Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 72 entries in the selection

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Searching space group like 'F 2 3'

COD ID: 1010581
CIF file Formula: - Cu2 Se -
Comments: Rahlfs, P Ueber die kubischen Hochtemperaturmodifikationen der Sulfide und Telluride des Silbers und des einwertigen Kupfers Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie 31 (1936) 157-194
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 199.2
Cell parameters: 5.84; 5.84; 5.84; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1511660
CIF file Formula: - B7 Cl Li4 O12 -
Comments: Levasseur, A.; Lloyd, D.J.; Hagenmuller, P.; Fouassier, C. Determination structurale de la boracite Li4 B7 O12 Cl Journal of Solid State Chemistry 8 (1973) 318-324
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 1795.39
Cell parameters: 12.154; 12.154; 12.154; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1515517
CIF file Formula: - C47 H49 Cl10.667 Fe4 N9 O4 -
Comments: Glasson, Christopher R. K.; Clegg, Jack K.; McMurtrie, John C.; Meehan, George V.; Lindoy, Leonard F.; Motti, Cherie A.; Moubaraki, Boujemaa; Murray, Keith S.; Cashion, John D. Unprecedented encapsulation of a [FeIIICl4]− anion in a cationic [FeII4L6]8+ tetrahedral cage derived from 5,5′′′-dimethyl-2,2′:5′,5′′:2′′,2′′′-quaterpyridine Chemical Science 2(3) (2011) 540
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 26116.1
Cell parameters: 29.669; 29.669; 29.669; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1523131
CIF file Formula: - Li22 Pb5 -
Comments: Zalkin, A.; Ramsey, W.J. Intermetallic compounds between lithium and lead. IV. The crystal structure of Li22 Pb5 Journal of Physical Chemistry 62 (1958) 689-693
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 8096.38
Cell parameters: 20.08; 20.08; 20.08; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1530960
CIF file Formula: - B7 Cl Li5 O12.5 -
Comments: Vlasse, M.; Levasseur, A.; Hagenmuller, P. Crystal structure of Li5 B7 O12.5 Cl at 296 and 425 k Solid State Ionics 2 (1981) 33-37
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 1787.42
Cell parameters: 12.136; 12.136; 12.136; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1532588
CIF file Formula: - Al96 K30.92 O384 Rb100.64 Si96 -
Comments: Ikeda, T.; Kodaira, T. Crystal structure annd magnetic properties of rubidium clusters in zeolite LTA Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 135 (2001) 3416-3423
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 14948
Cell parameters: 24.6336; 24.6336; 24.6336; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1538121
CIF file Formula: - Li22 Si5 -
Comments: Gladyshevskii, E.I.; Oleksiv, G.I.; Kripyakevich, P.I. New examples of the structural type Li22 Pb5 Kristallografiya 9 (1964) 338-341
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 7738.89
Cell parameters: 19.78; 19.78; 19.78; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1538123
CIF file Formula: - Li22 Si5 -
Comments: Gladyshevskii, E.I.; Oleksiv, G.I.; Kripyakevich, P.I. New examples of the structural type Li22 Pb5 Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya) 9 (1964) 269-271
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 6591.8
Cell parameters: 18.75; 18.75; 18.75; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1539120
CIF file Formula: - O4 S Zn -
Comments: Spiess, M.; Gruehn, R. H-Zn S O4, das erste Sulfat mit einer kubischen H-Cristobalit-Struktur Naturwissenschaften 65 (1978) 594-594
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 369.528
Cell parameters: 7.176; 7.176; 7.176; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1546344
CIF file Formula: - C28 H45 Al20 N O96 P20 -
Comments: Bennett, J. Michael; Kirchner, Richard M. The structure of as-synthesized AlPO4-16 determined by a new framework modeling method and Rietveld refonement of synchrotron powder diffraction data Zeolites 11 (1991) 502-506
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 2397.07
Cell parameters: 13.3832; 13.3832; 13.3832; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1549251
CIF file Formula: - C106 H96 Cl40 N24 -
Comments: McMahon, David P.; Stephenson, Andrew; Chong, Samantha Y.; Little, Marc; Jones, James T. A.; Cooper, Andrew I.; Day, Graeme Matthew Computational Modelling of Solvent Effects in a Prolific Solvatomorphic Porous Organic Cage Faraday Discussions (2018)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 14433.7
Cell parameters: 24.3478; 24.3478; 24.3478; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1559070
CIF file Formula: - C640 H644 B24 Cd12 F96 N188 O4 -
Comments: Argent, Stephen P.; Jackson, Fiona C.; Chan, Ho Man; Meyrick, Sam; Taylor, Christopher G. P.; Ronson, Tanya K.; Rourke, Jonathan P.; Ward, Michael D. A family of diastereomeric dodecanuclear coordination cages based on inversion of chirality of individual triangular cyclic helicate faces Chemical Science (2020)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 79279.2
Cell parameters: 42.9589; 42.9589; 42.9589; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1569617
CIF file Formula: - C92 H108 Cu12 Mo10 N5 O116 P V2 -
Comments: Lu, Xinlin; Cheng, Ting; Geletii, Yurii V.; Bacsa, John; Hill, Craig L. Reactivity and stability synergism directed by the electron transfer between polyoxometalates and metal–organic frameworks Catalysis Science & Technology 13(17) (2023) 5094-5103
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 18085.2
Cell parameters: 26.2487; 26.2487; 26.2487; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2001973
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - C48 H96 Br12 Cu O24 Tl6 -
Comments: Kahwa, I. A.; Miller, D.; Mitchel, M.; Fronczek, F. R. Structure of the thallium-rich complex [(Tl18-crown-6)~4~CuBr~4~][TlBr~4~]~2~ Acta Crystallographica Section C 49(2) (1993) 320-321
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 9125.4
Cell parameters: 20.897; 20.897; 20.897; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2017639
CIF file

HKL data

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Al13.92 Ba8 La26.32 O167.04 Ru18.08 Sr53.68 -
Comments: Zúñiga, F. J.; García-García, F. J.; Hoelzel, M.; Reller, A. Al~14~Ba~8~La~26.3~Ru~18~Sr~53.7~O~167~: a variant of cubic perovskite with isolated RuO~6~ units Acta Crystallographica Section C 66(5) (2010) i50-i54
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 4249.2
Cell parameters: 16.197; 16.197; 16.197; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2017640
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Al13.984 Ba8 La26.424 O167.193 Ru18.02 Sr53.64 -
Comments: Zúñiga, F. J.; García-García, F. J.; Hoelzel, M.; Reller, A. Al~14~Ba~8~La~26.3~Ru~18~Sr~53.7~O~167~: a variant of cubic perovskite with isolated RuO~6~ units Acta Crystallographica Section C 66(5) (2010) i50-i54
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 4249.2
Cell parameters: 16.197; 16.197; 16.197; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2102499
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Cu2 Se -
Comments: Machado, K. D.; de Lima, J. C.; Grandi, T. A.; Campos, C. E. M.; Maurmann, C. E.; Gasperini, A. A. M.; Souza, S. M.; Pimenta, A. F. Structural study of Cu~2{-~<i>x</i>}Se alloys produced by mechanical alloying Acta Crystallographica Section B 60(3) (2004) 282-286
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 196.772
Cell parameters: 5.8164; 5.8164; 5.8164; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2312408
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Al3 B4 Cl Li4 O12 -
Comments: Yoshino, Sho; Arima, Hidechika; Ishijima, Masanao; Kajihara, Koichi Crystal structures of the alkali aluminoboracites <i>A</i><sub>4</sub>B<sub>4</sub>Al<sub>3</sub>O<sub>12</sub>Cl (<i>A</i> = Li, Na). Acta crystallographica. Section E, Crystallographic communications 80(Pt 2) (2024) 169-173
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 2188.85
Cell parameters: 12.9839; 12.9839; 12.9839; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2312410
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Al3 B4 Cl0.92 Na3.92 O12 -
Comments: Yoshino, Sho; Arima, Hidechika; Ishijima, Masanao; Kajihara, Koichi Crystal structures of the alkali aluminoboracites <i>A</i><sub>4</sub>B<sub>4</sub>Al<sub>3</sub>O<sub>12</sub>Cl (<i>A</i> = Li, Na). Acta crystallographica. Section E, Crystallographic communications 80(Pt 2) (2024) 169-173
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 2510.13
Cell parameters: 13.5904; 13.5904; 13.5904; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 3000330

CIF file is on hold until 2023-01-11

Formula: - Al10 Ca14 O35 Zn6 -
Comments: Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes High-temperature behavior and structural studies on Ca14Al10Zn6O35 To be published in Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie ()
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 3272.6
Cell parameters: 14.8468; 14.8468; 14.8468; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 3000331

CIF file is on hold until 2023-01-11

Formula: - Al10 Ca14 O35 Zn6 -
Comments: Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes High-temperature behavior and structural studies on Ca14Al10Zn6O35 To be published in Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie ()
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 3278.4
Cell parameters: 14.8555; 14.8555; 14.8555; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 3000332

CIF file is on hold until 2023-01-11

Formula: - Al10 Ca14 O35 Zn6 -
Comments: Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes High-temperature behavior and structural studies on Ca14Al10Zn6O35 To be published in Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie ()
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 3286.02
Cell parameters: 14.867; 14.867; 14.867; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 3000333

CIF file is on hold until 2023-01-11

Formula: - Al10 Ca14 O35 Zn6 -
Comments: Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes High-temperature behavior and structural studies on Ca14Al10Zn6O35 To be published in Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie ()
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 3295.1
Cell parameters: 14.8807; 14.8807; 14.8807; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 3000334

CIF file is on hold until 2023-01-11

Formula: - Al10 Ca14 O35 Zn6 -
Comments: Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes High-temperature behavior and structural studies on Ca14Al10Zn6O35 To be published in Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie ()
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 3304.8
Cell parameters: 14.8953; 14.8953; 14.8953; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 3000335

CIF file is on hold until 2023-01-11

Formula: - Al10 Ca14 O35 Zn6 -
Comments: Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes High-temperature behavior and structural studies on Ca14Al10Zn6O35 To be published in Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie ()
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 3315.5
Cell parameters: 14.9114; 14.9114; 14.9114; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 3000336

CIF file is on hold until 2023-01-11

Formula: - Al10 Ca14 O35 Zn6 -
Comments: Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes High-temperature behavior and structural studies on Ca14Al10Zn6O35 To be published in Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie ()
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 3326.5
Cell parameters: 14.9278; 14.9278; 14.9278; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 3000337

CIF file is on hold until 2023-01-11

Formula: - Al10 Ca14 O35 Zn6 -
Comments: Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes High-temperature behavior and structural studies on Ca14Al10Zn6O35 To be published in Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie ()
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 3338.3
Cell parameters: 14.9454; 14.9454; 14.9454; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 3000338

CIF file is on hold until 2023-01-11

Formula: - Al10 Ca14 O35 Zn6 -
Comments: Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes High-temperature behavior and structural studies on Ca14Al10Zn6O35 To be published in Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie ()
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 3363.8
Cell parameters: 14.9834; 14.9834; 14.9834; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4115451
CIF file Formula: - C300 H304 Cd25 Cl4 O6 P4 Se41 -
Comments: V. N. Soloviev; A. Eichhöfer; D. Fenske; U. Banin Size-Dependent Optical Spectroscopy of a Homologous Series of CdSe Cluster Molecules Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (2001) 2354-2364
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 34850
Cell parameters: 32.664; 32.664; 32.664; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4117867
CIF file Formula: - C276 Ir6 N24 O32 Zr6 -
Comments: Cheng Wang; Kathryn E. deKrafft; Wenbin Lin Pt Nanoparticles @ Photoactive Metal-Organic Frameworks: Efficient Hydrogen Evolution via Synergistic Photoexcitation and Electron Injection Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (2012) 7211-7214
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 58145
Cell parameters: 38.741; 38.741; 38.741; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4121581
CIF file Formula: - C372 H244 O32 P12 Zr6 -
Comments: Falkowski, Joseph M.; Sawano, Takahiro; Zhang, Teng; Tsun, Galen; Chen, Yuan; Lockard, Jenny V.; Lin, Wenbin Privileged phosphine-based metal-organic frameworks for broad-scope asymmetric catalysis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 136(14) (2014) 5213-5216
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 98074
Cell parameters: 46.116; 46.116; 46.116; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4122711
CIF file Formula: - C2 H N O1.17 Zn0.67 -
Comments: Tu, Binbin; Pang, Qingqing; Wu, Doufeng; Song, Yuna; Weng, Linhong; Li, Qiaowei Ordered Vacancies and Their Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 136(41) (2014) 14465
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 8113.8
Cell parameters: 20.0944; 20.0944; 20.0944; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4122717
CIF file Formula: - C2 H N O1.17 Zn0.67 -
Comments: Tu, Binbin; Pang, Qingqing; Wu, Doufeng; Song, Yuna; Weng, Linhong; Li, Qiaowei Ordered Vacancies and Their Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 136(41) (2014) 14465
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 8175.02
Cell parameters: 20.1448; 20.1448; 20.1448; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4122718
CIF file Formula: - C2 H N O1.17 Zn0.67 -
Comments: Tu, Binbin; Pang, Qingqing; Wu, Doufeng; Song, Yuna; Weng, Linhong; Li, Qiaowei Ordered Vacancies and Their Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 136(41) (2014) 14465
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 8133.58
Cell parameters: 20.1107; 20.1107; 20.1107; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4122719
CIF file Formula: - C2 H N O1.17 Zn0.67 -
Comments: Tu, Binbin; Pang, Qingqing; Wu, Doufeng; Song, Yuna; Weng, Linhong; Li, Qiaowei Ordered Vacancies and Their Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 136(41) (2014) 14465
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 8148.75
Cell parameters: 20.1232; 20.1232; 20.1232; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4122720
CIF file Formula: - C2 H N O1.17 Zn0.67 -
Comments: Tu, Binbin; Pang, Qingqing; Wu, Doufeng; Song, Yuna; Weng, Linhong; Li, Qiaowei Ordered Vacancies and Their Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 136(41) (2014) 14465
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 8144.6
Cell parameters: 20.1198; 20.1198; 20.1198; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4126871
CIF file Formula: - C216 H224 B Co20 F4 N72 O16 -
Comments: Luo, Dong; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Yang, Chen; Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Li, Dan Self-Assembly of Chiral Metal-Organic Tetartoid. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 35980.8
Cell parameters: 33.0134; 33.0134; 33.0134; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4126872
CIF file Formula: - C216 H224 B Co20 F4 N72 O16 -
Comments: Luo, Dong; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Yang, Chen; Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Li, Dan Self-Assembly of Chiral Metal-Organic Tetartoid. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 35870.7
Cell parameters: 32.9797; 32.9797; 32.9797; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4126873
CIF file Formula: - C240 H272 B Co20 F4 N72 O16 -
Comments: Luo, Dong; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Yang, Chen; Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Li, Dan Self-Assembly of Chiral Metal-Organic Tetartoid. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 35465.4
Cell parameters: 32.855; 32.855; 32.855; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4126874
CIF file Formula: - C240 H272 B Co20 F4 N72 O16 -
Comments: Luo, Dong; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Yang, Chen; Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Li, Dan Self-Assembly of Chiral Metal-Organic Tetartoid. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 36014.5
Cell parameters: 33.0237; 33.0237; 33.0237; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4126875
CIF file Formula: - C216 H224 Cl Co20 N72 O20 -
Comments: Luo, Dong; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Yang, Chen; Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Li, Dan Self-Assembly of Chiral Metal-Organic Tetartoid. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 36063.9
Cell parameters: 33.0388; 33.0388; 33.0388; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4126876
CIF file Formula: - C216 H224 Cl Co20 N72 O20 -
Comments: Luo, Dong; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Yang, Chen; Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Li, Dan Self-Assembly of Chiral Metal-Organic Tetartoid. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 35821.8
Cell parameters: 32.9647; 32.9647; 32.9647; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4126877
CIF file Formula: - C216 H224 Co20 F42 N72 O16 P7 -
Comments: Luo, Dong; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Yang, Chen; Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Li, Dan Self-Assembly of Chiral Metal-Organic Tetartoid. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 36026.6
Cell parameters: 33.0274; 33.0274; 33.0274; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4126878
CIF file Formula: - C216 H224 Co20 F42 N72 O16 P7 -
Comments: Luo, Dong; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Yang, Chen; Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Li, Dan Self-Assembly of Chiral Metal-Organic Tetartoid. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 35849.5
Cell parameters: 32.9732; 32.9732; 32.9732; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4126879
CIF file Formula: - C217 H224 Co20 F3 N72 O19 S -
Comments: Luo, Dong; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Yang, Chen; Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Li, Dan Self-Assembly of Chiral Metal-Organic Tetartoid. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 35847.9
Cell parameters: 32.9727; 32.9727; 32.9727; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4126880
CIF file Formula: - C217 H224 Co20 F3 N72 O19 S -
Comments: Luo, Dong; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Yang, Chen; Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Li, Dan Self-Assembly of Chiral Metal-Organic Tetartoid. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 35766.4
Cell parameters: 32.9477; 32.9477; 32.9477; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4344100
CIF file Formula: - C72 H84 Au4 Co2 N6 O18 P4 S4 -
Comments: Yoshinari, Nobuto; Li, Chan; Lee, Raeeun; Kuwamura, Naoto; Igashira-Kamiyama, Asako; Konno, Takumi Chiral Scrambling and Independent Crystallization of d4, l4, and d2l2 Isomers of an Au(I)4Co(III)2 Hexanuclear Complex with Mixed Penicillaminate and Bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane. Inorganic chemistry 54(18) (2015) 8881-8883
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 54993
Cell parameters: 38.0279; 38.0279; 38.0279; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4505654
CIF file Formula: - Ge H3 N O8 Sn6 -
Comments: Purdy, Andrew P.; Case, Sean; George, Clifford Ammonothermal Crystal Growth of Germanium and Its Alloys: Synthesis of a Hollow Metallic Crystal Crystal Growth & Design 3(2) (2003) 121
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 1156.27
Cell parameters: 10.4959; 10.4959; 10.4959; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7101832
CIF file Formula: - C255 H263 Ag24 P17 S33 -
Comments: Rothenberger, Alexander; Shafaei-Fallah, Maryam; Shi, Weifeng A recipe for new organometallic polymers and oligomers? Synthesis and structure of an oligo- and a polymeric arrangement of P-S anions. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) (issue 15) (2007) 1499-1501
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 30417
Cell parameters: 31.215; 31.215; 31.215; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7112744
CIF file Formula: - C13.5 H14.5 Cl2 Co2.5 N4.5 O6.5 -
Comments: Rebecca J. Holmberg; Marika Kay; Ilia Korobkov; Eugene Kadantsev; Peter G. Boyd; Tomoko Aharen; Serge Desgreniers; Tom K. Woo; Muralee Murugesu An unprecedented CoII cuboctahedron as the secondary building unit in a Co-based metal-organic framework Chem.Commun. 50 (2014) 5333
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 12741.6
Cell parameters: 23.3565; 23.3565; 23.3565; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7114736
CIF file Formula: - C48 H96 Cl8 Fe5 K4 O24 S4 -
Comments: Willems, Johannes B.; Köckerling, Martin Synthesis and structure of an unprecedented high-symmetry [Fe4S4Cl4] cubane-type unit in supramolecular [K4(FeCl4)(C12H24O6)4][Fe4S4Cl4] Chemical Communications (issue 15) (2001) 1380
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 9583.5
Cell parameters: 21.241; 21.241; 21.241; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7115905
CIF file Formula: - C21 H15 Cu3 N3 O30.75 -
Comments: Ivan Burneo; Kyriakos C. Stylianou; Inhar Imaz; Daniel Maspoch The influence of the enantiomeric ratio of an organic ligand on the structure and chirality of metal-organic frameworks Chem.Commun. 50 (2014) 13829
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 39904
Cell parameters: 34.172; 34.172; 34.172; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7115906
CIF file Formula: - C21 H15 Cu3 N3 O30.75 -
Comments: Ivan Burneo; Kyriakos C. Stylianou; Inhar Imaz; Daniel Maspoch The influence of the enantiomeric ratio of an organic ligand on the structure and chirality of metal-organic frameworks Chem.Commun. 50 (2014) 13829
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 39939
Cell parameters: 34.182; 34.182; 34.182; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7121183
CIF file Formula: - C108 H108 N12 O28 P4 Pd12 -
Comments: Rajasekar, Prabhakaran; Pandey, Swechchha; Paithankar, Harshad; Chugh, Jeetender; Steiner, Alexander; Boomishankar, Ramamoorthy Imido-P(v) trianion supported enantiopure neutral tetrahedral Pd(ii) cages. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 54(15) (2018) 1873-1876
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 22636.4
Cell parameters: 28.288; 28.288; 28.288; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7121184
CIF file Formula: - C108 H108 N12 O28 P4 Pd12 -
Comments: Rajasekar, Prabhakaran; Pandey, Swechchha; Paithankar, Harshad; Chugh, Jeetender; Steiner, Alexander; Boomishankar, Ramamoorthy Imido-P(v) trianion supported enantiopure neutral tetrahedral Pd(ii) cages. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 54(15) (2018) 1873-1876
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 22060.4
Cell parameters: 28.046; 28.046; 28.046; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7122760
CIF file Formula: - C594 H612 Cl16 Fe12 N108 O64 -
Comments: Zhang, Hai-Xia; Yan, Xiaodong; Chen, Yu-Xin; Zhang, Shu-Heng; Li, Tao; Han, Wang-Kang; Bao, Ling-Yu; Shen, Rui; Gu, Zhi-Guo Zeolite supramolecular framework with LTA topology based on tetrahedral metal-organic cage Chemical Communications (2018)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 157928
Cell parameters: 54.053; 54.053; 54.053; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7207495
CIF file Formula: - C72 H89.33 Au4 Cl2 Co2 N4 O20.67 P4 S4 -
Comments: Lee, Raeeun; Igashira-Kamiyama, Asako; Motoyoshi, Hiroki; Konno, Takumi Aggregation of chiral hexanuclear complex-cations into cationic metallosupramolecules with concomitant aggregation of inorganic counter-anions into anionic clusters CrystEngComm 14(6) (2012) 1936
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 56697
Cell parameters: 38.4167; 38.4167; 38.4167; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7207496
CIF file Formula: - C72 H106 Au4 Cl2 Co2 N4 O19 P4 S4 -
Comments: Lee, Raeeun; Igashira-Kamiyama, Asako; Motoyoshi, Hiroki; Konno, Takumi Aggregation of chiral hexanuclear complex-cations into cationic metallosupramolecules with concomitant aggregation of inorganic counter-anions into anionic clusters CrystEngComm 14(6) (2012) 1936
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 54965.6
Cell parameters: 38.0216; 38.0216; 38.0216; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7209289
CIF file Formula: - B6 Cl2 H10 Na13 O47 P11 -
Comments: Feng, Yuquan; Li, Min; Shi, Hengzhen; Huang, Qunzeng; Qiu, Dongfang A novel chlorine-containing borophosphate based on (4,3)-connected 3-D borophosphate anion [B6P11O42(OH)2]13− with unique B : P ratio and 22-tetrahedral cages CrystEngComm 15(11) (2013) 2048
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 8589
Cell parameters: 20.479; 20.479; 20.479; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7214439
CIF file Formula: - C32 H35 Cd N9 O6 -
Comments: Yuan, Shuai; Deng, Yong-Kai; Xuan, Wei-Min; Wang, Xing-Po; Wang, Su-Na; Dou, Jian-Min; Sun, Di Spontaneous chiral resolution of a 3D (3,12)-connected MOF with an unprecedented ttt topology consisting of cubic [Cd4(μ3-OH)4] clusters and propeller-like ligands CrystEngComm 16(19) (2014) 3829
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 16379.5
Cell parameters: 25.3961; 25.3961; 25.3961; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7214440
CIF file Formula: - C32 H35 Cd N9 O6 -
Comments: Yuan, Shuai; Deng, Yong-Kai; Xuan, Wei-Min; Wang, Xing-Po; Wang, Su-Na; Dou, Jian-Min; Sun, Di Spontaneous chiral resolution of a 3D (3,12)-connected MOF with an unprecedented ttt topology consisting of cubic [Cd4(μ3-OH)4] clusters and propeller-like ligands CrystEngComm 16(19) (2014) 3829
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 16983
Cell parameters: 25.704; 25.704; 25.704; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7228322
CIF file Formula: - C133.5 H176.84 N24 O11.92 -
Comments: Tothadi, Srinu; Little, Marc A.; Hasell, Tom; Briggs, Michael E.; Chong, Samantha Y.; Liu, Ming; Cooper, Andrew I. Modular assembly of porous organic cage crystals: isoreticular quasiracemates and ternary co-crystal CrystEngComm (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 14123.7
Cell parameters: 24.1722; 24.1722; 24.1722; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7228323
CIF file Formula: - C126 H156 N24 -
Comments: Tothadi, Srinu; Little, Marc A.; Hasell, Tom; Briggs, Michael E.; Chong, Samantha Y.; Liu, Ming; Cooper, Andrew I. Modular assembly of porous organic cage crystals: isoreticular quasiracemates and ternary co-crystal CrystEngComm (2017)
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 14862
Cell parameters: 24.586; 24.586; 24.586; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7703498
CIF file Formula: - C288 Al24 O114 -
Comments: Leubner, S.; Bengtsson, V. E. G.; Inge, A. K.; Wahiduzzaman, M.; Steinke, F.; Jaworski, A.; Xu, H.; Halis, S.; Rönfeldt, P; Reinsch, H.; Maurin, G.; Zou, X.; Stock, N. Hexahydroxytriphenylene for the synthesis of group 13 MOFs - a new inorganic building unit in a β-cristobalite type structure. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 49(10) (2020) 3088-3092
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 31955
Cell parameters: 31.733; 31.733; 31.733; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 8000029
CIF file Formula: - C60 H96 Ba Cl4 Co6 N12 O40 -
Comments: Takashi Komiyama; Satoshi Igarashi; Yoshimasa Hoshino; Yasuhiko Yukawa Changing Mixed-valence State of Hexacobalt Cluster by Substituting Central Metal Ion and by Electrochemical Reduction ‒ Different Mixed-valence States of [M{Co(prolinato)2}6]4+ (M =Ba2+ and La3+) Chemistry Letters 34(3) (2005) 300
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 9789.7
Cell parameters: 21.3922; 21.3922; 21.3922; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 8000030
CIF file Formula: - C60 H96 Cl4 Co6 La N12 O40 -
Comments: Takashi Komiyama; Satoshi Igarashi; Yoshimasa Hoshino; Yasuhiko Yukawa Changing Mixed-valence State of Hexacobalt Cluster by Substituting Central Metal Ion and by Electrochemical Reduction ‒ Different Mixed-valence States of [M{Co(prolinato)2}6]4+ (M =Ba2+ and La3+) Chemistry Letters 34(3) (2005) 300
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 9716.4
Cell parameters: 21.3387; 21.3387; 21.3387; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 8000031
CIF file Formula: - C68 H120 Ba Cl4 Co6 N14 O40 -
Comments: Takashi Komiyama; Satoshi Igarashi; Yoshimasa Hoshino; Yasuhiko Yukawa Changing Mixed-valence State of Hexacobalt Cluster by Substituting Central Metal Ion and by Electrochemical Reduction ‒ Different Mixed-valence States of [M{Co(prolinato)2}6]4+ (M =Ba2+ and La3+) Chemistry Letters 34(3) (2005) 300
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 10136.2
Cell parameters: 21.6417; 21.6417; 21.6417; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 8000032
CIF file Formula: - C64 H108 Cl4 Co6 La N13 O40 -
Comments: Takashi Komiyama; Satoshi Igarashi; Yoshimasa Hoshino; Yasuhiko Yukawa Changing Mixed-valence State of Hexacobalt Cluster by Substituting Central Metal Ion and by Electrochemical Reduction ‒ Different Mixed-valence States of [M{Co(prolinato)2}6]4+ (M =Ba2+ and La3+) Chemistry Letters 34(3) (2005) 300
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 9714.8
Cell parameters: 21.338; 21.338; 21.338; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 8000210
CIF file Formula: - Al95.04 K128.08 O384 Si96.96 -
Comments: Ikeda, T.; Kodaira, T.; Ohshima, K.; Izumi, F.; Kamiyama, T. Neutron powder diffraction study of potassium clusters in zeolite K-LTA Chemical Physics Letters 318 (2000) 93-101
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 14948.9
Cell parameters: 24.63409; 24.63409; 24.63409; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9000045
CIF file Formula: - Cu5 Fe S4 -
Comments: Tunell, G.; Adams, C. E. On the symmetry and crystal structure of bornite American Mineralogist 34 (1949) 824-829
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 163.667
Cell parameters: 5.47; 5.47; 5.47; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9004772
CIF file Formula: - C8 H22 Cl1.5 Cu12 K2.5 Na O40 -
Comments: Sokolova E V; Hawthorne F C; Roberts A C The crystal structure of an anthropogenic Cu-K-Na-hydro-hyddroxyl-carbonate-chloride from Johanngeorgenstadt, Saxony, Germany Locality: Johanngeorgenstadt, Saxony, Germany The Canadian Mineralogist 41 (2003) 926-936
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 3697.27
Cell parameters: 15.463; 15.463; 15.463; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9012228
CIF file Formula: - Al0.06 Ca1.04 Fe0.19 H0.91 Mn0.07 Na0.01 O6.91 Sb1.64 Ti0.76 -
Comments: Rouse, R. C.; Dunn, P. J.; Peacor, D. R.; Wang, L. Structural studies of the natural antimonian pyrochlores I. Mixed valency, cation site splitting, and symmetry reduction in lewisite Sample: F23 refinement Journal of Solid State Chemistry 141 (1998) 562-569
Space group: F 2 3
Cell volume: 1085.42
Cell parameters: 10.277; 10.277; 10.277; 90; 90; 90;  

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