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1526856 CIFBe N6 O14F d d 213.471; 23.91; 6.229
90; 90; 90
2006.31Troyanov, S.I.; Tikhomirov, G.A.; Morozov, I.V.; Znamenkov, K.O.
Crystal structure of beryllium nitrate complexes (N O)2 (Be (N O3)4) and Be O (N O3)6
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 2000, 45, 1941-1948
1527135 CIFNa2 O6 Si2 ZnF d d 221.503; 7.12; 7.4
90; 90; 90
1132.95Belokoneva, E.L.; Belov, N.V.; Egorov-Tismenko, Yu.K.; Simonov, M.A.
Crystal structure of zinc Chkalovite Na2 Zn (Si2 O6)
Kristallografiya, 1969, 14, 1060-1062
1528465 CIFH4 K2 La N5 O17F d d 211.336; 21.621; 12.355
90; 90; 90
3028.16Eriksson, B.; Larsson, L.O.; Niinisto, L.; Valkonen, J.
The crystal and molecular structure of potassium diaquapentanitratolanthanate(III)
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series A: (28,1974-), 1980, 34, 567-572
1528603 CIFP2 S6 TiF d d 210.842; 7.44; 21.535
90; 90; 90
1737.11Jandali, M.Z.; Eulenberger, G.; Hahn, H.
Synthese und Kristallstruktur von Ti P2 S6
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1980, 470, 39-44
1528682 CIFBr Mo2 O15 P3 Pb2F d d 231.721; 12.931; 12.905
90; 90; 90
5293.43Leclaire, A.
A novel Mo(V) monophosphate with bromine and mixed valent lead and a Pb=O double bond: Pb(2+) (Pb(4+) O) Br (Mo(5+) O)2 (P O4)3
Solid State Sciences, 2006, 8, 660-664
1529113 CIFAg2 H4 O6 TeF d d 218.72; 6.48; 8.94
90; 90; 90
1084.47Fischer, R.
Die Kristallstruktur von Ag2 Te O2 (O H)4
Monatshefte fuer Chemie (-108,1977), 1969, 100, 1809-1822
1529472 CIFC6 H6 Cd3 N8 O6F d d 212.808; 24.306; 7.7275
90; 90; 90
2406Wu, Mei-Feng; Shen, Ting-Ting; He, Shuai; Wu, Ke-Qin; Wang, Shuai-Hua; Liu, Zhi-Fa; Zheng, Fa-Kun; Guo, Guo-Cong
An unprecedented organic‒inorganic hybrid material with an I3O3framework based on cadmium hydroxide and in situ generated 1H-tetrazolate-5-acetic acid
CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 7473
1529792 CIFPd S4 U2F d d 210.725; 13.148; 8.381
90; 90; 90
1181.82Daoudi, A.; Noel, H.
Sulfures ternaires d'uranium et de palladium III. Caracterisation et structure cristalline de Pd U2 S4
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1986, 115, 253-259
1530078 CIFAs Cs D2 O4F d d 211.516; 11.103; 7.87
90; 90; 90
1006.28Hay, W.J.; Nelmes, R.J.
Structural studies of deuterated Cs H2 As O 4 in its paraelectric and ferroelectric phases
Journal of Physics C, 1981, 14, 1043-1052
1530121 CIFH I2 K O6F d d 28.138; 39.361; 11.5458
90; 90; 90
3698.35Kalinin, V.R.; Ilyukhin, V.V.; Pakhomov, V.I.; Belov, N.V.
Crystal structure of a new rhombic modification of acid potassium iodate
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1978, 239, 318-321
1530148 CIFH2 O4 P RbF d d 210.8; 10.672; 7.242
90; 90; 90
834.696Kennedy, N.S.J.; Nelmes, R.J.
Structural studies of Rb H2 P O4 in its paraelectric and ferroelectric phases
Journal of Physics C, 1980, 13, 4841-4853
1530435 CIFH12 N2 O12 Te3F d d 216.541; 20.467; 6.431
90; 90; 90
2177.18Moret, J.; Philippot, E.; Maurin, M.
Etude du ternaire N H3-Te O3-H2 O. Synthese et etude cristallochimique de (N H4)2 Te3 O8 (O H)4
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1979, 16, 39-47
1531018 CIFCd7 P10F d d 223; 27.5; 4.62
90; 90; 90
2922.15Zavalishin, E.I.; Aleinikova, K.B.; Rabotkina, N.S.; Arsenov, A.V.
The crystal structure of Cd7 P10
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1979, 20, 146-148
1531705 CIFF4 H2 O3 Te2F d d 220.902; 11.623; 4.759
90; 90; 90
1156.17Jumas, J.C.; Philippot, E.; Maurin, M.
Sur les Composes Fluores et Oxyfluores du Tellure(IV). Synthese, Caracterisation et Etude Structurale de l'Acide Trioxotetrafluoroditellurique(IV), H2 Te2 O3 F4
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 1976, 8, 329-340
1533116 CIFBa5 P9F d d 215.626; 18.968; 10.272
90; 90; 90
3044.56Eisenmann, B.; Roessler, U.
Ein Erdalkalimetallphosphid ungewoehnlicher Zusammensetzung: die Kristallstruktur von Ba5 P9
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2003, 629, 459-462
1534708 CIFAs2 F12 Mn O4 S2F d d 215.068; 17.916; 9.212
90; 90; 90
2486.86Lork, E.; Mews, R.; Schroeter, M.; Petersen, J.; Zemva, B.
Transition metal sulfur dioxide hexafluoroarsenates and hexafluoroantimonates
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2001, 110, 109-116
1535370 CIFH4 K2 O12 Te3F d d 214.844; 21.752; 6.495
90; 90; 90
2097.15Minimol, M.P.; Vidyasagar, K.
Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of new one-dimensional tellurates, A2 [Te3 O8 (O H)4] (A = Cs, Rb, K, Na)
Indian Journal of Chemistry, 2003, 42, 2244-2249
1535567 CIFF Li O9 W3F d d 212.716; 15.23; 7.288
90; 90; 90
1411.43Moutou, J.M.; Vlasse, M.; Cervera-Marzal, M.; Chaminade, J.P.; Pouchard, M.
A structural study of a new lithium oxyfluorotungstate, Li W3 O9 F
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1984, 51, 190-195
1536062 CIFH4 K2 N5 Nd O17F d d 211.137; 21.272; 12.151
90; 90; 90
2878.65Vigdorchik, A.G.; Verin, I.A.; Malinovskii, Yu.A.; Dryuchko, A.G.
Low-temperature X-ray investigation of potassium-neodymium nitratesK3(Nd2(NO3)9) and K2(Nd(NO3)5(H2O)2).
Kristallografiya, 1992, 37, 882-888
1536612 CIFC12.05 As4 N35.95 Na O179 U3 W41F d d 254.848; 80.809; 20.2874
90; 90; 90
89918.1Kim Kee-Chan; Gaunt, A.; Pope, M.T.
New heteropolytungstates incorporating dioxouranium(VI). Derivatives of alpha-(Si W9 O34)(10-), alpha-(As W9 O33)(9-), gamma-(Si W10 O36)(8-) and (As4 W40 O140)(28-)
Journal of Cluster Science, 2002, 13, 423-436

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