Information card for entry 1525829
Chemical name |
(La0.85 Ca0.15) (Mn O3) |
Formula |
Ca0.15 La0.85 Mn O3 |
Calculated formula |
Ca0.15 La0.85 Mn O3 |
Title of publication |
Structural and magnetic properties of the colossal magnetoresistance perovskite La0.85 Ca0.15 Mn o3 |
Authors of publication |
Lobanov, M.V.; D'yachenko, O.G.; Balagurov, A.M.; Pomjakushin, V.Yu.; Fischer, P.; Lebedev, O.I.; Abakumov, A.M.; Gutmann, M.; Antipov, E.V.; van Tendeloo, G. |
Journal of publication |
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-) |
Year of publication |
2000 |
Journal volume |
61 |
Pages of publication |
8941 - 8949 |
a |
7.74476 Å |
b |
5.50398 Å |
c |
5.47351 Å |
α |
90° |
β |
90.091° |
γ |
90° |
Cell volume |
233.319 Å3 |
Number of distinct elements |
4 |
Space group number |
14 |
Hermann-Mauguin space group symbol |
P 1 21/c 1 |
Hall space group symbol |
-P 2ybc |
Has coordinates |
Yes |
Has disorder |
No |
Has Fobs |
No |
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