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Searching journal of publication like 'J.Solid State Chem.'
COD ID: 1000002 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C3 D3 O7 Sr - Comments: Vanhoyland, G.; Bourée, F.; Van Bael, M. K.; Mullens, J.; Van Poucke, L. C. Structure determination and refinement of acid strontium oxalate from X-ray and neutron powder diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 157(2) (2001) 283-288 Space group: P 1 21/n 1 Cell volume: 613.2 Cell parameters: 6.341; 16.88; 5.7798; 90; 97.6; 90; |
COD ID: 1000072 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H5 O7 P V - Comments: Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Amoros, P; Beltran Porter, D; Villeneuve, G Crystal Structure of $+beta-V O (H P O~4~) (H~2~ O)2 Solved from X-Ray Powder Diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 79 (1989) 169-176 Space group: P -1 Cell volume: 528.8 Cell parameters: 5.659; 7.578; 12.623; 89.66; 102.14; 92.23; |
COD ID: 1000073 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F7 Li3 Th - Comments: Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Avignant, D; Cousseins, J C; Ferey, G Crystal Structure of Li~3~ Th F~7~ solved by X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 206-212 Space group: C c c a :2 Cell volume: 998.6 Cell parameters: 8.7885; 8.7685; 12.958; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000074 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F7 Li3 Th - Comments: Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Avignant, D; Cousseins, J C; Ferey, G Crystal Structure of Li~3~ Th F~7~ solved by X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 206-212 Space group: C c c a :2 Cell volume: 985.8 Cell parameters: 8.759; 8.728; 12.8956; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000075 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi Li O4 Pd2 - Comments: Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G Complex Palladium Oxides. V. Crystal Structure of Li Bi Pd~2~ O~4~: An Example of Three Different Fourfold Coordinations of Cations Journal of Solid State Chemistry 81 (1989) 58-64 Space group: P 4/n m m :2 Cell volume: 208 Cell parameters: 6.9109; 6.9109; 4.3557; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000076 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al5 F26 Na3 Sr4 - Comments: Hemon, A; Le Bail, A; Courbion, G Crystal Structure of Na~3~ Sr~4~ Al~5~ F~26~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 81 (1989) 299-304 Space group: P 42/n :2 Cell volume: 1937.1 Cell parameters: 10.2679; 10.2679; 18.373; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000090 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F5 Fe K2 - Comments: Le Bail, A; Desert, A; Fourquet, J L Reinvestigation of the structure of K~2~FeF~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 84 (1990) 408-412 Space group: P b c n Cell volume: 1948.2 Cell parameters: 7.4059; 12.8771; 20.4282; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000091 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca2.028 F7 Lu0.972 - Comments: Laval, J P; Abaouz, A; Frit, B; Le Bail, A Short-range order in the anion-excess fluorite-related Ca~0.68~Ln~0.32~F~2.32~ solid solutions: EXAFS study of the Ln^3+^ environment Journal of Solid State Chemistry 85 (1990) 133-143 Space group: I 4/m Cell volume: 1240.3 Cell parameters: 8.6633; 8.6633; 16.5252; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000092 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cr10 F31 K5 - Comments: Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G A new structure type in mixed valence fluorinated compounds: K~5~Cr~4~^2+^Cr~6~^3+^F~31~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 85 (1990) 151-158 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 5093.5 Cell parameters: 21.576; 7.6081; 32.865; 90; 109.24; 90; |
COD ID: 1000095 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H Na2.57 O18 P4 V4 - Comments: Le Bail, A; Leblanc, M; Amoros, P Synthesis and crystal structure of Na~1+x~V~4~P~4~O~17~(OH) (x=1.44) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 87 (1990) 178-185 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 1398.4 Cell parameters: 13.723; 6.314; 16.139; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000096 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cl5.5 Cr H32 N6.5 Ni O6 - Comments: Moron, M C; Le Bail, A; Pons, J The crystal and molecular structures of twinned (Cr(NH~3~)~6~)(Ni(H~2~O)~6~)Cl~5~ . 1/2(NH~4~Cl): a new complex bimetallic compound Journal of Solid State Chemistry 88 (1990) 498-504 Space group: F d -3 :2 Cell volume: 8539.7 Cell parameters: 20.44; 20.44; 20.44; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000101 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Co3 H4 O10 P2 - Comments: Pizarro, J L; Villeneuve, G; Hagenmuller, P; Le Bail, A Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic properties of Co~3~(HPO~4~)~2~(OH)~2~ related to the mineral lazulite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 92 (1991) 273-285 Space group: P 1 21/n 1 Cell volume: 370 Cell parameters: 7.531; 7.516; 7.7; 90; 121.91; 90; |
COD ID: 1000102 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Co3 H4 O10 P2 - Comments: Pizarro, J L; Villeneuve, G; Hagenmuller, P; Le Bail, A Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic properties of Co~3~(HPO~4~)~2~(OH)~2~ related to the mineral lazulite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 92 (1991) 273-285 Space group: P 1 21/n 1 Cell volume: 366.1 Cell parameters: 7.5024; 7.4896; 7.6716; 90; 121.864; 90; |
COD ID: 1000104 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al Ba3 F9 - Comments: Le Bail, A $-beta-Ba~3~AlF~9~, a complex structure determined from conventional X- ray powder diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 103 (1993) 287-291 Space group: P n c 2 Cell volume: 1631.9 Cell parameters: 7.5318; 14.8674; 14.5732; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000108 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba F10 H4 O2 Zr2 - Comments: Gao, Y; Guery, J; Le Bail, A; Jacoboni, C Synthesis,X-ray single-crystal structure determination and dehydration study of BaZr~2~F~10~ . 2H~2~O by X-ray powder thermodiffractometry Journal of Solid State Chemistry 98 (1992) 11-24 Space group: P n a m Cell volume: 919.4 Cell parameters: 7.8974; 7.9076; 14.7227; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000109 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al2 F9 H5 K2 O2 - Comments: Le Bail, A; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L Crystal structure and thermolysis of K~2~(H~5~O~2~)Al~2~F~9~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 98 (1992) 151-158 Space group: P b a m Cell volume: 480.9 Cell parameters: 11.5418; 11.3437; 3.6733; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000110 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al F3 - Comments: Le Bail, A; Fourquet, J L; Bentrup, U t-AlF~3~: crystal structure determination from X-ray powder diffraction data. A new MX~3~ corner-sharing octahedra 3D network Journal of Solid State Chemistry 100 (1992) 151-159 Space group: P 4/n m m :2 Cell volume: 744.1 Cell parameters: 10.1843; 10.1843; 7.1738; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000113 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H5 N O6 P V - Comments: Amoros, P; Le Bail, A Synthesis and crystal structure of $-alpha-NH~4~(VO~2~)(HPO~4~) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 97 (1992) 283-291 Space group: P b 21 a Cell volume: 556 Cell parameters: 6.83; 9.233; 8.817; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000114 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al6 Ba7.092 Cl2 F33 K2.908 - Comments: Le Bail, A; Hemon-Ribaud, A; Courbion, G Synthesis and structure approach of K~3~Ba~7~Al~6~F~33~Cl~2~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 107 (1993) 234-244 Space group: P -3 m 1 Cell volume: 2353 Cell parameters: 18.863; 18.863; 7.636; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000115 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H14 O30 P8 Zn11 - Comments: Marcos, M D; Amoros, P; Le Bail, A Synthesis and crystal structure of a tubular hydroxyphosphite: Zn~11~(HPO~3~)~8~(OH)~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 107 (1993) 250-257 Space group: P 63 m c Cell volume: 714.2 Cell parameters: 12.872; 12.872; 4.9772; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000116 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O5 Tl0.5 V2 - Comments: Ganne, M; Jouanneaux, A; Tournoux, M; Le Bail, A Structure and phase transitions of low-dimensional thallium vanadium bronze Tl~x~V~2~O~5~ (0.44<=x<=0.48) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 97 (1992) 186-198 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 404.8 Cell parameters: 11.609; 3.6877; 9.629; 90; 100.9; 90; |
COD ID: 1000129 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al Ba F5 - Comments: Le Bail, A.; Ferey, G.; Mercier, A.-M.; de Kozak, A.; Samouel, M. Structure determination of β- and γ-BaAlF~5~ by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction: a model for the α→ β ←→ γ transitions Journal of Solid State Chemistry 89 (1990) 282-291 Space group: P 21 21 21 Cell volume: 379.3 Cell parameters: 13.7168; 5.6054; 4.9329; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000130 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al Ba F5 - Comments: Le Bail, A.; Ferey, G.; Mercier, A.-M.; de Kozak, A.; Samouel, M. Structure determination of β- and γ-BaAlF~5~ by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction: a model for the α→ β ←→ γ transitions Journal of Solid State Chemistry 89 (1990) 282-291 Space group: P 1 21/n 1 Cell volume: 761 Cell parameters: 5.1517; 19.56659; 7.5567; 90; 92.426; 90; |
COD ID: 1000131 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al Ba F5 - Comments: Le Bail, A.; Ferey, G.; Mercier, A.-M.; de Kozak, A.; Samouel, M. Structure determination of β- and γ-BaAlF~5~ by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction: a model for the α→ β ←→ γ transitions Journal of Solid State Chemistry 89 (1990) 282-291 Space group: P 1 21 1 Cell volume: 377 Cell parameters: 5.2584; 9.7298; 7.3701; 90; 90.875; 90; |
COD ID: 1000132 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba F6 H0.075 O0.0375 Zr - Comments: Le Bail, A.; Mercier, A. M. Synthesis and crystal structure of γ-BaZrF~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 101 (1992) 229-236 Space group: C 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 1961.9 Cell parameters: 13.193; 7.499; 19.83899; 90; 91.69; 90; |
COD ID: 1000134 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba Hg O5 Ru - Comments: Hansen, T; Le Bail, A; Laligant, Y Synthesis and structure approach of barium-oxomercurato(II)- oxoruthenate(VI) Ba Hg Ru O5 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 120 (1995) 223-230 Space group: P 63/m Cell volume: 754.4 Cell parameters: 10.176; 10.176; 8.4121; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000137 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu3 H6 O11 V2 - Comments: Lafontaine, M A; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G Copper-containing minerals-I.Cu3 V2 O7 (O H)2 . 2(H2 O): the synthetic homolog of volborthite; crystal structure determination from X-ray and neutron data; structural correlations Journal of Solid State Chemistry 85 (1990) 220-227 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 447.7 Cell parameters: 10.606; 5.874; 7.213; 90; 94.9; 90; |
COD ID: 1000138 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu3 H6 O11 V2 - Comments: Lafontaine, M A; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G Copper-containing minerals-I.Cu3 V2 O7 (O H)2 . 2(H2 O): the synthetic homolog of volborthite; crystal structure determination from X-ray and neutron data; structural correlations Journal of Solid State Chemistry 85 (1990) 220-227 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 447.1 Cell parameters: 10.607; 5.864; 7.214; 90; 94.88; 90; |
COD ID: 1000144 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F9 Fe2 Na Pb - Comments: Le Bail, A Structure determination of Na Pb Fe2 F9 by x-ray powder diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 83 (1989) 267-271 Space group: C 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 700.2 Cell parameters: 7.308; 12.559; 7.64; 90; 93.06; 90; |
COD ID: 1000145 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H2 Na5 O15 P3 V2 - Comments: Le Bail, A On the structure of Na5 V2 P3 O14 . (H2 O) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 102 (1993) 281-282 Space group: C 1 m 1 Cell volume: 648.9 Cell parameters: 6.3089; 20.10379; 5.1172; 90; 91.134; 90; |
COD ID: 1000167 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F6 Li2 Ti - Comments: Portier, J; Tressaud, A; Menil, F; Claverie, J; de Pape, R; Hagenmueller, P Sur quelques composes fluores a structure rutile et trirutile Journal of Solid State Chemistry 1 (1969) 100-102 Space group: P 42/m n m Cell volume: 191.5 Cell parameters: 4.63; 4.63; 8.935; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000168 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 F10 Ni3 - Comments: Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; de Pape, R Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of Ba~2~ Ni~3~ F~10~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 33 (1980) 317-324 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 801.5 Cell parameters: 18.542; 5.958; 7.821; 90; 111.92; 90; |
COD ID: 1000174 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F6 Fe2 H4 N - Comments: Ferey, G; le Blanc, M; de Pape, R Crystal Structure of the Ordered Pyrochlore N H~4~ Fe(II) Fe(III) F~6~ Structural Correlations with Fe~2~ F~5~ (H~2~ O)~2~ and Its Dehydration Product Fe~2~ F~5~ H~2~ O Journal of Solid State Chemistry 40 (1981) 1-7 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 531.2 Cell parameters: 7.045; 7.454; 10.116; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000184 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F6 Fe Li Mn - Comments: Courbion, G; Jacoboni, C; de Pape, R The Dimorphism of Li Mn Fe F~6~: A New Kind of Cationic Order in the Structural Type Na~2~ Si F~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 45 (1982) 127-134 Space group: P 3 2 1 Cell volume: 304.1 Cell parameters: 8.684; 8.684; 4.657; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000185 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F6 Fe Li Mn - Comments: Courbion, G; Jacoboni, C; de Pape, R The Dimorphism of Li Mn Fe F~6~: A New Kind of Cationic Order in the Structural Type Na~2~ Si F~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 45 (1982) 127-134 Space group: P 3 2 1 Cell volume: 312.7 Cell parameters: 8.723; 8.723; 4.745; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000186 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F6 Fe Li Mn - Comments: Courbion, G; Jacoboni, C; de Pape, R The Dimorphism of Li Mn Fe F~6~: A New Kind of Cationic Order in the Structural Type Na~2~ Si F~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 45 (1982) 127-134 Space group: P 3 2 1 Cell volume: 312.7 Cell parameters: 8.723; 8.723; 4.745; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000187 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F3 Fe H0.66 O0.33 - Comments: Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; Chevalier, P; Calage, Y; de Pape, R Hexagonal Tungsten Bronze-Type Fe(III) Fluoride: (H~2~O)~0.33~FeF~3~; Crystal Structure, Magnetic Properties, Dehydration to a New Form of Iron Trifluoride Journal of Solid State Chemistry 47 (1983) 53-58 Space group: C m c m Cell volume: 711.2 Cell parameters: 7.423; 12.73; 7.526; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000188 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F6 Fe H4 Mn N - Comments: Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; Calage, Y; de Pape, R Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of a New Form of NH~4~MnFeF~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 47 (1983) 24-29 Space group: P b 2 n Cell volume: 1064 Cell parameters: 7.844; 12.819; 10.582; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000193 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F8 Fe3 H4 O2 - Comments: Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; Calage, Y; De Pape, R Idle spin behavior of the shifted hexagonal tungsten bronze type compounds Fe Fe~2~ F~8~ (H~2~ O)~2~ and Mn Fe~2~ F~8~ (H~2~ O)~2~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 53 (1984) 360-368 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 375.5 Cell parameters: 7.609; 7.514; 7.453; 90; 118.21; 90; |
COD ID: 1000194 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca3 Mn3 O8.02 - Comments: Nguyen, N; Calage, Y; Varret, F; Ferey, G; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B The oxygen defect Perovskite Ca~3~ Mn~1.35~ Fe~1.65~ O~8.02~: a highly frustrated antiferromagnet Journal of Solid State Chemistry 53 (1984) 398-405 Space group: P m 2 a Cell volume: 323.7 Cell parameters: 5.332; 11.13; 5.455; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000196 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe4 Li4.66 O16 Sb2 Sn1.32 - Comments: Lacorre, P; Hervieu, M; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Oxydes M~3~ O~4~ a empilement hexagonal double type D.H. Li Fe Sn O~4~ (M = Li,Fe,Sb,Sn): Transitions reversibles ramsdellite - D.H. Li Fe Sn O~4~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 51 (1984) 44-52 Space group: P 63 m c Cell volume: 297.4 Cell parameters: 5.95; 5.95; 9.701; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000197 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe2 Li2.33 O8 Sb Sn0.66 - Comments: Lacorre, P; Hervieu, M; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Oxydes M~3~ O~4~ a empilement hexagonal double type D.H. Li Fe Sn O~4~ (M = Li,Fe,Sb,Sn): Transitions reversibles ramsdellite - D.H. Li Fe Sn O~4~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 51 (1984) 44-52 Space group: P m c n Cell volume: 149.8 Cell parameters: 3.031; 5.045; 9.798; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000204 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba Cr2 F9 Na - Comments: Ferey, G; Leblanc, M; Kozak, A; Samouel, M; Pannetier, J Crystal structures of Na Ba Cr~2~ F~9~ and Na Ba Fe~2~ F~9~ Structural correlations with other enneafluorides, particularly with K Pb Cr~2~ F~9~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 56 (1985) 288-297 Space group: P 1 21/n 1 Cell volume: 683.7 Cell parameters: 7.318; 17.311; 5.398; 90; 91.14; 90; |
COD ID: 1000205 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba F9 Fe2 Na - Comments: Ferey, G; Leblanc, M; Kozak, A; Samouel, M; Pannetier, J Crystal structures of Na Ba Cr~2~ F~9~ and Na Ba Fe~2~ F~9~ Structural correlations with other enneafluorides, particularly with K Pb Cr~2~ F~9~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 56 (1985) 288-297 Space group: P 1 21/n 1 Cell volume: 707.5 Cell parameters: 7.363; 17.527; 5.484; 90; 91.5; 90; |
COD ID: 1000214 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba6 Cu11 F34 - Comments: Renaudin, J; Pannetier, J; de Kozak, A; Samouel, M; Ferey, G Complex copper(II) fluorides IV. Crystal structure of Ba~6~ Cu~11~ F~34~: First evidence of trinuclear edge-sharing units and defective NaCl-type blocks in crystal chemistry of fluorides Journal of Solid State Chemistry 62 (1986) 164-171 Space group: P -1 Cell volume: 698.1 Cell parameters: 7.49; 10.031; 10.271; 82.98; 73.88; 70.42; |
COD ID: 1000217 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba6 F26 Zn7 - Comments: Renaudin, J; Samouel, M; Leblanc, M; Kozak, A de; Ferey, G Crystal structure of Ba~6~Zn~7~F~26~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 59 (1985) 103-110 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 1104.6 Cell parameters: 19.46; 5.956; 12.243; 90; 128.88; 90; |
COD ID: 1000218 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F5 Fe H4 Hg2 O3 - Comments: Courant, E; Fourquet, J L; De Pape, R The crystal structure of Hg~2~ Fe F~5~ (O H)~2~ (H~2~O) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 60 (1985) 343-346 Space group: C m m m Cell volume: 349.7 Cell parameters: 7.505; 11.823; 3.941; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000229 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ag0.5 In0.5 P S3 - Comments: Ouili, Z; Leblanc, A; Colombet, P Crystal structure of a new Lamellar compound Ag~.5~ In~.5~ P S~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 66 (1987) 86-94 Space group: P -3 1 c Cell volume: 428.8 Cell parameters: 6.182; 6.182; 12.957; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000230 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F5 Fe H4 Mn O2 - Comments: Laligant, Y; Pannetier, J; Ferey, G Ordered magnetic frustration. VI. Crystal and magnetic structures of the inverse Weberites Zn Fe F~5~ (H~2~ O)~2~ and Mn Fe F~5~ (H~2~ O)~2~ at 1.5K from powder neutron diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 66 (1987) 242-250 Space group: I m m 2 Cell volume: 530.7 Cell parameters: 7.475; 10.766; 6.594; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000231 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F5 Fe H4 O2 Zn - Comments: Laligant, Y; Pannetier, J; Ferey, G Ordered magnetic frustration. VI. Crystal and magnetic structures of the inverse Weberites Zn Fe F~5~ (H~2~ O)~2~ and Mn Fe F~5~ (H~2~ O)~2~ at 1.5K from powder neutron diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 66 (1987) 242-250 Space group: I m m 2 Cell volume: 522.4 Cell parameters: 7.451; 10.747; 6.524; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000232 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu3 F7 Na - Comments: Renaudin, J; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; De, Kozak A; Samouel, M Complex Copper(II) Fluorides IX. Weberite-Related Na Cu~3~ F~7~: The First Fluoride with Copper Both in Square Planar and Octahedral Coordination Journal of Solid State Chemistry 73 (1988) 603-609 Space group: C 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 530.7 Cell parameters: 12.124; 7.344; 6.924; 90; 120.59; 90; |
COD ID: 1000233 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba Cu Fe O5 Y - Comments: Er Rakho, L; Michel, C; Lacorre, Ph; Raveau, B Y Ba Cu Fe O~5+d~: A Novel Oxygen-Deficient Perovskite with a Layer Structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 73 (1988) 531-535 Space group: P 4 m m Cell volume: 114.5 Cell parameters: 3.867; 3.867; 7.656; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000234 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Cu2.5 O7 Pd0.5 Y - Comments: Ferey, G; Le, Bail A; Laligant, Y; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B; Sulpice, A; Tournier, R Ordered Pd^2+^ - Cu^2+^ Substitution on 1.2.3 Superconductor: The Oxide Y Ba~2~ Cu~(3-x)~ Pd~x~ O~y~ (x=0.5) with Pd~2+~ in Square Planar Coordination Journal of Solid State Chemistry 73 (1988) 610-614 Space group: P m m m Cell volume: 174.1 Cell parameters: 3.841; 3.883; 11.671; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000235 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F5 Fe H10 N2 O - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Plet, F; Calage, Y Crystal Structure and Magnetic Characterization of (N H~4~)~2~ Fe F~5~ (H~2~ O) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 74 (1988) 34-38 Space group: P b c n Cell volume: 678.7 Cell parameters: 10.491; 8.09; 7.997; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000236 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al2 Ca3 F14 Na2 - Comments: Courbion, G; Ferey, G Na~2~ Ca~3~ Al~2~ F~14~: A New Example of a Structure with "Independent F^-^" - A New Method of Comparison between Fluorides and Oxides of Different Formula Journal of Solid State Chemistry 76 (1988) 426-431 Space group: I 21 3 Cell volume: 1079.1 Cell parameters: 10.257; 10.257; 10.257; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000238 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al F3 - Comments: LeBail, A; Jacoboni, C; LeBlanc, M; de Pape, R; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L Crystal structure of the metastable form of aluminium trifluoride $- beta-Al F~3~ and the gallium and indium homologs Journal of Solid State Chemistry 77 (1988) 96-101 Space group: C m c m Cell volume: 593.4 Cell parameters: 6.931; 12.002; 7.134; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000239 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F6 Fe2 Li - Comments: Fourquet, J L; LeSamedi, E; Calage, Y Le trirutile ordonne Li Fe~2~ F~6~: Croissance cristalline et etude structurale Journal of Solid State Chemistry 77 (1988) 84-89 Space group: P 42 n m Cell volume: 204.1 Cell parameters: 4.679; 4.679; 9.324; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000256 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F4 Li2 Ni - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G Li~2~ Ni F~4~: Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 184-186 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 575.5 Cell parameters: 8.318; 8.318; 8.318; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000257 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F7 Fe Na2 Ni - Comments: Laligant, Y; Calage, Y; Heger, G; Pannetier, J; Ferey, G Ordered Magnetic Frustration VII. Na~2~ Ni Fe F~7~: Reexamination of Its Crystal Structure in the True Space Group after Corrections from Renninger Effect and Refinement of Its Frustrated Magnetic Structure at 4.2 and 55 K Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 66-77 Space group: I m m a Cell volume: 555.6 Cell parameters: 7.2338; 10.305; 7.4529; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000258 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F7 Fe Na2 Ni - Comments: Laligant, Y; Calage, Y; Heger, G; Pannetier, J; Ferey, G Ordered Magnetic Frustration VII. Na~2~ Ni Fe F~7~: Reexamination of Its Crystal Structure in the True Space Group after Corrections from Renninger Effect and Refinement of Its Frustrated Magnetic Structure at 4.2 and 55 K Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 66-77 Space group: I m m a Cell volume: 548.8 Cell parameters: 7.203; 10.255; 7.429; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000259 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F7 Fe Na2 Ni - Comments: Laligant, Y; Calage, Y; Heger, G; Pannetier, J; Ferey, G Ordered Magnetic Frustration VII. Na~2~ Ni Fe F~7~: Reexamination of Its Crystal Structure in the True Space Group after Corrections from Renninger Effect and Refinement of Its Frustrated Magnetic Structure at 4.2 and 55 K Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 66-77 Space group: I m m a Cell volume: 548.8 Cell parameters: 7.203; 10.256; 7.429; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000260 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Co F4 Li - Comments: Lacorre, P; Pannetier, J; Averdunk, F; Hoppe, R; Ferey, G Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Li Co F~4~: The First Compound with a Dirutile Structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 79 (1989) 1-11 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 127.9 Cell parameters: 5.4354; 4.6527; 5.5392; 90; 114.117; 90; |
COD ID: 1000261 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Co F4 Li - Comments: Lacorre, P; Pannetier, J; Averdunk, F; Hoppe, R; Ferey, G Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Li Co F~4~: The First Compound with a Dirutile Structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 79 (1989) 1-11 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 127.4 Cell parameters: 5.4296; 4.6462; 5.5371; 90; 114.244; 90; |
COD ID: 1000262 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al F5 H2 K2 O - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Boulard, B; Plet, F K~2~ Al F~5~ H~2~ O: Location of Hydrogen Atoms by X-Ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy Study Journal of Solid State Chemistry 81 (1989) 35-39 Space group: C m c m Cell volume: 559.2 Cell parameters: 9.2; 8.119; 7.486; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000263 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al2 Cl F25 Sr10 - Comments: Hemon, A; Courbion, G Crystal Structure of Sr~10~ Al~2~ F~25~ Cl Journal of Solid State Chemistry 81 (1989) 293-298 Space group: F d -3 m :1 Cell volume: 4427.8 Cell parameters: 16.4209; 16.4209; 16.4209; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000264 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu0.9 La2 Li0.1 O3.97 - Comments: Attfield, J P; Ferey, G Preparation and Crystal Structures of La~2~ Cu~1-x~ Li~x~ O~4~ Solid Solutions and Evidence for a New Oxide with a defect K~2~ Ni F~4~ Structure: La~4~ Li~2~ O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 112-119 Space group: A b m a Cell volume: 375.1 Cell parameters: 5.3813; 5.3192; 13.1028; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000265 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu0.85 La2 Li0.15 O3.97 - Comments: Attfield, J P; Ferey, G Preparation and Crystal Structures of La~2~ Cu~1-x~ Li~x~ O~4~ Solid Solutions and Evidence for a New Oxide with a defect K~2~ Ni F~4~ Structure: La~4~ Li~2~ O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 112-119 Space group: A b m a Cell volume: 373.5 Cell parameters: 5.3617; 5.3147; 13.1066; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000266 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu0.75 La2 Li0.25 O3.98 - Comments: Attfield, J P; Ferey, G Preparation and Crystal Structures of La~2~ Cu~1-x~ Li~x~ O~4~ Solid Solutions and Evidence for a New Oxide with a defect K~2~ Ni F~4~ Structure: La~4~ Li~2~ O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 112-119 Space group: A b m a Cell volume: 370 Cell parameters: 5.3177; 5.3032; 13.1218; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000267 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu0.54 La2 Li0.46 O4 - Comments: Attfield, J P; Ferey, G Preparation and Crystal Structures of La~2~ Cu~1-x~ Li~x~ O~4~ Solid Solutions and Evidence for a New Oxide with a defect K~2~ Ni F~4~ Structure: La~4~ Li~2~ O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 112-119 Space group: A m m m Cell volume: 363.8 Cell parameters: 5.2636; 5.258; 13.146; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000268 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu0.5 La2 Li0.5 O4 - Comments: Attfield, J P; Ferey, G Preparation and Crystal Structures of La~2~ Cu~1-x~ Li~x~ O~4~ Solid Solutions and Evidence for a New Oxide with a defect K~2~ Ni F~4~ Structure: La~4~ Li~2~ O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 112-119 Space group: A m m m Cell volume: 362.7 Cell parameters: 5.2517; 5.251; 13.1539; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000272 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F4 Ga K - Comments: Courbion, G; Randrianohavy, J V; Rousseau, J J ESR Study of Cr^3+^ and Fe^3+^ Ions in K Ga F~4~ Single Crystals Journal of Solid State Chemistry 81 (1989) 285-292 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 698.9 Cell parameters: 12.211; 7.496; 7.635; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000286 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O8 P2 Sr Zn2 - Comments: Hemon, A; Courbion, G The crystal structure of $-alpha-SrZn~2~(PO~4~)~2~: a hurlbutite type Journal of Solid State Chemistry 85 (1990) 164-168 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 714.3 Cell parameters: 8.3232; 9.5101; 9.0317; 90; 92.293; 90; |
COD ID: 1000289 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cr F8 Na Sr2 - Comments: Hemon, A; Courbion, G NaSr~2~CrF~8~: a new structure with two "independent F^-^" Journal of Solid State Chemistry 87 (1990) 344-349 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 667.5 Cell parameters: 7.7388; 6.2756; 14.827; 90; 112.03; 90; |
COD ID: 1000301 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ni O3 Pr - Comments: Lacorre, P; Torrance, J B; Pannetier, J; Nazzal, A I; Wang, P W; Huang, T C Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of metallic PrNiO~3~: comparison with metallic NdNiO~3~ and semiconducting SmNiO~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 91 (1991) 225-237 Space group: P b n m Cell volume: 221.8 Cell parameters: 5.4145; 5.3753; 7.6206; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000302 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ni O3 Pr - Comments: Lacorre, P; Torrance, J B; Pannetier, J; Nazzal, A I; Wang, P W; Huang, T C Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of metallic PrNiO~3~: comparison with metallic NdNiO~3~ and semiconducting SmNiO~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 91 (1991) 225-237 Space group: P b n m Cell volume: 221.8 Cell parameters: 5.4154; 5.3755; 7.6192; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000303 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nd Ni O3 - Comments: Lacorre, P; Torrance, J B; Pannetier, J; Nazzal, A I; Wang, P W; Huang, T C Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of metallic PrNiO~3~: comparison with metallic NdNiO~3~ and semiconducting SmNiO~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 91 (1991) 225-237 Space group: P b n m Cell volume: 220.9 Cell parameters: 5.3888; 5.3845; 7.6127; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000304 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ni O3 Sm - Comments: Lacorre, P; Torrance, J B; Pannetier, J; Nazzal, A I; Wang, P W; Huang, T C Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of metallic PrNiO~3~: comparison with metallic NdNiO~3~ and semiconducting SmNiO~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 91 (1991) 225-237 Space group: P b n m Cell volume: 219.2 Cell parameters: 5.3283; 5.4374; 7.5675; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000324 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba4 F12 Nb2 O3 - Comments: Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Fourquet, J L Synthesis and crystal structure of Ba~4~Nb~2~O~3~F~12~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 103 (1993) 131-138 Space group: C 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 4053.6 Cell parameters: 22.672; 13.075; 14.996; 90; 114.234; 90; |
COD ID: 1000325 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F5 Fe K2 - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H K~2~FeF~5~: synthesis and crystal structure of a new form Journal of Solid State Chemistry 103 (1993) 353-358 Space group: P b a m Cell volume: 969.5 Cell parameters: 7.3591; 23.0897; 5.7054; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000326 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F12 In2 Li4 Zn - Comments: Maguer, J J; Courbion, G A tri-$-alpha-PbO~2~ related structure:Li~4~ZnIn~2~F~12~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 103 (1993) 466-471 Space group: P b c n Cell volume: 423.3 Cell parameters: 4.7496; 17.606; 5.0617; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000339 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K2 Nb2 O14 Si4 - Comments: Crosnier, M P; Guyomard, D; Verbaere, A; Piffard, Y; Tournoux, M The potassium niobyl cyclotetrasilicate K~2~(NbO)~2~Si~4~O~12~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 98 (1992) 128-132 Space group: P 4 b m Cell volume: 621.5 Cell parameters: 8.7404; 8.7404; 8.136; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000340 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cr5 F26 Na3 Sr4 - Comments: Hemon, A; Courbion, G New pentamers of octahedra: structural and magnetic characterization of Na~3~Sr~4~Cr~5~F~26~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 98 (1992) 358-365 Space group: C 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 4059.4 Cell parameters: 19.959; 7.45; 29.291; 90; 111.244; 90; |
COD ID: 1000341 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 F6 O Ti - Comments: Crosnier, M P; Fourquet, J L Synthesis and crystal structure of a new acentric oxyfluoride: Ba~2~TiOF~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 99 (1992) 355-363 Space group: C 1 c 1 Cell volume: 619.4 Cell parameters: 11.446; 9.304; 7.252; 90; 126.67; 90; |
COD ID: 1000346 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu3 Fe4 O24 V6 - Comments: Lafontaine, M A; Greneche, J M; Laligant, Y; Ferey, G $-beta-Cu~3~Fe~4~(VO~4~)~6~: Structural study and relationships; physical properties Journal of Solid State Chemistry 108 (1994) 1-10 Space group: P -1 Cell volume: 461.9 Cell parameters: 6.6; 8.048; 9.759; 106.08; 103.72; 102.28; |
COD ID: 1000347 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nd4 Ni3 O8 - Comments: Lacorre, Ph Passage from T-type to T'-type arrangement by reducing R~4~Ni~3~O~10~ to R~4~Ni~3~O~8~ (R=La, Pr, Nd) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 97 (1992) 495-500 Space group: I 4/m m m Cell volume: 388.3 Cell parameters: 3.9171; 3.9171; 25.307; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000348 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al F5 Mn - Comments: Ferey, G; Leblanc, M; Mercier, A - M A new refinement of the crystal structure of MnAlF~5~: new structural correlations with MnCrF~5~ and Cr~2~F~5~ using orthogonal subcell twinning Journal of Solid State Chemistry 102 (1993) 9-19 Space group: C m c m Cell volume: 336.8 Cell parameters: 3.5837; 9.854; 9.537; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000349 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F0.5 Ga H4.43 N0.93 O4.57 P - Comments: Ferey, G; Loiseau, T; Lacorre, P; Taulelle, F Oxyfluorinated microporous compounds. I. Crystal structure of (NH~4~)~0.93~(H~3~O)~0.07~GaPO~4~(OH)~0.5~ F~0.5~: reexamination of the structure of AlPO~4~-CJ2 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 105 (1993) 179-190 Space group: P 21 21 21 Cell volume: 932.8 Cell parameters: 9.593; 9.742; 9.981; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000350 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al F0.675 H4.205 N0.88 O4.445 P - Comments: Ferey, G; Loiseau, T; Lacorre, P; Taulelle, F Oxyfluorinated microporous compounds. I. Crystal structure of (NH~4~)~0.93~(H~3~O)~0.07~GaPO~4~(OH)~0.5~ F~0.5~: reexamination of the structure of AlPO~4~-CJ2 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 105 (1993) 179-190 Space group: P 21 21 21 Cell volume: 894.4 Cell parameters: 9.416; 9.563; 9.933; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000351 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F0.45 Fe1.21 H0.92 O4.55 P - Comments: Loiseau, Th; Lacorre, Ph; Calage, Y; Greneche, J M; Ferey, G Crystal structure and magnetic study of a new iron(III) phosphate, Fe~1.21~PO~4~X (X=F, OH, H~2~O), isostructural with 3MgSO~4~ . Mg(OH)~2~ . H~2~O Journal of Solid State Chemistry 105 (1993) 417-427 Space group: I 41/a m d :2 Cell volume: 350.4 Cell parameters: 5.184; 5.184; 13.04; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000352 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba3 F12 H4 Nb2 O4 - Comments: Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Fourquet, J L Ba~3~Nb~2~O~2~F~12~.2H~2~O: Synthesis and crystal structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 105 (1993) 92-99 Space group: C m c 21 Cell volume: 1368.5 Cell parameters: 22.633; 7.804; 7.748; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000353 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba5 F20 H Nb3 O3 - Comments: Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L Ba~5~Nb~3~O~3~F~18~(HF~2~): synthesis and crystal structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 107 (1993) 211-217 Space group: P 63/m Cell volume: 968.6 Cell parameters: 11.935; 11.935; 7.852; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000354 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu6 Fe0.9 O19 V6 - Comments: Permer, L; Laligant, Y; Ferey, G; Calage, Y Crystal structure, magnetic, and Moessbauer studies of Cu~6~Fe~0.9~V~6~O~19~: a compound with relaxation effect Journal of Solid State Chemistry 107 (1993) 539-546 Space group: R -3 :H Cell volume: 1033.5 Cell parameters: 12.9399; 12.9399; 7.1275; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000359 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F Fe H4 N O4 P - Comments: Loiseau, Th; Calage, Y; Lacorre, P; Ferey, G NH~4~FePO~4~F: structural study and magnetic properties Journal of Solid State Chemistry 111 (1994) 390-396 Space group: P n a 21 Cell volume: 894.2 Cell parameters: 12.993; 6.468; 10.64; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000360 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F32 Fe7 Na7 Sr2 - Comments: Hemon-Ribaud, A; Greneche, J M; Courbion, G Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic study of Na~7~Sr~2~Fe~7~F~32~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 112 (1994) 82-91 Space group: F d d d :2 Cell volume: 5040.9 Cell parameters: 10.372; 10.805; 44.98; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000363 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al F5 Fe - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Calage, Y; Bentrup, U FeAlF~5~: Synthesis and crystal structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 108 (1994) 189-192 Space group: I m m m Cell volume: 163.9 Cell parameters: 7.4289; 6.203; 3.5574; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000364 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu F4 H9 Nb O6 - Comments: Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L About the crystal structure of CuNb(OH, F)~7~.3H~2~O Journal of Solid State Chemistry 108 (1994) 398-401 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 409.4 Cell parameters: 5.59; 9.978; 7.544; 90; 103.36; 90; |
COD ID: 1000379 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca O4 Tl2 - Comments: Goutenoire, F; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B Chemical twinning of the rock salt structure: Ca Tl2 O4 and Ca2 Tl2 O5, the first two members of the new series Can Tl2 On+3 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 114 (1995) 428-434 Space group: C m c m Cell volume: 384.1 Cell parameters: 3.3255; 11.022; 10.479; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000380 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca1.88 O5 Tl2.12 - Comments: Goutenoire, F; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B Chemical twinning of the rock salt structure: Ca Tl2 O4 and Ca2 Tl2O5, the first two members of the new series Can Tl2 On+3 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 114 (1995) 428-434 Space group: C m c m Cell volume: 503.6 Cell parameters: 3.3431; 11.159; 13.499; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000381 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb2 O6.07 Tl2 - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Lacorre, P Tl2 Nb2 O6+x (0<x<1): a continuous cubic pyrochlore type solid solution Journal of Solid State Chemistry 114 (1995) 575-584 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1219.2 Cell parameters: 10.6829; 10.6829; 10.6829; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000382 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb2 O6.271 Tl2 - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Lacorre, P Tl2 Nb2 O6+x (0<x<1): a continuous cubic pyrochlore type solid solution Journal of Solid State Chemistry 114 (1995) 575-584 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1205.2 Cell parameters: 10.6418; 10.6418; 10.6418; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000383 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb2 O6.43 Tl2 - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Lacorre, P Tl2 Nb2 O6+x (0<x<1): a continuous cubic pyrochlore type solid solution Journal of Solid State Chemistry 114 (1995) 575-584 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1204.5 Cell parameters: 10.6399; 10.6399; 10.6399; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000384 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb2 O6.49 Tl2 - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Lacorre, P Tl2 Nb2 O6+x (0<x<1): a continuous cubic pyrochlore type solid solution Journal of Solid State Chemistry 114 (1995) 575-584 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1204.4 Cell parameters: 10.6397; 10.6397; 10.6397; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000385 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb2 O6.588 Tl2 - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Lacorre, P Tl2 Nb2 O6+x (0<x<1): a continuous cubic pyrochlore type solid solution Journal of Solid State Chemistry 114 (1995) 575-584 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1203.5 Cell parameters: 10.637; 10.637; 10.637; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000386 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb2 O6.648 Tl2 - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Lacorre, P Tl2 Nb2 O6+x (0<x<1): a continuous cubic pyrochlore type solid solution Journal of Solid State Chemistry 114 (1995) 575-584 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1201.6 Cell parameters: 10.6313; 10.6313; 10.6313; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000387 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb2 O7 Tl2 - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Lacorre, P Tl2 Nb2 O6+x (0<x<1): a continuous cubic pyrochlore type solid solution Journal of Solid State Chemistry 114 (1995) 575-584 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1198.4 Cell parameters: 10.622; 10.622; 10.622; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000388 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca2.8 O6 Tl2.2 - Comments: Goutenoire, F; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B The calcium thallate Ca3 Tl2 O6, third member of the series Can Tl2 On+3 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 115 (1995) 508-513 Space group: P b a m Cell volume: 619 Cell parameters: 11.248; 16.51299; 3.3329; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000389 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Cl F7 Zn2 - Comments: Maguer, J - J; Courbion, G; Schriewer-Poettgen, M S; Fompeyrine, J; Darriet, J Synthesis, structural study, and magnetic behavior of a new chlorofluoride family: Ba2 M2 F7 Cl and Ba2 M M' F7 Cl (M,M'= Mn(2+),Fe(2+),Co(2+),Ni(2+),Zn(2+)) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 115 (1995) 98-111 Space group: P 1 21/m 1 Cell volume: 382.1 Cell parameters: 7.7; 5.801; 8.939; 90; 106.85; 90; |
COD ID: 1000390 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Cl Co2 F7 - Comments: Maguer, J - J; Courbion, G; Schriewer-Poettgen, M S; Fompeyrine, J; Darriet, J Synthesis, structural study, and magnetic behavior of a new chlorofluoride family: Ba2 M2 F7 Cl and Ba2 M M' F7 Cl (M,M'= Mn(2+),Fe(2+),Co(2+),Ni(2+),Zn(2+)) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 115 (1995) 98-111 Space group: P 1 21/m 1 Cell volume: 380.8 Cell parameters: 7.692; 5.783; 8.945; 90; 106.88; 90; |
COD ID: 1000391 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Cl F7 Mn Ni - Comments: Maguer, J - J; Courbion, G; Schriewer-Poettgen, M S; Fompeyrine, J; Darriet, J Synthesis, structural study, and magnetic behavior of a new chlorofluoride family: Ba2 M2 F7 Cl and Ba2 M M' F7 Cl (M,M'= Mn(2+),Fe(2+),Co(2+),Ni(2+),Zn(2+)) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 115 (1995) 98-111 Space group: P 1 21/m 1 Cell volume: 388.4 Cell parameters: 7.766; 5.844; 8.932; 90; 106.64; 90; |
COD ID: 1000392 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C Ca4 O9 Tl2 - Comments: Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Goutenoire, F; Raveau, B New thallium oxycarbonates built up from rock salt layers: A4 Tl2 C O3 O6 (A=Ca,Sr,Ba) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 116 (1995) 321-328 Space group: I 4/m m m Cell volume: 416 Cell parameters: 4.77944; 4.77944; 18.21109; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000402 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F5 Fe2 H4 O2 - Comments: Laligant, Y; Pannetier, J; Labbe, P; Ferey, G A new refinement of the crystal structure of the inverse Weberite Fe2 F5 (H2 O)2 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 62 (1986) 274-277 Space group: I m m a Cell volume: 540.2 Cell parameters: 7.477; 10.862; 6.652; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000403 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Cu F12 V2 - Comments: Renaudin, J; Laligant, Y; Samouel, M; de Kozak, A; Ferey, G Complex copper(II) fluorides III. Crystal structure of Ba2 Cu V2 F12; A new bidimensional M X4 network Journal of Solid State Chemistry 62 (1986) 158-163 Space group: P -1 Cell volume: 233 Cell parameters: 5.365; 6.95; 7.433; 65.05; 70.26; 73.19; |
COD ID: 1000413 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C3 H18 F6 Fe N9 - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Plet, F; Calage, Y; DePape, R Crystal structure and magnetic characterization of (C (N H2)3)3 Fe F6 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 69 (1987) 76-80 Space group: P a -3 Cell volume: 2821.2 Cell parameters: 14.13; 14.13; 14.13; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000416 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca3.06 O9 Tl3.94 - Comments: Goutenoire, F; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B The calcium thallate Ca3 Tl4 O9, an intergrowth of the Ca Tl2 O4 and Ca2 Tl2 O5 structures, member n=1.5 of the series Can Tl2 On+3 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 119 (1995) 134-141 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 444.9 Cell parameters: 11.118; 3.341; 12.287; 90; 102.88; 90; |
COD ID: 1000417 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al Ca F6 Na - Comments: Hemon, A; Courbion, G The Na F - Ca F2 - Al F3 system: structures of $-beta- Na Ca Al F6 and Na4 Ca4 Al7 F33 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 84 (1990) 153-164 Space group: P 3 2 1 Cell volume: 349.7 Cell parameters: 8.9295; 8.9295; 5.0642; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000418 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al7 Ca4 F33 Na4.032 - Comments: Hemon, A; Courbion, G The Na F - Ca F2 - Al F3 system: structures of $-beta- Na Ca Al F6 and Na4 Ca4 Al7 F33 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 84 (1990) 153-164 Space group: I m -3 m Cell volume: 1253.1 Cell parameters: 10.781; 10.781; 10.781; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000419 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al Cd F6 Na - Comments: Hemon, A; Courbion, G Na Cd Al F6: a new structure with (Al F5)n(2n-) chains and "independent F(-)" Journal of Solid State Chemistry 86 (1990) 249-254 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 450.8 Cell parameters: 12.506; 3.6406; 9.902; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000420 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cr2 F5 - Comments: Lacorre, P; Ferey, G; Pannetier, J The magnetic structure of Cr2 F5 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 96 (1992) 227-236 Space group: C 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 359.8 Cell parameters: 7.7526; 7.5228; 7.4477; 90; 124.081; 90; |
COD ID: 1000432 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe Li O4 Sn - Comments: Lacorre, P; Hervieu, M; Pannetier, J; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Neutron diffraction study of Li1+x (Li2x/3 Fe1-x Sn1+x/3) O4, a nonstoichiometric ramsdellite and its transition to a double hexagonal close packed structure for x = 0 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 50 (1983) 196-203 Space group: P m c n Cell volume: 153.4 Cell parameters: 3.066; 5.066; 9.874; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000433 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe0.75 Li1.417 O4 Sn1.083 - Comments: Lacorre, P; Hervieu, M; Pannetier, J; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Neutron diffraction study of Li1+x (Li2x/3 Fe1-x Sn1+x/3) O4, a nonstoichiometric ramsdellite and its transition to a double hexagonal close packed structure for x = 0 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 50 (1983) 196-203 Space group: P m c n Cell volume: 155.4 Cell parameters: 3.074; 5.116; 9.881; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000434 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe Li O4 Sn - Comments: Lacorre, P; Hervieu, M; Pannetier, J; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Neutron diffraction study of Li1+x (Li2x/3 Fe1-x Sn1+x/3) O4, a nonstoichiometric ramsdellite and its transition to a double hexagonal close packed structure for x = 0 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 50 (1983) 196-203 Space group: P 63 m c Cell volume: 306 Cell parameters: 6.012; 6.012; 9.776; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000436 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La0.597 Li0.21 O3 Ti - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Crosnier-Lopez, M P Structural and microstructural studies of the series La2/3-x Li3x ( )1/3-2x Ti O3 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 127 (1996) 283-294 Space group: P 4/m m m Cell volume: 116.6 Cell parameters: 3.8714; 3.8714; 7.7789; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000437 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La0.557 Li0.33 O3 Ti - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Crosnier-Lopez, M P Structural and microstructural studies of the series La2/3-x Li3x ( )1/3-2x Ti O3 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 127 (1996) 283-294 Space group: P 4/m m m Cell volume: 116.3 Cell parameters: 3.8741; 3.8741; 7.7459; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000438 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La0.587 Li0.24 O3 Ti - Comments: Fourquet, J L; Duroy, H; Crosnier-Lopez, M P Structural and microstructural studies of the series La2/3-x Li3x ( )1/3-2x Ti O3 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 127 (1996) 283-294 Space group: P 4/m m m Cell volume: 116.5 Cell parameters: 3.87; 3.87; 7.78; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000443 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F10 H5 O2 Yb3 - Comments: Maguer, J-J; Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Courbion, G "Chimie douce" synthesis and ab initio structure determination of (H3 O) Yb3 F10 . (H2 O) : a diamond type stacking of U O A8 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 128 (1997) 42-51 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 3599.9 Cell parameters: 15.326; 15.326; 15.326; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000444 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F10 H2 K O Yb3 - Comments: Maguer, J-J; Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Courbion, G "Chimie douce" synthesis and ab initio structure determination of (H3 O) Yb3 F10 . (H2 O) : a diamond type stacking of U O A8 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 128 (1997) 42-51 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 3609 Cell parameters: 15.339; 15.339; 15.339; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000445 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F5 Fe H8 N2 - Comments: Croguennec, L; Deniard, P; Brec, R; Couzi, M; Sourisseau, C; Fourquet, J L; Calage, Y Structural and spectroscopic evidence for hydrogen bonding induced (N H4)(+) cation ordering in $-beta-(N H4)2 Fe F5 at low temperature Journal of Solid State Chemistry 131 (1997) 189-197 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 532.7 Cell parameters: 6.3385; 7.6191; 11.0298; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000446 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F5 Fe H8 N2 - Comments: Croguennec, L; Deniard, P; Brec, R; Couzi, M; Sourisseau, C; Fourquet, J L; Calage, Y Structural and spectroscopic evidence for hydrogen bonding induced (N H4)(+) cation ordering in $-beta-(N H4)2 Fe F5 at low temperature Journal of Solid State Chemistry 131 (1997) 189-197 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 528.5 Cell parameters: 6.3269; 7.6076; 10.9802; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000447 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Cl F7 Ni2 - Comments: Fompeyrine, J; Darriet, J; Maguer, J-J; Greneche, J M; Courbion, G; Roisnel, T; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J Magnetic properties and neutron diffraction study of the chlorofluoride series Ba2 M M' F7 Cl (M, M' = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 131 (1997) 198-214 Space group: P 1 21/m 1 Cell volume: 368.9 Cell parameters: 7.602; 5.766; 8.788; 90; 106.72; 90; |
COD ID: 1000448 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Cl F7 Mn Ni - Comments: Fompeyrine, J; Darriet, J; Maguer, J-J; Greneche, J M; Courbion, G; Roisnel, T; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J Magnetic properties and neutron diffraction study of the chlorofluoride series Ba2 M M' F7 Cl (M, M' = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 131 (1997) 198-214 Space group: P 1 21/m 1 Cell volume: 384.4 Cell parameters: 7.746; 5.82; 8.898; 90; 106.63; 90; |
COD ID: 1000449 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Cl Co F7 Fe - Comments: Fompeyrine, J; Darriet, J; Maguer, J-J; Greneche, J M; Courbion, G; Roisnel, T; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J Magnetic properties and neutron diffraction study of the chlorofluoride series Ba2 M M' F7 Cl (M, M' = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 131 (1997) 198-214 Space group: P 1 21/m 1 Cell volume: 383.2 Cell parameters: 7.749; 5.771; 8.95; 90; 106.8; 90; |
COD ID: 1000450 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C3 Eu Na3 O9 - Comments: Mercier, N; Leblanc, M; Antic-Fidancev, E; Lemaitre-Blaise, M Structural and optical investigations of sodium europium carbonate Na3 Eu (C O3)3 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 132 (1997) 33-40 Space group: A m a 2 Cell volume: 783.3 Cell parameters: 9.942; 11.024; 7.147; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000460 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cr0.5 Cu0.5 P S3 - Comments: Colombet, P; Leblanc, A; Danot, M; Rouxel, J Structural aspects and magnetic properties of the lamellar compound Cu0.5 Cr0.5 P S3 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 174-184 Space group: C 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 777.2 Cell parameters: 5.916; 10.246; 13.415; 90; 107.09; 90; |
COD ID: 1000461 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cr5 Cs4 F18.24 - Comments: Courbion, G; de Pape, R; Knoke, G; Babel, D Structures of cesium containing fluorides, VI:The pyrochlore-related layer structures of Cs4 Co Cr4 F18 and Cs4 Cr5 F18+x Journal of Solid State Chemistry 49 (1983) 353-361 Space group: P -3 m 1 Cell volume: 479.4 Cell parameters: 7.2; 7.2; 10.679; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000462 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Co Cr4 Cs4 F18.24 - Comments: Courbion, G; de Pape, R; Knoke, G; Babel, D Structures of cesium containing fluorides, VI:The pyrochlore-related layer structures of Cs4 Co Cr4 F18 and Cs4 Cr5 F18+x Journal of Solid State Chemistry 49 (1983) 353-361 Space group: P -3 m 1 Cell volume: 483.5 Cell parameters: 7.203; 7.203; 10.761; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000463 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C La2 O5 - Comments: Attfield, J. P.; Ferey, G. Structure determination of La2 O2 C O3-II and the unusual disordered phase La2 O2.52 (C O3)0.74 Li0.52 using powder diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 82 (1989) 132-138 Space group: P 63/m m c Cell volume: 229.5 Cell parameters: 4.0755; 4.0755; 15.957; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000464 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C0.85 La2 O4.85 - Comments: Attfield, J. P.; Ferey, G. Structure determination of La2 O2 C O3-II and the unusual disordered phase La2 O2.52 (C O3)0.74 Li0.52 using powder diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 82 (1989) 132-138 Space group: P 63/m m c Cell volume: 234.4 Cell parameters: 4.0852; 4.0852; 16.2211; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000465 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C0.74 La2 Li0.52 O4.74 - Comments: Attfield, J. P.; Ferey, G. Structure determination of La2 O2 C O3-II and the unusual disordered phase La2 O2.52 (C O3)0.74 Li0.52 using powder diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 82 (1989) 132-138 Space group: P 63/m m c Cell volume: 231.3 Cell parameters: 4.058; 4.058; 16.22189; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000472 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H2 Na5 O15 P3 V2 - Comments: Benhamada, L; Grandin, A; Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Leblanc, M; Raveau, B Na5 V2 P3 O14 . H2 O, a tetravalent vanadium phosphate with alayer structure and a pure pyramidal coordination of V(IV) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 96 (1992) 390-396 Space group: C 1 m 1 Cell volume: 648.9 Cell parameters: 6.3089; 20.10379; 5.1172; 90; 91.134; 90; |
COD ID: 1000475 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F3 Ga H0.07 O0.07 - Comments: LeBail, A; Jacoboni, C; LeBlanc, M; de Pape, R; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L Crystal structure of the metastable form of aluminium trifluoride $- beta-Al F3 and the gallium and indium homologs Journal of Solid State Chemistry 77 (1988) 96-101 Space group: C m c m Cell volume: 655.5 Cell parameters: 7.21; 12.398; 7.333; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000480 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H8 N2 O8 P0.96 V2.04 - Comments: Ninclaus, C; Retoux, R; Riou, D; Ferey, G Synthesis and structure determination of the disordered V(V)-P compound (N H4)2 V(IV) O (V(V)2-x Px O7) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 122 (1996) 139-142 Space group: P 4 Cell volume: 420.5 Cell parameters: 8.629; 8.629; 5.648; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000482 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La2 O5 Pd2 - Comments: Attfield, J P; Ferey, G Structural correlations within the lanthanum palladium oxide family Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 286-298 Space group: P 42/m Cell volume: 253 Cell parameters: 6.703; 6.703; 5.63; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000483 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La2 O4 Pd - Comments: Attfield, J P; Ferey, G Structural correlations within the lanthanum palladium oxide family Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 286-298 Space group: I 4/m m m Cell volume: 207.5 Cell parameters: 4.055; 4.055; 12.62; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000484 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La4 O7 Pd - Comments: Attfield, J P; Ferey, G Structural correlations within the lanthanum palladium oxide family Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 286-298 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 372.1 Cell parameters: 13.469; 4.0262; 9.448; 90; 133.42; 90; |
COD ID: 1000490 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Co Cs F4 - Comments: Lacorre, P; Pannetier, J; Fleischer, T; Hoppe, R; Ferey, G Ordered magnetic frustration: XVI.Magnetic structure of Cs Co F4 at 1.5 K Journal of Solid State Chemistry 93 (1991) 37-45 Space group: I -4 c 2 Cell volume: 2003.1 Cell parameters: 12.4476; 12.4476; 12.9277; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000491 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Co Cs F4 - Comments: Lacorre, P; Pannetier, J; Fleischer, T; Hoppe, R; Ferey, G Ordered magnetic frustration: XVI.Magnetic structure of Cs Co F4 at 1.5 K Journal of Solid State Chemistry 93 (1991) 37-45 Space group: I -4 c 2 Cell volume: 1988.8 Cell parameters: 12.4353; 12.4353; 12.8612; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1000498 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba F7 Fe Mn - Comments: Lacorre, P; Pannetier, J; Pebler, J; Nagel, J; Babel, D; de Kozak, A; Samouel, M; Ferey, G Ordered magnetic frustration: XVII. Is Ba Mn Fe F7 frustrated? Mossbauer spectrocopy, magnetic susceptibility, and magnetic structure at 2 K Journal of Solid State Chemistry 101 (1992) 296-308 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 550 Cell parameters: 5.5075; 10.9584; 9.1427; 90; 94.568; 90; |
COD ID: 1000500 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La7 Mo7 O30 - Comments: Goutenoire, F; Retoux, R; Suard, E; Lacorre, P Ab initio determination of the novel perovskite-related structure of La7 Mo7 O30 from powder diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 142 (1999) 228-235 Space group: R -3 :H Cell volume: 1718.1 Cell parameters: 17.0051; 17.0051; 6.8607; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000501 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La7 Mo7 O30 - Comments: Goutenoire, F; Retoux, R; Suard, E; Lacorre, P Ab initio determination of the novel perovskite-related structure of La7 Mo7 O30 from powder diffraction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 142 (1999) 228-235 Space group: R -3 :H Cell volume: 1718.5 Cell parameters: 17.00639; 17.00639; 6.8613; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1000502 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B2 Gd2 Na2 O7 - Comments: Corbel, G; Leblanc, M; Antic-Fidancev, E; Lemaitre-Blaise, M Crystal structure of sodium rare earth oxyborates Na2 Ln2 (B O3)2 O(Ln = Sm, Eu, and Gd) and optical analysis of Na2 Gd2 (B O3)2 O:Eu(3+) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 144 (1999) 35-44 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 617.5 Cell parameters: 10.695; 6.32; 10.328; 90; 117.8; 90; |
COD ID: 1000503 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La2.25 Li2 Nb1.25 O13 Ti2.75 - Comments: Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Bhuvanesh, N S P; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L Irreversible electron-induced structural change during HREM imaging in lithium Ruddlesden-Popper phases in the series Li2 La(x) (Nb(2n-3x) Ti(3x-n) O(3n-1)) (n = 2,3,4) and Li2 Sr1.5 (Nb(3-x) Fe(x)) O(10-x) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 145 (1999) 136-149 Space group: I 4/m m m Cell volume: 487.8 Cell parameters: 3.88; 3.88; 32.39999; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001013 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb6 O18 Rb2 Ti - Comments: Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 22 (1977) 101-111 Space group: P -3 m 1 Cell volume: 402.3 Cell parameters: 7.529; 7.529; 8.194; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001014 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O18 Rb2 Ta6 Ti - Comments: Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 22 (1977) 101-111 Space group: P -3 m 1 Cell volume: 402.2 Cell parameters: 7.512; 7.512; 8.231; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001015 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs2 Nb6 O18 Ti - Comments: Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 22 (1977) 101-111 Space group: P -3 m 1 Cell volume: 402.4 Cell parameters: 7.533; 7.533; 8.189; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001016 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs2 O18 Ta6 Ti - Comments: Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 22 (1977) 101-111 Space group: P -3 m 1 Cell volume: 402.2 Cell parameters: 7.513; 7.513; 8.227; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001017 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb30 O90 Rb12 W3 - Comments: Michel, C; Guyomarch, A; Raveau, B Nouveaux echangeurs cationiques avec une structure a tunnels entrecroises: les oxides A~12~ M~33~ O~90~ et A~12~ M~33~ O~90~ (H~2~ O)~12~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 22 (1977) 393-403 Space group: R -3 m :H Cell volume: 2091.7 Cell parameters: 7.486; 7.486; 43.1; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001026 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O78 Rb10 Ta29.2 - Comments: Michel, C; Guyomarch, A; Raveau, B Nouveaux echangeurs cationiques avec une structure a tunnels entrecroises: les niobates et tantalates A~10~ M~29.2~ O~78~ et A~10~ M~29.2~ O~78~ (H~2~ O)~10~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 25 (1978) 251-261 Space group: P 63/m m c Cell volume: 1774.1 Cell parameters: 7.505; 7.505; 36.37; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001027 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K3 Nb8 O21 - Comments: Groult, D; Chailleux, J M; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Sur une nouvelle famille d'oxydes ternaires de niobium, A~3~ M~8~ O~21~ a structure en cages Journal of Solid State Chemistry 19 (1976) 235-244 Space group: P 63/m c m Cell volume: 875.4 Cell parameters: 9.153; 9.153; 12.066; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001028 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K3 Nb7 O21 Ti - Comments: Groult, D; Chailleux, J M; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Sur une nouvelle famille d'oxydes ternaires de niobium, A~3~ M~8~ O~21~ a structure en cages Journal of Solid State Chemistry 19 (1976) 235-244 Space group: P 63/m c m Cell volume: 862.7 Cell parameters: 9.107; 9.107; 12.011; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001029 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba3 Nb4 O21 Ti4 - Comments: Groult, D; Chailleux, J M; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Sur une nouvelle famille d'oxydes ternaires de niobium, A~3~ M~8~ O~21~ a structure en cages Journal of Solid State Chemistry 19 (1976) 235-244 Space group: P 63/m c m Cell volume: 832.8 Cell parameters: 9.04; 9.04; 11.767; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001053 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cr O6 Ta2 - Comments: Massard, P; Bernier, J C; Michel, A Effet Jahn-Teller dans le Systeme Ta~2~ Cr O~6~ - Ta Cr O~4~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 4 (1972) 269-274 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 209.5 Cell parameters: 4.74; 4.75; 9.305; 90; 90.95; 90; |
COD ID: 1001067 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca1.0833 Nb0.6667 O3 Sr0.25 - Comments: Hervieu, M; Raveau, B Les Perovskites (Ca~1-x~ Sr~x~) (Ca~.3333~ Nb~.6667~) O~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 28 (1979) 209-222 Space group: Cell volume: 778.7 Cell parameters: 9.84; 5.583; 14.176; 90; 90.783; 90; |
COD ID: 1001068 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca0.5833 Nb0.6667 O3 Sr0.75 - Comments: Hervieu, M; Raveau, B Les Perovskites (Ca~1-x~ Sr~x~) (Ca~.3333~ Nb~.6667~) O~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 28 (1979) 209-222 Space group: Cell volume: 810.6 Cell parameters: 9.99; 5.73; 14.16; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001069 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca1.2333 Nb0.6667 O3 Sr0.1 - Comments: Hervieu, M; Raveau, B Les Perovskites (Ca~1-x~ Sr~x~) (Ca~.3333~ Nb~.6667~) O~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 28 (1979) 209-222 Space group: Cell volume: 2069.4 Cell parameters: 11.54; 16.04; 11.18; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001070 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca1.0833 Nb0.6667 O3 Sr0.25 - Comments: Hervieu, M; Raveau, B Les Perovskites (Ca~1-x~ Sr~x~) (Ca~.3333~ Nb~.6667~) O~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 28 (1979) 209-222 Space group: Cell volume: 261.9 Cell parameters: 5.778; 8.052; 5.63; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001071 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca0.5833 Nb0.6667 O3 Sr0.75 - Comments: Hervieu, M; Raveau, B Les Perovskites (Ca~1-x~ Sr~x~) (Ca~.3333~ Nb~.6667~) O~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 28 (1979) 209-222 Space group: Cell volume: 539.8 Cell parameters: 8.14; 8.14; 8.147; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001072 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ca0.3333 Nb0.6667 O3 Sr - Comments: Hervieu, M; Raveau, B Les Perovskites (Ca~1-x~ Sr~x~) (Ca~.3333~ Nb~.6667~) O~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 28 (1979) 209-222 Space group: P -4 Cell volume: 550.6 Cell parameters: 8.19; 8.19; 8.209; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001074 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge3 K O9 Ta - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Sur de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type benitoite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 4 (1972) 209-218 Space group: P -6 c 2 Cell volume: 427 Cell parameters: 6.972; 6.972; 10.144; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001075 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge3 O9 Rb Ta - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Sur de nouveaux qermanates et silicates de type benitoite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 4 (1972) 209-218 Space group: P -6 c 2 Cell volume: 434.3 Cell parameters: 7.041; 7.041; 10.116; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001076 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge3 Nb O9 Rb - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Sur de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type benitoite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 4 (1972) 209-218 Space group: P -6 c 2 Cell volume: 434.6 Cell parameters: 7.038; 7.038; 10.132; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001077 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge3 O9 Ta Tl - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Sur de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type benitoite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 4 (1972) 209-218 Space group: P -6 c 2 Cell volume: 434 Cell parameters: 7.036; 7.036; 10.124; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001078 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba Ge3 O9 Sn - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Sur de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type benitoite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 4 (1972) 209-218 Space group: P -6 c 2 Cell volume: 421.2 Cell parameters: 6.894; 6.894; 10.233; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001080 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O13 Tl2 W4 - Comments: Goreaud, M; Labbe, P H; Monier, J C; Raveau, B The thallium tungstate Tl~2~ W~4~ O~13~ : A tunnel structure related to the hexagonal tungsten bronze Journal of Solid State Chemistry 30 (1979) 311-319 Space group: P m a b Cell volume: 1065.3 Cell parameters: 7.327; 37.864; 3.84; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001081 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K Nb O5 Ti - Comments: Rebbah, A; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Nonstoichiometric oxides with a layer structure: The compounds A~1- x~(Ti~1-x~ M~1+x~) O~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 31 (1980) 321-328 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 451.2 Cell parameters: 6.447; 3.797; 18.431; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001082 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K0.85 Nb1.15 O5 Ti0.85 - Comments: Rebbah, A; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Nonstoichiometric oxides with a layer structure: The compounds A~1-x~ (Ti~1-x~ M~1+x~) O~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 31 (1980) 321-328 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 461.6 Cell parameters: 6.474; 3.8; 18.765; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001083 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb O5 Rb Ti - Comments: Rebbah, A; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Nonstoichiometric oxides with a layer structure: The compounds A~1-x~ (Ti~1-x~ M~1+x~) O~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 31 (1980) 321-328 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 467.6 Cell parameters: 6.472; 3.814; 18.943; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001084 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb1.15 O5 Rb0.85 Ti0.85 - Comments: Rebbah, A; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Nonstoichiometric oxides with a layer structure: The compounds A~1-x~ (Ti~1-x~ M~1+x~) O~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 31 (1980) 321-328 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 479.6 Cell parameters: 6.499; 3.812; 19.36; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001085 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb O5 Ti Tl - Comments: Rebbah, A; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Nonstoichiometric oxides with a layer structure: The comnounds A~1-x~ (Ti~1-x~ M~1+x~) O~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 31 (1980) 321-328 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 463 Cell parameters: 6.456; 3.806; 18.844; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001086 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb1.1 O5 Ti0.9 Tl0.9 - Comments: Rebbah, A; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Nonstoichiometric oxides with a layer structure: The comoounds A~1-x~ (Ti~1-x~ M~1+x~) O~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 31 (1980) 321-328 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 464.1 Cell parameters: 6.457; 3.799; 18.919; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001087 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K O5 Ta Ti - Comments: Rebbah, A; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Nonstoichiometric oxides with a layer structure: The compounds A~1-x~ (Ti~1-x~ M~1+x~) O~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 31 (1980) 321-328 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 451.5 Cell parameters: 6.437; 3.797; 18.474; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001088 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O5 Rb Ta Ti - Comments: Rebbah, A; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Nonstoichiometric oxides with a layer structure: The compounds A~1-x~ (Ti~1-x~ M~1+x~) O~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 31 (1980) 321-328 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 467.2 Cell parameters: 6.451; 3.812; 19; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001089 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H6 Nb6 O20 Rb4 - Comments: Gasperin, M; le Bihan, M T Un niobate de rubidium d'un type structural nouveau: Rb~4~ Nb~6~ O~17~*(H~2~ O)~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 33 (1980) 83-89 Space group: P m n b Cell volume: 2009.4 Cell parameters: 7.83; 39.06; 6.57; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001096 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O8 Re Y3 - Comments: Baud, G; Besse, J P; Chevalier, R; Gasperin, M Les differentes formes cristallines de Y~3~ Re O~8~: Relations avec la structure fluorine Journal of Solid State Chemistry 38 (1981) 186-191 Space group: P 1 1 21/a Cell volume: 580.1 Cell parameters: 14.391; 7.196; 6.045; 90; 90; 112.08; |
COD ID: 1001097 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2.4 Cu1.8 La3.6 O9.6 - Comments: Michel, C; Er-Rakho, L; Raveau, B Les oxydes La~4-2x~ Ba~2+2x~ Cu~2-x~ O~10-2x~: Une structure inedite constituee de groupements Cu O~4~ carres plans isoles Journal of Solid State Chemistry 39 (1981) 161-167 Space group: P 4/m b m Cell volume: 276.4 Cell parameters: 6.862; 6.862; 5.871; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001106 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K3 Nb O14 Ti5 - Comments: Hervieu, M; Rebbah, A; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Layer Structure: The Oxides A~3~ Ti~5~ M O~14~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 35 (1980) 200-206 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 628.9 Cell parameters: 18.371; 3.794; 9.199; 90; 101.21; 90; |
COD ID: 1001107 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K3 O14 Ta Ti5 - Comments: Hervieu, M; Rebbah, A; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Layer Structure: The Oxides A~3~ Ti~5~ M O~14~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 35 (1980) 200-206 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 626.3 Cell parameters: 18.363; 3.791; 9.174; 90; 101.28; 90; |
COD ID: 1001108 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb O14 Rb3 Ti5 - Comments: Hervieu, M; Rebbah, A; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Layer Structuer: The Oxides A~3~ Ti~5~ M O~14~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 35 (1980) 200-206 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 658.8 Cell parameters: 19.073; 3.814; 9.223; 90; 100.93; 90; |
COD ID: 1001111 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K2 O9 Si3 Ti - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P 63/m Cell volume: 394.3 Cell parameters: 6.774; 6.774; 9.922; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001112 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O9 Rb2 Si3 Ti - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P 63/m Cell volume: 409.5 Cell parameters: 6.896; 6.896; 9.943; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001113 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K2 O9 Si3 Sn - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P 63/m Cell volume: 412.4 Cell parameters: 6.86; 6.86; 10.12; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001114 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O9 Rb2 Si3 Sn - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P 63/m Cell volume: 419.1 Cell parameters: 6.943; 6.943; 10.04; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001115 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge3 O9 Ti Tl2 - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P 63/m Cell volume: 434.4 Cell parameters: 6.99; 6.99; 10.267; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001116 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs2 Ge3 O9 Ti - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P 63/m Cell volume: 463.9 Cell parameters: 7.191; 7.191; 10.36; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001117 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs2 Ge3 O9 Sn - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P 63/m Cell volume: 481.7 Cell parameters: 7.288; 7.288; 10.472; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001118 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge3 K2 O9 Ti - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P -3 c 1 Cell volume: 1231.9 Cell parameters: 11.916; 11.916; 10.018; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001119 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge3 O9 Rb2 Ti - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P -3 c 1 Cell volume: 1307 Cell parameters: 12.195; 12.195; 10.148; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001120 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge3 K2 O9 Sn - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P -3 c 1 Cell volume: 1287.1 Cell parameters: 12.082; 12.082; 10.181; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001121 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge3 O9 Rb2 Sn - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P -3 c 1 Cell volume: 1338.2 Cell parameters: 12.305; 12.305; 10.205; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001122 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge3 O9 Sn Tl2 - Comments: Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 408-417 Space group: P -3 c 1 Cell volume: 1338.8 Cell parameters: 12.351; 12.351; 10.134; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001123 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O3 Ta0.18 W0.82 Y0.06 - Comments: Studer, F; Montfort, Y; Raveau, B Evolution structurale de nouvelles Perovskites lacunaires Y~x~ (Ta~3x~ W~1-3X~) O~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 269-276 Space group: C m m m Cell volume: 107.5 Cell parameters: 5.298; 5.377; 3.774; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001124 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O3 Ta0.72 W0.28 Y0.24 - Comments: Studer, F; Montfort, Y; Raveau, B Evolution structurale de nouvelles Perovskites lacunaires Y~x~ (Ta~3X~ W~1-3X~) O~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 269-276 Space group: P m -3 m Cell volume: 56.3 Cell parameters: 3.833; 3.833; 3.833; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001125 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O3 Ta0.9 W0.1 Y0.3 - Comments: Studer, F; Montfort, Y; Raveau, B Evolution structurale de nouvelles Perovskites lacunaires Y~x~ (Ta~3X~ W~1-3X~) O~3~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 7 (1973) 269-276 Space group: P 4/m m m Cell volume: 113.5 Cell parameters: 3.833; 3.833; 7.727; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001129 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K0.8 Mg0.4 O4 Ti1.6 - Comments: Groult, D; Mercey, C; Raveau, B Nouveaux oxydes a structure en feuillets: Les titanates de potassium non-stoechiometriques K~X~ (M~Y~ Ti~2-Y~) O~4~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 32 (1980) 289-296 Space group: C m c 21 Cell volume: 178.2 Cell parameters: 3.8207; 15.641; 2.9814; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001130 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K0.8 O4 Ti1.6 Zn0.4 - Comments: Groult, D; Mercey, C; Raveau, B Nouveaux oxydes a structure en feuillets: Les titanates de potassium non-stoechiometriques K~X~ (M~Y~ Ti~2-Y~) O~4~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 32 (1980) 289-296 Space group: C m c 21 Cell volume: 178.3 Cell parameters: 3.8064; 15.692; 2.985; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001131 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs Nb O7 Ti2 - Comments: Hervieu, M; Raveau, B A Layer Structure: The Titanoniobate Cs Ti~2~ Nb O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 32 (1980) 161-165 Space group: P n a m Cell volume: 652.2 Cell parameters: 9.326; 18.412; 3.798; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001136 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu2 K2 Mg3 O30 Si12 - Comments: Nguyen, N; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Silicates synthetiques a structure milarite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 34 (1980) 1-9 Space group: P 6/m c c Cell volume: 1270.1 Cell parameters: 10.169; 10.169; 14.182; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001137 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K2 Mg3 O30 Si12 Zn2 - Comments: Nguyen, N; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Silicates synthetiques a structure milarite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 34 (1980) 1-9 Space group: P 6/m c c Cell volume: 1274.2 Cell parameters: 10.199; 10.199; 14.145; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001138 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mg5 Na2 O30 Si12 - Comments: Nguyen, N; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Silicates synthetiques a structure milarite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 34 (1980) 1-9 Space group: P 6/m c c Cell volume: 1275 Cell parameters: 10.151; 10.151; 14.288; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001139 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu2 Mg3 Na2 O30 Si12 - Comments: Nguyen, N; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Silicates synthetiques a structure milarite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 34 (1980) 1-9 Space group: P 6/m c c Cell volume: 1257.9 Cell parameters: 10.096; 10.096; 14.25; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001140 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mg5 Na O30 Rb Si12 - Comments: Nguyen, N; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Silicates synthetiques a structure milarite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 34 (1980) 1-9 Space group: P 6/m c c Cell volume: 1278.8 Cell parameters: 10.135; 10.135; 14.376; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001141 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K3 Li Mg4 O30 Si12 - Comments: Nguyen, N; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Silicates synthetiques a structure milarite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 34 (1980) 1-9 Space group: P 6/m c c Cell volume: 1278.2 Cell parameters: 10.253; 10.253; 14.04; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001142 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Li Mg4 Na3 O30 Si12 - Comments: Nguyen, N; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Silicates synthetiques a structure milarite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 34 (1980) 1-9 Space group: P 6/m c c Cell volume: 1264.4 Cell parameters: 10.155; 10.155; 14.158; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001172 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba3 Cu6 La3 O14 - Comments: Er-Rakho, L; Michel, C; Provost, J; Raveau, B A Series of Oxygen-Defect Perovskites Containing Cu(II) and Cu(III): The Oxides La~3-x~ Ln~x~ Ba~3~ (Cu(II)~5-2y~ Cu(III)~1+2y~) O~14+y~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 37 (1981) 151-156 Space group: P 4/m m m Cell volume: 357.8 Cell parameters: 5.5253; 5.5253; 11.721; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001181 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 La4 O10 Zn2 - Comments: Michel, C; Er-Rakho, L; Raveau, B Une nouvelle famille structurale: Les Oxydes Ln~4-2x~ Ba~2+2x~ Zn~2-x~ O~10-2x~ (Ln = La, Nd) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 42 (1982) 176-182 Space group: I 4/m c m Cell volume: 554.2 Cell parameters: 6.914; 6.914; 11.594; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001182 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Nd4 O10 Zn2 - Comments: Michel, C; Er-Rakho, L; Raveau, B Une nouvelle famille structurale: Les Oxydes Ln~4-2x~ Ba~2+2x~ Zn~2-x~ O~10-2x~ (Ln = La, Nd) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 42 (1982) 176-182 Space group: I 4/m c m Cell volume: 526.7 Cell parameters: 6.756; 6.756; 11.54; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001197 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu K O9 Ta3 - Comments: Groult, D; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B A Pentagonal Tunnel Structure with Copper in Square Planar Coordination: The Oxides K Cu Nb~3~ O~9~ and K Cu Ta~3~ O~9~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 53 (1984) 184-192 Space group: P n c 2 Cell volume: 689.5 Cell parameters: 8.862; 10.187; 7.638; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001198 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O108 Rb21.79 W32.74 - Comments: Goreaud, M; Desgardin, G; Raveau, B Le tungstate de rubidium Rb~20+x~ (W~4~ O~6~)~1/3-x/12~ W~32~ O~108~ : pyrochlore a reseau hote deficitaire Journal of Solid State Chemistry 27 (1979) 145-151 Space group: I -4 Cell volume: 2574.4 Cell parameters: 15.966; 15.966; 10.099; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001204 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu La0.74 O4 Sr1.2 - Comments: Nguyen, N; Choisnet, J; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B Oxygen Defect K~2~NiF~4~-Type Oxides: The Compounds La~2-x~Sr~x~CuO~4- x/2+d~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 39 (1981) 120-127 Space group: I 4/m m m Cell volume: 4575.8 Cell parameters: 18.804; 18.804; 12.941; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001205 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H Nb O5 Ti - Comments: Rebbah, A; Pannetier, J; Raveau, B Localization of Hydrogen in the Layer Oxide H Ti Nb O~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 57-62 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 409.8 Cell parameters: 6.521; 3.773; 16.656; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001206 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H Nb O5 Ti - Comments: Rebbah, A; Pannetier, J; Raveau, B Localization of Hydrogen in the Layer Oxide H Ti Nb O~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 57-62 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 411.5 Cell parameters: 6.534; 3.777; 16.675; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001207 | |
CIF file | Formula: - D Nb O5 Ti - Comments: Rebbah, A; Pannetier, J; Raveau, B Localization of Hydrogen in the Layer Oxide H Ti Nb O~5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 57-62 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 411.5 Cell parameters: 6.534; 3.776; 16.677; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001211 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O5.5 Ta W - Comments: Groult, D; Pannetier; Raveau, B Neutron diffraction study of the defect pyrochlores Ta W O~5.5~, H Ta W O~6~, H~2~ Ta~2~ O~6~, and H Ta W O~6~*H~2~ O Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 277-285 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1137 Cell parameters: 10.4372; 10.4372; 10.4372; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001212 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H O6 Ta W - Comments: Groult, D; Pannetier; Raveau, B Neutron diffraction study of the defect pyrochlores Ta W O~5.5~, H Ta W O~6~, H~2~ Ta~2~ O~6~, and H Ta W O~6~*H~2~ O Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 277-285 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1139.1 Cell parameters: 10.4438; 10.4438; 10.4438; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001213 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H O6 Ta W - Comments: Groult, D; Pannetier; Raveau, B Neutron diffraction study of the defect pyrochlores Ta W O~5.5~, H Ta W O~6~, H~2~ Ta~2~ O~6~, and H Ta W O~6~*H~2~ O Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 277-285 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1139.3 Cell parameters: 10.4443; 10.4443; 10.4443; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001214 | |
CIF file | Formula: - D O6 Ta W - Comments: Groult, D; Pannetier; Raveau, B Neutron diffraction study of the defect pyrochlores Ta W O~5.5~, H Ta W O~6~, H~2~ Ta~2~ O~6~, and H Ta W O~6~*H~2~ O Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 277-285 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1138.7 Cell parameters: 10.4425; 10.4425; 10.4425; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001215 | |
CIF file | Formula: - D1.8 H0.2 O6 Ta W - Comments: Groult, D; Pannetier; Raveau, B Neutron diffraction study of the defect pyrochlores Ta W O~5.5~, H Ta W O~6~, H~2~ Ta~2~ O~6~, and H Ta W O~6~*H~2~ O Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 277-285 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1138.6 Cell parameters: 10.4421; 10.4421; 10.4421; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001216 | |
CIF file | Formula: - H2 O6 Ta2 - Comments: Groult, D; Pannetier; Raveau, B Neutron diffraction study of the defect pyrochlores Ta W O~5.5~, H Ta W O~6~, H~2~ Ta~2~ O~6~, and H Ta W O~6~*H~2~ O Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 277-285 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1192.1 Cell parameters: 10.6032; 10.6032; 10.6032; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001217 | |
CIF file | Formula: - D1.4 H1.6 O6 Ta2 - Comments: Groult, D; Pannetier; Raveau, B Neutron diffraction study of the defect pyrochlores Ta W O~5.5~, H Ta W O~6~, H~2~ Ta~2~ O~6~, and H Ta W O~6~*H~2~ O Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 277-285 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 1194.6 Cell parameters: 10.6106; 10.6106; 10.6106; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001218 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu3 O21 Rb Ta7 - Comments: Benmoussa, A; Groult, D; Studer, F; Raveau, B Intergrowth of Hexagonal Tungsten Bronze and Perovskite-like Structures: The Oxides A Cu~3~ M~7~ O~21~ (A = K, Rb, Cs, Tl; M = Nb, Ta) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 41 (1982) 221-226 Space group: C m m m Cell volume: 1591.9 Cell parameters: 28.11; 7.503; 7.548; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001219 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe Li O4 Sn - Comments: Choisnet, J; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B; Tarte, P Two Polymorphous Lithium Stannoferrites Li Fe Sn O~4~: A Ramsdellite- Type and a Hexagonal Close-Packed Structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 40 (1981) 344-351 Space group: P m c n Cell volume: 153.4 Cell parameters: 3.066; 5.066; 9.874; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001220 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe Li O4 Sn - Comments: Choisnet, J; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B; Tarte, P Two Polymorphous Lithium Stannoferrites Li Fe Sn O~4~: A Ramsdellite- Type and a Hexagonal Close-Packed Structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 40 (1981) 344-351 Space group: P 63 m c Cell volume: 306 Cell parameters: 6.012; 6.012; 9.776; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001221 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba Cu O5 Y2 - Comments: Michel, C.; Raveau, B. Les oxydes A~2~ Ba Cu O~5~ (A = Y,Sm,Eu,Gd,Dy,Ho,Er,Yb) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 43(1) (1982) 73-80 Space group: P b n m Cell volume: 491.5 Cell parameters: 7.132; 12.181; 5.658; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001222 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba Cu Gd2 O5 - Comments: Mechel, C; Raveau, B Les oxydes A~2~ Ba Cu O~5~ (A = Y,Sm,Eu,Gd,Dy,Ho,Er,Yb) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 43 (1982) 73-80 Space group: P b n m Cell volume: 509.6 Cell parameters: 7.226; 12.321; 5.724; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001227 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al Cr2 Li2 O8 Sb - Comments: Tarte, P; Cahay, R; Preudhomme, J; Hervieu, M; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Hexagonal-spinel transitions in antimonates Li~2~ Cr(~3-x~) M(III)~x~ Sb O~8~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 44 (1982) 282-289 Space group: P 63 m c Cell volume: 275.4 Cell parameters: 5.796; 5.796; 9.466; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001228 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al2 Cr Li2 O8 Sb - Comments: Tarte, P; Cahay, R; Preudhomme, J; Hervieu, M; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Hexagonal-spinel transitions in antimonates Li~2~ Cr(~3-x~) M(III)~x~ Sb O~8~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 44 (1982) 282-289 Space group: P 63 m c Cell volume: 264.5 Cell parameters: 5.703; 5.703; 9.392; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001229 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cr2 Fe Li2 O8 Sb - Comments: Tarte, P; Cahay, R; Preudhomme, J; Hervieu, M; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Hexagonal-spinel transitions in antimonates Li~2~ Cr(~3-x~) M(III)~x~ Sb O~8~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 44 (1982) 282-289 Space group: P 63 m c Cell volume: 284.4 Cell parameters: 5.867; 5.867; 9.542; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001230 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe3 Li2 O8 Sb - Comments: Tarte, P; Cahay, R; Preudhomme, J; Hervieu, M; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Hexagonal-spinel transitions in antimonates Li~2~ Cr(~3-x~) M(III)~x~ Sb O~8~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 44 (1982) 282-289 Space group: P 63 m c Cell volume: 292.9 Cell parameters: 5.923; 5.923; 9.641; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001231 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cr2 Fe Li2 O8 Sb - Comments: Tarte, P; Cahay, R; Preudhomme, J; Hervieu, M; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Hexagonal-spinel transitions in antimonates Li~2~ Cr(~3-x~) M(III)~x~ Sb O~8~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 44 (1982) 282-289 Space group: F d -3 m :1 Cell volume: 592.3 Cell parameters: 8.398; 8.398; 8.398; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001232 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe3 Li2 O8 Sb - Comments: Tarte, P; Cahay, R; Preudhomme, J; Hervieu, M; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B Hexagonal-spinel transitions in antimonates Li~2~ Cr(~3-x~) M(III)~x~ Sb O~8~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 44 (1982) 282-289 Space group: F d -3 m :1 Cell volume: 598 Cell parameters: 8.425; 8.425; 8.425; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001233 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K0.4 O16 P2 W4 - Comments: Giroult, J P; Goreaud, M; Labbe, P; Raveau, B K~x~ P~2~ W~2~ O~16~: A Bronze with a Tunnel Structure Built up from P O~4~ Tetrahedra and W O~6~ Octahedra Journal of Solid State Chemistry 44 (1982) 407-414 Space group: P 1 21/m 1 Cell volume: 311 Cell parameters: 6.6702; 5.3228; 8.9091; 90; 100.546; 90; |
COD ID: 1001234 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O38 P4 W10 - Comments: Benmoussa, A; Labbe, P; Groult, D; Raveau, B Mixed Valence Tungsten Oxides with a Tunnel Structure, P~4~ W~4n~ O~12n+8~: A Nonintegral Member P~4~ W~10~ O~38~ (n=2.5) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 44 (1982) 318-325 Space group: P 1 21 1 Cell volume: 709.7 Cell parameters: 6.5656; 5.285; 20.573; 90; 96.18; 90; |
COD ID: 1001236 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K4 Mo8 O52 P12 - Comments: Leclaire, A; Monier, J C; Raveau, B K~4~ Mo~8~ P~12~ O~52~, A Tunnel Structure Characterized by an Unusual Valence of Molybdenum Journal of Solid State Chemistry 48 (1983) 147-153 Space group: C 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 1077.8 Cell parameters: 10.7433; 14.0839; 8.8519; 90; 126.42; 90; |
COD ID: 1001250 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba O5 Y2 Zn - Comments: Michel, C; Raveau, B Ln~2~ Ba Zn O~5~ and Ln~2~ Ba Zn~1-X~ Cu~X~ O~5~: A Series of Zinc Oxides with Zinc in a Pyramidal Coordination Journal of Solid State Chemistry 49 (1983) 150-156 Space group: P b n m Cell volume: 497 Cell parameters: 7.068; 12.324; 5.706; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001252 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K1.4 O50 P4 W14 - Comments: Domenges, B; Goreaud, M; Labbe, P; Raveau, B K~1.4~ P~4~ W~14~ O~50~: An Odd-m Member (m=7) of the Monophosphate Tungsten Bronze Series K~x~ P~4~ O~8~ (W O~3~)~2m~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 50 (1983) 173-179 Space group: A 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 956.3 Cell parameters: 6.66; 5.3483; 27.06; 90; 97.2; 90; |
COD ID: 1001254 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge2 Nd2 O7 - Comments: Vetter, G; Queyroux, F; Labbe, P; Goreaud, M Determination structurale de Nd~2~ Ge~2~ O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 45 (1982) 293-302 Space group: P -1 Cell volume: 1794.4 Cell parameters: 37.6093; 6.9222; 6.9234; 91.456; 90.728; 95.15; |
COD ID: 1001258 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al11 La Mn O19 - Comments: Gasperin, M; Saine, M C; Kahn, A; LaVille, F; Lejus, A M Influence of M^2+^ ions substitution on the structure of lanthanum hexaaluminates with magnetoplumbite structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 54 (1984) 61-69 Space group: P 63/m m c Cell volume: 592.2 Cell parameters: 5.574; 5.574; 22.008; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001259 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al11.95 La0.9 O18.9 - Comments: Gasperin, M; Saine, M C; LaVille, F; Lejus, A M; Kahn, A Influence of M^2+^ ions substitution on the structure of lanthanum hexaaluminates with magnetoplumbite structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 54 (1984) 61-69 Space group: P 63/m m c Cell volume: 592.7 Cell parameters: 5.577; 5.577; 22.003; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001260 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al11.5 La0.85 O18.5 - Comments: Gasperin, M; Saine, M C; LaVille, F; Lejus, A M; Kahn, A Influence of M^2+^ ions substitution on the structure of lanthanum hexaaluminates with magnetoplumbite structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 54 (1984) 61-69 Space group: P 63/m m c Cell volume: 587.4 Cell parameters: 5.55; 5.55; 22.021; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001261 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al11.55 La0.85 O18.6 - Comments: Gasperin, M; Saine, M C; LaVille, F; Lejus, A M; Kahn, A Influence of M^2+^ ions substitution on the structure of lanthanum hexaaluminates with magnetoplumbite structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 54 (1984) 61-69 Space group: P 63/m m c Cell volume: 587.7 Cell parameters: 5.55; 5.55; 22.031; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001270 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb2 O7 Ti - Comments: Gasperin, M Affinement de la structure de Ti Nb~2~ O~7~ et repartition des cations Journal of Solid State Chemistry 53 (1984) 144-147 Space group: C 1 2/m 1 Cell volume: 794.5 Cell parameters: 20.351; 3.801; 11.882; 90; 120.19; 90; |
COD ID: 1001273 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba0.15 O3 W - Comments: Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Tilley, R J D; Raveau, B Ba~.15~ W O~3~: A Bronze with an Original Pentagonal Tunnel Structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 52 (1984) 281-291 Space group: P b m m Cell volume: 338.7 Cell parameters: 8.859; 10.039; 3.808; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001331 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cs O40 P8 W8 - Comments: Goreaud, M; Labbe, P; Raveau, B Cs P~8~ W~8~ O~40~: A diphosphate tungsten bronze with octagonal tunnels Journal of Solid State Chemistry 56 (1985) 41-48 Space group: P c m n Cell volume: 852.1 Cell parameters: 13.061; 12.319; 5.296; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001335 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O11 P W3 - Comments: Labbe, P; Goreaud, M; Raveau, B Monophosphate tungsten bronzes with pentagonal tunnels (P O~2~)~4~ (W O~3~)~2m~: Structure of two even-m members P~4~ W~12~ O~44~ (m=6) and P~4~ W~16~ O~56~ (m=8) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 61 (1986) 324-331 Space group: P 21 21 21 Cell volume: 817.7 Cell parameters: 5.2927; 6.5604; 23.549; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001336 | |
CIF file | Formula: - O14 P W4 - Comments: Labbe, P; Goreaud, M; Raveau, B Monophosphate tungsten bronzes with pentagonal tunnels (P O~2~)~4~ (W O~3~)~2m~: Structure of two even-m members P~4~ W~12~ O~44~ (m=6) and P~4~ W~16~ O~56~ (m=8) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 61 (1986) 324-331 Space group: P 21 21 21 Cell volume: 1030.5 Cell parameters: 5.2943; 6.5534; 29.7; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001339 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Na2 O4 U - Comments: Gasperin, M. Synthese en monocristaux et structure du monouranate de sodium β-Na~2~UO~4~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 60(3) (1985) 316-319 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 405.2 Cell parameters: 5.802; 5.969; 11.699; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001342 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mo2 O12 P3 Tl - Comments: Leclaire, A; Monier, J C; Raveau, B Tl Mo~2~^IV^ P~3~ O~12~: A Molybdenophosphate with a Tunnel Structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 59 (1985) 301-305 Space group: P b c m Cell volume: 1004.9 Cell parameters: 8.836; 9.255; 12.288; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001344 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mo O11 P3 Si - Comments: Leclaire, A; Raveau, B Mo P~3~ Si O~11~: A silicophosphate of molybdenum(III) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 71 (1987) 283-290 Space group: C 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 1635 Cell parameters: 14.584; 8.416; 14.18; 90; 110.05; 90; |
COD ID: 1001348 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba Fe0.233 Mn0.767 O2.87 - Comments: Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Domenges, B; Nguyen, N; Pannetier, J; Raveau, B BaMn~1-x~Fe~x~O~3-d~, an Oxygen-Deficient ~6~H' Oxide Electron Microscopy, Powder Neutron Diffraction, and Moessbauer Study Journal of Solid State Chemistry 73 (1988) 107-117 Space group: P -6 m 2 Cell volume: 396.8 Cell parameters: 5.687; 5.687; 14.167; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001354 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu2.67 Li1.33 Nb1.33 O12 Ti2.67 - Comments: Mouron, P; Choisnet, J New substituted copper titanates with the Ca Cu~3~ Ti~4~ O~12~ structure: Li (Cu~3-x~ Li~x~) (Ti~3-x~ M~1+x~) O~12~ (M(V)=Nb: 12<x<.33; M(V)=Ta: x=.33) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 66 (1987) 311-317 Space group: I m -3 Cell volume: 410.4 Cell parameters: 7.4314; 7.4314; 7.4314; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001355 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Nb2 O11.5 Tl U2 - Comments: Gasperin, M Synthese et structure de trois niobouranates d'ions monovalents: Tl Nb~2~ U~2~ O~11.5~, K Nb U O~6~, et Rb Nb U O~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 67 (1987) 219-224 Space group: P m n b Cell volume: 1111.1 Cell parameters: 7.713; 10.329; 13.947; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001356 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K Nb O6 U - Comments: Gasperin, M Synthese et structure de trois niobouranates d'ions monovalents: Tl Nb~2~ U~2~ O~11.5~, K Nb U O~6~, et Rb Nb U O~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 67 (1987) 219-224 Space group: P c a b Cell volume: 1309.3 Cell parameters: 7.579; 11.321; 15.259; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001357 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba Cd2 Cl6 H10 O5 - Comments: Ledesert, M; Raveau, B Ba Cd~2~ Cl~6~ (H~2~ O)~5~. A pyrochlore with 16(d) and 32(e) positions both fully occupied Journal of Solid State Chemistry 67 (1987) 340-345 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 2626.4 Cell parameters: 13.797; 13.797; 13.797; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001365 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu8 La6.4 O20 Sr1.6 - Comments: Er Rakho, L; Michel, C; Raveau, B La~8-x~ Sr~x~ Cu~8~ O~20~: An Oxygen-Deficient Perovskite Built of Cu O~6~, Cu O~5~, and Cu O~4~ Polyhedra Journal of Solid State Chemistry 73 (1988) 514-519 Space group: P 4/m b m Cell volume: 454.4 Cell parameters: 10.8461; 10.8461; 3.8631; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001366 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Ca1.9 Cu3 O10.94 Tl1.82 - Comments: Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Maignan, A; Martin, C; Raveau, B The 125 K Superconductor Tl~2-x~ Ba~2~ Ca~2~ Cu~3~ O~10+d~: A Tentative Structural Model Journal of Solid State Chemistry 74 (1988) 428-432 Space group: I 4/m m m Cell volume: 527.7 Cell parameters: 3.85; 3.85; 35.6; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001367 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba2 Ca Cu2 O7 Tl - Comments: Hervieu, M; Maignan, A; Martin, C; Michel, C; Provost, J; Raveau, B A New Member of the Thallium Superconductive Series. The "1212" Oxide Tl Ba~2~ Ca Cu~2~ O~8-y~: Importance of Oxygen Content Journal of Solid State Chemistry 75 (1988) 212-215 Space group: P 4/m m m Cell volume: 186.3 Cell parameters: 3.833; 3.833; 12.68; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001368 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ge3 O25 P6 Si2 - Comments: Leclaire, A; Raveau, B Ge~3~ P~6~ Si~2~ O~25~: A Cage Structure Closely Related to the Intersecting Tunnel Structure K Mo~3~ P~6~ Si~2~ O~25~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 75 (1988) 397-402 Space group: P -3 1 c Cell volume: 913.9 Cell parameters: 7.994; 7.994; 16.513; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001369 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mo Na O7 P2 - Comments: Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B A Mo(III) Phosphate with a Cage Structure: Na Mo P~2~ O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 76 (1988) 131-135 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 544.9 Cell parameters: 7.4195; 8.1084; 9.7598; 90; 111.868; 90; |
COD ID: 1001370 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Li2 O6 Te Zr - Comments: Choisnet, J; Rulmont, A; Tarte, P Les tellurates mixtes Li~2~ Zr Te O~6~ et Li~2~ Hf Te O~6~: un nouveau phenomene d'ordre dans la famille corindon Journal of Solid State Chemistry 75 (1988) 124-135 Space group: R 3 :H Cell volume: 320.8 Cell parameters: 5.172; 5.172; 13.847; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001371 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K2 O17 P4 V3 - Comments: Leclaire, A; Chahboun, H; Groult, D; Raveau, B Concerning the Intersecting Tunnel Structure of a Novel Vanadyldiphosphate K~2~ (V O~3~) (P~2~ O~7~)~2~ and Its Structural Relationships with Other V(V) and V(IV) Phosphates and Relatives Journal of Solid State Chemistry 77 (1988) 170-179 Space group: P n a 21 Cell volume: 1440.8 Cell parameters: 17.407; 11.3438; 7.2964; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001372 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ag Mo Na O4 - Comments: Rulmont, A; Tarte, P; Foumakoye, G; Fransolet, A M; Choisnet, J The disordered Spinel Na Ag Mo O~4~ and Its High Temperature, Ordered Orthorhombic Polymorph Journal of Solid State Chemistry 76 (1988) 18-25 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 413.7 Cell parameters: 10.384; 7.122; 5.5933; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001384 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Na O7 P2 Ti - Comments: Leclaire, A; Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B Two forms of sodium titanium(III) diphosphate: $-alpha-Na Ti P~2~ O~7~ closely related to $-beta-Cristobalite and $-beta-Na Ti P~2~ O~7~ isotypic with Na Fe P~2~ O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 77 (1988) 299-305 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 541.9 Cell parameters: 8.697; 5.239; 13.293; 90; 116.54; 90; |
COD ID: 1001385 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Na O7 P2 Ti - Comments: Leclaire, A; Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B Two forms of sodium titanium(III) diphosphate: $-alpha-Na Ti P~2~ O~7~ closely related to $-beta-Cristobalite and $-beta-Na Ti P~2~ O~7~ isotypic with Na Fe P~2~ O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 77 (1988) 299-305 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 529.7 Cell parameters: 7.394; 7.936; 9.726; 90; 111.85; 90; |
COD ID: 1001394 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mo2 O23 P4 Si4 - Comments: Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B Mo~2~ P~4~ Si~4~ O~23~, a Molybdenum (V) Silicophosphate Related to the $-beta-Cristobalite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 250-255 Space group: P -1 Cell volume: 453.2 Cell parameters: 8.415; 5.215; 11.19; 77.77; 77.77; 73.11; |
COD ID: 1001395 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K1.75 O12 P3 Ti2 - Comments: Leclaire, A; Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B. K~2-x~ Ti~2~ (P O~4~)~3~ with 0< x< 0.5: A Mixed-Valence Nonstoichiometric Titanophosphate with Langbeinite Structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 227-231 Space group: P 21 3 Cell volume: 957.4 Cell parameters: 9.8559; 9.8559; 9.8559; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001396 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K2 O12 P3 Ti2 - Comments: Leclaire, A; Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B. K~2-x~ Ti~2~ (P O~4~)~3~ with 0< x< 0.5: A Mixed-Valence Nonstoichiometric Titanophosphate with Langbeinite Structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 227-231 Space group: P 21 3 Cell volume: 961.2 Cell parameters: 9.8688; 9.8688; 9.8688; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001397 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba La O6 Ru Zn - Comments: Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 281-293 Space group: I 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 255.6 Cell parameters: 5.6479; 5.6672; 7.9859; 90; 90.1; 90; |
COD ID: 1001398 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba La O6 Ru Zn - Comments: Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 281-293 Space group: I 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 254.3 Cell parameters: 5.6364; 5.6621; 7.9686; 90; 90.077; 90; |
COD ID: 1001399 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe O6 Ru Sr2 - Comments: Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 281-293 Space group: I 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 241.8 Cell parameters: 5.5379; 5.5429; 7.8772; 90; 90.11; 90; |
COD ID: 1001400 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe O6 Ru Sr2 - Comments: Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 281-293 Space group: I 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 239.2 Cell parameters: 5.5092; 5.5138; 7.8752; 90; 90.13; 90; |
COD ID: 1001401 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba La Ni O6 Ru - Comments: Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 281-293 Space group: I 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 250.6 Cell parameters: 5.6093; 5.6154; 7.9571; 90; 90.16; 90; |
COD ID: 1001402 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba La Ni O6 Ru - Comments: Battle, P D; Gibb, T C; Jones, C W; Studer, F Spin-Glass Behavior in Sr~2~ Fe Ru O~6~ and Ba La Ni Ru O~6~: A Comparison with Antiferromagnetic Ba La Zn Ru O~6~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 281-293 Space group: I -1 Cell volume: 248 Cell parameters: 5.5964; 5.5879; 7.9319; 89.803; 90.1; 90.09; |
COD ID: 1001403 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba0.92 Cu3 O8 Pb0.92 Sr1.15 Y1.15 - Comments: Rouillon, T; Retoux, R; Groult, D; Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Provost, J; Raveau, B Pb Ba Y Sr Cu~3~ O~8~: A New Member of the Intergrowth Family (A Cu O~3- x~)~m~ (A' O)~n~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 322-325 Space group: I 4/m m m Cell volume: 408.3 Cell parameters: 3.842; 3.842; 27.66; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001404 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu O5 Pr0.6 Sr1.6 Tl0.8 - Comments: Bourgault, D; Martin, C; Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Provost, J; Raveau, B Tl~1-x~ Pr~x~ Sr~2-y~ Pr~y~ Cu O~5-$~-delta: First Member of the Family Tl A~2~ Ca~m-1~ Cu~m~ O~2m+ ~(A= Ba, Sr) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 326-328 Space group: P 4/m m m Cell volume: 124.2 Cell parameters: 3.741; 3.741; 8.875; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001405 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K Mo O7 P2 - Comments: Leclaire, a; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B Two Molybdenum Diphosphates with a Tunnel Structure Involving Mo(III): K Mo P~2~ O~7~ and K~.17~ Mo P~2~ O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 220-226 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 609.9 Cell parameters: 7.3758; 10.348; 8.351; 90; 106.88; 90; |
COD ID: 1001406 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K0.25 Mo O7 P2 - Comments: Leclaire, a; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B Two Molybdenum Diphosphates with a Tunnel Structure Involving Mo(III): K Mo P~2~ O~7~ and K~.17~ Mo P~2~ O~7~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 78 (1989) 220-226 Space group: I 41/a :2 Cell volume: 2228 Cell parameters: 21.278; 21.278; 4.9209; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001407 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K Nb3 O15 P3 - Comments: Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B A Niobium Phosphate Bronze with a Tunnel Structure: K Nb~3~ P~3~ O~15~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 80 (1989) 12-16 Space group: P n n m Cell volume: 1267.4 Cell parameters: 13.3085; 14.7382; 6.4615; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001408 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mo8 O52 P12 Rb4 - Comments: Riou, D; Goreaud, M Rb~4~ Mo~8~ P~12~ O~52~, a Molybdenophosphate of the Cs~4~ Mo~8~ P~12~ O~52~ Type: Structure and Properties of Host Framework Journal of Solid State Chemistry 79 (1989) 99-106 Space group: P 1 21 1 Cell volume: 1134.5 Cell parameters: 6.3847; 19.088; 9.7366; 90; 107.05; 90; |
COD ID: 1001409 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi Cu2 O8 Pb Sr2 Y - Comments: Retoux, R; Caignaert, V; Provost, J; Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B Superconducting properties and Structural Study of Bi~2-x~ Pb~x~ Sr~2~ Ca~1-x~ Y~x~ Cu~2~ O~8~ (0< x< 1) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 79 (1989) 157-168 Space group: F m m m Cell volume: 885.5 Cell parameters: 5.385; 5.424; 30.316; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001416 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al11 Fe La0.96 O19 - Comments: Tronc, E; Laville, F; Gasperin, M; Lejus, A M; Vivien, D Structural and Spectroscopic Investigations of La Fe Al~11~ O~19~ Compounds Journal of Solid State Chemistry 81 (1989) 192-202 Space group: P 63/m m c Cell volume: 595 Cell parameters: 5.586; 5.586; 22.017; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1001417 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K7 Nb14.13 O60 P8.87 - Comments: Leclaire, A; Benabbas, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B A Niobium Phosphate Bronze Closely Related to the ITB Tumgsten Bronzes: K~7~ Nb~14+x~ P~9-x~ O~6~$0 (x= 0.13) Journal of Solid State Chemistry 83 (1989) 245-254 Space group: P m m a Cell volume: 2523.4 Cell parameters: 36.883; 10.603; 6.4526; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001438 | |
CIF file | Formula: - La Mo7.7 O14 - Comments: Leligny, H; Ledesert, M; Labbe, P; Raveau, B; McCarroll, W H Synthesis and structure of LaMo~7.7~O~14~, a novel compound containing an Mo~8~ cluster Journal of Solid State Chemistry 87 (1990) 35-43 Space group: C c 2 a Cell volume: 1025.7 Cell parameters: 11.1708; 9.9848; 9.196; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001440 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mg3 O24 P6 Ti4 - Comments: Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B A new phosphate of trivalent titanium Mg~3~Ti~4~P~6~O~24~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 84 (1990) 299-307 Space group: P -1 Cell volume: 414.4 Cell parameters: 6.3911; 7.9616; 9.4299; 67.614; 69.348; 79.327; |
COD ID: 1001441 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K3 Nb6 O26 P4 - Comments: Benabbas, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B A novel niobium phosphate bronze with a tunnel structure, K~3~Nb~6~P~4~O~26~, member n=infinity of the series (K~3~Nb~6~P~4~O~26~)n . KNb~2~PO~8~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 84 (1990) 365-374 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 4371.8 Cell parameters: 14.7484; 31.582; 9.3859; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001442 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu2 O6.6 Pb0.5 Sr2.5 Y - Comments: Rouillon, T; Provost, J; Hervieu, M; Groult, D; Michel, C; Raveau, B The solid solution Pb~0.5~Sr~2.5~Y~1-x~Ca~x~Cu~2~O~7-d~: Superconductivity and structure Journal of Solid State Chemistry 84 (1990) 375-385 Space group: P 4/m m m Cell volume: 174 Cell parameters: 3.8253; 3.8253; 11.891; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001445 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mo2 Na O13 P3 - Comments: Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B $-epsilon-NaMo~2~P~3~O~13~, a new structural form of the Mo(V) phosphates series AMo~2~^V^P~3~O~13~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 89 (1990) 10-15 Space group: P -1 Cell volume: 493.1 Cell parameters: 6.352; 7.448; 10.991; 75.08; 85.33; 79.1; |
COD ID: 1001446 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mo2 Na O13 P3 - Comments: Costentin, G.; Borel, M. M.; Grandin, A.; Leclaire, A.; Raveau, B. ζ-NaMo~2~P~3~O~13~, a second form of pentavalent molybdenum sodium phosphate Journal of Solid State Chemistry 89 (1990) 31-38 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 986.3 Cell parameters: 6.3682; 22.2546; 8.6172; 90; 126.139; 90; |
COD ID: 1001447 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Na4 Nb8 O35 P6 - Comments: Benabbas, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B A niobium phosphate bronze closely related to the tungsten phosphate bronzes family: Na~4~Nb~8~P~6~O~35~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 89 (1990) 75-82 Space group: P b a m Cell volume: 1380.8 Cell parameters: 8.4992; 15.339; 10.5913; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001448 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ba Mo2 O16 P4 - Comments: Costentin, G; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B A molybdenum V diphosphate, BaMo~2~P~4~O~16~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 89 (1990) 83-87 Space group: P 1 21/c 1 Cell volume: 605.9 Cell parameters: 6.4394; 12.378; 9.1613; 90; 123.92; 90; |
COD ID: 1001449 | |
CIF file | Formula: - K4 Nb8 O34 P5 - Comments: Benabbas, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B The niobium phosphate bronze K~5-x~Nb~8~P~5~O~34~, a new tunnel structure, first member of the series (K~3~Nb~6~P~4~O~26~)~n~ . KNb~2~PO~8~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 87 (1990) 360-365 Space group: P 1 2/c 1 Cell volume: 1516 Cell parameters: 13.904; 6.453; 20.64; 90; 125.05; 90; |
COD ID: 1001470 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Bi8 La10 O27 - Comments: Michel, C; Caignaert, V; Raveau, B An oxygen deficient fluorite with a tunnel structure: Bi~8~La~10~O~27~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 90 (1991) 296-301 Space group: I m m m Cell volume: 809.4 Cell parameters: 12.079; 16.348; 4.0988; 90; 90; 90; |
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