Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 4 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'Mineralogy and Petrology' volume of publication is 40

COD ID: 9009832
CIF file Formula: - C0.24 H6.76 Mg12 O29.76 P5.76 -
Comments: Romming, C.; Raade, G. The crystal structure of natural and synthetic holtedahlite Mineralogy and Petrology 40 (1989) 91-100
Space group: P 3 1 m
Cell volume: 540.962
Cell parameters: 11.203; 11.203; 4.977; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 9009833
CIF file Formula: - H7 Mg12 O30 P6 -
Comments: Romming, C.; Raade, G. The crystal structure of natural and synthetic holtedahlite Mineralogy and Petrology 40 (1989) 91-100
Space group: P 3 1 m
Cell volume: 539.322
Cell parameters: 11.186; 11.186; 4.977; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 9009834
CIF file Formula: - Cu3 H3 O7 P -
Comments: Eby, R. K.; Hawthorne, F. C. Cornetite: modulated densely-packed Cu2+ oxysalt Mineralogy and Petrology 40 (1989) 127-136
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 1080.84
Cell parameters: 10.854; 14.053; 7.086; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9012395
CIF file Formula: - Ca3 O12 Te2 Zn3 -
Comments: Jarosch, D.; Zemann, J. Yafsoanite: a garnet type calcium-tellurium(VI)-zinc oxide Mineralogy and Petrology 40 (1989) 111-116
Space group: I a -3 d
Cell volume: 2015.66
Cell parameters: 12.632; 12.632; 12.632; 90; 90; 90;  

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