Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen' volume of publication is 138

COD ID: 1524838
CIF file Formula: - Cu6.35 K0.215 S4 Sb Tl1.785 -
Comments: Makovicky, E.; Johan, Z.; Karup-Moller, S. New data on Bukovite, Thalcusite, Chalcothallite and Rohaite Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie. Abhandlungen (Band-Nr) (1950-) 138 (1980) 122-146
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 502.062
Cell parameters: 3.827; 3.827; 34.28; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1541196
CIF file Formula: - Cu6.35 S4 Sb Tl2 -
Comments: Makovicky, E.; Karup-Moller, S.; Johan, Z. New data on bukovite, thalcusite, chalcothallite and rohaite Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie. Abhandlungen (Band-Nr) (1950-) 138 (1980) 122-146
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 502.062
Cell parameters: 3.827; 3.827; 34.28; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9009254
CIF file Formula: - Ag0.12 Cu5.51 Fe0.72 K0.2 S4 Sb Tl1.8 -
Comments: Makovicky, E.; Johan, Z.; Karup-Moller S New data on bukovite, thalcusite, chalcothallite and rohaite Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 138 (1980) 122-146
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 502.062
Cell parameters: 3.827; 3.827; 34.28; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 9009255
CIF file Formula: - As O5 Zn -
Comments: Keller, P.; Hess, H.; Riffel, H. Die kristallstruktur von koritnigit, Zn[H2O|HOAsO3] Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 138 (1980) 316-332
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 833.305
Cell parameters: 7.948; 15.829; 6.668; 90.86; 96.56; 90.05;  

COD ID: 9009256
CIF file Formula: - H2 Mn10 Na2.291 O38 Si11 V -
Comments: Basso, R.; Giusta, A. D. The crystal structure of a new manganese silicate Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 138 (1980) 332-342
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 745.192
Cell parameters: 9.741; 9.974; 9.108; 92.7; 117.11; 105.3;  

COD ID: 9014675
CIF file Formula: - Cu1.55 Fe0.45 Se2 Tl -
Comments: Makovicky, E.; Johan, Z.; Karup-Moller S New data on bukovite, thalcusite, chalcothallite and rohaite Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 138 (1980) 122-146
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 216.577
Cell parameters: 3.976; 3.976; 13.7; 90; 90; 90;  

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