Crystallography Open Database

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Searching space group like 'P m -3'

COD ID: 1010349
CIF file Formula: - Hg N3 O6 Rb -
Comments: Ferrari, A; Colla, C Mercurinitriti di metalli monovalenti Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 65 (1935) 789-797
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 161.9
Cell parameters: 5.45; 5.45; 5.45; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1010350
CIF file Formula: - Cs Hg N3 O6 -
Comments: Ferrari, A; Colla, C Mercurinitriti di metalli monovalenti Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 65 (1935) 789-797
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 164.1
Cell parameters: 5.475; 5.475; 5.475; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1010351
CIF file Formula: - Hg N3 O6 Tl -
Comments: Ferrari, A; Colla, C Mercurinitriti di metalli monovalenti Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 65 (1935) 789-797
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 156.2
Cell parameters: 5.385; 5.385; 5.385; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1010352
CIF file Formula: - Cd K N3 O6 -
Comments: Ferrari, A; Baroni, A; Colla, C Cadmionitriti di metalli monovalenti Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 65 (1935) 797-809
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 151
Cell parameters: 5.325; 5.325; 5.325; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1010353
CIF file Formula: - Cd N3 O6 Rb -
Comments: Ferrari, A; Baroni, A; Colla, C Cadmionitriti di metalli monovalenti Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 65 (1935) 797-809
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 155.3
Cell parameters: 5.375; 5.375; 5.375; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1010354
CIF file Formula: - Cd Cs N3 O6 -
Comments: Ferrari, A; Baroni, A; Colla, C Cadmionitriti di metalli monovalenti Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 65 (1935) 797-809
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 156.6
Cell parameters: 5.39; 5.39; 5.39; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1010355
CIF file Formula: - Cd N3 O6 Tl -
Comments: Ferrari, A; Baroni, A; Colla, C Cadmionitriti di metalli monovalenti Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 65 (1935) 797-809
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 152.3
Cell parameters: 5.34; 5.34; 5.34; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1010356
CIF file Formula: - Cd H4 N4 O6 -
Comments: Ferrari, A; Baroni, A; Colla, C Cadmionitriti di metalli monovalenti Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 65 (1935) 797-809
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 153.6
Cell parameters: 5.355; 5.355; 5.355; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1522177
CIF file Formula: - Fe6 Sc29 -
Comments: Kotur, B.Ya.; Bodak, O.I.; Andrusyak, R.I.; Zavodnik, V.E.; Bel'skii, V.K. The crystal structure of Sc29 Fe6 Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya B: Geologichni, Khimichni ta Biologichni Nauki 1986 (1986) 29-32
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 2961.79
Cell parameters: 14.361; 14.361; 14.361; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1522332
CIF file Formula: - Ba4 Cu3 Gd O9.18 -
Comments: Zhu, Y.T.; Mueller, F.M.; Peterson, E.J.; Baldonado, P.S.; Coulter, J.Y.; Peterson, D.E. Synthesis and crystal chemistry of the new compounds Gd Ba4 Cu3 O8.5+d and Dy Ba4 Cu3 O8.5+d Journal of Materials Research 14 (1999) 334-339
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 544.394
Cell parameters: 8.16528; 8.16528; 8.16528; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1522821
CIF file Formula: - Mg2 Zn11 -
Comments: Samson, S. Die Kristallstruktur des Mg2 Zn11. Isomorphie zwischen Mg2 Zn11 und Mg2 Cu6 Al5 Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988) 3 (1949) 835-843
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 625.465
Cell parameters: 8.552; 8.552; 8.552; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1527245
CIF file Formula: - Br Cu0.25 H3.5 N -
Comments: Clayton, W.; Meyers, E. Diammonium diamminecopper(II) bromide, Br4 Cu H14 N4 Crystal Structure Communications 5 (1976) 57-60
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 67.419
Cell parameters: 4.07; 4.07; 4.07; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1527246
CIF file Formula: - Cl0.9999 Cu0.3333 H3.333 N0.9999 -
Comments: Clayton, W.; Meyers, E. Ammonium diamminecopper(II) chloride, Cl3 Cu H10 N3 Crystal Structure Communications 5 (1976) 63-65
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 59.365
Cell parameters: 3.901; 3.901; 3.901; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1527247
CIF file Formula: - Cl Cu0.25 H3.5 N -
Comments: Clayton, W.; Meyers, E. Diammonium diamminecopper(II) chloride, Cl4 Cu H14 N4 Crystal Structure Communications 5 (1976) 61-62
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 59.776
Cell parameters: 3.91; 3.91; 3.91; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1527958
CIF file Formula: - Cu O6 Ta2 -
Comments: Propach, V. Kristallstruktur von Ca0.5 Cu1.5 Ti2 O6 , Cu1.5 Ta Ti O6 und Cu Ta2 O6 . Das spektroskopische Verhalten von Cu(2+)-Ionen in kubooktaedrischer Umgebung Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 435 (1977) 161-171
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 419.685
Cell parameters: 7.487; 7.487; 7.487; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1529593
CIF file Formula: - Cd Cs N3 O6 -
Comments: Barnes, J.C.; Sesay, L.J.; Hetherington, A.; Duncan, C.S.; Paton, J.; Smith, W.R. Metal ions doped into cesium cadmium trinitrite. Spectroscopic, crystallographic and thermal decomposition studies Journal of the Less-Common Metals 63 (1979) 287-295
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 163.309
Cell parameters: 5.466; 5.466; 5.466; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1529686
CIF file Formula: - Cl3 Co H15 N3 O15 -
Comments: Brennan, T.F.; Gardner, A.P.; Garafalo, A.R.; Davies, G. The crystal and molecular structure of triamminetriaquocobalt(III) perchlorate, (Co (N H3)3 (H2 O)3) (Cl O4)3. A highly disordered structure Inorganica Chimica Acta 30 (1978) 97-101
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 1409.83
Cell parameters: 11.213; 11.213; 11.213; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1531995
CIF file Formula: - Al102 Re24 Si12 -
Comments: Onogi, T.; Takeuchi, T.; Mizutani, U.; Sato, H. Atomic and electronic structure determination for a series of Al - Re - Si MI-type 1/1-cubic approximants Journal of Alloys Compd. 342 (2002) 397-401
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 2133.74
Cell parameters: 12.874; 12.874; 12.874; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1531996
CIF file Formula: - Al92.76 Re24 Si19.8 -
Comments: Onogi, T.; Takeuchi, T.; Mizutani, U.; Sato, H. Atomic and electronic structure determination for a series of Al - Re - Si MI-type 1/1-cubic approximants Journal of Alloys Compd. 342 (2002) 397-401
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 2086.31
Cell parameters: 12.7779; 12.7779; 12.7779; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1532189
CIF file Formula: - Al70.97 Cu34.26 Ru17.46 Si13.71 -
Comments: Takeuchi, T.; Mizutani, U. Interpretation of high electrical resistivity based on the structure determination of the Al - Cu - (Fe, Ru) - Si 1/1-cubic approximants Journal of Alloys Compd. 342 (2002) 416-421
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 1934.44
Cell parameters: 12.46; 12.46; 12.46; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1533741
CIF file Formula: - Al78.2 Cu32.5 Fe16 Si9.7 -
Comments: Stadnik, Z.M.; Takeuchi, T.; Tanaka, N.; Mizutani, U. Structural, Mossbauer and transport studies of the icosahedral quasicrystals Al55 Si7 Cu25.5 Fe12.5, Al62.5 Cu24.5 Fe13 and the crystalline 1/1 approximant Al55 Si7 Cu25.5 Fe12.5 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15 (2003) 6365-6380
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 1870.45
Cell parameters: 12.32108; 12.32108; 12.32108; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1539381
CIF file Formula: - Ba Cu0.75 O2.25 Y0.25 -
Comments: Abbattista, F.; Lucco Borlera, M.; Vallino, M.; Mazza, D.; Brisi, C. New phases with perovskite-related structures in the most basic zone of the Ba O-Y2 O3-Cu O-O system Materials Chemistry and Physics 20 (1988) 191-199
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 524.972
Cell parameters: 8.067; 8.067; 8.067; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1539852
CIF file Formula: - Ba4 Cu3 O8.5 Y -
Comments: de Leeuw, D.M.; Steeman, R.A.; Mutsaers, C.A.H.A.; Zandbergen, H.W.; Frikkee, E. Crystal structure and electrical conductivity of Y Ba4 Cu3 O8.5+delta (delta= 0.0 - 0.5) Physica C (Amsterdam) 158 (1989) 391-396
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 535.743
Cell parameters: 8.1218; 8.1218; 8.1218; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1539855
CIF file Formula: - Ba4 Cu3 O9 Y -
Comments: de Leeuw, D.M.; Zandbergen, H.W.; Mutsaers, C.A.H.A.; Steeman, R.A.; Frikkee, E. Crystal structure and electrical conductivity of Y Ba4 Cu3 O8.5+delta (delta= 0.0 - 0.5) Physica C (Amsterdam) 158 (1989) 391-396
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 534.873
Cell parameters: 8.1174; 8.1174; 8.1174; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1541236
CIF file Formula: - Al5.598 Ge W1.402 -
Comments: Milyan, V.V.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B. X-ray studies in the system W-Al-Ge Russian Metallurgy 1986 (1986) 158-161
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 127.21
Cell parameters: 5.0293; 5.0293; 5.0293; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1542240
CIF file Formula: - Br H2 Hg N -
Comments: Ruedorff, W.; Brodersen, K. Die Struktur von Quecksilberamidobromid und die Bildung von Mischkristallen zwischen Qucksilberdiamminbromid, Qucksilberamidobromid und Ammoniumbromid Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 270 (1952) 145-159
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 81.239
Cell parameters: 4.331; 4.331; 4.331; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1570595
CIF file Formula: - Al22.43 Ru6.88 Si1.79 -
Comments: Kitahara, Koichi; Takakura, Hiroyuki; Iwasaki, Yutaka; Kimura, Kaoru Phase Equilibria in Aluminium–Ruthenium–Silicon System near 1200 Kelvin Materials Transactions 65(1) (2024) 18-26
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 466.386
Cell parameters: 7.755; 7.755; 7.755; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2002339
CIF file Formula: - Ca O6 Ta2 -
Comments: Tiedemann, P; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk Eine kubische Hochtemperaturform von Ca Ta2 O6 Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 516 (1984) 201-206
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 470.9
Cell parameters: 7.78; 7.78; 7.78; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2007194
CIF file

HKL data

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Al4 Mn1.01 Si0.74 -
Comments: Sugiyama, Kazumasa; Kaji, Nobutaka; Hiraga, Kenji Re-Refinement of α-(AlMnSi) Acta Crystallographica Section C 54(4) (1998) 445-447
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 2020.9
Cell parameters: 12.643; 12.643; 12.643; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2020027
CIF file Formula: - Rh13 Sc57 -
Comments: Cenzual, K.; Chabot, B.; Parthe, E. Cubic Sc57 Rh13 and orthorhombic Hf54 Os17, two geometrically related crystal structures with rhodium- and osmium-centered icosahedra Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-) 41 (1985) 313-319
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 2989.09
Cell parameters: 14.405; 14.405; 14.405; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2310109
CIF file Formula: - B4.2 Pd0.84 Th -
Comments: Jansen, J.; Tang, D.; Zandbergen, H. W.; Schenk, H. MSLS, a Least-Squares Procedure for Accurate Crystal Structure Refinement from Dynamical Electron Diffraction Patterns Acta Crystallographica Section A 54(1) (1998) 91-101
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 74.088
Cell parameters: 4.2; 4.2; 4.2; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2310324
CIF file Formula: - Cd11 Na2 -
Comments: Wong Chihsiang; Chieh Chung; Lee Tseng-Yuh The crystal structure of Na2 Cd11 Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967) 19 (1965) 849-852
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 886.119
Cell parameters: 9.605; 9.605; 9.605; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2310366
CIF file Formula: - Al57 Mn12 -
Comments: Cooper, M.; Robinson, K. The crystal structure of the ternary alloy alpha (Al Mn Si) Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967) 20 (1966) 614-617
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 2038.72
Cell parameters: 12.68; 12.68; 12.68; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2310591
CIF file Formula: - Br Cu0.5 H3 N -
Comments: Hanic, F.; Cakajdova, I.A. Die Kristallstruktur von Cu (N H3)2 Br2 und Cu (N H3)2 C Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967) 11 (1958) 610-612
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 67.718
Cell parameters: 4.076; 4.076; 4.076; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4126676
CIF file Formula: - C72 H168 Gd32 N24 O156 -
Comments: Qin, Lei; Zhou, Guojun; Yu, You-Zhu; Nojiri, Hiroyuki; Schröder, Christian; Winpenny, Richard E. P.; Zheng, Yan-Zhen Topological Self-Assembly of Highly-Symmetric Lanthanide Clusters: A Magnetic Study of Exchange-Coupling "Fingerprints" in Giant Gadolinium(III) Cages. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 7316
Cell parameters: 19.4129; 19.4129; 19.4129; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4128099
CIF file Formula: - C209 H241 N2 O27 Zn8 -
Comments: Zhou, Tian-You; Auer, Bernhard; Lee, Seok J.; Telfer, Shane G. Catalysts Confined in Programmed Framework Pores Enable New Transformations and Tune Reaction Efficiency and Selectivity. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141(4) (2019) 1577-1582
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 26556.4
Cell parameters: 29.8348; 29.8348; 29.8348; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4129298
CIF file Formula: - C59 H42 O13 Zn4 -
Comments: Liu, Lujia; Telfer, Shane G. Systematic ligand modulation enhances the moisture stability and gas sorption characteristics of quaternary metal-organic frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137(11) (2015) 3901-3909
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 26872
Cell parameters: 29.9525; 29.9525; 29.9525; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4129299
CIF file Formula: - C67 H58 O13 Zn4 -
Comments: Liu, Lujia; Telfer, Shane G. Systematic ligand modulation enhances the moisture stability and gas sorption characteristics of quaternary metal-organic frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137(11) (2015) 3901-3909
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 26867.4
Cell parameters: 29.9508; 29.9508; 29.9508; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4129300
CIF file Formula: - C83 H90 O13 Zn4 -
Comments: Liu, Lujia; Telfer, Shane G. Systematic ligand modulation enhances the moisture stability and gas sorption characteristics of quaternary metal-organic frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137(11) (2015) 3901-3909
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 26828.4
Cell parameters: 29.9363; 29.9363; 29.9363; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4129301
CIF file Formula: - C99 H122 O13 Zn4 -
Comments: Liu, Lujia; Telfer, Shane G. Systematic ligand modulation enhances the moisture stability and gas sorption characteristics of quaternary metal-organic frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137(11) (2015) 3901-3909
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 26627.5
Cell parameters: 29.8614; 29.8614; 29.8614; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4129302
CIF file Formula: - C115 H154 O13 Zn4 -
Comments: Liu, Lujia; Telfer, Shane G. Systematic ligand modulation enhances the moisture stability and gas sorption characteristics of quaternary metal-organic frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137(11) (2015) 3901-3909
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 26495
Cell parameters: 29.8116; 29.8116; 29.8116; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4129303
CIF file Formula: - C131 H186 O13 Zn4 -
Comments: Liu, Lujia; Telfer, Shane G. Systematic ligand modulation enhances the moisture stability and gas sorption characteristics of quaternary metal-organic frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137(11) (2015) 3901-3909
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 26480.1
Cell parameters: 29.8062; 29.8062; 29.8062; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4131647
CIF file Formula: - C64 H50 N O14.5 Zn4 -
Comments: Liu, Lujia; Zhou, Tian-You; Telfer, Shane G. Modulating the Performance of an Asymmetric Organocatalyst by Tuning Its Spatial Environment in a Metal-Organic Framework. Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(39) (2017) 13936-13943
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 26850.2
Cell parameters: 29.9444; 29.9444; 29.9444; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4131648
CIF file Formula: - C61.5 H46 N O13.5 Zn4 -
Comments: Liu, Lujia; Zhou, Tian-You; Telfer, Shane G. Modulating the Performance of an Asymmetric Organocatalyst by Tuning Its Spatial Environment in a Metal-Organic Framework. Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(39) (2017) 13936-13943
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 26854.7
Cell parameters: 29.9461; 29.9461; 29.9461; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4131649
CIF file Formula: - C61.5 H46 N O13.5 Zn4 -
Comments: Liu, Lujia; Zhou, Tian-You; Telfer, Shane G. Modulating the Performance of an Asymmetric Organocatalyst by Tuning Its Spatial Environment in a Metal-Organic Framework. Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(39) (2017) 13936-13943
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 26893
Cell parameters: 29.9603; 29.9603; 29.9603; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4135394
CIF file Formula: - C18 Fe4 O24 -
Comments: Chen, Gan; Gee, Leland B.; Xu, Wenqian; Zhu, Yanbing; Lezama-Pacheco, Juan S; Huang, Zhehao; Li, Zongqi; Babicz, Jr, Jeffrey T; Choudhury, Snehashis; Chang, Ting-Hsiang; Reed, Evan; Solomon, Edward I.; Bao, Zhenan Valence-Dependent Electrical Conductivity in a 3D Tetrahydroxyquinone-Based Metal-Organic Framework. Journal of the American Chemical Society 142(51) (2020) 21243-21248
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 1172.81
Cell parameters: 10.5457; 10.5457; 10.5457; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4301986
CIF file Formula: - P14.6 Si31.4 Te7.3 -
Comments: J. V. Zaikina; K. A. Kovnir; U. Burkhardt; W. Schnelle; F. Haarmann; U. Schwarz; Yu. Grin; A. V. Shevelkov Cationic Clathrate I Si46-xPxTey(6.6(1) <= y <= 7.5(1), x <= 2y): Crystal Structure, Homogeneity Range, and Physical Properties Inorganic Chemistry 48 (2009) 3720-3730
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 993.33
Cell parameters: 9.977718; 9.977718; 9.977718; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4301987
CIF file Formula: - P14.6 Si31.4 Te7.4 -
Comments: J. V. Zaikina; K. A. Kovnir; U. Burkhardt; W. Schnelle; F. Haarmann; U. Schwarz; Yu. Grin; A. V. Shevelkov Cationic Clathrate I Si46-xPxTey(6.6(1) <= y <= 7.5(1), x <= 2y): Crystal Structure, Homogeneity Range, and Physical Properties Inorganic Chemistry 48 (2009) 3720-3730
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 992.982
Cell parameters: 9.976551; 9.976551; 9.976551; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4305948
CIF file Formula: - Hf1.136 Mg4.215 Zn21.076 -
Comments: Cesar Pay Gómez; Satoshi Ohhashi; Akiji Yamamoto; An Pang Tsai Disordered Structures of the TM-Mg-Zn 1/1 Quasicrystal Approximants (TM = Hf, Zr, or Ti) and Chemical Intergrowth Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 8258-8266
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 2556.7
Cell parameters: 13.674; 13.674; 13.674; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4305949
CIF file Formula: - Mg3.946 Zn21.336 Zr1.149 -
Comments: Cesar Pay Gómez; Satoshi Ohhashi; Akiji Yamamoto; An Pang Tsai Disordered Structures of the TM-Mg-Zn 1/1 Quasicrystal Approximants (TM = Hf, Zr, or Ti) and Chemical Intergrowth Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 8258-8266
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 2576.42
Cell parameters: 13.709; 13.709; 13.709; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4305950
CIF file Formula: - Mg3.994 Ti1.361 Zn20.968 -
Comments: Cesar Pay Gómez; Satoshi Ohhashi; Akiji Yamamoto; An Pang Tsai Disordered Structures of the TM-Mg-Zn 1/1 Quasicrystal Approximants (TM = Hf, Zr, or Ti) and Chemical Intergrowth Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 8258-8266
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 2490.1
Cell parameters: 13.5541; 13.5541; 13.5541; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4330809
CIF file Formula: - Br1.52 P13.54 Si32.46 Te6.01 -
Comments: Nikolay S. Abramchuk; Wilder Carrillo-Cabrera; Igor Veremchuk; Niels Oeschler; Andrei V. Olenev; Yurii Prots; Ulrich Burkhardt; Evgeny V. Dikarev; Yuri Grin; Andrei V. Shevelkov Homo- and Heterovalent Substitutions in the New Clathrates I Si30P16Te8-xSex and Si30+xP16-xTe8-xBrx: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Thermoelectric Properties Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 11396-11405
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 995.9
Cell parameters: 9.9863; 9.9863; 9.9863; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4331310
CIF file Formula: - H20 Lu Na5 O42 Pd12 Se8 -
Comments: Maria Barsukova-Stuckart; Natalya V. Izarova; Ryan A. Barrett; Zhenxing Wang; Johan van Tol; Harold W. Kroto; Naresh S. Dalal; Pablo Jiménez-Lozano; Jorge J. Carbó; Josep M. Poblet; Marc S. von Gernler; Thomas Drewello; Pedro de Oliveira; Bineta Keita; Ulrich Kortz Polyoxopalladates Encapsulating 8-Coordinated Metal Ions, [MO8PdII12L8]n- (M = Sc3+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Lu3+; L = PhAsO32-, PhPO32-, SeO32-) Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 13214-13228
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 3385.5
Cell parameters: 15.0155; 15.0155; 15.0155; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4349192
CIF file Formula: - C42 H66 Bi6 F36 N6 Ni3 O64 -
Comments: Loera Fernandez, Ismael I.; Donaldson, Samantha L.; Schipper, Desmond E.; Andleeb, Sohaila; Whitmire, Kenton H. Anionic Bismuth-Oxido Carboxylate Clusters with Transition Metal Countercations. Inorganic chemistry 55(21) (2016) 11560-11569
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 3311.9
Cell parameters: 14.906; 14.906; 14.906; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4349193
CIF file Formula: - C42 H66 Bi6 Co3 F36 N6 O64 -
Comments: Loera Fernandez, Ismael I.; Donaldson, Samantha L.; Schipper, Desmond E.; Andleeb, Sohaila; Whitmire, Kenton H. Anionic Bismuth-Oxido Carboxylate Clusters with Transition Metal Countercations. Inorganic chemistry 55(21) (2016) 11560-11569
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 3296.31
Cell parameters: 14.8825; 14.8825; 14.8825; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 6000192
CIF file Formula: - H40 K3 Nb4 O62 W3 -
Comments: Lin, B. F.; Zhu, S. S.; Xie, G. Y.; Chen, J.; Hu, C. H. Prepare and structure determination of potassium peroxyniobatungstate Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 15 (1999) 78-82
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 1204.55
Cell parameters: 10.64; 10.64; 10.64; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7020258
CIF file Formula: - C72 H44 N4 Ni7 O36 -
Comments: Ren, Guojian; Liu, Shuxia; Wei, Feng; Ma, Fengji; Tang, Qun; Li, Shujun A polyhedron-based metal-organic framework with a reo-e net. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 41(38) (2012) 11562-11564
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 26577.5
Cell parameters: 29.8427; 29.8427; 29.8427; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7118758
CIF file Formula: - C160 H112 Cu6 F18 Ge3 N32 -
Comments: Lusi, Matteo; Fechine, Pierre B. A.; Chen, Kai-Jie; Perry, John J.; Zaworotko, Michael J. A rare cationic building block that generates a new type of polyhedral network with "cross-linked" pto topology. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 52(22) (2016) 4160-4162
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 9543.1
Cell parameters: 21.2111; 21.2111; 21.2111; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7118759
CIF file Formula: - C160 H112 Cu6 F18 N32 Si3 -
Comments: Lusi, Matteo; Fechine, Pierre B. A.; Chen, Kai-Jie; Perry, John J.; Zaworotko, Michael J. A rare cationic building block that generates a new type of polyhedral network with "cross-linked" pto topology. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 52(22) (2016) 4160-4162
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 9512.2
Cell parameters: 21.1882; 21.1882; 21.1882; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7118760
CIF file Formula: - C160 H112 Cu6 F18 N32 Sn3 -
Comments: Lusi, Matteo; Fechine, Pierre B. A.; Chen, Kai-Jie; Perry, John J.; Zaworotko, Michael J. A rare cationic building block that generates a new type of polyhedral network with "cross-linked" pto topology. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 52(22) (2016) 4160-4162
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 9579.3
Cell parameters: 21.2379; 21.2379; 21.2379; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7118761
CIF file Formula: - C160 H112 Cu6 F18 N32 Ti3 -
Comments: Lusi, Matteo; Fechine, Pierre B. A.; Chen, Kai-Jie; Perry, John J.; Zaworotko, Michael J. A rare cationic building block that generates a new type of polyhedral network with "cross-linked" pto topology. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 52(22) (2016) 4160-4162
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 9551.6
Cell parameters: 21.2174; 21.2174; 21.2174; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7118762
CIF file Formula: - C160 H112 Cu6 F18 N32 Zr3 -
Comments: Lusi, Matteo; Fechine, Pierre B. A.; Chen, Kai-Jie; Perry, John J.; Zaworotko, Michael J. A rare cationic building block that generates a new type of polyhedral network with "cross-linked" pto topology. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 52(22) (2016) 4160-4162
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 9481
Cell parameters: 21.165; 21.165; 21.165; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7217052
CIF file Formula: - C288 H200 N32 O172 Zn28 -
Comments: Kim, Dongwook; Liu, Xinfang; Oh, Minhak; Song, Xiaokai; Zou, Yang; Singh, Devendra; Kim, Kwang S.; Lah, Myoung Soo Isoreticular MOFs based on a rhombic dodecahedral MOP as a tertiary building unit CrystEngComm 16(28) (2014) 6391
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 30086
Cell parameters: 31.102; 31.102; 31.102; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7234016
CIF file Formula: - C44 H65 Cu2 N7 O18 -
Comments: He, Minghui; Gao, Xiaoxia; Xu, Tingting; Jiang, Zhenzhen; He, Yabing Tailoring the structures and gas adsorption properties of copper-bent diisophthalate frameworks by substituent-driven ligand conformation regulation strategy CrystEngComm (2019)
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 16222.7
Cell parameters: 25.3148; 25.3148; 25.3148; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7701679
CIF file Formula: - Ba Cu5.79 Se0.61 Te6.39 -
Comments: Jafarzadeh, Parisa; Rodrigues, Maegan R.; Shi, Yixuan; Assoud, Abdeljalil; Zou, Tianze; Kycia, Jan B.; Kleinke, Holger Effect of mixed occupancies on the thermoelectric properties of BaCu<sub>6-x</sub>Se<sub>1-y</sub>Te<sub>6+y</sub> polychalcogenides. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 48(25) (2019) 9357-9364
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 340.92
Cell parameters: 6.9858; 6.9858; 6.9858; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7701680
CIF file Formula: - Ba Cu5.74 Se0.69 Te6.31 -
Comments: Jafarzadeh, Parisa; Rodrigues, Maegan R.; Shi, Yixuan; Assoud, Abdeljalil; Zou, Tianze; Kycia, Jan B.; Kleinke, Holger Effect of mixed occupancies on the thermoelectric properties of BaCu<sub>6-x</sub>Se<sub>1-y</sub>Te<sub>6+y</sub> polychalcogenides. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 48(25) (2019) 9357-9364
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 340.35
Cell parameters: 6.9819; 6.9819; 6.9819; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7701681
CIF file Formula: - Ba Cu5.74 Se0.43 Te6.57 -
Comments: Jafarzadeh, Parisa; Rodrigues, Maegan R.; Shi, Yixuan; Assoud, Abdeljalil; Zou, Tianze; Kycia, Jan B.; Kleinke, Holger Effect of mixed occupancies on the thermoelectric properties of BaCu<sub>6-x</sub>Se<sub>1-y</sub>Te<sub>6+y</sub> polychalcogenides. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 48(25) (2019) 9357-9364
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 342.5
Cell parameters: 6.9966; 6.9966; 6.9966; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 8102976
CIF file Formula: - P14.7 Si31.3 Te7.35 -
Comments: Zaikina, Julia V.; Kovnir, Kirill A.; Schwarz, Ulrich; Borrmann, Horst; Shevelkov, Andrei V. Crystal structure of silicon phosphorus telluride, Si~46-x~P~x~Te~y~ (y = 7.35, 6.98, 6.88; x ≤ 2y), a cationic clathrate-I Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 222(3) (2007) 177-180
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 991.09
Cell parameters: 9.9702; 9.9702; 9.9702; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9012613
CIF file Formula: - Cr -
Comments: Kimoto, K.; Nishida, I. An electron diffraction study on the crystal structure of a new modification of chromium Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 22 (1967) 744-756
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 96.576
Cell parameters: 4.588; 4.588; 4.588; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9016620
CIF file Formula: - Ca4.68 Ce11.4 Cs6 F6.76 Gd0.24 H46.02 K2.22 La5.82 Nd3.18 O203.11 Pr1.56 Si70 Sm0.36 Sr1.02 -
Comments: Sokolova, E.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Pautov, L. A.; Agakhanov, A. A.; Karpenko, V. Y. The crystal structure and crystal chemistry of mendeleevite-(Ce), (Cs,_)6(_,Cs)6(_,K)6(REE,Ca,_)30(Si70O175)(H2O,OH,F,_)35, a potential microporous material Tien-Shan mountains, northern Tajikistan Mineralogical Magazine 75 (2011) 2583-2596
Space group: P m -3
Cell volume: 10524.8
Cell parameters: 21.9148; 21.9148; 21.9148; 90; 90; 90;  

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