Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'Materials Research Bulletin' volume of publication is 7

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1001054 CIFBa Co0.5 O3 Ta0.5P m -3 m4.077; 4.077; 4.077
90; 90; 90
67.8Padel, L; Poix, P; Bernier, J C; Michel, A
Structure et proprietes magnetique de la perovskite Ba~2~ Ta Co O~6~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1972, 7, 443-448
1008068 CIFBe2 F8 Na Rb3P -3 m 15.805; 5.805; 7.556
90; 90; 120
220.5Pontonnier, L; Caillet, M; Aleonard, S
Etude des systemes Me(I)~2~ Be F~4~ - Na~2~ Be F~4~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1972, 7, 799-812
1008988 CIFAs Mn VP 4/n m m :13.722; 3.722; 6.483
90; 90; 90
89.8Montreuil, R; Deyris, B; Michel, A; Rouault, A; l'Heritier, P; Nylund, A; Senateur, J P; Fruchart, D
Nouveaux composes ternaires MM'P et MM'As. Interactions metalliques et structures
Materials Research Bulletin, 1972, 7, 813-826
1510665 CIFB2 ErP 6/m m m3.28; 3.28; 3.79
90; 90; 120
35.312Castellano, R.N.
Crystal growth of Tm B2 and Er B2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1972, 7, 261-266
1523366 CIFFe2 YbF d -3 m :17.239; 7.239; 7.239
90; 90; 90
379.346Cannon, J.F.; Robertson, D.L.; Hall, H.T.
Synthesis of lanthanide-iron Laves phases at high pressures and temperatures
Materials Research Bulletin, 1972, 7, 5-12

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