Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 6 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics' volume of publication is 2

COD ID: 7203914
CIF file Formula: - C11.56 H26.43 Al7.35 Co1.65 N1.65 O37.05 P9 -
Comments: Barrett, P. A.; Jones, R. H. Evidence for ordering of cobalt ions in the microporous solid acid catalyst CoDAF-4 by single crystal X-ray diffraction and resonant X-ray powder diffraction Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2(3) (2000) 407
Space group: R -3 c :H
Cell volume: 6955
Cell parameters: 13.192; 13.192; 46.149; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 7203981
CIF file Formula: - C10 H25 N3 O7 S -
Comments: Ilczyszyn, Maria M.; Wierzejewska, Maria; Ciunik, Zbigniew Crystal structure and vibrational spectra of bis(betaine) sulfamate Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2(15) (2000) 3503
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1564.4
Cell parameters: 13.503; 8.435; 14.839; 90; 112.24; 90;  

COD ID: 7203982
CIF file Formula: - C10 H25 N3 O7 S -
Comments: Ilczyszyn, Maria M.; Wierzejewska, Maria; Ciunik, Zbigniew Crystal structure and vibrational spectra of bis(betaine) sulfamate Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2(15) (2000) 3503
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1533.3
Cell parameters: 13.467; 8.353; 14.701; 90; 112; 90;  

COD ID: 7204003
CIF file Formula: - C20 H28 Cl2 N6 Ni O9 -
Comments: Bazzicalupi, Carla; Bencini, Andrea; Bianchi, Antonio; Ciattini, Samuele; Giorgi, Claudia; Paoletti, Piero; Valtancoli, Barbara; Secco, Fernando; Rosaria Tinè, Maria; Venturini, Marcella Ni(II) and Co(II) complexes with a phenanthroline-containing macrocycle. Thermodynamic, structural and kinetic considerations Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2(21) (2000) 4864
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 5057
Cell parameters: 15.043; 15.37; 21.872; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7204010
CIF file Formula: - C19 H12 N2 S -
Comments: Borowicz, PaweÅ‚; Herbich, Jerzy; Kapturkiewicz, Andrzej; Anulewicz-Ostrowska, Romana; Nowacki, Jacek; Grampp, Günter Nature of the lowest triplet states of 4'-substituted N-phenylphenothiazine derivatives Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2(19) (2000) 4275
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1491.4
Cell parameters: 10.437; 12.707; 12.841; 91.22; 108.34; 111.03;  

COD ID: 7221277
CIF file Formula: - Ca10 H2 O26 V6 -
Comments: Bauer Boechat, C.; Eon, J.G.; da Silva San Gil, R.A.; Malta Rossi, A.; de Castro Perez, C.A. Structure of vanadate in calcium phosphate and vanadate apatite solid solutions Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2 (2000) 4225-4230
Space group: P 63/m
Cell volume: 575.492
Cell parameters: 9.7405; 9.7405; 7.004; 90; 90; 120;  

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