Crystallography Open Database
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Result : There are 10 entries in the selection
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Searching journal of publication like 'Physica B: Condensed Matter'
COD ID: 1000097 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cd F3 H4 N - Comments: Le Bail, A.; Fourquet, J. L.; Rubin, J.; Palacios, E.; Bartolome, J. NH~4~CdF~3~: Structure of the low temperature phase Physica B: Condensed Matter 162(3) (1990) 231-236 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 338.3 Cell parameters: 6.1791; 8.8786; 6.1655; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001757 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe2 O8 Pb0.5 Sr3 Tl0.5 - Comments: Nguyen, N.; Groult, D.; Caignaert, V.; Ducouret, A.; Raveau, B. Neutron diffraction and Moessbauer spectroscopy studies of the mixed valent Tl-1212 ferrite (Tl~0.5~Pb~0.5~)Sr~3~Fe~2~O~8~ Physica B: Condensed Matter 228(3-4) (1996) 251-260 Space group: P 4/m m m Cell volume: 186.7 Cell parameters: 3.81474; 3.81474; 12.8293; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1001758 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Fe2 O8 Pb0.5 Sr3 Tl0.5 - Comments: Nguyen, N.; Groult, D.; Caignaert, V.; Ducouret, A.; Raveau, B. Neutron diffraction and Moessbauer spectroscopy studies of the mixed valent Tl-1212 ferrite (Tl~0.5~Pb~0.5~)Sr~3~Fe~2~O~8~ Physica B: Condensed Matter 228(3-4) (1996) 251-260 Space group: P 4/m m m Cell volume: 185.8 Cell parameters: 3.81002; 3.81002; 12.7964; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1006039 | |
CIF file | Formula: - F4 K Mn - Comments: Morón, M. C.; Palacio, F.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J. Neutron powder diffraction experiments on AMnF~4~ (A = K, Rb): nuclear and magnetic structures Physica B: Condensed Matter 180 (1992) 125-127 Space group: P 1 21/a 1 Cell volume: 341.6 Cell parameters: 7.7063; 7.6568; 5.7889; 90; 90.434; 90; |
COD ID: 1008488 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Er2 Si3.333 - Comments: Auffret, S.; Pierre, J.; Lambert, B.; Soubeyroux, J. L.; Chroboczek, J. A. Crystallographic and magnetic structures of Er~3~Si~5~ Physica B: Condensed Matter 162(3) (1990) 271-280 Space group: P m m m Cell volume: 101.2 Cell parameters: 6.538; 3.793; 4.082; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1507760 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Al56 Cu11 Li33 Zn11 - Comments: Leblanc, M.; Le Bail, A.; Audier, M. Crystalline phases related to the icosahedral AI-Li-Cu Phase: a single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of the tetragonal t-Al56(Cu,Zn)11Li33 phase Physica B: Condensed Matter 173(3) (1991) 329-355 Space group: P 42/m m c Cell volume: 16412 Cell parameters: 14.05; 14.05; 83.14; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1514043 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Li1.03 Mn1.97 O4 - Comments: Singh, P.; Sil, A.; Nath, M.; Ray, S. Preparation and characterization of lithium manganese oxide cubic spinel Li~1.03~Mn1.~97~O~4~ doped with Mg and Fe Physica B: Condensed Matter 405(2) (2010) 649-654 Space group: F d -3 m :2 Cell volume: 559.476 Cell parameters: 8.24; 8.24; 8.24; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1529485 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mn7 O15 Pb3 - Comments: N.V. Volkov; L.A. Solovyov; E.V. Eremin; K.A. Sablina; S.V. Misjul; M.S. Molokeev; A.I. Zaitsev; M.V. Gorev; A.F. Bovina; N.V. Mihashenok Temperature-dependent features of Pb3Mn7O15 crystal structure Physica B: Condensed Matter 407(4) (2012) 689-693 Space group: P n m a Cell volume: 2359.29 Cell parameters: 13.59385; 17.30269; 10.03054; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1529486 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Mn7 O15 Pb3 - Comments: N.V. Volkov; L.A. Solovyov; E.V. Eremin; K.A. Sablina; S.V. Misjul; M.S. Molokeev; A.I. Zaitsev; M.V. Gorev; A.F. Bovina; N.V. Mihashenok Temperature-dependent features of Pb3Mn7O15 crystal structure Physica B: Condensed Matter 407(4) (2012) 689-693 Space group: P 63/m c m Cell volume: 1188.25 Cell parameters: 10.033674; 10.033674; 13.62879; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1566641 | |
CIF file | Formula: - D2 O - Comments: Kuhs, W. F.; Ahsbahs, H.; Londono, D.; Finney, J. L. In-situ crystal growth and neutron four-circle diffractometry under high pressure Physica B: Condensed Matter 156-157 (1989) 684 Space group: P 42/n m c :2 Cell volume: 220.972 Cell parameters: 6.21; 6.21; 5.73; 90; 90; 90; |
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