Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 2 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'Faraday discussions' volume of publication is 185

COD ID: 1520499
CIF file Formula: - C37.35 H42.46 Cl2 N6 O3.88 Ru -
Comments: Tong, Lianpeng; Zong, Ruifa; Zhou, Rongwei; Kaveevivitchai, Nattawut; Zhang, Gang; Thummel, Randolph P. Ruthenium catalysts for water oxidation involving tetradentate polypyridine-type ligands. Faraday discussions 185 (2015) 87-104
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1840.52
Cell parameters: 10.4996; 13.3012; 13.4802; 80.434; 82.981; 86.221;  

COD ID: 1520961
CIF file Formula: - C45 H27 B Cl8 F8 Ir N4 -
Comments: Monti, Filippo; Baschieri, Andrea; Matteucci, Elia; Mazzanti, Andrea; Sambri, Letizia; Barbieri, Andrea; Armaroli, Nicola A chelating diisocyanide ligand for cyclometalated Ir(iii) complexes with strong and tunable luminescence. Faraday discussions 185 (2015) 233-248
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 5078.5
Cell parameters: 9.2828; 22.6451; 24.351; 90; 97.192; 90;  

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