Crystallography Open Database

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Searching space group like 'X2/m'

COD ID: 2104094
CIF file

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Ca2 Co2.496 O6.117 -
Comments: Muguerra, Hervé; Grebille, Dominique; Bourée, Françoise Disordered misfit [Ca~2~CoO~3~][CoO~2~]~1.62~ structure revisited <i>via</i> a new intrinsic modulation Acta Crystallographica Section B 64(2) (2008) 144-153
Space group: X2/m
Cell volume: 236.859
Cell parameters: 4.8395; 4.5531; 10.8583; 90; 98.124; 90;  

COD ID: 2104269
CIF file

HKL data

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - Ca2 Co2.511 O6.138 -
Comments: Muguerra, Hervé; Grebille, Dominique Original disorder‒order transition related to electronic and magnetic properties in the thermoelectric misfit phase [Ca~2~CoO~3~][CoO~2~]~1.62~ Acta Crystallographica Section B 64(6) (2008) 676-683
Space group: X2/m
Cell volume: 236.825
Cell parameters: 4.839; 4.553; 10.858; 90; 98.12; 90;  

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