Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'The journal of physical chemistry letters' volume of publication is 9

COD ID: 8000389
CIF file Formula: - C40 H54 Cl I3 N4 O2 Pb -
Comments: Véron, Anna C; Linden, Anthony; Leclaire, Nicolas A.; Roedern, Elsa; Hu, Shunbo; Ren, Wei; Rentsch, Daniel; Nüesch, Frank A One-Dimensional Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Incorporating Near-Infrared-Absorbing Cyanine Cations. The journal of physical chemistry letters 9(9) (2018) 2438-2442
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 4409.5
Cell parameters: 16.3649; 33.5729; 8.0898; 90; 97.21; 90;  

COD ID: 8000390
CIF file Formula: - C39 H23 Eu F9 N3 O6 S3 -
Comments: Hashimoto, Yuichiro; Nakashima, Takuya; Yamada, Miku; Yuasa, Junpei; Rapenne, Gwénaël; Kawai, Tsuyoshi Hierarchical Emergence and Dynamic Control of Chirality in a Photoresponsive Dinuclear Complex. The journal of physical chemistry letters 9(9) (2018) 2151-2157
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1974.45
Cell parameters: 10.03872; 10.41729; 19.6956; 76.455; 80.489; 88.925;  

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