Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 12 entries in the selection

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Searching space group like 'C c c a'

COD ID: 1543544
CIF file Formula: - Ba H2 O5 Te -
Comments: Matthias Weila; Berthold Stogera; Christian Gierl-Mayerb; Eugen Libowitzkyc Structural insights into the thermal decomposition sequence of barium tetrahydrogenorthotellurate(VI), Ba[H4TeO6] Journal of Solid State Chemistry 241 (2016) 187-197
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 824.24
Cell parameters: 10.5214; 10.5369; 7.4348; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1548007
CIF file Formula: - C20 H17 N2 O4 -
Comments: You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11564
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 7746
Cell parameters: 22.313; 26.967; 12.873; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1548008
CIF file Formula: - C20 H17 N2 O4 -
Comments: You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11564
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 7685
Cell parameters: 22.143; 26.947; 12.88; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1548009
CIF file Formula: - C20 H17 N2 O4 -
Comments: You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11564
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 7737
Cell parameters: 22.283; 26.935; 12.891; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1548010
CIF file Formula: - C20 H17 N2 O4 -
Comments: You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11564
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 7773
Cell parameters: 22.39; 26.954; 12.88; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1548011
CIF file Formula: - C20 H17 N2 O4 -
Comments: You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11564
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 7805
Cell parameters: 22.519; 26.938; 12.867; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1548012
CIF file Formula: - C20 H17 N2 O4 -
Comments: You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11564
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 7864
Cell parameters: 22.691; 26.989; 12.841; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1548013
CIF file Formula: - C20 H17 N2 O4 -
Comments: You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11564
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 7921
Cell parameters: 22.819; 27.035; 12.839; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1548014
CIF file Formula: - C20 H17 N2 O4 -
Comments: You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11564
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 7959
Cell parameters: 22.975; 27.014; 12.824; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1548015
CIF file Formula: - C20 H17 N2 O4 -
Comments: You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11564
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 8010
Cell parameters: 23.21; 26.944; 12.808; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1548016
CIF file Formula: - C20 H17 N2 O4 -
Comments: You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11564
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 8091
Cell parameters: 23.552; 26.838; 12.801; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1548017
CIF file Formula: - C20 H17 N2 O4 -
Comments: You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11564
Space group: C c c a
Cell volume: 8114
Cell parameters: 23.966; 26.5; 12.776; 90; 90; 90;  

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