Ba0.16 Ca12.82 F H4.18 K6.94 Mn0.18 Na3.18 O92.59 Si35 Sr0.5
Calculated formula
Ba0.16 Ca12.82 F H4.18 K6.94 Mn0.18 Na3.18 O92.59 Si35 Sr0.5
Title of publication
The structure of charoite, (K,Sr,Ba,Mn)15-16(Ca,Na)32[(Si70(O,OH)180)](OH,F)4.0*nH2O, solved by conventional and automated electron diffraction Note: this is polytype charoite-90
Authors of publication
Rozhdestvenskaya, I.; Mugnaioli, E.; Czank, M.; Depmeier, W.; Kolb, U.; Reinholdt, A.; Weirich, T.