Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'Advanced Powder Technology' volume of publication is 28

COD ID: 1545793
CIF file Formula: - B30 Nd5 O60 Rb15 -
Comments: V.V. Atuchin; A.K. Subanakov; A.S. Aleksandrovsky; B.G. Bazarov; J.G. Bazarova; S.G. Dorzhieva; T.A. Gavrilova; A.S. Krylov; M.S. Molokeev; A.S. Oreshonkov; A.M. Pugachev; Yu.L. Tushinova; A.P. Yelisseyev Exploration of structural, thermal, vibrational and spectroscopic properties of new noncentrosymmetric double borate Rb3NdB6O12 Advanced Powder Technology 28(5) (2017) 1309-1315
Space group: R 3 2 :H
Cell volume: 4935.6
Cell parameters: 13.52363; 13.52363; 31.1617; 90; 90; 120;  

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