Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 1 entries in the selection

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Searching space group like 'C m m 2 (2*c,a,b)'

COD ID: 2310762
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Ba0.761 Ca0.239 Nb2 O6 -
Comments: Graetsch, Heribert A.; Pandey, Chandra Shehkar; Schreuer, Jürgen; Burianek, Manfred; Mühlberg, Manfred Incommensurate modulations of relaxor ferroelectric Ca0.24Ba0.76Nb2O6 (CBN24) and Ca0.31Ba0.69Nb2O6 (CBN31) Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials 70(4) (2014) 743-749
Space group: C m m 2 (2*c,a,b)
Cell volume: 2466.95
Cell parameters: 7.9429; 17.624; 17.6229; 90; 90; 90;  

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