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Searching journal of publication like 'Physical Review B - Condensed Matter' volume of publication is 27

COD ID: 1510965
CIF file Formula: - B32 Rh27.2 Ru4.8 Y8 -
Comments: Bevolo, A.J.; Hamaker, H.C.; Jacobson, R.A.; Horng, H.E.; Bader, S.D.; Richardson, J.W.jr.; Shelton, R.N. Charge transfer and transition-metal cluster: Boron bonding in the bct superconducting Y (Rh1-x Rux)4 B4 system Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-) 27 (1983) 6703-6712
Space group: I 41/a c d :1
Cell volume: 832.542
Cell parameters: 7.48; 7.48; 14.88; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1510966
CIF file Formula: - B32 Rh6.4 Ru25.6 Y8 -
Comments: Hamaker, H.C.; Jacobson, R.A.; Bevolo, A.J.; Bader, S.D.; Horng, H.E.; Shelton, R.N.; Richardson, J.W.jr. Charge transfer and transition-metal cluster: Boron bonding in the bct superconducting Y(Rh1-x Rux)4 B4 system Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-) 27 (1983) 6703-6712
Space group: I 41/a c d :1
Cell volume: 833.383
Cell parameters: 7.46; 7.46; 14.975; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1511513
CIF file Formula: - B4 Ru4 Y -
Comments: Horng, H.E.; Bevolo, A.J.; Richardson, J.W.jr.; Hamaker, H.C.; Shelton, R.N.; Jacobson, R.A.; Bader, S.D. Charge transfer and transition-metal cluster: Boron bonding in the bct superconducting Y (Rh1-x Rux)4 B4 system Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-) 27 (1983) 6703-6712
Space group: I 41/a c d :1
Cell volume: 832.091
Cell parameters: 7.448; 7.448; 15; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1540889
CIF file Formula: - D0.667 Sc2.001 -
Comments: Saw, C.K.; Beaudry, B.J.; Stassis, C. Location of deuterium in alpha-scandium Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-) 27 (1983) 7013-7017
Space group: P -6 m 2
Cell volume: 51.133
Cell parameters: 3.338; 3.338; 5.299; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 9011704
CIF file Formula: - Sc -
Comments: Saw, C. K.; Beaudry, B. J.; Stassis, C. Location of deuterium in alpha-scandium Physical Review B - Condensed Matter 27 (1983) 7013-7017
Space group: P 63/m m c
Cell volume: 49.948
Cell parameters: 3.3088; 3.3088; 5.268; 90; 90; 120;  

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