Crystallography Open Database

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Searching space group like 'I 43'

COD ID: 8101487
CIF file Formula: - C19 H20 O4 -
Comments: Frey, Wolfgang; Remen, Lubos; Jäger, Volker; Gracza, Tibor Crystal structure of (1S,3S,4R,7S)-7-benzyloxy-3-[(1S)-1-hydroxy-1- phenylmethyl]-2,5-dioxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane, C19H20O4 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 214(2) (1999) 257-258
Space group: I 43
Cell volume: 3202.8
Cell parameters: 23.485; 23.485; 5.807; 90; 90; 90;  

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