Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 204 entries in the selection

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Searching space group like 'C c c a :2'

COD ID: 1000073
CIF file Formula: - F7 Li3 Th -
Comments: Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Avignant, D; Cousseins, J C; Ferey, G Crystal Structure of Li~3~ Th F~7~ solved by X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 206-212
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 998.6
Cell parameters: 8.7885; 8.7685; 12.958; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1000074
CIF file Formula: - F7 Li3 Th -
Comments: Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Avignant, D; Cousseins, J C; Ferey, G Crystal Structure of Li~3~ Th F~7~ solved by X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 206-212
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 985.8
Cell parameters: 8.759; 8.728; 12.8956; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1001000
CIF file Formula: - Ca H4 N2 O8 -
Comments: Leclaire, A.; Mitschler, A.; Monier, J.-C. Structure cristalline de l'hydrate Ca(NO~3~)~2~.2H~2~ O α Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry 32(4) (1976) 1496-1499
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2468.8
Cell parameters: 11.827; 16.538; 12.622; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1008176
CIF file Formula: - C3 H6.9 Cl Cu N3 O0.45 S3 -
Comments: Mosset, A; Abboudi, M; Galy, J Synthese, structure moleculaire et cristalline d'un rubeanate de cuivre(I): Cu Cl (C~2~ N~2~ S~2~ H~4~)~1.5~ (H~2~ O)~0.45~ Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-) 164 (1983) 171-180
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4367.6
Cell parameters: 14.258; 22.686; 13.503; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1100628
CIF file Formula: - C36 H72 Co4 N4 P4 -
Comments: Riese, Ulrike; Harms, Klaus; Neumüller, Bernhard; Dehnicke, Kurt Cobalt(II)-organische Phosphaniminato-Komplexe mit Heterocuban-Struktur. Kristallstrukturen von [CoBr(NPR~3~)]~4~ mit R = Me, Et, [Co(C≡C-CMe3)(NPMe3)]~4~ und [Co(C≡C-SiMe~3~)(NPEt~3~)]~4~ Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 624(8) (1998) 1279-1284
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4905.51
Cell parameters: 18.5424; 27.4587; 9.6347; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1502976
CIF file Formula: - C36 H24 O8 -
Comments: Suzuki, Mitsuharu; Comito, Angelo; Khan, Saeed I.; Rubin, Yves Nanochannel array within a multilayered network of a planarized dehydro[24]annulene. Organic letters 12(10) (2010) 2346-2349
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3059
Cell parameters: 12.4522; 12.4742; 19.6932; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1504002
CIF file Formula: - C77 H97 N5 Ni -
Comments: Li, Ke-Lai; Guo, Can-Cheng; Chen, Qing-Yun Unprecedented degradation of nickel(II) 2,3,12,13-tetrabromo-5,10,15,20-tetraarylporphyrins by the anion of E-benzaldoxime: a novel approach to nickel(II) chlorophins and bacteriophins. Organic letters 11(13) (2009) 2724-2727
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8391
Cell parameters: 27.77; 35.78; 8.445; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1530401
CIF file Formula: - La32 Nb28 S88 -
Comments: Meerschaut, A.; Rabu, P.; Rouxel, J. Preparation and characterization of new mixed sandwiched layered compounds Ln32 Nb28 S88 (Ln = La,Ce) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 35-45
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3104.4
Cell parameters: 23.031; 23.216; 5.806; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1536196
CIF file Formula: - Pd4 Sn16 -
Comments: Nylen, J.; Mosel, B.D.; Garcia-Garcia, F.J.; Poettgen, R.; Haeussermann, U. Structural relationships, phase stability and bonding of compounds Pd Sn(n) (n= 2,3,4) Solid State Sciences 6 (2004) 147-155
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 471.009
Cell parameters: 6.4417; 11.4452; 6.3886; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1536344
CIF file Formula: - Al2 F16 Sr5 -
Comments: Weil, M. Preparation and crystal structure of the strontium aluminium fluoride Sr5 Al2 F16 Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 627 (2001) 2669-2672
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1313.67
Cell parameters: 7.4488; 12.4714; 14.1411; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1536348
CIF file Formula: - Al2 F16 O0.65 Sr5 -
Comments: Weil, M. Synthesis and crystal structure of Sr5 Al2 F16 Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 627 (2001) 2669-2672
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1322.41
Cell parameters: 7.4622; 12.5647; 14.1041; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1551036
CIF file Formula: - C8 H16 B2 Ca N4 -
Comments: Kadota, Kentaro; Duong, Nghia Tuan; Nishiyama, Yusuke; Sivaniah, Easan; Kitagawa, Susumu; Horike, Satoshi Borohydride-containing coordination polymers: synthesis, air stability and dehydrogenation Chemical Science (2019)
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1320.8
Cell parameters: 11.1233; 10.5994; 11.2028; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1553981
CIF file Formula: - C104 H96 Au8 Cl10 P8 S2 -
Comments: Zhang, Shan-Shan; Feng, Lei; Senanayake, Ravithree D.; Aikens, Christine M.; Wang, Xing-Po; Zhao, Quan-Qin; Tung, Chen-Ho; Sun, Di Diphosphine-protected ultrasmall gold nanoclusters: opened icosahedral Au<sub>13</sub> and heart-shaped Au<sub>8</sub> clusters. Chemical science 9(5) (2018) 1251-1258
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 23433
Cell parameters: 29.8513; 27.0724; 28.996; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1553982
CIF file Formula: - C102 H92 Au8 Cl6 P8 S2 -
Comments: Zhang, Shan-Shan; Feng, Lei; Senanayake, Ravithree D.; Aikens, Christine M.; Wang, Xing-Po; Zhao, Quan-Qin; Tung, Chen-Ho; Sun, Di Diphosphine-protected ultrasmall gold nanoclusters: opened icosahedral Au<sub>13</sub> and heart-shaped Au<sub>8</sub> clusters. Chemical science 9(5) (2018) 1251-1258
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 23999.5
Cell parameters: 30.1004; 27.2979; 29.2079; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1553983
CIF file Formula: - C102 H92 Au8 Cl6 P8 S2 -
Comments: Zhang, Shan-Shan; Feng, Lei; Senanayake, Ravithree D.; Aikens, Christine M.; Wang, Xing-Po; Zhao, Quan-Qin; Tung, Chen-Ho; Sun, Di Diphosphine-protected ultrasmall gold nanoclusters: opened icosahedral Au<sub>13</sub> and heart-shaped Au<sub>8</sub> clusters. Chemical science 9(5) (2018) 1251-1258
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 24163.6
Cell parameters: 30.1847; 27.3736; 29.2444; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1553984
CIF file Formula: - C104 H96 Au8 Cl10 P8 S2 -
Comments: Zhang, Shan-Shan; Feng, Lei; Senanayake, Ravithree D.; Aikens, Christine M.; Wang, Xing-Po; Zhao, Quan-Qin; Tung, Chen-Ho; Sun, Di Diphosphine-protected ultrasmall gold nanoclusters: opened icosahedral Au<sub>13</sub> and heart-shaped Au<sub>8</sub> clusters. Chemical science 9(5) (2018) 1251-1258
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 23732.8
Cell parameters: 29.9954; 27.188; 29.1016; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1553985
CIF file Formula: - C102 H92 Au8 Cl6 P8 S2 -
Comments: Zhang, Shan-Shan; Feng, Lei; Senanayake, Ravithree D.; Aikens, Christine M.; Wang, Xing-Po; Zhao, Quan-Qin; Tung, Chen-Ho; Sun, Di Diphosphine-protected ultrasmall gold nanoclusters: opened icosahedral Au<sub>13</sub> and heart-shaped Au<sub>8</sub> clusters. Chemical science 9(5) (2018) 1251-1258
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 24058.8
Cell parameters: 30.1665; 27.3016; 29.212; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1553987
CIF file Formula: - C102 H92 Au8 Cl6 P8 S2 -
Comments: Zhang, Shan-Shan; Feng, Lei; Senanayake, Ravithree D.; Aikens, Christine M.; Wang, Xing-Po; Zhao, Quan-Qin; Tung, Chen-Ho; Sun, Di Diphosphine-protected ultrasmall gold nanoclusters: opened icosahedral Au<sub>13</sub> and heart-shaped Au<sub>8</sub> clusters. Chemical science 9(5) (2018) 1251-1258
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 23236
Cell parameters: 27.105; 29.82; 28.748; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1556547
CIF file Formula: - C30 H54 O9 Si6 -
Comments: Kahr, J.; Belaj, F.; Pietschnig, R. Preparation and Molecular Structure of a Cyclopentyl-Substituted Cage Hexasilsesquioxane T6 (T = cyclopentyl-SiO1.5) Starting from the Corresponding Silanetriol Inorganics 5 (2017) 66
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7153.2
Cell parameters: 16.2855; 22.346; 19.6563; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1561881
CIF file Formula: - C22 H22 Cu4 I4 N6 O4 -
Comments: Kuai, Hai-Wei; Cheng, Xiao-Chun; Li, Deng-Hao; Hu, Tao; Zhu, Xiao-Hong Syntheses, characterization and properties of silver, copper and palladium complexes from bis(oxazoline)-containing ligands Journal of Solid State Chemistry 228 (2015) 65-75
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3015
Cell parameters: 17.642; 21.495; 7.95; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1565206
CIF file Formula: - C47 H58 I4 N4 Ni O3 -
Comments: Karges, Johannes; Blacque, Olivier; Gasser, Gilles Metal dipyrrin complexes as potential photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy Inorganica Chimica Acta 505 (2020) 119482
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 11397.9
Cell parameters: 14.6512; 44.3536; 17.5398; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1568252
CIF file Formula: - C25 H18 Cl2 N3 Zn -
Comments: Ngue, Chin May; Ho, Kuan Fu; Sainbileg, Batjargal; Batsaikhan, Erdembayalag; Hayashi, Michitoshi; Lee, Kuei Yi; Chen, Ruei San; Leung, Man Kit Conductivity and photoconductivity in a two-dimensional zinc bis(triarylamine) coordination polymer. Chemical science 14(5) (2023) 1320-1328
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4665.1
Cell parameters: 13.8231; 20.1276; 16.7673; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1569003
CIF file Formula: - C12 H26 Cl3 Cu2 N4 O6 P3 -
Comments: Zhou, Shuigen; Chen, Yihao; Li, Kailei; Liu, Xiaowei; Zhang, Ting; Shen, Wei; Li, Ming; Zhou, Lei; He, Rongxing Photophysical studies for Cu(i)-based halides: broad excitation bands and highly efficient single-component warm white-light-emitting diodes. Chemical science 14(20) (2023) 5415-5424
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4687.8
Cell parameters: 13.6165; 25.2859; 13.6152; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1569670
CIF file Formula: - C120 H80 Ag11.27 Au4.73 Cl16 O2 P4 S8 -
Comments: Cao, Yaoyao; Xu, Ying; Shen, Honglei; Pan, Peiyao; Zou, Xuejuan; Kang, Xi; Zhu, Manzhou Probing the surface-active sites of metal nanoclusters with atomic precision: a case study of Au<sub>5</sub>Ag<sub>11</sub>. Nanoscale 15(33) (2023) 13784-13789
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 60849
Cell parameters: 23.4047; 56.3203; 46.1622; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1569844
CIF file Formula: - C20 H44 F6 P2 -
Comments: Rauber, Daniel; Philippi, Frederik; Schroeder, Daniel; Morgenstern, Bernd; White, Andrew J. P.; Jochum, Marlon; Welton, Tom; Kay, Christopher W. M. Room temperature ionic liquids with two symmetric ions. Chemical science 14(37) (2023) 10340-10346
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2603.8
Cell parameters: 11.1743; 23.349; 9.9798; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1570594
CIF file Formula: - Al22.53 Ru7 Si -
Comments: Kitahara, Koichi; Takakura, Hiroyuki; Iwasaki, Yutaka; Kimura, Kaoru Phase Equilibria in Aluminium–Ruthenium–Silicon System near 1200 Kelvin Materials Transactions 65(1) (2024) 18-26
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3729.36
Cell parameters: 15.4579; 15.5609; 15.5042; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1573256
CIF file Formula: - C760 H564 Cd16 N96 O16 -
Comments: Li, Yu-Qing; Zhao, He; Han, Ermeng; Jiang, Zhiyuan; Bai, Qixia; Guan, Yuming; Zhang, Zhe; Wu, Tun; Wang, Pingshan Dynamic selection in metallo-organic cube CdⅡ8L4 conformations induced by perfluorooctanoate encapsulation Chemical Science (2024)
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 50280
Cell parameters: 28.333; 43.635; 40.669; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2000065
CIF file Formula: - C2 H10 K N2 O9 P3 -
Comments: Averbuch-Pouchot, M. T.; Durif, A. Structure of potassium ethylenediammonium cyclo-triphosphate Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 44(11) (1988) 1909-1911
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2197.38
Cell parameters: 20.85; 9.044; 11.653; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2000643
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C8 H26 N4 O3 -
Comments: Reibenspies, J. H. Structure of 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane trihydrate Acta Crystallographica Section C 48(9) (1992) 1717-1718
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2492.9
Cell parameters: 16.636; 16.873; 8.881; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2003424
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C30 H30 Cu0.92 I2 N6 Zn0.08 -
Comments: Durand, P. B.; Holt, E. M. Diiodotetra(pyridine-<i>N</i>)copper(II)zinc(II) Dipyridine Acta Crystallographica Section C 51(5) (1995) 850-852
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3137.4
Cell parameters: 12.313; 15.335; 16.616; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2004902
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C24 H24 N2 Ni O2 S4 -
Comments: Xiong, R.-G.; Zuo, J.-L.; You, X.-Z.; Huang, X.-Y. <i>trans</i>-Bis(<i>O</i>-ethyl dithiocarbonato-<i>S</i>,<i>S</i>')bis(isoquinoline)nickel(II) Acta Crystallographica Section C 52(5) (1996) 1157-1159
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5289
Cell parameters: 14.644; 15.644; 23.085; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2010787
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C12 H36 Hg2 Si4 -
Comments: Pickett, Nigel L.; Just, Oliver; VanDerveer, Donald G.; Rees, Jr, William S. Reinvestigation of bis(trimethylsilyl)mercury Acta Crystallographica Section C 56(4) (2000) 412-413
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2375.2
Cell parameters: 14.9958; 17.5356; 9.0327; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2013222
CIF file

HKL data

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C24 H16 Cu I N4 -
Comments: Clarke, Rachael; Latham, Kay; Rix, Colin; White, Jonathan Two polymorphs of bis(1,10-phenanthroline-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')copper(I) iodide Acta Crystallographica Section C 59(1) (2003) m7-m9
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8667.3
Cell parameters: 16.2547; 29.4171; 18.1262; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2014043
CIF file

HKL data

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C14 H36 Cl2 Cu N4 O10 -
Comments: Akitsu, Takashiro; Einaga, Yasuaki Bis(acetone-κ<i>O</i>)bis(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>'-dimethylethylenediamine-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')copper(II) diperchlorate Acta Crystallographica Section C 60(4) (2004) m162-m164
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2511.9
Cell parameters: 13.145; 13.333; 14.332; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2014761
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Ba H4 O4 P2 -
Comments: Kuratieva, Natalia V.; Naumova, Marina I.; Podberezskaya, Nina V.; Naumov, Dmitry Yu. The bivalent metal hypophosphites Sr(H~2~PO~2~)~2~, Pb(H~2~PO~2~)~2~ and Ba(H~2~PO~2~)~2~ Acta Crystallographica Section C 61(2) (2005) i14-i16
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 600.15
Cell parameters: 6.239; 15.584; 6.1726; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2102521
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C60 H120 Fe6 N12 O24 -
Comments: Prof. Clemente Dore Augusto; Prof. Marzotto Armando 30 Space-group corrections: two examples of false polymorphism and one of incorrect interpretation of the fine details of an IR spectrum Acta Crystallographica Section B 60(3) (2004) 287-292
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8482.4
Cell parameters: 20.939; 25.243; 16.048; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2105424
CIF file Formula: - B4 Lu Rh4 -
Comments: Yvon, K.; Johnston, D.C. Orthorhombic Lu Rh4 B4 -A new polytype of R T4 B4 stoichiometry Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982) 38 (1982) 247-250
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1227.2
Cell parameters: 7.41; 22.26; 7.44; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2106864
CIF file Formula: - Cl7 Cu2 Rb3 -
Comments: Crama, W.J. Structure of Trirubidium Heptachlorodicuprate(II) Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982) 37 (1981) 662-664
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1293.59
Cell parameters: 24.843; 7.216; 7.216; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2201468
CIF file

HKL data

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C6 H17 Cl N O0.5 -
Comments: Guido J. Reiß; Brigitte Koppelhuber-Bitschnau Diisopropylammonium chloride hemihydrate, a combined single-crystal and powder diffraction study Acta Crystallographica Section E 58(11) (2002) o1309-o1311
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1875
Cell parameters: 10.289; 15.723; 11.59; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2207379
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Ca Cl2 O4 -
Comments: Smolentsev, Anton I.; Naumov, Dmitry Yu. Calcium chlorite, Ca(ClO~2~)~2~, from X-ray powder diffraction data Acta Crystallographica Section E 61(11) (2005) i246-i248
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 415.43
Cell parameters: 5.7434; 12.6002; 5.7405; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2207380
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Cl2 O4 Sr -
Comments: Smolentsev, Anton I.; Naumov, Dmitry Yu. Strontium chlorite, Sr(ClO~2~)~2~, from X-ray powder diffraction data Acta Crystallographica Section E 61(11) (2005) i249-i250
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 455.91
Cell parameters: 5.9799; 12.7519; 5.9787; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2209177
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C38 H30 N8 Ni O8 -
Comments: Qiu, Xiao-Yang; Ma, Ji-Long; Liu, Wei-Sheng; Zhu, Hai-Liang Bis[(<i>E</i>)-<i>N</i>'-(2-nitrobenzylidene)-2-oxidobenzohydrazide]bis(pyridine-κ<i>N</i>)nickel(II) Acta Crystallographica Section E 62(6) (2006) m1289-m1290
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7420.1
Cell parameters: 14.9148; 22.1842; 22.4259; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2219247
CIF file

HKL data

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C28 H27 Mo N16 O4 -
Comments: Liu, Wen-Yan; Zhou, Hu; Yuan, Ai-Hua 4,4'-Diazenediyldipyridinium (4-pyridyldiazenyl)pyridinium octacyanidomolybdate(V) tetrahydrate Acta Crystallographica Section E 64(9) (2008) m1151
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3210.5
Cell parameters: 16.259; 12.787; 15.442; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2237548
CIF file

HKL data

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C32 H31 Mo N12 O4 -
Comments: Yang, Xiao-Zhen; Hu, Ai-Yun; Yuan, Ai-Hua 4,4'-(Ethene-1,2-diyl)dipyridinium 4-[2-(pyridin-4-yl)ethenyl]pyridinium octacyanidomolybdate(V) tetrahydrate Acta Crystallographica Section E 69(3) (2013) m132
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3151.9
Cell parameters: 12.403; 16.534; 15.37; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2311345
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C42 H38 Fe N6 -
Comments: Lau, Ka-Cheong; Filatov, Alexander S.; Jordan, Richard F. Crystal structure of 1-phenyl-imido-1-{6-[1-(phenyl-imino)-eth-yl]pyridin-2-yl}ethan-1-yl-κ<sup>3</sup><i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>N</i>'')iron(II). Acta crystallographica. Section E, Crystallographic communications 72(Pt 11) (2016) 1595-1598
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 13622.6
Cell parameters: 11.9028; 32.2189; 35.5223; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2312508
CIF file

HKL data

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C18 H30 Ca O24 Zn2 -
Comments: Chinchan, Kunlanit; Jiajaroen, Suwadee; Theppitak, Chatphorn; Laksee, Sakchai; Sukwattanasinitt, Mongkol; Chainok, Kittipong Synthesis, structure and photoluminescence properties of heterometallic-based coordination polymers of trimesic acid. Acta crystallographica. Section C, Structural chemistry 80(6) (2024)
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2755
Cell parameters: 6.9927; 18.934; 20.808; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2312583
CIF file

HKL data

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C30 H38 Cl2 Cu3 N16 O13 -
Comments: Atencio, Reinaldo; Linares, Marciel M.; González, Teresa; Briceño, Alexander Multivalent hydrogen-bonded architectures directed by self-complementarity between [Cu(2,2'-biimidazole)] and malonate building blocks. Acta crystallographica. Section C, Structural chemistry 80(9) (2024)
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8508
Cell parameters: 13.766; 20.162; 30.654; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 3500082
CIF file

HKL data

Formula: - C20 H44 Br N -
Comments: Thierry Maris Tetrapentylammonium Bromide Personal communication to COD (2019)
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2228.3
Cell parameters: 10.5034; 22.9748; 9.2342; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4029769
CIF file Formula: - C10 H6 F12 O S2 -
Comments: Petrov, Viacheslav A.; Marshall, Will Acid catalyzed cyclodimerization of 2,2-bis(trifluoromethyl)-4-alkoxy-oxetanes and -thietanes. Synthesis of 2,2,6,6-tetrakis(trifluoromethyl)-4,8-dialkoxy-1,5-dioxocanes and 3,3,7,7-tetrakis(trifluoromethyl)-9-oxa-2,6-dithia-bicyclo[3.3.1]nonane. Beilstein journal of organic chemistry 6 (2010) 46
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5771
Cell parameters: 21.271; 25.685; 10.563; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4033947
CIF file Formula: - C208 H216 -
Comments: Sun, Zhe; Mio, Tatsuru; Ikemoto, Koki; Sato, Sota; Isobe, Hiroyuki Synthesis, Structures, and Assembly of Geodesic Phenine Frameworks with Isoreticular Networks of [ n]Cyclo- para-phenylenes. The Journal of organic chemistry 84(6) (2019) 3500-3507
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 23866
Cell parameters: 30.56; 35.21; 22.18; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4033949
CIF file Formula: - C218 H226 Cl30 -
Comments: Sun, Zhe; Mio, Tatsuru; Ikemoto, Koki; Sato, Sota; Isobe, Hiroyuki Synthesis, Structures, and Assembly of Geodesic Phenine Frameworks with Isoreticular Networks of [ n]Cyclo- para-phenylenes. The Journal of organic chemistry 84(6) (2019) 3500-3507
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 23866
Cell parameters: 30.56; 35.21; 22.18; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4063221
CIF file Formula: - C53 H44 F6 Ir O3.5 P5 Pt -
Comments: Brian T. Sterenberg; Hilary A. Jenkins; Richard J. Puddephatt Complexes with Platinum-Iridium Bonds: Stepwise Formation of a PtIr2 Cluster Complex Organometallics 18 (1999) 219-226
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 21200.6
Cell parameters: 20.1924; 44.8906; 23.3886; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4077210
CIF file Formula: - C60 H120 Mg6 N12 O24 -
Comments: Yang, Kuo-Ching; Chang, Chung-Cheng; Yeh, Charng-Sheng; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Peng, Shie-Ming Steric and Solvent Effects on the CO2Fixation of Magnesium Compounds Organometallics 20(1) (2001) 126
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8589.53
Cell parameters: 20.948; 25.1843; 16.2816; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4089671
CIF file Formula: - C72 H84 Ag6 B6 F24 N24 -
Comments: Segarra, Candela; Guisado-Barrios, Gregorio; Hahn, F. Ekkehardt; Peris, Eduardo Hexanuclear Cylinder-Shaped Assemblies of Silver and Gold from Benzene‒Hexa-N-heterocyclic Carbenes Organometallics 33(19) (2014) 5077
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 10508.2
Cell parameters: 22.967; 28.073; 16.298; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4100808
CIF file Formula: - C22 H16 Br2 Co N6 O2 -
Comments: Kazuhiro Uemura; Susumu Kitagawa; Kôichi Fukui; Kazuya Saito A Contrivance for a Dynamic Porous Framework: Cooperative Guest Adsorption Based on Square Grids Connected by Amide-Amide Hydrogen Bonds Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (2004) 3817-3828
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2172
Cell parameters: 10.481; 19.03; 10.894; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4102651
CIF file Formula: - C58 H52 Cl2 N4 O4 Pd -
Comments: Andrew G. Tennyson; Vincent M. Lynch; Christopher W. Bielawski Arrested Catalysis: Controlling Kumada Coupling Activity via a Redox-Active N-Heterocyclic Carbene Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (2010) 9420-9429
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 6446.8
Cell parameters: 14.5799; 27.869; 15.8661; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4102652
CIF file Formula: - C63 H64 Cl2 N4 O4 Pt -
Comments: Andrew G. Tennyson; Vincent M. Lynch; Christopher W. Bielawski Arrested Catalysis: Controlling Kumada Coupling Activity via a Redox-Active N-Heterocyclic Carbene Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (2010) 9420-9429
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 6523
Cell parameters: 14.708; 27.671; 16.028; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4105815
CIF file Formula: - C36 H24 Cu4 I2 N18 S4 W -
Comments: Zhen-Zhong Lu; Rui Zhang; Yi-Zhi Li; Zi-Jian Guo; He-Gen Zheng Solvatochromic Behavior of a Nanotubular Metal-Organic Framework for Sensing Small Molecules Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (2011) 4172-4174
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 11605
Cell parameters: 26.589; 31.767; 13.739; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4105816
CIF file Formula: - C36 H24 Cu4 I2 N18 S4 W -
Comments: Zhen-Zhong Lu; Rui Zhang; Yi-Zhi Li; Zi-Jian Guo; He-Gen Zheng Solvatochromic Behavior of a Nanotubular Metal-Organic Framework for Sensing Small Molecules Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (2011) 4172-4174
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 11762
Cell parameters: 26.86; 31.492; 13.905; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4106235
CIF file Formula: - C16 H10 N O4 Zn -
Comments: Joobeom Seo; Charlotte Bonneau; Ryotaro Matsuda; Masaki Takata; Susumu Kitagawa Soft Secondary Building Unit: Dynamic Bond Rearrangement on Multinuclear Core of Porous Coordination Polymers in Gas Media Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (2011) 9005-9013
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3867.7
Cell parameters: 11.426; 18.457; 18.34; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4107307
CIF file Formula: - C60 H72 Cu12 N24 -
Comments: Jie-Peng Zhang; Susumu Kitagawa Supramolecular Isomerism, Framework Flexibility, Unsaturated Metal Center, and Porous Property of Ag(I)/Cu(I) 3,3',5,5'-Tetrametyl-4,4'-Bipyrazolate Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (2008) 907-917
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 29917
Cell parameters: 18.537; 46.211; 34.925; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4107308
CIF file Formula: - C60 H72 Ag12 N24 -
Comments: Jie-Peng Zhang; Susumu Kitagawa Supramolecular Isomerism, Framework Flexibility, Unsaturated Metal Center, and Porous Property of Ag(I)/Cu(I) 3,3',5,5'-Tetrametyl-4,4'-Bipyrazolate Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (2008) 907-917
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 33354.4
Cell parameters: 19.2056; 47.9669; 36.2063; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4107349
CIF file Formula: - C44 H28 Cd Cl2 N8 O8 -
Comments: Gregory M. Cockrell; Gang Zhang; Donald G. VanDerveer; Randolph P. Thummel; Robert D. Hancock Enhanced Metal Ion Selectivity of 2,9-Di-(pyrid-2-yl)-1,10-phenanthroline and Its Use as a Fluorescent Sensor for Cadmium(II) Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (2008) 1420-1430
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3959.7
Cell parameters: 16.617; 19.661; 12.12; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4109859
CIF file Formula: - C78 H74 D18 Hg2 -
Comments: Zhongliang Zhu; Marcin Brynda; Robert J. Wright; Roland C. Fischer; W. Alexander Merrill; Eric Rivard; Robert Wolf; James C. Fettinger; Marilyn M. Olmstead; Philip P. Power Synthesis and Characterization of the Homologous M-M Bonded Series Ar'MMAr' (M = Zn, Cd, or Hg; Ar' = C6H3-2,6-(C6H3-2,6-Pri2)2) and Related Arylmetal Halides and Hydride Species Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (2007) 10847-10857
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 6638.1
Cell parameters: 17.2416; 25.4186; 15.1465; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4111696
CIF file Formula: - C15 H12 Co N5 O6 -
Comments: Gregory J. Halder; Cameron J. Kepert In Situ Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Studies of Desorption and Sorption in a Flexible Nanoporous Molecular Framework Material Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (2005) 7891-7900
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4008.9
Cell parameters: 11.905; 19.325; 17.425; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4111697
CIF file Formula: - C17 H18 Co N5 O7 -
Comments: Gregory J. Halder; Cameron J. Kepert In Situ Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Studies of Desorption and Sorption in a Flexible Nanoporous Molecular Framework Material Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (2005) 7891-7900
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4086
Cell parameters: 12.22; 19.151; 17.46; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4111698
CIF file Formula: - C16 H16 Co N5 O7 -
Comments: Gregory J. Halder; Cameron J. Kepert In Situ Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Studies of Desorption and Sorption in a Flexible Nanoporous Molecular Framework Material Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (2005) 7891-7900
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4050.8
Cell parameters: 12.0529; 19.227; 17.48; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4111699
CIF file Formula: - C17 H15 Co N6 O6 -
Comments: Gregory J. Halder; Cameron J. Kepert In Situ Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Studies of Desorption and Sorption in a Flexible Nanoporous Molecular Framework Material Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (2005) 7891-7900
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4003
Cell parameters: 11.984; 19.23; 17.372; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4111700
CIF file Formula: - C18 H18 Co N5 O7 -
Comments: Gregory J. Halder; Cameron J. Kepert In Situ Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Studies of Desorption and Sorption in a Flexible Nanoporous Molecular Framework Material Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (2005) 7891-7900
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4333
Cell parameters: 12.699; 19.21; 17.76; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4111701
CIF file Formula: - C19 H20 Co N5 O7 -
Comments: Gregory J. Halder; Cameron J. Kepert In Situ Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Studies of Desorption and Sorption in a Flexible Nanoporous Molecular Framework Material Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (2005) 7891-7900
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4489
Cell parameters: 13.116; 19.085; 17.934; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4112834
CIF file Formula: - C17 H18 N5 Ni O7 -
Comments: Ashleigh J. Fletcher; Edmund J. Cussen; Darren Bradshaw; Matthew J. Rosseinsky; K. Mark Thomas Adsorption of Gases and Vapors on Nanoporous Ni2(4,4'-Bipyridine)3(NO3)4 Metal-Organic Framework Materials Templated with Methanol and Ethanol: Structural Effects in Adsorption Kinetics Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (2004) 9750-9759
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4038
Cell parameters: 12.156; 18.891; 17.584; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4112835
CIF file Formula: - C15 H12 N5 Ni O6 -
Comments: Ashleigh J. Fletcher; Edmund J. Cussen; Darren Bradshaw; Matthew J. Rosseinsky; K. Mark Thomas Adsorption of Gases and Vapors on Nanoporous Ni2(4,4'-Bipyridine)3(NO3)4 Metal-Organic Framework Materials Templated with Methanol and Ethanol: Structural Effects in Adsorption Kinetics Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (2004) 9750-9759
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3942
Cell parameters: 11.883; 19.049; 17.415; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4116219
CIF file Formula: - C209.5 H182 Cl2 N10 Pd2.5 -
Comments: Dayong Sun; Fook S. Tham; Christopher A. Reed; Leila Chaker; Michael Burgess; Peter D. W. Boyd Porphyrin-Fullerene Host-Guest Chemistry Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (2000) 10704-10705
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 35609
Cell parameters: 27.863; 43.569; 29.333; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4119013
CIF file Formula: - C48 H72 Si10 -
Comments: Takashi Abe; Ryoji Tanaka; Shintaro Ishida; Mitsuo Kira; Takeaki Iwamoto New Isolable Dialkylsilylene and Its Isolable Dimer That Equilibrate in Solution Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (2012) 20029-20032
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5103
Cell parameters: 11.8248; 25.228; 17.106; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4119726
CIF file Formula: - C27.5 H61.5 Ge4.5 Si3 -
Comments: Yuki Ito; Vladimir Ya. Lee; Heinz Gornitzka; Catharina Goedecke; Gernot Frenking; Akira Sekiguchi Spirobis(pentagerma[1.1.1]propellane): A Stable Tetraradicaloid Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (2013) 6770-6773
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7620.5
Cell parameters: 16.5121; 28.0431; 16.4572; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4121281
CIF file Formula: - C128 H244 Au23 N S16 -
Comments: Anindita Das; Tao Li; Katsuyuki Nobusada; Chenjie Zeng; Nathaniel L. Rosi; Rongchao Jin Nonsuperatomic [Au23(SC6H11)16]- Nanocluster Featuring Bipyramidal Au15 Kernel and Trimeric Au3(SR)4 Motif Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (2013) 18264-18267
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 70508
Cell parameters: 33.2055; 64.785; 32.7759; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4122753
CIF file Formula: - C50 H65.25 Cl Co N5.94 O2.16 -
Comments: Zolnhofer, Eva M.; Käß, Martina; Khusniyarov, Marat M.; Heinemann, Frank W.; Maron, Laurent; van Gastel, Maurice; Bill, Eckhard; Meyer, Karsten An Intermediate Cobalt(IV) Nitrido Complex and its N-Migratory Insertion Product. Journal of the American Chemical Society 136(42) (2014) 15072-15078
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 18218
Cell parameters: 19.0807; 42.12; 22.668; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4129464
CIF file Formula: - C73.3 H112 Br4 F7.88 I2.4 N4 O14 -
Comments: Pan, Fangfang; Beyeh, Ngong Kodiah; Rissanen, Kari Concerted Halogen-Bonded Networks with N-Alkyl Ammonium Resorcinarene Bromides: From Dimeric Dumbbell to Capsular Architectures. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137(32) (2015) 10406-10413
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 18669
Cell parameters: 24.2579; 25.5595; 30.1104; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4130140
CIF file Formula: - C54 H28 Cl4 F8 Ir2 N4 O6 -
Comments: Chen, Tsun-Ren; Wu, Fang-Siou; Lee, Hsiu-Pen; Chen, Kelvin H.-C. Diiridium Bimetallic Complexes Function as a Redox Switch To Directly Split Carbonate into Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen. Journal of the American Chemical Society 138(11) (2016) 3643-3646
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5570.6
Cell parameters: 14.2793; 16.5304; 23.6; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4131829
CIF file Formula: - C112 H176 Au21.34 Cu1.66 N S16 -
Comments: Li, Qi; Lambright, Kelly J.; Taylor, Michael G.; Kirschbaum, Kristin; Luo, Tian-Yi; Zhao, Jianbo; Mpourmpakis, Giannis; Mokashi-Punekar, Soumitra; Rosi, Nathaniel L.; Jin, Rongchao Reconstructing the Surface of Gold Nanoclusters by Cadmium Doping. Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(49) (2017) 17779-17782
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 67999
Cell parameters: 33.0713; 63.499; 32.3807; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4134734
CIF file Formula: - C68 H54 F24 N6 P4 -
Comments: Garci, Amine; Beldjoudi, Yassine; Kodaimati, Mohamad S.; Hornick, Jessica E.; Nguyen, Minh T.; Cetin, M. Mustafa; Stern, Charlotte L.; Roy, Indranil; Weiss, Emily A.; Stoddart, J. Fraser Mechanical-Bond-Induced Exciplex Fluorescence in an Anthracene-Based Homo[2]catenane. Journal of the American Chemical Society 142(17) (2020) 7956-7967
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 16504
Cell parameters: 12.0098; 34.634; 39.679; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4135098
CIF file Formula: - C120 H220 Au28 S20 -
Comments: Xia, Nan; Yuan, Jinyun; Liao, Lingwen; Zhang, Wenhao; Li, Jin; Deng, Haiteng; Yang, Jinlong; Wu, Zhikun Structural Oscillation Revealed in Gold Nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2020)
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 19458
Cell parameters: 34.0184; 26.2564; 21.7846; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4301951
CIF file Formula: - C43 H64 O7 V -
Comments: Aimee M. Morris; Cortlandt G. Pierpont; Richard G. Finke Synthesis and Characterization of VV(3,6-DBSQ)(3,6-DBCat)2, a d0 Metal Complex with Dioxygenase Catalytic Activity Inorganic Chemistry 48 (2009) 3496-3498
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8627.7
Cell parameters: 19.9969; 23.74; 18.1741; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4302463
CIF file Formula: - C22 H30 N6 Ni2 O8 -
Comments: Pampa Mukherjee; Michael G. B. Drew; Carlos J. Gómez-García; Ashutosh Ghosh The Crucial Role of Polyatomic Anions in Molecular Architecture: Structural And Magnetic Versatility of Five Nickel(II) Complexes Derived from A N,N,O-Donor Schiff Base Ligand Inorganic Chemistry 48 (2009) 5848-5860
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5126.4
Cell parameters: 15.6192; 19.3293; 16.98; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4304005
CIF file Formula: - C56 H56 B4 Cu4 F16 N24 -
Comments: Blanca R. Manzano; Félix A. Jalón; Isabel M. Ortiz; M. Laura Soriano; Felipe Gómez de la Torre; José Elguero; Miguel A. Maestro; Kurt Mereiter; Tim D. W. Claridge Self-assembly of Ligands Designed for the Building of a New Type of [2 x 2] Metallic Grid. Anion Encapsulation and Diffusion NMR Spectroscopy Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 413-428
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8744.2
Cell parameters: 17.3669; 25.742; 19.5594; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4304129
CIF file Formula: - C48 H84 N6 P4 Si8 Zr2 -
Comments: Lara Morello; Maria João Ferreira; Brian O. Patrick; Michael D. Fryzuk Side-On Bound Dinitrogen Complex of Zirconium Supported by a P2N2 Macrocyclic Ligand Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 1319-1323
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 6598.4
Cell parameters: 14.29; 19.213; 24.033; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4307774
CIF file Formula: - C6 H12.88 Cd3 F2 N9 O4.13 -
Comments: Wayne Ouellette; Bruce S. Hudson; Jon Zubieta Hydrothermal and Structural Chemistry of the Zinc(II)- and Cadmium(II)-1,2,4-Triazolate Systems Inorganic Chemistry 46 (2007) 4887-4904
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5878
Cell parameters: 18.07; 18.0766; 17.9952; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4308811
CIF file Formula: - C40 H57 Ag4 N8 O18.5 -
Comments: Jie-Peng Zhang; Yan-Yong Lin; Xiao-Chun Huang; Xiao-Ming Chen Well-Resolved, New Water Morphologies Obtained by Modification of the Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Character and Shapes of the Supporting Layers Inorganic Chemistry 44 (2005) 3146-3150
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 9898.1
Cell parameters: 17.0202; 21.3162; 27.282; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4310435
CIF file Formula: - C60 H120 Mg5.04 Mn0.96 N12 O24 -
Comments: M. Tyler Caudle; Charles K. Mobley; Laura M. Bafaro; Russell LoBrutto; Gordon T. Yee; Thomas L. Groy EPR and Magnetic Properties of Heteronuclear MnnMg6-n(O2CNEt2)12: Impact of Structural Distortions on Mn(II) in Weak Ligand Fields Inorganic Chemistry 43 (2004) 506-514
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8612.8
Cell parameters: 20.6773; 25.2183; 16.5171; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4316568
CIF file Formula: - C60 H56 B Cu F4 N4 -
Comments: Vitor Rosa; Carla I. M. Santos; Richard Welter; Gabriel Aullón; Carlos Lodeiro; Teresa Avilés Comparison of the Structure and Stability of New α-Diimine Complexes of Copper(I) and Silver(I): Density Functional Theory versus Experimental Inorganic Chemistry 49 (2010) 8699-8708
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 6055
Cell parameters: 16.8876; 22.1696; 16.173; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4316569
CIF file Formula: - C60 H56 Ag B F4 N4 -
Comments: Vitor Rosa; Carla I. M. Santos; Richard Welter; Gabriel Aullón; Carlos Lodeiro; Teresa Avilés Comparison of the Structure and Stability of New α-Diimine Complexes of Copper(I) and Silver(I): Density Functional Theory versus Experimental Inorganic Chemistry 49 (2010) 8699-8708
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 6129.8
Cell parameters: 16.8436; 22.5966; 16.1054; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4318125
CIF file Formula: - C60 H120 Co1.58 Mg4.42 N12 O24 -
Comments: M. Tyler Caudle; Jason B. Benedict; Charles K. Mobley; Nicholas A. Straessler; Thomas L. Groy Metal Ion Scrambling in Hexanuclear M6(Et2NCO2)12 Complexes (M = Co, Mg). Synthesis, Solid State Structure, and Solution Dynamics of Heteronuclear ConMg6-n(Et2NCO2)12 Complexes Inorganic Chemistry 41 (2002) 3183-3190
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8581.7
Cell parameters: 20.8064; 25.1198; 16.4196; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4318126
CIF file Formula: - C60 H120 Co2.68 Mg3.32 N12 O24 -
Comments: M. Tyler Caudle; Jason B. Benedict; Charles K. Mobley; Nicholas A. Straessler; Thomas L. Groy Metal Ion Scrambling in Hexanuclear M6(Et2NCO2)12 Complexes (M = Co, Mg). Synthesis, Solid State Structure, and Solution Dynamics of Heteronuclear ConMg6-n(Et2NCO2)12 Complexes Inorganic Chemistry 41 (2002) 3183-3190
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8588.8
Cell parameters: 20.7534; 25.12; 16.475; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4319455
CIF file Formula: - C15 H30 Mg1.5 N3 O6 -
Comments: M. Tyler Caudle; Ronald A. Nieman; Victor G. Young Assembly of the Inorganic Double Helix Mg6(Et2NCO2)12 by Fixation of Carbon Dioxide: Crystal and Solution Structure Inorganic Chemistry 40 (2001) 1571-1575
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8353.4
Cell parameters: 21.548; 25.094; 15.4485; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4319719
CIF file Formula: - K8.5 La1.17 P4 Se16 -
Comments: Evenson; Peter K. Dorhout Selenophosphate Phase Diagrams Developed in Conjunction with the Synthesis of the New Compounds K2La(P2Se6)1/2(PSe4), K3La(PSe4)2, K4La0.67(PSe4)2, K9-xLa1+x/3(PSe4)4 (x = 0.5), and KEuPSe4 Inorganic Chemistry 40 (2001) 2875-2883
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7122.59
Cell parameters: 18.2133; 38.0914; 10.2665; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4319725
CIF file Formula: - K8.5 La1.17 P4 S16 -
Comments: Evenson; Peter K. Dorhout Thiophosphate Phase Diagrams Developed in Conjunction with the Synthesis of the New Compounds KLaP2S6, K2La(P2S6)1/2(PS4), K3La(PS4)2, K4La0.67(PS4)2, K9-xLa1+x/3(PS4)4 (x = 0.5), K4Eu(PS4)2, and KEuPS4 Inorganic Chemistry 40 (2001) 2884-2891
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 6247
Cell parameters: 17.529; 36.43; 9.782; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4320381
CIF file Formula: - C53 H70 Cs N25 Ni2 O -
Comments: Makoto Tadokoro; Takumasa Shiomi; Kiyoshi Isobe; Kazuhiro Nakasuji Cesium(I)-Mediated 3-D Superstructures by One-Pot Self-Organization of Hydrogen-Bonded Nickel Complexes Inorganic Chemistry 40 (2001) 5476-5478
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 12014
Cell parameters: 25.422; 28.228; 16.741; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4321477
CIF file Formula: - C18 H17 Co N8 O7 -
Comments: Yu-Bin Dong; Mark D. Smith; Hans-Conrad zur Loye New Inorganic/Organic Coordination Polymers Generated from Bidentate Schiff-Base Ligands Inorganic Chemistry 39 (2000) 4927-4935
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 9151
Cell parameters: 19.031; 33.627; 14.299; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4322034
CIF file Formula: - C12 H36 Cl4 Mo2 N4 -
Comments: F. Albert Cotton; Evgeny V. Dikarev; Santiago Herrero Mixed Chloride/Amine Complexes of Dimolybdenum(II,II). 3. Preparation, Characterization, and Crystal Structure of Mo2Cl4(NH2R)4 (R = Et, Prn, But, Cy): First Quadruply-Bonded Dimolybdenum Compounds with Primary Amine Ligands Inorganic Chemistry 38 (1999) 2649-2654
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2405.1
Cell parameters: 13.328; 26.639; 6.774; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4328733
CIF file Formula: - C54 H44 Ag2 F12 N8 O2 P2 -
Comments: Chao Fang; Qi-Kui Liu; Jian-Ping Ma; Yu-Bin Dong Independent 1D Nanosized Metal-Organic Tube: Anion Exchange, Separation, and Anion-Responsive Luminescence Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 3923-3925
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 11246
Cell parameters: 23.533; 29.906; 15.98; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4328734
CIF file Formula: - C55 H48 Ag2 Cl2 N8 O9.5 -
Comments: Chao Fang; Qi-Kui Liu; Jian-Ping Ma; Yu-Bin Dong Independent 1D Nanosized Metal-Organic Tube: Anion Exchange, Separation, and Anion-Responsive Luminescence Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 3923-3925
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 10690
Cell parameters: 22.456; 29.527; 16.123; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4328735
CIF file Formula: - C53 H50 Ag2 F12 N8 O2 Sb2 -
Comments: Chao Fang; Qi-Kui Liu; Jian-Ping Ma; Yu-Bin Dong Independent 1D Nanosized Metal-Organic Tube: Anion Exchange, Separation, and Anion-Responsive Luminescence Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 3923-3925
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 11397
Cell parameters: 24.238; 30.052; 15.646; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4332897
CIF file Formula: - C45 H36 N20 Ni2 O S4 -
Comments: Noro, Shin-ichiro; Kitaura, Ryo; Kitagawa, Susumu; Akutagawa, Tomoyuki; Nakamura, Takayoshi Functionalities of One-Dimensional Dynamic Ultramicropores in Nickel(II) Coordination Polymers Inorganic Chemistry 45(22) (2006) 8990-8997
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 10826
Cell parameters: 18.003; 30.929; 19.443; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4332898
CIF file Formula: - C46 H38 N20 Ni2 O S4 -
Comments: Noro, Shin-ichiro; Kitaura, Ryo; Kitagawa, Susumu; Akutagawa, Tomoyuki; Nakamura, Takayoshi Functionalities of One-Dimensional Dynamic Ultramicropores in Nickel(II) Coordination Polymers Inorganic Chemistry 45(22) (2006) 8990-8997
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 10752
Cell parameters: 17.952; 30.817; 19.435; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4332899
CIF file Formula: - C44 H32 N20 Ni2 S4 -
Comments: Noro, Shin-ichiro; Kitaura, Ryo; Kitagawa, Susumu; Akutagawa, Tomoyuki; Nakamura, Takayoshi Functionalities of One-Dimensional Dynamic Ultramicropores in Nickel(II) Coordination Polymers Inorganic Chemistry 45(22) (2006) 8990-8997
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 10822.8
Cell parameters: 17.9172; 31.246; 19.332; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4332900
CIF file Formula: - C45 H36 N20 Ni2 O Se4 -
Comments: Noro, Shin-ichiro; Kitaura, Ryo; Kitagawa, Susumu; Akutagawa, Tomoyuki; Nakamura, Takayoshi Functionalities of One-Dimensional Dynamic Ultramicropores in Nickel(II) Coordination Polymers Inorganic Chemistry 45(22) (2006) 8990-8997
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 10918
Cell parameters: 18.092; 31.514; 19.15; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4332901
CIF file Formula: - C44 H32 N20 Ni2 Se4 -
Comments: Noro, Shin-ichiro; Kitaura, Ryo; Kitagawa, Susumu; Akutagawa, Tomoyuki; Nakamura, Takayoshi Functionalities of One-Dimensional Dynamic Ultramicropores in Nickel(II) Coordination Polymers Inorganic Chemistry 45(22) (2006) 8990-8997
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 10994
Cell parameters: 18.154; 31.786; 19.053; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4333531
CIF file Formula: - C36.5 H56 Cl N3 Ni O2 -
Comments: Mark Franks; Anastasia Gadzhieva; Laura Ghandhi; David Murrell; Alexander J. Blake; E. Stephen Davies; William Lewis; Fabrizio Moro; Jonathan McMaster; Martin Schröder Five Coordinate M(II)-Diphenolate [M = Zn(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II)] Schiff Base Complexes Exhibiting Metal- and Ligand-Based Redox Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry 52 (2013) 660-670
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7560
Cell parameters: 20.265; 27.289; 13.671; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4333535
CIF file Formula: - C37.5 H56 Cl N3 Ni O2 -
Comments: Mark Franks; Anastasia Gadzhieva; Laura Ghandhi; David Murrell; Alexander J. Blake; E. Stephen Davies; William Lewis; Fabrizio Moro; Jonathan McMaster; Martin Schröder Five Coordinate M(II)-Diphenolate [M = Zn(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II)] Schiff Base Complexes Exhibiting Metal- and Ligand-Based Redox Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry 52 (2013) 660-670
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7670.4
Cell parameters: 20.9576; 27.4967; 13.3106; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4336968
CIF file Formula: - C20 H34 Ag2 N8 O7 S -
Comments: Li-Yun Du; Wen-Juan Shi; Lei Hou; Yao-Yu Wang; Qi-Zhen Shi; Zhonghua Zhu Solvent or Temperature Induced Diverse Coordination Polymers of Silver(I) Sulfate and Bipyrazole Systems: Syntheses, Crystal Structures, Luminescence, and Sorption Properties Inorganic Chemistry 52 (2013) 14018-14027
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 6361.1
Cell parameters: 10.0707; 24.215; 26.085; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4338609
CIF file Formula: - C32 H52 Ni P2 -
Comments: Boro, Brian J.; Duesler, Eileen N.; Goldberg, Karen I.; Kemp, Richard A. Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of Nickel Hydride Complexes Containing 2,6-C6H3(CH2PR2)2(R = tBu,cHex, and iPr) Pincer Ligands Inorganic Chemistry 48(12) (2009) 5081-5087
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 14674
Cell parameters: 19.96; 26.455; 27.789; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4339376
CIF file Formula: - C200 H168 Cu6 N60 O64 S4 -
Comments: Park, Jaejoon; Hong, Seunghee; Moon, Dohyun; Park, Mira; Lee, Kyungjin; Kang, Sangmi; Zou, Yang; John, Rohith P.; Kim, Ghyung Hwa; Lah, Myoung Soo Porous metal-organic frameworks based on metal-organic polyhedra with nanosized cavities as supramolecular building blocks: two-fold interpenetrating primitive cubic networks of [Cu6L8]12+ nanocages. Inorganic chemistry 46(24) (2007) 10208-10213
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 35773
Cell parameters: 26.36; 35.07; 38.697; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4346115
CIF file Formula: - C24 H56 Cu4 I4 S4 -
Comments: Knorr, Michael; Bonnot, Antoine; Lapprand, Antony; Khatyr, Abderrahim; Strohmann, Carsten; Kubicki, Marek M.; Rousselin, Yoann; Harvey, Pierre D. Reactivity of CuI and CuBr toward dialkyl sulfides RSR: from discrete molecular Cu4I4S4 and Cu8I8S6 clusters to luminescent copper(I) coordination polymers. Inorganic chemistry 54(8) (2015) 4076-4093
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3966.1
Cell parameters: 14.949; 17.2332; 15.3952; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4346116
CIF file Formula: - C24 H56 Cu4 I4 S4 -
Comments: Knorr, Michael; Bonnot, Antoine; Lapprand, Antony; Khatyr, Abderrahim; Strohmann, Carsten; Kubicki, Marek M.; Rousselin, Yoann; Harvey, Pierre D. Reactivity of CuI and CuBr toward dialkyl sulfides RSR: from discrete molecular Cu4I4S4 and Cu8I8S6 clusters to luminescent copper(I) coordination polymers. Inorganic chemistry 54(8) (2015) 4076-4093
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4002.6
Cell parameters: 15.0029; 17.3127; 15.4099; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4346117
CIF file Formula: - C24 H56 Cu4 I4 S4 -
Comments: Knorr, Michael; Bonnot, Antoine; Lapprand, Antony; Khatyr, Abderrahim; Strohmann, Carsten; Kubicki, Marek M.; Rousselin, Yoann; Harvey, Pierre D. Reactivity of CuI and CuBr toward dialkyl sulfides RSR: from discrete molecular Cu4I4S4 and Cu8I8S6 clusters to luminescent copper(I) coordination polymers. Inorganic chemistry 54(8) (2015) 4076-4093
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4058.9
Cell parameters: 15.0958; 17.4315; 15.4249; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4346118
CIF file Formula: - C24 H56 Cu4 I4 S4 -
Comments: Knorr, Michael; Bonnot, Antoine; Lapprand, Antony; Khatyr, Abderrahim; Strohmann, Carsten; Kubicki, Marek M.; Rousselin, Yoann; Harvey, Pierre D. Reactivity of CuI and CuBr toward dialkyl sulfides RSR: from discrete molecular Cu4I4S4 and Cu8I8S6 clusters to luminescent copper(I) coordination polymers. Inorganic chemistry 54(8) (2015) 4076-4093
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4148.3
Cell parameters: 15.2514; 17.6098; 15.4457; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4346247
CIF file Formula: - C72 H74 Au2 F12 N2 P4 Sb2 -
Comments: Pal, Shiv; Kathewad, Neha; Pant, Rakesh; Khan, Shabana Synthesis, Characterization, and Luminescence Studies of Gold(I) Complexes with PNP- and PNB-Based Ligand Systems. Inorganic chemistry 54(21) (2015) 10172-10183
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7205
Cell parameters: 14.313; 19.807; 25.416; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4347048
CIF file Formula: - C20 H20 Au2 B2 F8 N4 -
Comments: Corbo, Robert; Ryan, Gemma F.; Haghighatbin, Mohammad A.; Hogan, Conor F.; Wilson, David J. D.; Hulett, Mark D.; Barnard, Peter J.; Dutton, Jason L. Access to the Parent Tetrakis(pyridine)gold(III) Trication, Facile Formation of Rare Au(III) Terminal Hydroxides, and Preliminary Studies of Biological Properties. Inorganic chemistry 55(6) (2016) 2830-2839
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4890.8
Cell parameters: 19.814; 19.863; 12.427; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4350272
CIF file Formula: - C4 H4 Cl N2 Zn0.5 -
Comments: Bhosekar, Gaurav; Jess, Inke; Näther, Christian On the preparation of coordination polymers by controlled thermal decomposition: synthesis, crystal structures, and thermal properties of zinc halide pyrazine coordination compounds. Inorganic chemistry 45(16) (2006) 6508-6515
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1097.7
Cell parameters: 10.163; 10.6042; 10.1858; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4503125
CIF file Formula: - C16 H13 F3 N2 O4 Pb -
Comments: Peedikakkal, Abdul Malik Puthan; Vittal, Jagadese J. Molecular Fabric Structure Formed by the 1D Coordination Polymer, [Pb(bpe)(O2CCH3)(O2CCF3)] Crystal Growth & Design 8(2) (2008) 375
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7589.8
Cell parameters: 20.3474; 39.859; 9.3583; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4509951
CIF file Formula: - C26 H10 F14 N2 -
Comments: Putta, Anjaneyulu; Mottishaw, Jeffery D.; Wang, Zhihua; Sun, Haoran Rational Design of Lamellar π‒π Stacked Organic Crystalline Materials with Short Interplanar Distance Crystal Growth & Design 14(1) (2014) 350
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4569
Cell parameters: 16.966; 38.644; 6.9694; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4510054
CIF file Formula: - C136 H188 Cu12 N4 O68 -
Comments: Paul, Mithun; Adarsh, N. N.; Dastidar, Parthasarathi Secondary Building Unit (SBU) Controlled Formation of a Catalytically Active Metal‒Organic Polyhedron (MOP) Derived from a Flexible Tripodal Ligand Crystal Growth & Design 14(3) (2014) 1331
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 21208
Cell parameters: 26.138; 35.912; 22.594; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4511957
CIF file Formula: - C208 H130 Ag18 N132 O34 -
Comments: Pan, Jie; Jiang, Fei-Long; Wu, Ming-Yan; Chen, Lian; Gai, Yan-Li; Bawaked, Salem M.; Mokhtar, Mohamed; AL-Thabaiti, Shaeel A.; Hong, Mao-Chun A Series of d10Metal Clusters Constructed by 2,6-Bis[3-(pyrazin-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazolyl]pyridine: Crystal Structures and Unusual Luminescences Crystal Growth & Design 14(10) (2014) 5011
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 25624.2
Cell parameters: 20.2466; 29.3207; 43.1643; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4513240
CIF file Formula: - C9 H9 I N2 O2 -
Comments: Makhotkina, Olena; Lieffrig, Julien; Jeannin, Olivier; Fourmigué, Marc; Aubert, Emmanuel; Espinosa, Enrique Cocrystal or Salt: Solid State-Controlled Iodine Shift in Crystalline Halogen-Bonded Systems Crystal Growth & Design 15(7) (2015) 3464
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4247.1
Cell parameters: 7.7529; 20.1808; 27.1449; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4514944
CIF file Formula: - C37 H21 Cl3 Cu N4 O10 -
Comments: Li, Guo-Bi; Song, Bai-Qiao; Wang, Shi-Qiang; Pei, Ling-Min; Liu, Sheng-Gui; Song, Jiang-Li; Yang, Qing-Yuan Selective Adsorption of Water, Methanol, and Ethanol by Naphthalene Diimide-Based Coordination Polymers with Constructed Open Cu<sup>2+</sup> Metal Sites and Separation of Ethanol/Acetonitrile. ACS omega 4(1) (2019) 1995-2000
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7587.3
Cell parameters: 17.1736; 28.5197; 15.4911; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4514945
CIF file Formula: - C34 H18 Cu N4 O14 -
Comments: Li, Guo-Bi; Song, Bai-Qiao; Wang, Shi-Qiang; Pei, Ling-Min; Liu, Sheng-Gui; Song, Jiang-Li; Yang, Qing-Yuan Selective Adsorption of Water, Methanol, and Ethanol by Naphthalene Diimide-Based Coordination Polymers with Constructed Open Cu<sup>2+</sup> Metal Sites and Separation of Ethanol/Acetonitrile. ACS omega 4(1) (2019) 1995-2000
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7428
Cell parameters: 17.033; 28.521; 15.29; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4514946
CIF file Formula: - C34 H20 Cu N4 O11 -
Comments: Li, Guo-Bi; Song, Bai-Qiao; Wang, Shi-Qiang; Pei, Ling-Min; Liu, Sheng-Gui; Song, Jiang-Li; Yang, Qing-Yuan Selective Adsorption of Water, Methanol, and Ethanol by Naphthalene Diimide-Based Coordination Polymers with Constructed Open Cu<sup>2+</sup> Metal Sites and Separation of Ethanol/Acetonitrile. ACS omega 4(1) (2019) 1995-2000
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7486.6
Cell parameters: 17.354; 28.747; 15.0069; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4515404
CIF file Formula: - C76 H72 Cu F6 N8 O12 S2 -
Comments: Sarkar, Koushik; Khasimbi, Shaik; Mandal, Souvik; Dastidar, Parthasarathi Rationally Developed Metallogelators Derived from Pyridyl Derivatives of NSAIDs Displaying Anti-Inflammatory and Anticancer Activities. ACS applied materials & interfaces 10(36) (2018) 30649-30661
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8228
Cell parameters: 21.03; 39.44; 9.92; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 6000582
CIF file Formula: - Au0.73 Ni0.27 Sn4 -
Comments: Zavalij, L.; Zribi, A.; Chromik, R. R.; Pitely, S.; Zavalij, P. Y.; Cotts, E. J. Crystal structure of Au1-xNixSn4 intermetallic alloys Journal of Alloys and Compounds 334 (2002) 79-85
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 482.02
Cell parameters: 6.448; 11.606; 6.441; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 6000583
CIF file Formula: - Au0.51 Ni0.49 Sn4 -
Comments: Zavalij, L.; Zribi, A.; Chromik, R. R.; Pitely, S.; Zavalij, P. Y.; Cotts, E. J. Crystal structure of Au1-xNixSn4 intermetallic alloys Journal of Alloys and Compounds 334 (2002) 79-85
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 472.53
Cell parameters: 6.4237; 11.5219; 6.3842; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 6000584
CIF file Formula: - Au0.91 Ni0.09 Sn4 -
Comments: Zavalij, L.; Zribi, A.; Chromik, R. R.; Pitely, S.; Zavalij, P. Y.; Cotts, E. J. Crystal structure of Au1-xNixSn4 intermetallic alloys Journal of Alloys and Compounds 334 (2002) 79-85
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 493.91
Cell parameters: 6.523; 11.676; 6.485; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7001470
CIF file Formula: - C22.2 H80.8 Mg4 O22.2 -
Comments: Wuttke, Stefan; Lehmann, Anja; Scholz, Gudrun; Feist, Michael; Dimitrov, Anton; Troyanov, Sergey I.; Kemnitz, Erhard Investigation of the fluorolysis of magnesium methoxide Dalton Transactions (issue 24) (2009) 4729-4734
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 17929.3
Cell parameters: 24.055; 31.779; 23.454; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7002483
CIF file Formula: - C44 H59 Cl2 Mn2 N5 O16 -
Comments: Banu, Kazi Sabnam; Chattopadhyay, Tanmay; Banerjee, Arpita; Mukherjee, Madhuparna; Bhattacharya, Santanu; Patra, Goutam Kumar; Zangrando, Ennio; Das, Debasis Mono- and dinuclear manganese(III) complexes showing efficient catechol oxidase activity: syntheses, characterization and spectroscopic studies Dalton Transactions (issue 40) (2009) 8755-8764
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5222
Cell parameters: 26.701; 19.466; 10.047; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7007397
CIF file Formula: - C24 H44 Mn2 N4 O18 S6 -
Comments: Zhang, Xiaofeng; Chen, Hui; Ma, Chengbing; Chen, Changneng; Liu, Qiutian Syntheses and structural characterizations of 24-membered dimetal (Mn, Ni, Fe) macrocyclic complexes and the C-S bond formation between acetylacetone and a mercapto N-heterocycle. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) (issue 33) (2006) 4047-4055
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4319.6
Cell parameters: 18.5969; 22.4917; 10.3271; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7010497
CIF file Formula: - C8 H8 Br2 N4 Zn -
Comments: Bourne, Susan A.; Kilkenny, Mairi; Nassimbeni, Luigi R. One- and two-dimensional coordination polymers of zinc(II) with pyrazine. Solid state reactions and decomposition kinetics of the interconversion reactions Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions (issue 8) (2001) 1176
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1158.9
Cell parameters: 10.1904; 10.1981; 11.1516; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7012005
CIF file Formula: - C32 H56 Al2 Ni O12 -
Comments: Kessler, Vadim G.; Gohil, Suresh; Parola, Stephane Interaction of some divalent metal acetylacetonates with Al, Ti, Nb and Ta isopropoxides. Factors influencing the formation and stability of heterometallic alkoxide complexes Dalton Transactions (issue 4) (2003) 544-550
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3968.2
Cell parameters: 15.479; 17.48; 14.666; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7012006
CIF file Formula: - C32 H56 Al2 Mg O12 -
Comments: Kessler, Vadim G.; Gohil, Suresh; Parola, Stephane Interaction of some divalent metal acetylacetonates with Al, Ti, Nb and Ta isopropoxides. Factors influencing the formation and stability of heterometallic alkoxide complexes Dalton Transactions (issue 4) (2003) 544-550
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3944.1
Cell parameters: 15.4139; 17.417; 14.6913; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7013392
CIF file Formula: - C12 H16 N4 O4 S2 Zn -
Comments: Burke, Nichola J.; Burrows, Andrew D.; Donovan, Adele S.; Harrington, Ross W.; Mahon, Mary F.; Price, Caroline E. Zinc dicarboxylate polymers and dimers: thiourea substitution as a tool in supramolecular synthesis Dalton Transactions (issue 20) (2003) 3840
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3485.36
Cell parameters: 11.081; 22.715; 13.847; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7015577
CIF file Formula: - C156 H338 Fe16 Gd4 N34 O104 -
Comments: Baniodeh, Amer; Hewitt, Ian J.; Mereacre, Valeriu; Lan, Yanhua; Novitchi, Ghenadie; Anson, Christopher E.; Powell, Annie K. Heterometallic 20-membered {Fe16Ln4} (Ln = Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho) metallo-ring aggregates. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 40(16) (2011) 4080-4086
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 24323
Cell parameters: 27.7908; 27.9903; 31.269; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7015578
CIF file Formula: - C156 H338 Dy4 Fe16 N34 O104 -
Comments: Baniodeh, Amer; Hewitt, Ian J.; Mereacre, Valeriu; Lan, Yanhua; Novitchi, Ghenadie; Anson, Christopher E.; Powell, Annie K. Heterometallic 20-membered {Fe16Ln4} (Ln = Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho) metallo-ring aggregates. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 40(16) (2011) 4080-4086
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 23902.4
Cell parameters: 27.7714; 28.0818; 30.6492; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7015579
CIF file Formula: - C158 H341 Eu4 Fe16 N35 O104 -
Comments: Baniodeh, Amer; Hewitt, Ian J.; Mereacre, Valeriu; Lan, Yanhua; Novitchi, Ghenadie; Anson, Christopher E.; Powell, Annie K. Heterometallic 20-membered {Fe16Ln4} (Ln = Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho) metallo-ring aggregates. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 40(16) (2011) 4080-4086
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 23879
Cell parameters: 27.7369; 28.1589; 30.573; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7015894
CIF file Formula: - C30 H30 Br2 Cu N6 -
Comments: Bowmaker, Graham A.; Di Nicola, Corrado; Pettinari, Claudio; Skelton, Brian W.; Somers, Neil; White, Allan H. Mechanochemical synthesis in copper(II) halide/pyridine systems: single crystal X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopic studies. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 40(18) (2011) 5102-5115
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2910
Cell parameters: 11.8569; 14.6496; 16.7531; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7015895
CIF file Formula: - C30 H30 Br Cu I N6 -
Comments: Bowmaker, Graham A.; Di Nicola, Corrado; Pettinari, Claudio; Skelton, Brian W.; Somers, Neil; White, Allan H. Mechanochemical synthesis in copper(II) halide/pyridine systems: single crystal X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopic studies. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 40(18) (2011) 5102-5115
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2962.2
Cell parameters: 11.9263; 14.989; 16.5703; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7015896
CIF file Formula: - C31 H30 Cu I N7 S -
Comments: Bowmaker, Graham A.; Di Nicola, Corrado; Pettinari, Claudio; Skelton, Brian W.; Somers, Neil; White, Allan H. Mechanochemical synthesis in copper(II) halide/pyridine systems: single crystal X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopic studies. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 40(18) (2011) 5102-5115
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3191
Cell parameters: 12.6527; 15.3938; 16.3832; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7023038
CIF file Formula: - C24 H18 Cl2 Hg N2 O2 S2 -
Comments: Ovsyannikov, A.; Ferlay, S.; Solovieva, S. E.; Antipin, I. S.; Konovalov, A. I.; Kyritsakas, N.; Hosseini, M. W. Molecular tectonics: p-H-thiacalix[4]arene pyridyl appended positional isomers as tectons for the formation of 1D and 2D mercury coordination networks. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 42(27) (2013) 9946-9953
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4854.59
Cell parameters: 14.3514; 21.4182; 15.7934; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7025497
CIF file Formula: - C72 H80 N4 Ni -
Comments: Sgro, Michael J.; Stephan, Douglas W. Synthesis and exchange reactions of Ni-dimine-COD, acetylene and olefin complexes. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 39(25) (2010) 5786-5794
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5793.3
Cell parameters: 16.524; 23.805; 14.728; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7101254
CIF file Formula: - C60 H72 Cu12 N24 -
Comments: Jun He; Ye-Gao Yin; Tao Wu; Dan Li Design and solvothermal synthesis of luminescent copper(I)-pyrazolate coordination oligomer and polymer frameworks Chemical Communications (issue 27) (2006)
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 30179
Cell parameters: 18.6363; 46.435; 34.874; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7103907
CIF file Formula: - C30 H30 Cl2 Cu N6 -
Comments: Bond, Andrew D.; Doyle, Emma L.; García, Felipe; Kowenicki, Richard A.; McPartlin, Mary; Riera, Lucía; Wright, Dominic S. Exo-metal coordination by a tricyclic [{P(μ-N-2-NC5H4)}2(μ-O)]2 dimer in [{P(μ-N-2-NC5H4)}2(μ-O)]2{CuCl·(C5H5N)2}4 {2-NC5H4 = 2-pyridyl, C5H5N = pyridine) Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (issue 24) (2003) 2990-2991
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 2856.46
Cell parameters: 11.8453; 14.2813; 16.8855; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7105922
CIF file Formula: - C12 H20.64 Ge4 O8.3 Te5 -
Comments: Heimann, Samuel; Holynska, Malgorzata; Dehnen, Stefanie In situ Ge‒Ge bond formation under ambient conditions: synthesis, characterization and reactivity of organo-functionalized telluridogermanate complexes Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 47(6) (2011) 1881-1883
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 6341
Cell parameters: 10.1; 50.56; 12.418; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7107331
CIF file Formula: - Cl16 Cu4 Ga4 P8 -
Comments: Laura C. Forfar; Timothy J. Clark; Michael Green; Stephen M. Mansell; Christopher A. Russell; Rajashekharayya A. Sanguramath; John M. Slattery White phosphorus as a ligand for the coinage metals Chem.Commun. 48 (2012) 1970
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1575.37
Cell parameters: 11.0651; 11.4212; 12.4657; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7109301
CIF file Formula: - C45 H56 B4 Cu12 I Mo4 N25 O S16 -
Comments: Zhen-Hong Wei; Chun-Yan Ni; Hong-Xi Li; Zhi-Gang Ren; Zhen-Rong Sun; Jian-Ping Lang [PyH][{TpMo(mu3-S)4Cu3}4(mu12-I)]: a unique tetracubane cluster derived from the S-S bond cleavage and the iodide template effects and its enhanced NLO performances Chem.Commun. 49 (2013) 4836
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 10106
Cell parameters: 15.803; 27.09; 23.606; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7110484
CIF file Formula: - C14.5 H33 Cl3 N14 O22 Pd1.25 Pt1.5 -
Comments: Schnebeck, Ralf-Dieter; Freisinger, Eva; Lippert, Bernhard Anion pore structure through packing of molecular triangles Chemical Communications (issue 8) (1999) 675
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 15070
Cell parameters: 31.616; 35.691; 13.355; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7115198
CIF file Formula: - C17 H18 N5 Ni O7 -
Comments: Kepert, Cameron J.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J. Zeolite-like crystal structure of an empty microporous molecular framework Chemical Communications (issue 4) (1999) 375
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4038
Cell parameters: 12.156; 18.891; 17.584; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7115199
CIF file Formula: - C15 H12 N5 Ni O6 -
Comments: Kepert, Cameron J.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J. Zeolite-like crystal structure of an empty microporous molecular framework Chemical Communications (issue 4) (1999) 375
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3942
Cell parameters: 11.883; 19.049; 17.415; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7125163
CIF file Formula: - C52 H58 Mn O -
Comments: Sharpe, Helen R.; Geer, Ana M.; Williams, Huw E. L.; Blundell, Toby J.; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Kays, Deborah L. Cyclotrimerisation of isocyanates catalysed by low-coordinate Mn(ii) and Fe(ii) m-terphenyl complexes. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 53(5) (2017) 937-940
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8467.62
Cell parameters: 18.67834; 21.44845; 21.13621; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7125395
CIF file Formula: - C320 H384 Cl48 Cu0 Fe56 N48 O120 -
Comments: Lin, Li-Dan; Li, Zhong; Zhao, Dan; Liu, Jin-Hua; Li, Xin-Xiong; Zheng, Shou-Tian Development of a new Lindqvist-like Fe6 cluster secondary building unit for MOFs. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 55(72) (2019) 10729-10732
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 14747
Cell parameters: 22.375; 23.965; 27.502; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7125400
CIF file Formula: - C58.667 H61.333 Cu6 N12 O0.167 S3 -
Comments: Zhan, Shun-Ze; Li, Jing-Hong; Zhang, Guo-Hui; Liu, Xiao-Wei; Li, Mian; Zheng, Ji; Ng, Seik Weng; Li, Dan A luminescent edge-interlocked prismatic heteroleptic metallocage assembled through a ligand replacement reaction. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 55(80) (2019) 11992-11995
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 35739.1
Cell parameters: 33.788; 23.8727; 44.3077; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7125401
CIF file Formula: - C58.667 H61.333 Cu6 N12 O0.167 S3 -
Comments: Zhan, Shun-Ze; Li, Jing-Hong; Zhang, Guo-Hui; Liu, Xiao-Wei; Li, Mian; Zheng, Ji; Ng, Seik Weng; Li, Dan A luminescent edge-interlocked prismatic heteroleptic metallocage assembled through a ligand replacement reaction. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 55(80) (2019) 11992-11995
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 107100
Cell parameters: 33.7716; 71.5841; 44.3018; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7128955
CIF file Formula: - C176 H136 B9 F28 N16 Na Pd4 -
Comments: Li, Ru-Jin; Marcus, Adam; Fadaei-Tirani, Farzaneh; Severin, Kay Orientational self-sorting: formation of structurally defined Pd<sub>4</sub>L<sub>8</sub> and Pd<sub>6</sub>L<sub>12</sub> cages from low-symmetry dipyridyl ligands. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 57(78) (2021) 10023-10026
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 40288.9
Cell parameters: 30.152; 39.3021; 33.998; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7200989
CIF file Formula: - Ag2 F7 K3 -
Comments: Mazej, Zoran; Goreshnik, Evgeny; Jagličić, Zvonko; Gaweł, Bartłomiej; Łasocha, Wiesław; Grzybowska, Dorota; Jaroń, Tomasz; Kurzydłowski, Dominik; Malinowski, Przemysław; Koźminski, Wiktor; Szydłowska, Jadwiga; Leszczyński, Piotr; Grochala, Wojciech KAgF3, K2AgF4 and K3Ag2F7: important steps towards a layered antiferromagnetic fluoroargentate(II), CrystEngComm 11(8) (2009) 1702
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 819.87
Cell parameters: 20.8119; 6.3402; 6.2134; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7201298
CIF file Formula: - C16 H20 Cd N5 O6 -
Comments: Cui, Feng-Yun; Huang, Kun-Lin; Xu, Yan-Qing; Han, Zhan-Gang; Liu, Xi; Chi, Ying-Nan; Hu, Chang-Wen Structural variability of Cd(II) and Co(II) mixed-ligand coordination polymers: effect of ligand isomerism and metal-to-ligand ratio CrystEngComm 11(12) (2009) 2757
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3680.4
Cell parameters: 9.588; 26.647; 14.405; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7202367
CIF file Formula: - C144 H168 Ag12 F36 N72 O14 Si6 -
Comments: Du, Jian-Long; Hu, Tong-Liang; Zhang, Shu-Ming; Zeng, Yong-Fei; Bu, Xian-He Tuning silver(I) coordination architectures by ligands design: from dinuclear, trinuclear, to 1D and 3D frameworks CrystEngComm 10(12) (2008) 1866
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 22426
Cell parameters: 35.56; 25.36; 24.868; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7203142
CIF file Formula: - C22 H36 N2 O4 P2 S6 Zn -
Comments: Chen, Danlin; Lai, Chian Sing; Tiekink, Edward R. T. Supramolecular aggregation in diimine adducts of zinc(ii) dithiophosphates: controlling the formation of monomeric, dimeric, polymeric (zig-zag and helical), and 2-D motifs CrystEngComm 8(1) (2006) 51
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 13626
Cell parameters: 21.988; 35.283; 17.564; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7206510
CIF file Formula: - C36 H64 Cu N10 O26 -
Comments: Xia, Yana; Li, Shaoguang; Wu, Biao; Liu, Yanyan; Yang, Xiao-Juan Coordination polymers and metallomacrocycles based on bis(pyridylcarbamate) ligands with flexible glycol spacers CrystEngComm 13(19) (2011) 5763
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5139.4
Cell parameters: 10.4135; 25.2037; 19.5818; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7208031
CIF file Formula: - C52 H54 Cd Cl2 N4 O23 -
Comments: Sun, Jian-Ke; Wang, Peng; Yao, Qing-Xia; Chen, Yong-Juan; Li, Zhao-Hui; Zhang, Yong-Fan; Wu, Li-Ming; Zhang, Jie Solvent- and anion-controlled photochromism of viologen-based metal‒organic hybrid materials Journal of Materials Chemistry 22(24) (2012) 12212
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5743
Cell parameters: 19.348; 31.17; 9.522; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7212028
CIF file Formula: - C16 H20 Cl2 N4 O3 Zn -
Comments: Hsu, Yi-Fen; Hsu, Wayne; Wu, Chia-Jun; Cheng, Pei-Chi; Yeh, Chun-Wei; Chang, Wen-Jung; Chen, Jhy-Der; Wang, Ju-Chun Roles of halide anions in the structural diversity of Zn(ii) complexes containing the flexible N,N′-di(4-pyridyl)adipoamide ligand CrystEngComm 12(3) (2010) 702
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 3998.9
Cell parameters: 15.3104; 17.8384; 14.6419; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7212029
CIF file Formula: - C16 H20 Br2 N4 O3 Zn -
Comments: Hsu, Yi-Fen; Hsu, Wayne; Wu, Chia-Jun; Cheng, Pei-Chi; Yeh, Chun-Wei; Chang, Wen-Jung; Chen, Jhy-Der; Wang, Ju-Chun Roles of halide anions in the structural diversity of Zn(ii) complexes containing the flexible N,N′-di(4-pyridyl)adipoamide ligand CrystEngComm 12(3) (2010) 702
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4139
Cell parameters: 15.3196; 18.1947; 14.8493; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7216221
CIF file Formula: - C22 H22 Fe K N4 O14 -
Comments: Wang, Lei; Wang, Wenqiang; Guo, Dong; Zhang, Ao; Song, Yaoguang; Zhang, Yiheng; Huang, Keke Design and syntheses of hybrid supramolecular architectures: based on [Fe(C2O4)3]3− metallotectons and diverse organic cations CrystEngComm 16(24) (2014) 5437
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5447.1
Cell parameters: 13.4174; 18.1772; 22.334; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7216425
CIF file Formula: - C31 H22 Co F6 N4 O5 -
Comments: Tripuramallu, Bharat Kumar; Manna, Paulami; Das, Samar K. Structural library of coordination polymers based on flexible linkers exploiting the role of linker coordination angle: synthesis, structural characterization and magnetic properties CrystEngComm 16(22) (2014) 4816
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5977
Cell parameters: 13.177; 15.668; 28.949; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7223201
CIF file Formula: - C24 H30 Cl2 N10 -
Comments: Jang, Yoona; Yoo, Seo Yeon; Gu, Hye Rin; Lee, Yu Jin; Cha, Young Shin; You, Laekyeong; Noh, Kyungkyou; Kim, Jaheon Hydrogen-bonding networks of purine derivatives and their bilayers for guest intercalation CrystEngComm 18(1) (2016) 62
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 10086
Cell parameters: 15.022; 44.14; 15.211; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7229214
CIF file Formula: - C88 H60 Cl8 N12 O1.44 Zn4 -
Comments: Tian, Xiao-Yun; Zhou, Hao-Long; Fang, Xin; Mo, Zong-Wen; Xu, Yantong; Zhou, Dong-Dong; Zhang, Jie-Peng Diverse coordination polymers from a new bent dipyridyl type ligand 3,6-di(pyridin-4-yl)-9H-carbazole CrystEngComm (2017)
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8181.2
Cell parameters: 18.519; 25.5918; 17.2622; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7233829
CIF file Formula: - C42 H30 F6 Ir N4 P -
Comments: Gabriel E. Schneider; Antonio Pertegas; Edwin C. Constable; Catherine E. Housecroft; Nik Hostettler; Collin D. Morris; Jennifer A. Zampese; Henk J. Bolink; Jose M. Junquera-Hernandez; Enrique Orti; Michele Sessolo Bright and stable light-emitting electrochemical cells based on an intramolecularly pi-stacked, 2-naphthyl-substituted iridium complex Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (2014) 7047-7055
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 14348.6
Cell parameters: 23.8655; 34.2298; 17.5645; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7236170
CIF file Formula: - C52 H50 N8 Ni5 O30 -
Comments: Xu, Yu-Ci; Chen, Yu; Qiu, Hai-Jiang; Zeng, Xiao-Shan; Xu, Hui-Ling; Li, Jie; Zeng, Yong-Fei; Xiao, Dong-Rong Metal nuclearity affects network connectivity: a series of highly connected metal‒organic frameworks based on polynuclear metal clusters as secondary building units CrystEngComm 18(42) (2016) 8182
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 11615.7
Cell parameters: 11.8454; 28.3935; 34.5364; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7236179
CIF file Formula: - C39 H35 Cd2 Cl5 Cr3 N7 O16 -
Comments: Yang, Qing-Yuan; Chen, Kai-Jie; Schoedel, Alexander; Wojtas, Lukasz; Perry IV, John J.; Zaworotko, Michael J. Network diversity through two-step crystal engineering of a decorated 6-connected primary molecular building block CrystEngComm 18(44) (2016) 8578
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 17275
Cell parameters: 23.751; 30.607; 23.764; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7237074
CIF file Formula: - C28 H18 N4 O4 Zn -
Comments: Yao, Shu-Li; Zheng, Teng-Fei; Tian, Xue-Mei; Liu, Sui-Jun; Cao, Chen; Zhu, Ze-Hao; Chen, Yong-Qiang; Chen, Jing-Lin; Wen, He-Rui Dicarboxylate-induced structural diversity of luminescent ZnII/CdII coordination polymers derived from V-shaped bis-benzimidazole CrystEngComm 20(38) (2018) 5822
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4498.1
Cell parameters: 14.142; 16.0637; 19.8005; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7243837
CIF file Formula: - C21 O4 P -
Comments: Haneda, Tsuyoshi; Matsuno, Shinya; Yamamoto, Hisanao; Ohtsu, Hiroyoshi; Kawano, Masaki Latency control of chemical reactions in polymerization of epoxy resins using a hydrogen bonding network CrystEngComm 23(44) (2021) 7717-7719
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4610
Cell parameters: 19.5817; 19.58544; 12.02036; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7243839
CIF file Formula: - C42 H76 O8 P2 -
Comments: Haneda, Tsuyoshi; Matsuno, Shinya; Yamamoto, Hisanao; Ohtsu, Hiroyoshi; Kawano, Masaki Latency control of chemical reactions in polymerization of epoxy resins using a hydrogen bonding network CrystEngComm 23(44) (2021) 7717-7719
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 4515.4
Cell parameters: 19.1921; 20.0035; 11.7616; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7245233
CIF file Formula: - C26 H22 N4 O8 Zn -
Comments: Zhang, Xiao-Sa; Liu, Yan; Liu, Yu; Xiao, Lin-Jiu; Cui, Jia-Liang; Xiang, Hong; Luan, Jian; Li, Wen-Ze A series of bis-pyridyl-bis-amide-modulated metal–organic frameworks: formation, transformation and selectivity for the efficient detection of multiple analytes CrystEngComm (2022)
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5354
Cell parameters: 17.6671; 19.4948; 15.545; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7247304
CIF file Formula: - C34 H37 Co N4 O8.5 -
Comments: Huang, Wei-Chun; Chen, Wei-Hao; Chen, Chia-Ling; Liao, Tsung-Te; Chen, Yi-Wun; Chen, Jhy-Der Formation of entangled Co(ii) coordination polymers based on bis-pyridyl-bis-amide and angular dicarboxylate ligands: a structural comparison CrystEngComm 25(39) (2023) 5575-5587
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 13648.5
Cell parameters: 15.3926; 54.654; 16.2237; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7701750
CIF file Formula: - C28 H20 Mn N2 O14 -
Comments: Zhao, Na; Li, Yu; Gu, Jin-Zhong; Kirillova, Marina V.; Kirillov, Alexander M. Hydrothermal generation, structural versatility and properties of metal(ii)-organic architectures driven by a pyridine-tricarboxylic acid. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 48(23) (2019) 8361-8374
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 5502.8
Cell parameters: 16.632; 22.3932; 14.7748; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7702011
CIF file Formula: - C73 H74 Cl4 Fe N2 P2 Pt2 -
Comments: Zheng, Feng; Hutton, Alan T.; van Sittert, Cornelia G. C. E.; Gerber, Wilhelmus J.; Mapolie, Selwyn F. Cyclometallated platinum(II) complexes of benzylidene-2,6-di-isopropylphenylamine containing bidentate phosphines: synthesis, structural properties and reactivity studies. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 44(4) (2015) 1969-1981
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 14258
Cell parameters: 21.2184; 37.581; 17.8803; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7702133
CIF file Formula: - C20.5 H36 Cl4 Co2 O10 P2 -
Comments: Zaręba, J K; Janczak, J.; Samoć, M; Nyk, M. Spectrally-resolved third-harmonic generation and the fundamental role of O-HCl hydrogen bonding in O<sub>h</sub>, T<sub>d</sub>-cobalt(ii) tetraphenylmethane-based coordination polymers. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 46(29) (2017) 9349-9357
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 6535.5
Cell parameters: 15.6558; 25.4691; 16.3904; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7702191
CIF file Formula: - C22 H12 In N0 O10 S -
Comments: Li, Yuan-Han; Wang, Sue-Lein; Su, Yu-Chia; Ko, Bao-Tsan; Tsai, Chen-Yen; Lin, Chia-Her Microporous 2D indium metal-organic frameworks for selective CO<sub>2</sub> capture and their application in the catalytic CO<sub>2</sub>-cycloaddition of epoxides. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 47(28) (2018) 9474-9481
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7331.5
Cell parameters: 14.5653; 21.0484; 23.914; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7702192
CIF file Formula: - C22 H12 In N O10 S -
Comments: Li, Yuan-Han; Wang, Sue-Lein; Su, Yu-Chia; Ko, Bao-Tsan; Tsai, Chen-Yen; Lin, Chia-Her Microporous 2D indium metal-organic frameworks for selective CO<sub>2</sub> capture and their application in the catalytic CO<sub>2</sub>-cycloaddition of epoxides. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 47(28) (2018) 9474-9481
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 7399.2
Cell parameters: 15.0622; 20.9202; 23.4817; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7702201
CIF file Formula: - C80 H72 Ag F6 N8 Sb -
Comments: Hawes, Chris S.; Ó Máille, Gearóid M; Byrne, Kevin; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Gunnlaugsson, Thorfinnur Tetraarylpyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrroles as versatile and responsive fluorescent linkers in metal-organic frameworks. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 47(30) (2018) 10080-10092
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 8240.1
Cell parameters: 10.7985; 29.4144; 25.9424; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7705081
CIF file Formula: - Ag2 K2 S4 Sn -
Comments: Li, Yanhua; Song, Xuedan; Liu, Yan; Guo, Yongkang; Sun, Yu; Ji, Min; You, Zhonglu; An, Yonglin Syntheses, structures, and photocatalytic properties of open-framework Ag-Sn-S compounds. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 49(33) (2020) 11708-11714
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1817.4
Cell parameters: 11.5295; 26.953; 5.8483; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7705082
CIF file Formula: - Ag8 Rb8 S16 Sn4 -
Comments: Li, Yanhua; Song, Xuedan; Liu, Yan; Guo, Yongkang; Sun, Yu; Ji, Min; You, Zhonglu; An, Yonglin Syntheses, structures, and photocatalytic properties of open-framework Ag-Sn-S compounds. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 49(33) (2020) 11708-11714
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1911.8
Cell parameters: 11.6787; 27.526; 5.9472; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7705184
CIF file Formula: - C60 H76 Fe N4 -
Comments: Liang, Qiuming; Lin, Jack H.; DeMuth, Joshua C.; Neidig, Michael L.; Song, Datong Syntheses and characterizations of iron complexes of bulky <i>o</i>-phenylenediamide ligand. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 49(35) (2020) 12287-12297
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 12637
Cell parameters: 18.114; 20.701; 33.7; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7707176
CIF file Formula: - C42 H24 Fe N6 O4 S4 -
Comments: Ghosh, Subrata; Kamilya, Sujit; Pramanik, Titas; Mohanty, Ashutosh; Rouzières, Mathieu; Herchel, Radovan; Mehta, Sakshi; Mondal, Abhishake Thermo- and photoinduced spin state switching in an iron(II) 2D coordination network associated with large light-induced thermal hysteresis and tuning of dimensionality <i>via</i> ligand modulation. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 50(22) (2021) 7725-7735
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 10521.5
Cell parameters: 13.5275; 28.0006; 27.7775; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7707178
CIF file Formula: - C42 H24 Fe N6 O4 S4 -
Comments: Ghosh, Subrata; Kamilya, Sujit; Pramanik, Titas; Mohanty, Ashutosh; Rouzières, Mathieu; Herchel, Radovan; Mehta, Sakshi; Mondal, Abhishake Thermo- and photoinduced spin state switching in an iron(II) 2D coordination network associated with large light-induced thermal hysteresis and tuning of dimensionality <i>via</i> ligand modulation. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 50(22) (2021) 7725-7735
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 10970.8
Cell parameters: 13.6023; 28.4252; 28.374; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7711083
CIF file Formula: - C32 H26 Cu F6 N4 O5 P S -
Comments: Peppas, Anastassios; Sokalis, Demetrios; Perganti, Dorothea; Schnakenburg, Gregor; Falaras, Polycarpos; Philippopoulos, athanassios Sterically demanding pyridine-quinoline anchoring ligands as building blocks for copper(I)-based dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) complexes Dalton Transactions (2022)
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 6459.3
Cell parameters: 15.8987; 24.7403; 16.4218; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 8000236
CIF file Formula: - C120 H220 Au28 S20 -
Comments: Higaki, Tatsuya; Liu, Chong; Chen, Yuxiang; Zhao, Shuo; Zeng, Chenjie; Jin, Renxi; Wang, Shuxin; Rosi, Nathaniel L.; Jin, Rongchao Oxidation-Induced Transformation of Eight-Electron Gold Nanoclusters: [Au23(SR)16](-) to [Au28(SR)20](0). The journal of physical chemistry letters 8(4) (2017) 866-870
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 19814.6
Cell parameters: 26.4855; 34.211; 21.8681; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9000832
CIF file Formula: - Al2 Fe0.204 H4 Mg0.796 O10 Si2 -
Comments: Viswanathan, K. The crystal structure of a Mg-rich carpholite American Mineralogist 66 (1981) 1080-1085
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1405.73
Cell parameters: 13.714; 20.079; 5.105; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9005483
CIF file Formula: - Al3.94 F0.304 Fe0.7 H7.896 K0.004 Mg1.3 O19.896 Si4 -
Comments: Fuchs, Y.; Mellini, M.; Memmi, I. Crystal-chemistry of magnesiocarpholite: controversial X-ray diffraction, Mossbauer, FTIR and Raman results European Journal of Mineralogy 13 (2001) 533-543
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1407.66
Cell parameters: 13.716; 20.084; 5.11; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9005484
CIF file Formula: - Al3.96 F0.24 Fe0.7 H7.92 K0.004 Mg1.3 O19.92 Si4 -
Comments: Fuchs, Y.; Mellini, M.; Memmi, I. Crystal-chemistry of magnesiocarpholite: controversial X-ray diffraction, Mossbauer, FTIR and Raman results European Journal of Mineralogy 13 (2001) 533-543
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1410.29
Cell parameters: 13.726; 20.099; 5.112; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9005714
CIF file Formula: - Al3.02 H8 K0.012 Mg0.26 Mn1.74 O20 Si4 V0.98 -
Comments: Basso, R.; Cabella, R.; Lucchetti, G.; Martinelli, A.; Palenzona, A. Vanadiocarpholite, Mn2+V3+Al(Si2O6)(OH)4, a new mineral from the Molinello mine, northern Apennines, Italy Note: sample VrC Locality: Molinello mine, northern Apennines, Italy European Journal of Mineralogy 17 (2005) 501-507
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1455.76
Cell parameters: 13.84; 20.452; 5.143; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9005715
CIF file Formula: - Al2.02 H8 K0.168 Mg0.16 Mn1.84 O20 Si4 V1.98 -
Comments: Basso, R.; Cabella, R.; Lucchetti, G.; Martinelli, A.; Palenzona, A. Vanadiocarpholite, Mn2+V3+Al(Si2O6)(OH)4, a new mineral from the Molinello mine, northern Apennines, Italy Note: sample VC Locality: Molinello mine, northern Apennines, Italy European Journal of Mineralogy 17 (2005) 501-507
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1483.86
Cell parameters: 13.83; 20.681; 5.188; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9007859
CIF file Formula: - C18 H24 V -
Comments: Braga, D.; Sabatino, P. Bis(arene)vanadium complexes. A structural study Sample: 1 Acta Crystallographica, Section C 46 (1990) 2308-2312
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 9493.58
Cell parameters: 19.529; 29.559; 16.446; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9009290
CIF file Formula: - Al2 H4 Mn O10 Si2 -
Comments: Lindemann, W.; Wogerbauer, R.; Berger, P. Die kristallstruktur von karpholith (Mn0.97Mg0.08FeII0.07)(Al1.90FeIII0.01)Si2O6(OH)4 Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1979 (1979) 282-287
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1423.22
Cell parameters: 13.718; 20.216; 5.132; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9009381
CIF file Formula: - Al2 Fe0.76 H4 Mg0.24 O10 Si2 -
Comments: Ferraris, G.; Ivaldi, G.; Goffe, B. Structural study of a magnesian ferrocarpholite: Are carpholites monoclinic? Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1992 (1992) 337-347
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1425.83
Cell parameters: 13.797; 20.2; 5.116; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9009988
CIF file Formula: - Al3 Ba F4 H4 Li Mg2 O16 Si4 -
Comments: Peng, Z.; Ma, Z.; Han, S. The refinement of crystal structure of balipholite Scientia Sinica B 30 (1987) 779-784
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1409.29
Cell parameters: 13.587; 20.164; 5.144; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9014157
CIF file Formula: - Al2 H4 Mn O10 Si2 -
Comments: Naumova, I. S.; Pobedimskaya, E. A.; Belov, N. V. Crystal structure of carpholite MnAl2(Si2O6)(OH)4 Kristallografiya 19 (1974) 1155-1160
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1437.54
Cell parameters: 13.831; 20.296; 5.121; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9015634
CIF file Formula: - Al4 F4 H4 K0.65 Li0.672 Mn1.35 O16 Si4 -
Comments: Ghose, S.; Sen Gupta, P. K.; Boggs, R. C.; Schlemper, E. O. Crystal chemistry of a nonstoichiometric carpholite, Kx(Mn2-x,Lix)Al4Si4O12(OH)4F4: A chain silicate related to pyroxenes American Mineralogist 74 (1989) 1084-1090
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1430.64
Cell parameters: 13.715; 20.302; 5.138; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9016351
CIF file Formula: - Al3 Ba F3.36 H4.64 Li Mg2 O16.64 Si4 -
Comments: X-ray Laboratory, Wuhan Geologic College; Geology Laboratory, Hunan Geology Bureau; Geology Team 654, Hunan Geology Bureau Balipholite BaMg2LiAl3[Si2O6]2(OH,F)8 and its crystal structure Scientia Geologica Sinica 12(1) (1977) 65-82
Space group: C c c a :2
Cell volume: 1420.36
Cell parameters: 13.6; 20.24; 5.16; 90; 90; 90;  

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