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Searching space group like 'F m m m'
COD ID: 1001339 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Na2 O4 U - Comments: Gasperin, M. Synthese en monocristaux et structure du monouranate de sodium β-Na~2~UO~4~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 60(3) (1985) 316-319 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 405.2 Cell parameters: 5.802; 5.969; 11.699; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001409 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi Cu2 O8 Pb Sr2 Y - Comments: Retoux, R; Caignaert, V; Provost, J; Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B Superconducting properties and Structural Study of Bi~2-x~ Pb~x~ Sr~2~ Ca~1-x~ Y~x~ Cu~2~ O~8~ (0< x< 1) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 79 (1989) 157-168 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 885.5 Cell parameters: 5.385; 5.424; 30.316; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001458 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ce Cu3 Nd O10.2 Pb2 Sr2 - Comments: Rouillon, T.; Groult, D.; Hervieu, M.; Michel, C.; Raveau, B. Pb~2~Sr~2~LnCeCu~3~O~10+δ~, a new member of the layered cuprates family, built up from double fluorite-type layers Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 167(1-2) (1990) 107-111 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1096.8 Cell parameters: 5.442; 5.462; 36.9; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001527 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ce Cu3 O10 Pb2 Pr Sr2 - Comments: Rouillon, T; Hervieu, M; Domenges, B; Raveau, B Structural study of the oxide Pb~2~Sr~2~PrCeCu~3~O~10~, intergrowth of 0201- and 0222-type structures Journal of Solid State Chemistry 103 (1993) 63-74 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1106 Cell parameters: 5.4522; 5.4807; 37.012; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001528 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ce Cu3.01 O10.056 Pb2.02 Pr Sr2.02 - Comments: Rouillon, T; Hervieu, M; Domenges, B; Raveau, B Structural study of the oxide Pb~2~Sr~2~PrCeCu~3~O~10~, intergrowth of 0201- and 0222-type structures Journal of Solid State Chemistry 103 (1993) 63-74 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1105.6 Cell parameters: 5.4512; 5.4799; 37.0107; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001550 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba Bi Cu La O6 Pb - Comments: Pham, A Q; Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Maignan, A; Raveau, B Substitution of lead for bismuth in the 2201-type oxide Bi~2~BaLaCuO~6+d~ Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 54(1) (1993) 65-71 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 725.1 Cell parameters: 5.4028; 5.4745; 24.515; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001571 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C2 Bi2 Cu3 O16 Sr5 - Comments: Pelloquin, D; Maignan, A; Caldes, M; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B The bismuth oxycarbonate Bi~2~Sr~6-x~Cu~3~O~10~(CO~3~)~2~. A new 40K superconductor, second member of the series (Bi~2~Sr~2~CuO~6~)~n~(Sr~2~CuO~2~CO~3~)~n~' Physica C (Amsterdam) (152,1988-) 212 (1993) 199-205 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1627.1 Cell parameters: 5.469; 5.483; 54.26; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001700 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2.3 Bi2 Cu2 La0.7 O8 - Comments: Pham, A Q; Hervieu, H; Michel, C; Raveau, B A new member of the 2212-type family: the oxide Bi2 Ba2+x La1-x Cu2 O8+d Physica C (Amsterdam) (152,1988-) 199 (1992) 321-327 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 967.4 Cell parameters: 5.571; 5.583; 31.10399; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001709 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi2 Fe2 O11 Sr2.591 - Comments: Perez, O; Leligny, H; Grebille, D; Labbe, Ph; Groult, D; Raveau, B X-ray investigation of the incommensurate modulated structure of Bi2+x Sr3-x Fe2 O9+d Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 7 (1995) 10003-10014 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 946.7 Cell parameters: 5.488; 5.475; 31.50899; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1006012 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi4 Cu5 O20.5 Sr8 - Comments: Fuertes, A; Miravitilles, C; Gonzales-Calbet, J; Vallet-Regi, M; Obradors, X; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J The tubular crystal structure of the new phase Bi~4~ Sr~8~ Cu~5~ O~19+x~ related to the supercoducting perovskites Physica C (Amsterdam) (152,1988-) 157 (1989) 525-530 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4366.2 Cell parameters: 5.373; 33.907; 23.966; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1006049 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi4 Cu5 O19.06 Sr7.86 - Comments: Caldes, M T; Navarro, J M; Perez, F; Carrera, M; Fontcuberta, J; Casan-Pastor, N; Miravitlles, C; Obradors, X; Rodriguez-Carjaval, J; Gonzalez-Calbet, J M; Vallet-Regi, M; Garcia, A; Fuertes, A Electron microscopy, neutron diffraction and physical properties ofBi~4~Sr~8~Cu~5~O~19+y~ Chemistry of Materials (1,1989- 3(5) (1991) 844-852 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4389.1 Cell parameters: 5.3671; 33.9719; 24.0722; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1006050 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi4 Cu5 O19.06 Sr7.86 - Comments: Caldes, M T; Navarro, J M; Fuertes, A; Obradors, X; Miravitlles, C; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Vallet, M; Gonzalez-Calbet, J High resolution neutron powder diffraction study of the tubular phase Bi~4~Sr~8~Cu~5~O~19+x~ Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 169 (1990) 133-138 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 3002.1 Cell parameters: 3.671; 33.9719; 24.0722; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1008573 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu La2 O4.024 - Comments: Chaillout, C; Bordet, P; Chenavas, J; Cheong, S W; Fisk, Z; Marezio, M; Morosin, B; Schirber, J E Structural aspects of the phase separation in La~2~CuO~4.032~ Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 169 (1990) 47-52 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 379.7 Cell parameters: 5.35; 13.148; 5.398; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1008643 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La2 Ni O4.24 - Comments: Demourgues, A; Wattiaux, A; Grenier, J C; Pouchard, M; Soubeyroux, J L; Dance, J M; Hagenmuller, P Electrochemical preparation and structural characterization of La~2~NiO~4+d~ phases (0<d<0.25) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 105 (1993) 458-468 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 378.8 Cell parameters: 5.4644; 5.457; 12.7035; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1009012 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Si2 Ti - Comments: Smith, P L; Ortega, R; Brennan, B Pseudo-C11b phase formation of titanium disilicide during the C49 to C54 transition Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 481 (1998) 605-610 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 192.1 Cell parameters: 4.428; 4.779; 9.078; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1010386 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Br H - Comments: Natta, G Struttura e polimorfismo degli acidi alogenidrici Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 63 (1933) 425-439 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 190 Cell parameters: 5.555; 5.64; 6.063; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1010388 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cl H - Comments: Natta, G Struttura e polimorfismo degli acidi alogenidrici Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 63 (1933) 425-439 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 153.7 Cell parameters: 5.03; 5.35; 5.71; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1010462 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F Tl - Comments: Ketelaar, J A A Die Kristallstruktur des Thallofluorids Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977) 92 (1935) 30-38 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 173.1 Cell parameters: 5.18; 5.495; 6.08; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1509769 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ag2 Ca4 Si6 - Comments: Cardoso Gil, R.H.; von Schnering, H.G.; Peters, K.; Grin', Yu.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Schultheiss, M. New examples for the unexpected stability of the 10pi electron Hueckel arene (Si6)10- Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 625 (1999) 285-293 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1034.59 Cell parameters: 8.315; 14.391; 8.646; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1510810 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B2 Pr Rh4.8 - Comments: Kobayashi, T.; Higashi, I.; Takei, H.; Shishido, T. Crystal Structure of Pr Rh4.8 B2 Journal of the Less-Common Metals 139 (1988) 211-220 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1386.62 Cell parameters: 9.697; 5.577; 25.64; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1511242 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B N - Comments: Kurdyumov, A.V.; Oleinik, G.S. Metastable structures of graphite-like boron nitride Kristallografiya 29 (1984) 792-793 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 36.347 Cell parameters: 2.5; 4.34; 3.35; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1511377 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B10 Rh14 Sr5 - Comments: Jung, W. AnRh3n-1B2n mit A= Ca und Sr, eine homologe Reihe ternaerer Erdalkali-Rhodiumboride aus Bauelementen der CeCo3B2-und der CaRh2B2-Struktur Journal of the Less-Common Metals 97 (1984) 253-263 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1593.77 Cell parameters: 5.601; 9.845; 28.903; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1511407 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B14 Ca7 Rh20 - Comments: Jung, W. AnRh3n-1B2n mit A= Ca und Sr, eine homologe Reihe ternaerer Erdalkali-Rhodiumboride aus Bauelementen der CeCo3B2-und der CaRh2B2-Struktur Journal of the Less-Common Metals 97 (1984) 253-263 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2157.44 Cell parameters: 5.53; 9.652; 40.42; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1511511 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B4 Rh5 Sr2 - Comments: Jung, W. AnRh3n-1B2n mit A= Ca und Sr, eine homologe Reihe ternaerer Erdalkali-Rhodiumboride aus Bauelementen der CeCo3B2-und der CaRh2B2-Struktur Journal of the Less-Common Metals 97 (1984) 253-263 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 644.062 Cell parameters: 5.537; 10.006; 11.625; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1511561 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B4 Ca2 Rh5 - Comments: Jung, W. An Rh 3n-1 B2n mit A= Ca und Sr, eine homologe Reihe ternaerer Erdalkali-Rhodiumboride aus Bauelementen der CeCo3B2-und der CaRh2B2-Struktur Journal of the Less-Common Metals 97 (1984) 253-263 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 595.888 Cell parameters: 5.46; 9.727; 11.22; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1511571 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B6 Ca3 Rh8 - Comments: Jung, W. AnRh3n-1B2n mit A= Ca und Sr, eine homologe Reihe ternaerer Erdalkali-Rhodiumboride aus Bauelementen der CeCo3B2-und der CaRh2B2-Struktur Journal of the Less-Common Metals 97 (1984) 253-263 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 909.27 Cell parameters: 5.5; 9.698; 17.047; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1511602 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B6 Eu3 Rh8 - Comments: Jung, W. La2 Rh5 B4, Eu2 Rh5 B4 und Eu3 Rh8 B6-Lanthanoid-Rhodiumboride aus der homologen Reihe An Rh3n-1 B2n Journal of the Less-Common Metals 161 (1990) 375-384 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 932.286 Cell parameters: 5.537; 9.847; 17.099; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1511642 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B6 Rh8 Sr3 - Comments: Jung, W. AnRh3n-1B2n mit A= Ca und Sr, eine homologe Reihe ternaerer Erdalkali-Rhodiumboride aus Bauelementen der CeCo3B2-und der CaRh2B2-Struktur Journal of the Less-Common Metals 97 (1984) 253-263 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 946.28 Cell parameters: 5.572; 9.921; 17.118; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1511735 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B4 Eu2 Rh5 - Comments: Jung, W. La2Rh5B4,Eu2Rh5B4 und Eu3Rh4/8B6 Lanthanoid-Rhodiumboride aus der homologen Reihe AnRh3n-1B2n Journal of the Less-Common Metals 161 (1990) 375-384 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 611.829 Cell parameters: 5.492; 9.914; 11.237; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1511759 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B4 La2 Rh5 - Comments: Jung, W. La2Rh5B4, Eu2Rh5B4 und Eu3Rh4/8B6 Lanthanoid-Rhodiumboride aus der homologen Reihe AnRh3n-1B2n Journal of the Less-Common Metals 161 (1990) 375-384 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 623.314 Cell parameters: 5.515; 9.964; 11.343; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1519936 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba4.2 Ca3.31 H1.73 Na0.48 Nb5.76 O38.83 P0.52 Si2 Sr0 Ti4.24 - Comments: Cámara, Fernando; Nestola, Fabrizio; Bindi, Luca; Guastoni, Alessandro; Zorzi, Federico; Peruzzo, Luca; Pedron, Danilo Tazzoliite: a new mineral with a pyrochlore-related structure from the Euganei Hills, Padova, Italy Mineralogical Magazine 76(4) (2012) 827-838 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 3189.4 Cell parameters: 7.4105; 20.0675; 21.4471; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1520926 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi0.9864 Ca1.57 Mn2 O9 Pb0.6576 Sr1.43 - Comments: Catti, M.; Levy, D.; Artioli, G. Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study of (Bi, Pb)1.64 Sr1.43 Ca1.57 Mn2 O9, Mn-analogue of BSCCO-2212 superconductor Journal of Solid State Chemistry 147 (1999) 501-508 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 889.387 Cell parameters: 5.3314; 5.3697; 31.067; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1521315 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al13.68 Ca0.63 D123.52 N12.8 Na0.41 O180.16 Si58.32 - Comments: Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.; Rapacciuolo, M.T.; Sacerdoti, M.; Ciambelli, P.; McIntyre, G.J. Single crystal neutron diffraction study of the natural zeolite barrerite in its (N D4) - exchanged form European Journal of Mineralogy (1,1989-) 12 (2000) 1123-1129 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4416.41 Cell parameters: 13.601; 18.232; 17.81; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1522301 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi2 Mn Nb2 O11.57 Sr2 - Comments: Yu, W.J.; Kim, Y.I.; Seong, S.; Ha, D.H.; Lee, J.-H.; Park, Y.K.; Hur, N.H. A new manganese oxide with Aurivillius structure: Bi2 Sr2 Nb2 Mn O12-d Solid State Communications 111 (1999) 705-709 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1007.13 Cell parameters: 5.5243; 5.5246; 32.99959; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1522492 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Pb5 Rh4 - Comments: Mayer, H.W.; Schubert, K. Die Kristallstruktur von Rh4 Pb5 Journal of the Less-Common Metals 33 (1973) 91-98 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1489.76 Cell parameters: 9.84; 5.711; 26.51; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1523387 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ga20.32 Na6.25 Rb0.602 - Comments: Charbonnel, M.; Belin, C. Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of the new nonstoichiometric phase Rb.60 Na.625 Ga.20.02 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 67 (1987) 210-218 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 18527.4 Cell parameters: 25.086; 46.036; 16.043; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1523388 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ga19.56 Li3 Na5 - Comments: Charbonnel, M.; Belin, C. Synthesis and crystal structure of the new nonstoichiometric phase Li3 Na5 Ga19.56 Nouveau Journal de Chimie 8 (1984) 595-599 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 17837.4 Cell parameters: 24.666; 15.974; 45.271; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1526216 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La3 Ni2 O6.94 - Comments: Park, J.-C.; Kim, D.-K.; Byeon, S.H.; Kim, D. XANES study on Ruddlesden-Popper phase, La~n+1~Ni~n~O2~n+1~ (n = 1, 2 and ∞) Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 8(2) (2001) 704-706 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 601.543 Cell parameters: 5.3934; 5.4364; 20.516; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1527142 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H2 O4 U - Comments: Bergstroem, G.; Lundgren, G. X-ray investigation on uranyl hydroxides Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988) 10 (1956) 673-680 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 352.267 Cell parameters: 6.295; 5.636; 9.929; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1528703 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu La2 O4 - Comments: Longo, J.M.; Raccah, P.H. The structure of La2 Cu O4 and La Sr V O4 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 6 (1973) 526-531 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 382.184 Cell parameters: 5.365; 5.409; 13.17; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1530550 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al7.56 H39.36 Na7.52 O91.68 Si28.44 - Comments: Passaglia, E.; Sacerdoti, M. Crystal structural refinement of Na-exchanged stellerite Bulletin de Mineralogie (101,1978-) 105 (1982) 338-342 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4430.35 Cell parameters: 13.611; 18.227; 17.858; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1530671 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al16.99 Ca7.36 H144.8 O216.4 Si55.01 - Comments: Sacerdoti, M.; Gomedi, I. Crystal Structural Refinement of Ca-exchanged Barrerite Bulletin de Mineralogie (101,1978-) 107 (1984) 799-804 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4420.67 Cell parameters: 13.61; 18.214; 17.833; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1530763 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu1.71 O3 Sr0.57 Y0.43 - Comments: Siegrist, T.; Waszczak, J.V.; Schneemeyer, L.F.; Sunshine, S.A.; Roth, R.S. A new layered cuprate structure-type, (A1-x A'x)14 Cu24 O41 Materials Research Bulletin 23 (1988) 1429-1438 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 578.122 Cell parameters: 11.329; 12.965; 3.936; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1533463 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H1.2 O10.64 Sr6 Ta2 - Comments: Animitsa, I.E.; Titova, S.G.; Neiman, A.Ya.; Kochetova, N.A.; Bronin, D.I.; Isaeva, E.V. Phase transitions in nonstoichiometric strontium tantalates with the cryolite structure Kristallografiya 47 (2002) 1060-1064 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 572.205 Cell parameters: 8.2236; 8.3172; 8.3659; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1533506 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La1.95 Na0.05 Ni O4 - Comments: Shivakumara, C.; Lalla, N.P.; Hegde, M.S.; Prakash, A.S.; Subbanna, G.N.; Khadar, A.M.A. Low temperature synthesis, structure and properties of alkali-doped La2 Ni O4, La Ni O3 and La Ni0.85 Cu0.15 O3 from alkali hydroxide fluxes Solid State Sciences 5 (2003) 351-357 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 378.791 Cell parameters: 5.501; 5.4744; 12.5783; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1533603 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu2 K Se2 - Comments: Tiedje, O.; Bensch, W.; Krasovskii, E.E.; Stoll, P.; Naether, C.; Schattke, W. Bridging from (Th Cr2 Si2)-type materials to hexagonal dichalcogenides: an ab initio and experimental study of K Cu2 Se2 Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-) 67 (2003) 134105-1-134105-8 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 438.295 Cell parameters: 5.654; 5.682; 13.643; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1534181 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi3 Nb O9 Ti - Comments: Aurivillius, B. Mixed bismuth oxides with layer lattices. I. The structure type of Ca Bi2 Nb2 O9 Arkiv foer Kemi 1 (1949) 463-480 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 738.586 Cell parameters: 5.405; 5.442; 25.11; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1534182 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi4 O12 Ti3 - Comments: Aurivillius, B. Mixed bismuth oxides with layer lattices. II. Structure of Bi4 Ti3 O12 Arkiv foer Kemi 1 (1949) 499-512 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 967.916 Cell parameters: 5.41; 5.448; 32.84; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1536319 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al2 F8 H4 Mg O2 - Comments: Weil, M.; Werner, F.; Kubel, F. Preparation, thermal behaviour and crystal structure of Mg Al2 F8 (H2 O)2 Monatshefte fuer Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften (109,1978-) 133 (2002) 267-275 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 642.239 Cell parameters: 7.2691; 7.0954; 12.452; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1536780 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu La2 O4.09 - Comments: Radaelli, P.G.; Jorgensen, J.D.; Schultz, A.J.; Hunter, B.A.; Chou, F.C.; Wagner, J.L.; Johnston, D.C. Structure of the superconducting La2 Cu O4+delta phases (delta= 0.08, 0.12) prepared by electrochemical oxidation Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-) 48 (1993) 499-510 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 377.261 Cell parameters: 5.34; 5.34; 13.23; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1536783 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu La2 O4.12 - Comments: Radaelli, P.G.; Wagner, J.L.; Jorgensen, J.D.; Hunter, B.A.; Schultz, A.J.; Chou, F.C.; Johnston, D.C. Structure of the superconducting La2 Cu O4+delta phases (delta=0.08, 0.12) prepared by electrochemical oxidation Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-) 48 (1993) 499-510 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 381.683 Cell parameters: 5.33794; 5.4106; 13.2155; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1537101 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi Fe O6.1 Pb Sr2 - Comments: Fries, T.; Mayer von Kuerthy, G.; Ehmann, A.; Wischert, W.; Kemmler-Sack, S. The system Bi Pb Sr2 Fe(1-x) T(x) O(6+z) (T= Co, Ni) Journal of the Less-Common Metals 159 (1990) 337-341 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 691.567 Cell parameters: 5.425; 5.49; 23.22; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1537353 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs2 Pt3 S4 - Comments: Guenther, O.; Bronger, W. Cs2 Pt3 S4 und Rb2 Pt3 S4, Synthese und Struktur Journal of the Less-Common Metals 31 (1973) 255-262 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 943.777 Cell parameters: 10.86; 13.6; 6.39; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1538252 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Pt3 Rb2 S4 - Comments: Gunther, O.; Bronger, W. Cs2 Pt3 S4 und Rb2 Pt3 S4, Synthese und Struktur Journal of the Less-Common Metals 31 (1973) 255-255 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 921.259 Cell parameters: 6.39; 10.84; 13.3; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1539149 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi1.8 Ca1.2 Cu2.2 O8.22 Sr1.8 - Comments: Sampathkumaran, E.V.; Shibuya, T.; Suzuki, A.; Kohn, K.; Tohdake, A.; Ishikawa, M. Absence of solid solution of the type Y (Ba2-x Rex) Cu3 O7±s and its possible implications. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2 27 (1988) 584-586 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 892.626 Cell parameters: 5.39; 5.39; 30.725; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1539518 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al10 Ca4 H58.24 Na0.72 O101.12 Si26 - Comments: Akizuki, M.; Kudoh, Y.; Satoh, Y. Crystal structure of the orthorhombic (001) growth sector of stilbite European Journal of Mineralogy (1,1989-) 5 (1993) 839-843 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4428.94 Cell parameters: 13.616; 18.238; 17.835; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1539581 | |
CIF file | Formula: - P6 Rb4 - Comments: von Schnering, H.G.; Meyer, T.; Hoenle, W.; Schmettow, W.; Kliche, G.; Hinze, U.; Bauhofer, W. Tetrarubidiumhexaphosphid und Tetracaesiumhexaphosphid: Darstellung, Struktur und Eigenschaften von Rb4 P6 und Cs4 P6 Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 553 (1987) 261-279 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1270.75 Cell parameters: 9.641; 14.629; 9.01; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1539583 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs4 P6 - Comments: von Schnering, H.G.; Hoenle, W.; Meyer, T.; Hinze, U.; Schmettow, W.; Kliche, G.; Bauhofer, W. Tetrarubidiumhexaphosphid und Tetracaesiumhexaphosphid: Darstellung, Struktur und Eigenschaften von Rb4 P6 und Cs4 P6 Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 553 (1987) 261-279 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1411.64 Cell parameters: 9.972; 14.999; 9.438; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1540178 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La2 Ni O4.18 - Comments: Jorgensen, J.D.; Dabrowski, B.; Richards, D.R.; Pei, S.; Hinks, D.G. Structure of the interstitial oxygen defect in La2 Ni O4+delta Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-) 40 (1989) 2187-2199 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 379.97 Cell parameters: 5.4614; 5.4723; 12.7138; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1541087 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Cu O6.1 Tl2 - Comments: Parise, J.B.; Torardi, C.C.; Subramanian, M.A.; Gopalakrishnan, J.; Sleight, A.W.; Prince, E. Superconducting Tl2 Ba2 Cu O6+d: A high resolution neutron powder and single crystal x-ray diffraction investigation Physica C (Amsterdam) 159 (1989) 239-244 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 694.935 Cell parameters: 5.4604; 5.4848; 23.2038; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1541710 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F0.76 Na0.76 O6.24 Ti2.24 Zn1.76 - Comments: Mayer, M.; de Roy, A.; Perez, G. Etude structurale de la phase Na1-x Zn2-x Ti2+x O6+x F1-x Revue de Chimie Minerale 13 (1976) 540-548 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1084.17 Cell parameters: 5.752; 11.294; 16.689; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1546304 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C5 H13 N O44 Si22 - Comments: Marler, B.; Dehnbostel, N.; Eulert, H. -H.; Gies, H.; Liebau, F. Studies on clathrasils VIII. Nonasils-[4158], 88SiO2.8M8.8M9.4M20 : synthesis, thermal properties, and crystal structure Journal of Inclusion Phenomena 4 (1986) 339-349 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4562 Cell parameters: 22.232; 15.058; 13.627; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1552287 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C18 H10 N O4 Zn - Comments: Hazra, Arpan; van Heerden, Dewald; Sanyal, Somananda; Lama, Prem; Esterhuysen, Catharine; Barbour, Len CO2-induced single-crystal to single-crystal transformations of an interpenetrated flexible MOF explained by in situ crystallographic analysis and molecular modeling Chemical Science (2019) Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 3269.2 Cell parameters: 10.7494; 16.2516; 18.7137; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1552288 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C18 H10 N O4 Zn - Comments: Hazra, Arpan; van Heerden, Dewald; Sanyal, Somananda; Lama, Prem; Esterhuysen, Catharine; Barbour, Len CO2-induced single-crystal to single-crystal transformations of an interpenetrated flexible MOF explained by in situ crystallographic analysis and molecular modeling Chemical Science (2019) Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 3261.2 Cell parameters: 10.7054; 16.2225; 18.7784; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1552367 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu0.6 Ni0.4 O4 Pr2 - Comments: Wang, C.; Soga, H.; Yugi, T.; Sakai, M.; Okiba, T.; Hashimoto, T. Variation in crystal structure of Ln2Ni1-xCuxO4+delta (Ln: La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, and their solid solution) based on type of Ln: Relationship between crystal structure and tolerance factor Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 127 (2019) 678-687 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 370.2 Cell parameters: 5.429; 5.42; 12.582; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1562674 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cd6.589 Pd2.054 - Comments: Jana, Partha Pratim; Lidin, Sven Pd2Cd11− (0.21≤δ≤0.51)‒a partly disordered γ-brass type phase and Pd0.238Cd0.762-a γ-brass related incommensurate phase in the palladium‒cadmium system Journal of Solid State Chemistry 201 (2013) 244-249 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 662.7 Cell parameters: 4.687; 9.9995; 14.14; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1572875 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C6 H18 Cl4 Cu N2 O3 Si2 - Comments: Dalton, Connor W.; Gannon, Paige M.; Kaminsky, Werner; Reed, Douglas A. Leveraging Ordered Voids in Microporous Perovskites for Intercalation and Post-Synthetic Modification Chemical Science (2024) Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 7108.6 Cell parameters: 10.2369; 20.4352; 33.981; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 2002590 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Cu3 Na O6 - Comments: Tams, G; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk Das erste Alkali-Erdalkali-Oxocuprat (II,III): Na Ba2 (Cu2+)2 (Cu3+) O6 Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 617 (1992) 19-22 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1388.4 Cell parameters: 8.4229; 11.4418; 14.4063; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 2002614 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Ca O6 Pd3 - Comments: Sonne, P; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk Zur Kenntnis eines Erdalkalimetall-Oxopalladats(II) mit ringfoermigen Pd6 O12-Baugruppen: Ca Ba2 Pd3 O6 Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 619 (1993) 1004-1006 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1493.1 Cell parameters: 8.717; 11.47; 14.933; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 2002617 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Na Ni3 O6 - Comments: Strunk, M; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk Das erste Alkali-Erdalkalimetall-Oxoniccolat(II,III): Na Ba2 (Ni2+)2 (Ni3+) O6 Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 619 (1993) 343-346 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1342.4 Cell parameters: 8.31; 11.22; 14.397; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 2002666 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Cu3 Li O6 - Comments: Tams, G; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk; Lang, Ch Notiz zur Kristallchemie von Li Ba2 Cu3 O6 Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (42,1987-) 50 (1995) 681-683 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1352.5 Cell parameters: 8.219; 11.52; 14.284; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 2101124 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C42 H88 - Comments: Gerson, A. R.; Nyburg, S. C. Structures of two binary <i>n</i>-alkane solid solutions Acta Crystallographica Section B 50(2) (1994) 252-256 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2268 Cell parameters: 5.02; 7.711; 58.6; 90.8; 89.6; 90.01; |
COD ID: 2106152 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi0.32 Cu4 O8 Sr7.68 - Comments: Jensen, A.F.; Petricek, V.; Larsen, F.K.; McCarron, E.M. Importance of the true satellite reflections in the analysis of modulated, composite crystal structures. II. The structur structure of (M2' Cu2 O3)7 (Cu O2)10, M'= Bi0.04 Sr0.96 Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-) 53 (1997) 113-124 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 603.282 Cell parameters: 11.4712; 13.3765; 3.9316; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 2106599 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba Cu K2 N6 O12 - Comments: Takagi, S.; Joesten, M.D. Potassium barium hexanitrocuprate(II) at 295 K Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982) 31 (1975) 596-598 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1286.02 Cell parameters: 11.219; 10.728; 10.685; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 2106600 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu K2 N6 O12 Sr - Comments: Takagi, S.; Joesten, M.D.; Lenhert, P.G. Potassium strontium hexanitrocuprate(II) and potassium strontium hexanitronickelate(II) Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982) 32 (1976) 2524-2526 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1193.43 Cell parameters: 10.4301; 10.4621; 10.9368; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 2106877 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O2 - Comments: Schiferl, D.; Cromer, D.T.; Schwalbe, L.A.; Mills, R.L. Structure of 'Orange' 18O2 at 9.6 GPa and 297 K Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-) 39 (1983) 153-157 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 83.372 Cell parameters: 4.2151; 2.9567; 6.6897; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 2106890 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu N6 O12 Pb Rb2 - Comments: Takagi, S.; Joesten, M.D.; Lenhert, P.G. The structure of two crystals of rubidium lead hexanitrocuprate(II) Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982) 32 (1976) 1278-1281 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1243.35 Cell parameters: 10.8296; 10.8196; 10.6113; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 2229261 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs2 Pd3 Se6 U - Comments: Oh, George N.; Ibers, James A. Cs~2~UPd~3~Se~6~ Acta Crystallographica Section E 67(2) (2011) i9 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2749.2 Cell parameters: 10.1034; 15.5046; 17.5503; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 3000393 | |
CIF file is on hold until 2022-11-20 | Formula: - O153.94 Pb11.41 Si72 - Comments: Cametti, Georgia; Roos, Diana; Prieur, Damien; Scheinost, Andreas; Churakov, Sergey To be published in Scientific Reports () Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4323.8 Cell parameters: 13.6261; 17.9186; 17.709; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 3000394 | |
CIF file is on hold until 2022-11-20 | Formula: - O207.83 Pb12.33 Si72 - Comments: Cametti, Georgia; Roos, Diana; Prieur, Damien; Scheinost, Andreas; Churakov, Sergey To be published in Scientific Reports () Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4417.1 Cell parameters: 13.6119; 18.1833; 17.846; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4000747 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O6.88 Rb4 - Comments: Riyadi, Syarif; Giriyapura, Shivakumara; de Groot, Robert A.; Caretta, Antonio; van Loosdrecht, Paul H. M.; Palstra, Thomas T. M.; Blake, Graeme R. Ferromagnetic Order from p-Electrons in Rubidium Oxide Chemistry of Materials 23(6) (2011) 1578 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 229.4 Cell parameters: 6.3028; 6.25587; 5.81797; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4002516 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Co0.35 Cu0.65 O2 - Comments: Lambert, S.; Grebille, D. A 4D composite description for Ca0.82 (Cu0.65 Co0.35 O2) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 14 (2002) 4904-4909 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 186.278 Cell parameters: 2.801; 6.29; 10.573; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4002517 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca0.82 - Comments: Lambert, S.; Grebille, D. A 4D composite description for Ca0.82 (Cu0.65 Co0.35 O2) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 14 (2002) 4904-4909 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 225.516 Cell parameters: 3.391; 6.29; 10.573; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4003033 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C108 H64 O32 Zr6 - Comments: Chen, Cheng-Xia; Wei, Zhang-Wen; Cao, Chen-Chen; Yin, Shao-Yun; Qiu, Qian-Feng; Zhu, Neng-Xiu; Xiong, Yang-Yang; Jiang, Ji-Jun; Pan, Mei; Su, Cheng-Yong All Roads Lead to Rome: Tuning the Luminescence of a Breathing Catenated Zr-MOF by Programmable Multiplexing Pathways Chemistry of Materials 31(15) (2019) 5550 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 18831.1 Cell parameters: 16.1063; 28.5501; 40.9518; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4003035 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C108 H64 O32 Zr6 - Comments: Chen, Cheng-Xia; Wei, Zhang-Wen; Cao, Chen-Chen; Yin, Shao-Yun; Qiu, Qian-Feng; Zhu, Neng-Xiu; Xiong, Yang-Yang; Jiang, Ji-Jun; Pan, Mei; Su, Cheng-Yong All Roads Lead to Rome: Tuning the Luminescence of a Breathing Catenated Zr-MOF by Programmable Multiplexing Pathways Chemistry of Materials 31(15) (2019) 5550 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 18988.5 Cell parameters: 16.0688; 28.8004; 41.0306; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4101528 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O38 Si19 - Comments: Dorset, Douglas L; Kennedy, Gordon J; Strohmaier, Karl G; Diaz-Cabañas, Maria J; Rey, Fernando; Corma, Avelino P-derived organic cations as structure-directing agents: synthesis of a high-silica zeolite (ITQ-27) with a two-dimensional 12-ring channel system. Journal of the American Chemical Society 128(27) (2006) 8862-8867 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 9682.3 Cell parameters: 27.7508; 25.2969; 13.7923; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4106749 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C42 H22 Cu4 O24 - Comments: Jarrod F. Eubank; Hasnaa Mouttaki; Amy J. Cairns; Youssef Belmabkhout; Lukasz Wojtas; Ryan Luebke; Mohamed Alkordi; Mohamed Eddaoudi The Quest for Modular Nanocages: tbo-MOF as an Archetype for Mutual Substitution, Functionalization, and Expansion of Quadrangular Pillar Building Blocks Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (2011) 14204-14207 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 20723 Cell parameters: 25.042; 26.826; 30.848; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4106751 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C69 H45 Cu4 N9 O24 - Comments: Jarrod F. Eubank; Hasnaa Mouttaki; Amy J. Cairns; Youssef Belmabkhout; Lukasz Wojtas; Ryan Luebke; Mohamed Alkordi; Mohamed Eddaoudi The Quest for Modular Nanocages: tbo-MOF as an Archetype for Mutual Substitution, Functionalization, and Expansion of Quadrangular Pillar Building Blocks Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (2011) 14204-14207 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 36955 Cell parameters: 22.751; 28.318; 57.36; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4108192 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C13 H27 Co Mo11 N8 O44 P - Comments: Guanggang Gao; Fengyan Li; Lin Xu; Xizheng Liu; Yanyan Yang CO2 Coordination by Inorganic Polyoxoanion in Water Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (2008) 10838-10839 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 6073.4 Cell parameters: 13.055; 21.179; 21.966; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4108193 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C13 H28 Co Mo11 N8 O44 Si - Comments: Guanggang Gao; Fengyan Li; Lin Xu; Xizheng Liu; Yanyan Yang CO2 Coordination by Inorganic Polyoxoanion in Water Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (2008) 10838-10839 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 6088.7 Cell parameters: 13.039; 21.333; 21.889; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4114464 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C16 H14 - Comments: Armin de Meijere; Sergei I. Kozhushkov; Karsten Rauch; Heiko Schill; Sergey P. Verevkin; Martin Kümmerlin; Hans-Dieter Beckhaus; Christoph Rüchardt; Dmitrii S. Yufit Heats of Formation of [2.2]Paracyclophane-1-ene and [2.2]Paracyclophane-1,9-diene - An Experimental Study Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (2003) 15110-15113 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 3227.47 Cell parameters: 10.6131; 11.0639; 27.486; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4114465 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C16 H14 - Comments: Armin de Meijere; Sergei I. Kozhushkov; Karsten Rauch; Heiko Schill; Sergey P. Verevkin; Martin Kümmerlin; Hans-Dieter Beckhaus; Christoph Rüchardt; Dmitrii S. Yufit Heats of Formation of [2.2]Paracyclophane-1-ene and [2.2]Paracyclophane-1,9-diene - An Experimental Study Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (2003) 15110-15113 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 3328 Cell parameters: 10.7675; 11.155; 27.708; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4116341 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C6 H16 N10 Ni O6 - Comments: Larry R. Falvello; Michael A. Hitchman; Fernando Palacio; Isabel Pascual; Arthur J. Schultz; Horst Stratemeier; Milagros Tomás; Esteban P. Urriolabeitia; Dianna M. Young Tunable Molecular Distortion in a Nickel Complex Coupled to a Reversible Phase Transition in the Crystalline State Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (1999) 2808-2819 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1407.5 Cell parameters: 12.0455; 7.271; 16.0707; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4116344 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C6 H16 N10 Ni O6 - Comments: Larry R. Falvello; Michael A. Hitchman; Fernando Palacio; Isabel Pascual; Arthur J. Schultz; Horst Stratemeier; Milagros Tomás; Esteban P. Urriolabeitia; Dianna M. Young Tunable Molecular Distortion in a Nickel Complex Coupled to a Reversible Phase Transition in the Crystalline State Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (1999) 2808-2819 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1411.5 Cell parameters: 12.0551; 7.2825; 16.0779; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4116346 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C6 H16 N10 Ni O6 - Comments: Larry R. Falvello; Michael A. Hitchman; Fernando Palacio; Isabel Pascual; Arthur J. Schultz; Horst Stratemeier; Milagros Tomás; Esteban P. Urriolabeitia; Dianna M. Young Tunable Molecular Distortion in a Nickel Complex Coupled to a Reversible Phase Transition in the Crystalline State Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (1999) 2808-2819 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1411.8 Cell parameters: 12.0551; 7.2846; 16.0766; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4118146 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C64 H56 Cl3 Mn6 N8 O24 - Comments: Xiu-Li Yang; Ming-Hua Xie; Chao Zou; Yabing He; Banglin Chen; Michael O'Keeffe; Chuan-De Wu Porous Metalloporphyrinic Frameworks Constructed from Metal 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(3,5-biscarboxylphenyl)porphyrin for Highly Efficient and Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (2012) 10638-10645 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 21976 Cell parameters: 24.4424; 29.282; 30.7048; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4118147 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C52 H36 Cl2 Mn5 N4 Ni O24 - Comments: Xiu-Li Yang; Ming-Hua Xie; Chao Zou; Yabing He; Banglin Chen; Michael O'Keeffe; Chuan-De Wu Porous Metalloporphyrinic Frameworks Constructed from Metal 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(3,5-biscarboxylphenyl)porphyrin for Highly Efficient and Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (2012) 10638-10645 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 21735 Cell parameters: 24.0125; 28.8745; 31.348; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4118148 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C52 H32 Cd5 Cl3 Mn N4 O22 - Comments: Xiu-Li Yang; Ming-Hua Xie; Chao Zou; Yabing He; Banglin Chen; Michael O'Keeffe; Chuan-De Wu Porous Metalloporphyrinic Frameworks Constructed from Metal 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(3,5-biscarboxylphenyl)porphyrin for Highly Efficient and Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (2012) 10638-10645 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 22434 Cell parameters: 24.135; 29.2; 31.833; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4120365 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C456 H264 B18 F36 N72 O267.2 Pd12 - Comments: Kate Harris; Qing-Fu Sun; Sota Sato; Makoto Fujita M12L24 Spheres with Endo and Exo Coordination Sites: Scaffolds for Non-Covalent Functionalization Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (2013) 12497-12499 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 238128 Cell parameters: 61.994; 61.977; 61.977; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4123009 | |
CIF file | Formula: - As2 Ba Fe2 - Comments: Zaikina, Julia V.; Batuk, Maria; Abakumov, Artem M.; Navrotsky, Alexandra; Kauzlarich, Susan M. Facile Synthesis of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Superconductors via Hydride Route. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2014) 141121132150009 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 405.568 Cell parameters: 5.6139; 5.5746; 12.9594; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4123010 | |
CIF file | Formula: - As2 Ba0.84 Fe2 K0.16 - Comments: Zaikina, Julia V.; Batuk, Maria; Abakumov, Artem M.; Navrotsky, Alexandra; Kauzlarich, Susan M. Facile Synthesis of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Superconductors via Hydride Route. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2014) 141121132150009 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 405.42 Cell parameters: 5.5864; 5.5564; 13.061; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4124531 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O144 Si72 - Comments: Hong Suk Bong; Wright, P.A.; Lear, E.G.; Zhou Wuzong; Nam In-Sik; Cox, P.A.; Park Joo-Hyoung; Shin Chaeho Synthesis, structure solution, characterization and catalytic properties of TNU-10: a high-silica zeolite with the STI topology Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (2004) 5817-5826 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4281.76 Cell parameters: 13.533; 17.925; 17.651; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4124839 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C64 H34 O20 Zn4 - Comments: Spanopoulos, Ioannis; Tsangarakis, Constantinos; Klontzas, Emmanuel; Tylianakis, Emmanuel; Froudakis, George; Adil, Karim; Belmabkhout, Youssef; Eddaoudi, Mohamed; Trikalitis, Pantelis N. Reticular Synthesis of HKUST-like tbo-MOFs with Enhanced CH4 Storage. Journal of the American Chemical Society 138(5) (2016) 1568-1574 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 29811 Cell parameters: 25.92; 28.56; 40.27; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4124840 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C64 H34 Cu4 O20 - Comments: Spanopoulos, Ioannis; Tsangarakis, Constantinos; Klontzas, Emmanuel; Tylianakis, Emmanuel; Froudakis, George; Adil, Karim; Belmabkhout, Youssef; Eddaoudi, Mohamed; Trikalitis, Pantelis N. Reticular Synthesis of HKUST-like tbo-MOFs with Enhanced CH4 Storage. Journal of the American Chemical Society 138(5) (2016) 1568-1574 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 29247 Cell parameters: 25.616; 28.157; 40.549; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4125773 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C76 H44 B F4 N12 O2 Pd2 - Comments: Preston, Dan; Lewis, James E. M.; Crowley, James D. Multicavity [PdnL4](2n+) Cages with Controlled Segregated Binding of Different Guests. Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(6) (2017) 2379-2386 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 11665.1 Cell parameters: 20.0327; 20.7974; 27.9988; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4126721 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C40 H30 O16 Zr3 - Comments: Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Liu, Caiping; Lollar, Christina; Wu, Mingyan; Yuan, Daqiang; Zhou, Hong-Cai; Hong, Maochun Control the Structure of Zr-Tetracarboxylate Frameworks through Steric Tuning. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017) Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 21558 Cell parameters: 19.097; 32.141; 35.122; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4126722 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C40 H28 O18 Zr3 - Comments: Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Liu, Caiping; Lollar, Christina; Wu, Mingyan; Yuan, Daqiang; Zhou, Hong-Cai; Hong, Maochun Control the Structure of Zr-Tetracarboxylate Frameworks through Steric Tuning. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017) Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 20890 Cell parameters: 18.018; 33.1022; 35.0246; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4126729 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C40 H30 N O16 Zr3 - Comments: Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Liu, Caiping; Lollar, Christina; Wu, Mingyan; Yuan, Daqiang; Zhou, Hong-Cai; Hong, Maochun Control the Structure of Zr-Tetracarboxylate Frameworks through Steric Tuning. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017) Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 19505.4 Cell parameters: 16.6619; 32.7171; 35.7812; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4128031 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C56 H30 O16 Zr3 - Comments: Lv, Xiu-Liang; Yuan, Shuai; Xie, Lin-Hua; Darke, Hannah F.; Chen, Ya; He, Tao; Dong, Chen; Wang, Bin; Zhang, Yong-Zheng; Li, Jian-Rong; Zhou, Hong-Cai Ligand Rigidification for Enhancing the Stability of Metal-Organic Frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141(26) (2019) 10283-10293 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 23958 Cell parameters: 14.819; 35.924; 45.003; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4128035 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C40 H22 O16 Zr3 - Comments: Lv, Xiu-Liang; Yuan, Shuai; Xie, Lin-Hua; Darke, Hannah F.; Chen, Ya; He, Tao; Dong, Chen; Wang, Bin; Zhang, Yong-Zheng; Li, Jian-Rong; Zhou, Hong-Cai Ligand Rigidification for Enhancing the Stability of Metal-Organic Frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141(26) (2019) 10283-10293 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 21968 Cell parameters: 19.721; 31.9499; 34.865; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4128036 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C184 H136 O64 Zr12 - Comments: Lv, Xiu-Liang; Yuan, Shuai; Xie, Lin-Hua; Darke, Hannah F.; Chen, Ya; He, Tao; Dong, Chen; Wang, Bin; Zhang, Yong-Zheng; Li, Jian-Rong; Zhou, Hong-Cai Ligand Rigidification for Enhancing the Stability of Metal-Organic Frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141(26) (2019) 10283-10293 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 23276.3 Cell parameters: 21.1397; 32.4825; 33.8974; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4134953 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C56 H30 O20 Zr3 - Comments: Jiang, Hong; Zhang, Wenqiang; Kang, Xing; Cao, Ziping; Chen, Xu; Liu, Yan; Cui, Yong Topology-Based Functionalization of Robust Chiral Zr-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks for Catalytic Enantioselective Hydrogenation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 142(21) (2020) 9642-9652 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 26138 Cell parameters: 16.031; 36.971; 44.102; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4134954 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C40 H22 O20 Zr3 - Comments: Jiang, Hong; Zhang, Wenqiang; Kang, Xing; Cao, Ziping; Chen, Xu; Liu, Yan; Cui, Yong Topology-Based Functionalization of Robust Chiral Zr-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks for Catalytic Enantioselective Hydrogenation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 142(21) (2020) 9642-9652 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 21162 Cell parameters: 18.1834; 33.744; 34.489; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4301649 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ga3.57 Sm0.98 - Comments: Monique Tillard; David Zitoun; Claude Belin Structural Versatility of the ε-SmGax Phase: X-Ray, Electron Diffraction, and DFT Studies Inorganic Chemistry 48 (2009) 2399-2406 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2163.1 Cell parameters: 8.4929; 14.912; 17.08; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4301727 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C64 H74 N2 O4 P2 U - Comments: Liam P. Spencer; Ping Yang; Brian L. Scott; Enrique R. Batista; James M. Boncella Uranium(VI) Bis(imido) Chalcogenate Complexes: Synthesis and Density Functional Theory Analysis Inorganic Chemistry 48 (2009) 2693-2700 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 5723.6 Cell parameters: 16.516; 17.417; 19.897; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4303974 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C18 H50 Co Mo12 N12 O50 - Comments: Guang-Gang Gao; Lin Xu; Wen-Ju Wang; Xiao-Shu Qu; Hong Liu; Yan-Yan Yang Cobalt(II)/Nickel(II)-Centered Keggin-Type Heteropolymolybdates: Syntheses, Crystal Structures, Magnetic and Electrochemical Properties Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 2325-2333 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 6040 Cell parameters: 13.043; 21.364; 21.676; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4316828 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Au Eu2 Ge3 - Comments: C. Peter Sebastian; Christos D. Malliakas; Maria Chondroudi; Inga Schellenberg; Sudhindra Rayaprol; Rolf-Dieter Hoffmann; Rainer Pöttgen; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis Indium Flux-Growth of Eu2AuGe3: A New Germanide with an AlB2 Superstructure Inorganic Chemistry 49 (2010) 9574-9580 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1147 Cell parameters: 8.577; 14.855; 9.002; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4323205 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C4 H10 B11 Br12 N - Comments: Zuowei Xie; Chi-Wing Tsang; Eric Tung-Po Sze; Qingchuan Yang; Dominic T. W. Chan; Thomas C. W. Mak Highly Chlorinated, Brominated, and Iodinated Icosahedral Carborane Anions: 1-H-CB11X11-, 1-CH3-CB11X11- (X = Cl, Br, I); 1-Br-CB11Br11- Inorganic Chemistry 37 (1998) 6444-6451 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 5598.5 Cell parameters: 17.7425; 17.76; 17.7669; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4326062 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C31 H22 N O4 Zn - Comments: Ines Maria Hauptvogel; Ralf Biedermann; Nicole Klein; Irena Senkovska; Amandine Cadiau; Dirk Wallacher; Ralf Feyerherm; Stefan Kaskel Flexible and Hydrophobic Zn-Based Metal-Organic Framework Inorganic Chemistry 50 (2011) 8367-8374 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 7285.1 Cell parameters: 9.6349; 26.235; 28.821; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4328807 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs2 Pt3 Se6 U - Comments: George N. Oh; Eun Sang Choi; James A. Ibers Syntheses and Characterization of Nine Quaternary Uranium Chalcogenides Among the Compounds A2M3UQ6 (A = K, Rb, Cs; M = Pd, Pt; Q = S, Se) Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 4224-4230 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2730.6 Cell parameters: 10.0904; 15.3859; 17.5882; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4328808 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs2 Pt3 S6 U - Comments: George N. Oh; Eun Sang Choi; James A. Ibers Syntheses and Characterization of Nine Quaternary Uranium Chalcogenides Among the Compounds A2M3UQ6 (A = K, Rb, Cs; M = Pd, Pt; Q = S, Se) Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 4224-4230 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2481.8 Cell parameters: 9.7924; 14.8937; 17.0164; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4328809 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs2 Pd3 Se6 U - Comments: George N. Oh; Eun Sang Choi; James A. Ibers Syntheses and Characterization of Nine Quaternary Uranium Chalcogenides Among the Compounds A2M3UQ6 (A = K, Rb, Cs; M = Pd, Pt; Q = S, Se) Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 4224-4230 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2749.2 Cell parameters: 10.1034; 15.5046; 17.5503; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4328810 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs2 Pd3 S6 U - Comments: George N. Oh; Eun Sang Choi; James A. Ibers Syntheses and Characterization of Nine Quaternary Uranium Chalcogenides Among the Compounds A2M3UQ6 (A = K, Rb, Cs; M = Pd, Pt; Q = S, Se) Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 4224-4230 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2493.73 Cell parameters: 9.7874; 15.0077; 16.9773; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4328811 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Pt3 Rb2 Se6 U - Comments: George N. Oh; Eun Sang Choi; James A. Ibers Syntheses and Characterization of Nine Quaternary Uranium Chalcogenides Among the Compounds A2M3UQ6 (A = K, Rb, Cs; M = Pd, Pt; Q = S, Se) Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 4224-4230 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2594.65 Cell parameters: 10.0467; 14.7861; 17.4663; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4328812 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Pt3 Rb2 S6 U - Comments: George N. Oh; Eun Sang Choi; James A. Ibers Syntheses and Characterization of Nine Quaternary Uranium Chalcogenides Among the Compounds A2M3UQ6 (A = K, Rb, Cs; M = Pd, Pt; Q = S, Se) Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 4224-4230 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2345.5 Cell parameters: 9.7554; 14.2286; 16.8974; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4328813 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Pd3 Rb2 Se6 U - Comments: George N. Oh; Eun Sang Choi; James A. Ibers Syntheses and Characterization of Nine Quaternary Uranium Chalcogenides Among the Compounds A2M3UQ6 (A = K, Rb, Cs; M = Pd, Pt; Q = S, Se) Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 4224-4230 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2598.17 Cell parameters: 10.0525; 14.8432; 17.4127; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4328814 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Pd3 Rb2 S6 U - Comments: George N. Oh; Eun Sang Choi; James A. Ibers Syntheses and Characterization of Nine Quaternary Uranium Chalcogenides Among the Compounds A2M3UQ6 (A = K, Rb, Cs; M = Pd, Pt; Q = S, Se) Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 4224-4230 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2354.43 Cell parameters: 9.7462; 14.3306; 16.8572; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4328815 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K2 Pd3 S6 U - Comments: George N. Oh; Eun Sang Choi; James A. Ibers Syntheses and Characterization of Nine Quaternary Uranium Chalcogenides Among the Compounds A2M3UQ6 (A = K, Rb, Cs; M = Pd, Pt; Q = S, Se) Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 4224-4230 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2260.37 Cell parameters: 9.7256; 13.8721; 16.7541; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4330638 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Au1.03 Ge2.97 Yb2 - Comments: Sebastian C. Peter; Sumanta Sarkar; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis Metallic Yb2AuGe3: An Ordered Superstructure in the AlB2-Type Family with Mixed-Valent Yb and a High-Temperature Phase Transition Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 10793-10799 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1065.7 Cell parameters: 8.5124; 14.73; 8.4995; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4334421 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B6 Eu5 Pt18 - Comments: Leonid Salamakha; Ernst Bauer; Gerfried Hilscher; Herwig Michor; Oksana Sologub; Peter Rogl; Gerald Giester Structural and Physical Properties Diversity of New CaCu5-Type Related Europium Platinum Borides Inorganic Chemistry 52 (2013) 4185-4197 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1873.49 Cell parameters: 5.5813; 9.5476; 35.1578; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4335811 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ag1.19 Eu2 Ge2.81 - Comments: Sumanta Sarkar; Sebastian C. Peter Structural Phase Transitions in a New Compound Eu2AgGe3 Inorganic Chemistry 52 (2013) 9741-9748 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1160.6 Cell parameters: 8.7069; 15.011; 8.8803; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4339052 | |
CIF file | Formula: - As2 Ba F22 Xe5 - Comments: Gerken, Michael; Hazendonk, Paul; Iuga, Adriana; Nieboer, Jared; Tramsek, Melita; Goreshnik, Evgeny; Zemva, Boris; Zheng, Shaohui; Autschbach, Jochen Solid-state NMR spectroscopic study of coordination compounds of XeF(2) with metal cations and the crystal structure of [Ba(XeF(2))(5)][AsF(6)](2). Inorganic chemistry 46(15) (2007) 6069-6077 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2194.6 Cell parameters: 11.6604; 13.658; 13.7802; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4339053 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba F22 Sb2 Xe5 - Comments: Gerken, Michael; Hazendonk, Paul; Iuga, Adriana; Nieboer, Jared; Tramsek, Melita; Goreshnik, Evgeny; Zemva, Boris; Zheng, Shaohui; Autschbach, Jochen Solid-state NMR spectroscopic study of coordination compounds of XeF(2) with metal cations and the crystal structure of [Ba(XeF(2))(5)][AsF(6)](2). Inorganic chemistry 46(15) (2007) 6069-6077 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2295.5 Cell parameters: 12.0985; 13.9437; 13.6072; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4340008 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C24 O13 Zn4 - Comments: Allen, C. A.; Cohen, S. M. Exploration of chemically cross-linked metal-organic frameworks. Inorganic chemistry 53(13) (2014) 7014-7019 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 16911 Cell parameters: 25.6676; 25.668; 25.668; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4341184 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C48 H40 Co4 K N16 O119 P5 W30 - Comments: Zhao, Ya-Qin; Yu, Kai; Wang, Li-Wei; Wang, Ying; Wang, Xing-Po; Sun, Di Anion-Induced Supramolecular Isomerism in Two Preyssler P5W30 Polyoxometalate-Based Hybrid Materials. Inorganic chemistry 53(20) (2014) 11046-11050 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 18056 Cell parameters: 18.1962; 28.429; 34.905; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4343782 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu K2 N6 O12 Pb - Comments: Joesten, M.D.; Takagi, S.; Lenhert, P.G. Structure of potassium lead hexanitrocuprate(II) at 276 K. An apparent compressed tetragonal Jahn-Teller distortion Inorganic Chemistry 16 (1977) 2680-2685 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1214.97 Cell parameters: 10.741; 10.734; 10.538; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4344925 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C28 H12 Cu5 I2 N4 O18 - Comments: He, Hongming; Sun, Fuxing; Ma, Shengqian; Zhu, Guangshan Reticular Synthesis of a Series of HKUST-like MOFs with Carbon Dioxide Capture and Separation Inorganic Chemistry 55(17) (2016) 9071-9076 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 14880.4 Cell parameters: 21.2731; 25.7339; 27.1818; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4346226 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C14 H20 Mo2 N6 O7 - Comments: Lysenko, Andrey B.; Senchyk, Ganna A.; Domasevitch, Konstantin V.; Hauser, Jürg; Fuhrmann, Daniel; Kobalz, Merten; Krautscheid, Harald; Neves, Patrícia; Valente, Anabela A.; Gonçalves, Isabel S Synthesis and Structural Elucidation of Triazolylmolybdenum(VI) Oxide Hybrids and Their Behavior as Oxidation Catalysts. Inorganic chemistry 54(17) (2015) 8327-8338 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 3813.2 Cell parameters: 12.5413; 17.265; 17.6107; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4503575 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C76 H116 N24 Ni8 O74 - Comments: Xu, Qiang; Zou, Ru-Qiang; Zhong, Rui-Qin; Kachi-Terajima, Chihiro; Takamizawa, Satoshi Cubic Metal−Organic Polyhedrons of Nickel(II) Imidazoledicarboxylate Depositing Protons or Alkali Metal Ions Crystal Growth & Design 8(7) (2008) 2458 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 14322 Cell parameters: 19.8543; 25.4617; 28.331; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4514599 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C42 H22 O24 Zn4 - Comments: Jurcic, Monika; Peveler, William J.; Savory, Christopher N.; Bučar, Dejan-Krešimir; Kenyon, Anthony J.; Scanlon, David O.; Parkin, Ivan P. Sensing and Discrimination of Explosives at Variable Concentrations with a Large-Pore MOF as Part of a Luminescent Array. ACS applied materials & interfaces 11(12) (2019) 11618-11626 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 21526.1 Cell parameters: 25.0266; 28.3182; 30.3737; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4516468 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C60 N152 O360 U60 - Comments: Blanchard, Florent; Ellart, Marine; Rivenet, Murielle; Vigier, Nicolas; Hablot, Isabelle; Morel, Bertrand; Grandjean, Stéphane; Abraham, Francis Role of Ammonium Ions in the Formation of Ammonium Uranyl Peroxides and Uranyl Peroxo-oxalates Crystal Growth & Design 16(1) (2015) 200 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 82941 Cell parameters: 32.8783; 46.6442; 54.0834; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 4516752 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C H6 I3 N Pb - Comments: Jaffe, Adam; Lin, Yu; Beavers, Christine M.; Voss, Johannes; Mao, Wendy L.; Karunadasa, Hemamala I. High-Pressure Single-Crystal Structures of 3D Lead-Halide Hybrid Perovskites and Pressure Effects on their Electronic and Optical Properties. ACS central science 2(4) (2016) 201-209 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1971.5 Cell parameters: 12.4984; 12.5181; 12.6012; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 5910228 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi4 O12 Ti3 - Comments: Wyckoff, R. W. G. Page 488-489 from the Structure of Crystals, vol. 3 by Wyckoff R W G. published by Interscience Publishers, Inc. in 1951 The Structure of Crystals 3 (1951) 488-488 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 985.807 Cell parameters: 5.51; 5.448; 32.84; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7002421 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C10 H6 N4 O4 - Comments: Yu, Jie-Hui; Zhu, Yan-Chun; Wu, Di; Yu, Yang; Hou, Qin; Xu, Ji-Qing Preparation and structural characterization of a series of monoacylhydrazidate-bridged coordination polymers Dalton Transactions (issue 39) (2009) 8248-8256 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 946.5 Cell parameters: 6.1168; 8.97; 17.25; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7015612 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C8 H4 Au2 N6 Zn - Comments: Ovens, Jeffrey S.; Leznoff, Daniel B. Thermally triggered reductive elimination of bromine from Au(III) as a path to Au(I)-based coordination polymers. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 40(16) (2011) 4140-4146 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1402.11 Cell parameters: 11.4055; 17.3296; 7.0938; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7036441 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Na3 O4 Pu - Comments: Smith, A. L.; Raison, P. E.; Hen, A.; Bykov, D.; Colineau, E.; Sanchez, J.-P.; Konings, R. J. M.; Cheetham, A. K. Structural investigation of Na3NpO4 and Na3PuO4 using X-ray diffraction and (237)Np Mössbauer spectroscopy. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 44(42) (2015) 18370-18377 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 852.41 Cell parameters: 13.3025; 9.63428; 6.65115; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7036442 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Na3 Np O4 - Comments: Smith, A. L.; Raison, P. E.; Hen, A.; Bykov, D.; Colineau, E.; Sanchez, J.-P.; Konings, R. J. M.; Cheetham, A. K. Structural investigation of Na3NpO4 and Na3PuO4 using X-ray diffraction and (237)Np Mössbauer spectroscopy. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 44(42) (2015) 18370-18377 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 857.944 Cell parameters: 13.35297; 9.62866; 6.67291; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7038739 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C92 H96 Cl8 Ir4 N4 O8 - Comments: Lin, Lin; Zhang, Ying-Ying; Lin, Yue-Jian; Jin, Guo-Xin Half-sandwich rhodium and iridium metallamacrocycles constructed via C-H activation. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 45(16) (2016) 7014-7021 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 14138 Cell parameters: 10.157; 25.995; 53.545; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7042205 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C66 H66 F48 N19 O0 P8 Pd2 - Comments: Marcos, Ismael; Domarco, Olaya; Peinador, Carlos; Fenández, Alberto; Fernández, Jesús J; Vázquez-García, Digna; García, Marcos D Self-assembly of dinuclear Pd(ii)/Pt(ii) metallacyclic receptors incorporating N-heterocyclic carbene complexes as corners. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 46(13) (2017) 4182-4190 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 22738 Cell parameters: 19.3158; 33.16; 35.5; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7044354 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H16 N10 O8 Zn - Comments: Xu, Yuangang; Wang, Pengcheng; Lin, Qiuhan; Lu, Ming A Carbon-free Inorganic-metal Complex Consisting of All-nitrogen Pentazole Anion, Zn(II) Cation and H2O Dalton Trans. (2017) Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1391.5 Cell parameters: 12.293; 17.319; 6.536; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7045850 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C22 H10 N5 O8 Zn2 - Comments: Liu, Bo; Zhou, Hui-Fang; Hou, Lei; Wang, Yao-Yu Functionalization of MOFs via a mixed-ligand strategy: enhanced CO<sub>2</sub> uptake by pore surface modification. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 47(15) (2018) 5298-5303 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 17542 Cell parameters: 28.34; 34.85; 17.761; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7045851 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C22 H11 N6 O8 Zn2 - Comments: Liu, Bo; Zhou, Hui-Fang; Hou, Lei; Wang, Yao-Yu Functionalization of MOFs via a mixed-ligand strategy: enhanced CO<sub>2</sub> uptake by pore surface modification. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 47(15) (2018) 5298-5303 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 17364 Cell parameters: 28.127; 34.868; 17.705; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7059276 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cd4 Cl4 H2 O7 Se2 - Comments: Elamathi, C.; Fronczek, Frank R.; Madankumar, A.; Prabhakaran, R. Synthesis and spectral characterizations of water soluble Cu(ii) complexes containing N-heterocyclic chelates: cell-proliferation, antioxidant and nucleic acid/serum albumin interactions New Journal of Chemistry 44(10) (2020) 4158-4170 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1991.89 Cell parameters: 15.5165; 17.509; 7.3318; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7061954 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C10 H16 Cd Cl4 N2 S2 - Comments: Han, Li-Jun; Liu, Jia; Shao, Ting; Jia, Qiang-Qiang; Su, Chang-Yuan; Fu, Da-Wei; Lu, Hai-Feng A Cd-based perovskite with optical-electrical multifunctional response New Journal of Chemistry 46(37) (2022) 17928-17933 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1797.9 Cell parameters: 7.459; 7.598; 31.724; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7112280 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C13 H7 Cu N3 O5 - Comments: Li, Pei-Zhou; Wang, Xiao-Jun; Zhang, Kang; Nalaparaju, Anjaiah; Zou, Ruyi; Zou, Ruqiang; Jiang, Jianwen; Zhao, Yanli "Click"-extended nitrogen-rich metal-organic frameworks and their high performance in CO2-selective capture. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 50(36) (2014) 4683-4685 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 27406 Cell parameters: 24.9933; 28.2078; 38.8733; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7123559 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C50 H106 Ba13 Cl34 N10 O78 Sb36 - Comments: Wu, Zhao-Feng; Hu, Bing; Fu, Zhi-hua; Wang, Hao; Xu, Gang; Gong, Liaokuo; Zou, Guo-Dong; Huang, Xiao-ying; Li, Jing [Ba13Sb36Cl34O54]8-: High-nuclearity cluster for the assembly of nanocluster-based compounds Chemical Communications (2019) Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 18657.9 Cell parameters: 22.1076; 23.5213; 35.8807; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7126984 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C42 H40 N2 O16 Zr3 - Comments: Zhang, Xiurong; Fan, Weidong; Fu, Mingyue; Jiang, Weifeng; Lu, Kebin; Wang, Yutong; Sun, Daofeng Optimizing zirconium metal-organic frameworks through steric tuning for efficient removal of Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub><sup>2</sup>. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 56(72) (2020) 10513-10516 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 22846 Cell parameters: 20.717; 31.9589; 34.5056; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7128651 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C9 N O17 Th3 - Comments: Zheng, Zhaofa; Lu, Huangjie; Guo, Xiaofeng; Zhou, Zhengyang; Wang, Yumin; Li, Zi-Jian; Xiao, Guo-Ping; Qian, Yuan; Lin, Jian; Wang, Jian-Qiang Emergence of a thorium-organic framework as a radiation attenuator for selective X-ray dosimetry. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 57(66) (2021) 8131-8134 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4851.8 Cell parameters: 16.5124; 20.7448; 14.1639; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7128652 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C9 N O17 Th3 - Comments: Zheng, Zhaofa; Lu, Huangjie; Guo, Xiaofeng; Zhou, Zhengyang; Wang, Yumin; Li, Zi-Jian; Xiao, Guo-Ping; Qian, Yuan; Lin, Jian; Wang, Jian-Qiang Emergence of a thorium-organic framework as a radiation attenuator for selective X-ray dosimetry. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 57(66) (2021) 8131-8134 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4850.25 Cell parameters: 16.5096; 20.7464; 14.1607; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7133365 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C68 H40 N4 O32 Zr6 - Comments: Li, Fugang; Huang, Jinyi; Meng, Yuxuan; Li, Ji; Zhang, Liangliang; Sheng, Daopeng <i>In situ</i> confinement of ultra-small metal nanoparticles in redox-active zirconium MOFs for catalysis. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 60(66) (2024) 8708-8711 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 16976 Cell parameters: 17.936; 30.464; 31.068; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7133366 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C68.5 H40 Eu6 F8 N4 O24.5 - Comments: Li, Fugang; Huang, Jinyi; Meng, Yuxuan; Li, Ji; Zhang, Liangliang; Sheng, Daopeng <i>In situ</i> confinement of ultra-small metal nanoparticles in redox-active zirconium MOFs for catalysis. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 60(66) (2024) 8708-8711 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 19374 Cell parameters: 19.893; 30.475; 31.958; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7211069 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Au Eu2 Si3 - Comments: Sarkar, Sumanta; Gutmann, Matthias J.; Peter, Sebastian C. Crystal structure and physical properties of indium flux grown RE2AuSi3 (RE = Eu, Yb) CrystEngComm 15(39) (2013) 8006 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1079.1 Cell parameters: 8.306; 9.0369; 14.377; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7214546 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C48 H0 N8 O17 Zn2 - Comments: Dau, Phuong V.; Cohen, Seth M. The influence of nitro groups on the topology and gas sorption property of extended Zn(ii)-paddlewheel MOFs CrystEngComm 15(45) (2013) 9304 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 25415 Cell parameters: 28.0614; 30.0942; 30.0947; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7221012 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Li2 Nb2 O7 Sr - Comments: Bhuvanesh, N.S.P.; Duroy, H.; Crosnier-Lopez, M.P.; Fourquet, J.L. Synthesis and structure of novel layered perovskite oxides: Li2 La1.78 Nb0.66 Ti2.34 O10, and a new family, Li2 (A0.5n Bn O3n+1) Journal of Materials Chemistry 9 (1999) 3093-3100 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 564.341 Cell parameters: 5.5939; 5.6013; 18.011; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7222201 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Co2 Ga La O9 Sr3 - Comments: Prado, F.; Manthiram, A.; Gurunathan, K. Synthesis, crystal chemistry and electrical, oxygen permeation and magnetic properties of La Sr3 Ga Fe2-x Cox O10-d (0 <= x <= 2 and 0 <= d <= 2) Journal of Materials Chemistry 12 (2002) 2390-2395 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 855.656 Cell parameters: 5.393; 5.456; 29.08; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7231971 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C48 H26 Co Mo24 N4 O89 P2 Zn8 - Comments: Zhang, Tianhe; Du, Jiang; Li, Zhimin; Lin, Xinyu; Wang, Lin; Yang, Li; Zhang, Tonglai Alkali metal salts of 3,6-dinitramino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine: promising nitrogen-rich energetic materials CrystEngComm 21(4) (2019) 765 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 18570 Cell parameters: 17.386; 23.565; 45.325; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7231978 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C48 H24 Mo24 N4 Ni O88 P2 Zn8 - Comments: Zhang, Tianhe; Du, Jiang; Li, Zhimin; Lin, Xinyu; Wang, Lin; Yang, Li; Zhang, Tonglai Alkali metal salts of 3,6-dinitramino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine: promising nitrogen-rich energetic materials CrystEngComm 21(4) (2019) 765 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 18517 Cell parameters: 17.352; 23.578; 45.26; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7242415 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C22 H18 Cl3 Cu3 N10 - Comments: Wang, Xiao-Qing; Tang, Jing; Ma, Xuehui; Wu, Dan; Yang, Jie A novel copper(i) metal‒organic framework as a highly efficient and ultrasensitive electrochemical platform for detection of Hg(ii) ions in aqueous solution CrystEngComm 23(16) (2021) 3043-3051 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 11376.6 Cell parameters: 14.353; 30.106; 26.328; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7700045 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C16 Cl4 Li2 Np O10 - Comments: Bjorklund, Jennifer L.; Pyrch, Mikaela M.; Basile, Madeline C.; Mason, Sara E.; Forbes, Tori Z. Actinyl-cation interactions: experimental and theoretical assessment of [Np(vi)O<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>4</sub>]<sup>2-</sup> and [U(vi)O<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>4</sub>]<sup>2-</sup> systems. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 48(24) (2019) 8861-8871 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 2602 Cell parameters: 13.115; 13.371; 14.838; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7715594 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C4 H8 Cl4 N6 Pb - Comments: Mączka, Mirosław; Sobczak, Szymon; Ptak, Maciej; Smółka, Szymon; Fedoruk, Katarzyna; Dybała, Filip; Herman, Artur P.; Paraguassu, Waldeci; Zaręba, Jan K; Kudrawiec, Robert; Sieradzki, Adam; Katrusiak, Andrzej Revisiting a (001)-oriented layered lead chloride templated by 1,2,4-triazolium: structural phase transitions, lattice dynamics and broadband photoluminescence. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 53(16) (2024) 6906-6919 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1366.89 Cell parameters: 7.5639; 8.2984; 21.7768; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7715595 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C4 H8 Cl4 N6 Pb - Comments: Mączka, Mirosław; Sobczak, Szymon; Ptak, Maciej; Smółka, Szymon; Fedoruk, Katarzyna; Dybała, Filip; Herman, Artur P.; Paraguassu, Waldeci; Zaręba, Jan K; Kudrawiec, Robert; Sieradzki, Adam; Katrusiak, Andrzej Revisiting a (001)-oriented layered lead chloride templated by 1,2,4-triazolium: structural phase transitions, lattice dynamics and broadband photoluminescence. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 53(16) (2024) 6906-6919 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 1375.5 Cell parameters: 7.6009; 8.3017; 21.798; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 7717219 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C36.5 H59 Co4 N6 O25 - Comments: Xue, Chaozhuang; Zhang, Yingying; Zhu, Kai; Deng, Suyun; Qu, Konggang; Gong, Shuwen; Yang, Huajun One ligand, two roles: novel pillar-layered metal-organic frameworks built with a 3D ligand and asymmetric inorganic nodes. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 53(42) (2024) 17146-17150 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 11361 Cell parameters: 17.303; 39.32; 16.698; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 9000046 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C - Comments: Kukesh, J. S.; Pauling, L. The problem of the graphite structure American Mineralogist 35 (1950) 125-125 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 69.959 Cell parameters: 2.456; 4.254; 6.696; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 9004016 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al1.98 Ca0.78 H36 K0.01 Na0.1 O25.24 Si7.92 - Comments: Arletti, R.; Mazzucato, E.; Vezzalini, G. Influence of dehydration kinetics on T-O-T bridge breaking in zeolites with framework type STI: The case of stellerite Sample: T = 302 K Note: occupancies invented to match formula American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 628-634 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4408.14 Cell parameters: 13.5947; 18.1823; 17.8335; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 9005145 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al2.34 Ca0.945 H22.98 Mg0.107 Na0.188 O25.28 Si6.66 - Comments: Akizuki, M.; Kudoh, Y.; Satoh, Y. Crystal structure of the orthorhombic {001} growth sector of stilbite European Journal of Mineralogy 5 (1993) 839-843 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4428.94 Cell parameters: 13.616; 18.238; 17.835; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 9005461 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al1.876 Ba0.002 Ca0.162 H34 K0.03 Mg0.047 N1.315 Na0.106 O22.52 Si7.123 - Comments: Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.; Sacerdoti, M.; McIntyre, G.; Ciambelli, P.; Rapascciuolo, M. T. Single crystal neutron diffraction study of the natural zeolite barrerite in its ND4-exchanged form European Journal of Mineralogy 12 (2000) 1123-1129 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4416.41 Cell parameters: 13.601; 18.232; 17.81; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 9009716 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al2.124 Ca0.92 H38 O27.05 Si6.876 - Comments: Sacerdoti, M.; Gomedi, I. Crystal structural refinement of Ca-exchanged barrerite Note: made from natural barrierite in the lab Bulletin de Mineralogie 107 (1984) 799-804 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 4420.67 Cell parameters: 13.61; 18.214; 17.833; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 9014427 | |
CIF file | Formula: - As2 Eu Fe2 - Comments: Tegel, M.; Rotter, M.; Weiss, V.; Schappacher, F. M.; Pottgen, R.; Johrendt, D. Structural and magnetic phase transitions in the ternary iron arsenides SrFe2As2 and EuFe2As2 Note: T = 10 K Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (2008) 452201_1-452201_5 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 368.292 Cell parameters: 5.5546; 5.4983; 12.059; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 9016523 | |
CIF file | Formula: - As2 Fe2 Sr - Comments: Tegel, M.; Rotter, M.; Weiss, V.; Schappacher, F. M.; Pottgen, R.; Johrendt, D. Structural and magnetic phase transitions in the ternary iron arsenides SrFe2As2 and EuFe2As2 Note: T = 90 K Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (2008) 452201_1-452201_5 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 378.465 Cell parameters: 5.5783; 5.5175; 12.2965; 90; 90; 90; |
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