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Searching journal of publication like 'Arkiv foer Kemi'

COD ID: 1509465
CIF file Formula: - Ag Mo O6 P -
Comments: Holmen, S.; Kierkegaard, P. The crystal Structure of Ag Mo O2 P O4 Arkiv foer Kemi 23 (1965) 213-221
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 916.912
Cell parameters: 12.142; 11.887; 6.3577; 90; 92.25; 90;  

COD ID: 1510852
CIF file Formula: - B2 W -
Comments: Lundstroem, T. The structure of Ru2 B3 and W B2.0, as determined by single-crystal diffractometry, and some notes on the W - B system Arkiv foer Kemi 30 (1969) 115-127
Space group: P 63/m m c
Cell volume: 106.961
Cell parameters: 2.9831; 2.9831; 13.879; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1510952
CIF file Formula: - B3 Ru2 -
Comments: Lundstroem, T. The structure of Ru2 B3 and W B2.0, as determined by single-crystal diffractometry, and some notes on the W - B system Arkiv foer Kemi 30 (1968) 115-127
Space group: P 63/m m c
Cell volume: 93.645
Cell parameters: 2.9051; 2.9051; 12.8125; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1520779
CIF file Formula: - O9 Ti5 -
Comments: Andersson, S.; Jahnberg, L. Crystal structure studies on the homologous series Tin O2n-1 Vn O2n-1 Tin-2 Cr2 O2n-1 Arkiv foer Kemi 21 (1963) 413-426
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 297.161
Cell parameters: 5.6; 7.12; 8.87; 97.6; 112.3; 108.5;  

COD ID: 1520780
CIF file Formula: - O11 Ti6 -
Comments: Andersson, S.; Jahnberg, L. Crystal structure studies on the homologous series Tin O2n-1 Vn O2n-1 Tin-2 Cr2 O2n-1 Arkiv foer Kemi 21 (1963) 413-426
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 718.779
Cell parameters: 5.56; 7.14; 24.04; 98.5; 120.8; 108.5;  

COD ID: 1520781
CIF file Formula: - O13 Ti7 -
Comments: Andersson, S.; Jahnberg, L. Crystal structure studies on the homologous series Tin O2n-1 Vn O2n-1 Tin-2 Cr2 O2n-1 Arkiv foer Kemi 21 (1963) 413-426
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 420.855
Cell parameters: 5.54; 7.13; 15.36; 98.9; 125.5; 108.5;  

COD ID: 1520782
CIF file Formula: - O15 Ti8 -
Comments: Andersson, S.; Jahnberg, L. Crystal structure studies on the homologous series Tin O2n-1 Vn O2n-1 Tin-2 Cr2 O2n-1 Arkiv foer Kemi 21 (1963) 413-426
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 967.412
Cell parameters: 5.57; 7.1; 37.46; 97.2; 128.8; 109.6;  

COD ID: 1520783
CIF file Formula: - O17 Ti9 -
Comments: Andersson, S.; Jahnberg, L. Crystal structure studies on the homologous series Tin O2n-1 Vn O2n-1 Tin-2 Cr2 O2n-1 Arkiv foer Kemi 21 (1963) 413-426
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 543.261
Cell parameters: 5.57; 7.1; 22.15; 97.1; 131; 109.8;  

COD ID: 1527596
CIF file Formula: - Ga3 H9 O15 S2 -
Comments: Johansson, G. On the crystal structure of a basic gallium sulfate related to alunite Arkiv foer Kemi 20 (1963) 343-352
Space group: R -3 m :H
Cell volume: 766.139
Cell parameters: 7.178; 7.178; 17.17; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1527634
CIF file Formula: - Mo4 O11 -
Comments: Kihlborg, L. Crystal structure studies on monoclinic and orthorhombic Mo4 O11 Arkiv foer Kemi 21 (1963) 365-377
Space group: P 1 21/a 1
Cell volume: 891.909
Cell parameters: 24.54; 5.439; 6.701; 90; 94.28; 90;  

COD ID: 1527635
CIF file Formula: - Mo4 O11 -
Comments: Kihlborg, L. Crystal structure studies on monoclinic and orthorhombic Mo4 O11 Arkiv foer Kemi 21 (1963) 365-377
Space group: P n m a
Cell volume: 902.35
Cell parameters: 24.49; 5.457; 6.752; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534180
CIF file Formula: - Bi2 Nb2 O9 Pb -
Comments: Aurivillius, B. Mixed bismuth oxides with layer lattices. I. The structure type of Ca Nb2 Bi2 O9 Arkiv foer Kemi 1 (1949) 463-480
Space group: F 2 2 2
Cell volume: 771.58
Cell parameters: 5.492; 5.503; 25.53; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534181
CIF file Formula: - Bi3 Nb O9 Ti -
Comments: Aurivillius, B. Mixed bismuth oxides with layer lattices. I. The structure type of Ca Bi2 Nb2 O9 Arkiv foer Kemi 1 (1949) 463-480
Space group: F m m m
Cell volume: 738.586
Cell parameters: 5.405; 5.442; 25.11; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534182
CIF file Formula: - Bi4 O12 Ti3 -
Comments: Aurivillius, B. Mixed bismuth oxides with layer lattices. II. Structure of Bi4 Ti3 O12 Arkiv foer Kemi 1 (1949) 499-512
Space group: F m m m
Cell volume: 967.916
Cell parameters: 5.41; 5.448; 32.84; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534183
CIF file Formula: - Ba Bi4 O15 Ti4 -
Comments: Aurivillius, B. Mixed oxides with layer lattice. III. Structure of Ba Bi4 Ti 4 O15 Arkiv foer Kemi 2 (1950) 519-527
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 623.497
Cell parameters: 3.864; 3.864; 41.75999; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534184
CIF file Formula: - Bi2 F Nb O5 -
Comments: Aurivillius, B. The structure of Bi2 Nb O5 F and isomorphous compounds Arkiv foer Kemi 4 (1952) 39-47
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 244.581
Cell parameters: 3.835; 3.835; 16.63; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534185
CIF file Formula: - Bi2 F2 O4 Ti -
Comments: Aurivillius, B. The structure of Bi2 Nb O5 F and isomorphous compounds Arkiv foer Kemi 4 (1952) 39-47
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 236.053
Cell parameters: 3.802; 3.802; 16.33; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534186
CIF file Formula: - Cl2 Hg3 S2 -
Comments: Aurivillius, K. An X-ray single crystal study of Hg3 S2 Cl2 Arkiv foer Kemi 26 (1967) 497-505
Space group: I 21 3
Cell volume: 714.517
Cell parameters: 8.94; 8.94; 8.94; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534277
CIF file Formula: - Mo8.5 O29 W1.5 -
Comments: Blomberg, B.; Magneli, A.; Kihlborg, L. The crystal structures of (Mo, W)10 O29 And (Mo, W)11 O32 Arkiv foer Kemi 6 (1953) 133-138
Space group: P 1 2/a 1
Cell volume: 1110.96
Cell parameters: 17; 4; 17.5; 90; 111; 90;  

COD ID: 1534278
CIF file Formula: - Mo9.35 O32 W1.65 -
Comments: Blomberg, B.; Kihlborg, L.; Magneli, A. The crystal structures of (Mo, W)10 O29 And (Mo, W)11 O32 Arkiv foer Kemi 6 (1953) 133-138
Space group: P 1 2/a 1
Cell volume: 1193.58
Cell parameters: 16.6; 4; 18.7; 90; 74; 90;  

COD ID: 1534339
CIF file Formula: - Cl2 Cu H4 O4 Pb2 -
Comments: Bystroem, A.; Wilhelmi, K.A. The crystal structure of diaboleite, Pb2 Cu (O H)4 Cl2 Arkiv foer Kemi 2 (1950) 397-404
Space group: P 4 m m
Cell volume: 189.306
Cell parameters: 5.87; 5.87; 5.494; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534340
CIF file Formula: - Cs F7 Sb2 -
Comments: Bystroem, A.; Wilhelmi, K.A. The crystal structure of Cs Sb2 F7 Arkiv foer Kemi 3 (1951) 373-380
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 742.781
Cell parameters: 19.32; 6.89; 5.58; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534341
CIF file Formula: - F5 K2 Sb -
Comments: Bystroem, A.; Wilhelmi, K.A. The crystal structure of K2 Sb F5 and isomorphous compounds Arkiv foer Kemi 3 (1951) 461-467
Space group: C m c m
Cell volume: 554.042
Cell parameters: 6.244; 13.67; 6.491; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534342
CIF file Formula: - F4 K Sb -
Comments: Bystroem, A.; Wilhelmi, K.A.; Baecklund, S. The crystal structure of K Sb F4 Arkiv foer Kemi 4 (1952) 175-183
Space group: P m m n :1
Cell volume: 857.335
Cell parameters: 16.3; 11.57; 4.546; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1534343
CIF file Formula: - F4 Na Sb -
Comments: Bystroem, A.; Baecklund, S.; Wilhelmi, K.A. The crystal structure of Na Sb F4 Arkiv foer Kemi 6 (1953) 77-87
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 379.87
Cell parameters: 8.06; 5.52; 8.56; 90; 94.1; 90;  

COD ID: 1535915
CIF file Formula: - Cl O Sb -
Comments: Edstrand, M. On the structure of antimony(III) oxidehalides. II. The crystal structure of Sb O Cl Arkiv foer Kemi 6 (1953) 89-112
Space group: P 1 21/a 1
Cell volume: 815.802
Cell parameters: 9.54; 10.77; 7.94; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1535920
CIF file Formula: - Cl2 H8 O15 Sb8 -
Comments: Edstrand, M. On the structures of antimony(III) oxide halogenides. III. The crystal structure of (Sb8 O8 (O H)4) ((O H)2-x (H2 O)1+x) Cl2+x Arkiv foer Kemi 8 (1955) 257-277
Space group: I m m m
Cell volume: 516.941
Cell parameters: 9.635; 13.134; 4.085; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1535925
CIF file Formula: - H2 I2 O12 Sb8 -
Comments: Edstrand, M. On the structures of antimony(III) oxide halogenides. IV. The crystal structure of Sb8 O10 (O H)2 I2 and isomorphous bromide and chloride Arkiv foer Kemi 8 (1955) 279-298
Space group: C 1 2/m 1
Cell volume: 823.152
Cell parameters: 19.31; 4.14; 10.93; 90; 109.6; 90;  

COD ID: 1535930
CIF file Formula: - Br2 H2 O12 Sb8 -
Comments: Edstrand, M. On the structures of antimony(III) oxide halogenides. IV. The crystal structure of Sb8 O10 (O H)2 I2 and isomorphous bromide and chloride Arkiv foer Kemi 8 (1955) 279-298
Space group: C 1 2/m 1
Cell volume: 770.436
Cell parameters: 19.12; 4.08; 10.51; 90; 110; 90;  

COD ID: 1537360
CIF file Formula: - S2 Ta -
Comments: Haegg, G.; Schoenberg, N. X-ray studies of sulfides of titanium, zirconium, niobium, and tantalum Arkiv foer Kemi 7 (1954) 371-380
Space group: P -3 m 1
Cell volume: 56.953
Cell parameters: 3.35; 3.35; 5.86; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1537469
CIF file Formula: - Al13 H79 O68 S3 -
Comments: Johansson, G. On the crystal structure of the basic aluminum sulfate (Al2 O3)13 (S O3)6 (H2 O)79 Arkiv foer Kemi 20 (1963) 321-342
Space group: P 1 n 1
Cell volume: 2824.86
Cell parameters: 14.18; 11.5; 17.73; 90; 102.3; 90;  

COD ID: 1537513
CIF file Formula: - Mo O8 P2 -
Comments: Kierkegaard, P. On the crystal structure of Mo O2 (P O3)2 Arkiv foer Kemi 18 (1961) 521-532
Space group: P b c m
Cell volume: 278.937
Cell parameters: 7.683; 7.426; 4.889; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1537514
CIF file Formula: - Mo2 O11 P2 -
Comments: Kierkegaard, P. On the crystal structure of (Mo O2)2 P2 O7 Arkiv foer Kemi 19 (1962) 1-14
Space group: P n m a
Cell volume: 827.619
Cell parameters: 12.58; 6.338; 10.38; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1537515
CIF file Formula: - Na O6 P W -
Comments: Kierkegaard, P. The crystal structure of Na W O2 P O4 and Na Mo O2 P O4 Arkiv foer Kemi 18 (1962) 553-575
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 920.894
Cell parameters: 12.1; 11.96; 6.364; 90; 90.75; 90;  

COD ID: 1537516
CIF file Formula: - Mo Na O6 P -
Comments: Kierkegaard, P. The crystal structure of Na W O2 P O4 and Na Mo O2 P O4 Arkiv foer Kemi 18 (1962) 553-575
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 918.53
Cell parameters: 12.08; 11.96; 6.359; 90; 91.19; 90;  

COD ID: 1537518
CIF file Formula: - Mo5 O14 -
Comments: Kihlborg, L. Crystal structure on Mo5 O14, a compound exhibiting two-dimensional disorder Arkiv foer Kemi 21 (1963) 427-437
Space group: P 4/m b m
Cell volume: 2081.77
Cell parameters: 22.995; 22.995; 3.937; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1537519
CIF file Formula: - Mo18 O52 -
Comments: Kihlborg, L. The crystal structure of Mo18 O52 and the existence of homologous series of structures based on Mo O3 Arkiv foer Kemi 21 (1964) 443-460
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1779.7
Cell parameters: 8.145; 11.89; 21.23; 102.67; 67.82; 109.97;  

COD ID: 1537572
CIF file Formula: - H8 O12 Si8 -
Comments: Larsson, K. The crystal structure of octa-(silsesquioxane) (H Si O1.5) 8 Arkiv foer Kemi 16 (1960) 215-219
Space group: R -3 :H
Cell volume: 1108.85
Cell parameters: 9.131; 9.131; 15.357; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1537573
CIF file Formula: - Ni12 P5 -
Comments: Larsson, E. An x-ray investigation of the Ni-P system and the crystal structures of Ni P and Ni P2 Arkiv foer Kemi 23 (1965) 335-365
Space group: I 4/m
Cell volume: 378.999
Cell parameters: 8.646; 8.646; 5.07; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1537574
CIF file Formula: - Ni P -
Comments: Larsson, E. An X-ray investigation of the Ni-P system and the crystal structures of Ni P and Ni P2 Arkiv foer Kemi 23 (1965) 335-365
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 203.462
Cell parameters: 6.05; 4.881; 6.89; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1537575
CIF file Formula: - Ni P2 -
Comments: Larsson, E. An X-ray investigation of the Ni-P system and the crystal structures of Ni P and Ni P2 Arkiv foer Kemi 23 (1965) 335-365
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 175.101
Cell parameters: 6.366; 5.615; 6.072; 90; 126.22; 90;  

COD ID: 1537576
CIF file Formula: - Ni2 P -
Comments: Larsson, E. An X-ray investigation of the Ni-P system and the crystal structures of Ni P and Ni P2 Arkiv foer Kemi 23 (1965) 335-365
Space group: P -6 2 m
Cell volume: 100.543
Cell parameters: 5.859; 5.859; 3.382; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1537596
CIF file Formula: - H2 O6 S Th -
Comments: Lundgren, G. The crystal structure of Th (O H)2 S O4 Arkiv foer Kemi 2 (1950) 535-549
Space group: P n m a
Cell volume: 500.252
Cell parameters: 11.733; 6.04; 7.059; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1537597
CIF file Formula: - H2 O6 S U -
Comments: Lundgren, G. The crystal structure of U (O H)2 S O4 Arkiv foer Kemi 4 (1952) 421-428
Space group: P n m a
Cell volume: 477.904
Cell parameters: 11.572; 5.926; 6.969; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1537598
CIF file Formula: - H2 O16 S3 U3 -
Comments: Lundgren, G. The crystal structure of U6 O4 (O H)4 (S O4)6 Arkiv foer Kemi 5 (1952) 349-363
Space group: I 4/m
Cell volume: 1197.19
Cell parameters: 10.741; 10.741; 10.377; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1538041
CIF file Formula: - S2 Ta -
Comments: Haegg, G. Tantalum sulfide Arkiv foer Kemi 7 (1954) 40-40
Space group: R -3 m :R
Cell volume: 58.424
Cell parameters: 6.39; 6.39; 6.39; 30.18; 30.18; 30.18;  

COD ID: 1538044
CIF file Formula: - Nb S2 -
Comments: Haegg, G.; Schoenberg, N. X-ray studies of sulfides of titanium, zirconium, niobium, and tantalum Arkiv foer Kemi 7 (1954) 371-380
Space group: R -3 m :H
Cell volume: 170.938
Cell parameters: 3.33; 3.33; 17.8; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1538308
CIF file Formula: - Ce H2 O6 S -
Comments: Lundgren, G. The crystal structure of Ce O S O4 H2 O Arkiv foer Kemi 6 (1953) 59-75
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 429.143
Cell parameters: 11.983; 8.267; 4.332; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1538309
CIF file Formula: - H2 O6 S Ti -
Comments: Lundgren, G. On the crystal structure of Ti O S O4 H2 O Arkiv foer Kemi 10 (1956) 397-413
Space group: P n m a
Cell volume: 430.885
Cell parameters: 9.788; 5.12; 8.598; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1538310
CIF file Formula: - Ce3 H2 O16 S3 -
Comments: Lundgren, G. The crystal structure of Ce6 O4 (O H)4 (S O4)6 Arkiv foer Kemi 10 (1957) 183-197
Space group: I 4/m
Cell volume: 1169.3
Cell parameters: 10.661; 10.661; 10.288; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1538312
CIF file Formula: - Cr5 H10 O28 Zr4 -
Comments: Lundgren, G. On the crystal structure of a zirconium hydroxide chromate Arkiv foer Kemi 13 (1958) 59-85
Space group: P n n m
Cell volume: 1091.88
Cell parameters: 11.63; 13.65; 6.878; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1538314
CIF file Formula: - K0.475 O3 W -
Comments: Magneli, A. The crystal structure of tetragonal potassium tungsten bronze Arkiv foer Kemi 1 (1949) 213-221
Space group: P 4/m b m
Cell volume: 578.481
Cell parameters: 12.285; 12.285; 3.833; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1538315
CIF file Formula: - O2.72 W -
Comments: Magneli, A. Crystal structure studies on gamma-tungsten oxide Arkiv foer Kemi 1 (1949) 223-230
Space group: P 1 2/m 1
Cell volume: 883.286
Cell parameters: 18.31999; 3.79; 14.04; 90; 115.03; 90;  

COD ID: 1538317
CIF file Formula: - O2.9 W -
Comments: Magneli, A. Crystal structure studies on beta-tungsten oxide Arkiv foer Kemi 1 (1949) 513-523
Space group: P 1 2/m 1
Cell volume: 1066.2
Cell parameters: 12.1; 3.78; 23.4; 90; 95; 90;  

COD ID: 1538349
CIF file Formula: - Nb O2 -
Comments: Marinder, B.O. The crystal structure of niobium dioxide Arkiv foer Kemi 19 (1962) 435-446
Space group: I 41/a :2
Cell volume: 1123.7
Cell parameters: 13.7; 13.7; 5.987; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1538557
CIF file Formula: - Ce0.5 F3 La0.5 -
Comments: Schlyter, K. On the crystal structure of fluorides of the tysonite La F3 type Arkiv foer Kemi 5 (1952) 73-82
Space group: P 63/m m c
Cell volume: 109.58
Cell parameters: 4.148; 4.148; 7.354; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1539433
CIF file Formula: - Cd H0.24 O2 -
Comments: Vannerberg, N.G. On the formation and structure of cadmium peroxides Arkiv foer Kemi 10 (1956) 455-459
Space group: P a -3
Cell volume: 146.613
Cell parameters: 5.273; 5.273; 5.273; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1539437
CIF file Formula: - H4 O6 Sr -
Comments: Vannerberg, N.G. On the system (Sr O2) (H2 O) (H2 O2) I. The Crystal Structure of alpha- and beta-Sr O2 (H2 O2)2 Arkiv foer Kemi 13 (1958) 29-41
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 393.904
Cell parameters: 8.262; 6.024; 8.05; 90; 79.47; 90;  

COD ID: 1539440
CIF file Formula: - H4 O6 Sr -
Comments: Vannerberg, N.G. On the system (Sr O2) (H2 O) (H2 O2) I. The crystal structure of alpha- and beta-Sr O2 (H2 O2)2 Arkiv foer Kemi 13 (1958) 29-41
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 405.403
Cell parameters: 7.715; 8.754; 6.015; 90; 86.33; 90;  

COD ID: 1539442
CIF file Formula: - Hg O2 -
Comments: Vannerberg, N.G. Formation and structure of mercuric peroxides Arkiv foer Kemi 13 (1959) 515-521
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 175.396
Cell parameters: 6.08; 6.01; 4.8; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1539444
CIF file Formula: - Ba H4 O6 -
Comments: Vannerberg, N.G. On the system Ba O2 - H2 O - H2 O2 3. The crystal structure of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Ba O2 (H2 O2)2 and Ba O2 H2 O2 (H2 O)2 Arkiv foer Kemi 14 (1959) 125-145
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 434.416
Cell parameters: 8.454; 6.398; 8.084; 90; 96.53; 90;  

COD ID: 1539446
CIF file Formula: - Ba H4 O6 -
Comments: Vannerberg, N.G. On the system Ba O2 - H2 O - H2 O2 3. The crystal structure of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Ba O2 (H2 O2)2 and Ba O2 H2 O2 (H2 O)2 Arkiv foer Kemi 14 (1959) 125-145
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 466.75
Cell parameters: 8.18; 9.03; 6.35; 90; 95.67; 90;  

COD ID: 1539448
CIF file Formula: - Ba H4 O6 -
Comments: Vannerberg, N.G. On the system Ba O2 - H2 O - H2 O2 3. The crystal structure of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Ba O2 (H2 O2)2 and Ba O2 H2 O2 (H2 O)2 Arkiv foer Kemi 14 (1959) 125-145
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 863.537
Cell parameters: 16.837; 6.407; 8.005; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1539451
CIF file Formula: - Ba H2 O4 -
Comments: Vannerberg, N.G. On the system Ba O2 - H2 O - H2 O2 1. Investigation of the existing phases and their preparation 2. The structure of Ba O2 H2 O2 Arkiv foer Kemi 14 (1959) 147-160
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 321.25
Cell parameters: 4.132; 9.464; 8.308; 90; 98.58; 90;  

COD ID: 1539958
CIF file Formula: - Cr O4 Sr2 -
Comments: Wilhelmi, K.A. The crystal structure of strontium chromate(IV), Sr2 Cr O4 Arkiv foer Kemi 26 (1967) 157-165
Space group: P n a 21
Cell volume: 829.063
Cell parameters: 14.182; 5.788; 10.1; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1541705
CIF file Formula: - K3 O14 Sb5 -
Comments: Aurivillius, B. On the crystal structure of K3 Sb5 O14 Arkiv foer Kemi 25 (1966) 505-514
Space group: P b a 2
Cell volume: 1268.03
Cell parameters: 24.211; 7.153; 7.322; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1542062
CIF file Formula: - Cr2 O7 Sr -
Comments: Wilhelmi, K.A. The crystal structure of strontium dichromate, Sr Cr2 O7 Arkiv foer Kemi 26 (1967) 149-156
Space group: P 42/n m c :2
Cell volume: 1187.69
Cell parameters: 11.193; 11.193; 9.48; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1542092
CIF file Formula: - Cr H9 N3 O4 -
Comments: Stomberg, R. The crystal and molecular structure of diperoxotriamminechromium(IV) (Cr (O2)2 (N H3)3) Arkiv foer Kemi 22 (1964) 49-64
Space group: P n m a
Cell volume: 1698.08
Cell parameters: 9.791; 22.662; 7.653; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1542093
CIF file Formula: - C3 Cr K3 N3 O4 -
Comments: Stomberg, R. The crystal structure of potassiumdiperoxotricyanochromate(IV), K3 (Cr (O2)2 (C N)3) Arkiv foer Kemi 23 (1965) 401-430
Space group: P 1 2/a 1
Cell volume: 993.032
Cell parameters: 11.526; 7.628; 12.108; 90; 111.12; 90;  

COD ID: 1542169
CIF file Formula: - Br2 Hg5 O4 -
Comments: Aurivillius, K. Least-squares refinement of the crystal structure of Hg (O Hg)4 Br2 Arkiv foer Kemi 28 (1968) 279-288
Space group: I b a m
Cell volume: 863.651
Cell parameters: 11.888; 6.185; 11.746; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1542252
CIF file Formula: - Cr3 Cs O8 -
Comments: Wilhelmi, K.A. The crystal structure of Cs Cr3 O8 Arkiv foer Kemi 26 (1967) 141-147
Space group: P n m a
Cell volume: 725.937
Cell parameters: 15.957; 5.505; 8.264; 90; 90; 90;  

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