Crystallography Open Database

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Searching space group like 'P n c b'

COD ID: 7037662
CIF file Formula: - C29.8 H36.2 Br1.4 I0.6 N4.6 O10.6 Zn2 -
Comments: Cadman, Laura K.; Bristow, Jessica K.; Stubbs, Naomi E.; Tiana, Davide; Mahon, Mary F.; Walsh, Aron; Burrows, Andrew D. Compositional control of pore geometry in multivariate metal-organic frameworks: an experimental and computational study. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 45(10) (2016) 4316-4326
Space group: P n c b
Cell volume: 2199.23
Cell parameters: 9.627; 13.267; 17.219; 90; 90; 90;  

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