Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 2 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'Solid State Sciences' volume of publication is 108

COD ID: 1559841
CIF file Formula: - B9 Dy7 K3 Li3 O27 -
Comments: Chen, P.Y.; Wang, Guirong Syntheses, structure determination and characterization of two novel non-centrosymmetric mixed alkali rare-earth orthoborates: K3Li3RE7(BO3)9 (RE=Dy, Tb) Solid State Sciences 108 (2020) 106442
Space group: P c a 21
Cell volume: 2336.1
Cell parameters: 20.8225; 6.4118; 17.4976; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1559842
CIF file Formula: - B9 K3 Li3 O27 Tb7 -
Comments: Chen, P.Y.; Wang, Guirong Syntheses, structure determination and characterization of two novel non-centrosymmetric mixed alkali rare-earth orthoborates: K3Li3RE7(BO3)9 (RE=Dy, Tb) Solid State Sciences 108 (2020) 106442
Space group: P c a 21
Cell volume: 2362.46
Cell parameters: 20.9218; 6.442; 17.5285; 90; 90; 90;  

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