Crystallography Open Database

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1520998 CIFK Ni4 O12 P3P m n n6.152; 16.214; 9.484
90; 90; 90
946.015Daidouh, A.; Pico, C.; Veiga, M.L.
Structure features and ionic conductivity of the A M4 (P O4)3 orthophosphates: (A = Na, K, Rb; M = Ni, Mn)
Solid State Ionics, 1999, 124, 109-117
1520999 CIFMn4 O12 P3 RbP m n n6.45; 16.73; 9.87
90; 90; 90
1065.06Daidouh, A.; Pico, C.; Veiga, M.L.
Structure features and ionic conductivity of the A M4 (P O4)3 orthophosphates: (A = Na, K, Rb; M = Ni, Mn)
Solid State Ionics, 1999, 124, 109-117
1524906 CIFBe6 Ca2.6 Ce2 F2 Fe0.5 H5.8 Mn0.5 Na6.8 O46 Si14P m n n13.879; 13.835; 9.942
90; 90; 90
1909.02Mazzi, F.; Ungaretti, L.; Ronsbo, J.G.; dal Negro, A.; Petersen, O.V.
The crystal structure of semenovite
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 202-210
1528414 CIFCo2 NP m n n2.8535; 4.6056; 4.3443
90; 90; 90
57.093Clarke, J.; Jack, K.H.
The Preparation and the Crystal Structures of Cobalt Nitride, Co2 N, of Cobalt Carbonitrides, Co2 (C,N) and of Cobalt Carbide, Co2 C
Chemistry and Industry (London), 1951, 1951, 1004-1005
1528415 CIFC Co2P m n n2.8969; 4.4465; 4.3707
90; 90; 90
56.299Clarke, J.; Jack, K.H.
The preparation and the crystal structures of cobalt nitride, Co2 N, of cobalt carbonitrides, Co2 (C, N) and of cobalt carbide, Co2 C
Chemistry and Industry (London), 1951, 1951, 1004-1005

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