Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 2 entries in the selection

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Searching space group like 'C m m a (b,c,a)'

COD ID: 1535410
CIF file Formula: - Na4 O9 P2 Ti -
Comments: Bolotina, N.B.; Maximov, B.A.; Tamazyan, R.A.; Klokova, N.E. Atomic structure of the modulated orthorhombic Na4 Ti P2 O9 phase at 663 K Kristallografiya 38 (1993) 51-55
Space group: C m m a (b,c,a)
Cell volume: 837.215
Cell parameters: 15.711; 7.516; 7.09; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1536772
CIF file Formula: - Na4 O9 P2 Ti -
Comments: Klokova, N.E.; Maksimov, B.A.; Tamazyan, R.A. X-ray study of a paraphase of Na4 Ti P2 O9 crystals at 743 K Kristallografiya 38 (1993) 56-60
Space group: C m m a (b,c,a)
Cell volume: 840.886
Cell parameters: 15.752; 7.524; 7.095; 90; 90; 90;  

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