Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 2 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of Alloys and Compounds' volume of publication is 284

COD ID: 6000338
CIF file Formula: - D10 Mg3 Rb4 -
Comments: Gingl, F.; Vogt, T.; Akiba, E.; Yvon, K. Structure refinement of Rb~4~Mg~3~D~10~ on neutron powder diffraction data Journal of Alloys and Compounds 284(1-2) (1999) L4-L6
Space group: C m c a
Cell volume: 1144.39
Cell parameters: 6.0238; 14.1126; 13.4616; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 6000339
CIF file Formula: - O32 Pb7.5 W8 -
Comments: Moreau, J. M.; Gladyshevskii, R. E.; Galez, P.; Peigneux, J. P.; Korzhik, M. V. A new structural model for Pb-deficient PbWO4 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 284 (1999) 104-107
Space group: P-4-h(10)g(2)dcba
Cell volume: 717.81
Cell parameters: 7.7208; 7.7208; 12.0417; 90; 90; 90;  

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