Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 4 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'CHEM' volume of publication is 10

COD ID: 1572658
CIF file Formula: - C76 H100 B Dy2 N2 O2 -
Comments: Bajaj, Neha; Mavragani, Niki; Kitos, Alexandros A.; Chartrand, Daniel; Maris, Thierry; Mansikkamäki, Akseli; Murugesu, Muralee Hard single-molecule magnet behavior and strong magnetic coupling in pyrazinyl radical-bridged lanthanide metallocenes CHEM 10 (2024) 2484-2499
Space group: I 1 2/a 1
Cell volume: 7847.1
Cell parameters: 15.5504; 20.3269; 24.9693; 90; 96.155; 90;  

COD ID: 1572659
CIF file Formula: - C136 H216 Dy4 N8 O10 -
Comments: Bajaj, Neha; Mavragani, Niki; Kitos, Alexandros A.; Chartrand, Daniel; Maris, Thierry; Mansikkamäki, Akseli; Murugesu, Muralee Hard single-molecule magnet behavior and strong magnetic coupling in pyrazinyl radical-bridged lanthanide metallocenes CHEM 10 (2024) 2484-2499
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 3309.8
Cell parameters: 13.3406; 16.5532; 17.2872; 62.71; 89.744; 78.631;  

COD ID: 1572660
CIF file Formula: - C76 H100 B Gd2 N2 O2 -
Comments: Bajaj, Neha; Mavragani, Niki; Kitos, Alexandros A.; Chartrand, Daniel; Maris, Thierry; Mansikkamäki, Akseli; Murugesu, Muralee Hard single-molecule magnet behavior and strong magnetic coupling in pyrazinyl radical-bridged lanthanide metallocenes CHEM 10 (2024) 2484-2499
Space group: I 1 2/a 1
Cell volume: 7906.8
Cell parameters: 15.6446; 20.4132; 24.9024; 90; 96.161; 90;  

COD ID: 1572661
CIF file Formula: - C136 H216 Gd4 N8 O10 -
Comments: Bajaj, Neha; Mavragani, Niki; Kitos, Alexandros A.; Chartrand, Daniel; Maris, Thierry; Mansikkamäki, Akseli; Murugesu, Muralee Hard single-molecule magnet behavior and strong magnetic coupling in pyrazinyl radical-bridged lanthanide metallocenes CHEM 10 (2024) 2484-2499
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 3311.1
Cell parameters: 13.2525; 16.5811; 17.3758; 62.586; 89.513; 78.844;  

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