Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 1 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'Nature (London, United Kingdom)' volume of publication is 271

COD ID: 5000050
CIF file Formula: - C66 H76 Cl2 N8 O26 -
Comments: Sheldrick, George M.; Jones, Peter G.; Kennard, Olga; Williams, Dudley H.; Smith, Gerald A. Structure of vancomycin and its complex with acetyl-D-alanyl-D-alanine Nature (London, United Kingdom) 271(5642) (1978) 223
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 10157.3
Cell parameters: 13.926; 21.578; 33.802; 90; 90; 90;  

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