597-1599
1008241 CIFCl2 Cr2 H8 Hg N2 O7P 1 21/a 114.891; 7.604; 9.62
90; 96.02; 90
1083.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; El-Horr, N; Guitel, J C
Structures of Mercury Dichloride - Dipotassium Dichromate (1/1), Hg Cl~2~ K~2~ Cr~2~ O~7~, and Mercury Dichloride - Diammonium Dichromate (1/1), Hg Cl~2~ ((N H~4~)~2~ Cr~2~ O~7~)
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1984, 40, 725-728
1008247 CIFCu H3 O5 PP 1 21/a 18.606; 6.346; 6.811
90; 94.16; 90
371Boudjada, A
Structure cristalline de l'orthophosphate monoacide de cuivre monohydrate Cu (H P O~4~) (H~2~ O)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1980, 15, 1083-1090
1008270 CIFH10 K2 N2 O14 TeP 1 21/a 113.34; 7.16; 6.939
90; 100.14; 90
652.4Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Crystal structure of Te(O H)~6~ * 2 K N O~3~ * 2 H~2~ O: an addition compound of telluric acid
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1984, 167, 247-252
1008436 CIFCs H Mo O9 P2P 1 21/a 19.67; 14.231; 6.265
90; 100.1; 90
848.8Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Cs H Mo O~2~ (P~2~ O~7~)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 79, 296-299
1008657 CIFH36 K2 Mn4 O48 P10P 1 21/a 114.546; 15.211; 9.86
90; 105.12; 90
2106.1Schuelke, U; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Preparation and crystal structure of potassium manganese cyclodecaphosphate octadecahydrate: K~2~Mn~4~P~10~O~30~ . 18H~2~O
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1994, 620, 545-550
1008944 CIFBa2 Li3 O21 P7P 1 21/a 118.01399; 8.535; 11.584
90; 104.48; 90
1724.5El Horr, N; Bagieu, M; Guitel, J C; Tordjman, I
Crystal data and crystal structure of barium-lithium polyphosphate Ba2 Li3 (P O3)7
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1984, 169, 73-82
1010207 CIFAu Br4 H4 K O2P 1 21/a 19.51; 11.93; 4.23
90; 90; 90
479.9Cox, E. G.; Webster, K. C.
The Stereochemistry of Quadricovalent Atoms: Tervalent Gold
Journal of the Chemical Society, 1936, 1936, 1635-1637
1010467 CIFLi2 O4 SP 1 21/a 18.25; 4.95; 8.44
90; 107.9; 90
328Albright, J G
The Crystal Structure of Lithium Sulphate
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1932, 84, 150-158
1010753 CIFFe Pb4 S14 Sb6P 1 21/a 115.68; 19.01; 4.03
90; 94.8; 90
1197Peacock, M A; Berry, L G
Roentgenographic observations on ore minerals
University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series, 1940, 44, 47-69
1011227 CIFCa3 O9 Si3P 1 21/a 115.33; 7.28; 7.07
90; 95.41; 90
785.5Barnick, M
Strukturuntersuchungen des natuerlichen Wollastonits
Diss. Univ. Berlin, 1936, 1936, 1-43
1100672 CIFC18 H18 Cl N O3 SP 1 21/a 116.152; 10.127; 11.45
90; 105.48; 90
1805Sekine, Akiko; Jomoto, Kohei; Uekusa, Hidehiro; Ohashi, Yuji; Yagi, Minoru
Crystal Structure of a Host-guest Complex of 4,4'-Ethylidenebisphenol and 5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazoline-3-one
Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2003, 19, x45-x46
1100673 CIFC12 H12 Cl N O6 SP 1 21/a 112.402; 10.257; 11.295
90; 96.856; 90
1426.5Sekine, Akiko; Mitsumori, Takahiro; Uekusa, Hidehiro; Ohashi, Yuji; Yagi, Minoru
Crystal Structure of a Host-guest Complex of 4,4'-Ethylidenebisphenol and 5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazoline-3-one
Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2003, 19, x47-x48
1100940 CIFC28 H22 Cl N7 O6 RuP 1 21/a 113.702; 13.805; 15.196
90; 101.52; 90
2816.5Nripen Chanda; Debamita Paul; Sanjib Kar; Shaikh M. Mobin; Anindya Datta; Vedavati G. Puranik; K. Krishnamurthy Rao; Goutam Kumar Lahiri
Effect of 2-(2-Pyridyl)azole-Based Ancillary Ligands (L1-4) on the Electrophilicity of the Nitrosyl Function in [RuII(trpy)(L1-4)(NO)]3+ [trpy = 2,2':6',2''-Terpyridine]. Synthesis, Structures, and Spectroscopic, Electrochemical, and Kinetic Aspects
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 3499-3511
1101072 CIFC4 H11 N3 O3P 1 21/a 112.159; 5.038; 12.491
90; 108.87; 90
724.038Arakali, Aruna V.; McCloskeyt, J.; Parthasarathy, R.; Alderfer, J. L.; Chheda, G. B.; Srikrishnan, T.
Study of Creatinine and its 5-Alkoxy Analogs: Structure and Conformational Studies in the Solid and Solution States by X-Ray Crystallography, NMR, UV and Mass Spectrometry
Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 1997, 16, 2193-2218
1101076 CIFFe Pb4 S14 Sb6P 1 21/a 115.75; 19.125; 4.03
90; 91.68; 90
1213.4Matsushita, Yoshitaka; Ueda, Yutaka
Structure and Physical Properties of 1D Magnetic Chalcogenide, Jamesonite (FePb4Sb6S14)
Inorg. Chem., 2003, 42, 7830-7838
1200021 CIFC16 H12 O7P 1 21/a 112.4556; 11.41; 9.8681
90; 101.318; 90
1375.2Fujii, Isao; Hirayama, Noriaki
Structure of Capillarisin
Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2003, 19, X63-X64
1502139 CIFC28 H19 PP 1 21/a 111.8709; 18.0107; 9.9332
90; 117.349; 90
1886.4Hatakeyama, Takuji; Hashimoto, Sigma; Nakamura, Masaharu
Tandem phospha-Friedel-Crafts reaction toward curved π-conjugated frameworks with a phosphorus ring junction.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2130-2133
1502480 CIFC18 H14 N2 SP 1 21/a 17.4161; 13.563; 29.24
90; 90; 90
2941.1Huang, Guoli; Sun, Hongsheng; Qiu, Xiaojie; Jin, Can; Lin, Chen; Shen, Yingzhong; Jiang, Juli; Wang, Leyong
Ligand-free copper-catalyzed regioselective C-2 arylation of imidazo[2,1-b]thiazoles.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5224-5227
1502609 CIFC15 H16 B F2 N3 OP 1 21/a 17.632; 11.523; 16.749
90; 98.856; 90
1455.4Kubota, Yasuhiro; Hara, Hiroshi; Tanaka, Syunki; Funabiki, Kazumasa; Matsui, Masaki
Synthesis and fluorescence properties of novel pyrazine-boron complexes bearing a β-iminoketone ligand.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6544-6547
1502695 CIFC24 H36 O8P 1 21/a 18.6041; 7.8833; 18.1199
90; 101.13; 90
1205.93Balomenou, Ioanna; Kaloudi-Chantzea, Antonia; Bokias, Georgios; Kallitsis, Joannis K.; Raptopoulou, Catherine P.; Terzis, Aris; Pistolis, George
Medium effect on the geometric isomerism of a centrosymmetrically disubstituted naphthalene derivative with flexible methoxytriethylene glycol chains.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2010, 114, 8181-8190
1502719 CIFC107 H47 BrP 1 21/a 120.2439; 14.5966; 21.7947
90; 100.403; 90
6334.3Matsuo, Yutaka; Lacher, Sebastian; Sakamoto, Aiko; Matsuo, Keiko; Nakamura, Eiichi
Conical Pentaaryl[60]fullerene Thiols: Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold and Photocurrent Generating Property
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114, 17741
1502948 CIFC16 H11 N O2P 1 21/a 111.701; 5.714; 17.818
90; 96.491; 90
1183.7Nakamura, Itaru; Okamoto, Masashi; Terada, Masahiro
Gold-catalyzed cyclization and subsequent arylidene group transfer of O-propioloyl oximes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2453-2455
1502983 CIFC11 H11 N S2P 1 21/a 18.0518; 15.3345; 8.7652
90; 96.317; 90
1075.67Gontier, Elodie; Bellec, Nathalie; Brignou, Pierre; Gohier, Arnaud; Guerro, Michel; Roisnel, Thierry; Lorcy, Dominique
Pyridyldithiafulvenes as precursors of coordination-driven self-assembled redox active macrocycle.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2386-2389
1503076 CIFC17 H23 N OP 1 21/a 19.73374; 10.3541; 15.0615
90; 82.338; 90
1504.41Nishimoto, Yoshihiro; Ueda, Hiroki; Inamoto, Yoshihiro; Yasuda, Makoto; Baba, Akio
Regioselective carboindation of simple alkenes with indium tribromide and ketene silyl acetals.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3390-3393
1503087 CIFC24 H26 O2P 1 21/a 110.2808; 15.2707; 12.1045
90; 95.07; 90
1892.91Ogoshi, Sensuke; Nishimura, Akira; Ohashi, Masato
Nickel-catalyzed [2 + 2 + 2] cycloaddition of two enones and an alkyne.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3450-3452
1503180 CIFC20 H35 Cl O2 SiP 1 21/a 19.956; 20.04; 11.392
90; 109.09; 90
2148Matsuo, Jun-ichi; Kawano, Mizuki; Okuno, Ryosuke; Ishibashi, Hiroyuki
Titanium(IV) chloride-mediated carbon-carbon bond-forming reaction between 3,3-dialkylcyclobutanones and aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3960-3962

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