Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 11 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of the Less-Common Metals' volume of publication is 163

COD ID: 1527244
CIF file Formula: - Ga7.88 Yb2.98 -
Comments: Cirafici, S.; Fornasini, M.L. Crystal structure of phases of the Yb-Ga system in the range 20-32 at.% Yb Journal of the Less-Common Metals 163 (1990) 331-338
Space group: P 6/m m m
Cell volume: 1228.27
Cell parameters: 13.025; 13.025; 8.36; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1527841
CIF file Formula: - Fe17 Nd5 -
Comments: Moreau, J.; Paccard, L.; Nozieres, J.P.; Villas-Boas, V.; Missell, F.P.; Schneider, G. A new phase in the Nd-Fe system: Crystal structure of Nd5 Fe17 Journal of the Less-Common Metals 163 (1990) 245-251
Space group: P 63/m c m
Cell volume: 4362.78
Cell parameters: 20.214; 20.214; 12.329; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1539294
CIF file Formula: - H3 K Mg -
Comments: Schumacher, R.; Weiss, A. K Mg H3 single crystals by synthesis from the elements Journal of the Less-Common Metals 163 (1990) 179-183
Space group: P m -3 m
Cell volume: 65.208
Cell parameters: 4.025; 4.025; 4.025; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1540041
CIF file Formula: - C Fe17 Y2 -
Comments: Haije, W.G.; Jacobs, T.H.; Buschow, K.H.J. Magnetic structure of ternary rare earth carbides of the type R2Fe17C Journal of the Less-Common Metals 163 (1990) 353-359
Space group: R -3 m :H
Cell volume: 796.826
Cell parameters: 8.5927; 8.5927; 12.4616; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1540042
CIF file Formula: - C0.82 Fe17 Tb2 -
Comments: Haije, W.G.; Jacobs, T.H.; Buschow, K.H.J. Magnetic structure of ternary rare earth carbides of the type R2Fe17C Journal of the Less-Common Metals 163 (1990) 353-359
Space group: R -3 m :H
Cell volume: 799.463
Cell parameters: 8.6068; 8.6068; 12.4619; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1540043
CIF file Formula: - C0.88 Dy2 Fe17 -
Comments: Haije, W.G.; Jacobs, T.H.; Buschow, K.H.J. Magnetic structure of ternary rare earth carbides of the type R2Fe17C Journal of the Less-Common Metals 163 (1990) 353-359
Space group: R -3 m :H
Cell volume: 796.481
Cell parameters: 8.5947; 8.5947; 12.4504; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1540044
CIF file Formula: - C0.88 Fe17 Ho2 -
Comments: Haije, W.G.; Jacobs, T.H.; Buschow, K.H.J. Magnetic structure of ternary rare earth carbides of the type R2Fe17C Journal of the Less-Common Metals 163 (1990) 353-359
Space group: R -3 m :H
Cell volume: 788.601
Cell parameters: 8.5493; 8.5493; 12.4585; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1540045
CIF file Formula: - C0.8 Fe17 Tb2 -
Comments: Haije, W.G.; Jacobs, T.H.; Buschow, K.H.J. Magnetic structure of ternary rare earth carbides of the type R2Fe17C Journal of the Less-Common Metals 163 (1990) 353-359
Space group: R -3 m :H
Cell volume: 795.378
Cell parameters: 8.5843; 8.5843; 12.4633; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1540046
CIF file Formula: - C0.96 Dy2 Fe17 -
Comments: Haije, W.G.; Jacobs, T.H.; Buschow, K.H.J. Magnetic structure of ternary rare earth carbides of the type R2Fe17C Journal of the Less-Common Metals 163 (1990) 353-359
Space group: R -3 m :H
Cell volume: 793.106
Cell parameters: 8.5732; 8.5732; 12.4599; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1540047
CIF file Formula: - C0.96 Fe17 Ho2 -
Comments: Haije, W.G.; Jacobs, T.H.; Buschow, K.H.J. Magnetic structure of ternary rare earth carbides of the type R2Fe17C Journal of the Less-Common Metals 163 (1990) 353-359
Space group: R -3 m :H
Cell volume: 783.829
Cell parameters: 8.5198; 8.5198; 12.469; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 2002503
CIF file Formula: - Ba2 Ca5 Dy18 O36 Zr -
Comments: Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk; Vogt, R Ein Beitrag zum Sr Ca2 Lu10 O18-Typ. Zur Elementverteilung in Ba2 Ca5 Dy18 Zr O36 Journal of the Less-Common Metals 163 (1990) 347-351
Space group: P 63
Cell volume: 912.7
Cell parameters: 17.69469; 17.69469; 3.3658; 90; 90; 120;  

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