Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'Organic letters' volume of publication is 3

COD ID: 1100249
CIF file Formula: - C21 H29 N O3 -
Comments: Bach, Thorsten; Bergmann, Hermann; Harms, Klaus Enantioselective Photochemical Reactions of 2-Pyridones in Solution Organic Letters 3(4) (2001) 601-603
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 1889.88
Cell parameters: 7.2624; 8.541; 30.4681; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1507500
CIF file Formula: - C7 H9 N5 -
Comments: Pedireddi, V. R.; Ranganathan, Anupama; Ganesh, Krishna N. Cyanurate Mimics of Hydrogen-Bonding Patterns of Nucleic Bases: Crystal Structure of a 1:1 Molecular Complex of 9-Ethyladenine andN-Methylcyanuric Acid Organic Letters 3(1) (2001) 99
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 818.9
Cell parameters: 8.712; 12.524; 8.438; 90; 117.2; 90;  

COD ID: 1507501
CIF file Formula: - C20 H20 Cl N O2 S -
Comments: Greig, Ian R.; Tozer, Matthew J.; Wright, Paul T. Synthesis of Cyclic Sulfonamides through Intramolecular Diels−Alder Reactions Organic Letters 3(3) (2001) 369
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 909.5
Cell parameters: 6.15; 10.433; 14.725; 74.73; 87.33; 86.8;  

COD ID: 1507502
CIF file Formula: - C21 H22 Cl N O2 S -
Comments: Greig, Ian R.; Tozer, Matthew J.; Wright, Paul T. Synthesis of Cyclic Sulfonamides through Intramolecular Diels−Alder Reactions Organic Letters 3(3) (2001) 369
Space group: P 1 21 1
Cell volume: 1943.3
Cell parameters: 12.398; 9.766; 16.128; 90; 95.65; 90;  

COD ID: 1507503
CIF file Formula: - C15 H13 N O2 -
Comments: Mandel, Sarah M.; Krause Bauer, Jeanette A.; Gudmundsdottir, Anna D. Photolysis of α-Azidoacetophenones: Trapping of Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes in Solution Organic Letters 3(4) (2001) 523
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1208.5
Cell parameters: 13.0629; 5.3745; 17.45; 90; 99.449; 90;  

COD ID: 1507504
CIF file Formula: - C70 H81 Cl3 N6 O9 -
Comments: Ballester, Pablo; Capó, Magdalena; Costa, Antoni; Deyà, Pere M.; Gomila, Rosa; Decken, Andreas; Deslongchamps, Ghislain Selective Binding ofcis-1,3,5-Cyclohexane Tricarboxylic Acid vs Its EpimerictransIsomer by a Tripodal Amidopyridine Receptor; Crystal Structures of the 1:1 Complexes Organic Letters 3(2) (2001) 267
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 3432.7
Cell parameters: 15.8166; 15.9376; 16.5142; 68.705; 66.989; 67.819;  

COD ID: 1507505
CIF file Formula: - C71 H84 N6 O9 -
Comments: Ballester, Pablo; Capó, Magdalena; Costa, Antoni; Deyà, Pere M.; Gomila, Rosa; Decken, Andreas; Deslongchamps, Ghislain Selective Binding ofcis-1,3,5-Cyclohexane Tricarboxylic Acid vs Its EpimerictransIsomer by a Tripodal Amidopyridine Receptor; Crystal Structures of the 1:1 Complexes Organic Letters 3(2) (2001) 267
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 14378
Cell parameters: 17.264; 29.223; 28.645; 90; 95.776; 90;  

COD ID: 1507506
CIF file Formula: - C21 H26 N2 O2 -
Comments: Myers, Andrew G.; Barbay, Joseph K. On the Inherent Instability of α-Amino α‘-Fluoro Ketones. Evidence for Their Transformation to Reactive Oxyvinyliminium Ion Intermediates Organic Letters 3(3) (2001) 425
Space group: P 65
Cell volume: 2718.5
Cell parameters: 10.0689; 10.0689; 30.962; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1507507
CIF file Formula: - C25 H15 F12 N O Se -
Comments: Kano, Naokazu; Daicho, Yuya; Nakanishi, Nobuhito; Kawashima, Takayuki Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Thermolysis of the First Tetracoordinate 1λ4,2-Selenazetidines: Aziridine Formation Reaction from a Four-Membered Heterocycle Bearing Highly Coordinate Selenium Organic Letters 3(5) (2001) 691
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 2455.52
Cell parameters: 9.701; 15.335; 16.841; 90; 101.446; 90;  

COD ID: 1507508
CIF file Formula: - C15 H18 O4 -
Comments: Ranganathan, Subramania; Muraleedharan, K. M.; Rao, CH. Chandrashekhar; Vairamani, M.; Karle, Isabella L. One-Step Transformation of Tricyclopentabenzene (Trindane, C15H18) to Bicyclo(10.3.0)pentadec-1(12)ene- 2,6,7,11-tetrone (C15H18O4) and Its Aldol Product, 12-Hydroxy-16-oxatetracyclo(,507,11)hexadec-7(11)ene-2,6-dione (C15H18O4)⊥ Organic Letters 3(16) (2001) 2447
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 2659.1
Cell parameters: 11.471; 14.158; 17.121; 73.02; 89.26; 89.44;  

COD ID: 1507509
CIF file Formula: - C12 H10 S2 -
Comments: Shimizu, Toshio; Isono, Hiromi; Yasui, Masanori; Iwasaki, Fujiko; Kamigata, Nobumasa Solid State Optical Activity of Dichalcogenides: Isolation by Chiral Crystallization and Determination of Absolute Configuration Organic Letters 3(23) (2001) 3639
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 1046
Cell parameters: 23.455; 8.073; 5.524; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1507510
CIF file Formula: - C13 H14 Br Cl O3 -
Comments: Evans, David A.; Burch, Jason D. Asymmetric Synthesis of the Chlorocyclopropane-Containing Callipeltoside A Side Chain Organic Letters 3(4) (2001) 503
Space group: P 1 21 1
Cell volume: 646.76
Cell parameters: 9.0192; 4.9332; 15.1987; 90; 106.981; 90;  

COD ID: 1507511
CIF file Formula: - C28 H32 N2 O3 -
Comments: Nelsen, Stephen F.; Li, Gaoquan; Konradsson, Asgeir Twist-Dependent Electronic Coupling in an Organic Intervalence Radical Cation Organic Letters 3(10) (2001) 1583
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 2212.1
Cell parameters: 9.3178; 26.18; 9.0683; 90; 90.272; 90;  

COD ID: 1507512
CIF file Formula: - C24 H25 Br2 O6 -
Comments: Hu, Yongbo; Li, Chaomin; Kulkarni, Bheemashankar A.; Strobel, Gary; Lobkovsky, Emil; Torczynski, Richard M.; Porco, John A. Exploring Chemical Diversity of Epoxyquinoid Natural Products: Synthesis and Biological Activity of (−)-Jesterone and Related Molecules Organic Letters 3(11) (2001) 1649
Space group: P 1 21 1
Cell volume: 1225.2
Cell parameters: 9.8354; 9.7459; 12.7953; 90; 92.642; 90;  

COD ID: 1507513
CIF file Formula: - C17 H30 O4 -
Comments: de Armas, Pedro; García-Tellado, Fernando; Marrero-Tellado, José J.; Tejedor, David; Maestro, Miguel A.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier Alkynoates as a Source of Reactive Alkylinides for Aldehyde Addition Reactions Organic Letters 3(12) (2001) 1905
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 932.6
Cell parameters: 8.653; 10.035; 12.381; 102.262; 110.021; 103.18;  

COD ID: 1507514
CIF file Formula: - C15 H12 N2 S5 -
Comments: Jia, Chunyang; Zhang, Deqing; Xu, Wei; Zhu, Daoben A New Approach to 4-Alkylthio-1,3-dithiole-2-thione: An Unusual Reaction of a Zinc Complex of 1,3-Dithole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate Organic Letters 3(12) (2001) 1941
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 3335.8
Cell parameters: 19.646; 5.849; 29.643; 90; 101.67; 90;  

COD ID: 1507515
CIF file Formula: - C9 H7 N S4 -
Comments: Jia, Chunyang; Zhang, Deqing; Xu, Wei; Zhu, Daoben A New Approach to 4-Alkylthio-1,3-dithiole-2-thione: An Unusual Reaction of a Zinc Complex of 1,3-Dithole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate Organic Letters 3(12) (2001) 1941
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 2156.6
Cell parameters: 12.996; 7.934; 22.205; 90; 109.62; 90;  

COD ID: 1507516
CIF file Formula: - C70 H100 B4 O26 -
Comments: Davis, Claude J.; Lewis, Patrick T.; Billodeaux, Damon R.; Fronczek, Frank R.; Escobedo, Jorge O.; Strongin, Robert M. Solid-State Supramolecular Structures of Resorcinol−Arylboronic Acid Compounds Organic Letters 3(16) (2001) 2443
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1756.8
Cell parameters: 12.105; 12.145; 13.547; 74.72; 66.281; 81.38;  

COD ID: 1507517
CIF file Formula: - C23 H37 N O5 S Si -
Comments: Fenster, Michaël D. B.; Patrick, Brian O.; Dake, Gregory R. Construction of Azaspirocyclic Ketones through α-Hydroxyiminium Ion or α-Siloxy Epoxide Semipinacol Rearrangements Organic Letters 3(13) (2001) 2109
Space group: P 1 21 1
Cell volume: 1241.68
Cell parameters: 10.6837; 6.2994; 18.8641; 90; 102.031; 90;  

COD ID: 1507518
CIF file Formula: - C24 H26 N2 O7 S -
Comments: Fenster, Michaël D. B.; Patrick, Brian O.; Dake, Gregory R. Construction of Azaspirocyclic Ketones through α-Hydroxyiminium Ion or α-Siloxy Epoxide Semipinacol Rearrangements Organic Letters 3(13) (2001) 2109
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 6968.7
Cell parameters: 21.9379; 13.6295; 23.4087; 90; 95.352; 90;  

COD ID: 1507519
CIF file Formula: - C16 H11 Cl3 O S3 -
Comments: Marsella, Michael J.; Yoon, Kunsang; Tham, Fook S. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Tubular Sexithiophene Organic Letters 3(13) (2001) 2129
Space group: A b a 2
Cell volume: 3557.5
Cell parameters: 24.646; 10.612; 13.602; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1507520
CIF file Formula: - C13 H12 O3 -
Comments: Harmata, Michael; Rashatasakhon, Paitoon A 4 + 3 Cycloaddition Approach to the Synthesis of Spatol. A Formal Total Synthesis of Racemic Spatol Organic Letters 3(16) (2001) 2533
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 1999.81
Cell parameters: 8.1348; 12.0317; 20.4322; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1507521
CIF file Formula: - C15 H20 O2 -
Comments: Loh, Teck-Peng; Hu, Qi-Ying; Tan, Kui-Thong; Cheng, Hin-Soon Diverse Cyclization Catalyzed by In(OTf)3for the Convergent Assembly of Substituted Tetrahydrofurans and Tetrahydropyrans Organic Letters 3(17) (2001) 2669
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1287.45
Cell parameters: 8.9084; 10.0653; 14.7694; 84.534; 84.355; 78.48;  

COD ID: 1507522
CIF file Formula: - C16 H26 O5 S -
Comments: Yu, Ming; Lynch, Vincent; Pagenkopf, Brian L. Intramolecular Cyclopropanation of Glycals: Studies toward the Synthesis of Canadensolide, Sporothriolide, and Xylobovide Organic Letters 3(16) (2001) 2563
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 1674.98
Cell parameters: 6.4313; 11.6244; 22.4048; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1507523
CIF file Formula: - C42 H24 -
Comments: Neudorff, Wolf Dietrich; Schulte, Niels; Lentz, Dieter; Schlüter, A. Dieter 8,9-Didehydrofluoranthenes as Building Blocks for the Synthesis of Extended Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Organic Letters 3(20) (2001) 3115
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 2738
Cell parameters: 15.01; 9.2219; 20.202; 90; 101.725; 90;  

COD ID: 1507524
CIF file Formula: - C17 H23 N3 O5 -
Comments: Hughes, Freddie; Grossman, Robert B. A Heterocycle-Forming Double Michael Reaction. [5 + 1] Annulation Route to Highly Substituted and Functionalized Piperidines Organic Letters 3(18) (2001) 2911
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 1795
Cell parameters: 7.926; 8.64; 26.257; 90; 93.35; 90;  

COD ID: 1507525
CIF file Formula: - C14 H21 N3 O5 -
Comments: Hughes, Freddie; Grossman, Robert B. A Heterocycle-Forming Double Michael Reaction. [5 + 1] Annulation Route to Highly Substituted and Functionalized Piperidines Organic Letters 3(18) (2001) 2911
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 1586.78
Cell parameters: 6.563; 10.748; 22.495; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1507526
CIF file Formula: - C20 H25 F3 N2 O8 -
Comments: Hughes, Freddie; Grossman, Robert B. A Heterocycle-Forming Double Michael Reaction. [5 + 1] Annulation Route to Highly Substituted and Functionalized Piperidines Organic Letters 3(18) (2001) 2911
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 4619
Cell parameters: 29.928; 9.445; 18.951; 90; 120.43; 90;  

COD ID: 1507527
CIF file Formula: - C11 H15 Br O4 -
Comments: Runcie, Karen A.; Taylor, Richard J. K. A Short and Efficient Route to Novel Scyphostatin Analogues Organic Letters 3(21) (2001) 3237
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 1212
Cell parameters: 12.541; 8.7123; 12.566; 90; 118.02; 90;  

COD ID: 1507528
CIF file Formula: - C18 H20 -
Comments: Tukada, Hideyuki; Mochizuki, Katsura Long-Range Magnetic Interactions intrans-1,4-Cyclohexylene- and 1,3-Adamantylene-bis(p-nitrenylbenzene) by π−σ−π Hyperconjugation Organic Letters 3(21) (2001) 3305
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 680.5
Cell parameters: 7.069; 18.263; 5.618; 90; 110.236; 90;  

COD ID: 1507529
CIF file Formula: - C22 H24 -
Comments: Tukada, Hideyuki; Mochizuki, Katsura Long-Range Magnetic Interactions intrans-1,4-Cyclohexylene- and 1,3-Adamantylene-bis(p-nitrenylbenzene) by π−σ−π Hyperconjugation Organic Letters 3(21) (2001) 3305
Space group: P 3 1 c
Cell volume: 2448.2
Cell parameters: 18.995; 18.995; 7.835; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 1507530
CIF file Formula: - C30 H34 N2 O5 -
Comments: Comins, Daniel L.; Williams, Alfred L. Model Studies toward the Total Synthesis of theLycopodiumAlkaloid Spirolucidine Organic Letters 3(20) (2001) 3217
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 2531.9
Cell parameters: 12.5856; 9.9628; 20.218; 90; 92.877; 90;  

COD ID: 1507531
CIF file Formula: - C30 H34 N2 O5 -
Comments: Comins, Daniel L.; Williams, Alfred L. Model Studies toward the Total Synthesis of theLycopodiumAlkaloid Spirolucidine Organic Letters 3(20) (2001) 3217
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1310.08
Cell parameters: 8.6581; 9.705; 16.1393; 100.945; 94.908; 97.909;  

COD ID: 1507532
CIF file Formula: - C18 H18 N2 O2 -
Comments: Papaefstathiou, Giannis S.; MacGillivray, Leonard R. Discrete versus Infinite Molecular Self-Assembly: Control in Crystalline Hydrogen-Bonded Assemblies Based on Resorcinol Organic Letters 3(24) (2001) 3835
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 786.7
Cell parameters: 7.7074; 9.146; 11.804; 87.94; 86.55; 71.33;  

COD ID: 1507533
CIF file Formula: - C18 H17 Cl N2 O2 -
Comments: Papaefstathiou, Giannis S.; MacGillivray, Leonard R. Discrete versus Infinite Molecular Self-Assembly: Control in Crystalline Hydrogen-Bonded Assemblies Based on Resorcinol Organic Letters 3(24) (2001) 3835
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 1610
Cell parameters: 9.512; 10.731; 16.012; 90; 99.919; 90;  

COD ID: 1507534
CIF file Formula: - C36 H32 Cl4 N4 O4 -
Comments: Papaefstathiou, Giannis S.; MacGillivray, Leonard R. Discrete versus Infinite Molecular Self-Assembly: Control in Crystalline Hydrogen-Bonded Assemblies Based on Resorcinol Organic Letters 3(24) (2001) 3835
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 1711.1
Cell parameters: 9.254; 11.684; 15.949; 90; 97.13; 90;  

COD ID: 1507535
CIF file Formula: - C26 H28 Cr O5 Si -
Comments: Moser, William H.; Sun, Liangdong; Huffman, John C. Synthesis and Reactivity of Silyl Vinylketenes: A Formal Interrupted Dötz Benzannulation with Unexpected Silyl Migration Organic Letters 3(21) (2001) 3389
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 2476.78
Cell parameters: 6.5976; 28.7405; 13.254; 90; 99.7669; 90;  

COD ID: 1507536
CIF file Formula: - C17 H21 N O4 S -
Comments: Bommezijn, Sacha; Martin, Concepcion Gonzalez; Kennedy, Alan R.; Lizos, Dimitrios; Murphy, John A. 1,4-Pentadienyl-3-sulfonamides: Frameworks for “Disfavored” Radical Cascade Cyclizations Organic Letters 3(21) (2001) 3405
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 3342.9
Cell parameters: 43.138; 9.07; 8.544; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1507537
CIF file Formula: - C10 H6 O S3 -
Comments: Grainger, Richard S.; Procopio, Alberto; Steed, Jonathan W. A Novel Recyclable Sulfur Monoxide Transfer Reagent Organic Letters 3(22) (2001) 3565
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 959.39
Cell parameters: 4.752; 13.15; 15.353; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1507538
CIF file Formula: - C62 H72 O Se -
Comments: Goto, Kei; Nagahama, Michiko; Mizushima, Tadashi; Shimada, Keiichi; Kawashima, Takayuki; Okazaki, Renji The First Direct Oxidative Conversion of a Selenol to a Stable Selenenic Acid: Experimental Demonstration of Three Processes Included in the Catalytic Cycle of Glutathione Peroxidase Organic Letters 3(22) (2001) 3569
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 5086.4
Cell parameters: 15.356; 18.983; 19.335; 87.445; 78.993; 66.908;  

COD ID: 1507539
CIF file Formula: - C11 H10 O4 -
Comments: Parker, Kathlyn A.; Mindt, Thomas L. Electrocyclic Ring Closure of the Enols of Vinyl Quinones. A2H-Chromene Synthesis Organic Letters 3(24) (2001) 3875
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 968.7
Cell parameters: 7.0591; 7.3739; 18.791; 90; 97.983; 90;  

COD ID: 1507540
CIF file Formula: - C26 H36 N2 O2 -
Comments: Clayden, Jonathan; Lund, Andrew; Youssef, Latifa H. Conformational Preference and Remote (1,10) Stereocontrol in Biphenyl-2,2‘-dicarboxamides Organic Letters 3(26) (2001) 4133
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 4879.56
Cell parameters: 13.5; 14.009; 25.886; 90; 94.64; 90;  

COD ID: 1507541
CIF file Formula: - C18 H24 N2 O5 -
Comments: Grossman, Robert B.; Rasne, Ravindra M. Short Total Syntheses of Both the Putative and Actual Structures of the Clerodane Diterpenoid (±)-Sacacarin by Double Annulation Organic Letters 3(25) (2001) 4027
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 1886.7
Cell parameters: 11.758; 12.186; 13.172; 90; 91.495; 90;  

COD ID: 1507542
CIF file Formula: - C11 H13 N5 O -
Comments: Söntjens, Serge H. M; Meijer, Joris T.; Kooijman, Huub; Spek, Anthony L.; van Genderen, Marcel H. P.; Sijbesma, Rint P.; Meijer, E. W. A Multiple Hydrogen-Bond Scaffold Based on Dipyrimidin-2-ylamine Organic Letters 3(24) (2001) 3887
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1164
Cell parameters: 7.636; 11.124; 14.903; 71.179; 79.323; 78.471;  

COD ID: 1507543
CIF file Formula: - C12 H14 N2 O6 S -
Comments: Hof, Fraser; Iovine, Peter M.; Johnson, Darren W.; Rebek, Julius Highly Selective Synthesis of Heterosubstituted Aromatic Sulfamides Organic Letters 3(26) (2001) 4247
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 1368.02
Cell parameters: 14.8775; 8.8583; 11.1192; 90; 111.004; 90;  

COD ID: 1507544
CIF file Formula: - C25 H45 N3 O4 S -
Comments: Hof, Fraser; Iovine, Peter M.; Johnson, Darren W.; Rebek, Julius Highly Selective Synthesis of Heterosubstituted Aromatic Sulfamides Organic Letters 3(26) (2001) 4247
Space group: P 1 21 1
Cell volume: 1328.14
Cell parameters: 8.3003; 13.8825; 11.6167; 90; 97.16; 90;  

COD ID: 1507545
CIF file Formula: - C16 H22 N2 O6 S -
Comments: Hof, Fraser; Iovine, Peter M.; Johnson, Darren W.; Rebek, Julius Highly Selective Synthesis of Heterosubstituted Aromatic Sulfamides Organic Letters 3(26) (2001) 4247
Space group: P 1 21/a 1
Cell volume: 1859.8
Cell parameters: 14.1; 11.223; 11.773; 90; 93.343; 90;  

COD ID: 1556100
CIF file Formula: - C13 H20 O2 S -
Comments: Dawid, M.; Mlostoñ, G; Warkentin, J. The first 2,2-dialkoxythiirane. Organic letters 3(16) (2001) 2455-2456
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1854
Cell parameters: 10.016; 11.499; 17.53; 95.938; 100.417; 108.57;  

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